#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ################################################################### ## Script that generates SMS and MMS messages and fills the Android ## telephony provider mmssms.db. This is used for testing SMS/MMS. ################################################################### AREA_CODE=605 TABLE_CANONICAL_ADDRESSES_START_ID=100 TABLE_THREADS_START_ID=100 TABLE_SMS_START_ID=1000 START_TIMESTAMP_IN_SECONDS=1357683093 # 1/8/2013 2:11:33 PM TIMESTAMP_INC_IN_SECONDS=120 PART_DIR="/data/data/com.android.providers.telephony/app_parts" USAGE='fillsms [-f] [-x] <# of threads> <# of sms per thread> <# of mms per thread> -f -- Only generates the SQL file, do not push to the device -x -- Only execute a SQL file -g -- For GB devices Examples: # Generate 2 threads each with 10 SMSes and 10 MMSes on device with phone # number +16508619525. MMS messages use images listed in ./images, which list # *.jpg and *.gif files in local directory. The SQL commands are in sql.txt fillsms +16508619525 2 10 10 images sql.txt # Same as above but only creating the SQL command file without pushing to # device fillsms -f +16508619525 2 10 10 images sql.txt # Just push the sql.txt to device without generating new SQLs fillsms -x +16508619525 2 10 10 images sql.txt ' SMIL=' ' MAX_WORDS_PER_MESSAGE=15 DICT=american-english # don't actually run the sql on device opt_sql_only=0 opt_exec_only=0 opt_for_gb=0 while test $# -gt 0 do case $1 in -f) opt_sql_only=1 shift ;; -x) opt_exec_only=1 shift ;; -g) opt_for_gb=1 shift ;; *) break; esac done if [ $opt_sql_only -eq "1" -a $opt_exec_only -eq "1" ]; then echo "-f and -x can not coexist" echo "$USAGE" exit 1 fi if [ $# -lt 6 ]; then echo "$USAGE" exit 1 fi device_phone=$1 shift num_of_threads=$1 shift sms_per_thread=$1 shift mms_per_thread=$1 shift image_list_file=$1 shift sql_file=$1 shift echo $image_list_file dict_lines=`wc -l < $DICT` image_files=`wc -l < $image_list_file` echo $image_files if [ $mms_per_thread -gt "0" ]; then if [ ! -f $image_list_file ]; then echo "No image files for creating MMS messages" exit 1 fi fi echoerr () { echo "$@" 1>&2; } random_value () { echo $(( $RANDOM % $1 + 1 )) } dict_word () { local v=$(random_value $dict_lines) sed $v"q;d" $DICT } gen_message () { local words=$(random_value $MAX_WORDS_PER_MESSAGE) local message= for k in `seq 1 $words`; do local word=$(dict_word) message="$message $word" done echo $message | sed -e "s/'//g" } random_image () { local v=$(random_value $image_files) sed $v"q;d" $image_list_file } add_sql () { echo $1 >> $sql_file } adb_sql () { echo $1 adb shell sqlite3 data/data/com.android.providers.telephony/databases/mmssms.db "$1" } adb_sql_with_quotes () { echo $1 adb shell "sqlite3 data/data/com.android.providers.telephony/databases/mmssms.db \"$1\"" } ###################################################################################### ###################################################################################### if [ $opt_exec_only -eq "0" ]; then # clean up sql file rm -f $sql_file add_sql "PRAGMA trusted_schema=1;" # add sql to clean up database add_sql "delete from pdu where _id>=$TABLE_SMS_START_ID;" add_sql "delete from part where _id>=$TABLE_SMS_START_ID;" add_sql "delete from addr where _id>=$TABLE_SMS_START_ID;" add_sql "delete from sms where _id>=$TABLE_SMS_START_ID;" add_sql "delete from threads where _id>=$TABLE_THREADS_START_ID;" add_sql "delete from canonical_addresses where _id>=$TABLE_CANONICAL_ADDRESSES_START_ID;" for i in `seq 1 $num_of_threads`; do echo echo "Creating thread $i ......" echo # Get random phone number value=$(random_value 1000) middle=$(printf '%03d' $value) value=$(random_value 10000) last=$(printf '%04d' $value) phone="+1$AREA_CODE$middle$last" echo $phone echo timestamp=$(( $START_TIMESTAMP_IN_SECONDS + 5 * $TIMESTAMP_INC_IN_SECONDS * $i )) # Generate threads addr_id=$(( $TABLE_CANONICAL_ADDRESSES_START_ID + $i )) add_sql "insert into canonical_addresses (_id,address) values ($addr_id,'$phone');" thread_id=$(( $TABLE_THREADS_START_ID + $i )) add_sql "insert into threads (_id,date,message_count,recipient_ids,snippet,snippet_cs,read,type,error,has_attachment) values ($thread_id, $timestamp, $sms_per_thread, $addr_id, 