/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.launcher3.logging; import static com.android.launcher3.logging.StatsLogManager.LauncherEvent.LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_CLOSE_DOWN; import static com.android.launcher3.logging.StatsLogManager.LauncherEvent.LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_OPEN_UP; import static com.android.launcher3.logging.StatsLogManager.LauncherEvent.LAUNCHER_HOME_GESTURE; import static com.android.launcher3.logging.StatsLogManager.LauncherEvent.LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_GESTURE; import android.content.Context; import android.view.View; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.slice.SliceItem; import com.android.launcher3.R; import com.android.launcher3.logger.LauncherAtom; import com.android.launcher3.logger.LauncherAtom.ContainerInfo; import com.android.launcher3.logger.LauncherAtom.FromState; import com.android.launcher3.logger.LauncherAtom.ToState; import com.android.launcher3.model.data.ItemInfo; import com.android.launcher3.util.ResourceBasedOverride; import com.android.launcher3.views.ActivityContext; /** * Handles the user event logging in R+. * *
* All of the event ids are defined here. * Most of the methods are placeholder methods for Launcher3 * Actual call happens only for Launcher variant that implements QuickStep. **/ public class StatsLogManager implements ResourceBasedOverride { public static final int LAUNCHER_STATE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; public static final int LAUNCHER_STATE_BACKGROUND = 1; public static final int LAUNCHER_STATE_HOME = 2; public static final int LAUNCHER_STATE_OVERVIEW = 3; public static final int LAUNCHER_STATE_ALLAPPS = 4; public static final int LAUNCHER_STATE_UNCHANGED = 5; @NonNull protected final Context mContext; @Nullable protected final ActivityContext mActivityContext; private KeyboardStateManager mKeyboardStateManager; private InstanceId mInstanceId; public StatsLogManager(@NonNull Context context) { mContext = context; mActivityContext = ActivityContext.lookupContextNoThrow(context); } /** * Returns event enum based on the two state transition information when swipe * gesture happens(to be removed during UserEventDispatcher cleanup). */ public static EventEnum getLauncherAtomEvent(int startState, int targetState, EventEnum fallbackEvent) { if (startState == LAUNCHER_STATE_HOME && targetState == LAUNCHER_STATE_HOME) { return LAUNCHER_HOME_GESTURE; } else if (startState != LAUNCHER_STATE_OVERVIEW && targetState == LAUNCHER_STATE_OVERVIEW) { return LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_GESTURE; } else if (startState != LAUNCHER_STATE_ALLAPPS && targetState == LAUNCHER_STATE_ALLAPPS) { return LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_OPEN_UP; } else if (startState == LAUNCHER_STATE_ALLAPPS && targetState != LAUNCHER_STATE_ALLAPPS) { return LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_CLOSE_DOWN; } return fallbackEvent; // TODO fix } public interface EventEnum { /** * Tag used to request new UI Event IDs via presubmit analysis. * *
Use RESERVE_NEW_UI_EVENT_ID as the constructor parameter for a new {@link EventEnum} * to signal the presubmit analyzer to reserve a new ID for the event. The new ID will be * returned as a Gerrit presubmit finding. Do not submit {@code RESERVE_NEW_UI_EVENT_ID} as * the constructor parameter for any event. * *
* @UiEvent(doc = "Briefly describe the interaction when this event will be logged") * UNIQUE_EVENT_NAME(RESERVE_NEW_UI_EVENT_ID); **/ int RESERVE_NEW_UI_EVENT_ID = Integer.MIN_VALUE; // Negative IDs are ignored by the logger. int getId(); } public enum LauncherEvent implements EventEnum { /* Used to prevent double logging. */ IGNORE(-1), @UiEvent(doc = "App launched from workspace, hotseat or folder in launcher") LAUNCHER_APP_LAUNCH_TAP(338), @UiEvent(doc = "Task launched from overview using TAP") LAUNCHER_TASK_LAUNCH_TAP(339), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on notification inside popup context menu.") LAUNCHER_NOTIFICATION_LAUNCH_TAP(516), @UiEvent(doc = "Task launched from overview using SWIPE DOWN") LAUNCHER_TASK_LAUNCH_SWIPE_DOWN(340), @UiEvent(doc = "App launched by dragging and dropping, probably from taskbar") LAUNCHER_APP_LAUNCH_DRAGDROP(1552), @UiEvent(doc = "TASK dismissed from overview using SWIPE UP") LAUNCHER_TASK_DISMISS_SWIPE_UP(341), @UiEvent(doc = "User dragged a launcher item") LAUNCHER_ITEM_DRAG_STARTED(383), @UiEvent(doc = "A dragged launcher item is successfully dropped onto workspace, hotseat " + "open folder etc") LAUNCHER_ITEM_DROP_COMPLETED(385), @UiEvent(doc = "A dragged launcher item is successfully dropped onto a folder icon.") LAUNCHER_ITEM_DROP_COMPLETED_ON_FOLDER_ICON(697), @UiEvent(doc = "A dragged launcher item is successfully dropped on another item " + "resulting in a new folder creation") LAUNCHER_ITEM_DROP_FOLDER_CREATED(386), @UiEvent(doc = "Folder's label is automatically