/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #undef LOG_TAG #define LOG_TAG "hwc-virt-display" #include "ExynosVirtualDisplay.h" #include "../libdevice/ExynosDevice.h" #include "../libdevice/ExynosLayer.h" #include "ExynosHWCHelper.h" #include "VendorGraphicBuffer.h" using vendor::graphics::BufferUsage; using vendor::graphics::VendorGraphicBufferUsage; extern struct exynos_hwc_control exynosHWCControl; ExynosVirtualDisplay::ExynosVirtualDisplay(uint32_t index, ExynosDevice* device, const std::string& displayName) : ExynosDisplay(HWC_DISPLAY_VIRTUAL, index, device, displayName) { /* Initialization */ mDisplayControl.earlyStartMPP = false; mOutputBufferAcquireFenceFd = -1; mOutputBufferReleaseFenceFd = -1; mIsWFDState = 0; mIsSecureVDSState = false; mIsSkipFrame = false; mPresentationMode = false; // TODO : Hard coded currently mNumMaxPriorityAllowed = 1; mDisplayWidth = 0; mDisplayHeight = 0; mOutputBuffer = NULL; mCompositionType = COMPOSITION_GLES; mGLESFormat = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888; mSinkUsage = BufferUsage::COMPOSER_OVERLAY | BufferUsage::VIDEO_ENCODER; mIsSecureDRM = false; mIsNormalDRM = false; mNeedReloadResourceForHWFC = false; mMinTargetLuminance = 0; mMaxTargetLuminance = 100; mSinkDeviceType = 0; mUseDpu = false; mDisplayControl.enableExynosCompositionOptimization = false; mDisplayControl.enableClientCompositionOptimization = false; mDisplayControl.handleLowFpsLayers = false; mMaxWindowNum = 0; } ExynosVirtualDisplay::~ExynosVirtualDisplay() { } void ExynosVirtualDisplay::createVirtualDisplay(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, int32_t* format) { ALOGI("Virtual display is added. width(%d), height(%d), format(%d)", width, height, *format); initDisplay(); // Virtual Display don't use skip static layer. mClientCompositionInfo.mEnableSkipStatic = false; mPlugState = true; mDisplayWidth = width; mDisplayHeight = height; mXres = width; mYres = height; mGLESFormat = *format; } void ExynosVirtualDisplay::destroyVirtualDisplay() { ALOGI("Virtual display is deleted"); mPlugState = false; mDisplayWidth = 0; mDisplayHeight = 0; mXres = 0; mYres = 0; mMinTargetLuminance = 0; mMaxTargetLuminance = 100; mSinkDeviceType = 0; mCompositionType = COMPOSITION_GLES; mGLESFormat = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888; mResourceManager->reloadResourceForHWFC(); mResourceManager->setTargetDisplayLuminance(mMinTargetLuminance, mMaxTargetLuminance); mResourceManager->setTargetDisplayDevice(mSinkDeviceType); mNeedReloadResourceForHWFC = false; } int ExynosVirtualDisplay::setWFDMode(unsigned int mode) { if ((mode == GOOGLEWFD_TO_LLWFD || mode == LLWFD_TO_GOOGLEWFD)) mNeedReloadResourceForHWFC = true; mIsWFDState = mode; return HWC2_ERROR_NONE; } int ExynosVirtualDisplay::getWFDMode() { return mIsWFDState; } int ExynosVirtualDisplay::sendWFDCommand(int32_t cmd, int32_t ext1, int32_t ext2) { ALOGI("sendWFDCommand: cmd(%d), ext1(%d), ext2(%d)", cmd, ext1, ext2); int ret = 0; switch (cmd) { case SET_WFD_MODE: /* ext1: mode, ext2: unused */ ret = setWFDMode(ext1); break; case SET_TARGET_DISPLAY_LUMINANCE: /* ext1: min, ext2: max */ mMinTargetLuminance = (uint16_t)ext1; mMaxTargetLuminance = (uint16_t)ext2; mResourceManager->setTargetDisplayLuminance(mMinTargetLuminance, mMaxTargetLuminance); break; case SET_TARGET_DISPLAY_DEVICE: /* ext1: type, ext2: unused */ mSinkDeviceType = ext1; mResourceManager->setTargetDisplayDevice(mSinkDeviceType); break; default: ALOGE("invalid cmd(%d)", cmd); break; } return