Floss ====== TODO: Fill in some more information about the Floss service # DBus API ## Methods The Floss DBus API is created by Rust macro and the exact definition is spread out across multiple source files. In general, you can find relevant information in a few places: - Destination: this is always `org.chromium.bluetooth` - Interface name: these are defined in each service's source file. For example, `BatteryProviderManager` has a DBus definition in `src/iface_battery_provider_manager.rs` and it's interface name is defined above `impl IBatteryProviderManager for IBatteryProviderManagerDBus` (`org.chromium.bluetooth.BatteryProviderManager`). - Method name: these are also defined in the service source file, above the Rust method implementation. Following the above example, just before the `register_battery_provider` implementation is the declaration of its corresponding DBus method (`RegisterBatteryProvider`) - Object path: these are defined in `src/interface_manager.rs`. For most services this is going to be `/org/chromium/bluetooth/hci{index}/{service}` where `{index}` depends on which adapter is being used and `{service}` is defined in `interface_manager.rs`. ## Objects TODO: Explain the typical object structure ## Full API TODO: List out all of the API