package; import static android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo.WIDGET_FEATURE_HIDE_FROM_PICKER; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import; import android.os.UserHandle; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pair; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.collection.ArrayMap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Predicate; /** * Widgets data model that is used by the adapters of the widget views and controllers. * *

The widgets and shortcuts are organized using package name as its index. */ public class WidgetsModel { private static final String TAG = "WidgetsModel"; private static final boolean DEBUG = false; /* Map of widgets and shortcuts that are tracked per package. */ private final Map> mWidgetsList = new HashMap<>(); /** * Returns a list of {@link WidgetsListBaseEntry} filtered using given widget item filter. All * {@link WidgetItem}s in a single row are sorted (based on label and user), but the overall * list of {@link WidgetsListBaseEntry}s is not sorted. * * @see */ public synchronized ArrayList getFilteredWidgetsListForPicker( Context context, Predicate widgetItemFilter) { if (!WIDGETS_ENABLED) { return new ArrayList<>(); } ArrayList result = new ArrayList<>(); AlphabeticIndexCompat indexer = new AlphabeticIndexCompat(context); for (Map.Entry> entry : mWidgetsList.entrySet()) { PackageItemInfo pkgItem = entry.getKey(); List widgetItems = entry.getValue() .stream() .filter(widgetItemFilter).toList(); if (!widgetItems.isEmpty()) { String sectionName = (pkgItem.title == null) ? "" : indexer.computeSectionName(pkgItem.title); result.add(WidgetsListHeaderEntry.create(pkgItem, sectionName, widgetItems)); result.add(new WidgetsListContentEntry(pkgItem, sectionName, widgetItems)); } } return result; } /** * Returns a list of {@link WidgetsListBaseEntry}. All {@link WidgetItem} in a single row * are sorted (based on label and user), but the overall list of * {@link WidgetsListBaseEntry}s is not sorted. * * @see */ public synchronized ArrayList getWidgetsListForPicker(Context context) { // return all items return getFilteredWidgetsListForPicker(context, /*widgetItemFilter=*/ item -> true); } /** Returns a mapping of packages to their widgets without static shortcuts. */ public synchronized Map> getAllWidgetsWithoutShortcuts() { if (!WIDGETS_ENABLED) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } Map> packagesToWidgets = new HashMap<>(); mWidgetsList.forEach((packageItemInfo, widgetsAndShortcuts) -> { List widgets = .filter(item -> item.widgetInfo != null) .collect(toList()); if (widgets.size() > 0) { packagesToWidgets.put( new PackageUserKey(packageItemInfo.packageName, packageItemInfo.user), widgets); } }); return packagesToWidgets; } /** * Returns a map of widget component keys to corresponding widget items. Excludes the * shortcuts. */ public synchronized Map getAllWidgetComponentsWithoutShortcuts() { if (!WIDGETS_ENABLED) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } Map widgetsMap = new HashMap<>(); mWidgetsList.forEach((packageItemInfo, widgetsAndShortcuts) -> -> item.widgetInfo != null).forEach( item -> widgetsMap.put(new ComponentKey(item.componentName, item.user), item))); return widgetsMap; } /** * @param packageUser If null, all widgets and shortcuts are updated and returned, otherwise * only widgets and shortcuts associated with the package/user are. */ public List update( LauncherAppState app, @Nullable PackageUserKey packageUser) { if (!WIDGETS_ENABLED) { return Collections.emptyList(); } Preconditions.assertWorkerThread(); Context context = app.getContext(); final ArrayList widgetsAndShortcuts = new ArrayList<>(); List updatedItems = new ArrayList<>(); try { InvariantDeviceProfile idp = app.getInvariantDeviceProfile(); PackageManager pm = app.getContext().getPackageManager(); // Widgets WidgetManagerHelper widgetManager = new WidgetManagerHelper(context); for (AppWidgetProviderInfo widgetInfo : widgetManager.getAllProviders(packageUser)) { LauncherAppWidgetProviderInfo launcherWidgetInfo = LauncherAppWidgetProviderInfo.fromProviderInfo(context, widgetInfo); widgetsAndShortcuts.add(new WidgetItem( launcherWidgetInfo, idp, app.getIconCache(), app.getContext(), widgetManager)); updatedItems.add(launcherWidgetInfo); } // Shortcuts for (ShortcutConfigActivityInfo info : queryList(context, packageUser)) { widgetsAndShortcuts.add(new WidgetItem(info, app.getIconCache(), pm)); updatedItems.add(info); } setWidgetsAndShortcuts(widgetsAndShortcuts, app, packageUser); } catch (Exception e) { if (!FeatureFlags.IS_STUDIO_BUILD && Utilities.isBinderSizeError(e)) { // the returned value may be incomplete and will not be refreshed until the next // time Launcher starts. // TODO: after figuring out a repro step, introduce a dirty bit to check when // onResume is called to refresh the widget provider list. } else { throw e; } } return updatedItems; } private synchronized void setWidgetsAndShortcuts(ArrayList rawWidgetsShortcuts, LauncherAppState app, @Nullable PackageUserKey packageUser) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "addWidgetsAndShortcuts, widgetsShortcuts#=" + rawWidgetsShortcuts.size()); } // Temporary cache for {@link PackageItemInfos} to avoid having to go through // {@link mPackageItemInfos} to locate the key to be used for {@link #mWidgetsList} PackageItemInfoCache packageItemInfoCache = new PackageItemInfoCache(); if (packageUser == null) { // Clear the list if this is an update on all widgets and shortcuts. mWidgetsList.clear(); } else { // Otherwise, only clear the