assigned.") LAUNCHER_FOLDER_AUTO_LABELED(591), @UiEvent(doc = "Could not auto-label a folder because primary suggestion is null or empty.") LAUNCHER_FOLDER_AUTO_LABELING_SKIPPED_EMPTY_PRIMARY(592), @UiEvent(doc = "Could not auto-label a folder because no suggestions exist.") LAUNCHER_FOLDER_AUTO_LABELING_SKIPPED_EMPTY_SUGGESTIONS(593), @UiEvent(doc = "User manually updated the folder label.") LAUNCHER_FOLDER_LABEL_UPDATED(460), @UiEvent(doc = "User long pressed on the workspace empty space.") LAUNCHER_WORKSPACE_LONGPRESS(461), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped or long pressed on a wallpaper icon inside launcher settings.") LAUNCHER_WALLPAPER_BUTTON_TAP_OR_LONGPRESS(462), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped or long pressed on settings icon inside launcher settings.") LAUNCHER_SETTINGS_BUTTON_TAP_OR_LONGPRESS(463), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped or long pressed on widget tray icon inside launcher settings.") LAUNCHER_WIDGETSTRAY_BUTTON_TAP_OR_LONGPRESS(464), @UiEvent(doc = "User expanded the list of widgets for a single app in the widget picker.") LAUNCHER_WIDGETSTRAY_APP_EXPANDED(818), @UiEvent(doc = "User searched for a widget in the widget picker.") LAUNCHER_WIDGETSTRAY_SEARCHED(819), @UiEvent(doc = "A dragged item is dropped on 'Remove' button in the target bar") LAUNCHER_ITEM_DROPPED_ON_REMOVE(465), @UiEvent(doc = "A dragged item is dropped on 'Cancel' button in the target bar") LAUNCHER_ITEM_DROPPED_ON_CANCEL(466), @UiEvent(doc = "A predicted item is dragged and dropped on 'Don't suggest app'" + " button in the target bar") LAUNCHER_ITEM_DROPPED_ON_DONT_SUGGEST(467), @UiEvent(doc = "A dragged item is dropped on 'Uninstall' button in target bar") LAUNCHER_ITEM_DROPPED_ON_UNINSTALL(468), @UiEvent(doc = "User completed uninstalling the package after dropping on " + "the icon onto 'Uninstall' button in the target bar") LAUNCHER_ITEM_UNINSTALL_COMPLETED(469), @UiEvent(doc = "User cancelled uninstalling the package after dropping on " + "the icon onto 'Uninstall' button in the target bar") LAUNCHER_ITEM_UNINSTALL_CANCELLED(470), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped or long pressed on the task icon(aka package icon) " + "from overview to open task menu.") LAUNCHER_TASK_ICON_TAP_OR_LONGPRESS(517), @UiEvent(doc = "User opened package specific widgets list by tapping on widgets system " + "shortcut inside popup context menu.") LAUNCHER_SYSTEM_SHORTCUT_WIDGETS_TAP(514), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on app info system shortcut.") LAUNCHER_SYSTEM_SHORTCUT_APP_INFO_TAP(515), /** * @deprecated Use {@link #LAUNCHER_APP_ICON_MENU_SPLIT_LEFT_TOP} or * {@link #LAUNCHER_APP_ICON_MENU_SPLIT_RIGHT_BOTTOM} */ @Deprecated @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on split screen icon on a task menu.") LAUNCHER_SYSTEM_SHORTCUT_SPLIT_SCREEN_TAP(518), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on free form icon on a task menu.") LAUNCHER_SYSTEM_SHORTCUT_FREE_FORM_TAP(519), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on desktop icon on a task menu.") LAUNCHER_SYSTEM_SHORTCUT_DESKTOP_TAP(1706), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on pause app system shortcut.") LAUNCHER_SYSTEM_SHORTCUT_PAUSE_TAP(521), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on pin system shortcut.") LAUNCHER_SYSTEM_SHORTCUT_PIN_TAP(522), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on don't suggest app system shortcut.") LAUNCHER_SYSTEM_SHORTCUT_DONT_SUGGEST_APP_TAP(1603), @UiEvent(doc = "User is shown All Apps education view.") LAUNCHER_ALL_APPS_EDU_SHOWN(523), @UiEvent(doc = "User opened a folder.") LAUNCHER_FOLDER_OPEN(551), @UiEvent(doc = "Hotseat education half sheet seen") LAUNCHER_HOTSEAT_EDU_SEEN(479), @UiEvent(doc = "Hotseat migration accepted") LAUNCHER_HOTSEAT_EDU_ACCEPT(480), @UiEvent(doc = "Hotseat migration denied") LAUNCHER_HOTSEAT_EDU_DENY(481), @UiEvent(doc = "Hotseat education tip shown") LAUNCHER_HOTSEAT_EDU_ONLY_TIP(482), /** * @deprecated LauncherUiChanged.rank field is repurposed to store all apps rank, so no * separate event is required. */ @Deprecated @UiEvent(doc = "App launch ranking logged for all apps predictions") LAUNCHER_ALL_APPS_RANKED(552), @UiEvent(doc = "App launch ranking logged for hotseat predictions)") LAUNCHER_HOTSEAT_RANKED(553), @UiEvent(doc = "Launcher is now in background. e.g., Screen off event") LAUNCHER_ONSTOP(562), @UiEvent(doc = "Launcher is now in foreground. e.g., Screen on event, back button") LAUNCHER_ONRESUME(563), @UiEvent(doc = "User swipes or fling in LEFT direction on workspace.") LAUNCHER_SWIPELEFT(564), @UiEvent(doc = "User swipes or fling in RIGHT direction on workspace.") LAUNCHER_SWIPERIGHT(565), @UiEvent(doc = "User swipes or fling in UP direction in unknown way.") LAUNCHER_UNKNOWN_SWIPEUP(566), @UiEvent(doc = "User swipes or fling in DOWN direction in unknown way.") LAUNCHER_UNKNOWN_SWIPEDOWN(567), @UiEvent(doc = "User swipes or fling in UP direction to open apps drawer.") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_OPEN_UP(568), @UiEvent(doc = "User swipes or fling in DOWN direction to close apps drawer.") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_CLOSE_DOWN(569), @UiEvent(doc = "User tap outside apps drawer sheet to close apps drawer.") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_CLOSE_TAP_OUTSIDE(941), @UiEvent(doc = "User swipes or fling in UP direction and hold from the bottom bazel area") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_GESTURE(570), @UiEvent(doc = "User swipes or fling in LEFT direction on the bottom bazel area.") LAUNCHER_QUICKSWITCH_LEFT(571), @UiEvent(doc = "User swipes or fling in RIGHT direction on the bottom bazel area.") LAUNCHER_QUICKSWITCH_RIGHT(572), @UiEvent(doc = "User swipes or fling in DOWN direction on the bottom bazel area.") LAUNCHER_SWIPEDOWN_NAVBAR(573), @UiEvent(doc = "User deep presses on the bottom bezel area.") LAUNCHER_DEEP_PRESS_NAVBAR(1543), @UiEvent(doc = "User long presses on the bottom bezel area.") LAUNCHER_LONG_PRESS_NAVBAR(1544), @UiEvent(doc = "User deep presses on the stashed taskbar") LAUNCHER_DEEP_PRESS_STASHED_TASKBAR(1602), @UiEvent(doc = "User long presses on the stashed taskbar") LAUNCHER_LONG_PRESS_STASHED_TASKBAR(1592), @UiEvent(doc = "User swipes or fling in UP direction from bottom bazel area.") LAUNCHER_HOME_GESTURE(574), @UiEvent(doc = "User's workspace layout information is snapshot in the background.") LAUNCHER_WORKSPACE_SNAPSHOT(579), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on the screenshot button on overview)") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_ACTIONS_SCREENSHOT(580), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on the select button on overview)") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_ACTIONS_SELECT(581), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on the share button on overview") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_ACTIONS_SHARE(582), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on the split screen button on overview") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_ACTIONS_SPLIT(895), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on the close button in select mode") LAUNCHER_SELECT_MODE_CLOSE(583), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on the highlight items in select mode") LAUNCHER_SELECT_MODE_ITEM(584), @UiEvent(doc = "Notification dot on app icon enabled.") LAUNCHER_NOTIFICATION_DOT_ENABLED(611), @UiEvent(doc = "Notification dot on app icon disabled.") LAUNCHER_NOTIFICATION_DOT_DISABLED(612), @UiEvent(doc = "For new apps, add app icons to home screen enabled.") LAUNCHER_ADD_NEW_APPS_TO_HOME_SCREEN_ENABLED(613), @UiEvent(doc = "For new apps, add app icons to home screen disabled.") LAUNCHER_ADD_NEW_APPS_TO_HOME_SCREEN_DISABLED(614), @UiEvent(doc = "Home screen rotation is enabled when phone is rotated.") LAUNCHER_HOME_SCREEN_ROTATION_ENABLED(615), @UiEvent(doc = "Home screen rotation is disabled when phone is rotated.") LAUNCHER_HOME_SCREEN_ROTATION_DISABLED(616), @UiEvent(doc = "Suggestions in all apps list enabled.") LAUNCHER_ALL_APPS_SUGGESTIONS_ENABLED(619), @UiEvent(doc = "Suggestions in all apps list disabled.") LAUNCHER_ALL_APPS_SUGGESTIONS_DISABLED(620), @UiEvent(doc = "Suggestions on home screen is enabled.") LAUNCHER_HOME_SCREEN_SUGGESTIONS_ENABLED(621), @UiEvent(doc = "Suggestions on home screen is disabled.") LAUNCHER_HOME_SCREEN_SUGGESTIONS_DISABLED(622), @UiEvent(doc = "System navigation is 3 button mode.") LAUNCHER_NAVIGATION_MODE_3_BUTTON(623), @UiEvent(doc = "System navigation mode is 2 button mode.") LAUNCHER_NAVIGATION_MODE_2_BUTTON(624), @UiEvent(doc = "System navigation mode is 0 button mode/gesture navigation mode .") LAUNCHER_NAVIGATION_MODE_GESTURE_BUTTON(625), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on image content in Overview Select mode.") LAUNCHER_SELECT_MODE_IMAGE(627), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on barcode content in Overview Select mode.") LAUNCHER_SELECT_MODE_BARCODE(1531), @UiEvent(doc = "Highlight gleams for barcode content in Overview Select mode.") LAUNCHER_SELECT_MODE_SHOW_BARCODE_REGIONS(1532), @UiEvent(doc = "Activity to add external item was started") LAUNCHER_ADD_EXTERNAL_ITEM_START(641), @UiEvent(doc = "Activity to add external item was cancelled") LAUNCHER_ADD_EXTERNAL_ITEM_CANCELLED(642), @UiEvent(doc = "Activity to add external item was backed out") LAUNCHER_ADD_EXTERNAL_ITEM_BACK(643), @UiEvent(doc = "Item was placed automatically in external item addition flow") LAUNCHER_ADD_EXTERNAL_ITEM_PLACED_AUTOMATICALLY(644), @UiEvent(doc = "Item was dragged in external item addition flow") LAUNCHER_ADD_EXTERNAL_ITEM_DRAGGED(645), @UiEvent(doc = "A folder was replaced by a single item") LAUNCHER_FOLDER_CONVERTED_TO_ICON(646), @UiEvent(doc = "A hotseat prediction item was pinned") LAUNCHER_HOTSEAT_PREDICTION_PINNED(647), @UiEvent(doc = "Undo event was