/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.car.diagnostic; import static com.android.car.internal.ExcludeFromCodeCoverageGeneratedReport.BOILERPLATE_CODE; import android.annotation.IntDef; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.annotation.SystemApi; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.util.JsonWriter; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.util.SparseIntArray; import com.android.car.internal.ExcludeFromCodeCoverageGeneratedReport; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.util.Objects; /** * A CarDiagnosticEvent object corresponds to a single diagnostic event frame coming from the car. * * @hide */ @SystemApi public final class CarDiagnosticEvent implements Parcelable { /** Whether this frame represents a live or a freeze frame */ public final int frameType; /** * When this data was acquired in car or received from car. It is elapsed real-time of data * reception from car in nanoseconds since system boot. */ public final long timestamp; /** * Sparse array that contains the mapping of OBD2 diagnostic properties to their values for * integer valued properties */ private final SparseIntArray mIntValues; /** * Sparse array that contains the mapping of OBD2 diagnostic properties to their values for * float valued properties */ private final SparseArray mFloatValues; /** * Diagnostic Troubleshooting Code (DTC) that was detected and caused this frame to be stored * (if a freeze frame). Always null for a live frame. */ public final String dtc; public CarDiagnosticEvent(Parcel in) { frameType = in.readInt(); timestamp = in.readLong(); int len = in.readInt(); mFloatValues = new SparseArray<>(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { int key = in.readInt(); float value = in.readFloat(); mFloatValues.put(key, value); } len = in.readInt(); mIntValues = new SparseIntArray(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { int key = in.readInt(); int value = in.readInt(); mIntValues.put(key, value); } dtc = (String) in.readValue(String.class.getClassLoader()); // version 1 up to here } @Override @ExcludeFromCodeCoverageGeneratedReport(reason = BOILERPLATE_CODE) public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeInt(frameType); dest.writeLong(timestamp); dest.writeInt(mFloatValues.size()); for (int i = 0; i < mFloatValues.size(); ++i) { int key = mFloatValues.keyAt(i); dest.writeInt(key); dest.writeFloat(mFloatValues.get(key)); } dest.writeInt(mIntValues.size()); for (int i = 0; i < mIntValues.size(); ++i) { int key = mIntValues.keyAt(i); dest.writeInt(key); dest.writeInt(mIntValues.get(key)); } dest.writeValue(dtc); } /** * Store the contents of this diagnostic event in a JsonWriter. * * The data is stored as a JSON object, with these fields: * type: either "live" or "freeze" depending on the type of frame; * timestamp: the timestamp at which this frame was generated; * intValues: an array of objects each of which has two elements: * id: the integer identifier of the sensor; * value: the integer value of the sensor; * floatValues: an array of objects each of which has two elements: * id: the integer identifier of the sensor; * value: the floating-point value of the sensor; * stringValue: the DTC for a freeze frame, omitted for a live frame */ public void writeToJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter) throws IOException { jsonWriter.beginObject(); jsonWriter.name("type"); switch (frameType) { case CarDiagnosticManager.FRAME_TYPE_LIVE: jsonWriter.value("live"); break; case CarDiagnosticManager.FRAME_TYPE_FREEZE: jsonWriter.value("freeze"); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("unknown frameType " + frameType); } jsonWriter.name("timestamp").value(timestamp); jsonWriter.name("intValues").beginArray(); for (int i = 0; i < mIntValues.size(); ++i) { jsonWriter.beginObject(); jsonWriter.name("id").value(mIntValues.keyAt(i)); jsonWriter.name("value").value(mIntValues.valueAt(i)); jsonWriter.endObject(); } jsonWriter.endArray(); jsonWriter.name("floatValues").beginArray(); for (int i = 0; i < mFloatValues.size(); ++i) { jsonWriter.beginObject(); jsonWriter.name("id").value(mFloatValues.keyAt(i)); jsonWriter.name("value").value(mFloatValues.valueAt(i)); jsonWriter.endObject(); } jsonWriter.endArray(); if (dtc != null) { jsonWriter.name("stringValue").value(dtc); } jsonWriter.endObject(); } public static final Parcelable.Creator CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator() { public CarDiagnosticEvent createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new CarDiagnosticEvent(in); } public CarDiagnosticEvent[] newArray(int size) { return new CarDiagnosticEvent[size]; } }; private CarDiagnosticEvent( int frameType, long timestamp, SparseArray floatValues, SparseIntArray intValues, String dtc) { this.frameType = frameType; this.timestamp = timestamp; mFloatValues = floatValues; mIntValues = intValues; this.dtc = dtc; } /** * This class can be used to incrementally construct a CarDiagnosticEvent. * CarDiagnosticEvent instances are immutable once built. */ public static class Builder { private int mType = CarDiagnosticManager.FRAME_TYPE_LIVE; private long mTimestamp = 0; private SparseArray mFloatValues = new SparseArray<>(); private SparseIntArray mIntValues = new SparseIntArray(); private String mDtc = null; private Builder(int type) { mType = type; } /** Returns a new Builder for a live frame */ public static Builder newLiveFrameBuilder() { return new Builder(CarDiagnosticManager.FRAME_TYPE_LIVE); } /** Returns a new Builder for a freeze frame */ public static Builder newFreezeFrameBuilder() { return new Builder(CarDiagnosticManager.FRAME_TYPE_FREEZE); } /** * Sets the timestamp for the frame being built * @deprecated Use {@link Builder#setTimeStamp(long)} instead. */ @Deprecated public Builder atTimestamp(long timestamp) { mTimestamp = timestamp; return this; } /** * Sets the timestamp for the frame being built * @param timeStamp timeStamp for CarDiagnosticEvent * @return Builder */ public Builder setTimeStamp(long timeStamp) { mTimestamp = timeStamp; return this; } /** * Adds an integer-valued sensor to the frame being built * @deprecated Use {@link Builder#setIntValue(int, int)} instead. */ @Deprecated public Builder withIntValue(int key, int value) { mIntValues.put(key, value); return this; } /** * Adds an integer-valued sensor to the frame being built * @param key key of integer value * @param value int value * @return Builder */ public Builder setIntValue(int key, int value) { mIntValues.put(key, value); return this; } /** * Adds a float-valued sensor to the frame being built * @deprecated Use {@link Builder#setFloatValue(int, float)} instead. */ @Deprecated public Builder withFloatValue(int key, float value) { mFloatValues.put(key, value); return