/* * Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.window; import android.annotation.IntDef; import android.annotation.NonNull; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.view.SurfaceControl; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.util.Objects; /** * Data object of params for TaskFragment related {@link WindowContainerTransaction} operation. * * @see WindowContainerTransaction#addTaskFragmentOperation(IBinder, TaskFragmentOperation). * @hide */ public final class TaskFragmentOperation implements Parcelable { /** * Type for tracking other unknown TaskFragment operation that is not set through * {@link TaskFragmentOperation}, such as invalid request. */ public static final int OP_TYPE_UNKNOWN = -1; /** Creates a new TaskFragment. */ public static final int OP_TYPE_CREATE_TASK_FRAGMENT = 0; /** Deletes the given TaskFragment. */ public static final int OP_TYPE_DELETE_TASK_FRAGMENT = 1; /** Starts an Activity in the given TaskFragment. */ public static final int OP_TYPE_START_ACTIVITY_IN_TASK_FRAGMENT = 2; /** Reparents the given Activity to the given TaskFragment. */ public static final int OP_TYPE_REPARENT_ACTIVITY_TO_TASK_FRAGMENT = 3; /** Sets two TaskFragments adjacent to each other. */ public static final int OP_TYPE_SET_ADJACENT_TASK_FRAGMENTS = 4; /** Clears the adjacent TaskFragments relationship. */ public static final int OP_TYPE_CLEAR_ADJACENT_TASK_FRAGMENTS = 5; /** Requests focus on the top running Activity in the given TaskFragment. */ public static final int OP_TYPE_REQUEST_FOCUS_ON_TASK_FRAGMENT = 6; /** Sets a given TaskFragment to have a companion TaskFragment. */ public static final int OP_TYPE_SET_COMPANION_TASK_FRAGMENT = 7; /** Sets the {@link TaskFragmentAnimationParams} for the given TaskFragment. */ public static final int OP_TYPE_SET_ANIMATION_PARAMS = 8; /** Sets the relative bounds with {@link WindowContainerTransaction#setRelativeBounds}. */ public static final int OP_TYPE_SET_RELATIVE_BOUNDS = 9; /** * Reorders the TaskFragment to be the front-most TaskFragment in the Task. * Note that there could still have other WindowContainer on top of the front-most * TaskFragment, such as a non-embedded Activity. */ public static final int OP_TYPE_REORDER_TO_FRONT = 10; /** * Sets the activity navigation to be isolated, where the activity navigation on the * TaskFragment is separated from the rest activities in the Task. Activities cannot be * started on an isolated TaskFragment unless explicitly requested to. That said, new launched * activities should be positioned as a sibling to the TaskFragment with higher z-ordering. */ public static final int OP_TYPE_SET_ISOLATED_NAVIGATION = 11; /** * Reorders the TaskFragment to be the bottom-most in the Task. Note that this op will bring the * TaskFragment to the bottom of the Task below all the other Activities and TaskFragments. * * This is only allowed for system organizers. See * {@link com.android.server.wm.TaskFragmentOrganizerController#registerOrganizer( * ITaskFragmentOrganizer, boolean)} */ public static final int OP_TYPE_REORDER_TO_BOTTOM_OF_TASK = 12; /** * Reorders the TaskFragment to be the top-most in the Task. Note that this op will bring the * TaskFragment to the top of the Task above all the other Activities and TaskFragments. * * This is only allowed for system organizers. See * {@link com.android.server.wm.TaskFragmentOrganizerController#registerOrganizer( * ITaskFragmentOrganizer, boolean)} */ public static final int OP_TYPE_REORDER_TO_TOP_OF_TASK = 13; /** * Creates a decor surface in the parent Task of the TaskFragment. The created decor surface * will be provided in {@link TaskFragmentTransaction#TYPE_TASK_FRAGMENT_PARENT_INFO_CHANGED} * event callback. If a decor surface already exists in the parent Task, the current * TaskFragment will become the new owner of