/* * Copyright (C) 2013-2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "CameraDeviceClient" #define ATRACE_TAG ATRACE_TAG_CAMERA //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/CameraDeviceBase.h" #include "device3/Camera3Device.h" #include "device3/Camera3OutputStream.h" #include "api2/CameraDeviceClient.h" #include #include "DepthCompositeStream.h" #include "HeicCompositeStream.h" #include "JpegRCompositeStream.h" // Convenience methods for constructing binder::Status objects for error returns #define STATUS_ERROR(errorCode, errorString) \ binder::Status::fromServiceSpecificError(errorCode, \ fmt::sprintf("%s:%d: %s", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, errorString).c_str()) #define STATUS_ERROR_FMT(errorCode, errorString, ...) \ binder::Status::fromServiceSpecificError(errorCode, \ fmt::sprintf("%s:%d: " errorString, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, \ __VA_ARGS__).c_str()) namespace android { using namespace camera2; using namespace camera3; using camera3::camera_stream_rotation_t::CAMERA_STREAM_ROTATION_0; namespace flags = com::android::internal::camera::flags; CameraDeviceClientBase::CameraDeviceClientBase( const sp& cameraService, const sp& remoteCallback, std::shared_ptr attributionAndPermissionUtils, const std::string& clientPackageName, bool systemNativeClient, const std::optional& clientFeatureId, const std::string& cameraId, [[maybe_unused]] int api1CameraId, int cameraFacing, int sensorOrientation, int clientPid, uid_t clientUid, int servicePid, int rotationOverride) : BasicClient(cameraService, IInterface::asBinder(remoteCallback), attributionAndPermissionUtils, clientPackageName, systemNativeClient, clientFeatureId, cameraId, cameraFacing, sensorOrientation, clientPid, clientUid, servicePid, rotationOverride), mRemoteCallback(remoteCallback) { } // Interface used by CameraService CameraDeviceClient::CameraDeviceClient(const sp& cameraService, const sp& remoteCallback, std::shared_ptr cameraServiceProxyWrapper, std::shared_ptr attributionAndPermissionUtils, const std::string& clientPackageName, bool systemNativeClient, const std::optional& clientFeatureId, const std::string& cameraId, int cameraFacing, int sensorOrientation, int clientPid, uid_t clientUid, int servicePid, bool overrideForPerfClass, int rotationOverride, const std::string& originalCameraId) : Camera2ClientBase(cameraService, remoteCallback, cameraServiceProxyWrapper, attributionAndPermissionUtils, clientPackageName, systemNativeClient, clientFeatureId, cameraId, /*API1 camera ID*/ -1, cameraFacing, sensorOrientation, clientPid, clientUid, servicePid, overrideForPerfClass, rotationOverride), mInputStream(), mStreamingRequestId(REQUEST_ID_NONE), mRequestIdCounter(0), mOverrideForPerfClass(overrideForPerfClass), mOriginalCameraId(originalCameraId) { ATRACE_CALL(); ALOGI("CameraDeviceClient %s: Opened", cameraId.c_str()); } status_t CameraDeviceClient::initialize(sp manager, const std::string& monitorTags) { return initializeImpl(manager, monitorTags); } template status_t CameraDeviceClient::initializeImpl(TProviderPtr providerPtr, const std::string& monitorTags) { ATRACE_CALL(); status_t res; res = Camera2ClientBase::initialize(providerPtr, monitorTags); if (res != OK) { return res; } mFrameProcessor = new FrameProcessorBase(mDevice); std::string threadName = std::string("CDU-") + mCameraIdStr + "-FrameProc"; res = mFrameProcessor->run(threadName.c_str()); if (res != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Unable to start frame processor thread: %s (%d)", __FUNCTION__, strerror(-res), res); return res; } mFrameProcessor->registerListener(camera2::FrameProcessorBase::FRAME_PROCESSOR_LISTENER_MIN_ID, camera2::FrameProcessorBase::FRAME_PROCESSOR_LISTENER_MAX_ID, /*listener*/this, /*sendPartials*/true); const CameraMetadata &deviceInfo = mDevice->info(); camera_metadata_ro_entry_t physicalKeysEntry = deviceInfo.find( ANDROID_REQUEST_AVAILABLE_PHYSICAL_CAMERA_REQUEST_KEYS); if (physicalKeysEntry.count > 0) { mSupportedPhysicalRequestKeys.insert(mSupportedPhysicalRequestKeys.begin(), physicalKeysEntry.data.i32, physicalKeysEntry.data.i32 + physicalKeysEntry.count); } auto entry = deviceInfo.find(ANDROID_REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES); mDynamicProfileMap.emplace( ANDROID_REQUEST_AVAILABLE_DYNAMIC_RANGE_PROFILES_MAP_STANDARD, ANDROID_REQUEST_AVAILABLE_DYNAMIC_RANGE_PROFILES_MAP_STANDARD); if (entry.count > 0) { const auto it = std::find(entry.data.u8, entry.data.u8 + entry.count, ANDROID_REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES_DYNAMIC_RANGE_TEN_BIT); if (it != entry.data.u8 + entry.count) { entry = deviceInfo.find(ANDROID_REQUEST_AVAILABLE_DYNAMIC_RANGE_PROFILES_MAP); if (entry.count > 0 || ((entry.count % 3) != 0)) { int64_t standardBitmap = ANDROID_REQUEST_AVAILABLE_DYNAMIC_RANGE_PROFILES_MAP_STANDARD; for (size_t i = 0; i < entry.count; i += 3) { if (entry.data.i64[i] != ANDROID_REQUEST_AVAILABLE_DYNAMIC_RANGE_PROFILES_MAP_STANDARD) { mDynamicProfileMap.emplace(entry.data.i64[i], entry.data.i64[i+1]); if ((entry.data.i64[i+1] == 0) || (entry.data.i64[i+1] & ANDROID_REQUEST_AVAILABLE_DYNAMIC_RANGE_PROFILES_MAP_STANDARD)) { standardBitmap |= entry.data.i64[i]; } } else { ALOGE("%s: Device %s includes unexpected profile entry: 0x%" PRIx64 "!", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str(), entry.data.i64[i]); } } mDynamicProfileMap[ANDROID_REQUEST_AVAILABLE_DYNAMIC_RANGE_PROFILES_MAP_STANDARD] = standardBitmap; } else { ALOGE("%s: Device %s supports 10-bit output but doesn't include a dynamic range" " profile map!", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str()); } } } mProviderManager = providerPtr; // Cache physical camera ids corresponding to this device and also the high // resolution sensors in this device + physical camera ids mProviderManager->isLogicalCamera(mCameraIdStr, &mPhysicalCameraIds); if (supportsUltraHighResolutionCapture(mCameraIdStr)) { mHighResolutionSensors.insert(mCameraIdStr); } for (auto &physicalId : mPhysicalCameraIds) { if (supportsUltraHighResolutionCapture(physicalId)) { mHighResolutionSensors.insert(physicalId); } } return OK; } CameraDeviceClient::~CameraDeviceClient() { } binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::submitRequest( const hardware::camera2::CaptureRequest& request, bool streaming, /*out*/ hardware::camera2::utils::SubmitInfo *submitInfo) { std::vector requestList = { request }; return submitRequestList(requestList, streaming, submitInfo); } binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::insertGbpLocked(const sp& gbp, SurfaceMap* outSurfaceMap, Vector* outputStreamIds, int32_t *currentStreamId) { int compositeIdx; int idx = mStreamMap.indexOfKey(IInterface::asBinder(gbp)); Mutex::Autolock l(mCompositeLock); // Trying to submit request with surface that wasn't created if (idx == NAME_NOT_FOUND) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %s: Tried to submit a request with a surface that" " we have not called createStream on", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Request targets Surface that is not part of current capture session"); } else if ((compositeIdx = mCompositeStreamMap.indexOfKey(IInterface::asBinder(gbp))) != NAME_NOT_FOUND) { mCompositeStreamMap.valueAt(compositeIdx)->insertGbp(outSurfaceMap, outputStreamIds, currentStreamId); return binder::Status::ok(); } const StreamSurfaceId& streamSurfaceId = mStreamMap.valueAt(idx); if (outSurfaceMap->find(streamSurfaceId.streamId()) == outSurfaceMap->end()) { outputStreamIds->push_back(streamSurfaceId.streamId()); } (*outSurfaceMap)[streamSurfaceId.streamId()].push_back(streamSurfaceId.surfaceId()); ALOGV("%s: Camera %s: Appending output stream %d surface %d to request", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str(), streamSurfaceId.streamId(), streamSurfaceId.surfaceId()); if (currentStreamId != nullptr) { *currentStreamId = streamSurfaceId.streamId(); } return binder::Status::ok(); } static std::list getIntersection(const std::unordered_set &streamIdsForThisCamera, const Vector &streamIdsForThisRequest) { std::list intersection; for (auto &streamId : streamIdsForThisRequest) { if (streamIdsForThisCamera.find(streamId) != streamIdsForThisCamera.end()) { intersection.emplace_back(streamId); } } return intersection; } binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::submitRequestList( const std::vector& requests, bool streaming, /*out*/ hardware::camera2::utils::SubmitInfo *submitInfo) { ATRACE_CALL(); ALOGV("%s-start of function. Request list size %zu", __FUNCTION__, requests.size()); binder::Status res = binder::Status::ok(); status_t err; if ( !