/* * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.launcher3.allapps; import static com.android.launcher3.Flags.enableExpandingPauseWorkButton; import static com.android.launcher3.allapps.ActivityAllAppsContainerView.AdapterHolder.MAIN; import static com.android.launcher3.allapps.ActivityAllAppsContainerView.AdapterHolder.SEARCH; import static com.android.launcher3.allapps.BaseAllAppsAdapter.VIEW_TYPE_PRIVATE_SPACE_HEADER; import static com.android.launcher3.allapps.BaseAllAppsAdapter.VIEW_TYPE_WORK_DISABLED_CARD; import static com.android.launcher3.allapps.BaseAllAppsAdapter.VIEW_TYPE_WORK_EDU_CARD; import static com.android.launcher3.config.FeatureFlags.ALL_APPS_GONE_VISIBILITY; import static com.android.launcher3.config.FeatureFlags.ENABLE_ALL_APPS_RV_PREINFLATION; import static com.android.launcher3.logging.StatsLogManager.LauncherEvent.LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_COUNT; import static com.android.launcher3.logging.StatsLogManager.LauncherEvent.LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_TAP_ON_PERSONAL_TAB; import static com.android.launcher3.logging.StatsLogManager.LauncherEvent.LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_TAP_ON_WORK_TAB; import static com.android.launcher3.util.Executors.MAIN_EXECUTOR; import static com.android.launcher3.util.ScrollableLayoutManager.PREDICTIVE_BACK_MIN_SCALE; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter; import android.animation.ValueAnimator; import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.Color; import android.graphics.Outline; import android.graphics.Paint; import android.graphics.Path; import android.graphics.Path.Direction; import android.graphics.Point; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.graphics.RectF; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.os.Process; import android.os.UserManager; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.FloatProperty; import android.util.Log; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewOutlineProvider; import android.view.WindowInsets; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.annotation.Px; import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting; import androidx.core.graphics.ColorUtils; import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView; import com.android.launcher3.DeviceProfile; import com.android.launcher3.DeviceProfile.OnDeviceProfileChangeListener; import com.android.launcher3.DragSource; import com.android.launcher3.DropTarget.DragObject; import com.android.launcher3.Insettable; import com.android.launcher3.InsettableFrameLayout; import com.android.launcher3.R; import com.android.launcher3.Utilities; import com.android.launcher3.allapps.BaseAllAppsAdapter.AdapterItem; import com.android.launcher3.allapps.search.AllAppsSearchUiDelegate; import com.android.launcher3.allapps.search.SearchAdapterProvider; import com.android.launcher3.config.FeatureFlags; import com.android.launcher3.keyboard.FocusedItemDecorator; import com.android.launcher3.keyboard.ViewGroupFocusHelper; import com.android.launcher3.model.StringCache; import com.android.launcher3.model.data.ItemInfo; import com.android.launcher3.pm.UserCache; import com.android.launcher3.recyclerview.AllAppsRecyclerViewPool; import com.android.launcher3.util.ItemInfoMatcher; import com.android.launcher3.util.Preconditions; import com.android.launcher3.util.Themes; import com.android.launcher3.views.ActivityContext; import com.android.launcher3.views.BaseDragLayer; import com.android.launcher3.views.RecyclerViewFastScroller; import com.android.launcher3.views.ScrimView; import com.android.launcher3.views.SpringRelativeLayout; import com.android.launcher3.workprofile.PersonalWorkSlidingTabStrip; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.stream.Stream; /** * All apps container view with search support for use in a dragging activity. * * @param Type of context inflating all apps. */ public class ActivityAllAppsContainerView extends SpringRelativeLayout implements DragSource, Insettable, OnDeviceProfileChangeListener, PersonalWorkSlidingTabStrip.OnActivePageChangedListener, ScrimView.ScrimDrawingController { public static final FloatProperty> BOTTOM_SHEET_ALPHA = new FloatProperty<>("bottomSheetAlpha") { @Override public Float get(ActivityAllAppsContainerView containerView) { return containerView.mBottomSheetAlpha; } @Override public void setValue(ActivityAllAppsContainerView containerView, float v) { containerView.setBottomSheetAlpha(v); } }; public static final float PULL_MULTIPLIER = .02f; public static final float FLING_VELOCITY_MULTIPLIER = 1200f; protected static final String BUNDLE_KEY_CURRENT_PAGE = "launcher.allapps.current_page"; private static final long DEFAULT_SEARCH_TRANSITION_DURATION_MS = 300; // Render the header protection at all times to debug clipping issues. private static final boolean DEBUG_HEADER_PROTECTION = false; /** Context of an activity or window that is inflating this container. */ protected final T mActivityContext; protected final List mAH; protected final Predicate mPersonalMatcher = ItemInfoMatcher.ofUser( Process.myUserHandle()); protected WorkProfileManager mWorkManager; protected final PrivateProfileManager mPrivateProfileManager; protected final Point mFastScrollerOffset = new Point(); protected final int mScrimColor; protected final float mHeaderThreshold; protected final AllAppsSearchUiDelegate mSearchUiDelegate; // Used to animate Search results out and A-Z apps in, or vice-versa. private final SearchTransitionController mSearchTransitionController; private final Paint mHeaderPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); private final Rect mInsets = new Rect(); private final AllAppsStore mAllAppsStore; private final RecyclerView.OnScrollListener mScrollListener = new RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() { @Override public void onScrolled(@NonNull RecyclerView recyclerView, int dx, int dy) { updateHeaderScroll(recyclerView.computeVerticalScrollOffset()); } }; private final Paint mNavBarScrimPaint; private final int mHeaderProtectionColor; private final int mPrivateSpaceBottomExtraSpace; private final Path mTmpPath = new Path(); private final RectF mTmpRectF = new RectF(); protected AllAppsPagedView mViewPager; protected FloatingHeaderView mHeader; protected View mBottomSheetBackground; protected RecyclerViewFastScroller mFastScroller; /** * View that defines the search box. Result is rendered inside {@link #mSearchRecyclerView}. */ protected View mSearchContainer; protected SearchUiManager mSearchUiManager; protected