/* * Copyright (C) 2020 Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define TRACE_TAG TRANSPORT #include "adb_mdns.h" #include <algorithm> #include <set> #include <android-base/stringprintf.h> #include <android-base/strings.h> #include "adb_trace.h" #define ADB_SECURE_SERVICE_VERSION_TXT_RECORD(ver) ("v=" #ver) const char* kADBSecurePairingServiceTxtRecord = ADB_SECURE_SERVICE_VERSION_TXT_RECORD(ADB_SECURE_SERVICE_VERSION); const char* kADBSecureConnectServiceTxtRecord = ADB_SECURE_SERVICE_VERSION_TXT_RECORD(ADB_SECURE_SERVICE_VERSION); #define ADB_FULL_MDNS_SERVICE_TYPE(atype) ("_" atype "._tcp") const char* kADBDNSServices[] = {ADB_FULL_MDNS_SERVICE_TYPE(ADB_MDNS_SERVICE_TYPE), ADB_FULL_MDNS_SERVICE_TYPE(ADB_MDNS_TLS_PAIRING_TYPE), ADB_FULL_MDNS_SERVICE_TYPE(ADB_MDNS_TLS_CONNECT_TYPE)}; const char* kADBDNSServiceTxtRecords[] = { nullptr, kADBSecurePairingServiceTxtRecord, kADBSecureConnectServiceTxtRecord, }; #if ADB_HOST namespace { std::atomic<bool> g_allowedlist_configured{false}; [[clang::no_destroy]] std::set<int> g_autoconn_allowedlist; void config_auto_connect_services() { bool expected = false; if (!g_allowedlist_configured.compare_exchange_strong(expected, true)) { return; } // ADB_MDNS_AUTO_CONNECT is a comma-delimited list of mdns services // that are allowed to auto-connect. By default, only allow "adb-tls-connect" // to auto-connect, since this is filtered down to auto-connect only to paired // devices. g_autoconn_allowedlist.insert(kADBSecureConnectServiceRefIndex); const char* srvs = getenv("ADB_MDNS_AUTO_CONNECT"); if (!srvs) { return; } if (strcmp(srvs, "0") == 0) { D("Disabling all auto-connecting"); g_autoconn_allowedlist.clear(); return; } if (strcmp(srvs, "all") == 0) { D("Allow all auto-connecting"); g_autoconn_allowedlist.insert(kADBTransportServiceRefIndex); return; } // Selectively choose which services to allow auto-connect. // E.g. ADB_MDNS_AUTO_CONNECT=adb,adb-tls-connect would allow // _adb._tcp and _adb-tls-connnect._tcp services to auto-connect. auto srvs_list = android::base::Split(srvs, ","); std::set<int> new_allowedlist; for (const auto& item : srvs_list) { auto full_srv = android::base::StringPrintf("_%s._tcp", item.data()); std::optional<int> idx = adb_DNSServiceIndexByName(full_srv); if (idx.has_value()) { new_allowedlist.insert(*idx); } } if (!new_allowedlist.empty()) { g_autoconn_allowedlist = std::move(new_allowedlist); } std::string res; std::for_each(g_autoconn_allowedlist.begin(), g_autoconn_allowedlist.end(), [&](const int& i) { res += kADBDNSServices[i]; res += ","; }); D("mdns auto-connect allowedlist: [%s]", res.data()); } } // namespace std::optional<int> adb_DNSServiceIndexByName(std::string_view reg_type) { for (int i = 0; i < kNumADBDNSServices; ++i) { if (!strncmp(reg_type.data(), kADBDNSServices[i], strlen(kADBDNSServices[i]))) { return i; } } return std::nullopt; } bool adb_DNSServiceShouldAutoConnect(std::string_view reg_type, std::string_view service_name) { config_auto_connect_services(); // Try to auto-connect to any "_adb" or "_adb-tls-connect" services excluding emulator services. std::optional<int> index = adb_DNSServiceIndexByName(reg_type); if (!index || (index != kADBTransportServiceRefIndex && index != kADBSecureConnectServiceRefIndex)) { return false; } if (g_autoconn_allowedlist.find(*index) == g_autoconn_allowedlist.end()) { D("Auto-connect for reg_type '%s' disabled", reg_type.data()); return false; } // Ignore adb-EMULATOR* service names, as it interferes with the // emulator ports that are already connected. if (android::base::StartsWith(service_name, "adb-EMULATOR")) { LOG(INFO) << "Ignoring emulator transport service [" << service_name << "]"; return false; } return true; } #endif // ADB_HOST