/* * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // TODO(b/129481165): remove the #pragma below and fix conversion issues #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wextra" //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define ATRACE_TAG ATRACE_TAG_GRAPHICS #undef LOG_TAG #define LOG_TAG "RegionSamplingThread" #include "RegionSamplingThread.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "DisplayDevice.h" #include "DisplayRenderArea.h" #include "FrontEnd/LayerCreationArgs.h" #include "Layer.h" #include "RenderAreaBuilder.h" #include "Scheduler/VsyncController.h" #include "SurfaceFlinger.h" namespace android { using namespace std::chrono_literals; using gui::SpHash; constexpr auto lumaSamplingStepTag = "LumaSamplingStep"; enum class samplingStep { noWorkNeeded, idleTimerWaiting, waitForQuietFrame, waitForSamplePhase, sample }; constexpr auto defaultRegionSamplingWorkDuration = 3ms; constexpr auto defaultRegionSamplingPeriod = 100ms; constexpr auto defaultRegionSamplingTimerTimeout = 100ms; constexpr auto maxRegionSamplingDelay = 100ms; // TODO: (b/127403193) duration to string conversion could probably be constexpr template inline std::string toNsString(std::chrono::duration t) { return std::to_string(std::chrono::duration_cast(t).count()); } RegionSamplingThread::EnvironmentTimingTunables::EnvironmentTimingTunables() { char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = {}; property_get("debug.sf.region_sampling_duration_ns", value, toNsString(defaultRegionSamplingWorkDuration).c_str()); int const samplingDurationNsRaw = atoi(value); property_get("debug.sf.region_sampling_period_ns", value, toNsString(defaultRegionSamplingPeriod).c_str()); int const samplingPeriodNsRaw = atoi(value); property_get("debug.sf.region_sampling_timer_timeout_ns", value, toNsString(defaultRegionSamplingTimerTimeout).c_str()); int const samplingTimerTimeoutNsRaw = atoi(value); if ((samplingPeriodNsRaw < 0) || (samplingTimerTimeoutNsRaw < 0)) { ALOGW("User-specified sampling tuning options nonsensical. Using defaults"); mSamplingDuration = defaultRegionSamplingWorkDuration; mSamplingPeriod = defaultRegionSamplingPeriod; mSamplingTimerTimeout = defaultRegionSamplingTimerTimeout; } else { mSamplingDuration = std::chrono::nanoseconds(samplingDurationNsRaw); mSamplingPeriod = std::chrono::nanoseconds(samplingPeriodNsRaw); mSamplingTimerTimeout = std::chrono::nanoseconds(samplingTimerTimeoutNsRaw); } } RegionSamplingThread::RegionSamplingThread(SurfaceFlinger& flinger, const TimingTunables& tunables) : mFlinger(flinger), mTunables(tunables), mIdleTimer( "RegSampIdle", std::chrono::duration_cast( mTunables.mSamplingTimerTimeout), [] {}, [this] { checkForStaleLuma(); }), mLastSampleTime(0ns) { mThread = std::thread([this]() { threadMain(); }); pthread_setname_np(mThread.native_handle(), "RegionSampling"); mIdleTimer.start(); } RegionSamplingThread::RegionSamplingThread(SurfaceFlinger& flinger) : RegionSamplingThread(flinger, TimingTunables{defaultRegionSamplingWorkDuration, defaultRegionSamplingPeriod, defaultRegionSamplingTimerTimeout}) {} RegionSamplingThread::~RegionSamplingThread() { mIdleTimer.stop(); { std::lock_guard lock(mThreadControlMutex); mRunning = false; mCondition.notify_one(); } if (mThread.joinable()) { mThread.join(); } } void RegionSamplingThread::addListener(const Rect& samplingArea, uint32_t stopLayerId, const sp& listener) { sp asBinder = IInterface::asBinder(listener); asBinder->linkToDeath(sp::fromExisting(this)); std::lock_guard lock(mSamplingMutex); mDescriptors.emplace(wp(asBinder), Descriptor{samplingArea, stopLayerId, listener}); } void RegionSamplingThread::removeListener(const sp& listener) { std::lock_guard lock(mSamplingMutex); mDescriptors.erase(wp(IInterface::asBinder(listener))); } void RegionSamplingThread::checkForStaleLuma() { std::lock_guard lock(mThreadControlMutex); if (mSampleRequestTime.has_value()) { ATRACE_INT(lumaSamplingStepTag, static_cast(samplingStep::waitForSamplePhase)); mSampleRequestTime.reset(); mFlinger.scheduleSample(); } } void RegionSamplingThread::onCompositionComplete( std::optional samplingDeadline) { doSample(samplingDeadline); } void RegionSamplingThread::doSample( std::optional samplingDeadline) { std::lock_guard lock(mThreadControlMutex); const auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); if (mLastSampleTime + mTunables.mSamplingPeriod > now) { // content changed, but we sampled not too long ago, so we need to sample some time in the // future. ATRACE_INT(lumaSamplingStepTag, static_cast(samplingStep::idleTimerWaiting)); mSampleRequestTime = now; return; } if (!mSampleRequestTime.has_value() || now - *mSampleRequestTime < maxRegionSamplingDelay) { // If there is relatively little time left for surfaceflinger // until the next vsync deadline, defer this sampling work // to a later frame, when hopefully there will be more time. if (samplingDeadline.has_value() && now + mTunables.mSamplingDuration > *samplingDeadline) { ATRACE_INT(lumaSamplingStepTag, static_cast(samplingStep::waitForQuietFrame)); mSampleRequestTime = mSampleRequestTime.value_or(now); return; } } ATRACE_INT(lumaSamplingStepTag, static_cast(samplingStep::sample)); mSampleRequestTime.reset(); mLastSampleTime = now; mIdleTimer.reset(); mSampleRequested = true; mCondition.notify_one(); } void RegionSamplingThread::binderDied(const wp& who) { std::lock_guard lock(mSamplingMutex); mDescriptors.erase(who); } float sampleArea(const uint32_t* data, int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t stride, uint32_t orientation, const Rect& sample_area) { if (!sample_area.isValid() || (sample_area.getWidth() > width) || (sample_area.getHeight() > height)) { ALOGE("invalid sampling region requested"); return 0.0f; } const uint32_t pixelCount = (sample_area.bottom - sample_area.top) * (sample_area.right - sample_area.left); uint32_t accumulatedLuma = 0; // Calculates luma with approximation of Rec. 709 primaries for (int32_t row = sample_area.top; row < sample_area.bottom; ++row) { const uint32_t* rowBase = data + row * stride; for (int32_t column = sample_area.left; column < sample_area.right; ++column) { uint32_t pixel = rowBase[column]; const uint32_t r = pixel & 0xFF; const uint32_t g = (pixel >> 8) & 0xFF; const uint32_t b = (pixel >> 16) & 0xFF; const uint32_t luma = (r * 7 + b * 2 + g * 23) >> 5; accumulatedLuma += luma; } } return accumulatedLuma / (255.0f * pixelCount); } std::vector RegionSamplingThread::sampleBuffer( const sp& buffer, const Point& leftTop, const std::vector& descriptors, uint32_t orientation) { void* data_raw = nullptr; buffer->lock(GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_READ_OFTEN, &data_raw); std::shared_ptr data(reinterpret_cast(data_raw), [&buffer](auto) { buffer->unlock(); }); if (!data) return {}; const int32_t width = buffer->getWidth(); const int32_t height = buffer->getHeight(); const int32_t stride = buffer->getStride(); std::vector lumas(descriptors.size()); std::transform(descriptors.begin(), descriptors.end(), lumas.begin(), [&](auto const& descriptor) { return sampleArea(data.get(), width, height, stride, orientation, descriptor.area - leftTop); }); return lumas; } void RegionSamplingThread::captureSample() { ATRACE_CALL(); std::lock_guard lock(mSamplingMutex); if (mDescriptors.empty()) { return; } wp displayWeak; ui::LayerStack layerStack; ui::Transform::RotationFlags orientation; ui::Size displaySize; { // TODO(b/159112860): Don't keep sp outside of SF main thread const sp display = mFlinger.getDefaultDisplayDevice(); displayWeak = display; layerStack = display->getLayerStack(); orientation = ui::Transform::toRotationFlags(display->getOrientation()); displaySize = display->getSize(); } std::vector descriptors; Region sampleRegion; for (const auto& [listener, descriptor] : mDescriptors) { sampleRegion.orSelf(descriptor.area); descriptors.emplace_back(descriptor); } const Rect sampledBounds = sampleRegion.bounds(); std::unordered_set, SpHash> listeners; auto layerFilterFn = [&](const char* layerName, uint32_t layerId, const Rect& bounds, const ui::Transform transform, bool& outStopTraversal) -> bool { // Likewise if we just found a stop layer, set the flag and abort for (const auto& [area, stopLayerId, listener] : descriptors) { if (stopLayerId != UNASSIGNED_LAYER_ID && layerId == stopLayerId) { outStopTraversal = true; return false; } } // Compute the layer's position on the screen constexpr bool roundOutwards = true; Rect transformed = transform.transform(bounds, roundOutwards); // If this layer doesn't intersect with the larger sampledBounds, skip capturing it Rect ignore; if (!transformed.intersect(sampledBounds, &ignore)) return