boolean mUsingTabs; protected RecyclerViewFastScroller mTouchHandler; /** {@code true} when rendered view is in search state instead of the scroll state. */ private boolean mIsSearching; private boolean mRebindAdaptersAfterSearchAnimation; private int mNavBarScrimHeight = 0; private SearchRecyclerView mSearchRecyclerView; protected SearchAdapterProvider mMainAdapterProvider; private View mBottomSheetHandleArea; private boolean mHasWorkApps; private boolean mHasPrivateApps; private float[] mBottomSheetCornerRadii; private ScrimView mScrimView; private int mHeaderColor; private int mBottomSheetBackgroundColor; private float mBottomSheetAlpha = 1f; private boolean mForceBottomSheetVisible; private int mTabsProtectionAlpha; @Nullable private AllAppsTransitionController mAllAppsTransitionController; public ActivityAllAppsContainerView(Context context) { this(context, null); } public ActivityAllAppsContainerView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { this(context, attrs, 0); } public ActivityAllAppsContainerView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) { super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr); mActivityContext = ActivityContext.lookupContext(context); mAllAppsStore = new AllAppsStore<>(mActivityContext); mScrimColor = Themes.getAttrColor(context, R.attr.allAppsScrimColor); mHeaderThreshold = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.dynamic_grid_cell_border_spacing); mHeaderProtectionColor = Themes.getAttrColor(context, R.attr.allappsHeaderProtectionColor); mWorkManager = new WorkProfileManager( mActivityContext.getSystemService(UserManager.class), this, mActivityContext.getStatsLogManager(), UserCache.INSTANCE.get(mActivityContext)); mPrivateProfileManager = new PrivateProfileManager( mActivityContext.getSystemService(UserManager.class), this, mActivityContext.getStatsLogManager(), UserCache.INSTANCE.get(mActivityContext)); mPrivateSpaceBottomExtraSpace = context.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.ps_extra_bottom_padding); mAH = Arrays.asList(null, null, null); mNavBarScrimPaint = new Paint(); mNavBarScrimPaint.setColor(Themes.getNavBarScrimColor(mActivityContext)); AllAppsStore.OnUpdateListener onAppsUpdated = this::onAppsUpdated; mAllAppsStore.addUpdateListener(onAppsUpdated); // This is a focus listener that proxies focus from a view into the list view. This is to // work around the search box from getting first focus and showing the cursor. setOnFocusChangeListener((v, hasFocus) -> { if (hasFocus && getActiveRecyclerView() != null) { getActiveRecyclerView().requestFocus(); } }); mSearchUiDelegate = createSearchUiDelegate(); initContent(); mSearchTransitionController = new SearchTransitionController(this); } /** Creates the delegate for initializing search. */ protected AllAppsSearchUiDelegate createSearchUiDelegate() { return new AllAppsSearchUiDelegate(this); } public AllAppsSearchUiDelegate getSearchUiDelegate() { return mSearchUiDelegate; } /** * Initializes the view hierarchy and internal variables. Any initialization which actually uses * these members should be done in {@link #onFinishInflate()}. * In terms of subclass initialization, the following would be parallel order for activity: * initContent -> onPreCreate * constructor/init -> onCreate * onFinishInflate -> onPostCreate */ protected void initContent() { mMainAdapterProvider = mSearchUiDelegate.createMainAdapterProvider(); mAH.set(AdapterHolder.MAIN, new AdapterHolder(AdapterHolder.MAIN, new AlphabeticalAppsList<>(mActivityContext, mAllAppsStore, null, mPrivateProfileManager))); mAH.set(AdapterHolder.WORK, new AdapterHolder(AdapterHolder.WORK, new AlphabeticalAppsList<>(mActivityContext, mAllAppsStore, mWorkManager, null))); mAH.set(SEARCH, new AdapterHolder(SEARCH, new AlphabeticalAppsList<>(mActivityContext, null, null, null))); getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.all_apps_content, this); mHeader = findViewById(R.id.all_apps_header); mBottomSheetBackground = findViewById(R.id.bottom_sheet_background); mBottomSheetHandleArea = findViewById(R.id.bottom_sheet_handle_area); mSearchRecyclerView = findViewById(R.id.search_results_list_view); mFastScroller = findViewById(R.id.fast_scroller); mFastScroller.setPopupView(findViewById(R.id.fast_scroller_popup)); mSearchContainer = inflateSearchBar(); if (!isSearchBarFloating()) { // Add the search box above everything else in this container (if the flag is enabled, // it's added to drag layer in onAttach instead). addView(mSearchContainer); } mSearchUiManager = (SearchUiManager) mSearchContainer; } @Override protected void onFinishInflate() { super.onFinishInflate(); mAH.get(SEARCH).setup(mSearchRecyclerView, /* Filter out A-Z apps */ itemInfo -> false); rebindAdapters(true /* force */); float cornerRadius = Themes.getDialogCornerRadius(getContext()); mBottomSheetCornerRadii = new float[]{ cornerRadius, cornerRadius, // Top left radius in px cornerRadius, cornerRadius, // Top right radius in px 0, 0, // Bottom right 0, 0 // Bottom left }; mBottomSheetBackgroundColor = Themes.getAttrColor(getContext(), R.attr.materialColorSurfaceDim); updateBackgroundVisibility(mActivityContext.getDeviceProfile()); mSearchUiManager.initializeSearch(this); } @Override protected void onAttachedToWindow() { super.onAttachedToWindow(); if (isSearchBarFloating()) { // Note: for Taskbar this is removed in TaskbarAllAppsController#cleanUpOverlay when the // panel is closed. Can't do so in onDetach because we are also a child of drag layer // so can't remove its views during that dispatch. mActivityContext.getDragLayer().addView(mSearchContainer); mSearchUiDelegate.onInitializeSearchBar(); } mActivityContext.addOnDeviceProfileChangeListener(this); } @Override protected void onDetachedFromWindow() { super.onDetachedFromWindow(); mActivityContext.removeOnDeviceProfileChangeListener(this); } public SearchUiManager getSearchUiManager() { return mSearchUiManager; } public View getBottomSheetBackground() { return mBottomSheetBackground; } /** * Temporarily force the bottom sheet to be visible on non-tablets. * * @param force {@code true} means bottom sheet will be visible on phones until {@code reset()}. */ public void forceBottomSheetVisible(boolean force) { mForceBottomSheetVisible = force; updateBackgroundVisibility(mActivityContext.getDeviceProfile()); } public View getSearchView() { return mSearchContainer; } /** Invoke when the current search session is finished. */ public void onClearSearchResult() { getMainAdapterProvider().clearHighlightedItem(); animateToSearchState(false); rebindAdapters(); } /** * Sets