ret; } int ExynosVirtualDisplay::setSecureVDSMode(unsigned int mode) { mIsWFDState = mode; mIsSecureVDSState = !!mode; return HWC2_ERROR_NONE; } int ExynosVirtualDisplay::setWFDOutputResolution( unsigned int width, unsigned int height) { mDisplayWidth = width; mDisplayHeight = height; mXres = width; mYres = height; return HWC2_ERROR_NONE; } void ExynosVirtualDisplay::getWFDOutputResolution( unsigned int *width, unsigned int *height) { *width = mDisplayWidth; *height = mDisplayHeight; } void ExynosVirtualDisplay::setPresentationMode(bool use) { mPresentationMode = use; } int ExynosVirtualDisplay::getPresentationMode(void) { return mPresentationMode; } int ExynosVirtualDisplay::setVDSGlesFormat(int format) { DISPLAY_LOGD(eDebugVirtualDisplay, "setVDSGlesFormat: 0x%x", format); mGLESFormat = format; return HWC2_ERROR_NONE; } int32_t ExynosVirtualDisplay::setOutputBuffer( buffer_handle_t buffer, int32_t releaseFence) { mOutputBuffer = buffer; mOutputBufferAcquireFenceFd = hwc_dup(releaseFence, this, FENCE_TYPE_SRC_ACQUIRE, FENCE_IP_G2D); releaseFence = fence_close(releaseFence, this, FENCE_TYPE_SRC_RELEASE, FENCE_IP_G2D); if (mExynosCompositionInfo.mM2mMPP != NULL) { mExynosCompositionInfo.mM2mMPP->setOutBuf(mOutputBuffer, mOutputBufferAcquireFenceFd); mOutputBufferAcquireFenceFd = -1; } DISPLAY_LOGD(eDebugVirtualDisplay, "setOutputBuffer(), mOutputBufferAcquireFenceFd %d", mOutputBufferAcquireFenceFd); return HWC2_ERROR_NONE; } int ExynosVirtualDisplay::clearDisplay(bool needModeClear) { return 0; } int32_t ExynosVirtualDisplay::validateDisplay( uint32_t* outNumTypes, uint32_t* outNumRequests) { DISPLAY_LOGD(eDebugVirtualDisplay, "validateDisplay"); int32_t ret = HWC2_ERROR_NONE; initPerFrameData(); mClientCompositionInfo.setCompressionType(COMP_TYPE_NONE); if (mNeedReloadResourceForHWFC) { ALOGI("validateDisplay() mIsWFDState %d", mIsWFDState); mResourceManager->reloadResourceForHWFC(); mResourceManager->setTargetDisplayLuminance(mMinTargetLuminance, mMaxTargetLuminance); mResourceManager->setTargetDisplayDevice(mSinkDeviceType); mNeedReloadResourceForHWFC = false; } /* validateDisplay should be called for preAssignResource */ ret = ExynosDisplay::validateDisplay(outNumTypes, outNumRequests); if (checkSkipFrame()) { handleSkipFrame(); } else { setDrmMode(); setSinkBufferUsage(); setCompositionType(); } return ret; } int32_t ExynosVirtualDisplay::canSkipValidate() { #if 1 // disable the skipValidate features when virtual display is added return SKIP_ERR_FORCE_VALIDATE; #else if (checkSkipFrame()) return SKIP_ERR_FORCE_VALIDATE; return ExynosDisplay::canSkipValidate(); #endif } int32_t ExynosVirtualDisplay::presentDisplay( int32_t* outRetireFence) { DISPLAY_LOGD(eDebugVirtualDisplay, "presentDisplay, mCompositionType %d", mCompositionType); int32_t ret = HWC2_ERROR_NONE; if (mIsSkipFrame) { if ((exynosHWCControl.skipValidate == true) && ((mRenderingState == RENDERING_STATE_PRESENTED) || (mRenderingState == RENDERING_STATE_NONE))) { if (mDevice->canSkipValidate() == false) { mRenderingState = RENDERING_STATE_NONE; return HWC2_ERROR_NOT_VALIDATED; } else { DISPLAY_LOGD(eDebugSkipValidate, "validate is skipped"); } } handleAcquireFence(); /* this frame is not presented, but mRenderingState is updated to RENDERING_STATE_PRESENTED */ mRenderingState = RENDERING_STATE_PRESENTED; /* * Resource assignment information was initialized during skipping frames * So resource assignment for the first displayed frame after skpping frames * should not be skipped */ setGeometryChanged(GEOMETRY_DISPLAY_FORCE_VALIDATE); return ret; } ret = ExynosDisplay::presentDisplay(outRetireFence); /* handle outbuf acquireFence */ mOutputBufferAcquireFenceFd = fence_close(mOutputBufferAcquireFenceFd, this, FENCE_TYPE_DST_ACQUIRE, FENCE_IP_G2D); if (*outRetireFence == -1 && mOutputBufferReleaseFenceFd >= 0) { *outRetireFence = mOutputBufferReleaseFenceFd; mOutputBufferReleaseFenceFd = -1; } DISPLAY_LOGD(eDebugVirtualDisplay, "presentDisplay(), outRetireFence %d", *outRetireFence); return ret; } int ExynosVirtualDisplay::setWinConfigData() { return NO_ERROR; } int ExynosVirtualDisplay::setDisplayWinConfigData() { return NO_ERROR; } int32_t ExynosVirtualDisplay::validateWinConfigData() { return NO_ERROR; } int ExynosVirtualDisplay::deliverWinConfigData() { mDpuData.retire_fence = -1; return 0; } int ExynosVirtualDisplay::setReleaseFences() { DISPLAY_LOGD(eDebugVirtualDisplay, "setReleaseFences(), mCompositionType %d", mCompositionType); int ret = 0; if (mClientCompositionInfo.mHasCompositionLayer) { int fence; uint32_t framebufferTargetIndex; framebufferTargetIndex = mExynosCompositionInfo.mM2mMPP->getAssignedSourceNum() - 1; fence = mExynosCompositionInfo.mM2mMPP->getSrcReleaseFence(framebufferTargetIndex); if (fence > 0) fence_close(fence, this, FENCE_TYPE_SRC_ACQUIRE, FENCE_IP_FB); } ret = ExynosDisplay::setReleaseFences(); mOutputBufferReleaseFenceFd = hwcCheckFenceDebug(this, FENCE_TYPE_RETIRE, FENCE_IP_G2D, mExynosCompositionInfo.mAcquireFence); setFenceInfo(mExynosCompositionInfo.mAcquireFence, this, FENCE_TYPE_RETIRE, FENCE_IP_G2D, HwcFenceDirection::TO); mExynosCompositionInfo.mAcquireFence = -1; /* mClientCompositionInfo.mAcquireFence is delivered to G2D */ mClientCompositionInfo.mAcquireFence = -1; return ret; } bool ExynosVirtualDisplay::checkFrameValidation() { if (mOutputBuffer == NULL) { handleAcquireFence(); return false; } buffer_handle_t outbufHandle = mOutputBuffer; if (outbufHandle == NULL) { handleAcquireFence(); return false; } if (mCompositionType != COMPOSITION_HWC) { if (mClientCompositionInfo.mTargetBuffer == NULL) { handleAcquireFence(); return false; } } return true; } void ExynosVirtualDisplay::setSinkBufferUsage() { mSinkUsage = BufferUsage::COMPOSER_OVERLAY | BufferUsage::VIDEO_ENCODER; if (mIsSecureDRM) { mSinkUsage |= BufferUsage::CPU_READ_NEVER | BufferUsage::CPU_WRITE_NEVER | BufferUsage::PROTECTED; } else if (mIsNormalDRM) mSinkUsage |= VendorGraphicBufferUsage::PRIVATE_NONSECURE; } void ExynosVirtualDisplay::setCompositionType() { size_t compositionClientLayerCount = 0; size_t CompositionDeviceLayerCount = 0;; for (size_t i = 0; i < mLayers.size(); i++) { ExynosLayer *layer = mLayers[i]; if (layer->mValidateCompositionType == HWC2_COMPOSITION_CLIENT || layer->mValidateCompositionType == HWC2_COMPOSITION_INVALID) { compositionClientLayerCount++; } if (layer->mValidateCompositionType == HWC2_COMPOSITION_DEVICE || layer->mValidateCompositionType == HWC2_COMPOSITION_EXYNOS) { CompositionDeviceLayerCount++; } } if (compositionClientLayerCount > 0 && CompositionDeviceLayerCount > 0) { mCompositionType = COMPOSITION_MIXED; } else if (CompositionDeviceLayerCount > 0) { mCompositionType = COMPOSITION_HWC; } else { mCompositionType = COMPOSITION_GLES; } if (mCompositionType == COMPOSITION_GLES) mCompositionType = COMPOSITION_MIXED; DISPLAY_LOGD(eDebugVirtualDisplay, "setCompositionType(), compositionClientLayerCount %zu, CompositionDeviceLayerCount %zu, mCompositionType %d", compositionClientLayerCount, CompositionDeviceLayerCount, mCompositionType); } void