/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "RenderNode.h" #include <SkPathOps.h> #include <gui/TraceUtils.h> #include <ui/FatVector.h> #include <algorithm> #include <atomic> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include "DamageAccumulator.h" #include "Debug.h" #include "Properties.h" #include "TreeInfo.h" #include "VectorDrawable.h" #include "private/hwui/WebViewFunctor.h" #include "renderthread/CanvasContext.h" #ifdef __ANDROID__ #include "include/gpu/ganesh/SkImageGanesh.h" #endif #include "utils/ForceDark.h" #include "utils/MathUtils.h" #include "utils/StringUtils.h" namespace android { namespace uirenderer { // Used for tree mutations that are purely destructive. // Generic tree mutations should use MarkAndSweepObserver instead class ImmediateRemoved : public TreeObserver { public: explicit ImmediateRemoved(TreeInfo* info) : mTreeInfo(info) {} void onMaybeRemovedFromTree(RenderNode* node) override { node->onRemovedFromTree(mTreeInfo); } private: TreeInfo* mTreeInfo; }; static int64_t generateId() { static std::atomic<int64_t> sNextId{1}; return sNextId++; } RenderNode::RenderNode() : mUniqueId(generateId()) , mDirtyPropertyFields(0) , mNeedsDisplayListSync(false) , mDisplayList(nullptr) , mStagingDisplayList(nullptr) , mAnimatorManager(*this) , mParentCount(0) {} RenderNode::~RenderNode() { ImmediateRemoved observer(nullptr); deleteDisplayList(observer); LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(hasLayer(), "layer missed detachment!"); } void RenderNode::setStagingDisplayList(DisplayList&& newData) { mValid = newData.isValid(); mNeedsDisplayListSync = true; mStagingDisplayList = std::move(newData); } void RenderNode::discardStagingDisplayList() { setStagingDisplayList(DisplayList()); } /** * This function is a simplified version of replay(), where we simply retrieve and log the * display list. This function should remain in sync with the replay() function. */ void RenderNode::output() { LogcatStream strout; strout << "Root"; output(strout, 0); } void RenderNode::output(std::ostream& output, uint32_t level) { output << " (" << getName() << " " << this << (MathUtils::isZero(properties().getAlpha()) ? ", zero alpha" : "") << (properties().hasShadow() ? ", casting shadow" : "") << (isRenderable() ? "" : ", empty") << (properties().getProjectBackwards() ? ", projected" : "") << (hasLayer() ? ", on HW Layer" : "") << ")" << std::endl; properties().debugOutputProperties(output, level + 1); mDisplayList.output(output, level); output << std::string(level * 2, ' ') << "/RenderNode(" << getName() << " " << this << ")"; output << std::endl; } void RenderNode::visit(std::function<void(const RenderNode&)> func) const { func(*this); if (mDisplayList) { mDisplayList.visit(func); } } int RenderNode::getUsageSize() { int size = sizeof(RenderNode); size += mStagingDisplayList.getUsedSize(); size += mDisplayList.getUsedSize(); return size; } int RenderNode::getAllocatedSize() { int size = sizeof(RenderNode); size += mStagingDisplayList.getAllocatedSize(); size += mDisplayList.getAllocatedSize(); return size; } void RenderNode::prepareTree(TreeInfo& info) { ATRACE_CALL(); LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!info.damageAccumulator, "DamageAccumulator missing"); MarkAndSweepRemoved observer(&info); const int before = info.disableForceDark; prepareTreeImpl(observer, info, false); LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(before != info.disableForceDark, "Mis-matched force dark"); } void RenderNode::addAnimator(const sp<BaseRenderNodeAnimator>& animator) { mAnimatorManager.addAnimator(animator); } void RenderNode::removeAnimator(const sp<BaseRenderNodeAnimator>& animator) { mAnimatorManager.removeAnimator(animator); } void RenderNode::damageSelf(TreeInfo& info) { if (isRenderable()) { mDamageGenerationId = info.damageGenerationId; if (properties().getClipDamageToBounds()) { info.damageAccumulator->dirty(0, 0, properties().getWidth(), properties().getHeight()); } else { // Hope this is big enough? // TODO: Get this from the display list ops or something info.damageAccumulator->dirty(DIRTY_MIN, DIRTY_MIN, DIRTY_MAX, DIRTY_MAX); } if (!mIsTextureView) { info.out.solelyTextureViewUpdates = false; } } } void RenderNode::prepareLayer(TreeInfo& info, uint32_t dirtyMask) { LayerType layerType = properties().effectiveLayerType(); if (CC_UNLIKELY(layerType == LayerType::RenderLayer)) { // Damage applied so far needs to affect our parent, but does not require // the layer to be updated. So we pop/push here to clear out the current // damage and get a clean state for display list or children updates to // affect, which will require the layer to be updated info.damageAccumulator->popTransform(); info.damageAccumulator->pushTransform(this); if (dirtyMask & DISPLAY_LIST) { damageSelf(info); } } } void RenderNode::pushLayerUpdate(TreeInfo& info) { LayerType layerType = properties().effectiveLayerType(); // If we are not a layer OR we cannot be rendered (eg, view was detached) // we need to destroy any Layers we may have had previously if (CC_LIKELY(layerType != LayerType::RenderLayer) || CC_UNLIKELY(!isRenderable()) || CC_UNLIKELY(properties().getWidth() == 0) || CC_UNLIKELY(properties().getHeight() == 0) || CC_UNLIKELY(!properties().fitsOnLayer())) { if (CC_UNLIKELY(hasLayer())) { this->setLayerSurface(nullptr); } return; } if (info.canvasContext.createOrUpdateLayer(this, *info.damageAccumulator, info.errorHandler)) { damageSelf(info); } if (!hasLayer()) { return; } SkRect dirty; info.damageAccumulator->peekAtDirty(&dirty); info.layerUpdateQueue->enqueueLayerWithDamage(this, dirty); if (!dirty.isEmpty()) { mStretchMask.markDirty(); } // There might be prefetched layers that need to be accounted for. // That might be us, so tell CanvasContext that this layer is in the // tree and should not be destroyed. info.canvasContext.markLayerInUse(this); } /** * Traverse down the the draw tree to prepare for a frame. * * MODE_FULL = UI Thread-driven (thus properties must be synced), otherwise RT driven * * While traversing down the tree, functorsNeedLayer flag is set to true if anything that uses the * stencil buffer may be needed. Views that use a functor to draw will be forced onto a layer. */ void RenderNode::prepareTreeImpl(TreeObserver& observer, TreeInfo& info, bool functorsNeedLayer) { if (mDamageGenerationId == info.damageGenerationId && mDamageGenerationId != 0) { // We hit the same node a second time in the same tree. We don't know the minimal // damage rect anymore, so just push the biggest we can onto our parent's transform // We push directly onto parent in case we are clipped to bounds but have moved position. info.damageAccumulator->dirty(DIRTY_MIN, DIRTY_MIN, DIRTY_MAX, DIRTY_MAX); } info.damageAccumulator->pushTransform(this); if (info.mode == TreeInfo::MODE_FULL) { pushStagingPropertiesChanges(info); } if (!mProperties.getAllowForceDark()) { info.disableForceDark++; } if (!mProperties.layerProperties().getStretchEffect().isEmpty()) { info.stretchEffectCount++; } uint32_t animatorDirtyMask = 0; if (CC_LIKELY(info.runAnimations)) { animatorDirtyMask = mAnimatorManager.animate(info); } bool willHaveFunctor = false; if (info.mode == TreeInfo::MODE_FULL && mStagingDisplayList) { willHaveFunctor = mStagingDisplayList.hasFunctor(); } else if (mDisplayList) { willHaveFunctor = mDisplayList.hasFunctor(); } bool childFunctorsNeedLayer = mProperties.prepareForFunctorPresence(willHaveFunctor, functorsNeedLayer); if (CC_UNLIKELY(mPositionListener.get())) { mPositionListener->onPositionUpdated(*this, info); } prepareLayer(info, animatorDirtyMask); if (info.mode == TreeInfo::MODE_FULL) { pushStagingDisplayListChanges(observer, info); } // always damageSelf when filtering backdrop