package: ""
container: "system"

# OWNER=nharold TARGET=24Q1
flag {
    name: "enable_carrier_config_n1_control_attempt2"
    namespace: "telephony"
    description: "enabling this flag allows KEY_CARRIER_NR_AVAILABILITIES_INT_ARRAY to control N1 mode enablement"

    metadata {
        purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX

# OWNER=sarahchin TARGET=24Q1
flag {
  name: "hide_roaming_icon"
  is_exported: true
  namespace: "telephony"
  description: "Allow carriers to hide the roaming (R) icon when roaming."
  bug: "301467052"

# OWNER=cukie TARGET=24Q3
flag {
  name: "enable_identifier_disclosure_transparency"
  is_exported: true
  namespace: "telephony"
  description: "Guards APIs for enabling and disabling identifier disclosure transparency"
  bug: "276752426"

# OWNER=cukie TARGET=24Q3
flag {
  name: "enable_identifier_disclosure_transparency_unsol_events"
  namespace: "telephony"
  description: "Allows the framework to register for CellularIdentifierDisclosure events and emit notifications to the user about them"
  bug: "276752426"

# OWNER=cukie TARGET=24Q3
flag {
  name: "enable_modem_cipher_transparency"
  is_exported: true
  namespace: "telephony"
  description: "Guards APIs for enabling and disabling modem cipher transparency."
  bug: "283336425"

# OWNER=cukie TARGET=24Q3
flag {
  name: "enable_modem_cipher_transparency_unsol_events"
  namespace: "telephony"
  description: "Allows the framework to register for SecurityAlgorithmChanged events and emit notifications to the user when a device is using null ciphers."
  bug: "283336425"

# OWNER=songferngwang TARGET=24Q3
flag {
  name: "hide_prefer_3g_item"
  is_exported: true
  namespace: "telephony"
  description: "Used in the Preferred Network Types menu to determine if the 3G option is displayed."
  bug: "310639009"

# OWNER=sarahchin TARGET=24Q2
flag {
  name: "support_nr_sa_rrc_idle"
  namespace: "telephony"
  description: "Support RRC idle for NR SA."
  bug: "298233308"

# OWNER=nharold TARGET=24Q3
flag {
  name: "network_registration_info_reject_cause"
  is_exported: true
  namespace: "telephony"
  description: "Elevate NRI#getRejectCause from System to Public"
  bug: "239730435"

# OWNER=sangyun TARGET=24Q3
flag {
    name: "backup_and_restore_for_enable_2g"
    namespace: "telephony"
    description: "Support backup & restore for allow 2g (setting) option."
    metadata {
        purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX