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# Trusty Rust Testing Framework use core::cell::RefCell; use log::{Log, Metadata, Record}; use tipc::{ ConnectResult, Handle, Manager, MessageResult, PortCfg, Serialize, Serializer, Service, Uuid, }; use trusty_log::{TrustyLogger, TrustyLoggerConfig}; use trusty_std::alloc::Vec; // Public reexports pub use self::bench::Bencher; pub use self::options::{ColorConfig, Options, OutputFormat, RunIgnored, ShouldPanic}; pub use self::types::TestName::*; pub use self::types::*; pub mod asserts; mod bench; mod context; mod macros; mod options; mod types; use context::CONTEXT; extern "Rust" { static TEST_PORT: &'static str; } /// Initialize a test service for this crate. /// /// Including an invocation of this macro exactly once is required to configure a /// crate to set up the Trusty Rust test framework. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// #[cfg(test)] /// mod test { /// // Initialize the test framework /// test::init!(); /// /// #[test] /// fn test() {} /// } /// ``` #[macro_export] macro_rules! init { () => { #[cfg(test)] #[used] #[no_mangle] pub static TEST_PORT: &'static str = env!( "TRUSTY_TEST_PORT", "Expected TRUSTY_TEST_PORT environment variable to be set during compilation", ); }; } // TestMessage::Message doesn't have a use yet #[allow(dead_code)] enum TestMessage<'m> { Passed, Failed, Message(&'m str), } impl<'m, 's> Serialize<'s> for TestMessage<'m> { fn serialize<'a: 's, S: Serializer<'s>>( &'a self, serializer: &mut S, ) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> { match self { TestMessage::Passed => serializer.serialize_bytes(&[0u8]), TestMessage::Failed => serializer.serialize_bytes(&[1u8]), TestMessage::Message(msg) => { serializer.serialize_bytes(&[2u8])?; serializer.serialize_bytes(msg.as_bytes()) } } } } pub struct TrustyTestLogger { stderr_logger: TrustyLogger, client_connection: RefCell<Option<Handle>>, } // SAFETY: This is not actually thread-safe, but we don't implement Mutex in // Trusty's std yet. unsafe impl Sync for TrustyTestLogger {} impl TrustyTestLogger { const fn new() -> Self { Self { stderr_logger: TrustyLogger::new(TrustyLoggerConfig::new()), client_connection: RefCell::new(None), } } /// Connect a new client to this logger, disconnecting the existing client, /// if any. fn connect(&self, handle: &Handle) -> tipc::Result<()> { let _ = self.client_connection.replace(Some(handle.try_clone()?)); Ok(()) } /// Disconnect the current client, if connected. /// /// If there is not a current client, this method does nothing. fn disconnect(&self) { let _ = self.client_connection.take(); } } impl Log for TrustyTestLogger { fn enabled(&self, metadata: &Metadata) -> bool { self.stderr_logger.enabled(metadata) } fn log(&self, record: &Record) { if !self.enabled(record.metadata()) { return; } self.stderr_logger.log(record); if let Some(client) = self.client_connection.borrow().as_ref() { let err = if let Some(msg) = record.args().as_str() { // avoid an allocation if message is a static str client.send(&TestMessage::Message(msg)) } else { let msg = format!("{}\n", record.args()); client.send(&TestMessage::Message(&msg)) }; if let Err(e) = err { eprintln!("Could not send log message to test client: {:?}", e); } } } fn flush(&self) { self.stderr_logger.flush() } } static LOGGER: TrustyTestLogger = TrustyTestLogger::new(); fn print_status(test: &TestDesc, msg: &str) { log::info!("[ {} ] {}", msg, test.name); } struct TestService { tests: Vec<TestDescAndFn>, } impl Service for TestService { type Connection = (); type Message = (); fn on_connect( &self, _port: &PortCfg, handle: &Handle, _peer: &Uuid, ) -> tipc::Result<ConnectResult<Self::Connection>> { LOGGER.connect(handle)?; let mut passed_tests = 0; let mut failed_tests = 0; let mut skipped_tests = 0; let mut total_ran = 0; for test in &self.tests { CONTEXT.reset(); total_ran += 1; print_status(&test.desc, "RUN "); match test.testfn { StaticTestFn(f) => f(), StaticBenchFn(_f) => panic!("Test harness does not support benchmarking"), _ => panic!("non-static tests passed to test::test_main_static"), } if CONTEXT.skipped() { print_status(&test.desc, " SKIPPED"); skipped_tests += 1; } else if CONTEXT.all_ok() { print_status(&test.desc, " OK"); passed_tests += 1; } else { print_status(&test.desc, " FAILED "); failed_tests += 1; } if CONTEXT.hard_fail() { break; } } log::info!("[==========] {} tests ran.", total_ran); if passed_tests > 0 { log::info!("[ PASSED ] {} tests.", passed_tests); } if skipped_tests > 0 { log::info!("[ SKIPPED ] {} tests.", skipped_tests); } if failed_tests > 0 { log::info!("[ FAILED ] {} tests.", failed_tests); } let response = if failed_tests == 0 { TestMessage::Passed } else { TestMessage::Failed }; handle.send(&response)?; LOGGER.disconnect(); Ok(ConnectResult::CloseConnection) } fn on_message( &self, _connection: &Self::Connection, _handle: &Handle, _msg: Self::Message, ) -> tipc::Result<MessageResult> { Ok(MessageResult::CloseConnection) } fn on_disconnect(&self, _connection: &Self::Connection) { LOGGER.disconnect(); } } /// A variant optimized for invocation with a static test vector. /// This will panic (intentionally) when fed any dynamic tests. /// /// This is the entry point for the main function generated by `rustc --test` /// when panic=abort. pub fn test_main_static_abort(tests: &[&TestDescAndFn]) { log::set_logger(&LOGGER).expect("Could not set global logger"); log::set_max_level(log::LevelFilter::Info); let owned_tests: Vec<_> = tests.iter().map(make_owned_test).collect(); // SAFETY: This static is declared in the crate being tested, so must be // external. This static should only ever be defined by the macro above. let port_str = unsafe { TEST_PORT }; let cfg = PortCfg::new(port_str) .expect("Could not create port config") .allow_ta_connect() .allow_ns_connect(); let test_service = TestService { tests: owned_tests }; let buffer = [0u8; 4096]; Manager::<_, _, 1, 4>::new(test_service, cfg, buffer) .expect("Could not create service manager") .run_event_loop() .expect("Test event loop failed"); } /// Clones static values for putting into a dynamic vector, which test_main() /// needs to hand out ownership of tests to parallel test runners. /// /// This will panic when fed any dynamic tests, because they cannot be cloned. fn make_owned_test(test: &&TestDescAndFn) -> TestDescAndFn { match test.testfn { StaticTestFn(f) => TestDescAndFn { testfn: StaticTestFn(f), desc: test.desc.clone() }, StaticBenchFn(f) => TestDescAndFn { testfn: StaticBenchFn(f), desc: test.desc.clone() }, _ => panic!("non-static tests passed to test::test_main_static"), } } /// Invoked when unit tests terminate. The normal Rust test harness supports /// tests which return values, we don't, so we require the test to return unit. pub fn assert_test_result(_result: ()) {} /// Skip the current test case. pub fn skip() { CONTEXT.skip(); }