package: ""
container: "system"

# OWNER=linggm TARGET=24Q3
flag {
  name: "work_profile_api_split"
  is_exported: true
  namespace: "telephony"
  description: "To support separation between personal and work from TelephonyManager and SubscriptionManager API perspective."
  bug: "296076674"

# OWNER=linggm TARGET=24Q3
flag {
  name: "enforce_subscription_user_filter"
  is_exported: true
  namespace: "telephony"
  description: "Enabled flag means subscriptions enforce filtering result base on calling user handle. It marks the telephony completion of user filtering."
  bug: "296076674"

# OWNER=rambowang TARGET=24Q3
flag {
  name: "data_only_cellular_service"
  is_exported: true
  namespace: "telephony"
  description: "Supports customized cellular service capabilities per subscription."
  bug: "296097429"

# OWNER=rambowang TARGET=24Q3
flag {
  name: "data_only_service_allow_emergency_call_only"
  namespace: "telephony"
  description: "Support emergency call only for data only cellular service."
  bug: "296097429"

# OWNER=hhshin TARGET=24Q3
flag {
  name: "support_psim_to_esim_conversion"
  is_exported: true
  namespace: "telephony"
  description: "Support the psim to esim conversion."
  bug: "315073761"

# OWNER=bookatz TARGET=24Q3
flag {
  name: "subscription_user_association_query"
  is_exported: true
  namespace: "telephony"
  description: "Supports querying if a subscription is associated with the caller"
  bug: "325045841"

# OWNER=nharold TARGET=24Q3
flag {
  name: "safer_get_phone_number"
  namespace: "telephony"
  description: "Safety and performance improvements for getPhoneNumber()"
  bug: "317673478"

  metadata {
    purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX

# OWNER=songferngwang TARGET=24Q3
flag {
  name: "reset_primary_sim_default_values"
  namespace: "telephony"
  description: "Reset the default values to the remaining sim"
  bug: "339394518"

  metadata {
    purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX