/* * Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.calendar import com.android.calendar.CalendarController.EventInfo import com.android.calendar.CalendarController.EventType import android.app.Fragment import android.content.Context import android.os.Bundle import android.text.format.Time import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.FrameLayout.LayoutParams import android.view.animation.Animation import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils import android.widget.ProgressBar import android.widget.ViewSwitcher import android.widget.ViewSwitcher.ViewFactory /** * This is the base class for Day and Week Activities. */ class DayFragment : Fragment, CalendarController.EventHandler, ViewFactory { protected var mProgressBar: ProgressBar? = null protected var mViewSwitcher: ViewSwitcher? = null protected var mInAnimationForward: Animation? = null protected var mOutAnimationForward: Animation? = null protected var mInAnimationBackward: Animation? = null protected var mOutAnimationBackward: Animation? = null var mEventLoader: EventLoader? = null var mSelectedDay: Time = Time() private val mTZUpdater: Runnable = object : Runnable { override fun run() { if (!this@DayFragment.isAdded()) { return } val tz: String? = Utils.getTimeZone(getActivity(), this) mSelectedDay.timezone = tz mSelectedDay.normalize(true) } } private var mNumDays = 0 constructor() { mSelectedDay.setToNow() } constructor(timeMillis: Long, numOfDays: Int) { mNumDays = numOfDays if (timeMillis == 0L) { mSelectedDay.setToNow() } else { mSelectedDay.set(timeMillis) } } override fun onCreate(icicle: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(icicle) val context: Context = getActivity() mInAnimationForward = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(context, R.anim.slide_left_in) mOutAnimationForward = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(context, R.anim.slide_left_out) mInAnimationBackward = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(context, R.anim.slide_right_in) mOutAnimationBackward = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(context, R.anim.slide_right_out) mEventLoader = EventLoader(context) } override fun onCreateView( inflater: LayoutInflater?, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle? ): View? { val v: View? = inflater?.inflate(R.layout.day_activity, null) mViewSwitcher = v?.findViewById(R.id.switcher) as? ViewSwitcher mViewSwitcher?.setFactory(this) mViewSwitcher?.getCurrentView()?.requestFocus() (mViewSwitcher?.getCurrentView() as? DayView)?.updateTitle() return v } override fun makeView(): View { mTZUpdater.run() val view = DayView(getActivity(), CalendarController .getInstance(getActivity()), mViewSwitcher, mEventLoader, mNumDays) view.setId(DayFragment.Companion.VIEW_ID) view.setLayoutParams(LayoutParams( LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)) view.setSelected(mSelectedDay, false, false) return view } override fun onResume() { super.onResume() mEventLoader!!.startBackgroundThread() mTZUpdater.run() eventsChanged() var view: DayView? = mViewSwitcher?.getCurrentView() as? DayView view?.handleOnResume() view?.restartCurrentTimeUpdates() view = mViewSwitcher?.getNextView() as? DayView view?.handleOnResume() view?.restartCurrentTimeUpdates() } override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle?) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState) } override fun onPause() { super.onPause() var view: DayView? = mViewSwitcher?.getCurrentView() as? DayView view?.cleanup() view = mViewSwitcher?.getNextView() as? DayView view?.cleanup() mEventLoader!!.stopBackgroundThread() // Stop events cross-fade animation view?.stopEventsAnimation() (mViewSwitcher?.getNextView() as? DayView)?.stopEventsAnimation() } fun startProgressSpinner() { // start the progress spinner mProgressBar?.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE) } fun stopProgressSpinner() { // stop the progress spinner mProgressBar?.setVisibility(View.GONE) } private fun goTo(goToTime: Time?, ignoreTime: Boolean, animateToday: Boolean) { if (mViewSwitcher == null) { // The view hasn't been set yet. Just save the time and use it later. mSelectedDay.set(goToTime) return } val currentView: DayView? = mViewSwitcher?.getCurrentView() as? DayView // How does goTo time compared to what's already displaying? val diff: Int = currentView?.compareToVisibleTimeRange(goToTime as Time) as Int if (diff == 0) { // In visible range. No need to switch view currentView.setSelected(goToTime, ignoreTime, animateToday) } else { // Figure out which way to animate if (diff > 0) { mViewSwitcher?.setInAnimation(mInAnimationForward) mViewSwitcher?.setOutAnimation(mOutAnimationForward) } else { mViewSwitcher?.setInAnimation(mInAnimationBackward) mViewSwitcher?.setOutAnimation(mOutAnimationBackward) } val next: DayView? = mViewSwitcher?.getNextView() as? DayView if (ignoreTime) { next!!.firstVisibleHour = currentView.firstVisibleHour } next?.setSelected(goToTime, ignoreTime, animateToday) next?.reloadEvents() mViewSwitcher?.showNext() next?.requestFocus() next?.updateTitle() next?.restartCurrentTimeUpdates() } } /** * Returns the selected time in milliseconds. The milliseconds are measured * in UTC milliseconds from the epoch and uniquely specifies any selectable * time. * * @return the selected time in milliseconds */ val selectedTimeInMillis: Long get() { if (mViewSwitcher == null) { return -1 } val view: DayView = mViewSwitcher?.getCurrentView() as DayView ?: return -1 return view.selectedTimeInMillis } override fun eventsChanged() { if (mViewSwitcher == null) { return } var view: DayView? = mViewSwitcher?.getCurrentView() as? DayView view?.clearCachedEvents() view?.reloadEvents() view = mViewSwitcher?.getNextView() as? DayView view?.clearCachedEvents() } val nextView: DayView? get() = mViewSwitcher?.getNextView() as? DayView override val supportedEventTypes: Long get() = CalendarController.EventType.GO_TO or CalendarController.EventType.EVENTS_CHANGED override fun handleEvent(msg: CalendarController.EventInfo?) { if (msg?.eventType == CalendarController.EventType.GO_TO) { // TODO support a range of time // TODO support event_id // TODO support select message goTo(msg.selectedTime, msg.extraLong and CalendarController.EXTRA_GOTO_DATE != 0L, msg.extraLong and CalendarController.EXTRA_GOTO_TODAY != 0L) } else if (msg?.eventType == CalendarController.EventType.EVENTS_CHANGED) { eventsChanged() } } companion object { /** * The view id used for all the views we create. It's OK to have all child * views have the same ID. This ID is used to pick which view receives * focus when a view hierarchy is saved / restore */ private const val VIEW_ID = 1 protected const val BUNDLE_KEY_RESTORE_TIME = "key_restore_time" } }