tapped.") LAUNCHER_UNDO(648), @UiEvent(doc = "Task switcher clear all target was tapped.") LAUNCHER_TASK_CLEAR_ALL(649), @UiEvent(doc = "Task preview was long pressed.") LAUNCHER_TASK_PREVIEW_LONGPRESS(650), @UiEvent(doc = "User swiped down on workspace (triggering noti shade to open).") LAUNCHER_SWIPE_DOWN_WORKSPACE_NOTISHADE_OPEN(651), @UiEvent(doc = "Notification dismissed by swiping right.") LAUNCHER_NOTIFICATION_DISMISSED(652), @UiEvent(doc = "Current grid size is changed to 6.") LAUNCHER_GRID_SIZE_6(930), @UiEvent(doc = "Current grid size is changed to 5.") LAUNCHER_GRID_SIZE_5(662), @UiEvent(doc = "Current grid size is changed to 4.") LAUNCHER_GRID_SIZE_4(663), @UiEvent(doc = "Current grid size is changed to 3.") LAUNCHER_GRID_SIZE_3(664), @UiEvent(doc = "Current grid size is changed to 2.") LAUNCHER_GRID_SIZE_2(665), @UiEvent(doc = "Launcher entered into AllApps state.") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_ENTRY(692), @UiEvent(doc = "Launcher exited from AllApps state.") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_EXIT(693), @UiEvent(doc = "User closed the AllApps keyboard.") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_KEYBOARD_CLOSED(694), @UiEvent(doc = "User switched to AllApps Main/Personal tab by swiping left.") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_SWIPE_TO_PERSONAL_TAB(695), @UiEvent(doc = "User switched to AllApps Work tab by swiping right.") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_SWIPE_TO_WORK_TAB(696), @UiEvent(doc = "Default event when dedicated UI event is not available for the user action" + " on slice .") LAUNCHER_SLICE_DEFAULT_ACTION(700), @UiEvent(doc = "User toggled-on a Slice item.") LAUNCHER_SLICE_TOGGLE_ON(701), @UiEvent(doc = "User toggled-off a Slice item.") LAUNCHER_SLICE_TOGGLE_OFF(702), @UiEvent(doc = "User acted on a Slice item with a button.") LAUNCHER_SLICE_BUTTON_ACTION(703), @UiEvent(doc = "User acted on a Slice item with a slider.") LAUNCHER_SLICE_SLIDER_ACTION(704), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on the entire row of a Slice.") LAUNCHER_SLICE_CONTENT_ACTION(705), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on the see more button of a Slice.") LAUNCHER_SLICE_SEE_MORE_ACTION(706), @UiEvent(doc = "User selected from a selection row of Slice.") LAUNCHER_SLICE_SELECTION_ACTION(707), @UiEvent(doc = "IME is used for selecting the focused item on the AllApps screen.") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_FOCUSED_ITEM_SELECTED_WITH_IME(718), @UiEvent(doc = "User long-pressed on an AllApps item.") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_ITEM_LONG_PRESSED(719), @UiEvent(doc = "Launcher entered into AllApps state with device search enabled.") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_ENTRY_WITH_DEVICE_SEARCH(720), @UiEvent(doc = "User switched to AllApps Main/Personal tab by tapping on it.") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_TAP_ON_PERSONAL_TAB(721), @UiEvent(doc = "User switched to AllApps Work tab by tapping on it.") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_TAP_ON_WORK_TAB(722), @UiEvent(doc = "All apps vertical fling started.") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_VERTICAL_SWIPE_BEGIN(724), @UiEvent(doc = "All apps vertical fling ended.") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_VERTICAL_SWIPE_END(725), @UiEvent(doc = "Show URL indicator for Overview Sharing") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_SHARING_SHOW_URL_INDICATOR(764), @UiEvent(doc = "Show image indicator for Overview Sharing") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_SHARING_SHOW_IMAGE_INDICATOR(765), @UiEvent(doc = "User taps URL indicator in Overview") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_SHARING_URL_INDICATOR_TAP(766), @UiEvent(doc = "User taps image indicator in Overview") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_SHARING_IMAGE_INDICATOR_TAP(767), @UiEvent(doc = "User long presses an image in Overview") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_SHARING_IMAGE_LONG_PRESS(768), @UiEvent(doc = "User drags a URL in Overview") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_SHARING_URL_DRAG(769), @UiEvent(doc = "User drags an image in Overview") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_SHARING_IMAGE_DRAG(770), @UiEvent(doc = "User drops URL to a direct share target") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_SHARING_DROP_URL_TO_TARGET(771), @UiEvent(doc = "User drops an image to a direct share target") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_SHARING_DROP_IMAGE_TO_TARGET(772), @UiEvent(doc = "User drops URL to the More button") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_SHARING_DROP_URL_TO_MORE(773), @UiEvent(doc = "User drops an image to the More button") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_SHARING_DROP_IMAGE_TO_MORE(774), @UiEvent(doc = "User taps a share target to share