/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.providers.settings; import android.app.ActivityManager; import android.content.AttributionSource; import android.content.IContentProvider; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Process; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.ResultReceiver; import android.os.ShellCallback; import android.os.ShellCommand; import android.os.UserHandle; import android.os.UserManager; import android.provider.Settings; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; final public class SettingsService extends Binder { final SettingsProvider mProvider; public SettingsService(SettingsProvider provider) { mProvider = provider; } @Override public void onShellCommand(FileDescriptor in, FileDescriptor out, FileDescriptor err, String[] args, ShellCallback callback, ResultReceiver resultReceiver) { (new MyShellCommand(mProvider, false)).exec( this, in, out, err, args, callback, resultReceiver); } @Override protected void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) { if (mProvider.getContext().checkCallingPermission(android.Manifest.permission.DUMP) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { pw.println("Permission Denial: can't dump SettingsProvider from from pid=" + Binder.getCallingPid() + ", uid=" + Binder.getCallingUid() + " without permission " + android.Manifest.permission.DUMP); return; } int opti = 0; boolean dumpAsProto = false; while (opti < args.length) { String opt = args[opti]; if (opt == null || opt.length() <= 0 || opt.charAt(0) != '-') { break; } opti++; if ("-h".equals(opt)) { MyShellCommand.dumpHelp(pw, true); return; } else if ("--proto".equals(opt)) { dumpAsProto = true; } else { pw.println("Unknown argument: " + opt + "; use -h for help"); } } final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { if (dumpAsProto) { mProvider.dumpProto(fd); } else { mProvider.dumpInternal(fd, pw, args); } } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident); } } final static class MyShellCommand extends ShellCommand { final SettingsProvider mProvider; final boolean mDumping; enum CommandVerb { UNSPECIFIED, GET, PUT, DELETE, LIST, RESET, } int mUser = UserHandle.USER_NULL; CommandVerb mVerb = CommandVerb.UNSPECIFIED; String mTable = null; String mKey = null; String mValue = null; String mPackageName = null; String mTag = null; int mResetMode = -1; boolean mMakeDefault; MyShellCommand(SettingsProvider provider, boolean dumping) { mProvider = provider; mDumping = dumping; } @Override public int onCommand(String cmd) { if (cmd == null || "help".equals(cmd) || "-h".equals(cmd)) { return handleDefaultCommands(cmd); } final PrintWriter perr = getErrPrintWriter(); boolean valid = false; String arg = cmd; do { if ("--user".equals(arg)) { if (mUser != UserHandle.USER_NULL) { perr.println("Invalid user: --user specified more than once"); break; } mUser = UserHandle.parseUserArg(getNextArgRequired()); if (mUser == UserHandle.USER_ALL) { perr.println("Invalid user: all"); return -1; } } else if (mVerb == CommandVerb.UNSPECIFIED) { if ("get".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { mVerb = CommandVerb.GET; } else if ("put".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { mVerb = CommandVerb.PUT; } else if ("delete".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { mVerb = CommandVerb.DELETE; } else if ("list".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { mVerb = CommandVerb.LIST; } else if ("reset".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { mVerb = CommandVerb.RESET; } else { // invalid perr.println("Invalid command: " + arg); return -1; } } else if (mTable == null) { if (!"system".equalsIgnoreCase(arg) && !"secure".equalsIgnoreCase(arg) && !"global".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { perr.println("Invalid namespace '" + arg + "'"); return -1; } mTable = arg.toLowerCase(); if (mVerb == CommandVerb.LIST) { valid = true; break; } } else if (mVerb == CommandVerb.RESET) { if ("untrusted_defaults".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { mResetMode = Settings.RESET_MODE_UNTRUSTED_DEFAULTS; } else if ("untrusted_clear".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { mResetMode = Settings.RESET_MODE_UNTRUSTED_CHANGES; } else if ("trusted_defaults".