/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "common/init_flags.h" #include "gap_api.h" #include "gatt_api.h" #include "hardware/bt_gatt_types.h" #include "os/log.h" #include "stack/include/bt_types.h" #include "stack/include/bt_uuid16.h" #include "stack/include/btm_client_interface.h" #include "types/bluetooth/uuid.h" #include "types/bt_transport.h" #include "types/raw_address.h" using bluetooth::Uuid; using namespace bluetooth; namespace { typedef struct { uint16_t uuid; tGAP_BLE_CMPL_CBACK* p_cback; } tGAP_REQUEST; typedef struct { RawAddress bda; tGAP_BLE_CMPL_CBACK* p_cback; uint16_t conn_id; uint16_t cl_op_uuid; bool connected; std::queue requests; } tGAP_CLCB; typedef struct { uint16_t handle; uint16_t uuid; tGAP_BLE_ATTR_VALUE attr_value; } tGAP_ATTR; void server_attr_request_cback(uint16_t, uint32_t, tGATTS_REQ_TYPE, tGATTS_DATA*); void client_connect_cback(tGATT_IF, const RawAddress&, uint16_t, bool, tGATT_DISCONN_REASON, tBT_TRANSPORT); void client_cmpl_cback(uint16_t, tGATTC_OPTYPE, tGATT_STATUS, tGATT_CL_COMPLETE*); tGATT_CBACK gap_cback = { .p_conn_cb = client_connect_cback, .p_cmpl_cb = client_cmpl_cback, .p_disc_res_cb = nullptr, .p_disc_cmpl_cb = nullptr, .p_req_cb = server_attr_request_cback, .p_enc_cmpl_cb = nullptr, .p_congestion_cb = nullptr, .p_phy_update_cb = nullptr, .p_conn_update_cb = nullptr, .p_subrate_chg_cb = nullptr, }; constexpr int GAP_CHAR_DEV_NAME_SIZE = BD_NAME_LEN; constexpr int GAP_MAX_CHAR_NUM = 4; std::vector gap_clcbs; /* LE GAP attribute database */ std::array gatt_attr; tGATT_IF gatt_if; /** returns LCB with macthing bd address, or nullptr */ tGAP_CLCB* find_clcb_by_bd_addr(const RawAddress& bda) { for (auto& cb : gap_clcbs) if (cb.bda == bda) return &cb; return nullptr; } /** returns LCB with macthing connection ID, or nullptr if not found */ tGAP_CLCB* ble_find_clcb_by_conn_id(uint16_t conn_id) { for (auto& cb : gap_clcbs) if (cb.connected && cb.conn_id == conn_id) return &cb; return nullptr; } /** allocates a GAP connection link control block */ tGAP_CLCB* clcb_alloc(const RawAddress& bda) { gap_clcbs.emplace_back(); tGAP_CLCB& cb = gap_clcbs.back(); cb.bda = bda; return &cb; } /** The function clean up the pending request queue in GAP */ void clcb_dealloc(tGAP_CLCB& clcb) { // put last element into place of current element, and remove last one - just // fast remove. for (auto it = gap_clcbs.begin(); it != gap_clcbs.end(); it++) { if (it->conn_id == clcb.conn_id) { auto last_one = std::prev(gap_clcbs.end()); *it = *last_one; gap_clcbs.erase(last_one); return; } } } /** GAP Attributes Database Request callback */ tGATT_STATUS read_attr_value(uint16_t handle, tGATT_VALUE* p_value, bool is_long) { uint8_t* p = p_value->value; uint16_t offset = p_value->offset; uint8_t* p_dev_name = NULL; for (const tGAP_ATTR& db_attr : gatt_attr) { const tGAP_BLE_ATTR_VALUE& attr_value = db_attr.attr_value; if (handle == db_attr.handle) { if (db_attr.uuid != GATT_UUID_GAP_DEVICE_NAME && is_long) return