/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.car.usb.handler; import static android.content.pm.PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED; import android.Manifest; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.pm.ActivityInfo; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException; import android.content.pm.ResolveInfo; import android.content.res.XmlResourceParser; import android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice; import android.hardware.usb.UsbDeviceConnection; import android.hardware.usb.UsbManager; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.HandlerThread; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.util.Log; import com.android.internal.util.XmlUtils; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; import java.io.IOException; import java.security.MessageDigest; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** Resolves supported handlers for USB device. */ public final class UsbDeviceHandlerResolver { private static final String TAG = UsbDeviceHandlerResolver.class.getSimpleName(); private static final boolean LOCAL_LOGD = false; private static final String AOAP_HANDLE_PERMISSION = "android.car.permission.CAR_HANDLE_USB_AOAP_DEVICE"; /** * Callbacks for device resolver. */ public interface UsbDeviceHandlerResolverCallback { /** Handlers are resolved */ void onHandlersResolveCompleted( UsbDevice device, List availableSettings); /** Device was dispatched */ void onDeviceDispatched(); } private final UsbManager mUsbManager; private final PackageManager mPackageManager; private final UsbDeviceHandlerResolverCallback mDeviceCallback; private final Context mContext; private final AoapServiceManager mAoapServiceManager; private HandlerThread mHandlerThread; private UsbDeviceResolverHandler mUsbDeviceResolverHandler; public UsbDeviceHandlerResolver(UsbManager manager, Context context, UsbDeviceHandlerResolverCallback deviceListener) { mUsbManager = manager; mContext = context; mDeviceCallback = deviceListener; createHandlerThread(); mPackageManager = context.getPackageManager(); mAoapServiceManager = new AoapServiceManager(mContext.getApplicationContext()); } /** * Releases current object. */ public void release() { if (mHandlerThread != null) { mHandlerThread.quitSafely(); } } /** * Resolves handlers for USB device. */ public void resolve(UsbDevice device) { mUsbDeviceResolverHandler.requestResolveHandlers(device); } /** * Listener for failed {@code startAosp} command. * *

If {@code startAosp} fails, the device could be left in a inconsistent state, that's why * we go back to USB enumeration, instead of just repeating the command. */ public interface StartAoapFailureListener { /** Called if startAoap fails. */ void onFailure(UsbDevice failedDevice); } /** * Dispatches device to component. */ public boolean dispatch(UsbDevice device, ComponentName component, boolean inAoap, StartAoapFailureListener failureListener) { if (LOCAL_LOGD) { Log.d(TAG, "dispatch: " + device + " component: " + component + " inAoap: " + inAoap); } ActivityInfo activityInfo; try { activityInfo = mPackageManager.getActivityInfo(component, PackageManager.GET_META_DATA); } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Activity not found: " + component); return false; } Intent intent = createDeviceAttachedIntent(device); if (inAoap) { if (AoapInterface.isDeviceInAoapMode(device)) { mDeviceCallback.onDeviceDispatched(); } else { UsbDeviceFilter filter = packageMatches(activityInfo, intent.getAction(), device, true); if (filter != null) { if (!mHandlerThread.isAlive()) { // Start a new thread. Used only when startAoap fails, and we need to // re-enumerate device in order to try again. createHandlerThread(); } mUsbDeviceResolverHandler.post(() -> { if (mAoapServiceManager.canSwitchDeviceToAoap(device, ComponentName.unflattenFromString(filter.mAoapService))) { try { requestAoapSwitch(device, filter); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Start AOAP command failed:" + e); failureListener.onFailure(device); } } else { Log.i(TAG, "Ignore AOAP switch for device " + device + " handled by " + filter.mAoapService); } }); mDeviceCallback.onDeviceDispatched(); return true; } } } intent.setComponent(component); mUsbManager.grantPermission(device, activityInfo.applicationInfo.uid); mContext.startActivity(intent); mUsbDeviceResolverHandler.requestCompleteDeviceDispatch(); return true; } private void createHandlerThread() { mHandlerThread = new HandlerThread(TAG); mHandlerThread.start(); mUsbDeviceResolverHandler = new UsbDeviceResolverHandler(mHandlerThread.getLooper()); } private static Intent createDeviceAttachedIntent(UsbDevice device) { Intent intent = new Intent(UsbManager.ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED); intent.putExtra(UsbManager.EXTRA_DEVICE, device); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); return intent; } private void doHandleResolveHandlers(UsbDevice device) { if (LOCAL_LOGD) { Log.d(TAG, "doHandleResolveHandlers: " + device); } Intent intent = createDeviceAttachedIntent(device); List matches = getDeviceMatches(device, intent, false); if (LOCAL_LOGD) { Log.d(TAG, "matches size: " + matches.size()); } List settings = new ArrayList<>(); for (UsbHandlerPackage pkg : matches) { settings.add(createSettings(device, pkg)); } UsbDeviceConnection devConnection = UsbUtil.openConnection(mUsbManager, device); if (devConnection != null && AoapInterface.isSupported(mContext, device, devConnection)) { for (UsbHandlerPackage pkg : getDeviceMatches(device, intent, true)) { if (mAoapServiceManager.isDeviceSupported(device, pkg.mAoapService)) { settings.add(createSettings(device, pkg)); } } } deviceProbingComplete(device, settings); } private UsbDeviceSettings createSettings(UsbDevice device, UsbHandlerPackage pkg) { UsbDeviceSettings settings = UsbDeviceSettings.constructSettings(device); settings.setHandler(pkg.mActivity); settings.setAoap(pkg.mAoapService != null); return settings; } private void requestAoapSwitch(UsbDevice device, UsbDeviceFilter filter) throws IOException { UsbDeviceConnection connection = UsbUtil.openConnection(mUsbManager, device); if (connection == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to connect to usb device."); return; } try { String hashedSerial = getHashed(Build.getSerial()); UsbUtil.sendAoapAccessoryStart( connection, filter.mAoapManufacturer, filter.mAoapModel, filter.mAoapDescription, filter.mAoapVersion, filter.mAoapUri, hashedSerial); } finally { connection.close(); } } private String getHashed(String serial) { try { byte[] digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(serial.getBytes()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(digest.length * 2); for (byte b : digest) { sb.append(String.format("%02x", b)); } return sb.toString(); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { Log.w(TAG, "could not create MD5 for serial number: " + serial); return Integer.toString(serial.hashCode()); } } private void deviceProbingComplete(UsbDevice device, List settings) { if (LOCAL_LOGD) { Log.d(TAG, "deviceProbingComplete"); } mDeviceCallback.onHandlersResolveCompleted(device, settings); } private List getDeviceMatches( UsbDevice device, Intent intent, boolean forAoap) { List matches = new ArrayList<>(); List resolveInfos = mPackageManager.queryIntentActivities(intent, PackageManager.GET_META_DATA); for (ResolveInfo resolveInfo : resolveInfos) { final String packageName = resolveInfo.activityInfo.packageName; if (forAoap && !hasAoapPermission(packageName)) { Log.w(TAG, "Package " + packageName + " does not hold " + AOAP_HANDLE_PERMISSION + " permission. Ignore the package."); continue; } UsbDeviceFilter filter = packageMatches(resolveInfo.activityInfo, intent.getAction(), device, forAoap); if (filter != null) { ActivityInfo ai = resolveInfo.activityInfo; ComponentName activity = new ComponentName(ai.packageName, ai.name); ComponentName aoapService = filter.mAoapService == null ? null : ComponentName.unflattenFromString(filter.mAoapService); if (aoapService != null && !checkServiceRequiresPermission(aoapService)) { continue; } if (aoapService != null || !forAoap) { matches.add(new UsbHandlerPackage(activity, aoapService)); } } } return matches; } private boolean checkServiceRequiresPermission(ComponentName serviceName) { Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setComponent(serviceName); boolean found = false; for (ResolveInfo info : mPackageManager.queryIntentServices(intent, 0)) { if (info.serviceInfo != null) { found = true; if ((Manifest.permission.MANAGE_USB.equals(info.serviceInfo.permission))) { return true; } } } if (found) { Log.w(TAG, "Component " + serviceName + " must be protected with " + Manifest.permission.MANAGE_USB + " permission"); } else { Log.w(TAG, "Component " + serviceName + " not found"); } return false; } private boolean hasAoapPermission(String packageName) { return mPackageManager .checkPermission(AOAP_HANDLE_PERMISSION, packageName) == PERMISSION_GRANTED; } private UsbDeviceFilter packageMatches(ActivityInfo ai, String metaDataName, UsbDevice device, boolean forAoap) { if (LOCAL_LOGD) { Log.d(TAG, "packageMatches ai: " + ai + "metaDataName: " + metaDataName + " forAoap: " + forAoap); } String filterTagName = forAoap ? "usb-aoap-accessory" : "usb-device"; try (XmlResourceParser parser = ai.loadXmlMetaData(mPackageManager, metaDataName)) { if (parser == null) { Log.w(TAG, "no meta-data for " + ai); return null; } XmlUtils.nextElement(parser); while (parser.getEventType() != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) { String tagName = parser.getName(); if (device != null && filterTagName.equals(tagName)) { UsbDeviceFilter filter = UsbDeviceFilter.read(parser, forAoap); if (forAoap || filter.matches(device)) { return filter; } } XmlUtils.nextElement(parser); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "Unable to load component info " + ai.toString(), e); } return null; } private class UsbDeviceResolverHandler extends Handler { private static final int MSG_RESOLVE_HANDLERS = 0; private static final int MSG_COMPLETE_DISPATCH = 3; private UsbDeviceResolverHandler(Looper looper) { super(looper); } void requestResolveHandlers(UsbDevice device) { Message msg = obtainMessage(MSG_RESOLVE_HANDLERS, device); sendMessage(msg); } void requestCompleteDeviceDispatch() { sendEmptyMessage(MSG_COMPLETE_DISPATCH); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case MSG_RESOLVE_HANDLERS: doHandleResolveHandlers((UsbDevice) msg.obj); break; case MSG_COMPLETE_DISPATCH: mDeviceCallback.onDeviceDispatched(); break; default: Log.w(TAG, "Unsupported message: " + msg); } } } private static class UsbHandlerPackage { final ComponentName mActivity; final @Nullable ComponentName mAoapService; UsbHandlerPackage(ComponentName activity, @Nullable ComponentName aoapService) { mActivity = activity; mAoapService = aoapService; } } }