1 // Copyright 2022, The Android Open Source Project
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 use android_system_virtualizationcommon::aidl::android::system::virtualizationcommon::DeathReason::DeathReason as AidlDeathReason;
17 /// The reason why a VM died.
18 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
19 pub enum DeathReason {
20     /// VirtualizationService died.
21     VirtualizationServiceDied,
22     /// There was an error waiting for the VM.
23     InfrastructureError,
24     /// The VM was killed.
25     Killed,
26     /// The VM died for an unknown reason.
27     Unknown,
28     /// The VM requested to shut down.
29     Shutdown,
30     /// crosvm had an error starting the VM.
31     StartFailed,
32     /// The VM requested to reboot, possibly as the result of a kernel panic.
33     Reboot,
34     /// The VM or crosvm crashed.
35     Crash,
36     /// The pVM firmware failed to verify the VM because the public key doesn't match.
37     PvmFirmwarePublicKeyMismatch,
38     /// The pVM firmware failed to verify the VM because the instance image changed.
39     PvmFirmwareInstanceImageChanged,
40     /// The microdroid failed to connect to VirtualizationService's RPC server.
41     MicrodroidFailedToConnectToVirtualizationService,
42     /// The payload for microdroid is changed.
43     MicrodroidPayloadHasChanged,
44     /// The microdroid failed to verify given payload APK.
45     MicrodroidPayloadVerificationFailed,
46     /// The VM config for microdroid is invalid (e.g. missing tasks).
47     MicrodroidInvalidPayloadConfig,
48     /// There was a runtime error while running microdroid manager.
49     MicrodroidUnknownRuntimeError,
50     /// The VM was killed due to hangup.
51     Hangup,
52     /// VirtualizationService sent a death reason which was not recognised by the client library.
53     Unrecognised(AidlDeathReason),
54 }
56 impl From<AidlDeathReason> for DeathReason {
from(reason: AidlDeathReason) -> Self57     fn from(reason: AidlDeathReason) -> Self {
58         match reason {
59             AidlDeathReason::INFRASTRUCTURE_ERROR => Self::InfrastructureError,
60             AidlDeathReason::KILLED => Self::Killed,
61             AidlDeathReason::UNKNOWN => Self::Unknown,
62             AidlDeathReason::SHUTDOWN => Self::Shutdown,
63             AidlDeathReason::START_FAILED => Self::StartFailed,
64             AidlDeathReason::REBOOT => Self::Reboot,
65             AidlDeathReason::CRASH => Self::Crash,
66             AidlDeathReason::PVM_FIRMWARE_PUBLIC_KEY_MISMATCH => Self::PvmFirmwarePublicKeyMismatch,
67             AidlDeathReason::PVM_FIRMWARE_INSTANCE_IMAGE_CHANGED => {
68                 Self::PvmFirmwareInstanceImageChanged
69             }
71                 Self::MicrodroidFailedToConnectToVirtualizationService
72             }
73             AidlDeathReason::MICRODROID_PAYLOAD_HAS_CHANGED => Self::MicrodroidPayloadHasChanged,
75                 Self::MicrodroidPayloadVerificationFailed
76             }
77             AidlDeathReason::MICRODROID_INVALID_PAYLOAD_CONFIG => {
78                 Self::MicrodroidInvalidPayloadConfig
79             }
80             AidlDeathReason::MICRODROID_UNKNOWN_RUNTIME_ERROR => {
81                 Self::MicrodroidUnknownRuntimeError
82             }
83             AidlDeathReason::HANGUP => Self::Hangup,
84             _ => Self::Unrecognised(reason),
85         }
86     }
87 }