this; } /** * Adds a float-valued sensor to the frame being built * @param key key of float value * @param value float value * @return Builder */ public Builder setFloatValue(int key, float value) { mFloatValues.put(key, value); return this; } /** * Sets the DTC for the frame being built * @deprecated Use {@link Builder#setDtc(String)} instead. */ @Deprecated public Builder withDtc(String dtc) { mDtc = dtc; return this; } /** * Sets the DTC for the frame being built * @param dtc string value of CarDiagnosticEvent * @return Builder */ public Builder setDtc(String dtc) { mDtc = dtc; return this; } /** Builds and returns the CarDiagnosticEvent */ public CarDiagnosticEvent build() { return new CarDiagnosticEvent(mType, mTimestamp, mFloatValues, mIntValues, mDtc); } } /** * Returns a copy of this CarDiagnosticEvent with all vendor-specific sensors removed. * * @hide */ public CarDiagnosticEvent withVendorSensorsRemoved() { SparseIntArray newIntValues = mIntValues.clone(); SparseArray newFloatValues = mFloatValues.clone(); for (int i = 0; i < mIntValues.size(); ++i) { int key = mIntValues.keyAt(i); if (key >= android.car.diagnostic.IntegerSensorIndex.LAST_SYSTEM) { newIntValues.delete(key); } } for (int i = 0; i < mFloatValues.size(); ++i) { int key = mFloatValues.keyAt(i); if (key >= android.car.diagnostic.FloatSensorIndex.LAST_SYSTEM) { newFloatValues.delete(key); } } return new CarDiagnosticEvent(frameType, timestamp, newFloatValues, newIntValues, dtc); } /** Returns true if this object is a live frame, false otherwise */ public boolean isLiveFrame() { return CarDiagnosticManager.FRAME_TYPE_LIVE == frameType; } /** Returns true if this object is a freeze frame, false otherwise */ public boolean isFreezeFrame() { return CarDiagnosticManager.FRAME_TYPE_FREEZE == frameType; } /** @hide */ public boolean isEmptyFrame() { boolean empty = (0 == mIntValues.size()); empty &= (0 == mFloatValues.size()); if (isFreezeFrame()) empty &= dtc.isEmpty(); return empty; } /** @hide */ public CarDiagnosticEvent checkLiveFrame() { if (!isLiveFrame()) throw new IllegalStateException("frame is not a live frame"); return this; } /** @hide */ public CarDiagnosticEvent checkFreezeFrame() { if (!isFreezeFrame()) throw new IllegalStateException("frame is not a freeze frame"); return this; } /** @hide */ public boolean isEarlierThan(CarDiagnosticEvent otherEvent) { Objects.requireNonNull(otherEvent); return (timestamp < otherEvent.timestamp); } @Override public boolean equals(Object otherObject) { if (this == otherObject) { return true; } if (null == otherObject) { return false; } if (!(otherObject instanceof CarDiagnosticEvent)) { return false; } CarDiagnosticEvent otherEvent = (CarDiagnosticEvent) otherObject; if (otherEvent.frameType != frameType) { return false; } if (otherEvent.timestamp != timestamp) { return false; } if (otherEvent.mIntValues.size() != mIntValues.size()) { return false; } if (otherEvent.mFloatValues.size() != mFloatValues.size()) { return false; } if (!Objects.equals(dtc, otherEvent.dtc)) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < mIntValues.size(); ++i) { int key = mIntValues.keyAt(i); int otherKey = otherEvent.mIntValues.keyAt(i); if (key != otherKey) { return false; } int value = mIntValues.valueAt(i); int otherValue = otherEvent.mIntValues.valueAt(i); if (value != otherValue) { return false; } } for (int i = 0; i < mFloatValues.size(); ++i) { int key = mFloatValues.keyAt(i); int otherKey = otherEvent.mFloatValues.keyAt(i); if (key != otherKey) { return false; } float value = mFloatValues.valueAt(i); float otherValue = otherEvent.mFloatValues.valueAt(i); if (value != otherValue) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { Integer[] intKeys = new Integer[mIntValues.size()]; Integer[] floatKeys = new Integer[mFloatValues.size()]; Integer[] intValues = new Integer[intKeys.length]; Float[] floatValues = new Float[floatKeys.length]; for (int i = 0; i < intKeys.length; ++i) { intKeys[i] = mIntValues.keyAt(i); intValues[i] = mIntValues.valueAt(i); } for (int i = 0; i < floatKeys.length; ++i) { floatKeys[i] = mFloatValues.keyAt(i); floatValues[i] = mFloatValues.valueAt(i); } int intKeysHash = Objects.hash((Object[]) intKeys); int intValuesHash = Objects.hash((Object[]) intValues); int floatKeysHash = Objects.hash((Object[]) floatKeys); int floatValuesHash = Objects.hash((Object[]) floatValues); return Objects.hash(frameType, timestamp, dtc, intKeysHash, intValuesHash, floatKeysHash, floatValuesHash); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format( "%s diagnostic frame {\n" + "\ttimestamp: %d, " + "DTC: %s\n" + "\tmIntValues: %s\n" + "\tmFloatValues: %s\n}", isLiveFrame() ? "live" : "freeze", timestamp, dtc, mIntValues.toString(), mFloatValues.toString()); } /** * Returns the value of the given integer sensor, if present in this frame. * Returns defaultValue otherwise. */ public int getSystemIntegerSensor( @android.car.diagnostic.IntegerSensorIndex.SensorIndex int sensor, int defaultValue) { return mIntValues.get(sensor, defaultValue); } /** * Returns the value of the given float sensor, if present in this frame. * Returns defaultValue otherwise. */ public float getSystemFloatSensor( @android.car.diagnostic.FloatSensorIndex.SensorIndex int sensor, float defaultValue) { return mFloatValues.get(sensor, defaultValue); } /** * Returns the value of the given integer sensor, if present in this frame. * Returns defaultValue otherwise. */ public int getVendorIntegerSensor(int sensor, int defaultValue) { return mIntValues.get(sensor, defaultValue); } /** * Returns the value of the given float sensor, if present in this frame. * Returns defaultValue otherwise. */ public float getVendorFloatSensor(int sensor, float defaultValue) { return mFloatValues.get(sensor, defaultValue); } /** * Returns the value of the given integer sensor, if present in this frame. * Returns null otherwise. */ public @Nullable Integer getSystemIntegerSensor( @android.car.diagnostic.IntegerSensorIndex.SensorIndex int sensor) { int index = mIntValues.indexOfKey(sensor); if (index < 0) return null; return mIntValues.valueAt(index); } /** * Returns the value of the given float sensor, if present in this frame. * Returns null otherwise. */ public @Nullable Float getSystemFloatSensor( @android.car.diagnostic.FloatSensorIndex.SensorIndex int sensor) { int index = mFloatValues.indexOfKey(sensor); if (index < 0) return null; return mFloatValues.valueAt(index); } /** * Returns the value of the given integer sensor, if present in this frame. * Returns null otherwise. */ public @Nullable Integer getVendorIntegerSensor(int sensor) { int index = mIntValues.indexOfKey(sensor); if (index < 0) return null; return mIntValues.valueAt(index); } /** * Returns the value of the given float sensor, if present