false; // If the layer doesn't intersect a sampling area, skip capturing it bool intersectsAnyArea = false; for (const auto& [area, stopLayer, listener] : descriptors) { if (transformed.intersect(area, &ignore)) { intersectsAnyArea = true; listeners.insert(listener); } } if (!intersectsAnyArea) return false; ALOGV("Traversing [%s] [%d, %d, %d, %d]", layerName, bounds.left, bounds.top, bounds.right, bounds.bottom); return true; }; auto filterFn = [&](const frontend::LayerSnapshot& snapshot, bool& outStopTraversal) -> bool { const Rect bounds = frontend::RequestedLayerState::reduce(Rect(snapshot.geomLayerBounds), snapshot.transparentRegionHint); const ui::Transform transform = snapshot.geomLayerTransform; return layerFilterFn(snapshot.name.c_str(), snapshot.path.id, bounds, transform, outStopTraversal); }; auto getLayerSnapshotsFn = mFlinger.getLayerSnapshotsForScreenshots(layerStack, CaptureArgs::UNSET_UID, filterFn); std::shared_ptr buffer = nullptr; if (mCachedBuffer && mCachedBuffer->getBuffer()->getWidth() == sampledBounds.getWidth() && mCachedBuffer->getBuffer()->getHeight() == sampledBounds.getHeight()) { buffer = mCachedBuffer; } else { const uint32_t usage = GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_READ_OFTEN | GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_RENDER | GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_TEXTURE; sp graphicBuffer = sp::make(sampledBounds.getWidth(), sampledBounds.getHeight(), PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888, 1, usage, "RegionSamplingThread"); const status_t bufferStatus = graphicBuffer->initCheck(); LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(bufferStatus != OK, "captureSample: Buffer failed to allocate: %d", bufferStatus); buffer = std::make_shared< renderengine::impl::ExternalTexture>(graphicBuffer, mFlinger.getRenderEngine(), renderengine::impl::ExternalTexture::Usage:: WRITEABLE); } constexpr bool kRegionSampling = true; constexpr bool kGrayscale = false; constexpr bool kIsProtected = false; SurfaceFlinger::RenderAreaBuilderVariant renderAreaBuilder(std::in_place_type, sampledBounds, sampledBounds.getSize(), ui::Dataspace::V0_SRGB, displayWeak, RenderArea::Options::CAPTURE_SECURE_LAYERS); FenceResult fenceResult; if (FlagManager::getInstance().single_hop_screenshot() && FlagManager::getInstance().ce_fence_promise() && mFlinger.mRenderEngine->isThreaded()) { std::vector> layerFEs; auto displayState = mFlinger.getDisplayAndLayerSnapshotsFromMainThread(renderAreaBuilder, getLayerSnapshotsFn, layerFEs); fenceResult = mFlinger.captureScreenshot(renderAreaBuilder, buffer, kRegionSampling, kGrayscale, kIsProtected, nullptr, displayState, layerFEs) .get(); } else { fenceResult = mFlinger.captureScreenshotLegacy(renderAreaBuilder, getLayerSnapshotsFn, buffer, kRegionSampling, kGrayscale, kIsProtected, nullptr) .get(); } if (fenceResult.ok()) { fenceResult.value()->waitForever(LOG_TAG); } std::vector activeDescriptors; for (const auto& descriptor : descriptors) { if (listeners.count(descriptor.listener) != 0) { activeDescriptors.emplace_back(descriptor); } } ALOGV("Sampling %zu descriptors", activeDescriptors.size()); std::vector lumas = sampleBuffer(buffer->getBuffer(), sampledBounds.leftTop(), activeDescriptors, orientation); if (lumas.size() != activeDescriptors.size()) { ALOGW("collected %zu median luma values for %zu descriptors", lumas.size(), activeDescriptors.size()); return; } for (size_t d = 0; d < activeDescriptors.size(); ++d) { activeDescriptors[d].listener->onSampleCollected(lumas[d]); } mCachedBuffer = buffer; ATRACE_INT(lumaSamplingStepTag, static_cast(samplingStep::noWorkNeeded)); } // NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS is because std::unique_lock presently lacks thread safety annotations. void RegionSamplingThread::threadMain() NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS { std::unique_lock lock(mThreadControlMutex); while (mRunning) { if (mSampleRequested) { mSampleRequested = false; lock.unlock(); captureSample(); lock.lock(); } mCondition.wait(lock, [this]() REQUIRES(mThreadControlMutex) { return mSampleRequested || !mRunning; }); } } } // namespace android // TODO(b/129481165): remove the #pragma below and fix conversion issues #pragma clang diagnostic pop // ignored "-Wconversion -Wextra"