results list for search */ public void setSearchResults(ArrayList results) { getMainAdapterProvider().clearHighlightedItem(); if (getSearchResultList().setSearchResults(results)) { getSearchRecyclerView().onSearchResultsChanged(); } if (results != null) { animateToSearchState(true); } } /** * Sets results list for search. * * @param searchResultCode indicates if the result is final or intermediate for a given query * since we can get search results from multiple sources. */ public void setSearchResults(ArrayList results, int searchResultCode) { setSearchResults(results); mSearchUiDelegate.onSearchResultsChanged(results, searchResultCode); } private void animateToSearchState(boolean goingToSearch) { animateToSearchState(goingToSearch, DEFAULT_SEARCH_TRANSITION_DURATION_MS); } public void setAllAppsTransitionController( AllAppsTransitionController allAppsTransitionController) { mAllAppsTransitionController = allAppsTransitionController; } void animateToSearchState(boolean goingToSearch, long durationMs) { if (!mSearchTransitionController.isRunning() && goingToSearch == isSearching()) { return; } mFastScroller.setVisibility(goingToSearch ? INVISIBLE : VISIBLE); if (goingToSearch) { // Fade out the button to pause work apps. mWorkManager.onActivePageChanged(SEARCH); } else if (mAllAppsTransitionController != null) { // If exiting search, revert predictive back scale on all apps mAllAppsTransitionController.animateAllAppsToNoScale(); } mSearchTransitionController.animateToState(goingToSearch, durationMs, /* onEndRunnable = */ () -> { mIsSearching = goingToSearch; updateSearchResultsVisibility(); int previousPage = getCurrentPage(); if (mRebindAdaptersAfterSearchAnimation) { rebindAdapters(false); mRebindAdaptersAfterSearchAnimation = false; } if (goingToSearch) { mSearchUiDelegate.onAnimateToSearchStateCompleted(); } else { setSearchResults(null); if (mViewPager != null) { mViewPager.setCurrentPage(previousPage); } onActivePageChanged(previousPage); } }); } public boolean shouldContainerScroll(MotionEvent ev) { BaseDragLayer dragLayer = mActivityContext.getDragLayer(); // IF the MotionEvent is inside the search box or handle area, and the container keeps on // receiving touch input, container should move down. if (dragLayer.isEventOverView(mSearchContainer, ev) || dragLayer.isEventOverView(mBottomSheetHandleArea, ev)) { return true; } AllAppsRecyclerView rv = getActiveRecyclerView(); if (rv == null) { return true; } if (rv.getScrollbar() != null && rv.getScrollbar().getThumbOffsetY() >= 0 && dragLayer.isEventOverView(rv.getScrollbar(), ev)) { return false; } // Scroll if not within the container view (e.g. over large-screen scrim). if (!dragLayer.isEventOverView(getVisibleContainerView(), ev)) { return true; } return rv.shouldContainerScroll(ev, dragLayer); } /** * Resets the UI to be ready for fresh interactions in the future. Exits search and returns to * A-Z apps list. * * @param animate Whether to animate the header during the reset (e.g. switching profile tabs). */ public void reset(boolean animate) { reset(animate, true); } /** * Resets the UI to be ready for fresh interactions in the future. * * @param animate Whether to animate the header during the reset (e.g. switching profile tabs). * @param exitSearch Whether to force exit the search state and return to A-Z apps list. */ public void reset(boolean animate, boolean exitSearch) { // Scroll Main and Work RV to top. Search RV is done in `resetSearch`. for (int i = 0; i < mAH.size(); i++) { if (i != SEARCH && mAH.get(i).mRecyclerView != null) { mAH.get(i).mRecyclerView.scrollToTop(); } } if (mTouchHandler != null) { mTouchHandler.endFastScrolling(); } if (mHeader != null && mHeader.getVisibility() == VISIBLE) { mHeader.reset(animate); } forceBottomSheetVisible(false); // Reset the base recycler view after transitioning home. updateHeaderScroll(0); if (exitSearch) { // Reset the search bar and search RV after transitioning home. MAIN_EXECUTOR.getHandler().post(mSearchUiManager::resetSearch); } if (isSearching()) { mWorkManager.reset(); } } /** * Exits search and returns to A-Z apps list. Scroll to the private space header. */ public void resetAndScrollToPrivateSpaceHeader() { // Animate to A-Z with 0 time to reset the animation with proper state management. // We can't rely on `animateToSearchState` with delay inside `resetSearch` because that will // conflict with following scrolling to bottom, so we need it with 0 time here. animateToSearchState(false, 0); MAIN_EXECUTOR.getHandler().post(() -> { // Reset the search bar after transitioning home. // When `resetSearch` is called after `animateToSearchState` is finished, the inside // `animateToSearchState` with delay is a just no-op and return early. mSearchUiManager.resetSearch(); // Switch to the main tab switchToTab(ActivityAllAppsContainerView.AdapterHolder.MAIN); // Scroll to bottom if (mPrivateProfileManager != null) { mPrivateProfileManager.scrollForHeaderToBeVisibleInContainer( getActiveAppsRecyclerView(), getPersonalAppList().getAdapterItems(), mPrivateProfileManager.getPsHeaderHeight(), mActivityContext.getDeviceProfile().allAppsCellHeightPx); } }); } @Override public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) { mSearchUiManager.preDispatchKeyEvent(event); return super.dispatchKeyEvent(event); } public String getDescription() { if (!mUsingTabs && isSearching()) { return getContext().getString(R.string.all_apps_search_results); } else { StringCache cache = mActivityContext.getStringCache(); if (mUsingTabs) { if (cache != null) { return isPersonalTab() ? cache.allAppsPersonalTabAccessibility : cache.allAppsWorkTabAccessibility; } else { return isPersonalTab() ? getContext().getString(R.string.all_apps_button_personal_label) : getContext().getString(R.string.all_apps_button_work_label); } } return getContext().getString(R.string.all_apps_button_label); } } public boolean isSearching() { return mIsSearching; } @Override public void onActivePageChanged(int currentActivePage) { if (mSearchTransitionController.isRunning()) { // Will be called at the end of the animation. return; } if (currentActivePage != SEARCH) { mActivityContext.hideKeyboard(); } if (mAH.get(currentActivePage).mRecyclerView != null) { mAH.get(currentActivePage).mRecyclerView.bindFastScrollbar(mFastScroller); } // Header keeps track of active recycler view to properly render header protection. mHeader.setActiveRV(currentActivePage); reset(true /* animate */, !isSearching() /* exitSearch */); mWorkManager.onActivePageChanged(currentActivePage); } protected void rebindAdapters() { rebindAdapters(false /* force */); } protected void rebindAdapters(boolean force) { if (mSearchTransitionController.isRunning()) { mRebindAdaptersAfterSearchAnimation = true; return; } updateSearchResultsVisibility(); boolean showTabs = shouldShowTabs(); if (showTabs == mUsingTabs && !force) { return; } // replaceAppsRVcontainer() needs to use both mUsingTabs value to remove the old view AND // showTabs value to create new view. Hence the mUsingTabs new value assignment MUST happen // after this call. replaceAppsRVContainer(showTabs); mUsingTabs = showTabs; mAllAppsStore.unregisterIconContainer(mAH.get(AdapterHolder.MAIN).mRecyclerView); mAllAppsStore.unregisterIconContainer(mAH.get(AdapterHolder.WORK).mRecyclerView); mAllAppsStore.unregisterIconContainer(mAH.get(AdapterHolder.SEARCH).mRecyclerView); final AllAppsRecyclerView mainRecyclerView; final AllAppsRecyclerView workRecyclerView; if (mUsingTabs) { mainRecyclerView = (AllAppsRecyclerView) mViewPager.getChildAt(0); workRecyclerView = (AllAppsRecyclerView) mViewPager.getChildAt(1); mAH.get(AdapterHolder.MAIN).setup(mainRecyclerView, mPersonalMatcher); mAH.get(AdapterHolder.WORK).setup(workRecyclerView, mWorkManager.getItemInfoMatcher()); workRecyclerView.setId(R.id.apps_list_view_work); if (enableExpandingPauseWorkButton() || FeatureFlags.ENABLE_EXPANDING_PAUSE_WORK_BUTTON.get()) { mAH.get(AdapterHolder.WORK).mRecyclerView.addOnScrollListener( mWorkManager.newScrollListener()); } mViewPager.getPageIndicator().setActiveMarker(AdapterHolder.MAIN); findViewById(R.id.tab_personal) .setOnClickListener((View view) -> { if (mViewPager.snapToPage(AdapterHolder.MAIN)) { mActivityContext.getStatsLogManager().logger() .log(LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_TAP_ON_PERSONAL_TAB); } }); findViewById(R.id.tab_work) .setOnClickListener((View view) -> { if (mViewPager.snapToPage(AdapterHolder.WORK)) { mActivityContext.getStatsLogManager().logger() .log(LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_TAP_ON_WORK_TAB); } }); setDeviceManagementResources(); if (mHeader.isSetUp()) { onActivePageChanged(mViewPager.getNextPage()); } } else { mainRecyclerView = findViewById(R.id.apps_list_view); workRecyclerView = null; mAH.get(AdapterHolder.MAIN).setup(mainRecyclerView, mPersonalMatcher); mAH.get(AdapterHolder.WORK).mRecyclerView = null; } setUpCustomRecyclerViewPool( mainRecyclerView, workRecyclerView, mAllAppsStore.getRecyclerViewPool()); setupHeader(); if (isSearchBarFloating()) { // Keep the scroller above the search bar. RelativeLayout.LayoutParams scrollerLayoutParams = (LayoutParams) mFastScroller.getLayoutParams(); scrollerLayoutParams.bottomMargin = mSearchContainer.getHeight() + getResources().getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.fastscroll_bottom_margin_floating_search); } mAllAppsStore.registerIconContainer(mAH.get(AdapterHolder.MAIN).mRecyclerView); mAllAppsStore.registerIconContainer(mAH.get(AdapterHolder.WORK).mRecyclerView); mAllAppsStore.registerIconContainer(mAH.get(AdapterHolder.SEARCH).mRecyclerView); } /** * If {@link ENABLE_ALL_APPS_RV_PREINFLATION} is enabled, wire custom * {@link RecyclerView.RecycledViewPool} to main and work {@link AllAppsRecyclerView}. * * Then if {@link ALL_APPS_GONE_VISIBILITY} is enabled, update max pool size. This is because * all apps rv's hidden visibility is changed to {@link View#GONE} from {@link View#INVISIBLE), * thus we cannot rely on layout pass to update pool size. */ private static void setUpCustomRecyclerViewPool( @NonNull AllAppsRecyclerView mainRecyclerView, @Nullable AllAppsRecyclerView workRecyclerView, @NonNull AllAppsRecyclerViewPool recycledViewPool) { if (!ENABLE_ALL_APPS_RV_PREINFLATION.get()) { return; } final boolean hasWorkProfile = workRecyclerView != null; recycledViewPool.setHasWorkProfile(hasWorkProfile); mainRecyclerView.setRecycledViewPool(recycledViewPool); if (workRecyclerView != null) { workRecyclerView.setRecycledViewPool(recycledViewPool); } if (ALL_APPS_GONE_VISIBILITY.get()) { mainRecyclerView.updatePoolSize(hasWorkProfile); } } private void replaceAppsRVContainer(boolean showTabs) { for (int i = AdapterHolder.MAIN; i <= AdapterHolder.WORK; i++) { AdapterHolder adapterHolder = mAH.get(i); if (adapterHolder.mRecyclerView != null) { adapterHolder.mRecyclerView.setLayoutManager(null); adapterHolder.mRecyclerView.setAdapter(null); } } View oldView = getAppsRecyclerViewContainer(); int index = indexOfChild(oldView); removeView(oldView); int layout = showTabs ? R.layout.all_apps_tabs : R.layout.all_apps_rv_layout; final View rvContainer = getLayoutInflater().inflate(layout, this, false); addView(rvContainer, index); if (showTabs) { mViewPager = (AllAppsPagedView) rvContainer; mViewPager.initParentViews(this); mViewPager.getPageIndicator().setOnActivePageChangedListener(this); mViewPager.setOutlineProvider(new ViewOutlineProvider() { @Override public void getOutline(View view, Outline outline) { @Px final int bottomOffsetPx = (int) (ActivityAllAppsContainerView.this.getMeasuredHeight() * PREDICTIVE_BACK_MIN_SCALE); outline.setRect( 0, 0, view.getMeasuredWidth(), view.getMeasuredHeight() + bottomOffsetPx); } }); mWorkManager.reset(); post(() -> mAH.get(AdapterHolder.WORK).applyPadding()); } else { mWorkManager.detachWorkModeSwitch(); mViewPager = null; } removeCustomRules(rvContainer); removeCustomRules(getSearchRecyclerView()); if (!isSearchSupported()) { layoutWithoutSearchContainer(rvContainer, showTabs); } else if (isSearchBarFloating()) { alignParentTop(rvContainer, showTabs); alignParentTop(getSearchRecyclerView(), /* tabs= */ false); } else { layoutBelowSearchContainer(rvContainer, showTabs); layoutBelowSearchContainer(getSearchRecyclerView(), /* tabs= */ false); } updateSearchResultsVisibility(); } void setupHeader() { mHeader.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); boolean tabsHidden = !mUsingTabs; mHeader.setup( mAH.get(AdapterHolder.MAIN).mRecyclerView, mAH.get(AdapterHolder.WORK).mRecyclerView, (SearchRecyclerView) mAH.get(SEARCH).mRecyclerView, getCurrentPage(), tabsHidden); int padding = mHeader.getMaxTranslation(); mAH.forEach(adapterHolder -> { adapterHolder.mPadding.top = padding; adapterHolder.applyPadding(); if (adapterHolder.mRecyclerView != null) { adapterHolder.mRecyclerView.scrollToTop(); } }); removeCustomRules(mHeader); if (!isSearchSupported()) { layoutWithoutSearchContainer(mHeader, false /* includeTabsMargin */); } else if (isSearchBarFloating()) { alignParentTop(mHeader, false /* includeTabsMargin */); } else { layoutBelowSearchContainer(mHeader, false /* includeTabsMargin */); } } protected void updateHeaderScroll(int scrolledOffset) { float prog1 = Utilities.boundToRange((float) scrolledOffset / mHeaderThreshold, 0f, 1f); int headerColor = getHeaderColor(prog1); int tabsAlpha = mHeader.getPeripheralProtectionHeight(/* expectedHeight */ false) == 0 ? 