in this frame. * Returns null otherwise. */ public @Nullable Float getVendorFloatSensor(int sensor) { int index = mFloatValues.indexOfKey(sensor); if (index < 0) return null; return mFloatValues.valueAt(index); } /** * Represents possible states of the fuel system; see {@link * android.car.diagnostic.IntegerSensorIndex#FUEL_SYSTEM_STATUS} */ public static final class FuelSystemStatus { private FuelSystemStatus() {} public static final int OPEN_INSUFFICIENT_ENGINE_TEMPERATURE = 1; public static final int CLOSED_LOOP = 2; public static final int OPEN_ENGINE_LOAD_OR_DECELERATION = 4; public static final int OPEN_SYSTEM_FAILURE = 8; public static final int CLOSED_LOOP_BUT_FEEDBACK_FAULT = 16; @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) @IntDef({ OPEN_INSUFFICIENT_ENGINE_TEMPERATURE, CLOSED_LOOP, OPEN_ENGINE_LOAD_OR_DECELERATION, OPEN_SYSTEM_FAILURE, CLOSED_LOOP_BUT_FEEDBACK_FAULT }) public @interface Status {} } /** * Represents possible states of the secondary air system; see {@link * android.car.diagnostic.IntegerSensorIndex#COMMANDED_SECONDARY_AIR_STATUS} */ public static final class SecondaryAirStatus { private SecondaryAirStatus() {} public static final int UPSTREAM = 1; public static final int DOWNSTREAM_OF_CATALYCIC_CONVERTER = 2; public static final int FROM_OUTSIDE_OR_OFF = 4; public static final int PUMP_ON_FOR_DIAGNOSTICS = 8; @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) @IntDef({ UPSTREAM, DOWNSTREAM_OF_CATALYCIC_CONVERTER, FROM_OUTSIDE_OR_OFF, PUMP_ON_FOR_DIAGNOSTICS }) public @interface Status {} } /** * Represents possible types of fuel; see {@link * android.car.diagnostic.IntegerSensorIndex#FUEL_TYPE} */ public static final class FuelType { private FuelType() {} public static final int NOT_AVAILABLE = 0; public static final int GASOLINE = 1; public static final int METHANOL = 2; public static final int ETHANOL = 3; public static final int DIESEL = 4; public static final int LPG = 5; public static final int CNG = 6; public static final int PROPANE = 7; public static final int ELECTRIC = 8; public static final int BIFUEL_RUNNING_GASOLINE = 9; public static final int BIFUEL_RUNNING_METHANOL = 10; public static final int BIFUEL_RUNNING_ETHANOL = 11; public static final int BIFUEL_RUNNING_LPG = 12; public static final int BIFUEL_RUNNING_CNG = 13; public static final int BIFUEL_RUNNING_PROPANE = 14; public static final int BIFUEL_RUNNING_ELECTRIC = 15; public static final int BIFUEL_RUNNING_ELECTRIC_AND_COMBUSTION = 16; public static final int HYBRID_GASOLINE = 17; public static final int HYBRID_ETHANOL = 18; public static final int HYBRID_DIESEL = 19; public static final int HYBRID_ELECTRIC = 20; public static final int HYBRID_RUNNING_ELECTRIC_AND_COMBUSTION = 21; public static final int HYBRID_REGENERATIVE = 22; public static final int BIFUEL_RUNNING_DIESEL = 23; @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) @IntDef({ NOT_AVAILABLE, GASOLINE, METHANOL, ETHANOL, DIESEL, LPG, CNG, PROPANE, ELECTRIC, BIFUEL_RUNNING_GASOLINE, BIFUEL_RUNNING_METHANOL, BIFUEL_RUNNING_ETHANOL, BIFUEL_RUNNING_LPG, BIFUEL_RUNNING_CNG, BIFUEL_RUNNING_PROPANE, BIFUEL_RUNNING_ELECTRIC, BIFUEL_RUNNING_ELECTRIC_AND_COMBUSTION, HYBRID_GASOLINE, HYBRID_ETHANOL, HYBRID_DIESEL, HYBRID_ELECTRIC, HYBRID_RUNNING_ELECTRIC_AND_COMBUSTION, HYBRID_REGENERATIVE, BIFUEL_RUNNING_DIESEL }) public @interface Type {} } /** * Represents the