URL") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_SHARING_TAP_TARGET_TO_SHARE_URL(775), @UiEvent(doc = "User taps a share target to share an image") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_SHARING_TAP_TARGET_TO_SHARE_IMAGE(776), @UiEvent(doc = "User taps the More button to share URL") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_SHARING_TAP_MORE_TO_SHARE_URL(777), @UiEvent(doc = "User taps the More button to share an image") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_SHARING_TAP_MORE_TO_SHARE_IMAGE(778), @UiEvent(doc = "Show Barode indicator for overview sharing") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_SHARING_SHOW_BARCODE_INDICATOR(1533), @UiEvent(doc = "User taps barcode indicator in overview") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_SHARING_BARCODE_INDICATOR_TAP(1534), @UiEvent(doc = "Configure barcode region for long_press action for overview sharing") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_SHARING_CONFIGURE_BARCODE_REGION_LONG_PRESS(1535), @UiEvent(doc = "User long presses a barcode region in overview") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_SHARING_BARCODE_REGION_LONG_PRESS(1536), @UiEvent(doc = "User drags a barcode region in overview") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_SHARING_BARCODE_REGION_DRAG(1537), @UiEvent(doc = "User started resizing a widget on their home screen.") LAUNCHER_WIDGET_RESIZE_STARTED(820), @UiEvent(doc = "User finished resizing a widget on their home screen.") LAUNCHER_WIDGET_RESIZE_COMPLETED(824), @UiEvent(doc = "User reconfigured a widget on their home screen.") LAUNCHER_WIDGET_RECONFIGURED(821), @UiEvent(doc = "User enabled themed icons option in wallpaper & style settings.") LAUNCHER_THEMED_ICON_ENABLED(836), @UiEvent(doc = "User disabled themed icons option in wallpaper & style settings.") LAUNCHER_THEMED_ICON_DISABLED(837), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on 'Turn on work apps' button in all apps window.") LAUNCHER_TURN_ON_WORK_APPS_TAP(838), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on 'Turn off work apps' button in all apps window.") LAUNCHER_TURN_OFF_WORK_APPS_TAP(839), @UiEvent(doc = "Launcher item drop failed since there was not enough room on the screen.") LAUNCHER_ITEM_DROP_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE(872), @UiEvent(doc = "User clicks on the search icon on header to launch search in app.") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_SEARCHINAPP_LAUNCH(913), @UiEvent(doc = "User is shown the back gesture navigation tutorial step.") LAUNCHER_GESTURE_TUTORIAL_BACK_STEP_SHOWN(959), @UiEvent(doc = "User is shown the home gesture navigation tutorial step.") LAUNCHER_GESTURE_TUTORIAL_HOME_STEP_SHOWN(960), @UiEvent(doc = "User is shown the overview gesture navigation tutorial step.") LAUNCHER_GESTURE_TUTORIAL_OVERVIEW_STEP_SHOWN(961), @UiEvent(doc = "User completed the back gesture navigation tutorial step.") LAUNCHER_GESTURE_TUTORIAL_BACK_STEP_COMPLETED(962), @UiEvent(doc = "User completed the home gesture navigation tutorial step.") LAUNCHER_GESTURE_TUTORIAL_HOME_STEP_COMPLETED(963), @UiEvent(doc = "User completed the overview gesture navigation tutorial step.") LAUNCHER_GESTURE_TUTORIAL_OVERVIEW_STEP_COMPLETED(964), @UiEvent(doc = "User skips the gesture navigation tutorial.") LAUNCHER_GESTURE_TUTORIAL_SKIPPED(965), @UiEvent(doc = "User scrolled on one of the all apps surfaces such as A-Z list, search " + "result page etc.") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_SCROLLED(985), @UiEvent(doc = "User scrolled up on the all apps personal A-Z list.") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_PERSONAL_SCROLLED_UP(1287), @UiEvent(doc = "User scrolled down on the all apps personal A-Z list.") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_PERSONAL_SCROLLED_DOWN(1288), @UiEvent(doc = "User scrolled on one of the all apps surfaces such as A-Z list, search " + "result page etc and we don't know the direction since user came back to " + "original position from which they scrolled.") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_SCROLLED_UNKNOWN_DIRECTION(1231), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped taskbar home button") LAUNCHER_TASKBAR_HOME_BUTTON_TAP(1003), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped taskbar back button") LAUNCHER_TASKBAR_BACK_BUTTON_TAP(1004), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped taskbar overview/recents button") LAUNCHER_TASKBAR_OVERVIEW_BUTTON_TAP(1005), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped taskbar IME switcher button") LAUNCHER_TASKBAR_IME_SWITCHER_BUTTON_TAP(1006), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped taskbar a11y button") LAUNCHER_TASKBAR_A11Y_BUTTON_TAP(1007), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped taskbar home button") LAUNCHER_TASKBAR_HOME_BUTTON_LONGPRESS(1008), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped taskbar back button") LAUNCHER_TASKBAR_BACK_BUTTON_LONGPRESS(1009), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped taskbar overview/recents button") LAUNCHER_TASKBAR_OVERVIEW_BUTTON_LONGPRESS(1010), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped taskbar a11y button") LAUNCHER_TASKBAR_A11Y_BUTTON_LONGPRESS(1011), @UiEvent(doc = "Show an 'Undo' snackbar when users dismiss a predicted hotseat item") LAUNCHER_DISMISS_PREDICTION_UNDO(1035), @UiEvent(doc = "User clicked on IME quicksearch button.") