/* * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.net.wifi; import android.annotation.IntDef; import android.annotation.NonNull; import android.annotation.SystemApi; import android.net.wifi.ScanResult.WifiBand; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.util.SparseArray; import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.function.Consumer; /** * An Object used in {@link WifiManager#setNetworkSelectionConfig(WifiNetworkSelectionConfig)}. * @hide */ @SystemApi @RequiresApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.TIRAMISU) public final class WifiNetworkSelectionConfig implements Parcelable { /** @hide */ @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) @IntDef(prefix = {"ASSOCIATED_NETWORK_SELECTION_OVERRIDE_"}, value = { ASSOCIATED_NETWORK_SELECTION_OVERRIDE_NONE, ASSOCIATED_NETWORK_SELECTION_OVERRIDE_ENABLED, ASSOCIATED_NETWORK_SELECTION_OVERRIDE_DISABLED}) public @interface AssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride {} /** * A constant used in {@link Builder#setAssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride(int)} * This is the default value which performs no override. */ public static final int ASSOCIATED_NETWORK_SELECTION_OVERRIDE_NONE = 0; /** * A constant used in {{@link Builder#setAssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride(int)} * Overrides the config_wifi_framework_enable_associated_network_selection overlay to true to * allow the wifi framework to automatically select and switch to a better wifi network while * already connected. */ public static final int ASSOCIATED_NETWORK_SELECTION_OVERRIDE_ENABLED = 1; /** * A constant used in {@link Builder#setAssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride(int)} * Overrides the config_wifi_framework_enable_associated_network_selection overlay to false to * disallow the wifi framework to automatically select and connect to another network while * already connected. */ public static final int ASSOCIATED_NETWORK_SELECTION_OVERRIDE_DISABLED = 2; /** @hide */ @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) @IntDef(prefix = {"FREQUENCY_WEIGHT_"}, value = { FREQUENCY_WEIGHT_LOW, FREQUENCY_WEIGHT_HIGH}) public @interface FrequencyWeight {} /** * A constant used in {@link Builder#setFrequencyWeights(SparseArray)} to indicate a low * preference for the frequency it's associated with. */ public static final int FREQUENCY_WEIGHT_LOW = 0; /** * A constant used in {@link Builder#setFrequencyWeights(SparseArray)} to indicate a high * preference for the frequency it's associated with. */ public static final int FREQUENCY_WEIGHT_HIGH = 1; private boolean mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOff = true; private boolean mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOn = true; private boolean mUserConnectChoiceOverrideEnabled = true; private boolean mLastSelectionWeightEnabled = true; private int mAssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride = ASSOCIATED_NETWORK_SELECTION_OVERRIDE_NONE; /** RSSI thresholds for 2.4 GHz band (dBm) */ private int[] mRssi2Thresholds = new int[4]; /** RSSI thresholds for 5 GHz band (dBm) */ private int[] mRssi5Thresholds = new int[4]; /** RSSI thresholds for 6 GHz band (dBm) */ private int[] mRssi6Thresholds = new int[4]; /** Frequency weight list */ private SparseArray mFrequencyWeights = new SparseArray<>(); // empty constructor private WifiNetworkSelectionConfig() { } // copy constructor used by Builder private WifiNetworkSelectionConfig(WifiNetworkSelectionConfig that) { mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOff = that.mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOff; mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOn = that.mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOn; mAssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride = that.mAssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride; mUserConnectChoiceOverrideEnabled = that.mUserConnectChoiceOverrideEnabled; mLastSelectionWeightEnabled = that.mLastSelectionWeightEnabled; mRssi2Thresholds = that.mRssi2Thresholds; mRssi5Thresholds = that.mRssi5Thresholds; mRssi6Thresholds = that.mRssi6Thresholds; mFrequencyWeights = that.mFrequencyWeights; } /** * See {@link Builder#setSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOff(boolean)}. */ public boolean isSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOff() { return mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOff; } /** * See {@link Builder#setSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOn(boolean)}. */ public boolean isSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOn() { return mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOn; } /** * See {@link Builder#setUserConnectChoiceOverrideEnabled(boolean)}. */ public boolean isUserConnectChoiceOverrideEnabled() { return mUserConnectChoiceOverrideEnabled; } /** * See {@link Builder#setLastSelectionWeightEnabled(boolean)}. */ public boolean isLastSelectionWeightEnabled() { return mLastSelectionWeightEnabled; } /** * See {@link Builder#setAssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride(int)}. */ public @AssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride int getAssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride() { return mAssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride; } private static boolean isValidAssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride(int override) { return override >= ASSOCIATED_NETWORK_SELECTION_OVERRIDE_NONE && override <= ASSOCIATED_NETWORK_SELECTION_OVERRIDE_DISABLED; } private static boolean isValidBand(@WifiBand int band) { switch (band) { case ScanResult.WIFI_BAND_24_GHZ: case ScanResult.WIFI_BAND_5_GHZ: case ScanResult.WIFI_BAND_6_GHZ: return true; default: return false; } } private static boolean isValidRssiThresholdArray(int[] thresholds) { if (thresholds == null || thresholds.length != 4) return false; if (!isRssiThresholdResetArray(thresholds)) { int low = WifiInfo.MIN_RSSI - 1; int high = Math.min(WifiInfo.MAX_RSSI, -1); for (int i = 0; i < thresholds.length; i++) { if (thresholds[i] <= low || thresholds[i] > high) { return false; } low = thresholds[i]; } } return true; } private static boolean isValidFrequencyWeightArray(SparseArray weights) { if (weights == null) return false; for (int i = 0; i < weights.size(); i++) { int value = weights.valueAt(i); if (value < FREQUENCY_WEIGHT_LOW || value > FREQUENCY_WEIGHT_HIGH) return false; } return true; } /** * Check whether the given RSSI threshold array contains all 0s. * @hide */ public static boolean isRssiThresholdResetArray(@NonNull int[] thresholds) { for (int value : thresholds) { if (value != 0) return false; } return true; } /** * Check whether the current configuration is valid. * @hide */ public boolean isValid() { return isValidAssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride(mAssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride) && isValidRssiThresholdArray(mRssi2Thresholds) && isValidRssiThresholdArray(mRssi5Thresholds) && isValidRssiThresholdArray(mRssi6Thresholds) && isValidFrequencyWeightArray(mFrequencyWeights); } /** * See {@link Builder#setRssiThresholds(int, int[])}. * Returns RSSI thresholds for the input band. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the input band is not a supported {@link WifiBand} */ public @NonNull int[] getRssiThresholds(@WifiBand int band) { if (!isValidBand(band)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid band=" + band); } switch (band) { case ScanResult.WIFI_BAND_24_GHZ: return mRssi2Thresholds; case ScanResult.WIFI_BAND_5_GHZ: return mRssi5Thresholds; case ScanResult.WIFI_BAND_6_GHZ: return mRssi6Thresholds; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Did not find RSSI thresholds for band=" + band); } /** * See {@link Builder#setFrequencyWeights(SparseArray)}. */ public @NonNull SparseArray getFrequencyWeights() { return mFrequencyWeights; } /** * Used to create a {@link WifiNetworkSelectionConfig} Object. */ public static final class Builder { WifiNetworkSelectionConfig mWifiNetworkSelectionConfig = new WifiNetworkSelectionConfig(); public Builder() { mWifiNetworkSelectionConfig.mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOff = true; mWifiNetworkSelectionConfig.mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOn = true; mWifiNetworkSelectionConfig.mUserConnectChoiceOverrideEnabled = true; mWifiNetworkSelectionConfig.mLastSelectionWeightEnabled = true; mWifiNetworkSelectionConfig.mAssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride = ASSOCIATED_NETWORK_SELECTION_OVERRIDE_NONE; mWifiNetworkSelectionConfig.mRssi2Thresholds = new int[4]; mWifiNetworkSelectionConfig.mRssi5Thresholds = new int[4]; mWifiNetworkSelectionConfig.mRssi6Thresholds = new int[4]; mWifiNetworkSelectionConfig.mFrequencyWeights = new SparseArray<>(); } public Builder(@NonNull WifiNetworkSelectionConfig config) { mWifiNetworkSelectionConfig = config; } /** * This setting affects wifi network selection behavior while already connected to a * network, and is only relevant if associated network selection * (see {@link #setAssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride(int)}) is enabled. Enable or disable * network sufficiency check when wifi is connected and the screen is off. *

