package; import static; import static; import android.annotation.NonNull; import android.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import; import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.metrics.LogMaker; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.os.UserHandle; import android.provider.Settings; import android.service.voice.VisualQueryAttentionResult; import android.service.voice.VoiceInteractionSession; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import dagger.Lazy; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import javax.inject.Inject; /** * Class to manage everything related to assist in SystemUI. */ @SysUISingleton public class AssistManager { /** * Controls the UI for showing Assistant invocation progress. */ public interface UiController { /** * Updates the invocation progress. * * @param type one of INVOCATION_TYPE_GESTURE, INVOCATION_TYPE_ACTIVE_EDGE, * INVOCATION_TYPE_VOICE, INVOCATION_TYPE_QUICK_SEARCH_BAR, * INVOCATION_TYPE_HOME_BUTTON_LONG_PRESS * @param progress a float between 0 and 1 inclusive. 0 represents the beginning of the * gesture; 1 represents the end. */ void onInvocationProgress(int type, float progress); /** * Called when an invocation gesture completes. * * @param velocity the speed of the invocation gesture, in pixels per millisecond. For * drags, this is 0. */ void onGestureCompletion(float velocity); /** * Hides any SysUI for the assistant, but _does not_ close the assistant itself. */ void hide(); } /** * An interface for a listener that receives notification that visual query attention has * either been gained or lost. */ public interface VisualQueryAttentionListener { /** Called when visual query attention has been gained. */ void onAttentionGained(); /** Called when visual query attention has been lost. */ void onAttentionLost(); } private static final String TAG = "AssistManager"; // Note that VERBOSE logging may leak PII (e.g. transcription contents). private static final boolean VERBOSE = false; private static final String INVOCATION_TIME_MS_KEY = "invocation_time_ms"; private static final String INVOCATION_PHONE_STATE_KEY = "invocation_phone_state"; protected static final String ACTION_KEY = "action"; protected static final String SET_ASSIST_GESTURE_CONSTRAINED_ACTION = "set_assist_gesture_constrained"; protected static final String CONSTRAINED_KEY = "should_constrain"; public static final String INVOCATION_TYPE_KEY = "invocation_type"; public static final int INVOCATION_TYPE_UNKNOWN = AssistUtils.INVOCATION_TYPE_UNKNOWN; public static final int INVOCATION_TYPE_GESTURE = AssistUtils.INVOCATION_TYPE_GESTURE; public static final int INVOCATION_TYPE_OTHER = AssistUtils.INVOCATION_TYPE_PHYSICAL_GESTURE; public static final int INVOCATION_TYPE_VOICE = AssistUtils.INVOCATION_TYPE_VOICE; public static final int INVOCATION_TYPE_QUICK_SEARCH_BAR = AssistUtils.INVOCATION_TYPE_QUICK_SEARCH_BAR; public static final int INVOCATION_TYPE_HOME_BUTTON_LONG_PRESS = AssistUtils.INVOCATION_TYPE_HOME_BUTTON_LONG_PRESS; public static final int INVOCATION_TYPE_POWER_BUTTON_LONG_PRESS = AssistUtils.INVOCATION_TYPE_POWER_BUTTON_LONG_PRESS; public static final int INVOCATION_TYPE_NAV_HANDLE_LONG_PRESS = AssistUtils.INVOCATION_TYPE_NAV_HANDLE_LONG_PRESS; public static final int DISMISS_REASON_INVOCATION_CANCELLED = 1; public static final int DISMISS_REASON_TAP = 2; public static final int DISMISS_REASON_BACK = 3; public static final int DISMISS_REASON_TIMEOUT = 4; private static final long TIMEOUT_SERVICE = 2500; private static final long TIMEOUT_ACTIVITY = 1000; protected final Context mContext; private final AssistDisclosure mAssistDisclosure; private final PhoneStateMonitor mPhoneStateMonitor; private final OverviewProxyService mOverviewProxyService; private final UiController mUiController; protected final Lazy mSysUiState; protected final AssistLogger mAssistLogger; private final UserTracker mUserTracker; private final DisplayTracker mDisplayTracker; private final SecureSettings mSecureSettings; private