0 : (int) (Utilities.boundToRange( (scrolledOffset + mHeader.mSnappedScrolledY) / mHeaderThreshold, 0f, 1f) * 255); if (headerColor != mHeaderColor || mTabsProtectionAlpha != tabsAlpha) { mHeaderColor = headerColor; mTabsProtectionAlpha = tabsAlpha; invalidateHeader(); } if (mSearchUiManager.getEditText() == null) { return; } float prog = Utilities.boundToRange((float) scrolledOffset / mHeaderThreshold, 0f, 1f); boolean bgVisible = mSearchUiManager.getBackgroundVisibility(); if (scrolledOffset == 0 && !isSearching()) { bgVisible = true; } else if (scrolledOffset > mHeaderThreshold) { bgVisible = false; } mSearchUiManager.setBackgroundVisibility(bgVisible, 1 - prog); } protected int getHeaderColor(float blendRatio) { return ColorUtils.setAlphaComponent( ColorUtils.blendARGB(mScrimColor, mHeaderProtectionColor, blendRatio), (int) (mSearchContainer.getAlpha() * 255)); } /** * @return true if the search bar is floating above this container (at the bottom of the screen) */ protected boolean isSearchBarFloating() { return mSearchUiDelegate.isSearchBarFloating(); } /** * Whether the floating search bar should appear as a small pill when not focused. *

* Note: This method mirrors one in LauncherState. For subclasses that use Launcher, it likely * makes sense to use that method to derive an appropriate value for the current/target state. */ public boolean shouldFloatingSearchBarBePillWhenUnfocused() { return false; } /** * How far from the bottom of the screen the floating search bar should rest when the * IME is not present. *

* To hide offscreen, use a negative value. *

* Note: if the provided value is non-negative but less than the current bottom insets, the * insets will be applied. As such, you can use 0 to default to this. *

* Note: This method mirrors one in LauncherState. For subclasses that use Launcher, it likely * makes sense to use that method to derive an appropriate value for the current/target state. */ public int getFloatingSearchBarRestingMarginBottom() { return 0; } /** * How far from the start of the screen the floating search bar should rest. *

* To use original margin, return a negative value. *

* Note: This method mirrors one in LauncherState. For subclasses that use Launcher, it likely * makes sense to use that method to derive an appropriate value for the current/target state. */ public int getFloatingSearchBarRestingMarginStart() { DeviceProfile dp = mActivityContext.getDeviceProfile(); return dp.allAppsLeftRightMargin + dp.getAllAppsIconStartMargin(mActivityContext); } /** * How far from the end of the screen the floating search bar should rest. *

* To use original margin, return a negative value. *

* Note: This method mirrors one in LauncherState. For subclasses that use Launcher, it likely * makes sense to use that method to derive an appropriate value for the current/target state. */ public int getFloatingSearchBarRestingMarginEnd() { DeviceProfile dp = mActivityContext.getDeviceProfile(); return dp.allAppsLeftRightMargin + dp.getAllAppsIconStartMargin(mActivityContext); } private void layoutBelowSearchContainer(View v, boolean includeTabsMargin) { if (!(v.getLayoutParams() instanceof RelativeLayout.LayoutParams)) { return; } RelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = (LayoutParams) v.getLayoutParams(); layoutParams.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_TOP, R.id.search_container_all_apps); int topMargin = getContext().getResources().getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.all_apps_header_top_margin); if (includeTabsMargin) { topMargin += getContext().getResources().getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.all_apps_header_pill_height); } layoutParams.topMargin = topMargin; } private void alignParentTop(View v, boolean includeTabsMargin) { if (!(v.getLayoutParams() instanceof RelativeLayout.LayoutParams)) { return; } RelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = (LayoutParams) v.getLayoutParams(); layoutParams.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_TOP); layoutParams.topMargin = includeTabsMargin ? getContext().getResources().getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.all_apps_header_pill_height) : 0; } private void removeCustomRules(View v) { if (!(v.getLayoutParams() instanceof RelativeLayout.LayoutParams)) { return; } RelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = (LayoutParams) v.getLayoutParams(); layoutParams.removeRule(RelativeLayout.ABOVE); layoutParams.removeRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_TOP); layoutParams.removeRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_TOP); } protected BaseAllAppsAdapter createAdapter(AlphabeticalAppsList appsList) { return new AllAppsGridAdapter<>(mActivityContext, getLayoutInflater(), appsList, mMainAdapterProvider); } // TODO(b/216683257): Remove when Taskbar All Apps supports search. protected boolean isSearchSupported() { return true; } private void layoutWithoutSearchContainer(View v, boolean includeTabsMargin) { if (!(v.getLayoutParams() instanceof RelativeLayout.LayoutParams)) { return; } RelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = (LayoutParams) v.getLayoutParams(); layoutParams.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_TOP); layoutParams.topMargin = getContext().getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(includeTabsMargin ? R.dimen.all_apps_header_pill_height : R.dimen.all_apps_header_top_margin); } public boolean isInAllApps() { // TODO: Make this abstract return true; } /** * Inflates the search bar */ protected View inflateSearchBar() { return mSearchUiDelegate.inflateSearchBar(); } /** The adapter provider for the main section. */ public final SearchAdapterProvider getMainAdapterProvider() { return mMainAdapterProvider; } @Override protected void dispatchRestoreInstanceState(SparseArray sparseArray) { try { // Many slice view id is not properly assigned, and hence throws null // pointer exception in the underneath method. Catching the exception // simply doesn't restore these slice views. This doesn't have any // user visible effect because because we query them again. super.dispatchRestoreInstanceState(sparseArray); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("AllAppsContainerView", "restoreInstanceState viewId = 0", e); } Bundle