package; import android.content.res.ColorStateList; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.res.Resources.Theme; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; import; /** * This is basically a copy of {@link AdaptiveIconDrawable} but which allows a custom path for * the icon mask instead of using the one defined in the system. * Note: Unlike AdaptiveIconDrawable we don't need to deal with densityOverride here so that * logic is omitted. */ public class DynamicAdaptiveIconDrawable extends Drawable implements Drawable.Callback { /** * Mask path is defined inside device configuration in following dimension: [100 x 100] */ private static final float MASK_SIZE = 100f; /** * All four sides of the layers are padded with extra inset so as to provide * extra content to reveal within the clip path when performing affine transformations on the * layers. * * Each layers will reserve 25% of it's width and height. * * As a result, the view port of the layers is smaller than their intrinsic width and height. */ private static final float EXTRA_INSET_PERCENTAGE = 1 / 4f; private static final float DEFAULT_VIEW_PORT_SCALE = 1f / (1 + 2 * EXTRA_INSET_PERCENTAGE); private final Path mOriginalMask; /** * Scaled mask based on the view bounds. */ private final Path mMask; private final Path mMaskScaleOnly; private final Matrix mMaskMatrix; private final Region mTransparentRegion; /** * Indices used to access {@link #mLayerState.mChildren} array for foreground and * background layer. */ private static final int BACKGROUND_ID = 0; private static final int FOREGROUND_ID = 1; /** * State variable that maintains the {@link ChildDrawable} array. */ private LayerState mLayerState; private Shader mLayersShader; private Bitmap mLayersBitmap; private final Rect mTmpOutRect = new Rect(); private Rect mHotspotBounds; private boolean mMutated; private boolean mSuspendChildInvalidation; private boolean mChildRequestedInvalidation; private final Canvas mCanvas; private Paint mPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG | Paint.DITHER_FLAG | Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG); /** * Constructor used for xml inflation. */ DynamicAdaptiveIconDrawable() { this((LayerState) null, null, null); } /** * The one constructor to rule them all. This is called by all public * constructors to set the state and initialize local properties. */ private DynamicAdaptiveIconDrawable(@Nullable LayerState state, @Nullable Resources res, Path iconMask) { mLayerState = createConstantState(state, res); mOriginalMask = iconMask; mMask = new Path(iconMask); mMaskScaleOnly = new Path(mMask); mMaskMatrix = new Matrix(); mCanvas = new Canvas(); mTransparentRegion = new Region(); } private ChildDrawable createChildDrawable(Drawable drawable) { final ChildDrawable layer = new ChildDrawable(mLayerState.mDensity); layer.mDrawable = drawable; layer.mDrawable.setCallback(this); mLayerState.mChildrenChangingConfigurations |= layer.mDrawable.getChangingConfigurations(); return layer; } private LayerState createConstantState(@Nullable LayerState state, @Nullable Resources res) { return new LayerState(state, this, res); } /** * Constructor used to dynamically create this drawable. * * @param backgroundDrawable drawable that should be rendered in the background * @param foregroundDrawable drawable that should be rendered in the foreground * @param iconMask path to use to mask the icon */ public DynamicAdaptiveIconDrawable(Drawable backgroundDrawable, Drawable foregroundDrawable, Path iconMask) { this((LayerState)null, null, iconMask); if (backgroundDrawable != null) { addLayer(BACKGROUND_ID, createChildDrawable(backgroundDrawable)); } if (foregroundDrawable != null) { addLayer(FOREGROUND_ID, createChildDrawable(foregroundDrawable)); } } /** * Sets the layer to the {@param index} and invalidates cache. * * @param index The index of the layer. * @param layer The layer to add. */ private void addLayer(int index, @NonNull ChildDrawable layer) { mLayerState.mChildren[index] = layer; mLayerState.invalidateCache(); } @Override public void inflate(@NonNull Resources r, @NonNull XmlPullParser parser, @NonNull AttributeSet attrs, @Nullable Theme theme) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { super.inflate(r, parser, attrs, theme); final LayerState state = mLayerState; if (state == null) { return; } inflateLayers(r, parser, attrs, theme); } /** * When