final SelectedUserInteractor mSelectedUserInteractor; private final ActivityManager mActivityManager; private final AssistInteractor mInteractor; private final DeviceProvisionedController mDeviceProvisionedController; private final List mVisualQueryAttentionListeners = new ArrayList<>(); private final IVisualQueryDetectionAttentionListener mVisualQueryDetectionAttentionListener = new IVisualQueryDetectionAttentionListener.Stub() { @Override public void onAttentionGained(VisualQueryAttentionResult attentionResult) { // TODO (b/319132184): Implemented this with different types. handleVisualAttentionChanged(true); } @Override public void onAttentionLost(int interactionIntention) { //TODO (b/319132184): Implemented this with different types. handleVisualAttentionChanged(false); } }; private final CommandQueue mCommandQueue; protected final AssistUtils mAssistUtils; // Invocation types that should be sent over OverviewProxy instead of handled here. private int[] mAssistOverrideInvocationTypes; @Inject public AssistManager( DeviceProvisionedController controller, Context context, AssistUtils assistUtils, CommandQueue commandQueue, PhoneStateMonitor phoneStateMonitor, OverviewProxyService overviewProxyService, Lazy sysUiState, DefaultUiController defaultUiController, AssistLogger assistLogger, @Main Handler uiHandler, UserTracker userTracker, DisplayTracker displayTracker, SecureSettings secureSettings, SelectedUserInteractor selectedUserInteractor, ActivityManager activityManager, AssistInteractor interactor) { mContext = context; mDeviceProvisionedController = controller; mCommandQueue = commandQueue; mAssistUtils = assistUtils; mAssistDisclosure = new AssistDisclosure(context, uiHandler); mOverviewProxyService = overviewProxyService; mPhoneStateMonitor = phoneStateMonitor; mAssistLogger = assistLogger; mUserTracker = userTracker; mDisplayTracker = displayTracker; mSecureSettings = secureSettings; mSelectedUserInteractor = selectedUserInteractor; mActivityManager = activityManager; mInteractor = interactor; registerVoiceInteractionSessionListener(); registerVisualQueryRecognitionStatusListener(); mUiController = defaultUiController; mSysUiState = sysUiState; mOverviewProxyService.addCallback(new OverviewProxyService.OverviewProxyListener() { @Override public void onAssistantProgress(float progress) { // Progress goes from 0 to 1 to indicate how close the assist gesture is to // completion. onInvocationProgress(INVOCATION_TYPE_GESTURE, progress); } @Override public void onAssistantGestureCompletion(float velocity) { onGestureCompletion(velocity); } }); } protected void registerVoiceInteractionSessionListener() { mAssistUtils.registerVoiceInteractionSessionListener( new IVoiceInteractionSessionListener.Stub() { @Override public void onVoiceSessionShown() throws RemoteException { if (VERBOSE) { Log.v(TAG, "Voice open"); } mAssistLogger.reportAssistantSessionEvent( AssistantSessionEvent.ASSISTANT_SESSION_UPDATE); } @Override public void onVoiceSessionHidden() throws RemoteException { if (VERBOSE) { Log.v(TAG, "Voice closed"); } mAssistLogger.reportAssistantSessionEvent( AssistantSessionEvent.ASSISTANT_SESSION_CLOSE); } @Override public void onVoiceSessionWindowVisibilityChanged(boolean visible) throws RemoteException { if (VERBOSE) { Log.v(TAG, "Window visibility changed: " + visible); } } @Override public void onSetUiHints(Bundle hints) { if (VERBOSE) { Log.v(TAG, "UI hints received"); } String action = hints.getString(ACTION_KEY); if (SET_ASSIST_GESTURE_CONSTRAINED_ACTION.equals(action)) { mSysUiState.get() .setFlag( SYSUI_STATE_ASSIST_GESTURE_CONSTRAINED, hints.getBoolean(CONSTRAINED_KEY, false)) .commitUpdate(mDisplayTracker.getDefaultDisplayId()); } } }); } public void startAssist(Bundle args) { if (mActivityManager.getLockTaskModeState() == ActivityManager.LOCK_TASK_MODE_LOCKED) { return; } if (shouldOverrideAssist(args)) { try { if (mOverviewProxyService.getProxy() == null) { Log.w(TAG, "No OverviewProxyService to invoke assistant