(res = checkPidStatus(__FUNCTION__) ).isOk()) { return res; } Mutex::Autolock icl(mBinderSerializationLock); if (!mDevice.get()) { return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_DISCONNECTED, "Camera device no longer alive"); } if (requests.empty()) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %s: Sent null request. Rejecting request.", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Empty request list"); } List metadataRequestList; std::list surfaceMapList; submitInfo->mRequestId = mRequestIdCounter; uint32_t loopCounter = 0; for (auto&& request: requests) { if (request.mIsReprocess) { if (!mInputStream.configured) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %s: no input stream is configured.", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR_FMT(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "No input configured for camera %s but request is for reprocessing", mCameraIdStr.c_str()); } else if (streaming) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %s: streaming reprocess requests not supported.", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Repeating reprocess requests not supported"); } else if (request.mPhysicalCameraSettings.size() > 1) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %s: reprocess requests not supported for " "multiple physical cameras.", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Reprocess requests not supported for multiple cameras"); } } if (request.mPhysicalCameraSettings.empty()) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %s: request doesn't contain any settings.", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Request doesn't contain any settings"); } //The first capture settings should always match the logical camera id const std::string &logicalId = request.mPhysicalCameraSettings.begin()->id; if (mDevice->getId() != logicalId && mOriginalCameraId != logicalId) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %s: Invalid camera request settings.", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Invalid camera request settings"); } if (request.mSurfaceList.isEmpty() && request.mStreamIdxList.size() == 0) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %s: Requests must have at least one surface target. " "Rejecting request.", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Request has no output targets"); } /** * Write in the output stream IDs and map from stream ID to surface ID * which we calculate from the capture request's list of surface target */ SurfaceMap surfaceMap; Vector outputStreamIds; std::vector requestedPhysicalIds; int64_t dynamicProfileBitmap = 0; if (request.mSurfaceList.size() > 0) { for (const sp& surface : request.mSurfaceList) { if (surface == 0) continue; int32_t streamId; sp gbp = surface->getIGraphicBufferProducer(); res = insertGbpLocked(gbp, &surfaceMap, &outputStreamIds, &streamId); if (!res.isOk()) { return res; } ssize_t index = mConfiguredOutputs.indexOfKey(streamId); if (index >= 0) { const std::string &requestedPhysicalId = mConfiguredOutputs.valueAt(index).getPhysicalCameraId(); requestedPhysicalIds.push_back(requestedPhysicalId); dynamicProfileBitmap |= mConfiguredOutputs.valueAt(index).getDynamicRangeProfile(); } else { ALOGW("%s: Output stream Id not found among configured outputs!", __FUNCTION__); } } } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < request.mStreamIdxList.size(); i++) { int streamId = request.mStreamIdxList.itemAt(i); int surfaceIdx = request.mSurfaceIdxList.itemAt(i); ssize_t index = mConfiguredOutputs.indexOfKey(streamId); if (index < 0) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %s: Tried to submit a request with a surface that" " we have not called createStream on: stream %d", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str(), streamId); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Request targets Surface that is not part of current capture session"); } const auto& gbps = mConfiguredOutputs.valueAt(index).getGraphicBufferProducers(); if ((size_t)surfaceIdx >= gbps.size()) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %s: Tried to submit a request with a surface that" " we have not called createStream on: stream %d, surfaceIdx %d", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str(), streamId, surfaceIdx); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Request targets Surface has invalid surface index"); } res = insertGbpLocked(gbps[surfaceIdx], &surfaceMap, &outputStreamIds, nullptr); if (!res.isOk()) { return res; } const std::string &requestedPhysicalId = mConfiguredOutputs.valueAt(index).getPhysicalCameraId(); requestedPhysicalIds.push_back(requestedPhysicalId); dynamicProfileBitmap |= mConfiguredOutputs.valueAt(index).getDynamicRangeProfile(); } } if (dynamicProfileBitmap != ANDROID_REQUEST_AVAILABLE_DYNAMIC_RANGE_PROFILES_MAP_STANDARD) { for (int i = ANDROID_REQUEST_AVAILABLE_DYNAMIC_RANGE_PROFILES_MAP_STANDARD; i < ANDROID_REQUEST_AVAILABLE_DYNAMIC_RANGE_PROFILES_MAP_MAX; i <<= 1) { if ((dynamicProfileBitmap & i) == 0) { continue; } const auto& it = mDynamicProfileMap.find(i); if (it != mDynamicProfileMap.end()) { if ((it->second == 0) || ((it->second & dynamicProfileBitmap) == dynamicProfileBitmap)) { continue; } else { ALOGE("%s: Camera %s: Tried to submit a request with a surfaces that" " reference an unsupported dynamic range profile combination" " 0x%" PRIx64 "!", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str(), dynamicProfileBitmap); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Request targets an unsupported dynamic range profile" " combination"); } } else { ALOGE("%s: Camera %s: Tried to submit a request with a surface that" " references unsupported dynamic range profile 0x%x!", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str(), i); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Request targets 10-bit Surface with unsupported dynamic range" " profile"); } } } CameraDeviceBase::PhysicalCameraSettingsList physicalSettingsList; for (const auto& it : request.mPhysicalCameraSettings) { const std::string resolvedId = (mOriginalCameraId == it.id) ? mDevice->getId() : it.id; if (it.settings.isEmpty()) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %s: Sent empty metadata packet. Rejecting request.", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Request settings are empty"); } // Check whether the physical / logical stream has settings // consistent with the sensor pixel mode(s) it was configured with. // mCameraIdToStreamSet will only have ids that are high resolution const auto streamIdSetIt = mHighResolutionCameraIdToStreamIdSet.find(resolvedId); if (streamIdSetIt != mHighResolutionCameraIdToStreamIdSet.end()) { std::list streamIdsUsedInRequest = getIntersection(streamIdSetIt->second, outputStreamIds); if (!request.mIsReprocess && !isSensorPixelModeConsistent(streamIdsUsedInRequest, it.settings)) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %s: Request settings CONTROL_SENSOR_PIXEL_MODE not " "consistent with configured streams. Rejecting request.", __FUNCTION__, resolvedId.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Request settings CONTROL_SENSOR_PIXEL_MODE are not consistent with " "streams configured"); } } const std::string &physicalId = resolvedId; bool hasTestPatternModePhysicalKey = std::find(mSupportedPhysicalRequestKeys.begin(), mSupportedPhysicalRequestKeys.end(), ANDROID_SENSOR_TEST_PATTERN_MODE) != mSupportedPhysicalRequestKeys.end(); bool hasTestPatternDataPhysicalKey = std::find(mSupportedPhysicalRequestKeys.begin(), mSupportedPhysicalRequestKeys.end(), ANDROID_SENSOR_TEST_PATTERN_DATA) != mSupportedPhysicalRequestKeys.end(); if (physicalId != mDevice->getId()) { auto found = std::find(requestedPhysicalIds.begin(), requestedPhysicalIds.end(), resolvedId); if (found == requestedPhysicalIds.end()) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %s: Physical camera id: %s not part of attached outputs.", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str(), physicalId.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Invalid physical camera id"); } if (!mSupportedPhysicalRequestKeys.empty()) { // Filter out any unsupported physical request keys. CameraMetadata filteredParams(mSupportedPhysicalRequestKeys.size()); camera_metadata_t *meta = const_cast( filteredParams.getAndLock()); set_camera_metadata_vendor_id(meta, mDevice->getVendorTagId()); filteredParams.unlock(meta); for (const auto& keyIt : mSupportedPhysicalRequestKeys) { camera_metadata_ro_entry entry = it.settings.find(keyIt); if (entry.count > 0) { filteredParams.update(entry); } } physicalSettingsList.push_back({resolvedId, filteredParams, hasTestPatternModePhysicalKey, hasTestPatternDataPhysicalKey}); } } else { physicalSettingsList.push_back({resolvedId, it.settings}); } } if (!enforceRequestPermissions(physicalSettingsList.begin()->metadata)) { // Callee logs return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED, "Caller does not have permission to change restricted controls"); } physicalSettingsList.begin()->metadata.update(ANDROID_REQUEST_OUTPUT_STREAMS, &outputStreamIds[0], outputStreamIds.size()); if (request.mIsReprocess) { physicalSettingsList.begin()->metadata.update(ANDROID_REQUEST_INPUT_STREAMS, &mInputStream.id, 1); } physicalSettingsList.begin()->metadata.update(ANDROID_REQUEST_ID, &(submitInfo->mRequestId), /*size*/1); loopCounter++; // loopCounter starts from 1 ALOGV("%s: Camera %s: Creating request with ID %d (%d of %zu)", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str(), submitInfo->mRequestId, loopCounter, requests.size()); metadataRequestList.push_back(physicalSettingsList); surfaceMapList.push_back(surfaceMap); // Save certain CaptureRequest settings if (!request.mUserTag.empty()) { mRunningSessionStats.mUserTag = request.mUserTag; } camera_metadata_entry entry = physicalSettingsList.begin()->metadata.find( ANDROID_CONTROL_VIDEO_STABILIZATION_MODE); if (entry.count == 1) { mRunningSessionStats.mVideoStabilizationMode = entry.data.u8[0]; } if (!mRunningSessionStats.mUsedUltraWide && flags::log_ultrawide_usage()) { entry = physicalSettingsList.begin()->metadata.find( ANDROID_CONTROL_ZOOM_RATIO); if (entry.count == 1 && entry.data.f[0] < 1.0f ) { mRunningSessionStats.mUsedUltraWide = true; } } if (!mRunningSessionStats.mUsedSettingsOverrideZoom && flags::log_zoom_override_usage()) { entry = physicalSettingsList.begin()->metadata.find( ANDROID_CONTROL_SETTINGS_OVERRIDE); if (entry.count == 1 && entry.data.i32[0] == ANDROID_CONTROL_SETTINGS_OVERRIDE_ZOOM) { mRunningSessionStats.mUsedSettingsOverrideZoom = true; } } } mRequestIdCounter++; if (streaming) { err = mDevice->setStreamingRequestList(metadataRequestList, surfaceMapList, &(submitInfo->mLastFrameNumber)); if (err != OK) { std::string msg = fmt::sprintf( "Camera %s: Got error %s (%d) after trying to set streaming request", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), strerror(-err), err); ALOGE("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); res = STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, msg.c_str()); } else { Mutex::Autolock idLock(mStreamingRequestIdLock); mStreamingRequestId = submitInfo->mRequestId; } } else { err = mDevice->captureList(metadataRequestList, surfaceMapList, &(submitInfo->mLastFrameNumber)); if (err != OK) { std::string msg = fmt::sprintf( "Camera %s: Got error %s (%d) after trying to submit capture request", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), strerror(-err), err); ALOGE("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); res = STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, msg.c_str()); } ALOGV("%s: requestId = %d ", __FUNCTION__, submitInfo->mRequestId); } ALOGV("%s: Camera %s: End of function", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str()); return res; } binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::cancelRequest( int requestId, /*out*/ int64_t* lastFrameNumber) { ATRACE_CALL(); ALOGV("%s, requestId = %d", __FUNCTION__, requestId); status_t err; binder::Status res; if (!