called before the bound is set, the returned path is identical to * R.string.config_icon_mask. After the bound is set, the * returned path's computed bound is same as the #getBounds(). * * @return the mask path object used to clip the drawable */ public Path getIconMask() { return mMask; } /** * Returns the foreground drawable managed by this class. * * @return the foreground drawable managed by this drawable */ public Drawable getForeground() { return mLayerState.mChildren[FOREGROUND_ID].mDrawable; } /** * Returns the foreground drawable managed by this class. The bound of this drawable is * extended by {@link #getExtraInsetFraction()} * getBounds().width on left/right sides and by * {@link #getExtraInsetFraction()} * getBounds().height on top/bottom sides. * * @return the background drawable managed by this drawable */ public Drawable getBackground() { return mLayerState.mChildren[BACKGROUND_ID].mDrawable; } @Override protected void onBoundsChange(Rect bounds) { if (bounds.isEmpty()) { return; } updateLayerBounds(bounds); } private void updateLayerBounds(Rect bounds) { if (bounds.isEmpty()) { return; } try { suspendChildInvalidation(); updateLayerBoundsInternal(bounds); updateMaskBoundsInternal(bounds); } finally { resumeChildInvalidation(); } } /** * Set the child layer bounds bigger than the view port size by {@link #DEFAULT_VIEW_PORT_SCALE} */ private void updateLayerBoundsInternal(Rect bounds) { int cX = bounds.width() / 2; int cY = bounds.height() / 2; for (int i = 0, count = mLayerState.N_CHILDREN; i < count; i++) { final ChildDrawable r = mLayerState.mChildren[i]; if (r == null) { continue; } final Drawable d = r.mDrawable; if (d == null) { continue; } int insetWidth = (int) (bounds.width() / (DEFAULT_VIEW_PORT_SCALE * 2)); int insetHeight = (int) (bounds.height() / (DEFAULT_VIEW_PORT_SCALE * 2)); final Rect outRect = mTmpOutRect; outRect.set(cX - insetWidth, cY - insetHeight, cX + insetWidth, cY + insetHeight); d.setBounds(outRect); } } private void updateMaskBoundsInternal(Rect b) { // reset everything that depends on the view bounds mMaskMatrix.setScale(b.width() / MASK_SIZE, b.height() / MASK_SIZE); mOriginalMask.transform(mMaskMatrix, mMaskScaleOnly); mMaskMatrix.postTranslate(b.left,; mOriginalMask.transform(mMaskMatrix, mMask); if (mLayersBitmap == null || mLayersBitmap.getWidth() != b.width() || mLayersBitmap.getHeight() != b.height()) { mLayersBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(b.width(), b.height(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); } mPaint.setShader(null); mTransparentRegion.setEmpty(); mLayersShader = null; } @Override public void draw(Canvas canvas) { if (mLayersBitmap == null) { return; } if (mLayersShader == null) { mCanvas.setBitmap(mLayersBitmap); mCanvas.drawColor(Color.BLACK); for (int i = 0; i < mLayerState.N_CHILDREN; i++) { if (mLayerState.mChildren[i] == null) { continue; } final Drawable dr = mLayerState.mChildren[i].mDrawable; if (dr != null) { dr.draw(mCanvas); } } mLayersShader = new BitmapShader(mLayersBitmap, TileMode.CLAMP, TileMode.CLAMP); mPaint.setShader(mLayersShader); } if (mMaskScaleOnly != null) { Rect bounds = getBounds(); canvas.translate(bounds.left,; canvas.drawPath(mMaskScaleOnly, mPaint); canvas.translate(-bounds.left,; } } @Override public void invalidateSelf() { mLayersShader = null; super.invalidateSelf(); } @Override public void getOutline(@NonNull Outline outline) { outline.setConvexPath(mMask); } @Override public @Nullable Region getTransparentRegion() { if (mTransparentRegion.isEmpty()) { mMask.toggleInverseFillType(); mTransparentRegion.set(getBounds()); mTransparentRegion.setPath(mMask, mTransparentRegion); mMask.toggleInverseFillType(); } return mTransparentRegion; } @Override public void applyTheme(@NonNull Theme t) { super.applyTheme(t); final LayerState state = mLayerState; if (state == null) { return; } final ChildDrawable[] array = state.mChildren; for (int i = 0; i < state.N_CHILDREN; i++) { final ChildDrawable layer = array[i]; final Drawable d = layer.mDrawable; if (d != null && d.canApplyTheme()) { d.applyTheme(t); // Update cached mask of child changing configurations. state.mChildrenChangingConfigurations |= d.getChangingConfigurations(); } } } /** * Inflates child layers using the specified parser. */ private void inflateLayers(@NonNull Resources r, @NonNull XmlPullParser parser, @NonNull AttributeSet attrs, @Nullable Theme theme) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { final LayerState state = mLayerState; final int innerDepth = parser.getDepth() + 1; int type; int depth; int childIndex = 0; while ((type = != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT && ((depth = parser.getDepth()) >= innerDepth || type != XmlPullParser.END_TAG)) { if (type != XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { continue; } if (depth > innerDepth) { continue; } String tagName = parser.getName(); if (tagName.equals("background")) { childIndex = BACKGROUND_ID; } else if (tagName.equals("foreground")) { childIndex = FOREGROUND_ID; } else { continue; } final ChildDrawable layer = new ChildDrawable(state.mDensity); // If the layer doesn't have a drawable or unresolved theme // attribute for a drawable, attempt to parse one from the child // element. If multiple child elements exist, we'll only use the // first one. if (layer.mDrawable == null && (layer.mThemeAttrs == null)) { while ((type = == XmlPullParser.TEXT) { } if (type != XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { throw new XmlPullParserException(parser.getPositionDescription() + ": or tag requires a 'drawable'" + "attribute or child tag defining a drawable"); } // We found a child drawable. Take ownership. layer.mDrawable = Drawable.createFromXmlInner(r, parser, attrs, theme); layer.mDrawable.setCallback(this); state.mChildrenChangingConfigurations |= layer.mDrawable.getChangingConfigurations(); } addLayer(childIndex, layer); } } @Override public boolean canApplyTheme() { return (mLayerState != null && mLayerState.canApplyTheme()) || super.canApplyTheme(); } @Override public boolean isProjected() { if (super.isProjected()) { return true; } final ChildDrawable[] layers = mLayerState.mChildren; for (int i = 0; i < mLayerState.N_CHILDREN; i++) { if (layers[i].mDrawable != null && layers[i].mDrawable.isProjected()) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Temporarily suspends child invalidation. * * @see #resumeChildInvalidation() */ private void suspendChildInvalidation() { mSuspendChildInvalidation = true; } /** * Resumes child invalidation after suspension, immediately performing an * invalidation if one was requested by a child during suspension. * * @see #suspendChildInvalidation() */ private void resumeChildInvalidation() { mSuspendChildInvalidation = false; if (mChildRequestedInvalidation) { mChildRequestedInvalidation = false; invalidateSelf(); } } @Override public void invalidateDrawable(@NonNull Drawable who) { if (mSuspendChildInvalidation) { mChildRequestedInvalidation = true; } else { invalidateSelf(); } } @Override public void scheduleDrawable(@NonNull Drawable who, @NonNull Runnable what, long when) { scheduleSelf(what, when); } @Override public void unscheduleDrawable(@NonNull Drawable who, @NonNull Runnable what) { unscheduleSelf(what); } @Override public int getChangingConfigurations() { return super.getChangingConfigurations() | mLayerState.getChangingConfigurations(); } @Override public void setHotspot(float x, float y) { final ChildDrawable[] array = mLayerState.mChildren; for (int i = 0; i < mLayerState.N_CHILDREN; i++) { final Drawable dr = array[i].mDrawable; if (dr != null) { dr.setHotspot(x, y); } } } @Override public void setHotspotBounds(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { final ChildDrawable[] array = mLayerState.mChildren; for (int i = 0; i < mLayerState.N_CHILDREN; i++) { final Drawable dr = array[i].mDrawable; if (dr != null) { dr.setHotspotBounds(left, top, right, bottom); } } if (mHotspotBounds == null) { mHotspotBounds = new Rect(left, top, right, bottom); } else { mHotspotBounds.set(left, top, right, bottom); } } @Override public void getHotspotBounds(Rect outRect) { if (mHotspotBounds != null) { outRect.set(mHotspotBounds); } else { super.getHotspotBounds(outRect); } } @Override public boolean setVisible(boolean visible, boolean restart) { final boolean changed = super.setVisible(visible, restart); final ChildDrawable[] array = mLayerState.mChildren; for (int i = 0; i < mLayerState.N_CHILDREN; i++) { final Drawable dr = array[i].mDrawable; if (dr != null) { dr.setVisible(visible, restart); } } return changed; } @Override public void setDither(boolean dither) { final ChildDrawable[] array = mLayerState.mChildren; for (int i = 0; i < mLayerState.N_CHILDREN; i++) { final