# Metrics Test
The metrics test consists at testing aidl endpoint establishment
and interaction between a vendorAtom Relayer (Metrics TA) in Trusty
and vendorAtom Consumer in Normal World.
The Consumer is expected to advertise itself to the relayer by sharing
its iStats facet via the iStatsSetter interface (AIDL Callback pattern).
Once the Consumer iStats facet is initialized, the Relayer can relay
atoms to the Consumer asynchronously, as soon as receiving them
from any Trusty TA.
We are going to support testing in two modes:
1- Consumer as a Trusty TA first
Allows to test the Relayer as well as the atoms serialization
library (see `trusty/interfaces/atoms`).
Unfortunately asynchronous callback is not supported for Secure World
initiators due to the single-threaded limitation in Trusty user-space.
So for this test, we use the synchronous callback approach
(refer to the sequence diagram in section 1.)
2- Consumer as a Normal-World Daemon
Allows to test the desired architecture, with Consumer in Normal World
as the asynchronous callback initiator.
(refer to the sequence diagram in section 2.)
## 1. Consumer as a Trusty TA
participant test as Stats PORT_TEST
(Secure World)
participant consumer as Consumer TA
(Secure World)
participant relayer as Relayer TA
(Secure World)
test->>consumer: share memory buffer
note over relayer: implements IStats as relayer
test->>+relayer: IStats:recordVendorAtom(atom)
relayer->>relayer: store IStats object
relayer-->>-test: return
test ->> test: wait until shared mem is updated
note over test, relayer: on Trusty, binder async callbacks are not yet supported
(single-thread limitation)
note over test, relayer: Hence the consumer needs to regularly call setInterface for receiving atoms
note over relayer: implements IStatsSetter
consumer->>+relayer: IStatsSetter::setInterface(this)
relayer->>relayer: atom = stored IStats object
note over consumer: implements IStats as final consumer
relayer->>+consumer: IStats:recordVendorAtom(atom)
consumer ->> consumer: write atom to shared mem
consumer -->> test: shared mem updated
consumer -->>-relayer: return rc
relayer -->>- consumer: return
test ->> test: verify shared mem == atom
### Build & Test
$ ./trusty/vendor/google/aosp/scripts/build.py qemu-generic-arm64-test-debug --skip-test
$ ./build-root/build-qemu-generic-arm64-test-debug/run --verbose --headless --boot-test "com.android.trusty.stats.test"
### Debug Crash Backtrace
$ export A2L=$PWD/prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86/llvm-binutils-stable/llvm-addr2line
$ $A2L -e build-root/build-qemu-generic-arm64-test-debug/user_tasks/trusty/user/app/sample/stats-test/stats-test.syms.elf