(res = checkPidStatus(__FUNCTION__)).isOk()) return res; Mutex::Autolock icl(mBinderSerializationLock); if (!mDevice.get()) { return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_DISCONNECTED, "Camera device no longer alive"); } Mutex::Autolock idLock(mStreamingRequestIdLock); if (mStreamingRequestId != requestId) { std::string msg = fmt::sprintf("Camera %s: Canceling request ID %d doesn't match " "current request ID %d", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), requestId, mStreamingRequestId); ALOGE("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, msg.c_str()); } err = mDevice->clearStreamingRequest(lastFrameNumber); if (err == OK) { ALOGV("%s: Camera %s: Successfully cleared streaming request", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str()); mStreamingRequestId = REQUEST_ID_NONE; } else { res = STATUS_ERROR_FMT(CameraService::ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, "Camera %s: Error clearing streaming request: %s (%d)", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), strerror(-err), err); } return res; } binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::beginConfigure() { // TODO: Implement this. ATRACE_CALL(); ALOGV("%s: Not implemented yet.", __FUNCTION__); return binder::Status::ok(); } binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::endConfigure(int operatingMode, const hardware::camera2::impl::CameraMetadataNative& sessionParams, int64_t startTimeMs, std::vector* offlineStreamIds /*out*/) { ATRACE_CALL(); ALOGV("%s: ending configure (%d input stream, %zu output surfaces)", __FUNCTION__, mInputStream.configured ? 1 : 0, mStreamMap.size()); binder::Status res; if (!(res = checkPidStatus(__FUNCTION__)).isOk()) return res; if (offlineStreamIds == nullptr) { std::string msg = "Invalid offline stream ids"; ALOGE("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, msg.c_str()); } Mutex::Autolock icl(mBinderSerializationLock); if (!mDevice.get()) { return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_DISCONNECTED, "Camera device no longer alive"); } res = SessionConfigurationUtils::checkOperatingMode(operatingMode, mDevice->info(), mCameraIdStr); if (!res.isOk()) { return res; } status_t err = mDevice->configureStreams(sessionParams, operatingMode); if (err == BAD_VALUE) { std::string msg = fmt::sprintf("Camera %s: Unsupported set of inputs/outputs provided", mCameraIdStr.c_str()); ALOGE("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); res = STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, msg.c_str()); } else if (err != OK) { std::string msg = fmt::sprintf("Camera %s: Error configuring streams: %s (%d)", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), strerror(-err), err); ALOGE("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); res = STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, msg.c_str()); } else { offlineStreamIds->clear(); mDevice->getOfflineStreamIds(offlineStreamIds); Mutex::Autolock l(mCompositeLock); for (size_t i = 0; i < mCompositeStreamMap.size(); ++i) { err = mCompositeStreamMap.valueAt(i)->configureStream(); if (err != OK) { std::string msg = fmt::sprintf("Camera %s: Error configuring composite " "streams: %s (%d)", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), strerror(-err), err); ALOGE("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); res = STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, msg.c_str()); break; } // Composite streams can only support offline mode in case all individual internal // streams are also supported. std::vector internalStreams; mCompositeStreamMap.valueAt(i)->insertCompositeStreamIds(&internalStreams); offlineStreamIds->erase( std::remove_if(offlineStreamIds->begin(), offlineStreamIds->end(), [&internalStreams] (int streamId) { auto it = std::find(internalStreams.begin(), internalStreams.end(), streamId); if (it != internalStreams.end()) { internalStreams.erase(it); return true; } return false;}), offlineStreamIds->end()); if (internalStreams.empty()) { offlineStreamIds->push_back(mCompositeStreamMap.valueAt(i)->getStreamId()); } } for (const auto& offlineStreamId : *offlineStreamIds) { mStreamInfoMap[offlineStreamId].supportsOffline = true; } nsecs_t configureEnd = systemTime(); int32_t configureDurationMs = ns2ms(configureEnd) - startTimeMs; mCameraServiceProxyWrapper->logStreamConfigured(mCameraIdStr, operatingMode, false /*internalReconfig*/, configureDurationMs); } return res; } binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::isSessionConfigurationSupported( const SessionConfiguration& sessionConfiguration, bool *status /*out*/) { ATRACE_CALL(); binder::Status res; status_t ret = OK; if (!(res = checkPidStatus(__FUNCTION__)).isOk()) return res; Mutex::Autolock icl(mBinderSerializationLock); if (!mDevice.get()) { return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_DISCONNECTED, "Camera device no longer alive"); } if (status == nullptr) { std::string msg = fmt::sprintf( "Camera %s: Invalid status!", mCameraIdStr.c_str()); ALOGE("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, msg.c_str()); } *status = false; ret = mProviderManager->isSessionConfigurationSupported(mCameraIdStr.c_str(), sessionConfiguration, mOverrideForPerfClass, /*checkSessionParams*/false, status); switch (ret) { case OK: // Expected, do nothing. break; case INVALID_OPERATION: { std::string msg = fmt::sprintf( "Camera %s: Session configuration query not supported!", mCameraIdStr.c_str()); ALOGD("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); res = STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, msg.c_str()); } break; default: { std::string msg = fmt::sprintf( "Camera %s: Error: %s (%d)", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), strerror(-ret), ret); ALOGE("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); res = STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, msg.c_str()); } } return res; } binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::deleteStream(int streamId) { ATRACE_CALL(); ALOGV("%s (streamId = 0x%x)", __FUNCTION__, streamId); binder::Status res; if (!(res = checkPidStatus(__FUNCTION__)).isOk()) return res; Mutex::Autolock icl(mBinderSerializationLock); if (!mDevice.get()) { return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_DISCONNECTED, "Camera device no longer alive"); } bool isInput = false; std::vector> surfaces; ssize_t dIndex = NAME_NOT_FOUND; ssize_t compositeIndex = NAME_NOT_FOUND; if (mInputStream.configured && mInputStream.id == streamId) { isInput = true; } else { // Guard against trying to delete non-created streams for (size_t i = 0; i < mStreamMap.size(); ++i) { if (streamId == mStreamMap.valueAt(i).streamId()) { surfaces.push_back(mStreamMap.keyAt(i)); } } // See if this stream is one of the deferred streams. for (size_t i = 0; i < mDeferredStreams.size(); ++i) { if (streamId == mDeferredStreams[i]) { dIndex = i; break; } } Mutex::Autolock l(mCompositeLock); for (size_t i = 0; i < mCompositeStreamMap.size(); ++i) { if (streamId == mCompositeStreamMap.valueAt(i)->getStreamId()) { compositeIndex = i; break; } } if (surfaces.empty() && dIndex == NAME_NOT_FOUND) { std::string msg = fmt::sprintf("Camera %s: Invalid stream ID (%d) specified, no such" " stream created yet", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), streamId); ALOGW("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, msg.c_str()); } } // Also returns BAD_VALUE if stream ID was not valid status_t err = mDevice->deleteStream(streamId); if (err != OK) { std::string msg = fmt::sprintf("Camera %s: Unexpected error %s (%d) when deleting stream " "%d", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), strerror(-err), err, streamId); ALOGE("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); res = STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, msg.c_str()); } else { if (isInput) { mInputStream.configured = false; } else { for (auto& surface : surfaces) { mStreamMap.removeItem(surface); } mConfiguredOutputs.removeItem(streamId); if (dIndex != NAME_NOT_FOUND) { mDeferredStreams.removeItemsAt(dIndex); } if (compositeIndex != NAME_NOT_FOUND) { Mutex::Autolock l(mCompositeLock); status_t ret; if ((ret = mCompositeStreamMap.valueAt(compositeIndex)->deleteStream()) != OK) { std::string msg = fmt::sprintf("Camera %s: Unexpected error %s (%d) when " "deleting composite stream %d", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), strerror(-err), err, streamId); ALOGE("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); res = STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, msg.c_str()); } mCompositeStreamMap.removeItemsAt(compositeIndex); } for (auto &mapIt: mHighResolutionCameraIdToStreamIdSet) { auto &streamSet = mapIt.second; if (streamSet.find(streamId) != streamSet.end()) { streamSet.erase(streamId); break; } } } } return res; } binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::createStream( const hardware::camera2::params::OutputConfiguration &outputConfiguration, /*out*/ int32_t* newStreamId) { ATRACE_CALL(); binder::Status res; if (!