plugins { id '' version '7.2.1' apply false id '' version '7.2.1' apply false } task clean(type: Delete) { delete layout.buildDirectory if (findProject('native-poc') != null) { delete project('native-poc').layout.projectDirectory.dir('.cxx') } } ext.copyArtifacts = { nativeDir -> copy { from project('sts-test').layout.buildDirectory.file('testcases') if (findProject('native-poc') != null) { from project('native-poc').layout.buildDirectory.file(nativeDir) } into layout.buildDirectory.dir('android-sts/testcases') } // TODO: figure out variants if (findProject('test-app') != null) { copy { from project('test-app').layout.buildDirectory.file('outputs/apk/debug') rename '(.*).apk', 'sts_test_app_package.apk' include '**/*.apk' into layout.buildDirectory.dir('android-sts/testcases') } } // To add another Android apk to the test, copy the block above and rename // the project name to your submodule as well as the APK output filename. // Remember to use that APK file name in your `sts-test`. copy { from project('sts-test').layout.projectDirectory.file('libs') into layout.buildDirectory.dir('android-sts/tools') } copy { from project('sts-test').layout.projectDirectory.dir('jdk') into layout.buildDirectory.dir('android-sts/jdk') } } task assembleStsARM { dependsOn ':sts-test:copyHostSideTest' if (findProject('native-poc') != null) { dependsOn ':native-poc:copyarmeabi-v7a' dependsOn ':native-poc:copyarm64-v8a' } if (findProject('test-app') != null) { dependsOn ':test-app:assemble' } // To add another Android apk to the test, copy the block above and rename // the project name to your new submodule doLast { copyArtifacts('testcases_arm') } } task assembleStsx86 { dependsOn ':sts-test:copyHostSideTest' if (findProject('native-poc') != null) { dependsOn ':native-poc:copyx86' dependsOn ':native-poc:copyx86_64' } if (findProject('test-app') != null) { dependsOn ':test-app:assemble' } // To add another Android apk to the test, copy the block above and rename // the project name to your new submodule doLast { copyArtifacts('testcases_x86') } } task zipForSubmission(type: Zip) { from('.') { exclude "**/build" exclude '.gradle' exclude 'test-app/libs' exclude 'sts-test/libs' exclude 'sts-test/jdk' exclude 'sts-test/utils' exclude "**/.cxx" } from project('sts-test').layout.projectDirectory.file('libs/version.txt') archiveFileName.set("") destinationDirectory.set(layout.buildDirectory) }