/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2018-2023 NXP * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ #define LOG_TAG "NxpEseHal" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define RECEIVE_PACKET_SOF 0xA5 #define CHAINED_PACKET_WITHSEQN 0x60 #define CHAINED_PACKET_WITHOUTSEQN 0x20 #define PH_PAL_ESE_PRINT_PACKET_TX(data, len) \ ({ phPalEse_print_packet("SEND", data, len); }) #define PH_PAL_ESE_PRINT_PACKET_RX(data, len) \ ({ phPalEse_print_packet("RECV", data, len); }) /* 32K(0x8000) Datasize + 10(0xA) Byte Max Header Size + 1 byte negative * testcase support */ #define MAX_SUPPORTED_DATA_SIZE 0x800B static int phNxpEse_readPacket(void* pDevHandle, uint8_t* pBuffer, int nNbBytesToRead); static int phNxpEse_readPacket_legacy(void* pDevHandle, uint8_t* pBuffer, int nNbBytesToRead); static ESESTATUS phNxpEse_checkJcopDwnldState(void); static ESESTATUS phNxpEse_setJcopDwnldState(phNxpEse_JcopDwnldState state); static ESESTATUS phNxpEse_checkFWDwnldStatus(void); static void phNxpEse_GetMaxTimer(unsigned long* pMaxTimer); static __inline bool phNxpEse_isColdResetRequired(phNxpEse_initMode mode, ESESTATUS status); static int poll_sof_chained_delay = 0; static phNxpEse_OsVersion_t sOsVersion = INVALID_OS_VERSION; /* To Overwrite the value of wtx_counter_limit from config file*/ static unsigned long int app_wtx_cnt = RESET_APP_WTX_COUNT; /*********************** Global Variables *************************************/ /* ESE Context structure */ phNxpEse_Context_t nxpese_ctxt; uint8_t ese_log_level = 0; /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_SetEndPoint_Cntxt * * Description This function is called set the SE endpoint * * Returns None * ******************************************************************************/ ESESTATUS phNxpEse_SetEndPoint_Cntxt(uint8_t uEndPoint) { ESESTATUS status = ESESTATUS_FAILED; if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() != OS_VERSION_4_0) { status = phNxpEseProto7816_SetEndPoint(uEndPoint); if (status == ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { nxpese_ctxt.nadInfo.nadRx = nadInfoRx_ptr[uEndPoint]; nxpese_ctxt.nadInfo.nadTx = nadInfoTx_ptr[uEndPoint]; nxpese_ctxt.endPointInfo = uEndPoint; } NXP_LOG_ESE_D("%s: Endpoint=%d", __FUNCTION__, uEndPoint); } else { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("%s- Function not supported", __FUNCTION__); } return status; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_ResetEndPoint_Cntxt * * Description This function is called to reset the SE endpoint * * Returns None * ******************************************************************************/ ESESTATUS phNxpEse_ResetEndPoint_Cntxt(uint8_t uEndPoint) { ESESTATUS status = ESESTATUS_FAILED; if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() != OS_VERSION_4_0) { status = phNxpEseProto7816_ResetEndPoint(uEndPoint); } else { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("%s- Function not supported", __FUNCTION__); } return status; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpLog_InitializeLogLevel * * Description This function is called during phNxpEse_init to initialize * debug log level. * * Returns None * ******************************************************************************/ void phNxpLog_InitializeLogLevel() { ese_log_level = EseConfig::getUnsigned( NAME_SE_LOG_LEVEL, NXPESE_LOGLEVEL_DEBUG /*default level*/); char valueStr[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = {0}; int len = property_get("vendor.ese.debug_enabled", valueStr, ""); if (len > 0) { // let Android property override .conf variable unsigned debug_enabled = 0; sscanf(valueStr, "%u", &debug_enabled); ese_log_level = debug_enabled; } NXP_LOG_ESE_I("%s: level=%u", __func__, ese_log_level); } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_init * * Description This function is called by Jni/phNxpEse_open during the * initialization of the ESE. It initializes protocol stack * instance variable * * Returns This function return ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0) in case of * success In case of failure returns other failure value. * ******************************************************************************/ ESESTATUS phNxpEse_init(phNxpEse_initParams initParams) { ESESTATUS wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED; unsigned long int num, ifsd_value = 0; unsigned long maxTimer = 0; uint8_t retry = 0; phNxpEseProto7816InitParam_t protoInitParam; phNxpEse_memset(&protoInitParam, 0x00, sizeof(phNxpEseProto7816InitParam_t)); /* STATUS_OPEN */ nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus = ESE_STATUS_OPEN; if (app_wtx_cnt > RESET_APP_WTX_COUNT) { protoInitParam.wtx_counter_limit = app_wtx_cnt; NXP_LOG_ESE_D("Wtx_counter limit from app setting - %lu", protoInitParam.wtx_counter_limit); } else { protoInitParam.wtx_counter_limit = EseConfig::getUnsigned( NAME_NXP_WTX_COUNT_VALUE, PH_PROTO_WTX_DEFAULT_COUNT); NXP_LOG_ESE_D("Wtx_counter read from config file - %lu", protoInitParam.wtx_counter_limit); } if (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_RNACK_RETRY_DELAY)) { num = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_RNACK_RETRY_DELAY); nxpese_ctxt.invalidFrame_Rnack_Delay = num; NXP_LOG_ESE_D("Rnack retry_delay read from config file - %lu", num); } else { nxpese_ctxt.invalidFrame_Rnack_Delay = 7000; } if (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_MAX_RNACK_RETRY)) { protoInitParam.rnack_retry_limit = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_MAX_RNACK_RETRY); } else { protoInitParam.rnack_retry_limit = MAX_RNACK_RETRY_LIMIT; } if (ESE_MODE_NORMAL == initParams.initMode) /* TZ/Normal wired mode should come here*/ { if (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_SPI_INTF_RST_ENABLE)) { protoInitParam.interfaceReset = (EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_SPI_INTF_RST_ENABLE) == 1) ? true : false; } else { protoInitParam.interfaceReset = true; } } else /* OSU mode, no interface reset is required */ { if (phNxpEse_doResetProtection(true)) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("%s Reset Protection failed. returning...", __FUNCTION__); return ESESTATUS_FAILED; } protoInitParam.interfaceReset = false; } if (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_WTX_NTF_COUNT)) { num = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_WTX_NTF_COUNT); protoInitParam.wtx_ntf_limit = num; NXP_LOG_ESE_D("Wtx_ntf limit from config file - %lu", protoInitParam.wtx_ntf_limit); } else { protoInitParam.wtx_ntf_limit = PH_DEFAULT_WTX_NTF_LIMIT; } nxpese_ctxt.fPtr_WtxNtf = initParams.fPtr_WtxNtf; /* Sharing lib context for fetching secure timer values */ protoInitParam.pSecureTimerParams = (phNxpEseProto7816SecureTimer_t*)&nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams; NXP_LOG_ESE_D("%s secureTimer1 0x%x secureTimer2 0x%x secureTimer3 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer1, nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer2, nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer3); phNxpEse_GetMaxTimer(&maxTimer); #ifdef SPM_INTEGRATED