content, or else the BackdropFilterDrawable will // get a wrong snapshot of previous content. if (mProperties.layerProperties().getBackdropImageFilter()) { damageSelf(info); } if (mDisplayList) { info.out.hasFunctors |= mDisplayList.hasFunctor(); mHasHolePunches = mDisplayList.hasHolePunches(); bool isDirty = mDisplayList.prepareListAndChildren( observer, info, childFunctorsNeedLayer, [this](RenderNode* child, TreeObserver& observer, TreeInfo& info, bool functorsNeedLayer) { child->prepareTreeImpl(observer, info, functorsNeedLayer); mHasHolePunches |= child->hasHolePunches(); }); if (isDirty) { damageSelf(info); } } else { mHasHolePunches = false; } pushLayerUpdate(info); if (!mProperties.getAllowForceDark()) { info.disableForceDark--; } if (!mProperties.layerProperties().getStretchEffect().isEmpty()) { info.stretchEffectCount--; } info.damageAccumulator->popTransform(); } void RenderNode::syncProperties() { mProperties = mStagingProperties; } void RenderNode::pushStagingPropertiesChanges(TreeInfo& info) { if (mPositionListenerDirty) { mPositionListener = std::move(mStagingPositionListener); mStagingPositionListener = nullptr; mPositionListenerDirty = false; } // Push the animators first so that setupStartValueIfNecessary() is called // before properties() is trampled by stagingProperties(), as they are // required by some animators. if (CC_LIKELY(info.runAnimations)) { mAnimatorManager.pushStaging(); } if (mDirtyPropertyFields) { mDirtyPropertyFields = 0; damageSelf(info); info.damageAccumulator->popTransform(); syncProperties(); auto& layerProperties = mProperties.layerProperties(); const StretchEffect& stagingStretch = layerProperties.getStretchEffect(); if (stagingStretch.isEmpty()) { mStretchMask.clear(); } if (layerProperties.getImageFilter() == nullptr) { mSnapshotResult.snapshot = nullptr; mTargetImageFilter = nullptr; } // We could try to be clever and only re-damage if the matrix changed. // However, we don't need to worry about that. The cost of over-damaging // here is only going to be a single additional map rect of this node // plus a rect join(). The parent's transform (and up) will only be // performed once. info.damageAccumulator->pushTransform(this); damageSelf(info); } } std::optional<RenderNode::SnapshotResult> RenderNode::updateSnapshotIfRequired( GrRecordingContext* context, const SkImageFilter* imageFilter, const SkIRect& clipBounds ) { auto* layerSurface = getLayerSurface(); if (layerSurface == nullptr) { return std::nullopt; } sk_sp<SkImage> snapshot = layerSurface->makeImageSnapshot(); const auto subset = SkIRect::MakeWH(properties().getWidth(), properties().getHeight()); uint32_t layerSurfaceGenerationId = layerSurface->generationID(); // If we don't have an ImageFilter just return the snapshot if (imageFilter == nullptr) { mSnapshotResult.snapshot = snapshot; mSnapshotResult.outSubset = subset; mSnapshotResult.outOffset = SkIPoint::Make(0.0f, 0.0f); mImageFilterClipBounds = clipBounds; mTargetImageFilter = nullptr; mTargetImageFilterLayerSurfaceGenerationId = 0; } else if (mSnapshotResult.snapshot == nullptr || imageFilter != mTargetImageFilter.get() || mImageFilterClipBounds != clipBounds || mTargetImageFilterLayerSurfaceGenerationId != layerSurfaceGenerationId) { // Otherwise create a new snapshot with the given filter and snapshot #ifdef __ANDROID__ if (context) { mSnapshotResult.snapshot = SkImages::MakeWithFilter( context, snapshot, imageFilter, subset, clipBounds, &mSnapshotResult.outSubset, &mSnapshotResult.outOffset); } else #endif { mSnapshotResult.snapshot = SkImages::MakeWithFilter( snapshot, imageFilter, subset, clipBounds, &mSnapshotResult.outSubset, &mSnapshotResult.outOffset); } mTargetImageFilter = sk_ref_sp(imageFilter); mImageFilterClipBounds = clipBounds; mTargetImageFilterLayerSurfaceGenerationId = layerSurfaceGenerationId; } return mSnapshotResult; } void