(res = checkPidStatus(__FUNCTION__)).isOk()) return res; Mutex::Autolock icl(mBinderSerializationLock); if (!outputConfiguration.isComplete()) { return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "OutputConfiguration isn't valid!"); } const std::vector>& bufferProducers = outputConfiguration.getGraphicBufferProducers(); size_t numBufferProducers = bufferProducers.size(); bool deferredConsumer = outputConfiguration.isDeferred(); bool isShared = outputConfiguration.isShared(); const std::string &physicalCameraId = outputConfiguration.getPhysicalCameraId(); bool deferredConsumerOnly = deferredConsumer && numBufferProducers == 0; bool isMultiResolution = outputConfiguration.isMultiResolution(); int64_t dynamicRangeProfile = outputConfiguration.getDynamicRangeProfile(); int64_t streamUseCase = outputConfiguration.getStreamUseCase(); int timestampBase = outputConfiguration.getTimestampBase(); int mirrorMode = outputConfiguration.getMirrorMode(); int32_t colorSpace = outputConfiguration.getColorSpace(); bool useReadoutTimestamp = outputConfiguration.useReadoutTimestamp(); res = SessionConfigurationUtils::checkSurfaceType(numBufferProducers, deferredConsumer, outputConfiguration.getSurfaceType(), /*isConfigurationComplete*/true); if (!res.isOk()) { return res; } if (!mDevice.get()) { return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_DISCONNECTED, "Camera device no longer alive"); } res = SessionConfigurationUtils::checkPhysicalCameraId(mPhysicalCameraIds, physicalCameraId, mCameraIdStr); if (!res.isOk()) { return res; } std::vector> surfaces; std::vector> binders; status_t err; // Create stream for deferred surface case. if (deferredConsumerOnly) { return createDeferredSurfaceStreamLocked(outputConfiguration, isShared, newStreamId); } OutputStreamInfo streamInfo; bool isStreamInfoValid = false; const std::vector &sensorPixelModesUsed = outputConfiguration.getSensorPixelModesUsed(); for (auto& bufferProducer : bufferProducers) { // Don't create multiple streams for the same target surface sp binder = IInterface::asBinder(bufferProducer); ssize_t index = mStreamMap.indexOfKey(binder); if (index != NAME_NOT_FOUND) { std::string msg = std::string("Camera ") + mCameraIdStr + ": Surface already has a stream created for it (ID " + std::to_string(index) + ")"; ALOGW("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, msg.c_str()); } sp surface; res = SessionConfigurationUtils::createSurfaceFromGbp(streamInfo, isStreamInfoValid, surface, bufferProducer, mCameraIdStr, mDevice->infoPhysical(physicalCameraId), sensorPixelModesUsed, dynamicRangeProfile, streamUseCase, timestampBase, mirrorMode, colorSpace, /*respectSurfaceSize*/false); if (!res.isOk()) return res; if (!isStreamInfoValid) { isStreamInfoValid = true; } binders.push_back(IInterface::asBinder(bufferProducer)); surfaces.push_back(surface); } // If mOverrideForPerfClass is true, do not fail createStream() for small // JPEG sizes because existing createSurfaceFromGbp() logic will find the // closest possible supported size. int streamId = camera3::CAMERA3_STREAM_ID_INVALID; std::vector surfaceIds; bool isDepthCompositeStream = camera3::DepthCompositeStream::isDepthCompositeStream(surfaces[0]); bool isHeicCompositeStream = camera3::HeicCompositeStream::isHeicCompositeStream(surfaces[0]); bool isJpegRCompositeStream = camera3::JpegRCompositeStream::isJpegRCompositeStream(surfaces[0]) && !mDevice->isCompositeJpegRDisabled(); if (isDepthCompositeStream || isHeicCompositeStream || isJpegRCompositeStream) { sp compositeStream; if (isDepthCompositeStream) { compositeStream = new camera3::DepthCompositeStream(mDevice, getRemoteCallback()); } else if (isHeicCompositeStream) { compositeStream = new camera3::HeicCompositeStream(mDevice, getRemoteCallback()); } else { compositeStream = new camera3::JpegRCompositeStream(mDevice, getRemoteCallback()); } err = compositeStream->createStream(surfaces, deferredConsumer, streamInfo.width, streamInfo.height, streamInfo.format, static_cast(outputConfiguration.getRotation()), &streamId, physicalCameraId, streamInfo.sensorPixelModesUsed, &surfaceIds, outputConfiguration.getSurfaceSetID(), isShared, isMultiResolution, streamInfo.colorSpace, streamInfo.dynamicRangeProfile, streamInfo.streamUseCase, useReadoutTimestamp); if (err == OK) { Mutex::Autolock l(mCompositeLock); mCompositeStreamMap.add(IInterface::asBinder(surfaces[0]->getIGraphicBufferProducer()), compositeStream); } } else { err = mDevice->createStream(surfaces, deferredConsumer, streamInfo.width, streamInfo.height, streamInfo.format, streamInfo.dataSpace, static_cast(outputConfiguration.getRotation()), &streamId, physicalCameraId, streamInfo.sensorPixelModesUsed, &surfaceIds, outputConfiguration.getSurfaceSetID(), isShared, isMultiResolution, /*consumerUsage*/0, streamInfo.dynamicRangeProfile, streamInfo.streamUseCase, streamInfo.timestampBase, streamInfo.mirrorMode, streamInfo.colorSpace, useReadoutTimestamp); } if (err != OK) { res = STATUS_ERROR_FMT(CameraService::ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, "Camera %s: Error creating output stream (%d x %d, fmt %x, dataSpace %x): %s (%d)", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), streamInfo.width, streamInfo.height, streamInfo.format, static_cast(streamInfo.dataSpace), strerror(-err), err); } else { int i = 0; for (auto& binder : binders) { ALOGV("%s: mStreamMap add binder %p streamId %d, surfaceId %d", __FUNCTION__, binder.get(), streamId, i); mStreamMap.add(binder, StreamSurfaceId(streamId, surfaceIds[i])); i++; } mConfiguredOutputs.add(streamId, outputConfiguration); mStreamInfoMap[streamId] = streamInfo; ALOGV("%s: Camera %s: Successfully created a new stream ID %d for output surface" " (%d x %d) with format 0x%x.", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str(), streamId, streamInfo.width, streamInfo.height, streamInfo.format); // Set transform flags to ensure preview to be rotated correctly. res = setStreamTransformLocked(streamId, streamInfo.mirrorMode); // Fill in mHighResolutionCameraIdToStreamIdSet map const std::string &cameraIdUsed = physicalCameraId.size() != 0 ? physicalCameraId : mCameraIdStr; // Only needed for high resolution sensors if (mHighResolutionSensors.find(cameraIdUsed) != mHighResolutionSensors.end()) { mHighResolutionCameraIdToStreamIdSet[cameraIdUsed].insert(streamId); } *newStreamId = streamId; } return res; } binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::createDeferredSurfaceStreamLocked( const hardware::camera2::params::OutputConfiguration &outputConfiguration, bool isShared, /*out*/ int* newStreamId) { int width, height, format, surfaceType; uint64_t consumerUsage; android_dataspace dataSpace; int32_t colorSpace; status_t err; binder::Status res; if (!mDevice.get()) { return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_DISCONNECTED, "Camera device no longer alive"); } if (!outputConfiguration.isComplete()) { return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "OutputConfiguration isn't valid!"); } // Infer the surface info for deferred surface stream creation. width = outputConfiguration.getWidth(); height = outputConfiguration.getHeight(); surfaceType = outputConfiguration.getSurfaceType(); format = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED; dataSpace = android_dataspace_t::HAL_DATASPACE_UNKNOWN; colorSpace = ANDROID_REQUEST_AVAILABLE_COLOR_SPACE_PROFILES_MAP_UNSPECIFIED; // Hardcode consumer usage flags: SurfaceView--0x900, SurfaceTexture--0x100. consumerUsage = GraphicBuffer::USAGE_HW_TEXTURE; if (surfaceType == OutputConfiguration::SURFACE_TYPE_SURFACE_VIEW) { consumerUsage |= GraphicBuffer::USAGE_HW_COMPOSER; } int streamId = camera3::CAMERA3_STREAM_ID_INVALID; std::vector> noSurface; std::vector surfaceIds; const std::string &physicalCameraId = outputConfiguration.getPhysicalCameraId(); const std::string &cameraIdUsed = physicalCameraId.size() != 0 ? physicalCameraId : mCameraIdStr; // Here, we override sensor pixel modes std::unordered_set overriddenSensorPixelModesUsed; const std::vector &sensorPixelModesUsed = outputConfiguration.getSensorPixelModesUsed(); if (SessionConfigurationUtils::checkAndOverrideSensorPixelModesUsed( sensorPixelModesUsed, format, width, height, getStaticInfo(cameraIdUsed), &overriddenSensorPixelModesUsed) != OK) { return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "sensor pixel modes used not valid for deferred stream"); } err = mDevice->createStream(noSurface, /*hasDeferredConsumer*/true, width, height, format, dataSpace, static_cast(outputConfiguration.getRotation()), &streamId, physicalCameraId, overriddenSensorPixelModesUsed, &surfaceIds, outputConfiguration.getSurfaceSetID(), isShared, outputConfiguration.isMultiResolution(), consumerUsage, outputConfiguration.getDynamicRangeProfile(), outputConfiguration.getStreamUseCase(), outputConfiguration.getMirrorMode(), outputConfiguration.useReadoutTimestamp()); if (err != OK) { res = STATUS_ERROR_FMT(CameraService::ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, "Camera %s: Error creating output stream (%d x %d, fmt %x, dataSpace %x): %s (%d)", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), width, height, format, static_cast(dataSpace), strerror(-err), err); } else { // Can not add streamId to mStreamMap here, as the surface is deferred. Add it to // a separate list to track. Once the deferred surface is set, this id will be // relocated to mStreamMap. mDeferredStreams.push_back(streamId); mStreamInfoMap.