* If the sufficiency check is enabled, multiple parameters such as the RSSI and estimated * throughput will be used to determine if the current network is sufficient. When the * current network is found sufficient, the wifi framework will not attempt a network switch * even if a potentially better network is available. When the current network is found * insufficient, the wifi framework will keep trying to score other networks against the * current network attempting to find and connect to a better alternative. *

* If the sufficiency check is disabled, then the currently connected network will always * be considered insufficient. See the previous paragraph on the wifi framework's behavior * when the current network is insufficient. *

* By default, network sufficiency check is enabled for both screen on and screen off cases. * @param enabled Set to true to enable sufficiency check, and false to disable sufficiency * check. */ public @NonNull Builder setSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOff(boolean enabled) { mWifiNetworkSelectionConfig.mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOff = enabled; return this; } /** * This setting affects wifi network selection behavior while already connected to a * network, and is only relevant if associated network selection * (see {@link #setAssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride(int)}) is enabled. Enable or disable * network sufficiency check when wifi is connected and the screen is on. *

* If the sufficiency check is enabled, multiple parameters such as the RSSI and estimated * throughput will be used to determine if the current network is sufficient. When the * current network is found sufficient, the wifi framework will not attempt a network switch * even if a potentially better network is available. When the current network is found * insufficient, the wifi framework will keep trying to score other networks against the * current network attempting to find and connect to a better alternative. *

* If the sufficiency check is disabled, then the currently connected network will always * be considered insufficient. See the previous paragraph on the wifi framework's behavior * when the current network is insufficient. *

* By default, network sufficiency check is enabled for both screen on and screen off cases. * @param enabled Set to true to enable sufficiency check, and false to disable sufficiency * check. */ public @NonNull Builder setSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOn(boolean enabled) { mWifiNetworkSelectionConfig.mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOn = enabled; return this; } /** * Override the value programmed by the * {@code config_wifi_framework_enable_associated_network_selection} overlay with one of the * {@code ASSOCIATED_NETWORK_SELECTION_OVERRIDE_} values. When the overlay is enabled, * the wifi framework is allowed to automatically select and switch to a better wifi * network while already connected. When the overlay is disabled, the wifi framework will * simply stay connected to the connected network and will not attempt to automatically * switch to another network. *

* By default, there is no override, and the framework will use the value set in the * overlay. * @param override the value to override the overlay as. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the input is invalid. */ public @NonNull Builder setAssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride( @AssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride int override) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (!isValidAssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride(override)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid override=" + override); } mWifiNetworkSelectionConfig.mAssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride = override; return this; } /** * Enable or disable candidate override with the user connect choice. *

* If the override is enabled, the network selector overrides any selected candidate * with a network previously chosen by the user over the candidate (i.e. when the * candidate was connected the user explicitly selected another network), if one exists. *

* If the override is disabled, network selector uses the network nominator candidate * and does not override it with the user chosen configuration. *

* By default, user connect choice override is enabled. * @param enabled Set to true to enable candidate override with the user connect choice, * and false to disable the override. */ public @NonNull Builder setUserConnectChoiceOverrideEnabled(boolean enabled) { mWifiNetworkSelectionConfig.mUserConnectChoiceOverrideEnabled = enabled; return this; } /** * Enable or disable last selection weight. *

* If the last selection weight is enabled, network selector prefers the latest * user selected network over all other networks for a limited duration. * This duration is configurable via {@code config_wifiFrameworkLastSelectionMinutes}. *

* If the last selection weight is disabled, network selector does not prefer a * recently selected network over other networks. *