state = (Bundle) sparseArray.get(R.id.work_tab_state_id, null); if (state != null) { int currentPage = state.getInt(BUNDLE_KEY_CURRENT_PAGE, 0); if (currentPage == AdapterHolder.WORK && mViewPager != null) { mViewPager.setCurrentPage(currentPage); rebindAdapters(); } else { reset(true); } } } @Override protected void dispatchSaveInstanceState(SparseArray container) { super.dispatchSaveInstanceState(container); Bundle state = new Bundle(); state.putInt(BUNDLE_KEY_CURRENT_PAGE, getCurrentPage()); container.put(R.id.work_tab_state_id, state); } public AllAppsStore getAppsStore() { return mAllAppsStore; } public WorkProfileManager getWorkManager() { return mWorkManager; } /** Returns whether Private Profile has been setup. */ public boolean hasPrivateProfile() { return mHasPrivateApps; } @Override public void onDeviceProfileChanged(DeviceProfile dp) { for (AdapterHolder holder : mAH) { holder.mAdapter.setAppsPerRow(dp.numShownAllAppsColumns); holder.mAppsList.setNumAppsPerRowAllApps(dp.numShownAllAppsColumns); if (holder.mRecyclerView != null) { // Remove all views and clear the pool, while keeping the data same. After this // call, all the viewHolders will be recreated. holder.mRecyclerView.swapAdapter(holder.mRecyclerView.getAdapter(), true); holder.mRecyclerView.getRecycledViewPool().clear(); } } updateBackgroundVisibility(dp); int navBarScrimColor = Themes.getNavBarScrimColor(mActivityContext); if (mNavBarScrimPaint.getColor() != navBarScrimColor) { mNavBarScrimPaint.setColor(navBarScrimColor); invalidate(); } } protected void updateBackgroundVisibility(DeviceProfile deviceProfile) { boolean visible = deviceProfile.isTablet || mForceBottomSheetVisible; mBottomSheetBackground.setVisibility(visible ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); // Note: For tablets, the opaque background and header protection are added in drawOnScrim. // For the taskbar entrypoint, the scrim is drawn by its abstract slide in view container, // so its header protection is derived from this scrim instead. } private void setBottomSheetAlpha(float alpha) { // Bottom sheet alpha is always 1 for tablets. mBottomSheetAlpha = mActivityContext.getDeviceProfile().isTablet ? 1f : alpha; } @VisibleForTesting public void onAppsUpdated() { mHasWorkApps = Stream.of(mAllAppsStore.getApps()) .anyMatch(mWorkManager.getItemInfoMatcher()); mHasPrivateApps = Stream.of(mAllAppsStore.getApps()) .anyMatch(mPrivateProfileManager.getItemInfoMatcher()); if (!isSearching()) { rebindAdapters(); } if (mHasWorkApps) { mWorkManager.reset(); } if (mHasPrivateApps) { mPrivateProfileManager.reset(); } mActivityContext.getStatsLogManager().logger() .withCardinality(mAllAppsStore.getApps().length) .log(LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_COUNT); } @Override public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { // The AllAppsContainerView houses the QSB and is hence visible from the Workspace // Overview states. We shouldn't intercept for the scrubber in these cases. if (!isInAllApps()) { mTouchHandler = null; return false; } if (ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { AllAppsRecyclerView rv = getActiveRecyclerView(); if (rv != null && rv.getScrollbar() != null && rv.getScrollbar().isHitInParent(ev.getX(), ev.getY(), mFastScrollerOffset)) { mTouchHandler = rv.getScrollbar(); } else { mTouchHandler = null; } } if (mTouchHandler != null) { return mTouchHandler.handleTouchEvent(ev, mFastScrollerOffset); } return false; } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { if (!isInAllApps()) { return false; } if (ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { AllAppsRecyclerView rv = getActiveRecyclerView(); if (rv != null && rv.getScrollbar() != null && rv.getScrollbar().isHitInParent(ev.getX(), ev.getY(), mFastScrollerOffset)) { mTouchHandler = rv.getScrollbar(); } else { mTouchHandler = null; } } if (mTouchHandler != null) { mTouchHandler.handleTouchEvent(ev, mFastScrollerOffset); return true; } if (isSearching() && mActivityContext.getDragLayer().isEventOverView(getVisibleContainerView(), ev)) { // if in search state, consume touch event. return true; } return false; } /** The current active recycler view (A-Z list from one of the profiles, or search results). */ public AllAppsRecyclerView getActiveRecyclerView() { if (isSearching()) { return getSearchRecyclerView(); } return getActiveAppsRecyclerView(); } /** The current focus change listener in the search container. */ public OnFocusChangeListener getSearchFocusChangeListener() { return mAH.get(AdapterHolder.SEARCH).mOnFocusChangeListener; } /** The current apps recycler view in the container. */ private AllAppsRecyclerView getActiveAppsRecyclerView() { if (!mUsingTabs || isPersonalTab()) { return mAH.get(AdapterHolder.MAIN).mRecyclerView; } else { return mAH.get(AdapterHolder.WORK).mRecyclerView; } } /** * The container for A-Z apps (the ViewPager for main+work tabs, or main RV). This is currently * hidden while searching. */ public ViewGroup getAppsRecyclerViewContainer() { return mViewPager != null ? mViewPager : findViewById(R.id.apps_list_view); } /** The RV for search results, which is hidden while A-Z apps are visible. */ public SearchRecyclerView getSearchRecyclerView() { return mSearchRecyclerView; } protected boolean isPersonalTab() { return mViewPager == null || mViewPager.getNextPage() == 0; } /** * Switches the current page to the provided {@code tab} if tabs are supported, otherwise does * nothing. */ public void switchToTab(int tab) { if (mUsingTabs) { mViewPager.setCurrentPage(tab); } } public LayoutInflater getLayoutInflater() { return mSearchUiDelegate.getLayoutInflater(); } @Override public void onDropCompleted(View target, DragObject d, boolean success) {} @Override public void setInsets(Rect insets) { mInsets.set(insets); DeviceProfile grid = mActivityContext.getDeviceProfile(); applyAdapterSideAndBottomPaddings(grid); MarginLayoutParams mlp = (MarginLayoutParams) getLayoutParams(); // Ignore left/right insets on tablet because we are already centered in-screen. if (grid.isTablet) { mlp.leftMargin = mlp.rightMargin = 0; } else { mlp.leftMargin = insets.left; mlp.rightMargin = insets.right; } setLayoutParams(mlp); if (!grid.isVerticalBarLayout() || FeatureFlags.enableResponsiveWorkspace()) { int topPadding = grid.allAppsPadding.top; if (isSearchBarFloating() && !grid.isTablet) { topPadding += getResources().getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.all_apps_additional_top_padding_floating_search); } setPadding(grid.allAppsLeftRightMargin, topPadding, grid.allAppsLeftRightMargin, 