/* * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include namespace android::hardware::automotive::protocan { static uint8_t calculateLastByteMask(uint16_t start, uint8_t length) { unsigned lastByteBits = (start + length) % 8; unsigned lastBytePadding = (8 - lastByteBits) % 8; return 0xFF >> lastBytePadding; } static uint8_t calculateFirstByteMask(uint16_t firstByte, uint8_t firstBit, uint16_t lastByte, uint8_t lastMask) { uint8_t firstMask = 0xFF << firstBit; if (firstByte == lastByte) firstMask &= lastMask; return firstMask; } Signal::Signal(uint16_t start, uint8_t length, value defVal) : maxValue((1u << length) - 1), kFirstByte(start / 8), kFirstBit(start % 8), kFirstByteBits(8 - kFirstBit), kLastByte((start + length - 1) / 8), kLastMask(calculateLastByteMask(start, length)), kFirstMask(calculateFirstByteMask(kFirstByte, kFirstBit, kLastByte, kLastMask)), kDefVal(defVal) { CHECK(length > 0) << "Signal length must not be zero"; } Signal::value Signal::get(const can::V1_0::CanMessage& msg) const { CHECK(msg.payload.size() > kLastByte) << "Message is too short. Did you call MessageDef::validate?"; Signal::value v = 0; if (kLastByte != kFirstByte) v = kLastMask & msg.payload[kLastByte]; for (int i = kLastByte - 1; i > kFirstByte; i--) { v = (v << 8) | msg.payload[i]; } return (v << kFirstByteBits) | ((msg.payload[kFirstByte] & kFirstMask) >> kFirstBit); } void Signal::set(can::V1_0::CanMessage& msg, Signal::value val) const { CHECK(msg.payload.size() > kLastByte) << "Signal requires message of length " << (kLastByte + 1) << " which is beyond message length of " << msg.payload.size(); uint8_t firstByte = val << kFirstBit; val >>= kFirstByteBits; msg.payload[kFirstByte] = (msg.payload[kFirstByte] & ~kFirstMask) | (firstByte & kFirstMask); for (int i = kFirstByte + 1; i < kLastByte; i++) { msg.payload[i] = val & 0xFF; val >>= 8; } if (kLastByte != kFirstByte) { msg.payload[kLastByte] = (msg.payload[kLastByte] & ~kLastMask) | (val & kLastMask); } } void Signal::setDefault(can::V1_0::CanMessage& msg) const { set(msg, kDefVal); } } // namespace android::hardware::automotive::protocan