* By default, last selection weight is enabled. * @param enabled Set to true to enable the last selection weight, * and false to disable it. */ public @NonNull Builder setLastSelectionWeightEnabled(boolean enabled) { mWifiNetworkSelectionConfig.mLastSelectionWeightEnabled = enabled; return this; } /** * Sets the RSSI thresholds for the input band. *

* If the RSSI thresholds are set, network selector uses these values over the * following overlay configured values for the specified input band. * For {@code ScanResult.WIFI_BAND_24_GHZ}: *

  • {@code config_wifi_framework_wifi_score_bad_rssi_threshold_24GHz}
  • *
  • {@code config_wifi_framework_wifi_score_entry_rssi_threshold_24GHz}
  • *
  • {@code config_wifi_framework_wifi_score_low_rssi_threshold_24GHz}
  • *
  • {@code config_wifi_framework_wifi_score_good_rssi_threshold_24GHz}
  • *
* For {@code ScanResult.WIFI_BAND_5_GHZ}: *
  • {@code config_wifi_framework_wifi_score_bad_rssi_threshold_5GHz}
  • *
  • {@code config_wifi_framework_wifi_score_entry_rssi_threshold_5GHz}
  • *
  • {@code config_wifi_framework_wifi_score_low_rssi_threshold_5GHz}
  • *
  • {@code config_wifi_framework_wifi_score_good_rssi_threshold_5GHz}
  • *
* For {@code ScanResult.WIFI_BAND_6_GHZ}: *
  • {@code config_wifiFrameworkScoreBadRssiThreshold6ghz}
  • *
  • {@code config_wifiFrameworkScoreEntryRssiThreshold6ghz}
  • *
  • {@code config_wifiFrameworkScoreLowRssiThreshold6ghz}
  • *
  • {@code config_wifiFrameworkScoreGoodRssiThreshold6ghz}
  • *

* The input thresholds override the overlays listed above in the respective order * so it must be an int array with 4 values. * The values must be between -126 and -1 and the array must be strictly increasing. * For example, [-80, -70, -60, -50] is a valid input while [-70, -70, -60, -50] is not * since the array is not strictly increasing. * The only exception to these rules is [0, 0, 0, 0], which is used to remove any * RSSI thresholds set. *

* The input band must be one of the following {@link WifiBand}: *

  • {@code ScanResult.WIFI_BAND_24_GHZ}
  • *
  • {@code ScanResult.WIFI_BAND_5_GHZ}
  • *
  • {@code ScanResult.WIFI_BAND_6_GHZ}
  • *

* To remove the RSSI thresholds set, pass in an array with 0s as the thresholds. * The network selector will go back to using the overlay configured values. * @param band {@link WifiBand} you want to set the RSSI thresholds for * @param thresholds RSSI thresholds * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the input is invalid. */ public @NonNull Builder setRssiThresholds(@WifiBand int band, @NonNull int[] thresholds) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (!isValidRssiThresholdArray(thresholds)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid RSSI thresholds=" + Arrays.toString(thresholds)); } if (!isValidBand(band)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid band=" + band); } switch (band) { case ScanResult.WIFI_BAND_24_GHZ: mWifiNetworkSelectionConfig.mRssi2Thresholds = thresholds; break; case ScanResult.WIFI_BAND_5_GHZ: mWifiNetworkSelectionConfig.mRssi5Thresholds = thresholds; break; case ScanResult.WIFI_BAND_6_GHZ: mWifiNetworkSelectionConfig.mRssi6Thresholds = thresholds; break; } return this; } /** * Sets the frequency weights that will be used by the network selector to provide * a bonus or penalty to the specified frequencies in the list. *

* The input SparseArray has to adhere to the following (key, value) format. * Key: frequency the weight needs to be applied to in MHz (ex. 5201MHz -> 5201) * Value: one of {@link FrequencyWeight} *

  • *
  • *

* By default, all frequencies not present in the list will not have any frequency weight. *