widgets and shortcuts for the changed package. mWidgetsList.remove(packageItemInfoCache.getOrCreate(packageUser)); } // add and update. mWidgetsList.putAll( .filter(new WidgetValidityCheck(app)) .filter(new WidgetFlagCheck()) .flatMap(widgetItem -> getPackageUserKeys(app.getContext(), widgetItem).stream() .map(key -> new Pair<>(packageItemInfoCache.getOrCreate(key), widgetItem))) .collect(groupingBy(pair -> pair.first, mapping(pair -> pair.second, toList())))); // Update each package entry IconCache iconCache = app.getIconCache(); for (PackageItemInfo p : packageItemInfoCache.values()) { iconCache.getTitleAndIconForApp(p, true /* userLowResIcon */); } } public void onPackageIconsUpdated(Set packageNames, UserHandle user, LauncherAppState app) { if (!WIDGETS_ENABLED) { return; } WidgetManagerHelper widgetManager = new WidgetManagerHelper(app.getContext()); for (Entry> entry : mWidgetsList.entrySet()) { if (packageNames.contains(entry.getKey().packageName)) { List items = entry.getValue(); int count = items.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { WidgetItem item = items.get(i); if (item.user.equals(user)) { if (item.activityInfo != null) { items.set(i, new WidgetItem(item.activityInfo, app.getIconCache(), app.getContext().getPackageManager())); } else { items.set(i, new WidgetItem(item.widgetInfo, app.getInvariantDeviceProfile(), app.getIconCache(), app.getContext(), widgetManager)); } } } } } } private PackageItemInfo createPackageItemInfo( ComponentName providerName, UserHandle user, int category ) { if (category == NO_CATEGORY) { return new PackageItemInfo(providerName.getPackageName(), user); } else { return new PackageItemInfo("" , category, user); } } private IntSet getCategories(ComponentName providerName, Context context) { IntSet categories = WidgetSections.getWidgetsToCategory(context).get(providerName); if (categories != null) { return categories; } categories = new IntSet(); categories.add(NO_CATEGORY); return categories; } public WidgetItem getWidgetProviderInfoByProviderName( ComponentName providerName, UserHandle user, Context context) { if (!WIDGETS_ENABLED) { return null; } IntSet categories = getCategories(providerName, context); // Checking if we have a provider in any of the categories. for (Integer category: categories) { PackageItemInfo key = createPackageItemInfo(providerName, user, category); List widgets = mWidgetsList.get(key); if (widgets != null) { return item -> item.componentName.equals(providerName) ) .findFirst() .orElse(null); } } return null; } /** Returns {@link PackageItemInfo} of a pending widget. */ public static PackageItemInfo newPendingItemInfo(Context context, ComponentName provider, UserHandle user) { Map widgetsToCategories = WidgetSections.getWidgetsToCategory(context); if (widgetsToCategories.containsKey(provider)) { Iterator categoriesIterator = widgetsToCategories.get(provider).iterator(); int firstCategory = NO_CATEGORY; while (categoriesIterator.hasNext() && firstCategory == NO_CATEGORY) { firstCategory =; } return new PackageItemInfo(provider.getPackageName(), firstCategory, user); } return new PackageItemInfo(provider.getPackageName(), user); } private List getPackageUserKeys(Context context, WidgetItem item) { Map widgetsToCategories = WidgetSections.getWidgetsToCategory(context); IntSet categories = widgetsToCategories.get(item.componentName); if (categories == null || categories.isEmpty()) { return Arrays.asList( new PackageUserKey(item.componentName.getPackageName(), item.user)); } List packageUserKeys = new ArrayList<>(); categories.forEach(category -> { if (category == NO_CATEGORY) { packageUserKeys.add( new PackageUserKey(item.componentName.getPackageName(), item.user)); } else { packageUserKeys.add(new PackageUserKey(category, item.user)); } }); return packageUserKeys; } private static class WidgetValidityCheck implements Predicate { private final InvariantDeviceProfile mIdp; private final AppFilter mAppFilter; WidgetValidityCheck(LauncherAppState app) { mIdp = app.getInvariantDeviceProfile(); mAppFilter = new AppFilter(app.getContext()); } @Override public boolean test(WidgetItem item) { if (item.widgetInfo != null) { if ((item.widgetInfo.getWidgetFeatures() & WIDGET_FEATURE_HIDE_FROM_PICKER) != 0) { // Widget is hidden from picker return false; } // Ensure that all widgets we show can be added on a workspace of this size if (!item.widgetInfo.isMinSizeFulfilled()) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, String.format( "Widget %s : can't fit on this device with a grid size: %dx%d", item.componentName, mIdp.numColumns, mIdp.numRows)); } return false; } } if (!mAppFilter.shouldShowApp(item.componentName)) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, String.format("%s is filtered and not added to the widget tray.", item.componentName)); } return false; } return true; } } private static class WidgetFlagCheck implements Predicate { private static final String BUBBLES_SHORTCUT_WIDGET = "" + ".CreateBubbleShortcutActivity"; @Override public boolean test(WidgetItem widgetItem) { if (BUBBLES_SHORTCUT_WIDGET.equals(widgetItem.componentName.flattenToString())) { return Flags.enableRetrievableBubbles(); } return true; } } private static final class PackageItemInfoCache { private final Map mMap = new ArrayMap<>(); PackageItemInfo getOrCreate(PackageUserKey key) { PackageItemInfo pInfo = mMap.get(key); if (pInfo == null) { pInfo = new PackageItemInfo(key.mPackageName, key.mWidgetCategory, key.mUser); pInfo.user = key.mUser; mMap.put(key, pInfo); } return pInfo; } Collection values() { return mMap.values(); } } }