/* * Copyright 2020 HIMSA II K/S - www.himsa.com. * Represented by EHIMA - www.ehima.com * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include #include "stack/include/btm_iso_api.h" struct MockIsoManager { public: static MockIsoManager* GetInstance(); MockIsoManager() = default; MockIsoManager(const MockIsoManager&) = delete; MockIsoManager& operator=(const MockIsoManager&) = delete; virtual ~MockIsoManager() = default; MOCK_METHOD((void), RegisterCigCallbacks, (bluetooth::hci::iso_manager::CigCallbacks * callbacks), (const)); MOCK_METHOD((void), RegisterBigCallbacks, (bluetooth::hci::iso_manager::BigCallbacks * callbacks), (const)); MOCK_METHOD((void), RegisterOnIsoTrafficActiveCallbacks, (void callbacks(bool)), (const)); MOCK_METHOD( (void), CreateCig, (uint8_t cig_id, struct bluetooth::hci::iso_manager::cig_create_params cig_params)); MOCK_METHOD( (void), ReconfigureCig, (uint8_t cig_id, struct bluetooth::hci::iso_manager::cig_create_params cig_params)); MOCK_METHOD((void), RemoveCig, (uint8_t cig_id, bool force)); MOCK_METHOD( (void), EstablishCis, (struct bluetooth::hci::iso_manager::cis_establish_params conn_params)); MOCK_METHOD((void), DisconnectCis, (uint16_t cis_handle, uint8_t reason)); MOCK_METHOD( (void), SetupIsoDataPath, (uint16_t iso_handle, struct bluetooth::hci::iso_manager::iso_data_path_params path_params)); MOCK_METHOD((void), RemoveIsoDataPath, (uint16_t iso_handle, uint8_t data_path_dir)); MOCK_METHOD((void), SendIsoData, (uint16_t iso_handle, const uint8_t* data, uint16_t data_len)); MOCK_METHOD((void), ReadIsoLinkQuality, (uint16_t iso_handle)); MOCK_METHOD( (void), CreateBig, (uint8_t big_id, struct bluetooth::hci::iso_manager::big_create_params big_params)); MOCK_METHOD((void), TerminateBig, (uint8_t big_id, uint8_t reason)); MOCK_METHOD((void), HandleIsoData, (void* p_msg)); MOCK_METHOD((void), HandleDisconnect, (uint16_t handle, uint8_t reason)); MOCK_METHOD((void), HandleNumComplDataPkts, (uint16_t handle, uint16_t credits)); MOCK_METHOD((void), HandleHciEvent, (uint8_t sub_code, uint8_t* params, uint16_t length)); MOCK_METHOD((void), Start, ()); MOCK_METHOD((void), Stop, ()); };