if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() == OS_VERSION_4_0) { wConfigStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_DisablePwrControl(maxTimer); if (wConfigStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("%s phNxpEse_SPM_DisablePwrControl: failed", __FUNCTION__); } } #endif do { /* T=1 Protocol layer open */ wConfigStatus = phNxpEseProto7816_Open(protoInitParam); if (phNxpEse_isColdResetRequired(initParams.initMode, wConfigStatus)) phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_RECOVERY_RESET); } while (phNxpEse_isColdResetRequired(initParams.initMode, wConfigStatus) && retry++ < 1); if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() != OS_VERSION_4_0) { if (ESESTATUS_TRANSCEIVE_FAILED == wConfigStatus || ESESTATUS_FAILED == wConfigStatus) { nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus = ESE_STATUS_RECOVERY; } } if (ESESTATUS_SUCCESS == wConfigStatus) { NXP_LOG_ESE_D("phNxpEseProto7816_Open completed >>>>>"); /* Retrieving the IFS-D value configured in the config file and applying to * Card */ if ((nxpese_ctxt.endPointInfo == END_POINT_ESE) && (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_ESE_IFSD_VALUE))) { ifsd_value = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_ESE_IFSD_VALUE); if ((0xFFFF > ifsd_value) && (ifsd_value > 0)) { NXP_LOG_ESE_D( "phNxpEseProto7816_SetIFS IFS adjustment requested with %ld", ifsd_value); phNxpEse_setIfs(ifsd_value); } else { NXP_LOG_ESE_D( "phNxpEseProto7816_SetIFS IFS adjustment argument invalid"); } } else if ((nxpese_ctxt.endPointInfo == END_POINT_EUICC) && (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_EUICC_IFSD_VALUE))) { ifsd_value = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_EUICC_IFSD_VALUE); if ((0xFFFF > ifsd_value) && (ifsd_value > 0)) { NXP_LOG_ESE_D( "phNxpEseProto7816_SetIFS IFS adjustment requested with %ld", ifsd_value); phNxpEse_setIfs(ifsd_value); } else { NXP_LOG_ESE_D( "phNxpEseProto7816_SetIFS IFS adjustment argument invalid"); } } } else { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("phNxpEseProto7816_Open failed with status = %x", wConfigStatus); } return wConfigStatus; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_open * * Description This function is called by Jni during the * initialization of the ESE. It opens the physical connection * with ESE and creates required NAME_NXP_MAX_RNACK_RETRY * client thread for operation. * Returns This function return ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0) in case of * success. In case of failure returns other failure values. * ******************************************************************************/ ESESTATUS phNxpEse_open(phNxpEse_initParams initParams) { phPalEse_Config_t tPalConfig; ESESTATUS wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_SUCCESS; unsigned long int num = 0, tpm_enable = 0; char ese_dev_node[64]; std::string ese_node; #ifdef SPM_INTEGRATED ESESTATUS wSpmStatus = ESESTATUS_SUCCESS; spm_state_t current_spm_state = SPM_STATE_INVALID; #endif /* initialize trace level */ phNxpLog_InitializeLogLevel(); phPalEse_initTimer(); NXP_LOG_ESE_D("phNxpEse_open Enter"); /*When spi channel is already opened return status as FAILED*/ if (nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus != ESE_STATUS_CLOSE) { NXP_LOG_ESE_D("already opened\n"); return ESESTATUS_BUSY; } phNxpEse_memset(&nxpese_ctxt, 0x00, sizeof(nxpese_ctxt)); phNxpEse_memset(&tPalConfig, 0x00, sizeof(tPalConfig)); NXP_LOG_ESE_D("MW SEAccessKit Version"); NXP_LOG_ESE_D("Android Version:0x%x", NXP_ANDROID_VER); NXP_LOG_ESE_D("Major Version:0x%x", ESELIB_MW_VERSION_MAJ); NXP_LOG_ESE_D("Minor Version:0x%x", ESELIB_MW_VERSION_MIN); if (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_OS_VERSION)) { num = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_OS_VERSION); NXP_LOG_ESE_D("Chip type read from config file - %lu", num); sOsVersion = (num == 1) ? OS_VERSION_4_0 : ((num == 2) ? OS_VERSION_5_1 : OS_VERSION_5_2); } else { sOsVersion = OS_VERSION_5_2; NXP_LOG_ESE_D("Chip type not defined in config file osVersion- %d", sOsVersion); } if (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_TP_MEASUREMENT)) { tpm_enable = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_TP_MEASUREMENT); NXP_LOG_ESE_D( "SPI Throughput measurement enable/disable read from config file - %lu", tpm_enable); } else { NXP_LOG_ESE_D("SPI Throughput not defined in config file - %lu", tpm_enable); } #if (NXP_POWER_SCHEME_SUPPORT == true) if (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_POWER_SCHEME)) { num = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_POWER_SCHEME); nxpese_ctxt.pwr_scheme = num; NXP_LOG_ESE_D("Power scheme read from config file - %lu", num); } else { nxpese_ctxt.pwr_scheme = PN67T_POWER_SCHEME; NXP_LOG_ESE_D("Power scheme not defined in config file - %lu", num); } #else nxpese_ctxt.pwr_scheme = PN67T_POWER_SCHEME; tpm_enable = 0x00; #endif if (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_NAD_POLL_RETRY_TIME)) { num = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_NAD_POLL_RETRY_TIME); nxpese_ctxt.nadPollingRetryTime = num; } else { nxpese_ctxt.nadPollingRetryTime = 5; } NXP_LOG_ESE_D("Nad poll retry time in us - %lu us", nxpese_ctxt.nadPollingRetryTime * GET_WAKE_UP_DELAY() * NAD_POLLING_SCALER); /*Read device node path*/ ese_node = EseConfig::getString(NAME_NXP_ESE_DEV_NODE, "/dev/pn81a"); strlcpy(ese_dev_node, ese_node.c_str(), sizeof(ese_dev_node)); tPalConfig.pDevName = (int8_t*)ese_dev_node; /* Initialize PAL layer */ wConfigStatus = phPalEse_open_and_configure(&tPalConfig); if (wConfigStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("phPalEse_Init Failed"); if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() != OS_VERSION_4_0) { if (ESESTATUS_DRIVER_BUSY == wConfigStatus) NXP_LOG_ESE_E("Ese Driver is Busy!!!"); } goto clean_and_return; } /* Copying device handle to ESE Lib context*/ nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle = tPalConfig.pDevHandle; if (ESE_PROTOCOL_MEDIA_SPI == initParams.mediaType) { NXP_LOG_ESE_D("Inform eSE about the starting of trusted Mode"); wConfigStatus = phPalEse_ioctl(phPalEse_e_SetSecureMode, tPalConfig.pDevHandle, 0x01); if (ESESTATUS_SUCCESS != wConfigStatus) goto clean_and_return_2; } #ifdef SPM_INTEGRATED /* Get the Access of ESE*/ wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_Init(nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle); if (wSpmStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("phNxpEse_SPM_Init Failed"); wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED; goto clean_and_return_2; } wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_SetPwrScheme(nxpese_ctxt.pwr_scheme); if (wSpmStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E(" %s : phNxpEse_SPM_SetPwrScheme Failed", __FUNCTION__); wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED; goto clean_and_return_1; } if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() == OS_VERSION_4_0) { wConfigStatus = phNxpEse_checkFWDwnldStatus(); if (wConfigStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("Failed to open SPI due to VEN pin used by FW download \n"); wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED; goto clean_and_return_1; } } wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_GetState(¤t_spm_state); if (wSpmStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E(" %s : phNxpEse_SPM_GetPwrState Failed", __FUNCTION__); wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED; goto clean_and_return_1; } else { if (((current_spm_state & SPM_STATE_SPI) | (current_spm_state & SPM_STATE_SPI_PRIO)) && !