Drawable dr = array[i].mDrawable; if (dr != null) { dr.setDither(dither); } } } @Override public void setAlpha(int alpha) { mPaint.setAlpha(alpha); } @Override public int getAlpha() { return mPaint.getAlpha(); } @Override public void setColorFilter(ColorFilter colorFilter) { final ChildDrawable[] array = mLayerState.mChildren; for (int i = 0; i < mLayerState.N_CHILDREN; i++) { final Drawable dr = array[i].mDrawable; if (dr != null) { dr.setColorFilter(colorFilter); } } } @Override public void setTintList(ColorStateList tint) { final ChildDrawable[] array = mLayerState.mChildren; final int N = mLayerState.N_CHILDREN; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { final Drawable dr = array[i].mDrawable; if (dr != null) { dr.setTintList(tint); } } } @Override public void setTintMode(Mode tintMode) { final ChildDrawable[] array = mLayerState.mChildren; final int N = mLayerState.N_CHILDREN; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { final Drawable dr = array[i].mDrawable; if (dr != null) { dr.setTintMode(tintMode); } } } public void setOpacity(int opacity) { mLayerState.mOpacityOverride = opacity; } @Override public int getOpacity() { return PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT; } @Override public void setAutoMirrored(boolean mirrored) { mLayerState.mAutoMirrored = mirrored; final ChildDrawable[] array = mLayerState.mChildren; for (int i = 0; i < mLayerState.N_CHILDREN; i++) { final Drawable dr = array[i].mDrawable; if (dr != null) { dr.setAutoMirrored(mirrored); } } } @Override public boolean isAutoMirrored() { return mLayerState.mAutoMirrored; } @Override public void jumpToCurrentState() { final ChildDrawable[] array = mLayerState.mChildren; for (int i = 0; i < mLayerState.N_CHILDREN; i++) { final Drawable dr = array[i].mDrawable; if (dr != null) { dr.jumpToCurrentState(); } } } @Override public boolean isStateful() { return mLayerState.isStateful(); } @Override protected boolean onStateChange(int[] state) { boolean changed = false; final ChildDrawable[] array = mLayerState.mChildren; for (int i = 0; i < mLayerState.N_CHILDREN; i++) { final Drawable dr = array[i].mDrawable; if (dr != null && dr.isStateful() && dr.setState(state)) { changed = true; } } if (changed) { updateLayerBounds(getBounds()); } return changed; } @Override protected boolean onLevelChange(int level) { boolean changed = false; final ChildDrawable[] array = mLayerState.mChildren; for (int i = 0; i < mLayerState.N_CHILDREN; i++) { final Drawable dr = array[i].mDrawable; if (dr != null && dr.setLevel(level)) { changed = true; } } if (changed) { updateLayerBounds(getBounds()); } return changed; } @Override public int getIntrinsicWidth() { return (int)(getMaxIntrinsicWidth() * DEFAULT_VIEW_PORT_SCALE); } private int getMaxIntrinsicWidth() { int width = -1; for (int i = 0; i < mLayerState.N_CHILDREN; i++) { final ChildDrawable r = mLayerState.mChildren[i]; if (r.mDrawable == null) { continue; } final int w = r.mDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth(); if (w > width) { width = w; } } return width; } @Override public int getIntrinsicHeight() { return (int)(getMaxIntrinsicHeight() * DEFAULT_VIEW_PORT_SCALE); } private int getMaxIntrinsicHeight() { int height = -1; for (int i = 0; i < mLayerState.N_CHILDREN; i++) { final ChildDrawable r = mLayerState.mChildren[i]; if (r.mDrawable == null) { continue; } final int h = r.mDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight(); if (h > height) { height = h; } } return height; } @Override public ConstantState getConstantState() { if (mLayerState.canConstantState()) { mLayerState.mChangingConfigurations = getChangingConfigurations(); return mLayerState; } return null; } @Override public Drawable mutate() { if (!mMutated && super.mutate() == this) { mLayerState = createConstantState(mLayerState, null); for (int i = 0; i < mLayerState.N_CHILDREN; i++) { final Drawable dr = mLayerState.mChildren[i].mDrawable; if (dr != null) { dr.mutate(); } } mMutated = true; } return this; } static class ChildDrawable { public Drawable mDrawable; public int[] mThemeAttrs; public int mDensity = DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT; ChildDrawable(int density) { mDensity = density; } ChildDrawable(@NonNull ChildDrawable orig, @NonNull DynamicAdaptiveIconDrawable owner, @Nullable Resources res) { final Drawable dr = orig.mDrawable; final Drawable