'snippet', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);" # Generate SMS if [ $sms_per_thread -gt "0" ]; then add_sql "PRAGMA trusted_schema=1;" half_timestamp_inc=$(( 500 + ((($sms_per_thread + $mms_per_thread) * $TIMESTAMP_INC_IN_SECONDS) * 500 / $sms_per_thread) )) for j in `seq 1 $sms_per_thread`; do message=$(gen_message) date=$(( ( 1000 * $timestamp ) - $half_timestamp_inc * ( 2 * ($sms_per_thread - $j) + ( $i % 2 ) ) )) message_id=$(( $TABLE_SMS_START_ID + $sms_per_thread * $i * 2 + (2 * $j) )) message_type=$(( $j % 2 + 1 )) add_sql "insert into sms (_id,thread_id,address,person,date,status,type,body,read,seen) values ($message_id, $thread_id, '$phone', '$phone', $date, -1, $message_type, '$message', 1, 1);" done fi # Generate MMS if [ $mms_per_thread -gt "0" ]; then half_timestamp_inc=$(( 1 + ((($sms_per_thread + $mms_per_thread) * $TIMESTAMP_INC_IN_SECONDS) / ( 2 * $mms_per_thread) ) )) for j in `seq 1 $mms_per_thread`; do image_line=$(random_image) image=`echo $image_line | awk '{ print $1 }'` width=`echo $image_line | awk '{ print $2 }'` height=`echo $image_line | awk '{ print $3 }'` size=`echo $image_line | awk '{ print $4 }'` date=$(( $timestamp - $half_timestamp_inc * ( 2 * ($mms_per_thread - $j) + ( ($i+1) % 2 ) ) )) message_id=$(( $TABLE_SMS_START_ID + $sms_per_thread * $i * 2 + (2 * $j + 1) )) message_type=$(( $j % 2 + 1 )) if [ $message_type -eq '1' ]; then m_type=132 else m_type=128 fi if [ $opt_for_gb -eq "0" ]; then add_sql "insert into pdu (_id,thread_id,date,date_sent,msg_box,read,m_id,sub,sub_cs,ct_t,m_cls,m_type,v,m_size,pri,rr,tr_id,d_rpt,locked,seen,text_only) values ($message_id, $thread_id, $date, 0, $message_type, 1, 'hmma3p5s1a3m526@w.tmomail.net', 'no subject', 106, 'application/vnd.wap.multipart.related', 'personal', $m_type, 18, $size, 129, 129 , '$message_id', 129, 0, 1, 0);" else add_sql "insert into pdu (_id,thread_id,date,msg_box,read,m_id,sub,sub_cs,ct_t,m_cls,m_type,v,m_size,pri,rr,tr_id,d_rpt,locked,seen) values ($message_id, $thread_id, $date, $message_type, 1, 'hmma3p5s1a3m526@w.tmomail.net', 'no subject', 106, 'application/vnd.wap.multipart.related', 'personal', $m_type, 18, $size, 129, 129 , '$message_id', 129, 0, 1);" fi id_1=$(( $message_id )) id_2=$(( $message_id + 1 )) smil=$(printf "$SMIL" $height $width $height $width $image) add_sql "insert into part (_id,mid,seq,ct,cid,cl,text) values ($id_1, $message_id, -1, 'application/smil', '', 'smil.xml', '$smil');" image_no_suffix=${image%.*} add_sql "insert into part (_id,mid,seq,ct,cid,cl,_data) values ($id_2, $message_id, 0, 'image/jpeg', '$image_no_suffix', '$image', '$PART_DIR/$image');" if [ $message_type -eq '1' ]; then add_sql "insert into addr (_id,msg_id,address,type,charset) values ($id_1, $message_id, '$phone', 137, 106);" add_sql "insert into addr (_id,msg_id,address,type,charset) values ($id_2, $message_id, '$device_phone', 151, 106);" else add_sql "insert into addr (_id,msg_id,address,type,charset) values ($id_1, $message_id, 'insert-address-token', 137, 106);" add_sql "insert into addr (_id,msg_id,address,type,charset) values ($id_2, $message_id, '$phone', 151, 106);" fi done fi done fi # Push to device if [ $opt_sql_only -eq "0" ]; then # make sure we have access adb root # Push all local jpgs or gifs to device, being lazy here. if [ $mms_per_thread -gt "0" ]; then for file in `ls *.jpg *.gif`; do echo "adb push $file $PART_DIR/$file" adb push $file $PART_DIR/$file done fi echo "adb push $sql_file /data/fillsms" adb push $sql_file /data/fillsms echo adb_sql ".read /data/fillsms" echo add_sql "PRAGMA trusted_schema=1;" echo adb_sql_with_quotes "select count(*) from canonical_addresses where _id>=$TABLE_CANONICAL_ADDRESSES_START_ID;" echo adb_sql_with_quotes "select count(*) from threads where _id>=$TABLE_THREADS_START_ID;" echo if [ $sms_per_thread -gt "0" ]; then adb_sql_with_quotes "select count(*) from sms where _id>=$TABLE_SMS_START_ID;" echo fi if [ $mms_per_thread -gt "0" ]; then adb_sql_with_quotes "select count(*) from pdu where _id>=$TABLE_SMS_START_ID;" echo adb_sql_with_quotes "select count(*) from part where _id>=$TABLE_SMS_START_ID;" echo adb_sql_with_quotes "select count(*) from addr where _id>=$TABLE_SMS_START_ID;" echo fi fi