package import android.hardware.face.FaceManager import android.hardware.face.FaceSensorPropertiesInternal import import import import import import import import import javax.inject.Inject private const val TAG = "DeviceEntryFaceAuthRepositoryLog" /** * Helper class for logging for * [] * * To enable logcat echoing for an entire buffer: * ``` * adb shell settings put global systemui/buffer/DeviceEntryFaceAuthRepositoryLog * * ``` */ @SysUISingleton class FaceAuthenticationLogger @Inject constructor( @FaceAuthLog private val logBuffer: LogBuffer, ) { fun ignoredWakeupReason(lastWakeReason: WakeSleepReason) { logBuffer.log( TAG, DEBUG, { str1 = "$lastWakeReason" }, { "Ignoring off/aod/dozing -> Lockscreen transition " + "because the last wake up reason is not allow-listed: $str1" } ) } fun ignoredFaceAuthTrigger(uiEvent: FaceAuthUiEvent?, ignoredReason: String) { logBuffer.log( TAG, DEBUG, { str1 = "${uiEvent?.reason}" str2 = ignoredReason }, { "Ignoring trigger because $str2, Trigger reason: $str1" } ) } fun authenticating(uiEvent: FaceAuthUiEvent) { logBuffer.log(TAG, DEBUG, { str1 = uiEvent.reason }, { "Running authenticate for $str1" }) } fun detectionNotSupported( faceManager: FaceManager?, sensorPropertiesInternal: MutableList? ) { logBuffer.log( TAG, DEBUG, { bool1 = faceManager == null bool2 = sensorPropertiesInternal.isNullOrEmpty() bool2 = sensorPropertiesInternal?.firstOrNull()?.supportsFaceDetection ?: false }, { "skipping detection request because it is not supported, " + "faceManager isNull: $bool1, " + "sensorPropertiesInternal isNullOrEmpty: $bool2, " + "supportsFaceDetection: $bool3" } ) } fun skippingDetection(isAuthRunning: Boolean, detectCancellationNotNull: Boolean) { logBuffer.log( TAG, DEBUG, { bool1 = isAuthRunning bool2 = detectCancellationNotNull }, { "Skipping running detection: isAuthRunning: $bool1, " + "detectCancellationNotNull: $bool2" } ) } fun faceDetectionStarted() { logBuffer.log(TAG, DEBUG, "Face detection started.") } fun faceDetected() { logBuffer.log(TAG, DEBUG, "Face detected") } fun cancelSignalNotReceived( isAuthRunning: Boolean, isLockedOut: Boolean, cancellationInProgress: Boolean, faceAuthRequestedWhileCancellation: FaceAuthUiEvent? ) { logBuffer.log( TAG, DEBUG, { bool1 = isAuthRunning bool2 = isLockedOut bool3 = cancellationInProgress str1 = "${faceAuthRequestedWhileCancellation?.reason}" }, { "Cancel signal was not received, running timeout handler to reset state. " + "State before reset: " + "isAuthRunning: $bool1, " + "isLockedOut: $bool2, " + "cancellationInProgress: $bool3, " + "faceAuthRequestedWhileCancellation: $str1" } ) } fun authenticationFailed() { logBuffer.log(TAG, DEBUG, "Face authentication failed") } fun clearFaceRecognized() { logBuffer.log(TAG, DEBUG, "Clear face recognized") } fun authenticationError( errorCode: Int, errString: CharSequence?, lockoutError: Boolean, cancellationError: Boolean ) { logBuffer.log( TAG, DEBUG, { int1 = errorCode str1 = "$errString" bool1 = lockoutError bool2 = cancellationError }, { "Received authentication error: errorCode: $int1, " + "errString: $str1, " + "isLockoutError: $bool1, " + "isCancellationError: $bool2" } ) } fun faceAuthSuccess(result: FaceManager.AuthenticationResult) { logBuffer.log( TAG, DEBUG, { int1 = result.userId bool1 = result.isStrongBiometric }, { "Face authenticated successfully: userId: $int1, isStrongBiometric: $bool1" } ) } fun canFaceAuthRunChanged(canRun: Boolean) { logBuffer.log(TAG, DEBUG, { bool1 = canRun }, { "canFaceAuthRun value changed to $bool1" }) } fun cancellingFaceAuth() { logBuffer.log(TAG, DEBUG, "cancelling face auth because a gating condition became false") } fun interactorStarted() { logBuffer.log(TAG, DEBUG, "KeyguardFaceAuthInteractor started") } fun bouncerVisibilityChanged() { logBuffer.log(TAG, DEBUG, "Triggering face auth because primary bouncer is visible") } fun alternateBouncerVisibilityChanged() { logBuffer.log(TAG, DEBUG, "Triggering face auth because alternate bouncer is visible") } fun lockscreenBecameVisible(wake: WakefulnessModel?) { logBuffer.log( TAG, DEBUG, { str1 = "${wake?.lastWakeReason}" }, { "Triggering face auth because lockscreen became visible due to wake reason: $str1" } ) } fun addLockoutResetCallbackDone() { logBuffer.log(TAG, DEBUG, {}, { "addlockoutResetCallback done" }) } fun authRequested(uiEvent: FaceAuthUiEvent) { logBuffer.log( TAG, DEBUG, { str1 = uiEvent.reason }, { "Requesting face auth for trigger: $str1" } ) } fun hardwareError(errorStatus: ErrorFaceAuthenticationStatus) { logBuffer.log( TAG, DEBUG, { str1 = "${errorStatus.msg}" int1 = errorStatus.msgId }, { "Received face hardware error: $str1 , code: $int1" } ) } fun attemptingRetryAfterHardwareError(retryCount: Int) { logBuffer.log( TAG, DEBUG, { int1 = retryCount }, { "Attempting face auth again because of HW error: retry attempt $int1" } ) } fun watchdogScheduled() { logBuffer.log(TAG, DEBUG, "FaceManager Biometric watchdog scheduled.") } fun faceLockedOut(@CompileTimeConstant reason: String) { logBuffer.log(TAG, DEBUG, "Face auth has been locked out: $reason") } fun queueingRequest(uiEvent: FaceAuthUiEvent, fallbackToDetection: Boolean) { logBuffer.log( TAG, DEBUG, { str1 = "$uiEvent" bool1 = fallbackToDetection }, { "Queueing $str1 request for face auth, fallbackToDetection: $bool1" } ) } fun notProcessingRequestYet( uiEvent: FaceAuthUiEvent?, canRunAuth: Boolean, canRunDetect: Boolean, cancelInProgress: Boolean ) { uiEvent?.let { logBuffer.log( TAG, DEBUG, { str1 = uiEvent.reason bool1 = canRunAuth bool2 = canRunDetect bool3 = cancelInProgress }, { "Waiting to process request: reason: $str1, " + "canRunAuth: $bool1, " + "canRunDetect: $bool2, " + "cancelInProgress: $bool3" } ) } } fun processingRequest(uiEvent: FaceAuthUiEvent?, fallbackToDetection: Boolean) { logBuffer.log( TAG, DEBUG, { str1 = "${uiEvent?.reason}" bool1 = fallbackToDetection }, { "Processing face auth request: $str1, fallbackToDetect: $bool1" } ) } fun clearingPendingAuthRequest( @CompileTimeConstant loggingContext: String, uiEvent: FaceAuthUiEvent?, fallbackToDetection: Boolean? ) { uiEvent?.let { logBuffer.log( TAG, DEBUG, { str1 = uiEvent.reason str2 = "$fallbackToDetection" str3 = loggingContext }, { "Clearing pending auth: $str1, " + "fallbackToDetection: $str2, " + "reason: $str3" } ) } } }