RenderNode::syncDisplayList(TreeObserver& observer, TreeInfo* info) { // Make sure we inc first so that we don't fluctuate between 0 and 1, // which would thrash the layer cache if (mStagingDisplayList) { mStagingDisplayList.updateChildren([](RenderNode* child) { child->incParentRefCount(); }); } deleteDisplayList(observer, info); mDisplayList = std::move(mStagingDisplayList); if (mDisplayList) { WebViewSyncData syncData{.applyForceDark = shouldEnableForceDark(info)}; mDisplayList.syncContents(syncData); handleForceDark(info); } } inline bool RenderNode::shouldEnableForceDark(TreeInfo* info) { return CC_UNLIKELY( info && (!info->disableForceDark || info->forceDarkType == android::uirenderer::ForceDarkType::FORCE_INVERT_COLOR_DARK)); } void RenderNode::handleForceDark(android::uirenderer::TreeInfo *info) { if (!shouldEnableForceDark(info)) { return; } auto usage = usageHint(); FatVector<RenderNode*, 6> children; mDisplayList.updateChildren([&children](RenderNode* node) { children.push_back(node); }); if (mDisplayList.hasText()) { if (mDisplayList.hasFill()) { // Handle a special case for custom views that draw both text and background in the // same RenderNode, which would otherwise be altered to white-on-white text. usage = UsageHint::Container; } else { usage = UsageHint::Foreground; } } if (usage == UsageHint::Unknown) { if (children.size() > 1) { usage = UsageHint::Background; } else if (children.size() == 1 && children.front()->usageHint() != UsageHint::Background) { usage = UsageHint::Background; } } if (children.size() > 1) { // Crude overlap check SkRect drawn = SkRect::MakeEmpty(); for (auto iter = children.rbegin(); iter != children.rend(); ++iter) { const auto& child = *iter; // We use stagingProperties here because we haven't yet sync'd the children SkRect bounds = SkRect::MakeXYWH(child->stagingProperties().getX(), child->stagingProperties().getY(), child->stagingProperties().getWidth(), child->stagingProperties().getHeight()); if (bounds.contains(drawn)) { // This contains everything drawn after it, so make it a background child->setUsageHint(UsageHint::Background); } drawn.join(bounds); } } if (usage == UsageHint::Container) { mDisplayList.applyColorTransform(ColorTransform::Invert); } else { mDisplayList.applyColorTransform(usage == UsageHint::Background ? ColorTransform::Dark : ColorTransform::Light); } } void RenderNode::pushStagingDisplayListChanges(TreeObserver& observer, TreeInfo& info) { if (mNeedsDisplayListSync) { mNeedsDisplayListSync = false; // Damage with the old display list first then the new one to catch any // changes in isRenderable or, in the future, bounds damageSelf(info); syncDisplayList(observer, &info); damageSelf(info); } } void RenderNode::deleteDisplayList(TreeObserver& observer, TreeInfo* info) { if (mDisplayList) { mDisplayList.updateChildren( [&observer, info](RenderNode* child) { child->decParentRefCount(observer, info); }); mDisplayList.clear(this); } } void RenderNode::destroyHardwareResources(TreeInfo* info) { if (hasLayer()) { this->setLayerSurface(nullptr); } discardStagingDisplayList(); ImmediateRemoved observer(info); deleteDisplayList(observer, info); } void RenderNode::destroyLayers() { if (hasLayer()) { this->setLayerSurface(nullptr); } if (mDisplayList) { mDisplayList.updateChildren([](RenderNode* child) { child->destroyLayers(); }); } } void RenderNode::decParentRefCount(TreeObserver& observer, TreeInfo* info) { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!mParentCount, "already 0!"); mParentCount--; if (!mParentCount) { observer.onMaybeRemovedFromTree(this); if (CC_UNLIKELY(mPositionListener.get())) { mPositionListener->onPositionLost(*this, info); } } } void RenderNode::onRemovedFromTree(TreeInfo* info) { if (Properties::enableWebViewOverlays && mDisplayList) { mDisplayList.onRemovedFromTree(); } destroyHardwareResources(info); } void