/* * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.settings.wifi.dpp; import android.content.Context; import android.net.wifi.WifiConfiguration; import android.text.TextUtils; import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Extension of WifiQrCode to support ADB QR code format. * It will be based on the ZXing format: * * WIFI:T:ADB;S:myname;P:mypassword;; */ public class AdbQrCode { static final String SECURITY_ADB = "ADB"; static final String SCHEME_DPP = "DPP"; static final String SCHEME_ZXING_WIFI_NETWORK_CONFIG = "WIFI"; static final String PREFIX_DPP = "DPP:"; static final String PREFIX_ZXING_WIFI_NETWORK_CONFIG = "WIFI:"; static final String PREFIX_DPP_PUBLIC_KEY = "K:"; static final String PREFIX_DPP_INFORMATION = "I:"; static final String PREFIX_ZXING_SECURITY = "T:"; static final String PREFIX_ZXING_SSID = "S:"; static final String PREFIX_ZXING_PASSWORD = "P:"; static final String PREFIX_ZXING_HIDDEN_SSID = "H:"; static final String DELIMITER_QR_CODE = ";"; // Ignores password if security is SECURITY_NO_PASSWORD or absent static final String SECURITY_NO_PASSWORD = "nopass"; //open network or OWE static final String SECURITY_WEP = "WEP"; static final String SECURITY_WPA_PSK = "WPA"; static final String SECURITY_SAE = "SAE"; private String mQrCode; /** * SCHEME_DPP for standard Wi-Fi device provision protocol; SCHEME_ZXING_WIFI_NETWORK_CONFIG * for ZXing reader library' Wi-Fi Network config format */ private String mScheme; // Data from parsed Wi-Fi DPP QR code private String mPublicKey; private String mInformation; // Data from parsed ZXing reader library's Wi-Fi Network config format private WifiNetworkConfig mAdbConfig; public AdbQrCode(String qrCode) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(qrCode)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty QR code"); } mQrCode = qrCode; if (qrCode.startsWith(PREFIX_DPP)) { mScheme = SCHEME_DPP; parseWifiDppQrCode(qrCode); } else if (qrCode.startsWith(PREFIX_ZXING_WIFI_NETWORK_CONFIG)) { mScheme = SCHEME_ZXING_WIFI_NETWORK_CONFIG; parseZxingWifiQrCode(qrCode); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid scheme"); } // Only accept the zxing format. if (!SCHEME_ZXING_WIFI_NETWORK_CONFIG.equals(getScheme())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("DPP format not supported for ADB QR code"); } mAdbConfig = getWifiNetworkConfig(); if (!SECURITY_ADB.equals(mAdbConfig.getSecurity())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid security type"); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mAdbConfig.getSsid())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty service name"); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mAdbConfig.getPreSharedKey())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty password"); } } public WifiNetworkConfig getAdbNetworkConfig() { return mAdbConfig; } /** * Triggers a vibration to notify of a valid QR code. * * @param context The context to use */ public static void triggerVibrationForQrCodeRecognition(Context context) { WifiDppUtils.triggerVibrationForQrCodeRecognition(context); } /** Parses Wi-Fi DPP QR code string */ private void parseWifiDppQrCode(String qrCode) throws IllegalArgumentException { List keyValueList = getKeyValueList(qrCode, PREFIX_DPP, DELIMITER_QR_CODE); String publicKey = getValueOrNull(keyValueList, PREFIX_DPP_PUBLIC_KEY); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(publicKey)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid format"); } mPublicKey = publicKey; mInformation = getValueOrNull(keyValueList, PREFIX_DPP_INFORMATION); } /** Parses ZXing reader library's Wi-Fi Network config format */ private void parseZxingWifiQrCode(String qrCode) throws IllegalArgumentException { List keyValueList = getKeyValueList(qrCode, PREFIX_ZXING_WIFI_NETWORK_CONFIG, DELIMITER_QR_CODE); String security = getValueOrNull(keyValueList, PREFIX_ZXING_SECURITY); String ssid = getValueOrNull(keyValueList, PREFIX_ZXING_SSID); String password = getValueOrNull(keyValueList, PREFIX_ZXING_PASSWORD); String hiddenSsidString = getValueOrNull(keyValueList, PREFIX_ZXING_HIDDEN_SSID); boolean hiddenSsid = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(hiddenSsidString); //"\", ";", "," and ":" are escaped with a backslash "\", should remove at first security = removeBackSlash(security); ssid = removeBackSlash(ssid); password = removeBackSlash(password); mAdbConfig = WifiNetworkConfig.getValidConfigOrNull(security, ssid, password, hiddenSsid, WifiConfiguration.INVALID_NETWORK_ID, /* isHotspot */ false); if (mAdbConfig == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid format"); } } /** * Splits key/value pairs from qrCode * * @param qrCode the QR code raw string * @param prefixQrCode the string before all key/value pairs in qrCode * @param delimiter the string to split key/value pairs, can't contain a backslash * @return a list contains string of key/value (e.g. K:key1) */ private List getKeyValueList(String qrCode, String prefixQrCode, String delimiter) { String keyValueString = qrCode.substring(prefixQrCode.length()); // Should not treat \delimiter as a delimiter String regex = "(? keyValueList, String prefix) { for (String keyValue : keyValueList) { String strippedKeyValue = keyValue.stripLeading(); if (strippedKeyValue.startsWith(prefix)) { return strippedKeyValue.substring(prefix.length()); } } return null; } @VisibleForTesting String removeBackSlash(String input) { if (input == null) { return null; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean backSlash = false; for (char ch : input.toCharArray()) { if (ch != '\\') { sb.append(ch); backSlash = false; } else { if (backSlash) { sb.append(ch); backSlash = false; continue; } backSlash = true; } } return sb.toString(); } String getQrCode() { return mQrCode; } /** * Uses to check type of QR code * * SCHEME_DPP for standard Wi-Fi device provision protocol; SCHEME_ZXING_WIFI_NETWORK_CONFIG * for ZXing reader library' Wi-Fi Network config format */ public String getScheme() { return mScheme; } /** Available when {@code getScheme()} returns SCHEME_DPP */ @VisibleForTesting String getPublicKey() { return mPublicKey; } /** May be available when {@code getScheme()} returns SCHEME_DPP */ public String getInformation() { return mInformation; } /** Available when {@code getScheme()} returns SCHEME_ZXING_WIFI_NETWORK_CONFIG */ WifiNetworkConfig getWifiNetworkConfig() { if (mAdbConfig == null) { return null; } return new WifiNetworkConfig(mAdbConfig); } }