state of an ignition monitor on a vehicle. */ public static final class IgnitionMonitor { public final boolean available; public final boolean incomplete; IgnitionMonitor(boolean available, boolean incomplete) { this.available = available; this.incomplete = incomplete; } /** @hide */ public static final class Decoder { private final int mAvailableBitmask; private final int mIncompleteBitmask; Decoder(int availableBitmask, int incompleteBitmask) { mAvailableBitmask = availableBitmask; mIncompleteBitmask = incompleteBitmask; } /** * Returns the {@link IgnitionMonitor} associated with the value passed as parameter. */ public IgnitionMonitor fromValue(int value) { boolean available = (0 != (value & mAvailableBitmask)); boolean incomplete = (0 != (value & mIncompleteBitmask)); return new IgnitionMonitor(available, incomplete); } } } /** * Contains information about ignition monitors common to all vehicle types. */ public static class CommonIgnitionMonitors { public final IgnitionMonitor components; public final IgnitionMonitor fuelSystem; public final IgnitionMonitor misfire; /** @hide */ public static final int COMPONENTS_AVAILABLE = 0x1 << 0; /** @hide */ public static final int COMPONENTS_INCOMPLETE = 0x1 << 1; /** @hide */ public static final int FUEL_SYSTEM_AVAILABLE = 0x1 << 2; /** @hide */ public static final int FUEL_SYSTEM_INCOMPLETE = 0x1 << 3; /** @hide */ public static final int MISFIRE_AVAILABLE = 0x1 << 4; /** @hide */ public static final int MISFIRE_INCOMPLETE = 0x1 << 5; static final IgnitionMonitor.Decoder COMPONENTS_DECODER = new IgnitionMonitor.Decoder(COMPONENTS_AVAILABLE, COMPONENTS_INCOMPLETE); static final IgnitionMonitor.Decoder FUEL_SYSTEM_DECODER = new IgnitionMonitor.Decoder(FUEL_SYSTEM_AVAILABLE, FUEL_SYSTEM_INCOMPLETE); static final IgnitionMonitor.Decoder MISFIRE_DECODER = new IgnitionMonitor.Decoder(MISFIRE_AVAILABLE, MISFIRE_INCOMPLETE); CommonIgnitionMonitors(int bitmask) { components = COMPONENTS_DECODER.fromValue(bitmask); fuelSystem = FUEL_SYSTEM_DECODER.fromValue(bitmask); misfire = MISFIRE_DECODER.fromValue(bitmask); } /** * Returns data about ignition monitors specific to spark vehicles, if this * object represents ignition monitors for a spark vehicle. * Returns null otherwise. */ public @Nullable SparkIgnitionMonitors asSparkIgnitionMonitors() { if (this instanceof SparkIgnitionMonitors) return (SparkIgnitionMonitors) this; return null; } /** * Returns data about ignition monitors specific to compression vehicles, if this * object represents ignition monitors for a compression vehicle. * Returns null otherwise. */ public @Nullable CompressionIgnitionMonitors asCompressionIgnitionMonitors() { if (this instanceof CompressionIgnitionMonitors) { return (CompressionIgnitionMonitors) this; } return null; } } /** * Contains information about ignition monitors specific to spark vehicles. */ public static final class SparkIgnitionMonitors extends CommonIgnitionMonitors { public final IgnitionMonitor EGR; public final IgnitionMonitor oxygenSensorHeater; public final IgnitionMonitor oxygenSensor; public final IgnitionMonitor ACRefrigerant; public final IgnitionMonitor secondaryAirSystem; public final IgnitionMonitor evaporativeSystem; public final IgnitionMonitor heatedCatalyst; public final IgnitionMonitor catalyst; /** @hide */ public static final int EGR_AVAILABLE = 0x1 << 6; /** @hide */ public static final int