package; import android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import; import; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.os.Bundle; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.ArrayMap; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; import; import; import java.util.List; /** * Implements the layout parser with rules for internal layouts and partner layouts. */ public class DefaultLayoutParser extends AutoInstallsLayout { private static final String TAG = "DefaultLayoutParser"; protected static final String TAG_RESOLVE = "resolve"; private static final String TAG_FAVORITES = "favorites"; protected static final String TAG_FAVORITE = "favorite"; private static final String TAG_APPWIDGET = "appwidget"; protected static final String TAG_SHORTCUT = "shortcut"; private static final String TAG_FOLDER = "folder"; private static final String TAG_PARTNER_FOLDER = "partner-folder"; protected static final String ATTR_URI = "uri"; private static final String ATTR_CONTAINER = "container"; private static final String ATTR_SCREEN = "screen"; private static final String ATTR_FOLDER_ITEMS = "folderItems"; public static final String RES_PARTNER_FOLDER = "partner_folder"; public static final String RES_PARTNER_DEFAULT_LAYOUT = "partner_default_layout"; // TODO: Remove support for this broadcast, instead use widget options to send bind time options private static final String ACTION_APPWIDGET_DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_CONFIGURE = ""; public DefaultLayoutParser(Context context, LauncherWidgetHolder appWidgetHolder, LayoutParserCallback callback, Resources sourceRes, int layoutId) { super(context, appWidgetHolder, callback, sourceRes, layoutId, TAG_FAVORITES); } @Override protected ArrayMap getFolderElementsMap() { ArrayMap parsers = new ArrayMap<>(); parsers.put(TAG_FAVORITE, new AppShortcutWithUriParser()); parsers.put(TAG_SHORTCUT, new ShortcutParser()); return parsers; } @Override protected ArrayMap getLayoutElementsMap() { ArrayMap parsers = new ArrayMap<>(); parsers.put(TAG_FAVORITE, new AppShortcutWithUriParser()); parsers.put(TAG_APPWIDGET, new AppWidgetParser()); parsers.put(TAG_SEARCH_WIDGET, new SearchWidgetParser()); parsers.put(TAG_SHORTCUT, new ShortcutParser()); parsers.put(TAG_RESOLVE, new ResolveParser()); parsers.put(TAG_FOLDER, new MyFolderParser()); parsers.put(TAG_PARTNER_FOLDER, new PartnerFolderParser()); return parsers; } @Override protected void parseContainerAndScreen(XmlPullParser parser, int[] out) { out[0] = LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP; String strContainer = getAttributeValue(parser, ATTR_CONTAINER); if (strContainer != null) { out[0] = Integer.parseInt(strContainer); } out[1] = Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValue(parser, ATTR_SCREEN)); } /** * AppShortcutParser which also supports adding URI based intents */ public class AppShortcutWithUriParser extends AppShortcutParser { @Override protected int invalidPackageOrClass(XmlPullParser parser) { final String uri = getAttributeValue(parser, ATTR_URI); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(uri)) { Log.e(TAG, "Skipping invalid with no component or uri"); return -1; } final Intent metaIntent; try { metaIntent = Intent.parseUri(uri, 0); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to add meta-favorite: " + uri, e); return -1; } ResolveInfo resolved = mPackageManager.resolveActivity(metaIntent, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY); final List appList = mPackageManager.queryIntentActivities( metaIntent, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY); // Verify that the result is an app and not just the resolver dialog asking which // app to use. if (wouldLaunchResolverActivity(resolved, appList)) { // If only one of the results is a system app then choose that as the default. final ResolveInfo systemApp = getSingleSystemActivity(appList); if (systemApp == null) { // There is no logical choice for this meta-favorite, so rather than making // a bad choice just add nothing. Log.w(TAG, "No preference or single system activity found for " + metaIntent.toString()); return -1; } resolved = systemApp; } final ActivityInfo info = resolved.activityInfo; final Intent intent = mPackageManager.getLaunchIntentForPackage(info.packageName); if (intent == null) { return -1; } intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_RESET_TASK_IF_NEEDED); return addShortcut(info.loadLabel(mPackageManager).toString(), intent, Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION); } private ResolveInfo getSingleSystemActivity(List appList) { ResolveInfo systemResolve = null; final int N = appList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { try { ApplicationInfo info = mPackageManager.getApplicationInfo( appList.get(i).activityInfo.packageName, 0); if ((info.