1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result};
18 use log::{debug, error, warn};
19 use nix::mount::{umount2, MntFlags};
20 use nix::sys::statfs::{statfs, FsType};
21 use shared_child::SharedChild;
22 use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
23 use std::fs::{remove_dir, OpenOptions};
24 use std::path::PathBuf;
25 use std::process::Command;
26 use std::thread::sleep;
27 use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
29 use authfs_aidl_interface::aidl::com::android::virt::fs::AuthFsConfig::{
30     AuthFsConfig, InputDirFdAnnotation::InputDirFdAnnotation, InputFdAnnotation::InputFdAnnotation,
31     OutputDirFdAnnotation::OutputDirFdAnnotation, OutputFdAnnotation::OutputFdAnnotation,
32 };
33 use authfs_aidl_interface::aidl::com::android::virt::fs::IAuthFs::{BnAuthFs, IAuthFs};
34 use binder::{self, BinderFeatures, Interface, ParcelFileDescriptor, Status, Strong};
36 const AUTHFS_BIN: &str = "/system/bin/authfs";
37 const AUTHFS_SETUP_POLL_INTERVAL_MS: Duration = Duration::from_millis(50);
38 const AUTHFS_SETUP_TIMEOUT_SEC: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10);
39 const FUSE_SUPER_MAGIC: FsType = FsType(0x65735546);
41 /// An `AuthFs` instance is supposed to be backed by an `authfs` process. When the lifetime of the
42 /// instance is over, it should leave no trace on the system: the process should be terminated, the
43 /// FUSE should be unmounted, and the mount directory should be deleted.
44 pub struct AuthFs {
45     mountpoint: OsString,
46     process: SharedChild,
47 }
49 impl Interface for AuthFs {}
51 impl IAuthFs for AuthFs {
openFile( &self, remote_fd_name: i32, writable: bool, ) -> binder::Result<ParcelFileDescriptor>52     fn openFile(
53         &self,
54         remote_fd_name: i32,
55         writable: bool,
56     ) -> binder::Result<ParcelFileDescriptor> {
57         let mut path = PathBuf::from(&self.mountpoint);
58         path.push(remote_fd_name.to_string());
59         let file = OpenOptions::new().read(true).write(writable).open(&path).map_err(|e| {
60             Status::new_service_specific_error_str(
61                 -1,
62                 Some(format!("failed to open {:?} on authfs: {}", &path, e)),
63             )
64         })?;
65         Ok(ParcelFileDescriptor::new(file))
66     }
getMountPoint(&self) -> binder::Result<String>68     fn getMountPoint(&self) -> binder::Result<String> {
69         if let Some(s) = self.mountpoint.to_str() {
70             Ok(s.to_string())
71         } else {
72             Err(Status::new_service_specific_error_str(-1, Some("Bad string encoding")))
73         }
74     }
75 }
77 impl AuthFs {
78     /// Mount an authfs at `mountpoint` with specified FD annotations.
mount_and_wait( mountpoint: OsString, config: &AuthFsConfig, debuggable: bool, ) -> Result<Strong<dyn IAuthFs>>79     pub fn mount_and_wait(
80         mountpoint: OsString,
81         config: &AuthFsConfig,
82         debuggable: bool,
83     ) -> Result<Strong<dyn IAuthFs>> {
84         let child = run_authfs(
85             &mountpoint,
86             &config.inputFdAnnotations,
87             &config.outputFdAnnotations,
88             &config.inputDirFdAnnotations,
89             &config.outputDirFdAnnotations,
90             debuggable,
91         )?;
92         wait_until_authfs_ready(&child, &mountpoint).map_err(|e| {
93             match child.wait() {
94                 Ok(status) => debug!("Wait for authfs: {}", status),
95                 Err(e) => warn!("Failed to wait for child: {}", e),
96             }
97             e
98         })?;
100         let authfs = AuthFs { mountpoint, process: child };
101         Ok(BnAuthFs::new_binder(authfs, BinderFeatures::default()))
102     }
103 }
105 impl Drop for AuthFs {
106     /// On drop, try to erase all the traces for this authfs mount.