the decor surface and the decor surface will be * moved above the TaskFragment. * * The decor surface can be used to draw the divider between TaskFragments or other decorations. */ public static final int OP_TYPE_CREATE_OR_MOVE_TASK_FRAGMENT_DECOR_SURFACE = 14; /** * Removes the decor surface in the parent Task of the TaskFragment. */ public static final int OP_TYPE_REMOVE_TASK_FRAGMENT_DECOR_SURFACE = 15; /** * Applies dimming on the parent Task which could cross two TaskFragments. */ public static final int OP_TYPE_SET_DIM_ON_TASK = 16; /** * Sets this TaskFragment to move to bottom of the Task if any of the activities below it is * launched in a mode requiring clear top. * * This is only allowed for system organizers. See * {@link com.android.server.wm.TaskFragmentOrganizerController#registerOrganizer( * ITaskFragmentOrganizer, boolean)} */ public static final int OP_TYPE_SET_MOVE_TO_BOTTOM_IF_CLEAR_WHEN_LAUNCH = 17; /** * Sets whether the decor surface will be boosted. When not boosted, the decor surface is placed * below any TaskFragments in untrusted mode or any activities with uid different from the * TaskFragmentOrganizer uid and just above its owner TaskFragment; when boosted, the decor * surface is placed above all the non-boosted windows in the Task, the content of these * non-boosted windows will be hidden and inputs are disabled. */ public static final int OP_TYPE_SET_DECOR_SURFACE_BOOSTED = 18; /** * Sets the TaskFragment to be pinned. *

* If a TaskFragment is pinned, the TaskFragment should be the top-most TaskFragment among other * sibling TaskFragments. Any newly launched and embeddable activity should not be placed in the * pinned TaskFragment, unless the activity is launched from the pinned TaskFragment or * explicitly requested to. Non-embeddable activities are not restricted to. *

* See {@link #OP_TYPE_REORDER_TO_FRONT} on how to reorder a pinned TaskFragment to the top. */ public static final int OP_TYPE_SET_PINNED = 19; @IntDef(prefix = { "OP_TYPE_" }, value = { OP_TYPE_UNKNOWN, OP_TYPE_CREATE_TASK_FRAGMENT, OP_TYPE_DELETE_TASK_FRAGMENT, OP_TYPE_START_ACTIVITY_IN_TASK_FRAGMENT, OP_TYPE_REPARENT_ACTIVITY_TO_TASK_FRAGMENT, OP_TYPE_SET_ADJACENT_TASK_FRAGMENTS, OP_TYPE_CLEAR_ADJACENT_TASK_FRAGMENTS, OP_TYPE_REQUEST_FOCUS_ON_TASK_FRAGMENT, OP_TYPE_SET_COMPANION_TASK_FRAGMENT, OP_TYPE_SET_ANIMATION_PARAMS, OP_TYPE_SET_RELATIVE_BOUNDS, OP_TYPE_REORDER_TO_FRONT, OP_TYPE_SET_ISOLATED_NAVIGATION, OP_TYPE_REORDER_TO_BOTTOM_OF_TASK, OP_TYPE_REORDER_TO_TOP_OF_TASK, OP_TYPE_CREATE_OR_MOVE_TASK_FRAGMENT_DECOR_SURFACE, OP_TYPE_REMOVE_TASK_FRAGMENT_DECOR_SURFACE, OP_TYPE_SET_DIM_ON_TASK, OP_TYPE_SET_MOVE_TO_BOTTOM_IF_CLEAR_WHEN_LAUNCH, OP_TYPE_SET_DECOR_SURFACE_BOOSTED, OP_TYPE_SET_PINNED, }) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface OperationType {} @OperationType private final int mOpType; @Nullable private final TaskFragmentCreationParams mTaskFragmentCreationParams; @Nullable private final IBinder mActivityToken; @Nullable private final Intent mActivityIntent; @Nullable private final Bundle mBundle; @Nullable private final IBinder mSecondaryFragmentToken; @Nullable private final TaskFragmentAnimationParams mAnimationParams; private final boolean mBooleanValue; @Nullable private final SurfaceControl.Transaction mSurfaceTransaction; private TaskFragmentOperation(@OperationType int opType, @Nullable TaskFragmentCreationParams taskFragmentCreationParams, @Nullable IBinder activityToken, @Nullable Intent activityIntent, @Nullable Bundle bundle, @Nullable IBinder secondaryFragmentToken, @Nullable TaskFragmentAnimationParams animationParams, boolean booleanValue, @Nullable SurfaceControl.Transaction surfaceTransaction) { mOpType = opType; mTaskFragmentCreationParams = taskFragmentCreationParams; mActivityToken = activityToken; mActivityIntent = activityIntent; mBundle = bundle; mSecondaryFragmentToken = secondaryFragmentToken; mAnimationParams = animationParams; mBooleanValue = booleanValue; mSurfaceTransaction = surfaceTransaction; } private TaskFragmentOperation(Parcel in) { mOpType = in.readInt(); mTaskFragmentCreationParams = in.readTypedObject(TaskFragmentCreationParams.CREATOR); mActivityToken = in.readStrongBinder(); mActivityIntent = in.readTypedObject(Intent.CREATOR); mBundle = in.readBundle(getClass().getClassLoader()); mSecondaryFragmentToken = in.readStrongBinder(); mAnimationParams = in.readTypedObject(TaskFragmentAnimationParams.CREATOR); mBooleanValue = in.readBoolean(); mSurfaceTransaction = in.readTypedObject(SurfaceControl.Transaction.CREATOR); } @Override public void writeToParcel(@NonNull Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeInt(mOpType); dest.writeTypedObject(mTaskFragmentCreationParams, flags); dest.writeStrongBinder(mActivityToken); dest.writeTypedObject(mActivityIntent, flags); dest.writeBundle(mBundle); dest.writeStrongBinder(mSecondaryFragmentToken); dest.writeTypedObject(mAnimationParams, flags); dest.writeBoolean(mBooleanValue); dest.writeTypedObject(mSurfaceTransaction, flags); } @NonNull public static final Creator CREATOR = new Creator() { @Override public TaskFragmentOperation createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new TaskFragmentOperation(in); } @Override public TaskFragmentOperation[] newArray(int size) { return new TaskFragmentOperation[size]; } }; /** * Gets the {@link OperationType} of this {@link TaskFragmentOperation}. */ @OperationType public int getOpType() { return mOpType; } /** * Gets the options to create a new TaskFragment. */ @Nullable public TaskFragmentCreationParams getTaskFragmentCreationParams() { return mTaskFragmentCreationParams; } /** * Gets the Activity token set in this operation. */ @Nullable public IBinder getActivityToken() { return mActivityToken; } /** * Gets the Intent to start a new Activity. */ @Nullable public Intent getActivityIntent() { return mActivityIntent; } /** * Gets the Bundle set in this operation. */ @Nullable public Bundle getBundle() { return mBundle; } /** * Gets the fragment token of the secondary TaskFragment set in this operation. */ @Nullable public IBinder getSecondaryFragmentToken() { return mSecondaryFragmentToken; } /** * Gets the animation related override of TaskFragment. */ @Nullable public TaskFragmentAnimationParams getAnimationParams() { return mAnimationParams; } /** Returns the boolean value for this operation. */ public boolean getBooleanValue() { return mBooleanValue; } /** * Returns {@link SurfaceControl.Transaction} associated with this operation. Currently, this is * only used by {@link TaskFragmentOperation#OP_TYPE_SET_DECOR_SURFACE_BOOSTED} to specify a * {@link SurfaceControl.Transaction} that should be applied together with the transaction to * change the decor surface layers. */ @Nullable public SurfaceControl.Transaction getSurfaceTransaction() { return mSurfaceTransaction; } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("TaskFragmentOperation{ opType=").append(mOpType); if (mTaskFragmentCreationParams != null) { sb.append(", taskFragmentCreationParams=").append(mTaskFragmentCreationParams); } if (mActivityToken != null) { sb.append(", activityToken=").append(mActivityToken); } if (mActivityIntent != null) { sb.append(", activityIntent=").append(mActivityIntent); } if (mBundle != null) { sb.append(", bundle=").append(mBundle); } if (mSecondaryFragmentToken != null) { sb.append(", secondaryFragmentToken=").append(mSecondaryFragmentToken); } if (mAnimationParams != null) { sb.append(", animationParams=").append(mAnimationParams); } sb.append(", booleanValue=").append(mBooleanValue); if (mSurfaceTransaction != null) { sb.append(", surfaceTransaction=").append(mSurfaceTransaction); } sb.append('}'); return