clone; if (dr != null) { final ConstantState cs = dr.getConstantState(); if (cs == null) { clone = dr; } else if (res != null) { clone = cs.newDrawable(res); } else { clone = cs.newDrawable(); } clone.setCallback(owner); clone.setBounds(dr.getBounds()); clone.setLevel(dr.getLevel()); } else { clone = null; } mDrawable = clone; mThemeAttrs = orig.mThemeAttrs; } public boolean canApplyTheme() { return mThemeAttrs != null || (mDrawable != null && mDrawable.canApplyTheme()); } public final void setDensity(int targetDensity) { if (mDensity != targetDensity) { mDensity = targetDensity; } } } static class LayerState extends ConstantState { private final DynamicAdaptiveIconDrawable mOwner; private int[] mThemeAttrs; final static int N_CHILDREN = 2; ChildDrawable[] mChildren; // The density at which to render the drawable and its children. int mDensity; // The density to use when inflating/looking up the children drawables. A value of 0 means // use the system's density. int mSrcDensityOverride = 0; int mOpacityOverride = PixelFormat.UNKNOWN; int mChangingConfigurations; int mChildrenChangingConfigurations; private boolean mCheckedOpacity; private int mOpacity; private boolean mCheckedStateful; private boolean mIsStateful; private boolean mAutoMirrored = false; LayerState(@Nullable LayerState orig, @NonNull DynamicAdaptiveIconDrawable owner, @Nullable Resources res) { mOwner = owner; mChildren = new ChildDrawable[N_CHILDREN]; if (orig != null) { final ChildDrawable[] origChildDrawable = orig.mChildren; mChangingConfigurations = orig.mChangingConfigurations; mChildrenChangingConfigurations = orig.mChildrenChangingConfigurations; for (int i = 0; i < N_CHILDREN; i++) { final ChildDrawable or = origChildDrawable[i]; mChildren[i] = new ChildDrawable(or, mOwner, res); } mCheckedOpacity = orig.mCheckedOpacity; mOpacity = orig.mOpacity; mCheckedStateful = orig.mCheckedStateful; mIsStateful = orig.mIsStateful; mAutoMirrored = orig.mAutoMirrored; mThemeAttrs = orig.mThemeAttrs; mOpacityOverride = orig.mOpacityOverride; mSrcDensityOverride = orig.mSrcDensityOverride; } else { for (int i = 0; i < N_CHILDREN; i++) { mChildren[i] = new ChildDrawable(mDensity); } } } public final void setDensity(int targetDensity) { if (mDensity != targetDensity) { mDensity = targetDensity; } } @Override public boolean canApplyTheme() { if (mThemeAttrs != null || super.canApplyTheme()) { return true; } final ChildDrawable[] array = mChildren; for (int i = 0; i < N_CHILDREN; i++) { final ChildDrawable layer = array[i]; if (layer.canApplyTheme()) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public Drawable newDrawable() { return new DynamicAdaptiveIconDrawable(mOwner.getBackground(), mOwner.getForeground(), mOwner.mOriginalMask); } @Override public Drawable newDrawable(@Nullable Resources res) { return newDrawable(); } @Override public int getChangingConfigurations() { return mChangingConfigurations | mChildrenChangingConfigurations; } public final int getOpacity() { if (mCheckedOpacity) { return mOpacity; } final ChildDrawable[] array = mChildren; // Seek to the first non-null drawable. int firstIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < N_CHILDREN; i++) { if (array[i].mDrawable != null) { firstIndex = i; break; } } int op; if (firstIndex >= 0) { op = array[firstIndex].mDrawable.getOpacity(); } else { op = PixelFormat.TRANSPARENT; } // Merge all remaining non-null drawables. for (int i = firstIndex + 1; i < N_CHILDREN; i++) { final Drawable dr = array[i].mDrawable; if (dr != null) { op = Drawable.resolveOpacity(op, dr.getOpacity()); } } mOpacity = op; mCheckedOpacity = true; return op; } public final boolean isStateful() { if (mCheckedStateful) { return mIsStateful; } final ChildDrawable[] array = mChildren; boolean isStateful = false; for (int i = 0; i < N_CHILDREN; i++) { final Drawable dr = array[i].mDrawable; if (dr != null && dr.isStateful()) { isStateful = true; break; } } mIsStateful = isStateful; mCheckedStateful = true; return isStateful; } public final boolean canConstantState() { final ChildDrawable[] array = mChildren; for (int i = 0; i < N_CHILDREN; i++) { final Drawable dr = array[i].mDrawable; if (dr != null && dr.getConstantState() == null) { return false; } } // Don't cache the result, this method is not called very often. return true; } public void invalidateCache() { mCheckedOpacity = false; mCheckedStateful = false; } } }