EGR_INCOMPLETE = 0x1 << 7; /** @hide */ public static final int OXYGEN_SENSOR_HEATER_AVAILABLE = 0x1 << 8; /** @hide */ public static final int OXYGEN_SENSOR_HEATER_INCOMPLETE = 0x1 << 9; /** @hide */ public static final int OXYGEN_SENSOR_AVAILABLE = 0x1 << 10; /** @hide */ public static final int OXYGEN_SENSOR_INCOMPLETE = 0x1 << 11; /** @hide */ public static final int AC_REFRIGERANT_AVAILABLE = 0x1 << 12; /** @hide */ public static final int AC_REFRIGERANT_INCOMPLETE = 0x1 << 13; /** @hide */ public static final int SECONDARY_AIR_SYSTEM_AVAILABLE = 0x1 << 14; /** @hide */ public static final int SECONDARY_AIR_SYSTEM_INCOMPLETE = 0x1 << 15; /** @hide */ public static final int EVAPORATIVE_SYSTEM_AVAILABLE = 0x1 << 16; /** @hide */ public static final int EVAPORATIVE_SYSTEM_INCOMPLETE = 0x1 << 17; /** @hide */ public static final int HEATED_CATALYST_AVAILABLE = 0x1 << 18; /** @hide */ public static final int HEATED_CATALYST_INCOMPLETE = 0x1 << 19; /** @hide */ public static final int CATALYST_AVAILABLE = 0x1 << 20; /** @hide */ public static final int CATALYST_INCOMPLETE = 0x1 << 21; static final IgnitionMonitor.Decoder EGR_DECODER = new IgnitionMonitor.Decoder(EGR_AVAILABLE, EGR_INCOMPLETE); static final IgnitionMonitor.Decoder OXYGEN_SENSOR_HEATER_DECODER = new IgnitionMonitor.Decoder(OXYGEN_SENSOR_HEATER_AVAILABLE, OXYGEN_SENSOR_HEATER_INCOMPLETE); static final IgnitionMonitor.Decoder OXYGEN_SENSOR_DECODER = new IgnitionMonitor.Decoder(OXYGEN_SENSOR_AVAILABLE, OXYGEN_SENSOR_INCOMPLETE); static final IgnitionMonitor.Decoder AC_REFRIGERANT_DECODER = new IgnitionMonitor.Decoder(AC_REFRIGERANT_AVAILABLE, AC_REFRIGERANT_INCOMPLETE); static final IgnitionMonitor.Decoder SECONDARY_AIR_SYSTEM_DECODER = new IgnitionMonitor.Decoder(SECONDARY_AIR_SYSTEM_AVAILABLE, SECONDARY_AIR_SYSTEM_INCOMPLETE); static final IgnitionMonitor.Decoder EVAPORATIVE_SYSTEM_DECODER = new IgnitionMonitor.Decoder(EVAPORATIVE_SYSTEM_AVAILABLE, EVAPORATIVE_SYSTEM_INCOMPLETE); static final IgnitionMonitor.Decoder HEATED_CATALYST_DECODER = new IgnitionMonitor.Decoder(HEATED_CATALYST_AVAILABLE, HEATED_CATALYST_INCOMPLETE); static final IgnitionMonitor.Decoder CATALYST_DECODER = new IgnitionMonitor.Decoder(CATALYST_AVAILABLE, CATALYST_INCOMPLETE); SparkIgnitionMonitors(int bitmask) { super(bitmask); EGR = EGR_DECODER.fromValue(bitmask); oxygenSensorHeater = OXYGEN_SENSOR_HEATER_DECODER.fromValue(bitmask); oxygenSensor = OXYGEN_SENSOR_DECODER.fromValue(bitmask); ACRefrigerant = AC_REFRIGERANT_DECODER.fromValue(bitmask); secondaryAirSystem = SECONDARY_AIR_SYSTEM_DECODER.fromValue(bitmask); evaporativeSystem = EVAPORATIVE_SYSTEM_DECODER.fromValue(bitmask); heatedCatalyst = HEATED_CATALYST_DECODER.fromValue(bitmask); catalyst = CATALYST_DECODER.fromValue(bitmask); } } /** * Contains information about ignition monitors specific to compression vehicles. */ public static final class CompressionIgnitionMonitors extends CommonIgnitionMonitors { public final IgnitionMonitor EGROrVVT; public final IgnitionMonitor PMFilter; public final IgnitionMonitor exhaustGasSensor; public final IgnitionMonitor boostPressure; public final IgnitionMonitor NOxSCR; public final IgnitionMonitor NMHCCatalyst; /** @hide */ public static final int EGR_OR_VVT_AVAILABLE = 0x1 << 6; /** @hide */ public static final int EGR_OR_VVT_INCOMPLETE = 0x1 << 7; /** @hide */ public static final int PM_FILTER_AVAILABLE = 0x1 << 8; /** @hide */ public static final int PM_FILTER_INCOMPLETE = 0x1 << 9; /** @hide */ public static final int EXHAUST_GAS_SENSOR_AVAILABLE = 0x1 << 10; /** @hide */ public static final int EXHAUST_GAS_SENSOR_INCOMPLETE = 0x1 << 11; /** @hide */ public static final int BOOST_PRESSURE_AVAILABLE = 0x1 << 12; /** @hide */ public static final int BOOST_PRESSURE_INCOMPLETE = 0x1 << 13; /** @hide */ public static final int NOx_SCR_AVAILABLE = 0x1 << 14; /** @hide */ public static final int NOx_SCR_INCOMPLETE = 0x1 << 15; /** @hide */ public static final int NMHC_CATALYST_AVAILABLE = 0x1 << 16; /** @hide */ public static final int NMHC_CATALYST_INCOMPLETE = 0x1 << 17; static final IgnitionMonitor.Decoder EGR_OR_VVT_DECODER = new IgnitionMonitor.Decoder(EGR_OR_VVT_AVAILABLE, EGR_OR_VVT_INCOMPLETE); static final IgnitionMonitor.Decoder PM_FILTER_DECODER = new IgnitionMonitor.Decoder(PM_FILTER_AVAILABLE, PM_FILTER_INCOMPLETE); static final IgnitionMonitor.Decoder EXHAUST_GAS_SENSOR_DECODER = new IgnitionMonitor.Decoder(EXHAUST_GAS_SENSOR_AVAILABLE, EXHAUST_GAS_SENSOR_INCOMPLETE); static final IgnitionMonitor.Decoder BOOST_PRESSURE_DECODER = new IgnitionMonitor.Decoder(BOOST_PRESSURE_AVAILABLE, BOOST_PRESSURE_INCOMPLETE); static final IgnitionMonitor.Decoder NOx_SCR_DECODER = new IgnitionMonitor.Decoder(NOx_SCR_AVAILABLE, NOx_SCR_INCOMPLETE); static final IgnitionMonitor.Decoder NMHC_CATALYST_DECODER = new IgnitionMonitor.Decoder(NMHC_CATALYST_AVAILABLE, NMHC_CATALYST_INCOMPLETE); CompressionIgnitionMonitors(int bitmask) { super(bitmask); EGROrVVT = EGR_OR_VVT_DECODER.fromValue(bitmask); PMFilter = PM_FILTER_DECODER.fromValue(bitmask); exhaustGasSensor = EXHAUST_GAS_SENSOR_DECODER.fromValue(bitmask); boostPressure = BOOST_PRESSURE_DECODER.fromValue(bitmask); NOxSCR = NOx_SCR_DECODER.fromValue(bitmask); NMHCCatalyst = NMHC_CATALYST_DECODER.fromValue(bitmask); } } /** * Returns the state of the fuel system, if present in this frame. * Returns null otherwise. */ public @Nullable @FuelSystemStatus.Status Integer getFuelSystemStatus() { return getSystemIntegerSensor(android.car.diagnostic.IntegerSensorIndex.FUEL_SYSTEM_STATUS); } /** * Returns the state of the secondary air system, if present in this frame. * Returns null otherwise. */ public @Nullable @SecondaryAirStatus.Status Integer getSecondaryAirStatus() { return getSystemIntegerSensor( android.car.diagnostic.IntegerSensorIndex.COMMANDED_SECONDARY_AIR_STATUS); } /** * Returns data about the ignition monitors, if present in this frame. * Returns null otherwise. */ public @Nullable CommonIgnitionMonitors getIgnitionMonitors() { Integer ignitionMonitorsType = getSystemIntegerSensor( android.car.diagnostic.IntegerSensorIndex.IGNITION_MONITORS_SUPPORTED); Integer ignitionMonitorsBitmask = getSystemIntegerSensor( android.car.diagnostic.IntegerSensorIndex.IGNITION_SPECIFIC_MONITORS); if (null == ignitionMonitorsType) return null; if (null == ignitionMonitorsBitmask) return null; switch (ignitionMonitorsType) { case 0: return new SparkIgnitionMonitors(ignitionMonitorsBitmask); case 1: return new CompressionIgnitionMonitors(ignitionMonitorsBitmask); default: return null; } } /** * Returns the fuel type, if present in this frame. * Returns null otherwise. */ public @Nullable @FuelType.Type Integer getFuelType() { return getSystemIntegerSensor(android.car.diagnostic.IntegerSensorIndex.FUEL_TYPE); } }