sb.toString(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(mOpType, mTaskFragmentCreationParams, mActivityToken, mActivityIntent, mBundle, mSecondaryFragmentToken, mAnimationParams, mBooleanValue, mSurfaceTransaction); } @Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof TaskFragmentOperation)) { return false; } final TaskFragmentOperation other = (TaskFragmentOperation) obj; return mOpType == other.mOpType && Objects.equals(mTaskFragmentCreationParams, other.mTaskFragmentCreationParams) && Objects.equals(mActivityToken, other.mActivityToken) && Objects.equals(mActivityIntent, other.mActivityIntent) && Objects.equals(mBundle, other.mBundle) && Objects.equals(mSecondaryFragmentToken, other.mSecondaryFragmentToken) && Objects.equals(mAnimationParams, other.mAnimationParams) && mBooleanValue == other.mBooleanValue && Objects.equals(mSurfaceTransaction, other.mSurfaceTransaction); } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } /** Builder to construct the {@link TaskFragmentOperation}. */ public static final class Builder { @OperationType private final int mOpType; @Nullable private TaskFragmentCreationParams mTaskFragmentCreationParams; @Nullable private IBinder mActivityToken; @Nullable private Intent mActivityIntent; @Nullable private Bundle mBundle; @Nullable private IBinder mSecondaryFragmentToken; @Nullable private TaskFragmentAnimationParams mAnimationParams; private boolean mBooleanValue; @Nullable private SurfaceControl.Transaction mSurfaceTransaction; /** * @param opType the {@link OperationType} of this {@link TaskFragmentOperation}. */ public Builder(@OperationType int opType) { mOpType = opType; } /** * Sets the {@link TaskFragmentCreationParams} for creating a new TaskFragment. */ @NonNull public Builder setTaskFragmentCreationParams( @Nullable TaskFragmentCreationParams taskFragmentCreationParams) { mTaskFragmentCreationParams = taskFragmentCreationParams; return this; } /** * Sets an Activity token to this operation. */ @NonNull public Builder setActivityToken(@Nullable IBinder activityToken) { mActivityToken = activityToken; return this; } /** * Sets the Intent to start a new Activity. */ @NonNull public Builder setActivityIntent(@Nullable Intent activityIntent) { mActivityIntent = activityIntent; return this; } /** * Sets a Bundle to this operation. */ @NonNull public Builder setBundle(@Nullable Bundle bundle) { mBundle = bundle; return this; } /** * Sets the secondary fragment token to this operation. */ @NonNull public Builder setSecondaryFragmentToken(@Nullable IBinder secondaryFragmentToken) { mSecondaryFragmentToken = secondaryFragmentToken; return this; } /** * Sets the {@link TaskFragmentAnimationParams} for the given TaskFragment. */ @NonNull public Builder setAnimationParams(@Nullable TaskFragmentAnimationParams animationParams) { mAnimationParams = animationParams; return this; } /** * Sets the boolean value for this operation. */ @NonNull public Builder setBooleanValue(boolean booleanValue) { mBooleanValue = booleanValue; return this; } /** * Sets {@link SurfaceControl.Transaction} associated with this operation. Currently, this * is only used by {@link TaskFragmentOperation#OP_TYPE_SET_DECOR_SURFACE_BOOSTED} to * specify a {@link SurfaceControl.Transaction} that should be applied together with the * transaction to change the decor surface layers. */ @NonNull public Builder setSurfaceTransaction( @Nullable SurfaceControl.Transaction surfaceTransaction) { mSurfaceTransaction = surfaceTransaction; return this; } /** * Constructs the {@link TaskFragmentOperation}. */ @NonNull public TaskFragmentOperation build() { return new TaskFragmentOperation(mOpType, mTaskFragmentCreationParams, mActivityToken, mActivityIntent, mBundle, mSecondaryFragmentToken, mAnimationParams, mBooleanValue, mSurfaceTransaction); } } }