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_QUICK_SEARCH_WITH_IME(1047), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped taskbar All Apps button.") LAUNCHER_TASKBAR_ALLAPPS_BUTTON_TAP(1057), @UiEvent(doc = "User long pressed taskbar All Apps button.") LAUNCHER_TASKBAR_ALLAPPS_BUTTON_LONG_PRESS(1607), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on Share app system shortcut.") LAUNCHER_SYSTEM_SHORTCUT_APP_SHARE_TAP(1075), @UiEvent(doc = "User has invoked split to right half from an app icon menu") LAUNCHER_APP_ICON_MENU_SPLIT_RIGHT_BOTTOM(1199), @UiEvent(doc = "User has invoked split to left half from an app icon menu") LAUNCHER_APP_ICON_MENU_SPLIT_LEFT_TOP(1200), @UiEvent(doc = "Number of apps in A-Z list (personal and work profile)") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_COUNT(1225), @UiEvent(doc = "User has invoked split to right half with a keyboard shortcut.") LAUNCHER_KEYBOARD_SHORTCUT_SPLIT_RIGHT_BOTTOM(1232), @UiEvent(doc = "User has invoked split to left half with a keyboard shortcut.") LAUNCHER_KEYBOARD_SHORTCUT_SPLIT_LEFT_TOP(1233), @UiEvent(doc = "User has invoked split to right half from desktop mode.") LAUNCHER_DESKTOP_MODE_SPLIT_RIGHT_BOTTOM(1412), @UiEvent(doc = "User has invoked split to left half from desktop mode.") LAUNCHER_DESKTOP_MODE_SPLIT_LEFT_TOP(1464), @UiEvent(doc = "User has collapsed the work FAB button by scrolling down in the all apps" + " work A-Z list.") LAUNCHER_WORK_FAB_BUTTON_COLLAPSE(1276), @UiEvent(doc = "User has collapsed the work FAB button by scrolling up in the all apps" + " work A-Z list.") LAUNCHER_WORK_FAB_BUTTON_EXTEND(1277), @UiEvent(doc = "User scrolled down on the search result page.") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_SEARCH_SCROLLED_DOWN(1285), @UiEvent(doc = "User scrolled up on the search result page.") LAUNCHER_ALLAPPS_SEARCH_SCROLLED_UP(1286), @UiEvent(doc = "User or automatic timeout has hidden transient taskbar.") LAUNCHER_TRANSIENT_TASKBAR_HIDE(1330), @UiEvent(doc = "User has swiped upwards from the gesture handle to show transient taskbar.") LAUNCHER_TRANSIENT_TASKBAR_SHOW(1331), @UiEvent(doc = "User has clicked an app pair and launched directly into split screen.") LAUNCHER_APP_PAIR_LAUNCH(1374), @UiEvent(doc = "User saved an app pair.") LAUNCHER_APP_PAIR_SAVE(1456), @UiEvent(doc = "App launched through pending intent") LAUNCHER_APP_LAUNCH_PENDING_INTENT(1394), @UiEvent(doc = "User long pressed on taskbar divider icon to open popup menu") LAUNCHER_TASKBAR_DIVIDER_MENU_OPEN(1488), @UiEvent(doc = "User long pressed on taskbar divider icon to close popup menu") LAUNCHER_TASKBAR_DIVIDER_MENU_CLOSE(1489), @UiEvent(doc = "User has pinned taskbar using taskbar divider menu") LAUNCHER_TASKBAR_PINNED(1490), @UiEvent(doc = "User has unpinned taskbar using taskbar divider menu") LAUNCHER_TASKBAR_UNPINNED(1491), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped private space lock button") LAUNCHER_PRIVATE_SPACE_LOCK_TAP(1548), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped private space unlock button") LAUNCHER_PRIVATE_SPACE_UNLOCK_TAP(1549), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped private space settings button") LAUNCHER_PRIVATE_SPACE_SETTINGS_TAP(1550), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on install to private space system shortcut.") LAUNCHER_PRIVATE_SPACE_INSTALL_SYSTEM_SHORTCUT_TAP(1565), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped private space install app button.") LAUNCHER_PRIVATE_SPACE_INSTALL_APP_BUTTON_TAP(1605), @UiEvent(doc = "User attempted to create split screen with a widget") LAUNCHER_SPLIT_WIDGET_ATTEMPT(1604), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped on private space uninstall system shortcut.") LAUNCHER_PRIVATE_SPACE_UNINSTALL_SYSTEM_SHORTCUT_TAP(1608), @UiEvent(doc = "User initiated split selection") LAUNCHER_SPLIT_SELECTION_INITIATED(1618), @UiEvent(doc = "User finished a split selection session") LAUNCHER_SPLIT_SELECTION_COMPLETE(1619), @UiEvent(doc = "User selected both apps for split screen") LAUNCHER_SPLIT_SELECTED_SECOND_APP(1609), @UiEvent(doc = "User exited split selection by going home via swipe, button, or state " + "transition") LAUNCHER_SPLIT_SELECTION_EXIT_HOME(1610), @UiEvent(doc = "User exited split selection by tapping cancel in split instructions view") LAUNCHER_SPLIT_SELECTION_EXIT_CANCEL_BUTTON(1611), @UiEvent(doc = "User exited split selection when another activity/app came to foreground" + " after first app had been selected OR if