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(streamId), std::forward_as_tuple(width, height, format, dataSpace, consumerUsage, overriddenSensorPixelModesUsed, outputConfiguration.getDynamicRangeProfile(), outputConfiguration.getStreamUseCase(), outputConfiguration.getTimestampBase(), outputConfiguration.getMirrorMode(), colorSpace)); ALOGV("%s: Camera %s: Successfully created a new stream ID %d for a deferred surface" " (%d x %d) stream with format 0x%x.", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str(), streamId, width, height, format); // Set transform flags to ensure preview to be rotated correctly. res = setStreamTransformLocked(streamId, outputConfiguration.getMirrorMode()); *newStreamId = streamId; // Fill in mHighResolutionCameraIdToStreamIdSet // Only needed for high resolution sensors if (mHighResolutionSensors.find(cameraIdUsed) != mHighResolutionSensors.end()) { mHighResolutionCameraIdToStreamIdSet[cameraIdUsed].insert(streamId); } } return res; } binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::setStreamTransformLocked(int streamId, int mirrorMode) { int32_t transform = 0; status_t err; binder::Status res; if (!mDevice.get()) { return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_DISCONNECTED, "Camera device no longer alive"); } err = getRotationTransformLocked(mirrorMode, &transform); if (err != OK) { // Error logged by getRotationTransformLocked. return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, "Unable to calculate rotation transform for new stream"); } err = mDevice->setStreamTransform(streamId, transform); if (err != OK) { std::string msg = fmt::sprintf("Failed to set stream transform (stream id %d)", streamId); ALOGE("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, msg.c_str()); } return res; } binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::createInputStream( int width, int height, int format, bool isMultiResolution, /*out*/ int32_t* newStreamId) { ATRACE_CALL(); ALOGV("%s (w = %d, h = %d, f = 0x%x, isMultiResolution %d)", __FUNCTION__, width, height, format, isMultiResolution); binder::Status res; if (!(res = checkPidStatus(__FUNCTION__)).isOk()) return res; Mutex::Autolock icl(mBinderSerializationLock); if (!mDevice.get()) { return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_DISCONNECTED, "Camera device no longer alive"); } if (mInputStream.configured) { std::string msg = fmt::sprintf("Camera %s: Already has an input stream " "configured (ID %d)", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), mInputStream.id); ALOGE("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str() ); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, msg.c_str()); } int streamId = -1; status_t err = mDevice->createInputStream(width, height, format, isMultiResolution, &streamId); if (err == OK) { mInputStream.configured = true; mInputStream.width = width; mInputStream.height = height; mInputStream.format = format; mInputStream.id = streamId; ALOGV("%s: Camera %s: Successfully created a new input stream ID %d", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str(), streamId); *newStreamId = streamId; } else { res = STATUS_ERROR_FMT(CameraService::ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, "Camera %s: Error creating new input stream: %s (%d)", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), strerror(-err), err); } return res; } binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::getInputSurface(/*out*/ view::Surface *inputSurface) { binder::Status res; if (!(res = checkPidStatus(__FUNCTION__)).isOk()) return res; if (inputSurface == NULL) { return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Null input surface"); } Mutex::Autolock icl(mBinderSerializationLock); if (!mDevice.get()) { return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_DISCONNECTED, "Camera device no longer alive"); } sp producer; status_t err = mDevice->getInputBufferProducer(&producer); if (err != OK) { res = STATUS_ERROR_FMT(CameraService::ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, "Camera %s: Error getting input Surface: %s (%d)", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), strerror(-err), err); } else { inputSurface->name = toString16("CameraInput"); inputSurface->graphicBufferProducer = producer; } return res; } binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::updateOutputConfiguration(int streamId, const hardware::camera2::params::OutputConfiguration &outputConfiguration) { ATRACE_CALL(); binder::Status res; if (!(res = checkPidStatus(__FUNCTION__)).isOk()) return res; Mutex::Autolock icl(mBinderSerializationLock); if (!mDevice.get()) { return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_DISCONNECTED, "Camera device no longer alive"); } if (!outputConfiguration.isComplete()) { return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "OutputConfiguration isn't valid!"); } const std::vector >& bufferProducers = outputConfiguration.getGraphicBufferProducers(); const std::string &physicalCameraId = outputConfiguration.getPhysicalCameraId(); auto producerCount = bufferProducers.size(); if (producerCount == 0) { ALOGE("%s: bufferProducers must not be empty", __FUNCTION__); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "bufferProducers must not be empty"); } // The first output is the one associated with the output configuration. // It should always be present, valid and the corresponding stream id should match. sp binder = IInterface::asBinder(bufferProducers[0]); ssize_t index = mStreamMap.indexOfKey(binder); if (index == NAME_NOT_FOUND) { ALOGE("%s: Outputconfiguration is invalid", __FUNCTION__); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "OutputConfiguration is invalid"); } if (mStreamMap.valueFor(binder).streamId() != streamId) { ALOGE("%s: Stream Id: %d provided doesn't match the id: %d in the stream map", __FUNCTION__, streamId, mStreamMap.valueFor(binder).streamId()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Stream id is invalid"); } std::vector removedSurfaceIds; std::vector> removedOutputs; std::vector> newOutputs; std::vector streamInfos; KeyedVector, sp> newOutputsMap; for (auto &it : bufferProducers) { newOutputsMap.add(IInterface::asBinder(it), it); } for (size_t i = 0; i < mStreamMap.size(); i++) { ssize_t idx = newOutputsMap.indexOfKey(mStreamMap.keyAt(i)); if (idx == NAME_NOT_FOUND) { if (mStreamMap[i].streamId() == streamId) { removedSurfaceIds.push_back(mStreamMap[i].surfaceId()); removedOutputs.push_back(mStreamMap.keyAt(i)); } } else { if (mStreamMap[i].streamId() != streamId) { ALOGE("%s: Output surface already part of a different stream", __FUNCTION__); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Target Surface is invalid"); } newOutputsMap.removeItemsAt(idx); } } const std::vector &sensorPixelModesUsed = outputConfiguration.getSensorPixelModesUsed(); int64_t streamUseCase = outputConfiguration.getStreamUseCase(); int timestampBase = outputConfiguration.getTimestampBase(); int64_t dynamicRangeProfile = outputConfiguration.getDynamicRangeProfile(); int32_t colorSpace = outputConfiguration.getColorSpace(); int mirrorMode = outputConfiguration.getMirrorMode(); for (size_t i = 0; i < newOutputsMap.size(); i++) { OutputStreamInfo outInfo; sp surface; res = SessionConfigurationUtils::createSurfaceFromGbp(outInfo, /*isStreamInfoValid*/ false, surface, newOutputsMap.valueAt(i), mCameraIdStr, mDevice->infoPhysical(physicalCameraId), sensorPixelModesUsed, dynamicRangeProfile, streamUseCase, timestampBase, mirrorMode, colorSpace, /*respectSurfaceSize*/false); if (!res.isOk()) return res; streamInfos.push_back(outInfo); newOutputs.push_back(surface); } //Trivial case no changes required if (removedSurfaceIds.empty() && newOutputs.empty()) { return binder::Status::ok(); } KeyedVector, size_t> outputMap; auto ret = mDevice->updateStream(streamId, newOutputs, streamInfos, removedSurfaceIds, &outputMap); if (ret != OK) { switch (ret) { case NAME_NOT_FOUND: case BAD_VALUE: case -EBUSY: res = STATUS_ERROR_FMT(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Camera %s: Error updating stream: %s (%d)", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), strerror(ret), ret); break; default: res = STATUS_ERROR_FMT(CameraService::ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, "Camera %s: Error updating stream: %s (%d)", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), strerror(ret), ret); break; } } else { for (const auto &it : removedOutputs) { mStreamMap.removeItem(it); } for (size_t i = 0; i < outputMap.size(); i++) { mStreamMap.add(IInterface::asBinder(outputMap.keyAt(i)->getIGraphicBufferProducer()), StreamSurfaceId(streamId, outputMap.valueAt(i))); } mConfiguredOutputs.replaceValueFor(streamId, outputConfiguration); ALOGV("%s: Camera %s: Successful stream ID %d update", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str(), streamId); } return res; } // Create a request object from a template. binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::createDefaultRequest(int templateId, /*out*/ hardware::camera2::impl::CameraMetadataNative* request) { ATRACE_CALL(); ALOGV("%s (templateId = 0x%x)", __FUNCTION__, templateId); binder::Status res; if (!