package import android.annotation.TargetApi import android.os.Build import android.os.Trace import android.util.Log import androidx.annotation.UiThread import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import as LIntArray import as LIntSet import import import import import import import import java.util.function.Predicate private const val TAG = "ModelCallbacks" class ModelCallbacks(private var launcher: Launcher) : BgDataModel.Callbacks { var synchronouslyBoundPages = LIntSet() var pagesToBindSynchronously = LIntSet() private var isFirstPagePinnedItemEnabled = (BuildConfig.QSB_ON_FIRST_SCREEN && !enableSmartspaceRemovalToggle()) var stringCache: StringCache? = null var pendingExecutor: ViewOnDrawExecutor? = null var workspaceLoading = true /** * Refreshes the shortcuts shown on the workspace. * * Implementation of the method from LauncherModel.Callbacks. */ override fun startBinding() { TraceHelper.INSTANCE.beginSection("startBinding") // Floating panels (except the full widget sheet) are associated with individual icons. If // we are starting a fresh bind, close all such panels as all the icons are about // to go away. AbstractFloatingView.closeOpenViews( launcher, true, AbstractFloatingView.TYPE_ALL and AbstractFloatingView.TYPE_REBIND_SAFE.inv() ) workspaceLoading = true // Clear the workspace because it's going to be rebound launcher.dragController.cancelDrag() launcher.workspace.clearDropTargets() launcher.workspace.removeAllWorkspaceScreens() // Avoid clearing the widget update listeners for staying up-to-date with widget info launcher.appWidgetHolder.clearWidgetViews() // TODO(b/335141365): Remove this log after the bug is fixed. Log.d( TAG, "startBinding: " + "hotseat layout was vertical: ${launcher.hotseat?.isHasVerticalHotseat}" + " and is setting to ${launcher.deviceProfile.isVerticalBarLayout}" ) launcher.hotseat?.resetLayout(launcher.deviceProfile.isVerticalBarLayout) TraceHelper.INSTANCE.endSection() } @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.S) override fun onInitialBindComplete( boundPages: LIntSet, pendingTasks: RunnableList, onCompleteSignal: RunnableList, workspaceItemCount: Int, isBindSync: Boolean ) { if (Utilities.ATLEAST_S) { Trace.endAsyncSection( TraceEvents.DISPLAY_WORKSPACE_TRACE_METHOD_NAME, TraceEvents.DISPLAY_WORKSPACE_TRACE_COOKIE ) } synchronouslyBoundPages = boundPages pagesToBindSynchronously = LIntSet() clearPendingBinds() if (!launcher.isInState(LauncherState.ALL_APPS)) { launcher.appsView.appsStore.enableDeferUpdates(AllAppsStore.DEFER_UPDATES_NEXT_DRAW) pendingTasks.add { launcher.appsView.appsStore.disableDeferUpdates( AllAppsStore.DEFER_UPDATES_NEXT_DRAW ) } } val executor = ViewOnDrawExecutor(pendingTasks) { if (pendingExecutor == it) { pendingExecutor = null } } pendingExecutor = executor if (Flags.enableWorkspaceInflation()) { // Finish the executor as soon as the pending inflation is completed onCompleteSignal.add(executor::markCompleted) } else { // Pending executor is already completed, wait until first draw to run the tasks executor.attachTo(launcher) } launcher.bindComplete(workspaceItemCount, isBindSync) } /** * Callback saying that there aren't any more items to bind. * * Implementation of the method from LauncherModel.Callbacks. */ override fun finishBindingItems(pagesBoundFirst: LIntSet?) { TraceHelper.INSTANCE.beginSection("finishBindingItems") val deviceProfile = launcher.deviceProfile launcher.workspace.restoreInstanceStateForRemainingPages() workspaceLoading = false launcher.processActivityResult() val currentPage = if (pagesBoundFirst != null && !pagesBoundFirst.isEmpty) launcher.workspace.getPageIndexForScreenId(pagesBoundFirst.array[0]) else PagedView.INVALID_PAGE // When undoing the removal of the last item on a page, return to that page. // Since we are just resetting the current page without user interaction, // override the previous page so we don't log the page switch. launcher.workspace.setCurrentPage(currentPage, currentPage /* overridePrevPage */) pagesToBindSynchronously = LIntSet() // Cache one page worth of icons launcher.viewCache.setCacheSize( R.layout.folder_application, deviceProfile.numFolderColumns * deviceProfile.numFolderRows ) launcher.viewCache.setCacheSize(R.layout.folder_page, 2) TraceHelper.INSTANCE.endSection() launcher.workspace.removeExtraEmptyScreen(/* stripEmptyScreens= */ true) launcher.workspace.pageIndicator.setPauseScroll( /*pause=*/ false, deviceProfile.isTwoPanels ) } /** * Clear any pending bind callbacks. This is called when is loader is planning to perform a full * rebind from scratch. */ override fun clearPendingBinds() { pendingExecutor?.cancel() ?: return pendingExecutor = null // We might have set this flag previously and forgot to clear it. launcher.appsView.appsStore.disableDeferUpdatesSilently( AllAppsStore.DEFER_UPDATES_NEXT_DRAW ) } override fun preAddApps() { // If there's an undo snackbar, force it to complete to ensure empty screens are removed // before trying to add new items. launcher.modelWriter.commitDelete() val snackbar = AbstractFloatingView.getOpenView( launcher, AbstractFloatingView.TYPE_SNACKBAR ) snackbar?.post { snackbar.close(true) } } @UiThread override fun bindAllApplications( apps: Array?, flags: Int, packageUserKeytoUidMap: Map? ) { Preconditions.assertUIThread() val hadWorkApps = launcher.appsView.shouldShowTabs() launcher.appsView.appsStore.setApps(apps, flags, packageUserKeytoUidMap) PopupContainerWithArrow.dismissInvalidPopup(launcher) if ( hadWorkApps != launcher.appsView.shouldShowTabs() && launcher.stateManager.state == LauncherState.ALL_APPS ) { launcher.stateManager.goToState(LauncherState.NORMAL) } } /** * Copies LauncherModel's map of activities to shortcut counts to Launcher's. This is necessary * because LauncherModel's map is updated in the background, while Launcher runs on the UI. */ override fun bindDeepShortcutMap(deepShortcutMapCopy: HashMap?) { launcher.popupDataProvider.setDeepShortcutMap(deepShortcutMapCopy) } override fun bindIncrementalDownloadProgressUpdated(app: AppInfo?) { launcher.appsView.appsStore.updateProgressBar(app) } override fun bindWidgetsRestored(widgets: ArrayList?) { launcher.workspace.widgetsRestored(widgets) } /** * Some shortcuts were updated in the background. Implementation of the method from * LauncherModel.Callbacks. * * @param updated list of shortcuts which have changed. */ override fun bindWorkspaceItemsChanged(updated: List) { if (updated.isNotEmpty()) { launcher.workspace.updateWorkspaceItems(updated, launcher) PopupContainerWithArrow.dismissInvalidPopup(launcher) } } /** * Update the state of a package, typically related to install state. Implementation of the * method from LauncherModel.Callbacks. */ override fun bindRestoreItemsChange(updates: HashSet?) { launcher.workspace.updateRestoreItems(updates, launcher) } /** * A package was uninstalled/updated. We take both the super set of packageNames in addition to * specific applications to remove, the reason being that this can be called when a package is * updated as well. In that scenario, we only remove specific components from the workspace and * hotseat, where as package-removal should clear all items by package name. */ override fun bindWorkspaceComponentsRemoved(matcher: Predicate?) { launcher.workspace.removeItemsByMatcher(matcher) launcher.dragController.onAppsRemoved(matcher) PopupContainerWithArrow.dismissInvalidPopup(launcher) } override fun bindAllWidgets(allWidgets: List?) { launcher.popupDataProvider.allWidgets = allWidgets } /** Returns the ids of the workspaces to bind. */ override fun getPagesToBindSynchronously(orderedScreenIds: LIntArray): LIntSet { // If workspace binding is still in progress, getCurrentPageScreenIds won't be // accurate, and we should use mSynchronouslyBoundPages that's set during initial binding. val visibleIds = when { !pagesToBindSynchronously.isEmpty -> pagesToBindSynchronously !workspaceLoading -> launcher.workspace.currentPageScreenIds else -> synchronouslyBoundPages } // Launcher IntArray has the same name as Kotlin IntArray val result = LIntSet() if (visibleIds.isEmpty) { return result } val actualIds = orderedScreenIds.clone() val firstId = visibleIds.first() val pairId = launcher.workspace.getScreenPair(firstId) // Double check that actual screenIds contains the visibleId, as empty screens are hidden // in single panel. if (actualIds.contains(firstId)) { result.add(firstId) if (launcher.deviceProfile.isTwoPanels && actualIds.contains(pairId)) { result.add(pairId) } } else if ( LauncherAppState.getIDP(launcher).supportedProfiles.any(DeviceProfile::isTwoPanels) && actualIds.contains(pairId) ) { // Add the right panel if left panel is hidden when switching display, due to empty // pages being hidden in single panel. result.add(pairId) } return result } override fun bindSmartspaceWidget() { val cl: CellLayout? = launcher.workspace.getScreenWithId(WorkspaceLayoutManager.FIRST_SCREEN_ID) val spanX = InvariantDeviceProfile.INSTANCE.get(launcher).numSearchContainerColumns if (cl?.isRegionVacant(0, 0, spanX, 1) != true) { return } val widgetsListBaseEntry: WidgetsListBaseEntry = launcher.popupDataProvider.allWidgets.firstOrNull { item: WidgetsListBaseEntry -> item.mPkgItem.packageName == BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID } ?: return val info = PendingAddWidgetInfo( widgetsListBaseEntry.mWidgets[0].widgetInfo, LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP ) launcher.addPendingItem( info, info.container, WorkspaceLayoutManager.FIRST_SCREEN_ID, intArrayOf(0, 0), info.spanX, info.spanY ) } override fun bindScreens(orderedScreenIds: LIntArray) { launcher.workspace.pageIndicator.setPauseScroll( /*pause=*/ true, launcher.deviceProfile.isTwoPanels ) val firstScreenPosition = 0 if ( (isFirstPagePinnedItemEnabled && !SHOULD_SHOW_FIRST_PAGE_WIDGET) && orderedScreenIds.indexOf(FIRST_SCREEN_ID) != firstScreenPosition ) { orderedScreenIds.removeValue(FIRST_SCREEN_ID) orderedScreenIds.add(firstScreenPosition, FIRST_SCREEN_ID) } else if ( (!isFirstPagePinnedItemEnabled || SHOULD_SHOW_FIRST_PAGE_WIDGET) && orderedScreenIds.isEmpty ) { // If there are no screens, we need to have an empty screen launcher.workspace.addExtraEmptyScreens() } bindAddScreens(orderedScreenIds) // After we have added all the screens, if the wallpaper was locked to the default state, // then notify to indicate that it can be released and a proper wallpaper offset can be // computed before the next layout launcher.workspace.unlockWallpaperFromDefaultPageOnNextLayout() } override fun bindAppsAdded( newScreens: LIntArray?, addNotAnimated: java.util.ArrayList?, addAnimated: java.util.ArrayList? ) { // Add the new screens if (newScreens != null) { // newScreens can contain an empty right panel that is already bound, but not known // by BgDataModel. newScreens.removeAllValues(launcher.workspace.mScreenOrder) bindAddScreens(newScreens) } // We add the items without animation on non-visible pages, and with // animations on the new page (which we will try and snap to). if (!addNotAnimated.isNullOrEmpty()) { launcher.bindItems(addNotAnimated, false) } if (!addAnimated.isNullOrEmpty()) { launcher.bindItems(addAnimated, true) } // Remove the extra empty screen launcher.workspace.removeExtraEmptyScreen(false) } private fun bindAddScreens(orderedScreenIdsArg: LIntArray) { var orderedScreenIds = orderedScreenIdsArg if (launcher.deviceProfile.isTwoPanels) { if (FeatureFlags.FOLDABLE_SINGLE_PAGE.get()) { orderedScreenIds = filterTwoPanelScreenIds(orderedScreenIds) } else { // Some empty pages might have been removed while the phone was in a single panel // mode, so we want to add those empty pages back. val screenIds = LIntSet.wrap(orderedScreenIds) orderedScreenIds.forEach { screenId: Int -> screenIds.add(launcher.workspace.getScreenPair(screenId)) } orderedScreenIds = screenIds.array } } orderedScreenIds .filterNot { screenId -> isFirstPagePinnedItemEnabled && !SHOULD_SHOW_FIRST_PAGE_WIDGET && screenId == WorkspaceLayoutManager.FIRST_SCREEN_ID } .forEach { screenId -> launcher.workspace.insertNewWorkspaceScreenBeforeEmptyScreen(screenId) } } /** * Remove odd number because they are already included when isTwoPanels and add the pair screen * if not present. */ private fun filterTwoPanelScreenIds(orderedScreenIds: LIntArray): LIntArray { val screenIds = LIntSet.wrap(orderedScreenIds) orderedScreenIds .filter { screenId -> screenId % 2 == 1 } .forEach { screenId -> screenIds.remove(screenId) // In case the pair is not added, add it if (!launcher.workspace.containsScreenId(screenId - 1)) { screenIds.add(screenId - 1) } } return screenIds.array } override fun setIsFirstPagePinnedItemEnabled(isFirstPagePinnedItemEnabled: Boolean) { this.isFirstPagePinnedItemEnabled = isFirstPagePinnedItemEnabled launcher.workspace.bindAndInitFirstWorkspaceScreen() } override fun bindStringCache(cache: StringCache) { stringCache = cache launcher.appsView.updateWorkUI() } fun getIsFirstPagePinnedItemEnabled(): Boolean = isFirstPagePinnedItemEnabled override fun getItemInflater() = launcher.itemInflater }