#Common headers common_includes := $(LOCAL_PATH)/../libgralloc common_includes += $(LOCAL_PATH)/../liboverlay common_includes += $(LOCAL_PATH)/../libcopybit common_includes += $(LOCAL_PATH)/../libqdutils common_includes += $(LOCAL_PATH)/../libhwcomposer common_includes += $(LOCAL_PATH)/../libexternal common_includes += $(LOCAL_PATH)/../libqservice common_includes += $(LOCAL_PATH)/../libvirtual ifeq ($(TARGET_USES_POST_PROCESSING),true) common_flags += -DUSES_POST_PROCESSING common_includes += $(TARGET_OUT_HEADERS)/pp/inc endif common_header_export_path := qcom/display #Common libraries external to display HAL common_libs := liblog libutils libcutils libhardware #Common C flags common_flags := -DDEBUG_CALC_FPS -Wno-missing-field-initializers #TODO: Add -Werror back once all the current warnings are fixed common_flags += -Wconversion -Wall ifeq ($(ARCH_ARM_HAVE_NEON),true) common_flags += -D__ARM_HAVE_NEON endif ifneq (,$(call is-board-platform-in-list2, msm8974 msm8226 msm8610 apq8084 mpq8092 msm_bronze msm8916 msm8994)) common_flags += -DVENUS_COLOR_FORMAT common_flags += -DMDSS_TARGET endif ifeq ($(TARGET_HAS_VSYNC_FAILURE_FALLBACK), true) common_flags += -DVSYNC_FAILURE_FALLBACK endif ifeq ($(DISPLAY_DEBUG_SWAPINTERVAL),true) common_flags += -DDEBUG_SWAPINTERVAL endif common_flags += -D__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS common_deps := kernel_includes := # Executed only on QCOM BSPs ifeq ($(TARGET_USES_QCOM_BSP),true) # Enable QCOM Display features common_flags += -DQCOM_BSP endif ifneq (,$(DISPLAY_FEATURE_MAX_ROT_SESSION)) common_flags += -DTARGET_SPECIFIC_MAX_ROT_SESSION=$(DISPLAY_FEATURE_MAX_ROT_SESSION) endif ifneq (,$(call is-vendor-board-qcom)) # This check is to pick the kernel headers from the right location. # If the macro above is defined, we make the assumption that we have the kernel # available in the build tree. # If the macro is not present, the headers are picked from hardware/qcom/msmXXXX # failing which, they are picked from bionic. common_deps += $(BOARD_KERNEL_HEADER_DEPENDENCIES) kernel_includes += $(BOARD_KERNEL_HEADER_DIR) endif