(res = checkPidStatus(__FUNCTION__)).isOk()) return res; Mutex::Autolock icl(mBinderSerializationLock); if (!mDevice.get()) { return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_DISCONNECTED, "Camera device no longer alive"); } status_t err; camera_request_template_t tempId = camera_request_template_t::CAMERA_TEMPLATE_COUNT; res = SessionConfigurationUtils::mapRequestTemplateFromClient( mCameraIdStr, templateId, &tempId); if (!res.isOk()) return res; CameraMetadata metadata; if ( (err = mDevice->createDefaultRequest(tempId, &metadata) ) == OK && request != NULL) { request->swap(metadata); } else if (err == BAD_VALUE) { res = STATUS_ERROR_FMT(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Camera %s: Template ID %d is invalid or not supported: %s (%d)", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), templateId, strerror(-err), err); } else { res = STATUS_ERROR_FMT(CameraService::ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, "Camera %s: Error creating default request for template %d: %s (%d)", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), templateId, strerror(-err), err); } return res; } binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::getCameraInfo( /*out*/ hardware::camera2::impl::CameraMetadataNative* info) { ATRACE_CALL(); ALOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__); binder::Status res; if (!(res = checkPidStatus(__FUNCTION__)).isOk()) return res; Mutex::Autolock icl(mBinderSerializationLock); if (!mDevice.get()) { return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_DISCONNECTED, "Camera device no longer alive"); } if (info != NULL) { *info = mDevice->info(); // static camera metadata // TODO: merge with device-specific camera metadata } return res; } binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::waitUntilIdle() { ATRACE_CALL(); ALOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__); binder::Status res; if (!(res = checkPidStatus(__FUNCTION__)).isOk()) return res; Mutex::Autolock icl(mBinderSerializationLock); if (!mDevice.get()) { return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_DISCONNECTED, "Camera device no longer alive"); } // FIXME: Also need check repeating burst. Mutex::Autolock idLock(mStreamingRequestIdLock); if (mStreamingRequestId != REQUEST_ID_NONE) { std::string msg = fmt::sprintf( "Camera %s: Try to waitUntilIdle when there are active streaming requests", mCameraIdStr.c_str()); ALOGE("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, msg.c_str()); } status_t err = mDevice->waitUntilDrained(); if (err != OK) { res = STATUS_ERROR_FMT(CameraService::ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, "Camera %s: Error waiting to drain: %s (%d)", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), strerror(-err), err); } ALOGV("%s Done", __FUNCTION__); return res; } binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::flush( /*out*/ int64_t* lastFrameNumber) { ATRACE_CALL(); ALOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__); binder::Status res; if (!(res = checkPidStatus(__FUNCTION__)).isOk()) return res; Mutex::Autolock icl(mBinderSerializationLock); if (!mDevice.get()) { return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_DISCONNECTED, "Camera device no longer alive"); } Mutex::Autolock idLock(mStreamingRequestIdLock); mStreamingRequestId = REQUEST_ID_NONE; status_t err = mDevice->flush(lastFrameNumber); if (err != OK) { res = STATUS_ERROR_FMT(CameraService::ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, "Camera %s: Error flushing device: %s (%d)", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), strerror(-err), err); } return res; } binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::prepare(int streamId) { ATRACE_CALL(); ALOGV("%s stream id %d", __FUNCTION__, streamId); binder::Status res; if (!(res = checkPidStatus(__FUNCTION__)).isOk()) return res; Mutex::Autolock icl(mBinderSerializationLock); // Guard against trying to prepare non-created streams ssize_t index = NAME_NOT_FOUND; for (size_t i = 0; i < mStreamMap.size(); ++i) { if (streamId == mStreamMap.valueAt(i).streamId()) { index = i; break; } } if (index == NAME_NOT_FOUND) { std::string msg = fmt::sprintf("Camera %s: Invalid stream ID (%d) specified, no stream " "with that ID exists", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), streamId); ALOGW("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, msg.c_str()); } // Also returns BAD_VALUE if stream ID was not valid, or stream already // has been used status_t err = mDevice->prepare(streamId); if (err == BAD_VALUE) { res = STATUS_ERROR_FMT(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Camera %s: Stream %d has already been used, and cannot be prepared", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), streamId); } else if (err != OK) { res = STATUS_ERROR_FMT(CameraService::ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, "Camera %s: Error preparing stream %d: %s (%d)", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), streamId, strerror(-err), err); } return res; } binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::prepare2(int maxCount, int streamId) { ATRACE_CALL(); ALOGV("%s stream id %d", __FUNCTION__, streamId); binder::Status res; if (!(res = checkPidStatus(__FUNCTION__)).isOk()) return res; Mutex::Autolock icl(mBinderSerializationLock); // Guard against trying to prepare non-created streams ssize_t index = NAME_NOT_FOUND; for (size_t i = 0; i < mStreamMap.size(); ++i) { if (streamId == mStreamMap.valueAt(i).streamId()) { index = i; break; } } if (index == NAME_NOT_FOUND) { std::string msg = fmt::sprintf("Camera %s: Invalid stream ID (%d) specified, no stream " "with that ID exists", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), streamId); ALOGW("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, msg.c_str()); } if (maxCount <= 0) { std::string msg = fmt::sprintf("Camera %s: maxCount (%d) must be greater than 0", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), maxCount); ALOGE("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, msg.c_str()); } // Also returns BAD_VALUE if stream ID was not valid, or stream already // has been used status_t err = mDevice->prepare(maxCount, streamId); if (err == BAD_VALUE) { res = STATUS_ERROR_FMT(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Camera %s: Stream %d has already been used, and cannot be prepared", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), streamId); } else if (err != OK) { res = STATUS_ERROR_FMT(CameraService::ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, "Camera %s: Error preparing stream %d: %s (%d)", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), streamId, strerror(-err), err); } return res; } binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::tearDown(int streamId) { ATRACE_CALL(); ALOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__); binder::Status res; if (!(res = checkPidStatus(__FUNCTION__)).isOk()) return res; Mutex::Autolock icl(mBinderSerializationLock); // Guard against trying to prepare non-created streams ssize_t index = NAME_NOT_FOUND; for (size_t i = 0; i < mStreamMap.size(); ++i) { if (streamId == mStreamMap.valueAt(i).streamId()) { index = i; break; } } if (index == NAME_NOT_FOUND) { std::string msg = fmt::sprintf("Camera %s: Invalid stream ID (%d) specified, no stream " "with that ID exists", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), streamId); ALOGW("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, msg.c_str()); } // Also returns BAD_VALUE if stream ID was not valid or if the stream is in // use status_t err = mDevice->tearDown(streamId); if (err == BAD_VALUE) { res = STATUS_ERROR_FMT(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Camera %s: Stream %d is still in use, cannot be torn down", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), streamId); } else if (err != OK) { res = STATUS_ERROR_FMT(CameraService::ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, "Camera %s: Error tearing down stream %d: %s (%d)", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), streamId, strerror(-err), err); } return res; } binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::finalizeOutputConfigurations(int32_t streamId, const hardware::camera2::params::OutputConfiguration &outputConfiguration) { ATRACE_CALL(); binder::Status res; if (!(res = checkPidStatus(__FUNCTION__)).isOk()) return res; Mutex::Autolock icl(mBinderSerializationLock); if (!outputConfiguration.isComplete()) { return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "OutputConfiguration isn't valid!"); } const std::vector >& bufferProducers = outputConfiguration.getGraphicBufferProducers(); const std::string &physicalId = outputConfiguration.getPhysicalCameraId(); if (bufferProducers.size() == 0) { ALOGE("%s: bufferProducers must not be empty", __FUNCTION__); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Target Surface is invalid"); } // streamId should be in mStreamMap if this stream already has a surface attached // to it. Otherwise, it should be in mDeferredStreams. bool streamIdConfigured = false; ssize_t deferredStreamIndex = NAME_NOT_FOUND; for (size_t i = 0; i < mStreamMap.size(); i++) { if (mStreamMap.valueAt(i).streamId() == streamId) { streamIdConfigured = true; break; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < mDeferredStreams.size(); i++) { if (streamId == mDeferredStreams[i]) { deferredStreamIndex = i; break; } } if (deferredStreamIndex == NAME_NOT_FOUND && !streamIdConfigured) { std::string msg = fmt::sprintf("Camera %s: deferred surface is set to a unknown stream" "(ID %d)", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), streamId); ALOGW("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, msg.c_str()); } if (mStreamInfoMap[streamId].finalized) { std::string msg = fmt::sprintf("Camera %s: finalizeOutputConfigurations has been called" " on stream ID %d", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), streamId); ALOGW("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, msg.c_str()); } if (!mDevice.get()) { return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_DISCONNECTED, "Camera device no longer alive"); } std::vector> consumerSurfaces; const std::vector &sensorPixelModesUsed = outputConfiguration.getSensorPixelModesUsed(); int64_t dynamicRangeProfile = outputConfiguration.getDynamicRangeProfile(); int32_t colorSpace = outputConfiguration.getColorSpace(); int64_t streamUseCase = outputConfiguration.getStreamUseCase(); int timestampBase = outputConfiguration.getTimestampBase(); int mirrorMode = outputConfiguration.getMirrorMode(); for (auto& bufferProducer : bufferProducers) { // Don't create multiple streams for the same target surface ssize_t index = mStreamMap.indexOfKey(IInterface::asBinder(bufferProducer)); if (index != NAME_NOT_FOUND) { ALOGV("Camera %s: Surface already has a stream created " " for it (ID %zd)", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), index); continue; } sp surface; res = SessionConfigurationUtils::createSurfaceFromGbp(mStreamInfoMap[streamId], true /*isStreamInfoValid*/, surface, bufferProducer, mCameraIdStr, mDevice->infoPhysical(physicalId), sensorPixelModesUsed, dynamicRangeProfile, streamUseCase, timestampBase, mirrorMode, colorSpace, /*respectSurfaceSize*/false); if (!res.isOk()) return res; consumerSurfaces.push_back(surface); } // Gracefully handle case where finalizeOutputConfigurations is called // without any new surface. if (consumerSurfaces.size() == 0) { mStreamInfoMap[streamId].finalized = true; return res; } // Finish the deferred stream configuration with the surface. status_t err; std::vector consumerSurfaceIds; err = mDevice->setConsumerSurfaces(streamId, consumerSurfaces, &consumerSurfaceIds); if (err == OK) { for (size_t i = 0; i < consumerSurfaces.size(); i++) { sp binder = IInterface::asBinder( consumerSurfaces[i]->getIGraphicBufferProducer()); ALOGV("%s: mStreamMap add binder %p streamId %d, surfaceId %d", __FUNCTION__, binder.get(), streamId, consumerSurfaceIds[i]); mStreamMap.add(binder, StreamSurfaceId(streamId, consumerSurfaceIds[i])); } if (deferredStreamIndex != NAME_NOT_FOUND) { mDeferredStreams.removeItemsAt(deferredStreamIndex); } mStreamInfoMap[streamId].finalized = true; mConfiguredOutputs.replaceValueFor(streamId, outputConfiguration); } else if (err == NO_INIT) { res = STATUS_ERROR_FMT(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Camera %s: Deferred surface is invalid: %s (%d)", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), strerror(-err), err); } else { res = STATUS_ERROR_FMT(CameraService::ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, "Camera %s: Error setting output stream deferred surface: %s (%d)", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), strerror(-err), err); } return res; } binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::setCameraAudioRestriction(int32_t mode) { ATRACE_CALL(); binder::Status res; if (!(res = checkPidStatus(__FUNCTION__)).isOk()) return res; if (!isValidAudioRestriction(mode)) { std::string msg = fmt::sprintf("Camera %s: invalid audio restriction mode %d", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), mode); ALOGW("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, msg.c_str()); } Mutex::Autolock icl(mBinderSerializationLock); BasicClient::setAudioRestriction(mode); return binder::Status::ok(); } binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::getGlobalAudioRestriction(/*out*/ int32_t* outMode) { ATRACE_CALL(); binder::Status res; if (!(res = checkPidStatus(__FUNCTION__)).isOk()) return res; Mutex::Autolock icl(mBinderSerializationLock); if (outMode != nullptr) { *outMode = BasicClient::getServiceAudioRestriction(); } return binder::Status::ok(); } status_t CameraDeviceClient::setCameraServiceWatchdog(bool enabled) { return mDevice->setCameraServiceWatchdog(enabled); } status_t CameraDeviceClient::setRotateAndCropOverride(uint8_t rotateAndCrop, bool fromHal) { if (rotateAndCrop > ANDROID_SCALER_ROTATE_AND_CROP_AUTO) return BAD_VALUE; return mDevice->setRotateAndCropAutoBehavior( static_cast(rotateAndCrop), fromHal); } status_t CameraDeviceClient::setAutoframingOverride(uint8_t autoframingValue) { if (autoframingValue > ANDROID_CONTROL_AUTOFRAMING_AUTO) return BAD_VALUE; return mDevice->setAutoframingAutoBehavior( static_cast(autoframingValue)); } bool CameraDeviceClient::supportsCameraMute() { return mDevice->supportsCameraMute(); } status_t CameraDeviceClient::setCameraMute(bool enabled) { return mDevice->setCameraMute(enabled); } void CameraDeviceClient::setStreamUseCaseOverrides( const std::vector& useCaseOverrides) { mDevice->setStreamUseCaseOverrides(useCaseOverrides); } void CameraDeviceClient::clearStreamUseCaseOverrides() { mDevice->clearStreamUseCaseOverrides(); } bool CameraDeviceClient::supportsZoomOverride() { return mDevice->supportsZoomOverride(); } status_t CameraDeviceClient::setZoomOverride(int32_t zoomOverride) { return mDevice->setZoomOverride(zoomOverride); } binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::switchToOffline( const sp& cameraCb, const std::vector& offlineOutputIds, /*out*/ sp* session) { ATRACE_CALL(); binder::Status res; if (!(res = checkPidStatus(__FUNCTION__)).isOk()) return res; Mutex::Autolock icl(mBinderSerializationLock); if (!mDevice.get()) { return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_DISCONNECTED, "Camera device no longer alive"); } if (offlineOutputIds.empty()) { std::string msg = "Offline surfaces must not be empty"; ALOGE("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, msg.c_str()); } if (session == nullptr) { std::string msg = "Invalid offline session"; ALOGE("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, msg.c_str()); } std::vector offlineStreamIds; offlineStreamIds.reserve(offlineOutputIds.size()); KeyedVector, sp> offlineCompositeStreamMap; for (const auto& streamId : offlineOutputIds) { ssize_t index = mConfiguredOutputs.indexOfKey(streamId); if (index == NAME_NOT_FOUND) { std::string msg = fmt::sprintf("Offline surface with id: %d is not registered", streamId); ALOGE("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, msg.c_str()); } if (!mStreamInfoMap[streamId].supportsOffline) { std::string msg = fmt::sprintf("Offline surface with id: %d doesn't support " "offline mode", streamId); ALOGE("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, msg.c_str()); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, msg.c_str()); } Mutex::Autolock l(mCompositeLock); bool isCompositeStream = false; for (const auto& gbp : mConfiguredOutputs.valueAt(index).getGraphicBufferProducers()) { sp s = new Surface(gbp, false /*controlledByApp*/); isCompositeStream = camera3::DepthCompositeStream::isDepthCompositeStream(s) || camera3::HeicCompositeStream::isHeicCompositeStream(s) || (camera3::JpegRCompositeStream::isJpegRCompositeStream(s) && !mDevice->isCompositeJpegRDisabled()); if (isCompositeStream) { auto compositeIdx = mCompositeStreamMap.indexOfKey(IInterface::asBinder(gbp)); if (compositeIdx == NAME_NOT_FOUND) { ALOGE("%s: Unknown composite stream", __FUNCTION__); return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Unknown composite stream"); } mCompositeStreamMap.valueAt(compositeIdx)->insertCompositeStreamIds( &offlineStreamIds); offlineCompositeStreamMap.add(mCompositeStreamMap.keyAt(compositeIdx), mCompositeStreamMap.valueAt(compositeIdx)); break; } } if (!isCompositeStream) { offlineStreamIds.push_back(streamId); } } sp offlineSession; auto ret = mDevice->switchToOffline(offlineStreamIds, &offlineSession); if (ret != OK) { return STATUS_ERROR_FMT(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Camera %s: Error switching to offline mode: %s (%d)", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), strerror(ret), ret); } sp offlineClient; if (offlineSession.get() != nullptr) { offlineClient = new CameraOfflineSessionClient(sCameraService, offlineSession, offlineCompositeStreamMap, cameraCb, mAttributionAndPermissionUtils, mClientPackageName, mClientFeatureId, mCameraIdStr, mCameraFacing, mOrientation, mClientPid, mClientUid, mServicePid); ret = sCameraService->addOfflineClient(mCameraIdStr, offlineClient); } if (ret == OK) { // A successful offline session switch must reset the current camera client // and release any resources occupied by previously configured streams. mStreamMap.clear(); mConfiguredOutputs.clear(); mDeferredStreams.clear(); mStreamInfoMap.clear(); Mutex::Autolock l(mCompositeLock); mCompositeStreamMap.clear(); mInputStream = {false, 0, 0, 0, 0}; } else { // In case we failed to register the offline client, ensure that it still initialized // so that all failing requests can return back correctly once the object is released. offlineClient->initialize(nullptr /*cameraProviderManager*/, std::string()/*monitorTags*/); switch(ret) { case BAD_VALUE: return STATUS_ERROR_FMT(CameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Illegal argument to HAL module for camera \"%s\"", mCameraIdStr.c_str()); case TIMED_OUT: return STATUS_ERROR_FMT(CameraService::ERROR_CAMERA_IN_USE, "Camera \"%s\" is already open", mCameraIdStr.c_str()); default: return STATUS_ERROR_FMT(CameraService::ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, "Failed to initialize camera \"%s\": %s (%d)", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), strerror(-ret), ret); } } *session = offlineClient; return binder::Status::ok(); } status_t CameraDeviceClient::dump(int fd, const Vector& args) { return BasicClient::dump(fd, args); } status_t CameraDeviceClient::dumpClient(int fd, const Vector& args) { dprintf(fd, " CameraDeviceClient[%s] (%p) dump:\n", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), (getRemoteCallback() != NULL ? IInterface::asBinder(getRemoteCallback()).get() : NULL) ); dprintf(fd, " Current client UID %u\n", mClientUid); dprintf(fd, " State:\n"); dprintf(fd, " Request ID counter: %d\n", mRequestIdCounter); if (mInputStream.configured) { dprintf(fd, " Current input stream ID: %d\n", mInputStream.id); } else { dprintf(fd, " No input stream configured.