GATT_NOT_LONG; switch (db_attr.uuid) { case GATT_UUID_GAP_DEVICE_NAME: if (get_btm_client_interface().local.BTM_ReadLocalDeviceName( (const char**)&p_dev_name) != BTM_SUCCESS) { log::warn("Unable to read local device name"); }; if (strlen((char*)p_dev_name) > GATT_MAX_ATTR_LEN) p_value->len = GATT_MAX_ATTR_LEN; else p_value->len = (uint16_t)strlen((char*)p_dev_name); if (offset > p_value->len) return GATT_INVALID_OFFSET; else { p_value->len -= offset; p_dev_name += offset; ARRAY_TO_STREAM(p, p_dev_name, p_value->len); } break; case GATT_UUID_GAP_ICON: UINT16_TO_STREAM(p, attr_value.icon); p_value->len = 2; break; case GATT_UUID_GAP_PREF_CONN_PARAM: UINT16_TO_STREAM(p, attr_value.conn_param.int_min); /* int_min */ UINT16_TO_STREAM(p, attr_value.conn_param.int_max); /* int_max */ UINT16_TO_STREAM(p, attr_value.conn_param.latency); /* latency */ UINT16_TO_STREAM(p, attr_value.conn_param.sp_tout); /* sp_tout */ p_value->len = 8; break; /* address resolution */ case GATT_UUID_GAP_CENTRAL_ADDR_RESOL: UINT8_TO_STREAM(p, attr_value.addr_resolution); p_value->len = 1; break; } return GATT_SUCCESS; } } return GATT_NOT_FOUND; } /** GAP Attributes Database Read/Read Blob Request process */ tGATT_STATUS proc_read(tGATTS_REQ_TYPE, tGATT_READ_REQ* p_data, tGATTS_RSP* p_rsp) { if (p_data->is_long) p_rsp->attr_value.offset = p_data->offset; p_rsp->attr_value.handle = p_data->handle; return read_attr_value(p_data->handle, &p_rsp->attr_value, p_data->is_long); } /** GAP ATT server process a write request */ tGATT_STATUS proc_write_req(tGATTS_REQ_TYPE, tGATT_WRITE_REQ* p_data) { for (const auto& db_addr : gatt_attr) if (p_data->handle == db_addr.handle) return GATT_WRITE_NOT_PERMIT; return GATT_NOT_FOUND; } /** GAP ATT server attribute access request callback */ void server_attr_request_cback(uint16_t conn_id, uint32_t trans_id, tGATTS_REQ_TYPE type, tGATTS_DATA* p_data) { tGATT_STATUS status = GATT_INVALID_PDU; bool ignore = false; tGATTS_RSP rsp_msg; memset(&rsp_msg, 0, sizeof(tGATTS_RSP)); switch (type) { case GATTS_REQ_TYPE_READ_CHARACTERISTIC: case GATTS_REQ_TYPE_READ_DESCRIPTOR: status = proc_read(type, &p_data->read_req, &rsp_msg); break; case GATTS_REQ_TYPE_WRITE_CHARACTERISTIC: case GATTS_REQ_TYPE_WRITE_DESCRIPTOR: if (!p_data->write_req.need_rsp) ignore = true; status = proc_write_req(type, &p_data->write_req); break; case GATTS_REQ_TYPE_WRITE_EXEC: ignore = true; log::verbose("Ignore GATTS_REQ_TYPE_WRITE_EXEC"); break; case GATTS_REQ_TYPE_MTU: log::verbose("Get MTU exchange new mtu size: {}", p_data->mtu); ignore = true; break; default: log::verbose("Unknown/unexpected LE GAP ATT request: 0x{:02x}", type); break; } if (!ignore) { if (GATTS_SendRsp(conn_id, trans_id, status, &rsp_msg) != GATT_SUCCESS) { log::warn("Unable to send GATT ervier response conn_id:{}", conn_id); } } } /** * utility function to send a read request for a GAP charactersitic. * Returns true if read started, else false if GAP is busy. */ bool send_cl_read_request(tGAP_CLCB& clcb) { if (!clcb.requests.size() || clcb.cl_op_uuid != 0) { return false; } tGAP_REQUEST& req = clcb.requests.front(); clcb.p_cback = req.p_cback; uint16_t uuid = req.uuid; clcb.requests.pop(); tGATT_READ_PARAM param; memset(¶m, 0, sizeof(tGATT_READ_PARAM)); param.service.uuid = Uuid::From16Bit(uuid); param.service.s_handle = 1; param.service.e_handle = 0xFFFF; param.service.auth_req = 0; if (GATTC_Read(clcb.conn_id, GATT_READ_BY_TYPE, ¶m) == GATT_SUCCESS) { clcb.cl_op_uuid = uuid; } return true; } /** GAP client operation complete callback */ void cl_op_cmpl(tGAP_CLCB& clcb, bool status, uint16_t len, uint8_t* p_name) { tGAP_BLE_CMPL_CBACK* p_cback = clcb.p_cback; uint16_t op = clcb.cl_op_uuid; clcb.cl_op_uuid = 0; clcb.p_cback = NULL; if (p_cback && op) { (*p_cback)(status, clcb.bda, len, (char*)p_name); } /* if no further activity is requested in callback, drop the link */ if (clcb.connected) { if (!send_cl_read_request(clcb)) { if (GATT_Disconnect(clcb.conn_id) != GATT_SUCCESS) { log::warn("Unable to disconnect GATT conn_id:{}", clcb.conn_id); } clcb_dealloc(clcb); } } } /** Client connection callback */ void client_connect_cback(tGATT_IF, const RawAddress& bda, uint16_t conn_id, bool connected, tGATT_DISCONN_REASON /* reason */, tBT_TRANSPORT) { tGAP_CLCB* p_clcb = find_clcb_by_bd_addr(bda); if (p_clcb == NULL) { log::info("No active GAP service found for peer:{} callback:{}", bda, (connected) ? "Connected" : "Disconnected"); return; } if (connected) { log::debug("Connected GAP to remote device"); p_clcb->conn_id = conn_id; p_clcb->connected = true; /* start operation is pending */ send_cl_read_request(*p_clcb); } else { log::warn("Disconnected GAP from remote device"); p_clcb->connected = false; cl_op_cmpl(*p_clcb, false, 0, NULL); /* clean up clcb */ clcb_dealloc(*p_clcb); } } /** Client operation complete callback */ void client_cmpl_cback(uint16_t conn_id, tGATTC_OPTYPE op, tGATT_STATUS status, tGATT_CL_COMPLETE* p_data) { tGAP_CLCB* p_clcb = ble_find_clcb_by_conn_id(conn_id); uint16_t op_type; uint16_t min, max, latency, tout; uint16_t len; uint8_t* pp; if (p_clcb == NULL) return; op_type = p_clcb->cl_op_uuid; /* Currently we only issue read commands */ if (op != GATTC_OPTYPE_READ) return; if (status != GATT_SUCCESS) { cl_op_cmpl(*p_clcb, false, 0, NULL); return; } pp = p_data->att_value.value; switch (op_type) { case GATT_UUID_GAP_PREF_CONN_PARAM: /* Extract the peripheral preferred connection parameters and save them */ STREAM_TO_UINT16(min, pp); STREAM_TO_UINT16(max, pp); STREAM_TO_UINT16(latency, pp); STREAM_TO_UINT16(tout, pp); BTM_BleSetPrefConnParams(p_clcb->bda, min, max, latency, tout); /* release the connection here */ cl_op_cmpl(*p_clcb, true, 0, NULL); break; case GATT_UUID_GAP_DEVICE_NAME: len = (uint16_t)strlen((char*)pp); if (len > GAP_CHAR_DEV_NAME_SIZE) len = GAP_CHAR_DEV_NAME_SIZE; cl_op_cmpl(*p_clcb, true, len, pp); break; case GATT_UUID_GAP_CENTRAL_ADDR_RESOL: cl_op_cmpl(*p_clcb, true, 1, pp); break; } } bool accept_client_operation(const RawAddress& peer_bda, uint16_t uuid, tGAP_BLE_CMPL_CBACK* p_cback) { if (p_cback == NULL && uuid != GATT_UUID_GAP_PREF_CONN_PARAM) return false; tGAP_CLCB* p_clcb = find_clcb_by_bd_addr(peer_bda); if (p_clcb == NULL) { p_clcb = clcb_alloc(peer_bda); } if (GATT_GetConnIdIfConnected(gatt_if, peer_bda, &p_clcb->conn_id, BT_TRANSPORT_LE)) p_clcb->connected = true; if (!GATT_Connect(gatt_if, p_clcb->bda, BTM_BLE_DIRECT_CONNECTION, BT_TRANSPORT_LE, true)) return false; /* enqueue the request */ p_clcb->requests.push({.uuid = uuid, .p_cback = p_cback}); if (p_clcb->connected && p_clcb->cl_op_uuid == 0) return send_cl_read_request(*p_clcb); else /* wait for connection up or pending operation to finish */ return true; } } // namespace /******************************************************************************* * * Function btm_ble_att_db_init * * Description GAP ATT database initalization. * * Returns void. * ******************************************************************************/ void gap_attr_db_init(void) { /* Fill our internal UUID with a fixed pattern 0x82 */ std::array tmp; tmp.fill(0x82); Uuid app_uuid = Uuid::From128BitBE(tmp); gatt_attr.fill({}); gatt_if = GATT_Register(app_uuid, "Gap", &gap_cback, false); GATT_StartIf(gatt_if); Uuid svc_uuid = Uuid::From16Bit(UUID_SERVCLASS_GAP_SERVER); Uuid name_uuid = Uuid::From16Bit(GATT_UUID_GAP_DEVICE_NAME); Uuid icon_uuid = Uuid::From16Bit(GATT_UUID_GAP_ICON); Uuid addr_res_uuid = Uuid::From16Bit(GATT_UUID_GAP_CENTRAL_ADDR_RESOL); btgatt_db_element_t service[] = { { .uuid = svc_uuid, .type = BTGATT_DB_PRIMARY_SERVICE, }, {.uuid = name_uuid, .type = BTGATT_DB_CHARACTERISTIC, .properties = GATT_CHAR_PROP_BIT_READ, .permissions = GATT_PERM_READ_IF_ENCRYPTED_OR_DISCOVERABLE}, {.uuid = icon_uuid, .type = BTGATT_DB_CHARACTERISTIC, .properties = GATT_CHAR_PROP_BIT_READ, .permissions = GATT_PERM_READ}, {.uuid = addr_res_uuid, .type = BTGATT_DB_CHARACTERISTIC, .properties = GATT_CHAR_PROP_BIT_READ, .permissions = GATT_PERM_READ} #if (BTM_PERIPHERAL_ENABLED == TRUE) /* Only needed for peripheral testing */ , {.uuid = Uuid::From16Bit(GATT_UUID_GAP_PREF_CONN_PARAM), .type = BTGATT_DB_CHARACTERISTIC, .properties = GATT_CHAR_PROP_BIT_READ, .permissions = GATT_PERM_READ} #endif }; /* Add a GAP service */ if (GATTS_AddService(gatt_if, service, sizeof(service) / sizeof(btgatt_db_element_t)) != GATT_SERVICE_STARTED) { log::warn("Unable to add GATT services gatt_if:{}", gatt_if); } gatt_attr[0].uuid = GATT_UUID_GAP_DEVICE_NAME; gatt_attr[0].handle = service[1].attribute_handle; gatt_attr[1].uuid = GATT_UUID_GAP_ICON; gatt_attr[1].handle = service[2].attribute_handle; gatt_attr[2].uuid = GATT_UUID_GAP_CENTRAL_ADDR_RESOL; gatt_attr[2].handle = service[3].attribute_handle; gatt_attr[2].attr_value.addr_resolution = 0; #if (BTM_PERIPHERAL_ENABLED == TRUE) /* Only needed for peripheral testing */ gatt_attr[3].uuid = GATT_UUID_GAP_PREF_CONN_PARAM; gatt_attr[3].attr_value.conn_param.int_max = GAP_PREFER_CONN_INT_MAX; /* 6 */ gatt_attr[3].attr_value.conn_param.int_min = GAP_PREFER_CONN_INT_MIN; /* 0 */ gatt_attr[3].attr_value.conn_param.latency = GAP_PREFER_CONN_LATENCY; /* 0 */ gatt_attr[3].attr_value.conn_param.sp_tout = GAP_PREFER_CONN_SP_TOUT; /* 2000 */ gatt_attr[3].handle = service[4].attribute_handle; #endif } /******************************************************************************* * * Function GAP_BleAttrDBUpdate * * Description GAP ATT database update. * ******************************************************************************/ void GAP_BleAttrDBUpdate(uint16_t attr_uuid, tGAP_BLE_ATTR_VALUE* p_value) { for (tGAP_ATTR& db_attr : gatt_attr) { if (db_attr.uuid == attr_uuid) { switch (attr_uuid) { case GATT_UUID_GAP_ICON: db_attr.attr_value.icon = p_value->icon; break; case GATT_UUID_GAP_PREF_CONN_PARAM: memcpy((void*)&db_attr.attr_value.conn_param, (const void*)&p_value->conn_param, sizeof(tGAP_BLE_PREF_PARAM)); break; case GATT_UUID_GAP_DEVICE_NAME: if (get_btm_client_interface().local.BTM_SetLocalDeviceName( (const char*)p_value->p_dev_name) != BTM_SUCCESS) { log::warn("Unable to set local name"); } break; case GATT_UUID_GAP_CENTRAL_ADDR_RESOL: db_attr.attr_value.addr_resolution = p_value->addr_resolution; break; } break; } } return; } /******************************************************************************* * * Function GAP_BleReadPeerPrefConnParams * * Description Start a process to read a connected peripheral's preferred * connection parameters * * Returns true if read started, else false if GAP is busy * ******************************************************************************/ bool GAP_BleReadPeerPrefConnParams(const RawAddress& peer_bda) { return accept_client_operation(peer_bda, GATT_UUID_GAP_PREF_CONN_PARAM, NULL); } /******************************************************************************* * * Function GAP_BleReadPeerDevName * * Description Start a process to read a connected peripheral's device * name. * * Returns true if request accepted * ******************************************************************************/ bool GAP_BleReadPeerDevName(const RawAddress& peer_bda, tGAP_BLE_CMPL_CBACK* p_cback) { return accept_client_operation(peer_bda, GATT_UUID_GAP_DEVICE_NAME, p_cback); } /******************************************************************************* * * Function GAP_BleCancelReadPeerDevName * * Description Cancel reading a peripheral's device name. * * Returns true if request accepted * ******************************************************************************/ bool GAP_BleCancelReadPeerDevName(const RawAddress& peer_bda) { tGAP_CLCB* p_clcb = find_clcb_by_bd_addr(peer_bda); if (p_clcb == NULL) { log::error("Cannot cancel current op is not get dev name"); return false; } if (!p_clcb->connected) { if (!GATT_CancelConnect(gatt_if, peer_bda, true)) { log::error("Cannot cancel where No connection id"); return false; } } cl_op_cmpl(*p_clcb, false, 0, NULL); return (true); }