override"); return; } mOverviewProxyService.getProxy().onAssistantOverrideInvoked( args.getInt(INVOCATION_TYPE_KEY)); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Unable to invoke assistant via OverviewProxyService override", e); } return; } final ComponentName assistComponent = getAssistInfo(); if (assistComponent == null) { return; } final boolean isService = assistComponent.equals(getVoiceInteractorComponentName()); if (args == null) { args = new Bundle(); } int legacyInvocationType = args.getInt(INVOCATION_TYPE_KEY, 0); int legacyDeviceState = mPhoneStateMonitor.getPhoneState(); args.putInt(INVOCATION_PHONE_STATE_KEY, legacyDeviceState); args.putLong(INVOCATION_TIME_MS_KEY, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()); mAssistLogger.reportAssistantInvocationEventFromLegacy( legacyInvocationType, /* isInvocationComplete = */ true, assistComponent, legacyDeviceState); logStartAssistLegacy(legacyInvocationType, legacyDeviceState); mInteractor.onAssistantStarted(legacyInvocationType); startAssistInternal(args, assistComponent, isService); } private boolean shouldOverrideAssist(Bundle args) { if (args == null || !args.containsKey(INVOCATION_TYPE_KEY)) { return false; } int invocationType = args.getInt(INVOCATION_TYPE_KEY); return shouldOverrideAssist(invocationType); } /** @return true if the invocation type should be handled by OverviewProxy instead of SysUI. */ public boolean shouldOverrideAssist(int invocationType) { return mAssistOverrideInvocationTypes != null && override -> override == invocationType); } /** * @param invocationTypes The invocation types that will henceforth be handled via * OverviewProxy (Launcher); other invocation types should be handled by * this class. */ public void setAssistantOverridesRequested(int[] invocationTypes) { mAssistOverrideInvocationTypes = invocationTypes; } /** Called when the user is performing an assistant invocation action (e.g. Active Edge) */ public void onInvocationProgress(int type, float progress) { mUiController.onInvocationProgress(type, progress); } /** * Called when the user has invoked the assistant with the incoming velocity, in pixels per * millisecond. For invocations without a velocity (e.g. slow drag), the velocity is set to * zero. */ public void onGestureCompletion(float velocity) { mUiController.onGestureCompletion(velocity); } public void hideAssist() { mAssistUtils.hideCurrentSession(); } /** * Add the given {@link VisualQueryAttentionListener} to the list of listeners awaiting * notification of gaining/losing visual query attention. */ public void addVisualQueryAttentionListener(VisualQueryAttentionListener listener) { if (!mVisualQueryAttentionListeners.contains(listener)) { mVisualQueryAttentionListeners.add(listener); } } /** * Remove the given {@link VisualQueryAttentionListener} from the list of listeners awaiting * notification of gaining/losing visual query attention. */ public void removeVisualQueryAttentionListener(VisualQueryAttentionListener listener) { mVisualQueryAttentionListeners.remove(listener); } private void startAssistInternal(Bundle args, @NonNull ComponentName assistComponent, boolean isService) { if (isService) { startVoiceInteractor(args); } else { startAssistActivity(args, assistComponent); } } private void startAssistActivity(Bundle args, @NonNull ComponentName assistComponent) { if (!mDeviceProvisionedController.isDeviceProvisioned()) { return; } // Close Recent Apps if needed mCommandQueue.animateCollapsePanels( CommandQueue.FLAG_EXCLUDE_SEARCH_PANEL | CommandQueue.FLAG_EXCLUDE_RECENTS_PANEL, false /* force */); boolean structureEnabled = mSecureSettings.getIntForUser( Settings.Secure.ASSIST_STRUCTURE_ENABLED, 1, UserHandle.USER_CURRENT) != 0; final SearchManager searchManager = (SearchManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.SEARCH_SERVICE); if (searchManager == null) { return; } final Intent intent = searchManager.getAssistIntent(structureEnabled); if (intent == null) { return; } intent.setComponent(assistComponent); intent.putExtras(args); if (structureEnabled && AssistUtils.isDisclosureEnabled(mContext)) { showDisclosure(); } try { final ActivityOptions opts = ActivityOptions.makeCustomAnimation(mContext, R.anim.search_launch_enter, R.anim.search_launch_exit); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); AsyncTask.