user long-pressed on home. Default exit" + " metric.") LAUNCHER_SPLIT_SELECTION_EXIT_INTERRUPTED(1612), @UiEvent(doc = "User tapped add widget button in widget sheet.") LAUNCHER_WIDGET_ADD_BUTTON_TAP(1622), @UiEvent(doc = "Number of user installed Private profile apps, shown above separator line") LAUNCHER_PRIVATE_SPACE_USER_INSTALLED_APPS_COUNT(1672), @UiEvent(doc = "Number of preinstalled Private profile apps, shown under separator line") LAUNCHER_PRIVATE_SPACE_PREINSTALLED_APPS_COUNT(1673), @UiEvent(doc = "Private space lock animation started") LAUNCHER_PRIVATE_SPACE_LOCK_ANIMATION_BEGIN(1725), @UiEvent(doc = "Private space lock animation finished") LAUNCHER_PRIVATE_SPACE_LOCK_ANIMATION_END(1726), @UiEvent(doc = "Private space unlock animation started") LAUNCHER_PRIVATE_SPACE_UNLOCK_ANIMATION_BEGIN(1727), @UiEvent(doc = "Private space unlock animation finished") LAUNCHER_PRIVATE_SPACE_UNLOCK_ANIMATION_END(1728), @UiEvent(doc = "User rotates whilst in Overview / RecentsView") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_ORIENTATION_CHANGED(1762), @UiEvent(doc = "User launches Overview from 3 button navigation") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_SHOW_OVERVIEW_FROM_3_BUTTON(1763), @UiEvent(doc = "User launches Overview from alt+tab keyboard quick switch") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_SHOW_OVERVIEW_FROM_KEYBOARD_QUICK_SWITCH(1764), @UiEvent(doc = "User launches Overview from meta+tab keyboard shortcut") LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW_SHOW_OVERVIEW_FROM_KEYBOARD_SHORTCUT(1765), // ADD MORE ; private final int mId; LauncherEvent(int id) { mId = id; } public int getId() { return mId; } } /** Launcher's latency events. */ public enum LauncherLatencyEvent implements EventEnum { // Details of below 6 events with prefix of "LAUNCHER_LATENCY_STARTUP_" are discussed in // go/launcher-startup-latency @UiEvent(doc = "The total duration of launcher startup latency.") LAUNCHER_LATENCY_STARTUP_TOTAL_DURATION(1362), @UiEvent(doc = "The duration of launcher activity's onCreate().") LAUNCHER_LATENCY_STARTUP_ACTIVITY_ON_CREATE(1363), @UiEvent(doc = "The duration to inflate launcher root view in launcher activity's onCreate().") LAUNCHER_LATENCY_STARTUP_VIEW_INFLATION(1364), @UiEvent(doc = "The duration of asynchronous loading workspace") LAUNCHER_LATENCY_STARTUP_WORKSPACE_LOADER_ASYNC(1367), ; private final int mId; LauncherLatencyEvent(int id) { mId = id; } @Override public int getId() { return mId; } } /** * Launcher specific ranking related events. */ public enum LauncherRankingEvent implements EventEnum { UNKNOWN(0); // ADD MORE private final int mId; LauncherRankingEvent(int id) { mId = id; } public int getId() { return mId; } } /** * Helps to construct and log launcher event. */ public interface StatsLogger { /** * Sets log fields from provided {@link ItemInfo}. */ default StatsLogger withItemInfo(ItemInfo itemInfo) { return this; } /** * Sets {@link InstanceId} of log message. */ default StatsLogger withInstanceId(InstanceId instanceId) { return this; } /** * Sets rank field of log message. */ default StatsLogger withRank(int rank) { return this; } /** * Sets source launcher state field of log message. */ default StatsLogger withSrcState(int srcState) { return this; } /** * Sets destination launcher state field of log message. */ default StatsLogger withDstState(int dstState) { return this; } /** * Sets FromState field of log message. */ default StatsLogger withFromState(FromState fromState) { return this; } /** * Sets ToState field of log message. */ default StatsLogger withToState(ToState toState) { return this; } /** * Sets editText field of log message. */ default StatsLogger withEditText(String editText) { return this; } /** * Sets the final value for container related fields of log message. * * By default container related fields are derived from {@link ItemInfo}, this method would * override those values. */ default StatsLogger withContainerInfo(ContainerInfo containerInfo) { return this; } /** * Sets logging fields from provided {@link SliceItem}. */ default StatsLogger withSliceItem(SliceItem sliceItem) { return this; } /** * Sets logging fields from provided {@link LauncherAtom.Slice}. */ default StatsLogger withSlice(LauncherAtom.Slice slice) { return this; } /** * Sets cardinality of log message. */ default StatsLogger withCardinality(int cardinality) { return this; } /** * Sets the input type of the log message. */ default StatsLogger withInputType(int inputType) { return this; } /** * Set the features of the log message. */ default StatsLogger withFeatures(int feature) { return this; } /** * Set the package name of the log message. */ default StatsLogger withPackageName(@Nullable String packageName) { return this; } /** * Builds the final message and logs it as {@link EventEnum}. */ default void log(EventEnum event) { } /** * Builds the final message and logs it to two different atoms, one for * event tracking and the other for jank