0); } InsettableFrameLayout.dispatchInsets(this, insets); } /** * Returns a padding in case a scrim is shown on the bottom of the view and a padding is needed. */ protected int computeNavBarScrimHeight(WindowInsets insets) { return 0; } /** * Returns the current height of nav bar scrim */ public int getNavBarScrimHeight() { return mNavBarScrimHeight; } @Override public WindowInsets dispatchApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets insets) { mNavBarScrimHeight = computeNavBarScrimHeight(insets); applyAdapterSideAndBottomPaddings(mActivityContext.getDeviceProfile()); return super.dispatchApplyWindowInsets(insets); } @Override protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) { super.dispatchDraw(canvas); if (mNavBarScrimHeight > 0) { canvas.drawRect(0, getHeight() - mNavBarScrimHeight, getWidth(), getHeight(), mNavBarScrimPaint); } } protected void updateSearchResultsVisibility() { if (isSearching()) { getSearchRecyclerView().setVisibility(VISIBLE); getAppsRecyclerViewContainer().setVisibility(GONE); mHeader.setVisibility(GONE); } else { getSearchRecyclerView().setVisibility(GONE); getAppsRecyclerViewContainer().setVisibility(VISIBLE); mHeader.setVisibility(VISIBLE); } if (mHeader.isSetUp()) { mHeader.setActiveRV(getCurrentPage()); } } private void applyAdapterSideAndBottomPaddings(DeviceProfile grid) { int bottomPadding = Math.max(mInsets.bottom, mNavBarScrimHeight); mAH.forEach(adapterHolder -> { adapterHolder.mPadding.bottom = bottomPadding; adapterHolder.mPadding.left = grid.allAppsPadding.left; adapterHolder.mPadding.right = grid.allAppsPadding.right; adapterHolder.applyPadding(); }); } private void setDeviceManagementResources() { if (mActivityContext.getStringCache() != null) { Button personalTab = findViewById(R.id.tab_personal); personalTab.setText(mActivityContext.getStringCache().allAppsPersonalTab); Button workTab = findViewById(R.id.tab_work); workTab.setText(mActivityContext.getStringCache().allAppsWorkTab); } } /** * Returns true if the container has work apps. */ public boolean shouldShowTabs() { return mHasWorkApps; } // Used by tests only private boolean isDescendantViewVisible(int viewId) { final View view = findViewById(viewId); if (view == null) return false; if (!view.isShown()) return false; return view.getGlobalVisibleRect(new Rect()); } /** Called in Launcher#bindStringCache() to update the UI when cache is updated. */ public void updateWorkUI() { setDeviceManagementResources(); if (mWorkManager.getWorkModeSwitch() != null) { mWorkManager.getWorkModeSwitch().updateStringFromCache(); } inflateWorkCardsIfNeeded(); } private void inflateWorkCardsIfNeeded() { AllAppsRecyclerView workRV = mAH.get(AdapterHolder.WORK).mRecyclerView; if (workRV != null) { for (int i = 0; i < workRV.getChildCount(); i++) { View currentView = workRV.getChildAt(i); int currentItemViewType = workRV.getChildViewHolder(currentView).getItemViewType(); if (currentItemViewType == VIEW_TYPE_WORK_EDU_CARD) { ((WorkEduCard) currentView).updateStringFromCache(); } else if (currentItemViewType == VIEW_TYPE_WORK_DISABLED_CARD) { ((WorkPausedCard) currentView).updateStringFromCache(); } } } } @VisibleForTesting public void setWorkManager(WorkProfileManager workManager) { mWorkManager = workManager; } @VisibleForTesting public boolean isPersonalTabVisible() { return isDescendantViewVisible(R.id.tab_personal); } @VisibleForTesting public boolean isWorkTabVisible() { return isDescendantViewVisible(R.id.tab_work); } public AlphabeticalAppsList getSearchResultList() { return mAH.get(SEARCH).mAppsList; } public AlphabeticalAppsList getPersonalAppList() { return mAH.get(MAIN).mAppsList; } public FloatingHeaderView getFloatingHeaderView() { return mHeader; } @VisibleForTesting public View getContentView() { return isSearching() ? getSearchRecyclerView() : getAppsRecyclerViewContainer(); } /** The current page visible in all apps. */ public int getCurrentPage() { return isSearching() ? SEARCH : mViewPager == null ? AdapterHolder.MAIN : mViewPager.getNextPage(); } public PrivateProfileManager getPrivateProfileManager() { return mPrivateProfileManager; } /** * Adds an update listener to animator that adds springs to the animation. */ public void addSpringFromFlingUpdateListener(ValueAnimator animator, float velocity /* release velocity */, float progress /* portion of the distance to travel*/) { animator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animator animator) { float distance = (1 - progress) * getHeight(); // px float settleVelocity = Math.min(0, distance / (AllAppsTransitionController.INTERP_COEFF * animator.getDuration()) + velocity); absorbSwipeUpVelocity(Math.max(1000, Math.abs( Math.round(settleVelocity * FLING_VELOCITY_MULTIPLIER)))); } }); } /** Invoked when the container is pulled. */ public void onPull(float deltaDistance, float displacement) { absorbPullDeltaDistance(PULL_MULTIPLIER * deltaDistance, PULL_MULTIPLIER * displacement); // Current motion spec is to actually push and not pull // on this surface. However, until EdgeEffect.onPush (b/190612804) is // implemented at view level, we will simply pull } @Override public void getDrawingRect(Rect outRect) { super.getDrawingRect(outRect); outRect.offset(0, (int) getTranslationY()); } @Override public void setTranslationY(float translationY) { super.setTranslationY(translationY); invalidateHeader(); } /** * Set {@link Animator.AnimatorListener} on {@link mAllAppsTransitionController} to observe * animation of backing out of all apps search view to all apps view. */ public void setAllAppsSearchBackAnimatorListener(Animator.AnimatorListener listener) { Preconditions.assertNotNull(mAllAppsTransitionController); if (mAllAppsTransitionController == null) { return; } mAllAppsTransitionController.setAllAppsSearchBackAnimationListener(listener); } public void setScrimView(ScrimView scrimView) { mScrimView = scrimView; } @Override public void drawOnScrimWithScaleAndBottomOffset( Canvas canvas, float scale, @Px int bottomOffsetPx) { final View panel = mBottomSheetBackground; final boolean hasBottomSheet = panel.getVisibility() == VISIBLE; final float translationY = ((View) panel.getParent()).getTranslationY(); final float horizontalScaleOffset = (1 - scale) * panel.getWidth() / 2; final float verticalScaleOffset = (1 - scale) * (panel.getHeight() - getHeight() / 2); final float topNoScale = panel.getTop() + translationY; final float topWithScale = topNoScale + verticalScaleOffset; final float leftWithScale = panel.getLeft() + horizontalScaleOffset; final float rightWithScale = panel.getRight() - horizontalScaleOffset; final