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mContext.startActivityAsUser(intent, opts.toBundle(), mUserTracker.getUserHandle()); } }); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Activity not found for " + intent.getAction()); } } private void startVoiceInteractor(Bundle args) { mAssistUtils.showSessionForActiveService(args, VoiceInteractionSession.SHOW_SOURCE_ASSIST_GESTURE, mContext.getAttributionTag(), null, null); } private void registerVisualQueryRecognitionStatusListener() { if (!mContext.getResources() .getBoolean(R.bool.config_enableVisualQueryAttentionDetection)) { return; } mAssistUtils.subscribeVisualQueryRecognitionStatus( new IVisualQueryRecognitionStatusListener.Stub() { @Override public void onStartPerceiving() { mAssistUtils.enableVisualQueryDetection( mVisualQueryDetectionAttentionListener); final StatusBarManager statusBarManager = mContext.getSystemService(StatusBarManager.class); if (statusBarManager != null) { statusBarManager.setIcon("assist_attention", R.drawable.ic_assistant_attention_indicator, 0, "Attention Icon for Assistant"); statusBarManager.setIconVisibility("assist_attention", false); } } @Override public void onStopPerceiving() { // Treat this as a signal that attention has been lost (and inform listeners // accordingly). handleVisualAttentionChanged(false); mAssistUtils.disableVisualQueryDetection(); final StatusBarManager statusBarManager = mContext.getSystemService(StatusBarManager.class); if (statusBarManager != null) { statusBarManager.removeIcon("assist_attention"); } } }); } // TODO (b/319132184): Implemented this with different types. private void handleVisualAttentionChanged(boolean attentionGained) { final StatusBarManager statusBarManager = mContext.getSystemService(StatusBarManager.class); if (statusBarManager != null) { statusBarManager.setIconVisibility("assist_attention", attentionGained); } mVisualQueryAttentionListeners.forEach( attentionGained ? VisualQueryAttentionListener::onAttentionGained : VisualQueryAttentionListener::onAttentionLost); } public void launchVoiceAssistFromKeyguard() { mAssistUtils.launchVoiceAssistFromKeyguard(); } public boolean canVoiceAssistBeLaunchedFromKeyguard() { // TODO(b/140051519) return whitelistIpcs(() -> mAssistUtils.activeServiceSupportsLaunchFromKeyguard()); } public ComponentName getVoiceInteractorComponentName() { return mAssistUtils.getActiveServiceComponentName(); } private boolean isVoiceSessionRunning() { return mAssistUtils.isSessionRunning(); } @Nullable public ComponentName getAssistInfoForUser(int userId) { return mAssistUtils.getAssistComponentForUser(userId); } @Nullable private ComponentName getAssistInfo() { return getAssistInfoForUser(mSelectedUserInteractor.getSelectedUserId()); } public void showDisclosure() { mAssistDisclosure.postShow(); } public void onLockscreenShown() { AsyncTask.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mAssistUtils.onLockscreenShown(); } }); } /** Returns the logging flags for the given Assistant invocation type. */ public int toLoggingSubType(int invocationType) { return toLoggingSubType(invocationType, mPhoneStateMonitor.getPhoneState()); } protected void logStartAssistLegacy(int invocationType, int phoneState) { MetricsLogger.action( new LogMaker(MetricsEvent.ASSISTANT) .setType(MetricsEvent.TYPE_OPEN) .setSubtype(toLoggingSubType(invocationType, phoneState))); } protected final int toLoggingSubType(int invocationType, int phoneState) { // Note that this logic will break if the number of Assistant invocation types exceeds 7. // There are currently 5 invocation types, but we will be migrating to the new logging // framework in the next update. int subType = 0; subType |= invocationType << 1; subType |= phoneState << 4; return subType; } }