drop(&mut self)107     fn drop(&mut self) {
108         debug!("Dropping AuthFs instance at mountpoint {:?}", &self.mountpoint);
109         if let Err(e) = self.process.kill() {
110             error!("Failed to kill authfs: {}", e);
111         }
112         match self.process.wait() {
113             Ok(status) => debug!("authfs exit code: {}", status),
114             Err(e) => warn!("Failed to wait for authfs: {}", e),
115         }
116         // The client may still hold the file descriptors that refer to this filesystem. Use
117         // MNT_DETACH to detach the mountpoint, and automatically unmount when there is no more
118         // reference.
119         if let Err(e) = umount2(self.mountpoint.as_os_str(), MntFlags::MNT_DETACH) {
120             error!("Failed to umount authfs at {:?}: {}", &self.mountpoint, e)
121         }
123         if let Err(e) = remove_dir(&self.mountpoint) {
124             error!("Failed to clean up mount directory {:?}: {}", &self.mountpoint, e)
125         }
126     }
127 }
run_authfs( mountpoint: &OsStr, in_file_fds: &[InputFdAnnotation], out_file_fds: &[OutputFdAnnotation], in_dir_fds: &[InputDirFdAnnotation], out_dir_fds: &[OutputDirFdAnnotation], debuggable: bool, ) -> Result<SharedChild>129 fn run_authfs(
130     mountpoint: &OsStr,
131     in_file_fds: &[InputFdAnnotation],
132     out_file_fds: &[OutputFdAnnotation],
133     in_dir_fds: &[InputDirFdAnnotation],
134     out_dir_fds: &[OutputDirFdAnnotation],
135     debuggable: bool,
136 ) -> Result<SharedChild> {
137     let mut args = vec![mountpoint.to_owned(), OsString::from("--cid=2")];
138     args.push(OsString::from("-o"));
139     args.push(OsString::from("fscontext=u:object_r:authfs_fuse:s0"));
140     for conf in in_file_fds {
141         // TODO(b/185178698): Many input files need to be signed and verified.
142         // or can we use debug cert for now, which is better than nothing?
143         args.push(OsString::from("--remote-ro-file-unverified"));
144         args.push(OsString::from(conf.fd.to_string()));
145     }
146     for conf in out_file_fds {
147         args.push(OsString::from("--remote-new-rw-file"));
148         args.push(OsString::from(conf.fd.to_string()));
149     }
150     for conf in in_dir_fds {
151         args.push(OsString::from("--remote-ro-dir"));
152         args.push(OsString::from(format!("{}:{}:{}", conf.fd, conf.manifestPath, conf.prefix)));
153     }
154     for conf in out_dir_fds {
155         args.push(OsString::from("--remote-new-rw-dir"));
156         args.push(OsString::from(conf.fd.to_string()));
157     }
158     if debuggable {
159         args.push(OsString::from("--debug"));
160     }
162     let mut command = Command::new(AUTHFS_BIN);
163     command.args(&args);
164     debug!("Spawn authfs: {:?}", command);
165     SharedChild::spawn(&mut command).context("Spawn authfs")
166 }
wait_until_authfs_ready(child: &SharedChild, mountpoint: &OsStr) -> Result<()>168 fn wait_until_authfs_ready(child: &SharedChild, mountpoint: &OsStr) -> Result<()> {
169     let start_time = Instant::now();
170     loop {
171         if is_fuse(mountpoint)? {
172             break;
173         }
174         if let Some(exit_status) = child.try_wait()? {
175             // If the child has exited, we will never become ready.
176             bail!("Child has exited: {}", exit_status);
177         }
178         if start_time.elapsed() > AUTHFS_SETUP_TIMEOUT_SEC {
179             let _ignored = child.kill();
180             bail!("Time out mounting authfs");
181         }
183     }
184     Ok(())
185 }
is_fuse(path: &OsStr) -> Result<bool>187 fn is_fuse(path: &OsStr) -> Result<bool> {
188     Ok(statfs(path)?.filesystem_type() == FUSE_SUPER_MAGIC)
189 }