\n"); } if (!mStreamMap.isEmpty()) { dprintf(fd, " Current output stream/surface IDs:\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < mStreamMap.size(); i++) { dprintf(fd, " Stream %d Surface %d\n", mStreamMap.valueAt(i).streamId(), mStreamMap.valueAt(i).surfaceId()); } } else if (!mDeferredStreams.isEmpty()) { dprintf(fd, " Current deferred surface output stream IDs:\n"); for (auto& streamId : mDeferredStreams) { dprintf(fd, " Stream %d\n", streamId); } } else { dprintf(fd, " No output streams configured.\n"); } // TODO: print dynamic/request section from most recent requests mFrameProcessor->dump(fd, args); return dumpDevice(fd, args); } status_t CameraDeviceClient::startWatchingTags(const std::string &tags, int out) { sp device = mDevice; if (!device) { dprintf(out, " Device is detached."); return OK; } device->startWatchingTags(tags); return OK; } status_t CameraDeviceClient::stopWatchingTags(int out) { sp device = mDevice; if (!device) { dprintf(out, " Device is detached."); return OK; } device->stopWatchingTags(); return OK; } status_t CameraDeviceClient::dumpWatchedEventsToVector(std::vector &out) { sp device = mDevice; if (!device) { return OK; } device->dumpWatchedEventsToVector(out); return OK; } void CameraDeviceClient::notifyError(int32_t errorCode, const CaptureResultExtras& resultExtras) { // Thread safe. Don't bother locking. sp remoteCb = getRemoteCallback(); bool skipClientNotification = false; { // Access to the composite stream map must be synchronized Mutex::Autolock l(mCompositeLock); // Composites can have multiple internal streams. Error notifications coming from such // internal streams may need to remain within camera service. for (size_t i = 0; i < mCompositeStreamMap.size(); i++) { skipClientNotification |= mCompositeStreamMap.valueAt(i)->onError(errorCode, resultExtras); } } if ((remoteCb != 0) && (!skipClientNotification)) { remoteCb->onDeviceError(errorCode, resultExtras); } } void CameraDeviceClient::notifyRepeatingRequestError(long lastFrameNumber) { sp remoteCb = getRemoteCallback(); if (remoteCb != 0) { remoteCb->onRepeatingRequestError(lastFrameNumber, mStreamingRequestId); } Mutex::Autolock idLock(mStreamingRequestIdLock); mStreamingRequestId = REQUEST_ID_NONE; } void CameraDeviceClient::notifyIdle( int64_t requestCount, int64_t resultErrorCount, bool deviceError, std::pair mostRequestedFpsRange, const std::vector& streamStats) { // Thread safe. Don't bother locking. sp remoteCb = getRemoteCallback(); if (remoteCb != 0) { remoteCb->onDeviceIdle(); } std::vector fullStreamStats = streamStats; { Mutex::Autolock l(mCompositeLock); for (size_t i = 0; i < mCompositeStreamMap.size(); i++) { hardware::CameraStreamStats compositeStats; mCompositeStreamMap.valueAt(i)->getStreamStats(&compositeStats); if (compositeStats.mWidth > 0) { fullStreamStats.push_back(compositeStats); } } } Camera2ClientBase::notifyIdleWithUserTag(requestCount, resultErrorCount, deviceError, mostRequestedFpsRange, fullStreamStats, mRunningSessionStats.mUserTag, mRunningSessionStats.mVideoStabilizationMode, mRunningSessionStats.mUsedUltraWide, mRunningSessionStats.mUsedSettingsOverrideZoom); } void CameraDeviceClient::notifyShutter(const CaptureResultExtras& resultExtras, nsecs_t timestamp) { // Thread safe. Don't bother locking. sp remoteCb = getRemoteCallback(); if (remoteCb != 0) { remoteCb->onCaptureStarted(resultExtras, timestamp); } Camera2ClientBase::notifyShutter(resultExtras, timestamp); // Access to the composite stream map must be synchronized Mutex::Autolock l(mCompositeLock); for (size_t i = 0; i < mCompositeStreamMap.size(); i++) { mCompositeStreamMap.valueAt(i)->onShutter(resultExtras, timestamp); } } void CameraDeviceClient::notifyPrepared(int streamId) { // Thread safe. Don't bother locking. sp remoteCb = getRemoteCallback(); if (remoteCb != 0) { ALOGV("%s: stream id %d", __FUNCTION__, streamId); remoteCb->onPrepared(streamId); } } void CameraDeviceClient::notifyRequestQueueEmpty() { // Thread safe. Don't bother locking. sp remoteCb = getRemoteCallback(); if (remoteCb != 0) { remoteCb->onRequestQueueEmpty(); } } void CameraDeviceClient::detachDevice() { if (mDevice == 0) return; nsecs_t startTime = systemTime(); ALOGV("Camera %s: Stopping processors", mCameraIdStr.c_str()); if (mFrameProcessor.get() != nullptr) { mFrameProcessor->removeListener( camera2::FrameProcessorBase::FRAME_PROCESSOR_LISTENER_MIN_ID, camera2::FrameProcessorBase::FRAME_PROCESSOR_LISTENER_MAX_ID, /*listener*/this); mFrameProcessor->requestExit(); ALOGV("Camera %s: Waiting for threads", mCameraIdStr.c_str()); mFrameProcessor->join(); ALOGV("Camera %s: Disconnecting device", mCameraIdStr.c_str()); } // WORKAROUND: HAL refuses to disconnect while there's streams in flight { int64_t lastFrameNumber; status_t code; if ((code = mDevice->flush(&lastFrameNumber)) != OK) { ALOGE("%s: flush failed with code 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, code); } if ((code = mDevice->waitUntilDrained()) != OK) { ALOGE("%s: waitUntilDrained failed with code 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, code); } } { Mutex::Autolock l(mCompositeLock); for (size_t i = 0; i < mCompositeStreamMap.size(); i++) { auto ret = mCompositeStreamMap.valueAt(i)->deleteInternalStreams(); if (ret != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Failed removing composite stream %s (%d)", __FUNCTION__, strerror(-ret), ret); } } mCompositeStreamMap.clear(); } bool hasDeviceError = mDevice->hasDeviceError(); Camera2ClientBase::detachDevice(); int32_t closeLatencyMs = ns2ms(systemTime() - startTime); mCameraServiceProxyWrapper->logClose(mCameraIdStr, closeLatencyMs, hasDeviceError); } /** Device-related methods */ void CameraDeviceClient::onResultAvailable(const CaptureResult& result) { ATRACE_CALL(); ALOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__); // Thread-safe. No lock necessary. sp remoteCb = mRemoteCallback; if (remoteCb != NULL) { remoteCb->onResultReceived(result.mMetadata, result.mResultExtras, result.mPhysicalMetadatas); } // Access to the composite stream map must be synchronized Mutex::Autolock l(mCompositeLock); for (size_t i = 0; i < mCompositeStreamMap.size(); i++) { mCompositeStreamMap.valueAt(i)->onResultAvailable(result); } } binder::Status CameraDeviceClient::checkPidStatus(const char* checkLocation) { if (mDisconnected) { return STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_DISCONNECTED, "The camera device has been disconnected"); } status_t res = checkPid(checkLocation); return (res == OK) ? binder::Status::ok() : STATUS_ERROR(CameraService::ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED, "Attempt to use camera from a different process than original client"); } // TODO: move to Camera2ClientBase bool CameraDeviceClient::enforceRequestPermissions(CameraMetadata& metadata) { const int pid = getCallingPid(); const int selfPid = getpid(); camera_metadata_entry_t entry; /** * Mixin default important security values * - android.led.transmit = defaulted ON */ CameraMetadata staticInfo = mDevice->info(); entry = staticInfo.find(ANDROID_LED_AVAILABLE_LEDS); for(size_t i = 0; i < entry.count; ++i) { uint8_t led = entry.data.u8[i]; switch(led) { case ANDROID_LED_AVAILABLE_LEDS_TRANSMIT: { uint8_t transmitDefault = ANDROID_LED_TRANSMIT_ON; if (!metadata.exists(ANDROID_LED_TRANSMIT)) { metadata.update(ANDROID_LED_TRANSMIT, &transmitDefault, 1); } break; } } } // We can do anything! if (pid == selfPid) { return true; } /** * Permission check special fields in the request * - android.led.transmit = android.permission.CAMERA_DISABLE_TRANSMIT */ entry = metadata.find(ANDROID_LED_TRANSMIT); if (entry.count > 0 && entry.data.u8[0] != ANDROID_LED_TRANSMIT_ON) { String16 permissionString = toString16("android.permission.CAMERA_DISABLE_TRANSMIT_LED"); if (!checkCallingPermission(permissionString)) { const int uid = getCallingUid(); ALOGE("Permission Denial: " "can't disable transmit LED pid=%d, uid=%d", pid, uid); return false; } } return true; } status_t CameraDeviceClient::getRotationTransformLocked(int mirrorMode, int32_t* transform) { ALOGV("%s: begin", __FUNCTION__); const CameraMetadata& staticInfo = mDevice->info(); return CameraUtils::getRotationTransform(staticInfo, mirrorMode, transform); } const CameraMetadata &CameraDeviceClient::getStaticInfo(const std::string &cameraId) { if (mDevice->getId() == cameraId) { return mDevice->info(); } return mDevice->infoPhysical(cameraId); } bool CameraDeviceClient::supportsUltraHighResolutionCapture(const std::string &cameraId) { const CameraMetadata &deviceInfo = getStaticInfo(cameraId); return SessionConfigurationUtils::supportsUltraHighResolutionCapture(deviceInfo); } bool CameraDeviceClient::isSensorPixelModeConsistent( const std::list &streamIdList, const CameraMetadata &settings) { // First we get the sensorPixelMode from the settings metadata. int32_t sensorPixelMode = ANDROID_SENSOR_PIXEL_MODE_DEFAULT; camera_metadata_ro_entry sensorPixelModeEntry = settings.find(ANDROID_SENSOR_PIXEL_MODE); if (sensorPixelModeEntry.count != 0) { sensorPixelMode = sensorPixelModeEntry.data.u8[0]; if (sensorPixelMode != ANDROID_SENSOR_PIXEL_MODE_DEFAULT && sensorPixelMode != ANDROID_SENSOR_PIXEL_MODE_MAXIMUM_RESOLUTION) { ALOGE("%s: Request sensor pixel mode not is not one of the valid values %d", __FUNCTION__, sensorPixelMode); return false; } } // Check whether each stream has max resolution allowed. bool consistent = true; for (auto it : streamIdList) { auto const streamInfoIt = mStreamInfoMap.find(it); if (streamInfoIt == mStreamInfoMap.end()) { ALOGE("%s: stream id %d not created, skipping", __FUNCTION__, it); return false; } consistent = streamInfoIt->second.sensorPixelModesUsed.find(sensorPixelMode) != streamInfoIt->second.sensorPixelModesUsed.end(); if (!consistent) { ALOGE("sensorPixelMode used %i not consistent with configured modes", sensorPixelMode); for (auto m : streamInfoIt->second.sensorPixelModesUsed) { ALOGE("sensor pixel mode used list: %i", m); } break; } } return consistent; } } // namespace android