(current_spm_state & SPM_STATE_SPI_FAILED)) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E(" %s : SPI is already opened...second instance not allowed", __FUNCTION__); wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED; goto clean_and_return_1; } } if (current_spm_state & SPM_STATE_JCOP_DWNLD) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E(" %s : Denying to open JCOP Download in progress", __FUNCTION__); wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED; goto clean_and_return_1; } phNxpEse_memcpy(&nxpese_ctxt.initParams, &initParams, sizeof(phNxpEse_initParams)); if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() == OS_VERSION_4_0) { /* Updating ESE power state based on the init mode */ if (ESE_MODE_OSU == nxpese_ctxt.initParams.initMode) { NXP_LOG_ESE_D("%s Init mode ---->OSU", __FUNCTION__); wConfigStatus = phNxpEse_checkJcopDwnldState(); if (wConfigStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("phNxpEse_checkJcopDwnldState failed"); goto clean_and_return_1; } } } wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_POWER_ENABLE); if (wSpmStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr: enabling power Failed"); if (wSpmStatus == ESESTATUS_BUSY) { wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_BUSY; } else if (wSpmStatus == ESESTATUS_DWNLD_BUSY) { wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_DWNLD_BUSY; } else { wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED; } goto clean_and_return; } else { NXP_LOG_ESE_D("nxpese_ctxt.spm_power_state true"); nxpese_ctxt.spm_power_state = true; } #endif if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() == OS_VERSION_4_0) { if (tpm_enable) { wConfigStatus = phPalEse_ioctl(phPalEse_e_EnableThroughputMeasurement, nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle, 0); if (wConfigStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("phPalEse_IoCtl Failed"); goto clean_and_return; } } } NXP_LOG_ESE_D("wConfigStatus %x", wConfigStatus); return wConfigStatus; clean_and_return: #ifdef SPM_INTEGRATED wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_POWER_DISABLE); if (wSpmStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr: disabling power Failed"); } clean_and_return_1: phNxpEse_SPM_DeInit(); clean_and_return_2: #endif if (NULL != nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle) { phPalEse_close(nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle); phNxpEse_memset(&nxpese_ctxt, 0x00, sizeof(nxpese_ctxt)); } nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus = ESE_STATUS_CLOSE; nxpese_ctxt.spm_power_state = false; return ESESTATUS_FAILED; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_setJcopDwnldState * * Description This function is used to check whether JCOP OS * download can be started or not. * * Returns returns ESESTATUS_SUCCESS or ESESTATUS_FAILED * ******************************************************************************/ static ESESTATUS phNxpEse_setJcopDwnldState(phNxpEse_JcopDwnldState state) { ESESTATUS wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED; NXP_LOG_ESE_D("phNxpEse_setJcopDwnldState Enter"); if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() == OS_VERSION_4_0) { wConfigStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_SetJcopDwnldState(state); } else { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("%s function not supported", __FUNCTION__); } return wConfigStatus; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_checkJcopDwnldState * * Description This function is used to check whether JCOP OS * download can be started or not. * * Returns returns ESESTATUS_SUCCESS or ESESTATUS_BUSY * ******************************************************************************/ static ESESTATUS phNxpEse_checkJcopDwnldState(void) { NXP_LOG_ESE_D("phNxpEse_checkJcopDwnld Enter"); ESESTATUS wSpmStatus = ESESTATUS_SUCCESS; spm_state_t current_spm_state = SPM_STATE_INVALID; uint8_t ese_dwnld_retry = 0x00; ESESTATUS status = ESESTATUS_FAILED; wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_GetState(¤t_spm_state); if (wSpmStatus == ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { /* Check current_spm_state and update config/Spm status*/ if ((current_spm_state & SPM_STATE_JCOP_DWNLD) || (current_spm_state & SPM_STATE_WIRED)) return ESESTATUS_BUSY; status = phNxpEse_setJcopDwnldState(JCP_DWNLD_INIT); if (status == ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { while (ese_dwnld_retry < ESE_JCOP_OS_DWNLD_RETRY_CNT) { NXP_LOG_ESE_D("ESE_JCOP_OS_DWNLD_RETRY_CNT retry count"); wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_GetState(¤t_spm_state); if (wSpmStatus == ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { if ((current_spm_state & SPM_STATE_JCOP_DWNLD)) { status = ESESTATUS_SUCCESS; break; } } else { status = ESESTATUS_FAILED; break; } phNxpEse_Sleep( 200000); /*sleep for 200 ms checking for jcop dwnld status*/ ese_dwnld_retry++; } } } NXP_LOG_ESE_D("phNxpEse_checkJcopDwnldState status %x", status); return status; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_Transceive * * Description This function update the len and provided buffer * * Returns On Success ESESTATUS_SUCCESS else proper error code * ******************************************************************************/ ESESTATUS phNxpEse_Transceive(phNxpEse_data* pCmd, phNxpEse_data* pRsp) { ESESTATUS status = ESESTATUS_FAILED; if ((NULL == pCmd) || (NULL == pRsp)) return ESESTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; if ((pCmd->len == 0) || pCmd->p_data == NULL) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E(" phNxpEse_Transceive - Invalid Parameter no data\n"); return ESESTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (pCmd->len > MAX_SUPPORTED_DATA_SIZE) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E(" phNxpEse_Transceive - Invalid data size \n"); return ESESTATUS_INVALID_RECEIVE_LENGTH; } else if ((ESE_STATUS_CLOSE == nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus)) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E(" %s ESE Not Initialized \n", __FUNCTION__); return ESESTATUS_NOT_INITIALISED; } else if ((ESE_STATUS_BUSY == nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus)) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E(" %s ESE - BUSY \n", __FUNCTION__); return ESESTATUS_BUSY; } else if ((ESE_STATUS_RECOVERY == nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus)) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E(" %s ESE - RECOVERY \n", __FUNCTION__); return ESESTATUS_RECOVERY_STARTED; } else { nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus = ESE_STATUS_BUSY; status = phNxpEseProto7816_Transceive((phNxpEse_data*)pCmd, (phNxpEse_data*)pRsp); if (ESESTATUS_SUCCESS != status) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E(" %s phNxpEseProto7816_Transceive- Failed \n", __FUNCTION__); if (ESESTATUS_TRANSCEIVE_FAILED == status) { /*MAX WTX reached*/ nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus = ESE_STATUS_RECOVERY; } else { /*Timeout/ No response*/ nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus = ESE_STATUS_IDLE; } } else { nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus = ESE_STATUS_IDLE; } nxpese_ctxt.rnack_sent = false; NXP_LOG_ESE_D(" %s Exit status 0x%x \n", __FUNCTION__, status); return status; } } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_coldReset * * Description This function power cycles the ESE * (cold reset by prop. FW command) interface by * talking to NFC HAL * * Note: * After cold reset, phNxpEse_init need to be called to * reset the host AP T=1 stack parameters * * Returns It returns ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0) if the operation is *successful else * ESESTATUS_FAILED(1) ******************************************************************************/ ESESTATUS phNxpEse_coldReset(void) { ESESTATUS wSpmStatus = ESESTATUS_SUCCESS; NXP_LOG_ESE_D(" %s Enter \n", __FUNCTION__); if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() != OS_VERSION_4_0) { wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_RECOVERY_RESET); } else { wSpmStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED; NXP_LOG_ESE_E(" %s Function not supported \n", __FUNCTION__); } NXP_LOG_ESE_D(" %s Exit status 0x%x \n", __FUNCTION__, wSpmStatus); return wSpmStatus; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_reset * * Description This function reset the ESE interface and free all * * Returns It returns ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0) if the operation is *successful else * ESESTATUS_FAILED(1) ******************************************************************************/ ESESTATUS phNxpEse_reset(void) { ESESTATUS status = ESESTATUS_FAILED; unsigned long maxTimer = 0; #ifdef SPM_INTEGRATED ESESTATUS wSpmStatus = ESESTATUS_SUCCESS; #endif /* TBD : Call the ioctl to reset the ESE */ NXP_LOG_ESE_D(" %s Enter \n", __FUNCTION__); /* Do an interface reset, don't wait to see if JCOP went through a full power * cycle or not */ status = phNxpEseProto7816_IntfReset( (phNxpEseProto7816SecureTimer_t*)&nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams); if (status) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("%s Ese status Failed", __FUNCTION__); } NXP_LOG_ESE_D("%s secureTimer1 0x%x secureTimer2 0x%x secureTimer3 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer1, nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer2, nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer3); phNxpEse_GetMaxTimer(&maxTimer); #ifdef SPM_INTEGRATED if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() == OS_VERSION_4_0) { status = phNxpEse_SPM_DisablePwrControl(maxTimer); if (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("%s phNxpEse_SPM_DisablePwrControl: failed", __FUNCTION__); } } if ((nxpese_ctxt.pwr_scheme == PN67T_POWER_SCHEME) || (nxpese_ctxt.pwr_scheme == PN80T_LEGACY_SCHEME)) { wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_POWER_RESET); if (wSpmStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr: reset Failed"); } } #else /* if arg ==2 (hard reset) * if arg ==1 (soft reset) */ status = phPalEse_ioctl(phPalEse_e_ResetDevice, nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle, 2); if (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("phNxpEse_reset Failed"); } #endif NXP_LOG_ESE_D(" %s Exit \n", __FUNCTION__); return status; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_resetJcopUpdate * * Description This function reset the ESE interface during JCOP Update * * Returns It returns ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0) if the operation is *successful else * ESESTATUS_FAILED(1) ******************************************************************************/ ESESTATUS phNxpEse_resetJcopUpdate(void) { ESESTATUS status = ESESTATUS_SUCCESS; uint8_t retry = 0; #ifdef SPM_INTEGRATED unsigned long int num = 0; #endif /* TBD : Call the ioctl to reset the */ NXP_LOG_ESE_D(" %s Enter \n", __FUNCTION__); /* Reset interface after every reset irrespective of whether JCOP did a full power cycle or not. */ do { status = phNxpEseProto7816_Reset(); if (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_RECOVERY_RESET); } while (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS && retry++ < 1); /* Retrieving the IFS-D value configured in the config file and applying to * Card */ if (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_ESE_IFSD_VALUE)) { unsigned long int ifsd_value = 0; ifsd_value = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_ESE_IFSD_VALUE); if ((0xFFFF > ifsd_value) && (ifsd_value > 0)) { NXP_LOG_ESE_D( "phNxpEseProto7816_SetIFS IFS adjustment requested with %ld", ifsd_value); phNxpEse_setIfs(ifsd_value); } else { NXP_LOG_ESE_D("phNxpEseProto7816_SetIFS IFS adjustment argument invalid"); } } #ifdef SPM_INTEGRATED #if (NXP_POWER_SCHEME_SUPPORT == true) if (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_POWER_SCHEME)) { num = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_POWER_SCHEME); if ((num == 1) || (num == 2)) { NXP_LOG_ESE_D(" %s Call Config Pwr Reset \n", __FUNCTION__); status = phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_POWER_RESET); if (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("phNxpEse_resetJcopUpdate: reset Failed"); status = ESESTATUS_FAILED; } } else if (num == 3) { NXP_LOG_ESE_D(" %s Call eSE Chip Reset \n", __FUNCTION__); status = phNxpEse_chipReset(); if (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("phNxpEse_resetJcopUpdate: chip reset Failed"); status = ESESTATUS_FAILED; } } else { NXP_LOG_ESE_D(" %s Invalid Power scheme \n", __FUNCTION__); } } #else { status = phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_POWER_RESET); if (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr: reset Failed"); status = ESESTATUS_FAILED; } } #endif #else /* if arg ==2 (hard reset) * if arg ==1 (soft reset) */ status = phPalEse_ioctl(phPalEse_e_ResetDevice, nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle, 2); if (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("phNxpEse_resetJcopUpdate Failed"); } #endif NXP_LOG_ESE_D(" %s Exit \n", __FUNCTION__); return status; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_chipReset * * Description This function is used to reset the ESE. * * Returns Always return ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0). * ******************************************************************************/ ESESTATUS phNxpEse_chipReset(void) { ESESTATUS status = ESESTATUS_FAILED; ESESTATUS bStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED; if (nxpese_ctxt.pwr_scheme == PN80T_EXT_PMU_SCHEME) { bStatus = phNxpEseProto7816_Reset(); if (!bStatus) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E( "Inside phNxpEse_chipReset, phNxpEseProto7816_Reset Failed"); } status = phPalEse_ioctl(phPalEse_e_ChipRst, nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle, 6); if (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("phNxpEse_chipReset Failed"); } } else { NXP_LOG_ESE_D("phNxpEse_chipReset is not supported in legacy power scheme"); } return status; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_GetOsMode * * Description This function is used to get OS mode(JCOP/OSU) * * Returns 0x01 : JCOP_MODE * 0x02 : OSU_MODE * ******************************************************************************/ phNxpEseProto7816_OsType_t phNxpEse_GetOsMode(void) { return phNxpEseProto7816_GetOsMode(); } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_isColdResetRequired * * Description This function determines whether hard reset recovery is * required or not on protocol recovery failure. * Returns TRUE(required)/FALSE(not required). * ******************************************************************************/ static __inline bool phNxpEse_isColdResetRequired(phNxpEse_initMode mode, ESESTATUS status) { return (mode == ESE_MODE_OSU && status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS); } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_doResetProtection * * Description This function enables/disables reset protection * * Returns SUCCESS(0)/FAIL(-1). * ******************************************************************************/ ESESTATUS phNxpEse_doResetProtection(bool flag) { ESESTATUS wSpmStatus = ESESTATUS_SUCCESS; NXP_LOG_ESE_D(" %s Enter \n", __FUNCTION__); if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() != OS_VERSION_4_0) { wSpmStatus = phPalEse_ioctl(phPalEse_e_ResetProtection, nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle, flag); } else { wSpmStatus = ESESTATUS_FAILED; NXP_LOG_ESE_E(" %s Function not supported \n", __FUNCTION__); } NXP_LOG_ESE_D(" %s Exit status 0x%x \n", __FUNCTION__, wSpmStatus); return wSpmStatus; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_deInit * * Description This function de-initializes all the ESE protocol params * * Returns Always return ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0). * ******************************************************************************/ ESESTATUS phNxpEse_deInit(void) { ESESTATUS status = ESESTATUS_SUCCESS; unsigned long maxTimer = 0; unsigned long num = 0; if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() != OS_VERSION_4_0 && (ESE_STATUS_RECOVERY == nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus) && ESE_PROTOCOL_MEDIA_SPI != nxpese_ctxt.initParams.mediaType) { return status; } if (nxpese_ctxt.initParams.initMode == ESE_MODE_OSU) { phNxpEse_doResetProtection(false); } /*TODO : to be removed after JCOP fix*/ if (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_VISO_DPD_ENABLED)) { num = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_VISO_DPD_ENABLED); } if (num == 0 && nxpese_ctxt.nadInfo.nadRx == EUICC_NAD_RX) { // do nothing } else { status = phNxpEseProto7816_Close( (phNxpEseProto7816SecureTimer_t*)&nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams); if (status == ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { NXP_LOG_ESE_D("%s secureTimer1 0x%x secureTimer2 0x%x secureTimer3 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer1, nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer2, nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer3); phNxpEse_GetMaxTimer(&maxTimer); #ifdef SPM_INTEGRATED if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() == OS_VERSION_4_0) { status = phNxpEse_SPM_DisablePwrControl(maxTimer); if (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("%s phNxpEseP61_DisablePwrCntrl: failed", __FUNCTION__); } } else { NXP_LOG_ESE_D("Interface reset for DPD"); status = phNxpEseProto7816_IntfReset( (phNxpEseProto7816SecureTimer_t*)&nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams); if (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("%s IntfReset Failed ", __FUNCTION__); } } #endif } } return status; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_close * * Description This function close the ESE interface and free all * resources. * * Returns Always return ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0). * ******************************************************************************/ ESESTATUS phNxpEse_close(ESESTATUS deInitStatus) { ESESTATUS status = ESESTATUS_SUCCESS; NXP_LOG_ESE_D("phNxpEse_close Enter"); phPalEse_deInitTimer(); if ((ESE_STATUS_CLOSE == nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus)) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E(" %s ESE Not Initialized \n", __FUNCTION__); return ESESTATUS_NOT_INITIALISED; } #ifdef SPM_INTEGRATED ESESTATUS wSpmStatus = ESESTATUS_SUCCESS; #endif #ifdef SPM_INTEGRATED /* Release the Access of */ wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_POWER_DISABLE); if (wSpmStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr: disabling power Failed"); } else { nxpese_ctxt.spm_power_state = false; } if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() == OS_VERSION_4_0) { if (ESE_MODE_OSU == nxpese_ctxt.initParams.initMode) { status = phNxpEse_setJcopDwnldState(JCP_SPI_DWNLD_COMPLETE); if (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("%s: phNxpEse_setJcopDwnldState failed", __FUNCTION__); } } } else { if (NULL != nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle) { if (ESE_PROTOCOL_MEDIA_SPI == nxpese_ctxt.initParams.mediaType) { NXP_LOG_ESE_D("Inform eSE that trusted Mode is over"); status = phPalEse_ioctl(phPalEse_e_SetSecureMode, nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle, 0x00); if (status != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("%s: phPalEse_e_SetSecureMode failed", __FUNCTION__); } if (ESESTATUS_SUCCESS != phNxpEseProto7816_CloseAllSessions()) { NXP_LOG_ESE_D("eSE not responding perform hard reset"); phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_RECOVERY_RESET); } } else { if (nxpese_ctxt.EseLibStatus == ESE_STATUS_RECOVERY || (deInitStatus == ESESTATUS_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT) || ESESTATUS_SUCCESS != phNxpEseProto7816_CloseAllSessions()) { NXP_LOG_ESE_D("eSE not responding perform hard reset"); phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_RECOVERY_RESET); } } NXP_LOG_ESE_D("Interface reset for DPD"); status = phNxpEseProto7816_IntfReset( (phNxpEseProto7816SecureTimer_t*)&nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams); if (status == ESESTATUS_TRANSCEIVE_FAILED || status == ESESTATUS_FAILED) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("%s IntfReset Failed, perform hard reset", __FUNCTION__); // max wtx or no response of interface reset after protocol recovery phNxpEse_SPM_ConfigPwr(SPM_RECOVERY_RESET); } } } wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_DeInit(); if (wSpmStatus != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("phNxpEse_SPM_DeInit Failed"); } #endif if (NULL != nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle) { phPalEse_close(nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle); phNxpEse_memset(&nxpese_ctxt, 0x00, sizeof(nxpese_ctxt)); NXP_LOG_ESE_D("phNxpEse_close - ESE Context deinit completed"); } /* Return success always */ return status; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_read * * Description This function write the data to ESE through physical * interface (e.g. I2C) using the driver interface. * Before sending the data to ESE, phNxpEse_write_ext * is called to check if there is any extension processing * is required for the SPI packet being sent out. * * Returns It returns ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0) if read successful else * ESESTATUS_FAILED(1) * ******************************************************************************/ ESESTATUS phNxpEse_read(uint32_t* data_len, uint8_t** pp_data) { ESESTATUS status = ESESTATUS_SUCCESS; int ret = -1; NXP_LOG_ESE_D("%s Enter ..", __FUNCTION__); ret = phNxpEse_readPacket(nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle, nxpese_ctxt.p_read_buff, MAX_DATA_LEN); if (ret < 0) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("PAL Read status error status = %x", status); *data_len = 2; *pp_data = nxpese_ctxt.p_read_buff; status = ESESTATUS_FAILED; } else { if (ret > MAX_DATA_LEN) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E( "%s PAL Read buffer length(%x) is greater than MAX_DATA_LEN(%x) ", __FUNCTION__, ret, MAX_DATA_LEN); PH_PAL_ESE_PRINT_PACKET_RX(nxpese_ctxt.p_read_buff, (uint16_t)MAX_DATA_LEN); } else { PH_PAL_ESE_PRINT_PACKET_RX(nxpese_ctxt.p_read_buff, (uint16_t)ret); } *data_len = ret; *pp_data = nxpese_ctxt.p_read_buff; status = ESESTATUS_SUCCESS; } NXP_LOG_ESE_D("%s Exit", __FUNCTION__); return status; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_readPacket * * Description This function Reads requested number of bytes from * pn547 device into given buffer. * * Returns nNbBytesToRead- number of successfully read bytes * -1 - read operation failure * ******************************************************************************/ static int phNxpEse_readPacket(void* pDevHandle, uint8_t* pBuffer, int nNbBytesToRead) { bool flushData = false; int ret = -1; int sof_counter = 0; /* one read may take 1 ms*/ int total_count = 0, numBytesToRead = 0, headerIndex = 0; NXP_LOG_ESE_D("%s Enter", __FUNCTION__); if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() != OS_VERSION_4_0) { int max_sof_counter = 0; /*Max retry to get SOF in case of chaining*/ if (poll_sof_chained_delay == 1) { /*Wait Max for 1.3 sec before retry/recovery*/ /*(max_sof_counter(1300) * 10 us) = 1.3 sec */ max_sof_counter = ESE_POLL_TIMEOUT * 10; } /*Max retry to get SOF in case of Non-chaining*/ else { /*wait based on config option */ /*(nadPollingRetryTime * WAKE_UP_DELAY_SN1xx * NAD_POLLING_SCALER_SN1xx)*/ max_sof_counter = ((ESE_POLL_TIMEOUT * 1000) / (nxpese_ctxt.nadPollingRetryTime * GET_WAKE_UP_DELAY() * NAD_POLLING_SCALER)); } if (nxpese_ctxt.rnack_sent) { phPalEse_sleep(nxpese_ctxt.invalidFrame_Rnack_Delay); } NXP_LOG_ESE_D( "read() max_sof_counter: " "%X ESE_POLL_TIMEOUT %2X", max_sof_counter, ESE_POLL_TIMEOUT); do { ret = -1; ret = phPalEse_read(pDevHandle, pBuffer, 2); if (ret < 0) { /*Polling for read on spi, hence Debug log*/ NXP_LOG_ESE_D("_spi_read() [HDR]errno : %x ret : %X", errno, ret); } else { if ((pBuffer[0] == nxpese_ctxt.nadInfo.nadRx) || (pBuffer[0] == RECEIVE_PACKET_SOF)) { /* Read the HEADER of one byte*/ NXP_LOG_ESE_D("%s Read HDR SOF + PCB", __FUNCTION__); numBytesToRead = 1; /*Read only INF LEN*/ headerIndex = 1; break; } else if (((pBuffer[0] == 0x00) || (pBuffer[0] == 0xFF)) && ((pBuffer[1] == nxpese_ctxt.nadInfo.nadRx) || (pBuffer[1] == RECEIVE_PACKET_SOF))) { /* Read the HEADER of Two bytes*/ NXP_LOG_ESE_D("%s Read HDR only SOF", __FUNCTION__); pBuffer[0] = pBuffer[1]; numBytesToRead = 2; /*Read PCB + INF LEN*/ headerIndex = 0; break; } else if (((pBuffer[0] == 0x00) && (pBuffer[1] == 0x00)) || ((pBuffer[0] == 0xFF) && (pBuffer[1] == 0xFF))) { // LOG(ERROR) << StringPrintf("_spi_read() Buf[0]: %X Buf[1]: %X", // pBuffer[0], pBuffer[1]); } else if (ret >= 0) { /* Corruption happened during the receipt from Card, go flush out the data */ NXP_LOG_ESE_E("_spi_read() Corruption Buf[0]: %X Buf[1]: %X ..len=%d", pBuffer[0], pBuffer[1], ret); break; } } /*If it is Chained packet wait for 100 usec*/ if (poll_sof_chained_delay == 1) { NXP_LOG_ESE_D("%s Chained Pkt, delay read %dus", __FUNCTION__, GET_WAKE_UP_DELAY() * CHAINED_PKT_SCALER); phPalEse_BusyWait(GET_WAKE_UP_DELAY() * CHAINED_PKT_SCALER); } else { /*DLOG_IF(INFO, ese_log_level) << StringPrintf("%s Normal Pkt, delay read %dus", __FUNCTION__, WAKE_UP_DELAY_SN1xx * NAD_POLLING_SCALER_SN1xx);*/ phPalEse_BusyWait(nxpese_ctxt.nadPollingRetryTime * GET_WAKE_UP_DELAY() * NAD_POLLING_SCALER); } sof_counter++; } while (sof_counter < max_sof_counter); /*SOF Read timeout happened, go for frame retransmission*/ if (sof_counter == max_sof_counter) { ret = -1; } if (ret < 0) { /*In case of IO Error*/ ret = -2; pBuffer[0] = 0x64; pBuffer[1] = 0xFF; } else if ((pBuffer[0] == nxpese_ctxt.nadInfo.nadRx) || (pBuffer[0] == RECEIVE_PACKET_SOF)) { NXP_LOG_ESE_D("%s SOF FOUND", __FUNCTION__); /* Read the HEADER of one/Two bytes based on how two bytes read A5 PCB or * 00 A5*/ ret = phPalEse_read(pDevHandle, &pBuffer[1 + headerIndex], numBytesToRead); if (ret < 0) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("_spi_read() [HDR]errno : %x ret : %X", errno, ret); flushData = true; } else { if ((pBuffer[1] == CHAINED_PACKET_WITHOUTSEQN) || (pBuffer[1] == CHAINED_PACKET_WITHSEQN)) { poll_sof_chained_delay = 1; NXP_LOG_ESE_D("poll_sof_chained_delay value is %d ", poll_sof_chained_delay); } else { poll_sof_chained_delay = 0; NXP_LOG_ESE_D("poll_sof_chained_delay value is %d ", poll_sof_chained_delay); } total_count = 3; uint8_t pcb; phNxpEseProto7816_PCB_bits_t pcb_bits; pcb = pBuffer[PH_PROPTO_7816_PCB_OFFSET]; phNxpEse_memset(&pcb_bits, 0x00, sizeof(phNxpEseProto7816_PCB_bits_t)); phNxpEse_memcpy(&pcb_bits, &pcb, sizeof(uint8_t)); /*For I-Frame Only*/ if (0 == pcb_bits.msb) { if (pBuffer[2] != EXTENDED_FRAME_MARKER) { nNbBytesToRead = (pBuffer[2] & 0x000000FF); headerIndex = 3; } else { ret = phPalEse_read(pDevHandle, &pBuffer[3], 2); if (ret < 0) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("_spi_read() [HDR]errno : %x ret : %X", errno, ret); flushData = true; } else { nNbBytesToRead = (pBuffer[3] << 8); nNbBytesToRead = nNbBytesToRead | pBuffer[4]; /*If I-Frame received with invalid length respond with RNACK*/ if ((nNbBytesToRead == 0) || (nNbBytesToRead > MAX_DATA_LEN) || (nNbBytesToRead > phNxpEseProto7816_GetIfs())) { NXP_LOG_ESE_D("I-Frame with invalid len == %d", nNbBytesToRead); flushData = true; } else { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("_spi_read() [HDR]EXTENDED_FRAME_MARKER, ret=%d", ret); total_count += 2; headerIndex = 5; } } } } else { /*For Non-IFrame*/ nNbBytesToRead = (pBuffer[2] & 0x000000FF); headerIndex = 3; } if (!flushData) { /* Read the Complete data + one byte CRC*/ ret = phPalEse_read(pDevHandle, &pBuffer[headerIndex], (nNbBytesToRead + 1)); if (ret < 0) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("_spi_read() [HDR]errno : %x ret : %X", errno, ret); ret = -1; } else { ret = (total_count + (nNbBytesToRead + 1)); } nxpese_ctxt.rnack_sent = false; } } } else { flushData = true; } if (flushData) { /* Received corrupted frame: Flushing out data in the Rx buffer so that Card can switch the mode */ uint16_t ifsd_size = phNxpEseProto7816_GetIfs(); uint32_t total_frame_size = 0; NXP_LOG_ESE_E("_spi_read() corrupted, IFSD size=%d flushing it out!!", ifsd_size); /* If a non-zero byte is received while polling for NAD byte and the byte is not a valid NAD byte (0xA5 or 0xB4): 1) Read & discard (without de-asserting SPI CS line) : a. Max IFSD size + 5 (remaining four prologue + one LRC bytes) bytes from eSE if max IFS size is greater than 254 bytes OR b. Max IFSD size + 3 (remaining two prologue + one LRC bytes) bytes from eSE if max IFS size is less than 255 bytes. 