tracking. */ default void sendToInteractionJankMonitor(EventEnum event, View v) { } } /** * Helps to construct and log latency event. */ public interface StatsLatencyLogger { /** * Should be in sync with: * google3/wireless/android/sysui/aster/asterstats/launcher_event_processed.proto */ enum LatencyType { UNKNOWN(0), // example: launcher restart that happens via daily backup and restore COLD(1), HOT(2), TIMEOUT(3), FAIL(4), COLD_USERWAITING(5), ATOMIC(6), CONTROLLED(7), CACHED(8), // example: device is rebooting via power key or shell command `adb reboot` COLD_DEVICE_REBOOTING(9), // Tracking warm startup latency: // https://developer.android.com/topic/performance/vitals/launch-time#warm WARM(10); private final int mId; LatencyType(int id) { this.mId = id; } public int getId() { return mId; } } /** * Sets {@link InstanceId} of log message. */ default StatsLatencyLogger withInstanceId(InstanceId instanceId) { return this; } /** * Sets latency of the event. */ default StatsLatencyLogger withLatency(long latencyInMillis) { return this; } /** * Sets {@link LatencyType} of log message. */ default StatsLatencyLogger withType(LatencyType type) { return this; } /** * Sets query length of the event. */ default StatsLatencyLogger withQueryLength(int queryLength) { return this; } /** * Sets sub event type. */ default StatsLatencyLogger withSubEventType(int type) { return this; } /** Sets cardinality of the event. */ default StatsLatencyLogger withCardinality(int cardinality) { return this; } /** * Sets packageId of log message. */ default StatsLatencyLogger withPackageId(int packageId) { return this; } /** * Builds the final message and logs it as {@link EventEnum}. */ default void log(EventEnum event) { } } /** * Helps to construct and log impression event. */ public interface StatsImpressionLogger { enum State { UNKNOWN(0), ALLAPPS(1), SEARCHBOX_WIDGET(2); private final int mLauncherState; State(int id) { this.mLauncherState = id; } public int getLauncherState() { return mLauncherState; } } /** * Sets {@link InstanceId} of log message. */ default StatsImpressionLogger withInstanceId(InstanceId instanceId) { return this; } /** * Sets {@link State} of impression event. */ default StatsImpressionLogger withState(State state) { return this; } /** * Sets query length of the event. */ default StatsImpressionLogger withQueryLength(int queryLength) { return this; } /** * Sets {@link com.android.app.search.ResultType} for the impression event. */ default StatsImpressionLogger withResultType(int resultType) { return this; } /** * Sets boolean for each of {@link com.android.app.search.ResultType} that indicates * if this result is above keyboard or not for the impression event. */ default StatsImpressionLogger withAboveKeyboard(boolean aboveKeyboard) { return this; } /** * Sets uid for each of {@link com.android.app.search.ResultType} that indicates * package name for the impression event. */ default StatsImpressionLogger withUid(int uid) { return this; } /** * Sets result source that indicates the origin of the result for the impression event. */ default StatsImpressionLogger withResultSource(int resultSource) { return this; } /** * Builds the final message and logs it as {@link EventEnum}. */ default void log(EventEnum event) { } } /** * Returns new logger object. */ public StatsLogger logger() { StatsLogger logger = createLogger(); if (mInstanceId != null) { logger.withInstanceId(mInstanceId); } return logger; } /** * Returns new latency logger object. */ public StatsLatencyLogger latencyLogger() { StatsLatencyLogger logger = createLatencyLogger(); if (mInstanceId != null) { logger.withInstanceId(mInstanceId); } return logger; } /** * Returns new impression logger object. */ public StatsImpressionLogger impressionLogger() { StatsImpressionLogger logger = createImpressionLogger(); if (mInstanceId != null) { logger.withInstanceId(mInstanceId); } return logger; } /** * Returns a singleton KeyboardStateManager. */ public KeyboardStateManager keyboardStateManager() { if (mKeyboardStateManager == null) { mKeyboardStateManager = new KeyboardStateManager( mContext != null ? mContext.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.default_ime_height) : 0); } return mKeyboardStateManager; } protected StatsLogger createLogger() { return new StatsLogger() { }; } protected StatsLatencyLogger createLatencyLogger() { return new StatsLatencyLogger() { }; } protected StatsImpressionLogger createImpressionLogger() { return new StatsImpressionLogger() { }; } /** * Sets InstanceId to every new {@link StatsLogger} object returned by {@link #logger()} when * not-null. */ public StatsLogManager withDefaultInstanceId(@Nullable InstanceId instanceId) { this.mInstanceId = instanceId; return this; } /** * Creates a new instance of {@link StatsLogManager} based on provided context. */ public static StatsLogManager newInstance(Context context) { return Overrides.getObject( StatsLogManager.class, context, R.string.stats_log_manager_class); } }