// Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //! Implements converting file system to FDT blob use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result}; use libfdt::Fdt; use std::ffi::{CStr, CString}; use std::fs; use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt; use std::path::Path; /// Trait for Fdt's file system support pub trait FsFdt<'a> { /// Creates a Fdt from /proc/device-tree style directory by wrapping a mutable slice fn from_fs(fs_path: &Path, fdt_buffer: &'a mut [u8]) -> Result<&'a mut Self>; /// Overlay an FDT from /proc/device-tree style directory at the given node path fn overlay_onto(&mut self, fdt_node_path: &CStr, fs_path: &Path) -> Result<()>; } impl<'a> FsFdt<'a> for Fdt { fn from_fs(fs_path: &Path, fdt_buffer: &'a mut [u8]) -> Result<&'a mut Fdt> { let fdt = Fdt::create_empty_tree(fdt_buffer) .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed to create FDT, {e:?}"))?; fdt.overlay_onto(&CString::new("").unwrap(), fs_path)?; Ok(fdt) } fn overlay_onto(&mut self, fdt_node_path: &CStr, fs_path: &Path) -> Result<()> { // Recursively traverse fs_path with DFS algorithm. let mut stack = vec![fs_path.to_path_buf()]; while let Some(dir_path) = stack.pop() { let relative_path = dir_path .strip_prefix(fs_path) .context("Internal error. Path does not have expected prefix")? .as_os_str(); let fdt_path = CString::from_vec_with_nul( [fdt_node_path.to_bytes(), b"/", relative_path.as_bytes(), b"\0"].concat(), ) .context("Internal error. Path is not a valid Fdt path")?; let mut node = self .node_mut(&fdt_path) .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed to write FDT, {e:?}"))? .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Failed to find {fdt_path:?} in FDT"))?; let mut subnode_names = vec![]; let entries = fs::read_dir(&dir_path).with_context(|| format!("Failed to read {dir_path:?}"))?; for entry in entries { let entry = entry.with_context(|| format!("Failed to get an entry in {dir_path:?}"))?; let entry_type = entry.file_type().with_context(|| "Unsupported entry type, {entry:?}")?; let entry_name = entry.file_name(); // binding to keep name below. if !entry_name.is_ascii() { return Err(anyhow!("Unsupported entry name for FDT, {entry:?}")); } // Safe to unwrap because validated as an ascii string above. let name = CString::new(entry_name.as_bytes()).unwrap(); if entry_type.is_dir() { stack.push(entry.path()); subnode_names.push(name); } else if entry_type.is_file() { let value = fs::read(&entry.path())?; node.setprop(&name, &value) .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed to set FDT property, {e:?}"))?; } else { return Err(anyhow!( "Failed to handle {entry:?}. FDT only uses file or directory" )); } } // Note: sort() is necessary to prevent FdtError::Exists from add_subnodes(). // FDT library may omit address in node name when comparing their name, so sort to add // node without address first. subnode_names.sort(); let subnode_names: Vec<_> = subnode_names .iter() .filter_map(|name| { // Filter out subnode names which are already present in the target parent node! let name = name.as_c_str(); let is_present_res = node.as_node().subnode(name); match is_present_res { Ok(Some(_)) => None, Ok(None) => Some(Ok(name)), Err(e) => Some(Err(e)), } }) .collect::>() .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed to filter subnodes, {e:?}"))?; node.add_subnodes(&subnode_names).map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed to add node, {e:?}"))?; } Ok(()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; use dts::Dts; const TEST_FS_FDT_ROOT_PATH: &str = "testdata/fs"; const BUF_SIZE_MAX: usize = 1024; #[test] fn test_from_fs() { let fs_path = Path::new(TEST_FS_FDT_ROOT_PATH); let mut data = vec![0_u8; BUF_SIZE_MAX]; let fdt = Fdt::from_fs(fs_path, &mut data).unwrap(); let expected = Dts::from_fs(fs_path).unwrap(); let actual = Dts::from_fdt(fdt).unwrap(); assert_eq!(&expected, &actual); // Again append fdt from TEST_FS_FDT_ROOT_PATH at root & ensure it succeeds when some // subnode are already present. fdt.overlay_onto(&CString::new("/").unwrap(), fs_path).unwrap(); } }