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { mResetMode = Settings.RESET_MODE_TRUSTED_DEFAULTS; } else { mPackageName = arg; mResetMode = Settings.RESET_MODE_PACKAGE_DEFAULTS; if (peekNextArg() == null) { valid = true; } else { mTag = getNextArg(); if (peekNextArg() == null) { valid = true; } else { perr.println("Too many arguments"); return -1; } } break; } if (peekNextArg() == null) { valid = true; } else { perr.println("Too many arguments"); return -1; } } else if (mVerb == CommandVerb.GET || mVerb == CommandVerb.DELETE) { mKey = arg; if (peekNextArg() == null) { valid = true; } else { perr.println("Too many arguments"); return -1; } break; } else if (mKey == null) { mKey = arg; // keep going; there's another PUT arg } else if (mValue == null) { mValue = arg; // what we have so far is a valid command valid = true; // keep going; there may be another PUT arg } else if (mTag == null) { mTag = arg; if ("default".equalsIgnoreCase(mTag)) { mTag = null; mMakeDefault = true; if (peekNextArg() == null) { valid = true; } else { perr.println("Too many arguments"); return -1; } break; } if (peekNextArg() == null) { valid = true; break; } } else { // PUT, final arg if (!"default".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { perr.println("Argument expected to be 'default'"); return -1; } mMakeDefault = true; if (peekNextArg() == null) { valid = true; } else { perr.println("Too many arguments"); return -1; } break; } } while ((arg = getNextArg()) != null); if (!valid) { perr.println("Bad arguments"); return -1; } if (mUser == UserHandle.USER_NULL || mUser == UserHandle.USER_CURRENT) { try { mUser = ActivityManager.getService().getCurrentUser().id; } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed in IPC", e); } } UserManager userManager = UserManager.get(mProvider.getContext()); if (userManager.getUserInfo(mUser) == null) { perr.println("Invalid user: " + mUser); return -1; } final IContentProvider iprovider = mProvider.getIContentProvider(); final PrintWriter pout = getOutPrintWriter(); switch (mVerb) { case GET: pout.println(getForUser(iprovider, mUser, mTable, mKey)); break; case PUT: putForUser(iprovider, mUser, mTable, mKey, mValue, mTag, mMakeDefault); break; case DELETE: pout.println("Deleted " + deleteForUser(iprovider, mUser, mTable, mKey) + " rows"); break; case LIST: for (String line : listForUser(iprovider, mUser, mTable)) { pout.println(line); } break; case RESET: resetForUser(iprovider, mUser, mTable, mTag); break; default: perr.println("Unspecified command"); return -1; } return 0; } List listForUser(IContentProvider provider, int userHandle, String table) { final String callListCommand; if ("system".equals(table)) callListCommand = Settings.CALL_METHOD_LIST_SYSTEM; else if ("secure".equals(table)) callListCommand = Settings.CALL_METHOD_LIST_SECURE; else if ("global".equals(table)) callListCommand = Settings.CALL_METHOD_LIST_GLOBAL; else { getErrPrintWriter().println("Invalid table; no list performed"); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid table " + table); } final ArrayList lines = new ArrayList(); try { Bundle arg = new Bundle(); arg.putInt(Settings.CALL_METHOD_USER_KEY, userHandle); final AttributionSource attributionSource = new AttributionSource( Binder.getCallingUid(), resolveCallingPackage(), /*attributionTag*/ null); Bundle result = provider.call(attributionSource, Settings.AUTHORITY, callListCommand, null, arg); lines.addAll(result.getStringArrayList(SettingsProvider.RESULT_SETTINGS_LIST)); Collections.sort(lines); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed in IPC", e); } return lines; } String getForUser(IContentProvider provider, int userHandle, final String table, final String key) { final String callGetCommand; if ("system".equals(table)) callGetCommand = Settings.CALL_METHOD_GET_SYSTEM; else if ("secure".equals(table)) callGetCommand = Settings.CALL_METHOD_GET_SECURE; else if ("global".equals(table)) callGetCommand = Settings.CALL_METHOD_GET_GLOBAL; else { getErrPrintWriter().println("Invalid table; no put performed"); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid table " + table); } String result = null; try { Bundle arg = new Bundle(); arg.putInt(Settings.CALL_METHOD_USER_KEY, userHandle); final AttributionSource attributionSource = new AttributionSource( Binder.getCallingUid(), resolveCallingPackage(), /*attributionTag*/ null); Bundle b = provider.call(attributionSource, Settings.AUTHORITY, callGetCommand, key, arg); if (b != null) { result = b.getPairValue(); } } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed in IPC", e); } return result; } void putForUser(IContentProvider provider, int userHandle, final String table, final String key, final String value, String tag, boolean makeDefault) { final String callPutCommand; if ("system".equals(table)) { callPutCommand = Settings.CALL_METHOD_PUT_SYSTEM; if (makeDefault) { getOutPrintWriter().print("Ignored makeDefault - " + "doesn't apply to system settings"); makeDefault = false; } } else if ("secure".equals(table)) callPutCommand = Settings.CALL_METHOD_PUT_SECURE; else if ("global".equals(table)) callPutCommand = Settings.CALL_METHOD_PUT_GLOBAL; else { getErrPrintWriter().println("Invalid table; no put performed"); return; } try { Bundle arg = new Bundle(); arg.putString(Settings.NameValueTable.VALUE, value); arg.putInt(Settings.CALL_METHOD_USER_KEY, userHandle); if (tag != null) { arg.putString(Settings.CALL_METHOD_TAG_KEY, tag); } if (makeDefault) { arg.putBoolean(Settings.CALL_METHOD_MAKE_DEFAULT_KEY, true); } final AttributionSource attributionSource = new AttributionSource( Binder.getCallingUid(), resolveCallingPackage(), /*attributionTag*/ null); provider.call(attributionSource, Settings.AUTHORITY, callPutCommand, key, arg); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed in IPC", e); } } int deleteForUser(IContentProvider provider, int userHandle, final String table, final String key) { final String callDeleteCommand; if ("system".equals(table)) { callDeleteCommand = Settings.CALL_METHOD_DELETE_SYSTEM; } else if ("secure".equals(table)) { callDeleteCommand = Settings.CALL_METHOD_DELETE_SECURE; } else if ("global".equals(table)) { callDeleteCommand = Settings.CALL_METHOD_DELETE_GLOBAL; } else { getErrPrintWriter().println("Invalid table; no delete performed"); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid table " + table); } try { Bundle arg = new Bundle(); arg.putInt(Settings.CALL_METHOD_USER_KEY, userHandle); final AttributionSource attributionSource = new AttributionSource( Binder.getCallingUid(), resolveCallingPackage(), /*attributionTag*/ null); Bundle result = provider.call(attributionSource, Settings.AUTHORITY, callDeleteCommand, key, arg); return result.getInt(SettingsProvider.RESULT_ROWS_DELETED); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed in IPC", e); } } void resetForUser(IContentProvider provider, int userHandle, String table, String tag) { final String callResetCommand; if ("secure".equals(table)) callResetCommand = Settings.CALL_METHOD_RESET_SECURE; else if ("global".equals(table)) callResetCommand = Settings.CALL_METHOD_RESET_GLOBAL; else { getErrPrintWriter().println("Invalid table; no reset performed"); return; } try { Bundle arg = new Bundle(); arg.putInt(Settings.CALL_METHOD_USER_KEY, userHandle); arg.putInt(Settings.CALL_METHOD_RESET_MODE_KEY, mResetMode); if (tag != null) { arg.putString(Settings.CALL_METHOD_TAG_KEY, tag); } String packageName = mPackageName != null ? mPackageName : resolveCallingPackage(); arg.putInt(Settings.CALL_METHOD_USER_KEY, userHandle); final AttributionSource attributionSource = new AttributionSource( Binder.getCallingUid(), resolveCallingPackage(), /*attributionTag*/ null); provider.call(attributionSource, Settings.AUTHORITY, callResetCommand, null, arg); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed in IPC", e); } } public static String resolveCallingPackage() { switch (Binder.getCallingUid()) { case Process.ROOT_UID: { return "root"; } case Process.SHELL_UID: { return "com.android.shell"; } default: { return null; } } } @Override public void onHelp() { PrintWriter pw = getOutPrintWriter(); dumpHelp(pw, mDumping); } static void dumpHelp(PrintWriter pw, boolean dumping) { if (dumping) { pw.println("Settings provider dump options:"); pw.println(" [-h] [--proto]"); pw.println(" -h: print this help."); pw.println(" --proto: dump as protobuf."); } else { pw.println("Settings provider (settings) commands:"); pw.println(" help"); pw.println(" Print this help text."); pw.println(" get [--user | current] NAMESPACE KEY"); pw.println(" Retrieve the current value of KEY."); pw.println(" put [--user | current] NAMESPACE KEY VALUE [TAG] [default]"); pw.println(" Change the contents of KEY to VALUE."); pw.println(" TAG to associate with the setting."); pw.println(" {default} to set as the default, case-insensitive only for global/secure namespace"); pw.println(" delete [--user | current] NAMESPACE KEY"); pw.println(" Delete the entry for KEY."); pw.println(" reset [--user | current] NAMESPACE {PACKAGE_NAME | RESET_MODE}"); pw.println(" Reset the global/secure table for a package with mode."); pw.println(" RESET_MODE is one of {untrusted_defaults, untrusted_clear, trusted_defaults}, case-insensitive"); pw.println(" list [--user | current] NAMESPACE"); pw.println(" Print all defined keys."); pw.println(" NAMESPACE is one of {system, secure, global}, case-insensitive"); } } } }