2) Send R-NACK to request eSE to re-transmit the frame*/ if (ifsd_size > IFSC_SIZE_SEND) { total_frame_size = ifsd_size + 4; } else { total_frame_size = ifsd_size + 2; } nxpese_ctxt.rnack_sent = true; phPalEse_sleep(nxpese_ctxt.invalidFrame_Rnack_Delay); ret = phPalEse_read(pDevHandle, &pBuffer[2], total_frame_size); if (ret < 0) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("_spi_read() [HDR]errno : %x ret : %X", errno, ret); } else { /* LRC fail expected for this frame to send R-NACK*/ NXP_LOG_ESE_D( "_spi_read() SUCCESS ret : %X LRC fail expected for this frame", ret); PH_PAL_ESE_PRINT_PACKET_RX(pBuffer, ret); } pBuffer[0] = 0x90; pBuffer[1] = RECEIVE_PACKET_SOF; ret = 0x02; phPalEse_sleep(nxpese_ctxt.invalidFrame_Rnack_Delay); } } else { ret = phNxpEse_readPacket_legacy(pDevHandle, pBuffer, nNbBytesToRead); } NXP_LOG_ESE_D("%s Exit ret = %d", __FUNCTION__, ret); return ret; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_readPacket_legacy * * Description This function Reads requested number of bytes from * pn547 device into given buffer. * * Returns nNbBytesToRead- number of successfully read bytes * -1 - read operation failure * ******************************************************************************/ static int phNxpEse_readPacket_legacy(void* pDevHandle, uint8_t* pBuffer, int nNbBytesToRead) { int ret = -1; int sof_counter = 0; /* one read may take 1 ms*/ int total_count = 0, numBytesToRead = 0, headerIndex = 0; do { sof_counter++; ret = -1; ret = phPalEse_read(pDevHandle, pBuffer, 2); if (ret < 0) { /*Polling for read on spi, hence Debug log*/ NXP_LOG_ESE_D("_spi_read() [HDR]errno : %x ret : %X", errno, ret); } if (pBuffer[0] == RECEIVE_PACKET_SOF) { /* Read the HEADER of one byte*/ NXP_LOG_ESE_D("%s Read HDR", __FUNCTION__); numBytesToRead = 1; headerIndex = 1; break; } else if (pBuffer[1] == RECEIVE_PACKET_SOF) { /* Read the HEADER of Two bytes*/ NXP_LOG_ESE_D("%s Read HDR", __FUNCTION__); pBuffer[0] = RECEIVE_PACKET_SOF; numBytesToRead = 2; headerIndex = 0; break; } /*If it is Chained packet wait for 100 usec*/ if (poll_sof_chained_delay == 1) { NXP_LOG_ESE_D("%s Chained Pkt, delay read %dus", __FUNCTION__, GET_WAKE_UP_DELAY() * CHAINED_PKT_SCALER); phPalEse_sleep(GET_WAKE_UP_DELAY() * CHAINED_PKT_SCALER); } else { NXP_LOG_ESE_D("%s Normal Pkt, delay read %dus", __FUNCTION__, GET_WAKE_UP_DELAY() * NAD_POLLING_SCALER); phPalEse_sleep(GET_WAKE_UP_DELAY() * NAD_POLLING_SCALER); } } while (sof_counter < ESE_NAD_POLLING_MAX); if (pBuffer[0] == RECEIVE_PACKET_SOF) { NXP_LOG_ESE_D("%s SOF FOUND", __FUNCTION__); /* Read the HEADER of one/Two bytes based on how two bytes read A5 PCB or * 00 A5*/ ret = phPalEse_read(pDevHandle, &pBuffer[1 + headerIndex], numBytesToRead); if (ret < 0) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("_spi_read() [HDR]errno : %x ret : %X", errno, ret); } if ((pBuffer[1] == CHAINED_PACKET_WITHOUTSEQN) || (pBuffer[1] == CHAINED_PACKET_WITHSEQN)) { poll_sof_chained_delay = 1; NXP_LOG_ESE_D("poll_sof_chained_delay value is %d ", poll_sof_chained_delay); } else { poll_sof_chained_delay = 0; NXP_LOG_ESE_D("poll_sof_chained_delay value is %d ", poll_sof_chained_delay); } total_count = 3; nNbBytesToRead = (pBuffer[2] & 0x000000FF); /* Read the Complete data + one byte CRC*/ ret = phPalEse_read(pDevHandle, &pBuffer[3], (nNbBytesToRead + 1)); if (ret < 0) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("_spi_read() [HDR]errno : %x ret : %X", errno, ret); ret = -1; } else { ret = (total_count + (nNbBytesToRead + 1)); } } else if (ret < 0) { /*In case of IO Error*/ ret = -2; pBuffer[0] = 0x64; pBuffer[1] = 0xFF; } else { ret = -1; } return ret; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_WriteFrame * * Description This is the actual function which is being called by * phNxpEse_write. This function writes the data to ESE. * It waits till write callback provide the result of write * process. * * Returns It returns ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0) if write successful else * ESESTATUS_FAILED(1) * ******************************************************************************/ ESESTATUS phNxpEse_WriteFrame(uint32_t data_len, uint8_t* p_data) { if (data_len > MAX_DATA_LEN || data_len == 0) { ALOGE("%s Data length causes oob write error", __FUNCTION__); return ESESTATUS_FAILED; } ESESTATUS status = ESESTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; int32_t dwNoBytesWrRd = 0; NXP_LOG_ESE_D("Enter %s ", __FUNCTION__); if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() != OS_VERSION_4_0) { /* TODO where to set the nad id */ p_data[0] = nxpese_ctxt.nadInfo.nadTx; } else { p_data[0] = ESE_NAD_TX; } /* Create local copy of cmd_data */ phNxpEse_memcpy(nxpese_ctxt.p_cmd_data, p_data, data_len); nxpese_ctxt.cmd_len = data_len; if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() < OS_VERSION_8_9) { // eSE requires around 200 usec to switch from tx to rx mode // As per the observation, debug logs when enabled introduces around // same amount of delay, therefore below explicit delay is required // only if debug logs are disabled if (ese_log_level < NXPESE_LOGLEVEL_DEBUG) phPalEse_BusyWait(200 /*usecs*/); } dwNoBytesWrRd = phPalEse_write(nxpese_ctxt.pDevHandle, nxpese_ctxt.p_cmd_data, nxpese_ctxt.cmd_len); if (-1 == dwNoBytesWrRd) { NXP_LOG_ESE_E(" - Error in SPI Write.....