syntax = "proto3"; package blueberry.facade.l2cap.classic; import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; import "blueberry/facade/common.proto"; service L2capClassicModuleFacade { rpc FetchConnectionComplete(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream ConnectionCompleteEvent) { // Testing Android Bluetooth stack only. Optional for other stack. } rpc FetchConnectionClose(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream ConnectionCloseEvent) { // Testing Android Bluetooth stack only. Optional for other stack. } rpc OpenChannel(OpenChannelRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {} rpc CloseChannel(CloseChannelRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {} rpc FetchL2capData(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream L2capPacket) {} rpc SetDynamicChannel(SetEnableDynamicChannelRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {} rpc SendDynamicChannelPacket(DynamicChannelPacket) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {} rpc SetTrafficPaused(SetTrafficPausedRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {} rpc GetChannelQueueDepth(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (GetChannelQueueDepthResponse) { // Get the buffer size of channel queue end for L2CAP user (how many packets we can buffer // before L2CAP user dequeues. } rpc InitiateConnectionForSecurity(blueberry.facade.BluetoothAddress) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {} rpc FetchSecurityConnectionEvents(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream LinkSecurityInterfaceCallbackEvent) {} rpc SecurityLinkEnsureAuthenticated(blueberry.facade.BluetoothAddress) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {} rpc SecurityLinkHold(blueberry.facade.BluetoothAddress) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {} rpc SecurityLinkDisconnect(blueberry.facade.BluetoothAddress) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {} rpc SecurityLinkRelease(blueberry.facade.BluetoothAddress) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {} } enum LinkSecurityInterfaceCallbackEventType { ON_CONNECTED = 0; ON_DISCONNECTED = 1; ON_AUTHENTICATION_COMPLETE = 2; ON_ENCRYPTION_CHANGE = 3; ON_READ_REMOTE_VERSION_INFO = 4; ON_READ_REMOTE_EXTENDED_FEATURES = 5; } message LinkSecurityInterfaceCallbackEvent { blueberry.facade.BluetoothAddress address = 1; LinkSecurityInterfaceCallbackEventType event_type = 2; } message RegisterChannelRequest { uint32 channel = 1; } message ConnectionCompleteEvent { blueberry.facade.BluetoothAddress remote = 1; } message ConnectionCloseEvent { blueberry.facade.BluetoothAddress remote = 1; uint32 reason = 2; } enum RetransmissionFlowControlMode { BASIC = 0; ERTM = 1; ERTM_OPTIONAL = 2; } message OpenChannelRequest { blueberry.facade.BluetoothAddress remote = 1; uint32 psm = 2; RetransmissionFlowControlMode mode = 3; } message CloseChannelRequest { uint32 psm = 1; } enum ChannelSignalEventType { OPEN = 0; CLOSE = 1; CONFIGURE = 2; } message ChannelSignalEvent { uint32 cid = 1; ChannelSignalEventType type = 2; } enum SendL2capPacketResultType { OK = 0; BAD_CID = 1; } message SendL2capPacketResult { SendL2capPacketResultType result_type = 1; } message L2capPacket { oneof channel_type { uint32 psm = 1; uint32 fixed_cid = 2; } bytes payload = 3; } message SetEnableDynamicChannelRequest { uint32 psm = 1; bool enable = 2; RetransmissionFlowControlMode retransmission_mode = 3; } message DynamicChannelPacket { blueberry.facade.BluetoothAddress remote = 1; uint32 psm = 2; bytes payload = 3; } message SetTrafficPausedRequest { bool paused = 1; uint32 psm = 2; } message GetChannelQueueDepthResponse { uint32 size = 1; } enum ClassicSecurityPolicy { ENCRYPTED_TRANSPORT = 0; AUTHENTICATED_ENCRYPTED_TRANSPORT = 1; BEST = 2; _SDP_ONLY_NO_SECURITY_WHATSOEVER_PLAINTEXT_TRANSPORT_OK = 3; }