package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentSender; import; import; import; import; import; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Debug; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.os.UserHandle; import android.provider.Settings; import android.util.Log; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.TextView; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; public class RunningServiceDetails extends InstrumentedFragment implements RunningState.OnRefreshUiListener { static final String TAG = "RunningServicesDetails"; static final String KEY_UID = "uid"; static final String KEY_USER_ID = "user_id"; static final String KEY_PROCESS = "process"; static final String KEY_BACKGROUND = "background"; static final int DIALOG_CONFIRM_STOP = 1; ActivityManager mAm; LayoutInflater mInflater; RunningState mState; boolean mHaveData; int mUid; int mUserId; String mProcessName; boolean mShowBackground; RunningState.MergedItem mMergedItem; View mRootView; ViewGroup mAllDetails; ViewGroup mSnippet; RunningProcessesView.ActiveItem mSnippetActiveItem; RunningProcessesView.ViewHolder mSnippetViewHolder; int mNumServices, mNumProcesses; TextView mServicesHeader; TextView mProcessesHeader; final ArrayList mActiveDetails = new ArrayList(); class ActiveDetail implements View.OnClickListener { View mRootView; Button mStopButton; Button mReportButton; RunningState.ServiceItem mServiceItem; RunningProcessesView.ActiveItem mActiveItem; RunningProcessesView.ViewHolder mViewHolder; PendingIntent mManageIntent; ComponentName mInstaller; void stopActiveService(boolean confirmed) { RunningState.ServiceItem si = mServiceItem; if (!confirmed) { if ((si.mServiceInfo.applicationInfo.flags&ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) != 0) { showConfirmStopDialog(si.mRunningService.service); return; } } getActivity().stopService(new Intent().setComponent(si.mRunningService.service)); if (mMergedItem == null) { // If this is gone, we are gone. mState.updateNow(); finish(); } else if (!mShowBackground && mMergedItem.mServices.size() <= 1) { // If there was only one service, we are finishing it, // so no reason for the UI to stick around. mState.updateNow(); finish(); } else { mState.updateNow(); } } public void onClick(View v) { if (v == mReportButton) { ApplicationErrorReport report = new ApplicationErrorReport(); report.type = ApplicationErrorReport.TYPE_RUNNING_SERVICE; report.packageName = mServiceItem.mServiceInfo.packageName; report.installerPackageName = mInstaller.getPackageName(); report.processName = mServiceItem.mRunningService.process; report.time = System.currentTimeMillis(); report.systemApp = (mServiceItem.mServiceInfo.applicationInfo.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) != 0; ApplicationErrorReport.RunningServiceInfo info = new ApplicationErrorReport.RunningServiceInfo(); if (mActiveItem.mFirstRunTime >= 0) { info.durationMillis = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()-mActiveItem.mFirstRunTime; } else { info.durationMillis = -1; } ComponentName comp = new ComponentName(mServiceItem.mServiceInfo.packageName,; File filename = getActivity().getFileStreamPath("service_dump.txt"); FileOutputStream output = null; try { output = new FileOutputStream(filename); Debug.dumpService("activity", output.getFD(), new String[] { "-a", "service", comp.flattenToString() }); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Can't dump service: " + comp, e); } finally { if (output != null) try { output.close(); } catch (IOException e) {} } FileInputStream input = null; try { input = new FileInputStream(filename); byte[] buffer = new byte[(int) filename.length()];; info.serviceDetails = new String(buffer); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Can't read service dump: " + comp, e); } finally { if (input != null) try { input.close(); } catch (IOException e) {} } filename.delete(); Log.i(TAG, "Details: " + info.serviceDetails); report.runningServiceInfo = info; Intent result = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_APP_ERROR); result.setComponent(mInstaller); result.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_BUG_REPORT, report); result.