RenderNode::clearRoot() { ImmediateRemoved observer(nullptr); decParentRefCount(observer); } /** * Apply property-based transformations to input matrix * * If true3dTransform is set to true, the transform applied to the input matrix will use true 4x4 * matrix computation instead of the Skia 3x3 matrix + camera hackery. */ void RenderNode::applyViewPropertyTransforms(mat4& matrix, bool true3dTransform) const { if (properties().getLeft() != 0 || properties().getTop() != 0) { matrix.translate(properties().getLeft(), properties().getTop()); } if (properties().getStaticMatrix()) { mat4 stat(*properties().getStaticMatrix()); matrix.multiply(stat); } else if (properties().getAnimationMatrix()) { mat4 anim(*properties().getAnimationMatrix()); matrix.multiply(anim); } bool applyTranslationZ = true3dTransform && !MathUtils::isZero(properties().getZ()); if (properties().hasTransformMatrix() || applyTranslationZ) { if (properties().isTransformTranslateOnly()) { matrix.translate(properties().getTranslationX(), properties().getTranslationY(), true3dTransform ? properties().getZ() : 0.0f); } else { if (!true3dTransform) { matrix.multiply(*properties().getTransformMatrix()); } else { mat4 true3dMat; true3dMat.loadTranslate(properties().getPivotX() + properties().getTranslationX(), properties().getPivotY() + properties().getTranslationY(), properties().getZ()); true3dMat.rotate(properties().getRotationX(), 1, 0, 0); true3dMat.rotate(properties().getRotationY(), 0, 1, 0); true3dMat.rotate(properties().getRotation(), 0, 0, 1); true3dMat.scale(properties().getScaleX(), properties().getScaleY(), 1); true3dMat.translate(-properties().getPivotX(), -properties().getPivotY()); matrix.multiply(true3dMat); } } } if (Properties::getStretchEffectBehavior() == StretchEffectBehavior::UniformScale) { const StretchEffect& stretch = properties().layerProperties().getStretchEffect(); if (!stretch.isEmpty()) { matrix.multiply( stretch.makeLinearStretch(properties().getWidth(), properties().getHeight())); } } } const SkPath* RenderNode::getClippedOutline(const SkRect& clipRect) const { const SkPath* outlinePath = properties().getOutline().getPath(); const uint32_t outlineID = outlinePath->getGenerationID(); if (outlineID != mClippedOutlineCache.outlineID || clipRect != mClippedOutlineCache.clipRect) { // update the cache keys mClippedOutlineCache.outlineID = outlineID; mClippedOutlineCache.clipRect = clipRect; // update the cache value by recomputing a new path SkPath clipPath; clipPath.addRect(clipRect); Op(*outlinePath, clipPath, kIntersect_SkPathOp, &mClippedOutlineCache.clippedOutline); } return &mClippedOutlineCache.clippedOutline; } using StringBuffer = FatVector<char, 128>; template <typename... T> // TODO:__printflike(2, 3) // Doesn't work because the warning doesn't understand string_view and doesn't like that // it's not a C-style variadic function. static void format(StringBuffer& buffer, const std::string_view& format, T... args) { buffer.resize(buffer.capacity()); while (1) { int needed = snprintf(buffer.data(), buffer.size(), format.data(), std::forward<T>(args)...); if (needed < 0) { buffer[0] = '\0'; buffer.resize(1); return; } if (needed < buffer.size()) { buffer.resize(needed + 1); return; } // If we're doing a heap alloc anyway might as well give it some slop buffer.resize(needed + 100); } } void RenderNode::markDrawStart(SkCanvas& canvas) { StringBuffer buffer; format(buffer, "RenderNode(id=%" PRId64 ", name='%s')", uniqueId(), getName()); canvas.drawAnnotation(SkRect::MakeWH(getWidth(), getHeight()), buffer.data(), nullptr); } void RenderNode::markDrawEnd(SkCanvas& canvas) { StringBuffer buffer; format(buffer, "/RenderNode(id=%" PRId64 ", name='%s')", uniqueId(), getName()); canvas.drawAnnotation(SkRect::MakeWH(getWidth(), getHeight()), buffer.data(), nullptr); } } /* namespace uirenderer */ } /* namespace android */