* To removed the frequency weights set, pass in an empty SparseArray. * The network selector will go back to treating all the frequencies with * an equal preference. * @param weights frequency weights * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the input is invalid. */ public @NonNull Builder setFrequencyWeights(@NonNull SparseArray weights) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (!isValidFrequencyWeightArray(weights)) { if (weights == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid frequency weights=null"); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid frequency weights=" + weights.toString()); } mWifiNetworkSelectionConfig.mFrequencyWeights = weights; return this; } /** * Creates a WifiNetworkSelectionConfig for use in * {@link WifiManager#setNetworkSelectionConfig(WifiNetworkSelectionConfig, Consumer)} */ public @NonNull WifiNetworkSelectionConfig build() { return new WifiNetworkSelectionConfig(mWifiNetworkSelectionConfig); } } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOff, mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOn, mAssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride, mUserConnectChoiceOverrideEnabled, mLastSelectionWeightEnabled, Arrays.hashCode(mRssi2Thresholds), Arrays.hashCode(mRssi5Thresholds), Arrays.hashCode(mRssi6Thresholds), mFrequencyWeights.contentHashCode()); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof WifiNetworkSelectionConfig)) { return false; } WifiNetworkSelectionConfig lhs = (WifiNetworkSelectionConfig) obj; return mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOff == lhs.mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOff && mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOn == lhs.mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOn && mAssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride == lhs.mAssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride && mUserConnectChoiceOverrideEnabled == lhs.mUserConnectChoiceOverrideEnabled && mLastSelectionWeightEnabled == lhs.mLastSelectionWeightEnabled && Arrays.equals(mRssi2Thresholds, lhs.mRssi2Thresholds) && Arrays.equals(mRssi5Thresholds, lhs.mRssi5Thresholds) && Arrays.equals(mRssi6Thresholds, lhs.mRssi6Thresholds) && mFrequencyWeights.contentEquals(lhs.mFrequencyWeights); } public static final @NonNull Creator CREATOR = new Creator() { @Override public WifiNetworkSelectionConfig createFromParcel(Parcel in) { WifiNetworkSelectionConfig config = new WifiNetworkSelectionConfig(); config.mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOff = in.readBoolean(); config.mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOn = in.readBoolean(); config.mAssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride = in.readInt(); config.mUserConnectChoiceOverrideEnabled = in.readBoolean(); config.mLastSelectionWeightEnabled = in.readBoolean(); in.readIntArray(config.mRssi2Thresholds); in.readIntArray(config.mRssi5Thresholds); in.readIntArray(config.mRssi6Thresholds); config.mFrequencyWeights = in.readSparseArray(null, java.lang.Integer.class); return config; } @Override public WifiNetworkSelectionConfig[] newArray(int size) { return new WifiNetworkSelectionConfig[size]; } }; @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(@NonNull Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeBoolean(mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOff); dest.writeBoolean(mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOn); dest.writeInt(mAssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride); dest.writeBoolean(mUserConnectChoiceOverrideEnabled); dest.writeBoolean(mLastSelectionWeightEnabled); dest.writeIntArray(mRssi2Thresholds); dest.writeIntArray(mRssi5Thresholds); dest.writeIntArray(mRssi6Thresholds); dest.writeSparseArray(mFrequencyWeights); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOff=") .append(mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOff) .append(", mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOn=") .append(mSufficiencyCheckEnabledWhenScreenOn) .append(", mAssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride=") .append(mAssociatedNetworkSelectionOverride) .append(", mUserConnectChoiceOverrideEnabled=") .append(mUserConnectChoiceOverrideEnabled) .append(", mLastSelectionWeightEnabled=") .append(mLastSelectionWeightEnabled) .append(", mRssi2Thresholds=") .append(Arrays.toString(mRssi2Thresholds)) .append(", mRssi5Thresholds=") .append(Arrays.toString(mRssi5Thresholds)) .append(", mRssi6Thresholds=") .append(Arrays.toString(mRssi6Thresholds)) .append(", mFrequencyWeights=") .append(mFrequencyWeights.toString()); return sb.toString(); } }