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) != 0) { if (systemResolve != null) { return null; } else { systemResolve = appList.get(i); } } } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Unable to get info about resolve results", e); return null; } } return systemResolve; } private boolean wouldLaunchResolverActivity(ResolveInfo resolved, List appList) { // If the list contains the above resolved activity, then it can't be // ResolverActivity itself. for (int i = 0; i < appList.size(); ++i) { ResolveInfo tmp = appList.get(i); if ( && tmp.activityInfo.packageName.equals(resolved.activityInfo.packageName)) { return false; } } return true; } } /** * Contains a list of nodes, and accepts the first successfully parsed node. */ public class ResolveParser implements TagParser { private final AppShortcutWithUriParser mChildParser = new AppShortcutWithUriParser(); @Override public int parseAndAdd(XmlPullParser parser) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { final int groupDepth = parser.getDepth(); int type; int addedId = -1; while ((type = != XmlPullParser.END_TAG || parser.getDepth() > groupDepth) { if (type != XmlPullParser.START_TAG || addedId > -1) { continue; } final String fallback_item_name = parser.getName(); if (TAG_FAVORITE.equals(fallback_item_name)) { addedId = mChildParser.parseAndAdd(parser); } else { Log.e(TAG, "Fallback groups can contain only favorites, found " + fallback_item_name); } } return addedId; } } /** * A parser which adds a folder whose contents come from partner apk. */ @Thunk class PartnerFolderParser implements TagParser { @Override public int parseAndAdd(XmlPullParser parser) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { // Folder contents come from an external XML resource final Partner partner = Partner.get(mPackageManager); if (partner != null) { final int resId = partner.getXmlResId(RES_PARTNER_FOLDER); if (resId != 0) { final XmlPullParser partnerParser = partner.getResources().getXml(resId); beginDocument(partnerParser, TAG_FOLDER); FolderParser folderParser = new FolderParser(getFolderElementsMap()); return folderParser.parseAndAdd(partnerParser); } } return -1; } } /** * An extension of FolderParser which allows adding items from a different xml. */ @Thunk class MyFolderParser extends FolderParser { @Override public int parseAndAdd(XmlPullParser parser) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { final int resId = getAttributeResourceValue(parser, ATTR_FOLDER_ITEMS, 0); if (resId != 0) { parser = mSourceRes.getXml(resId); beginDocument(parser, TAG_FOLDER); } return super.parseAndAdd(parser); } } /** * AppWidget parser which enforces that the app is already installed when the layout is parsed. */ protected class AppWidgetParser extends PendingWidgetParser { @Override protected int verifyAndInsert(ComponentName cn, Bundle extras) { try { mPackageManager.getReceiverInfo(cn, 0); } catch (Exception e) { String[] packages = mPackageManager.currentToCanonicalPackageNames( new String[]{cn.getPackageName()}); cn = new ComponentName(packages[0], cn.getClassName()); try { mPackageManager.getReceiverInfo(cn, 0); } catch (Exception e1) { Log.d(TAG, "Can't find widget provider: " + cn.getClassName()); return -1; } } final AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager = AppWidgetManager.getInstance(mContext); int insertedId = -1; try { int appWidgetId = mAppWidgetHolder.allocateAppWidgetId(); if (!appWidgetManager.bindAppWidgetIdIfAllowed(appWidgetId, cn)) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to bind app widget id " + cn); mAppWidgetHolder.deleteAppWidgetId(appWidgetId); return -1; } mValues.put(Favorites.APPWIDGET_ID, appWidgetId); mValues.put(Favorites.APPWIDGET_PROVIDER, cn.flattenToString()); mValues.put(Favorites._ID, mCallback.generateNewItemId()); insertedId = mCallback.insertAndCheck(mDb, mValues); if (insertedId < 0) { mAppWidgetHolder.deleteAppWidgetId(appWidgetId); return insertedId; } // Send a broadcast to configure the widget if (!extras.isEmpty()) { Intent intent = new Intent(ACTION_APPWIDGET_DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_CONFIGURE); intent.setComponent(cn); intent.putExtras(extras); intent.putExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID, appWidgetId); mContext.sendBroadcast(intent); } } catch (RuntimeException ex) { Log.e(TAG, "Problem allocating appWidgetId", ex); } return insertedId; } } }