%d\n", errno); status = ESESTATUS_FAILED; } else { status = ESESTATUS_SUCCESS; PH_PAL_ESE_PRINT_PACKET_TX(nxpese_ctxt.p_cmd_data, nxpese_ctxt.cmd_len); } NXP_LOG_ESE_I("Exit %s status %x\n", __FUNCTION__, status); return status; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_getAtr * * Description This function retrieves ATR bytes from 7816-3 layer *Update. * * Returns It returns ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0) if write successful else * ESESTATUS_FAILED(1 * ******************************************************************************/ ESESTATUS phNxpEse_getAtr(phNxpEse_data* pATR) { ESESTATUS status = ESESTATUS_FAILED; if (GET_CHIP_OS_VERSION() != OS_VERSION_4_0) { status = phNxpEseProto7816_getAtr(pATR); } else { NXP_LOG_ESE_E(" %s - Function not supported\n", __FUNCTION__); } return status; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_setIfs * * Description This function sets the IFS size to 240/254 support JCOP OS *Update. * * Returns Always return ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0). * ******************************************************************************/ ESESTATUS phNxpEse_setIfs(uint16_t IFS_Size) { phNxpEseProto7816_SetIfs(IFS_Size); return ESESTATUS_SUCCESS; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_Sleep * * Description This function suspends execution of the calling thread for * (at least) usec microseconds * * Returns Always return ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0). * ******************************************************************************/ ESESTATUS phNxpEse_Sleep(uint32_t usec) { phPalEse_sleep(usec); return ESESTATUS_SUCCESS; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_memset * * Description This function updates destination buffer with val * data in len size * * Returns Always return ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0). * ******************************************************************************/ void* phNxpEse_memset(void* buff, int val, size_t len) { return phPalEse_memset(buff, val, len); } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_memcpy * * Description This function copies source buffer to destination buffer * data in len size * * Returns Return pointer to allocated memory location. * ******************************************************************************/ void* phNxpEse_memcpy(void* dest, const void* src, size_t len) { return phPalEse_memcpy(dest, src, len); } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_Memalloc * * Description This function allocation memory * * Returns Return pointer to allocated memory or NULL. * ******************************************************************************/ void* phNxpEse_memalloc(uint32_t size) { return phPalEse_memalloc(size); ; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_calloc * * Description This is utility function for runtime heap memory allocation * * Returns Return pointer to allocated memory or NULL. * ******************************************************************************/ void* phNxpEse_calloc(size_t datatype, size_t size) { return phPalEse_calloc(datatype, size); } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_free * * Description This function de-allocation memory * * Returns void. * ******************************************************************************/ void phNxpEse_free(void* ptr) { return phPalEse_free(ptr); } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_GetMaxTimer * * Description This function finds out the max. timer value returned from *JCOP * * Returns void. * ******************************************************************************/ static void phNxpEse_GetMaxTimer(unsigned long* pMaxTimer) { /* Finding the max. of the timer value */ *pMaxTimer = nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer1; if (*pMaxTimer < nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer2) *pMaxTimer = nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer2; *pMaxTimer = (*pMaxTimer < nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer3) ? (nxpese_ctxt.secureTimerParams.secureTimer3) : *pMaxTimer; /* Converting timer to millisecond from sec */ *pMaxTimer = SECOND_TO_MILLISECOND(*pMaxTimer); /* Add extra 5% to the timer */ *pMaxTimer += CONVERT_TO_PERCENTAGE(*pMaxTimer, ADDITIONAL_SECURE_TIME_PERCENTAGE); NXP_LOG_ESE_D("%s Max timer value = %lu", __FUNCTION__, *pMaxTimer); return; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_getOsVersion * * Description This function returns OS version from config file & * runtime from ATR response * * Returns SUCCESS/FAIL. * ******************************************************************************/ phNxpEse_OsVersion_t phNxpEse_getOsVersion() { return sOsVersion; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_setOsVersion * * Description This function sets chip type based on ATR response * * Returns None. * ******************************************************************************/ void phNxpEse_setOsVersion(phNxpEse_OsVersion_t chipType) { sOsVersion = chipType; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_checkFWDwnldStatus * * Description This function is used to check whether FW download * is completed or not. * * Returns returns ESESTATUS_SUCCESS or ESESTATUS_BUSY * ******************************************************************************/ static ESESTATUS phNxpEse_checkFWDwnldStatus(void) { NXP_LOG_ESE_D("phNxpEse_checkFWDwnldStatus Enter"); ESESTATUS wSpmStatus = ESESTATUS_SUCCESS; spm_state_t current_spm_state = SPM_STATE_INVALID; uint8_t ese_dwnld_retry = 0x00; ESESTATUS status = ESESTATUS_FAILED; wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_GetState(¤t_spm_state); if (wSpmStatus == ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { /* Check current_spm_state and update config/Spm status*/ while (ese_dwnld_retry < ESE_FW_DWNLD_RETRY_CNT) { NXP_LOG_ESE_D("ESE_FW_DWNLD_RETRY_CNT retry count"); wSpmStatus = phNxpEse_SPM_GetState(¤t_spm_state); if (wSpmStatus == ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { if ((current_spm_state & SPM_STATE_DWNLD)) { status = ESESTATUS_FAILED; } else { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("Exit polling no FW Download .."); status = ESESTATUS_SUCCESS; break; } } else { status = ESESTATUS_FAILED; break; } phNxpEse_Sleep(500000); /*sleep for 500 ms checking for fw dwnld status*/ ese_dwnld_retry++; } } NXP_LOG_ESE_D("phNxpEse_checkFWDwnldStatus status %x", status); return status; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_NotifySEWtxRequest * * Description This function notifies SE hal service if it registers * about WTX ongoing & end status * * Returns None * ******************************************************************************/ void phNxpEse_NotifySEWtxRequest(phNxpEse_wtxState state) { if (nxpese_ctxt.fPtr_WtxNtf) { (nxpese_ctxt.fPtr_WtxNtf)(state); } else { NXP_LOG_ESE_E("%s function not supported", __FUNCTION__); } } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_setWtxCountLimit * * Description This function sets the counter limit for wtx * * Returns None * ******************************************************************************/ void phNxpEse_setWtxCountLimit(unsigned long int wtxCount) { app_wtx_cnt = wtxCount; } /****************************************************************************** * Function phNxpEse_isPriorityAccessEnabled * * Description This function returns whether priority channel enabled or * not. * * Returns Priority Access enabled(1)/disabled(0). * ******************************************************************************/ bool phNxpEse_isPriorityAccessEnabled(void) { uint8_t isPriorityAccess = 0; if (EseConfig::hasKey(NAME_NXP_SE_PRIORITY_ACCESS)) { isPriorityAccess = EseConfig::getUnsigned(NAME_NXP_SE_PRIORITY_ACCESS); } NXP_LOG_ESE_D("Reserve channel enabled = %d", isPriorityAccess); return (isPriorityAccess != 0); }