float bottomWithOffset = panel.getBottom() + bottomOffsetPx; // Draw full background panel for tablets. if (hasBottomSheet) { mHeaderPaint.setColor(mBottomSheetBackgroundColor); mHeaderPaint.setAlpha((int) (255 * mBottomSheetAlpha)); mTmpRectF.set( leftWithScale, topWithScale, rightWithScale, bottomWithOffset); mTmpPath.reset(); mTmpPath.addRoundRect(mTmpRectF, mBottomSheetCornerRadii, Direction.CW); canvas.drawPath(mTmpPath, mHeaderPaint); } if (DEBUG_HEADER_PROTECTION) { mHeaderPaint.setColor(Color.MAGENTA); mHeaderPaint.setAlpha(255); } else { mHeaderPaint.setColor(mHeaderColor); mHeaderPaint.setAlpha((int) (getAlpha() * Color.alpha(mHeaderColor))); } if (mHeaderPaint.getColor() == mScrimColor || mHeaderPaint.getColor() == 0) { return; } // Draw header on background panel final float headerBottomNoScale = getHeaderBottom() + getVisibleContainerView().getPaddingTop(); final float headerHeightNoScale = headerBottomNoScale - topNoScale; final float headerBottomWithScaleOnTablet = topWithScale + headerHeightNoScale * scale; final float headerBottomOffset = (getVisibleContainerView().getHeight() * (1 - scale) / 2); final float headerBottomWithScaleOnPhone = headerBottomNoScale * scale + headerBottomOffset; final FloatingHeaderView headerView = getFloatingHeaderView(); if (hasBottomSheet) { // Start adding header protection if search bar or tabs will attach to the top. if (!isSearchBarFloating() || mUsingTabs) { mTmpRectF.set( leftWithScale, topWithScale, rightWithScale, headerBottomWithScaleOnTablet); mTmpPath.reset(); mTmpPath.addRoundRect(mTmpRectF, mBottomSheetCornerRadii, Direction.CW); canvas.drawPath(mTmpPath, mHeaderPaint); } } else { canvas.drawRect(0, 0, canvas.getWidth(), headerBottomWithScaleOnPhone, mHeaderPaint); } // If tab exist (such as work profile), extend header with tab height final int tabsHeight = headerView.getPeripheralProtectionHeight(/* expectedHeight */ false); if (mTabsProtectionAlpha > 0 && tabsHeight != 0) { if (DEBUG_HEADER_PROTECTION) { mHeaderPaint.setColor(Color.BLUE); mHeaderPaint.setAlpha(255); } else { mHeaderPaint.setAlpha((int) (getAlpha() * mTabsProtectionAlpha)); } float left = 0f; float right = canvas.getWidth(); if (hasBottomSheet) { left = mBottomSheetBackground.getLeft() + horizontalScaleOffset; right = mBottomSheetBackground.getRight() - horizontalScaleOffset; } final float tabTopWithScale = hasBottomSheet ? headerBottomWithScaleOnTablet : headerBottomWithScaleOnPhone; final float tabBottomWithScale = tabTopWithScale + tabsHeight * scale; canvas.drawRect( left, tabTopWithScale, right, tabBottomWithScale, mHeaderPaint); } } /** * The height of the header protection as if the user scrolled down the app list. */ float getHeaderProtectionHeight() { float headerBottom = getHeaderBottom() - getTranslationY(); if (mUsingTabs) { return headerBottom + mHeader.getPeripheralProtectionHeight(/* expectedHeight */ true); } else { return headerBottom; } } /** * redraws header protection */ public void invalidateHeader() { if (mScrimView != null) { mScrimView.invalidate(); } } /** Returns the position of the bottom edge of the header */ public int getHeaderBottom() { int bottom = (int) getTranslationY() + mHeader.getClipTop(); if (isSearchBarFloating()) { if (mActivityContext.getDeviceProfile().isTablet) { return bottom + mBottomSheetBackground.getTop(); } return bottom; } return bottom + mHeader.getTop(); } boolean isUsingTabs() { return mUsingTabs; } /** * Returns a view that denotes the visible part of all apps container view. */ public View getVisibleContainerView() { return mBottomSheetBackground.getVisibility() == VISIBLE ? mBottomSheetBackground : this; } protected void onInitializeRecyclerView(RecyclerView rv) { rv.addOnScrollListener(mScrollListener); mSearchUiDelegate.onInitializeRecyclerView(rv); } /** Returns the instance of @{code SearchTransitionController}. */ public SearchTransitionController getSearchTransitionController() { return mSearchTransitionController; } /** Holds a {@link BaseAllAppsAdapter} and related fields. */ public class AdapterHolder { public static final int MAIN = 0; public static final int WORK = 1; public static final int SEARCH = 2; private final int mType; public final BaseAllAppsAdapter mAdapter; final RecyclerView.LayoutManager mLayoutManager; final AlphabeticalAppsList mAppsList; final Rect mPadding = new Rect(); AllAppsRecyclerView mRecyclerView; private OnFocusChangeListener mOnFocusChangeListener; AdapterHolder(int type, AlphabeticalAppsList appsList) { mType = type; mAppsList = appsList; mAdapter = createAdapter(mAppsList); mAppsList.setAdapter(mAdapter); mLayoutManager = mAdapter.getLayoutManager(); } void setup(@NonNull View rv, @Nullable Predicate matcher) { mAppsList.updateItemFilter(matcher); mRecyclerView = (AllAppsRecyclerView) rv; mRecyclerView.bindFastScrollbar(mFastScroller); mRecyclerView.setEdgeEffectFactory(createEdgeEffectFactory()); mRecyclerView.setApps(mAppsList); mRecyclerView.setLayoutManager(mLayoutManager); mRecyclerView.setAdapter(mAdapter); mRecyclerView.setHasFixedSize(true); // No animations will occur when changes occur to the items in this RecyclerView. mRecyclerView.setItemAnimator(null); onInitializeRecyclerView(mRecyclerView); // Use ViewGroupFocusHelper for SearchRecyclerView to draw focus outline for the // buttons in the view (e.g. query builder button and setting button) FocusedItemDecorator focusedItemDecorator = isSearch() ? new FocusedItemDecorator( new ViewGroupFocusHelper(mRecyclerView)) : new FocusedItemDecorator( mRecyclerView); mRecyclerView.addItemDecoration(focusedItemDecorator); mOnFocusChangeListener = focusedItemDecorator.getFocusListener(); mAdapter.setIconFocusListener(mOnFocusChangeListener); applyPadding(); } void applyPadding() { if (mRecyclerView != null) { int bottomOffset = 0; if (isWork() && mWorkManager.getWorkModeSwitch() != null) { bottomOffset = mInsets.bottom + mWorkManager.getWorkModeSwitch().getHeight(); } else if (isMain() && mPrivateProfileManager != null) { Optional privateSpaceHeaderItem = mAppsList.getAdapterItems() .stream() .filter(item -> item.viewType == VIEW_TYPE_PRIVATE_SPACE_HEADER) .findFirst(); if (privateSpaceHeaderItem.isPresent()) { bottomOffset = mPrivateSpaceBottomExtraSpace; } } if (isSearchBarFloating()) { bottomOffset += mSearchContainer.getHeight(); } mRecyclerView.setPadding(mPadding.left, mPadding.top, mPadding.right, mPadding.bottom + bottomOffset); } } private boolean isWork() { return mType == WORK; } private boolean isSearch() { return mType == SEARCH; } private boolean isMain() { return mType == MAIN; } } }