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); startActivity(result); return; } if (mManageIntent != null) { try { getActivity().startIntentSender(mManageIntent.getIntentSender(), null, Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET, Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET, 0); } catch (IntentSender.SendIntentException e) { Log.w(TAG, e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.w(TAG, e); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) { Log.w(TAG, e); } } else if (mServiceItem != null) { stopActiveService(false); } else if (mActiveItem.mItem.mBackground) { // Background process. Just kill it. mAm.killBackgroundProcesses(mActiveItem.mItem.mPackageInfo.packageName); finish(); } else { // Heavy-weight process. We'll do a force-stop on it. mAm.forceStopPackage(mActiveItem.mItem.mPackageInfo.packageName); finish(); } } } StringBuilder mBuilder = new StringBuilder(128); boolean findMergedItem() { RunningState.MergedItem item = null; ArrayList newItems = mShowBackground ? mState.getCurrentBackgroundItems() : mState.getCurrentMergedItems(); if (newItems != null) { for (int i=0; i= 0 && mi.mProcess != null && mi.mProcess.mUid != mUid) { continue; } if (mProcessName == null || (mi.mProcess != null && mProcessName.equals(mi.mProcess.mProcessName))) { item = mi; break; } } } if (mMergedItem != item) { mMergedItem = item; return true; } return false; } void addServicesHeader() { if (mNumServices == 0) { mServicesHeader = (TextView) mInflater.inflate( androidx.preference.R.layout.preference_category, mAllDetails, false); mServicesHeader.setText(R.string.runningservicedetails_services_title); mAllDetails.addView(mServicesHeader); } mNumServices++; } void addProcessesHeader() { if (mNumProcesses == 0) { mProcessesHeader = (TextView) mInflater.inflate( androidx.preference.R.layout.preference_category, mAllDetails, false); mProcessesHeader.setText(R.string.runningservicedetails_processes_title); mAllDetails.addView(mProcessesHeader); } mNumProcesses++; } void addServiceDetailsView(RunningState.ServiceItem si, RunningState.MergedItem mi, boolean isService, boolean inclDetails) { if (isService) { addServicesHeader(); } else if (mi.mUserId != UserHandle.myUserId()) { // This is being called for another user, and is not a service... // That is, it is a background processes, being added for the // details of a user. In this case we want a header for processes, // since the top subject line is for the user. addProcessesHeader(); } RunningState.BaseItem bi = si != null ? si : mi; ActiveDetail detail = new ActiveDetail(); View root = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.running_service_details_service, mAllDetails, false); mAllDetails.addView(root); detail.mRootView = root; detail.mServiceItem = si; detail.mViewHolder = new RunningProcessesView.ViewHolder(root); detail.mActiveItem = detail.mViewHolder.bind(mState, bi, mBuilder); if (!inclDetails) { root.findViewById(; } if (si != null && si.mRunningService.clientLabel != 0) { detail.mManageIntent = mAm.getRunningServiceControlPanel( si.mRunningService.service); } TextView description = (TextView)root.findViewById(; detail.mStopButton = (Button)root.findViewById(; detail.mReportButton = (Button)root.findViewById(; if (isService && mi.mUserId != UserHandle.myUserId()) { // For services from other users, we don't show any description or // controls, because the current user can not perform // actions on them. description.setVisibility(View.GONE); root.findViewById(; } else { if (si != null && si.mServiceInfo.descriptionRes != 0) { description.setText(getActivity().getPackageManager().getText( si.mServiceInfo.packageName, si.mServiceInfo.descriptionRes, si.mServiceInfo.applicationInfo)); } else { if (mi.mBackground) { description.setText(R.string.background_process_stop_description); } else if (detail.mManageIntent != null) { try { Resources clientr = getActivity().getPackageManager().getResourcesForApplication( si.mRunningService.clientPackage); String label = clientr.getString(si.mRunningService.clientLabel); description.setText(getActivity().getString(R.string.service_manage_description, label)); } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { } } else { description.setText(getActivity().getText(si != null ? R.string.service_stop_description : R.string.heavy_weight_stop_description)); } } detail.mStopButton.setOnClickListener(detail); detail.mStopButton.setText(getActivity().getText(detail.mManageIntent != null ? R.string.service_manage : R.string.service_stop)); detail.mReportButton.setOnClickListener(detail); detail.mReportButton.setText(; // check if error reporting is enabled in secure settings int enabled = Settings.Global.getInt(getActivity().getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.SEND_ACTION_APP_ERROR, 0); if (enabled != 0 && si != null) { detail.mInstaller = ApplicationErrorReport.getErrorReportReceiver( getActivity(), si.mServiceInfo.packageName, si.mServiceInfo.applicationInfo.flags); detail.mReportButton.setEnabled(detail.mInstaller != null); } else { detail.mReportButton.setEnabled(false); } } mActiveDetails.add(detail); } void addProcessDetailsView(RunningState.ProcessItem pi, boolean isMain) { addProcessesHeader(); ActiveDetail detail = new ActiveDetail(); View root = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.running_service_details_process, mAllDetails, false); mAllDetails.addView(root); detail.mRootView = root; detail.mViewHolder = new RunningProcessesView.ViewHolder(root); detail.mActiveItem = detail.mViewHolder.bind(mState, pi, mBuilder); TextView description = (TextView)root.findViewById(; if (pi.mUserId != UserHandle.myUserId()) { // Processes for another user are all shown batched together; there is // no reason to have a description. description.setVisibility(View.GONE); } else if (isMain) { description.setText(R.string.main_running_process_description); } else { int textid = 0; CharSequence label = null; ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo rpi = pi.mRunningProcessInfo; final ComponentName comp = rpi.importanceReasonComponent; //Log.i(TAG, "Secondary proc: code=" + rpi.importanceReasonCode // + " pid=" + rpi.importanceReasonPid + " comp=" + comp); switch (rpi.importanceReasonCode) { case ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo.REASON_PROVIDER_IN_USE: textid = R.string.process_provider_in_use_description; if (rpi.importanceReasonComponent != null) { try { ProviderInfo prov = getActivity().getPackageManager().getProviderInfo( rpi.importanceReasonComponent, 0); label = RunningState.makeLabel(getActivity().getPackageManager(),, prov); } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { } } break; case ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo.REASON_SERVICE_IN_USE: textid = R.string.process_service_in_use_description; if (rpi.importanceReasonComponent != null) { try { ServiceInfo serv = getActivity().getPackageManager().getServiceInfo( rpi.importanceReasonComponent, 0); label = RunningState.makeLabel(getActivity().getPackageManager(),, serv); } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { } } break; } if (textid != 0 && label != null) { description.setText(getActivity().getString(textid, label)); } } mActiveDetails.add(detail); } void addDetailsViews(RunningState.MergedItem item, boolean inclServices, boolean inclProcesses) { if (item != null) { if (inclServices) { for (int i=0; i=0; i--) { mAllDetails.removeView(mActiveDetails.get(i).mRootView); } mActiveDetails.clear(); if (mServicesHeader != null) { mAllDetails.removeView(mServicesHeader); mServicesHeader = null; } if (mProcessesHeader != null) { mAllDetails.removeView(mProcessesHeader); mProcessesHeader = null; } mNumServices = mNumProcesses = 0; if (mMergedItem != null) { if (mMergedItem.mUser != null) { ArrayList items; if (mShowBackground) { items = new ArrayList(mMergedItem.mChildren); Collections.sort(items, mState.mBackgroundComparator); } else { items = mMergedItem.mChildren; } for (int i=0; i { final Activity a = getActivity(); if (a != null) { a.onBackPressed(); } }); } @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setHasOptionsMenu(true); mUid = getArguments().getInt(KEY_UID, -1); mUserId = getArguments().getInt(KEY_USER_ID, 0); mProcessName = getArguments().getString(KEY_PROCESS, null); mShowBackground = getArguments().getBoolean(KEY_BACKGROUND, false); mAm = (ActivityManager) getActivity().getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); mInflater = (LayoutInflater) getActivity().getSystemService( Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); mState = RunningState.getInstance(getActivity()); } @Override public View onCreateView( LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { final View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.running_service_details, container, false); Utils.prepareCustomPreferencesList(container, view, view, false); mRootView = view; mAllDetails = (ViewGroup)view.findViewById(; mSnippet = (ViewGroup)view.findViewById(; mSnippetViewHolder = new RunningProcessesView.ViewHolder(mSnippet); // We want to retrieve the data right now, so any active managed // dialog that gets created can find it. ensureData(); return view; } @Override public void onPause() { super.onPause(); mHaveData = false; mState.pause(); } @Override public int getMetricsCategory() { return SettingsEnums.RUNNING_SERVICE_DETAILS; } @Override public void onResume() { super.onResume(); ensureData(); } ActiveDetail activeDetailForService(ComponentName comp) { for (int i=0; i