ExynosVirtualDisplay::initPerFrameData() { mIsSkipFrame = false; mIsSecureDRM = false; mIsNormalDRM = false; mCompositionType = COMPOSITION_HWC; mSinkUsage = BufferUsage::COMPOSER_OVERLAY | BufferUsage::VIDEO_ENCODER; } bool ExynosVirtualDisplay::checkSkipFrame() { // FIXME: HWC2_COMPOSITION_SCREENSHOT is not dfeind in AOSP // HWC guys should fix this. #if 0 for (size_t i = 0; i < mLayers.size(); i++) { ExynosLayer *layer = mLayers[i]; if (layer->mCompositionType == HWC2_COMPOSITION_SCREENSHOT) { DISPLAY_LOGD(eDebugVirtualDisplay, "checkSkipFrame(), skip rotation animation layer"); return true; } } #endif if (mLayers.size() == 0) { DISPLAY_LOGD(eDebugVirtualDisplay, "checkSkipFrame(), mLayers.size() %zu", mLayers.size()); return true; } if (mIsWFDState == 0) { DISPLAY_LOGD(eDebugVirtualDisplay, "checkSkipFrame(), mIsWFDState %d", mIsWFDState); return true; } if (mIsWFDState == GOOGLEWFD_TO_LLWFD || mIsWFDState == LLWFD_TO_GOOGLEWFD) { DISPLAY_LOGD(eDebugVirtualDisplay, "checkSkipFrame(), mIsWFDState %d", mIsWFDState); return true; } return false; } void ExynosVirtualDisplay::setDrmMode() { mIsSecureDRM = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < mLayers.size(); i++) { ExynosLayer *layer = mLayers[i]; if ((layer->mValidateCompositionType == HWC2_COMPOSITION_DEVICE || layer->mValidateCompositionType == HWC2_COMPOSITION_EXYNOS) && layer->mLayerBuffer && getDrmMode(layer->mLayerBuffer) == SECURE_DRM) { mIsSecureDRM = true; DISPLAY_LOGD(eDebugVirtualDisplay, "include secure drm layer"); } if ((layer->mValidateCompositionType == HWC2_COMPOSITION_DEVICE || layer->mValidateCompositionType == HWC2_COMPOSITION_EXYNOS) && layer->mLayerBuffer && getDrmMode(layer->mLayerBuffer) == NORMAL_DRM) { mIsNormalDRM = true; DISPLAY_LOGD(eDebugVirtualDisplay, "include normal drm layer"); } } DISPLAY_LOGD(eDebugVirtualDisplay, "setDrmMode(), mIsSecureDRM %d", mIsSecureDRM); } void ExynosVirtualDisplay::handleSkipFrame() { mIsSkipFrame = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < mLayers.size(); i++) { ExynosLayer *layer = mLayers[i]; layer->mValidateCompositionType = HWC2_COMPOSITION_DEVICE; } mIsSecureDRM = false; mIsNormalDRM = false; mCompositionType = COMPOSITION_HWC; mSinkUsage = BufferUsage::COMPOSER_OVERLAY | BufferUsage::VIDEO_ENCODER; DISPLAY_LOGD(eDebugVirtualDisplay, "handleSkipFrame()"); } void ExynosVirtualDisplay::handleAcquireFence() { /* handle fence of DEVICE or EXYNOS composition layers */ for (size_t i = 0; i < mLayers.size(); i++) { ExynosLayer *layer = mLayers[i]; if (layer->mValidateCompositionType == HWC2_COMPOSITION_DEVICE || layer->mValidateCompositionType == HWC2_COMPOSITION_EXYNOS) { layer->mReleaseFence = layer->mAcquireFence; setFenceInfo(layer->mAcquireFence, this, FENCE_TYPE_SRC_ACQUIRE, FENCE_IP_LAYER, HwcFenceDirection::TO); layer->mAcquireFence = -1; } } mClientCompositionInfo.mReleaseFence = mClientCompositionInfo.mAcquireFence; setFenceInfo(mClientCompositionInfo.mAcquireFence, this, FENCE_TYPE_SRC_ACQUIRE, FENCE_IP_FB, HwcFenceDirection::TO); mClientCompositionInfo.mAcquireFence = -1; mOutputBufferReleaseFenceFd = mOutputBufferAcquireFenceFd; mOutputBufferAcquireFenceFd = -1; DISPLAY_LOGD(eDebugVirtualDisplay, "handleAcquireFence()"); } int32_t ExynosVirtualDisplay::getHdrCapabilities(uint32_t* outNumTypes, int32_t* outTypes, float* outMaxLuminance, float* outMaxAverageLuminance, float* outMinLuminance) { if (outTypes == NULL) { *outNumTypes = 1; return 0; } outTypes[0] = HAL_HDR_HDR10; return 0; }