1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package com.android.adservices.service.topics;
19 import android.annotation.NonNull;
20 import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
21 import android.os.Build;
22 import android.text.TextUtils;
23 import android.util.Pair;
25 import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
26 import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
28 import com.android.adservices.LoggerFactory;
29 import com.android.adservices.data.DbHelper;
30 import com.android.adservices.data.topics.EncryptedTopic;
31 import com.android.adservices.data.topics.Topic;
32 import com.android.adservices.data.topics.TopicsDao;
33 import com.android.adservices.data.topics.TopicsTables;
34 import com.android.adservices.errorlogging.ErrorLogUtil;
35 import com.android.adservices.service.Flags;
36 import com.android.adservices.service.FlagsFactory;
37 import com.android.adservices.service.stats.AdServicesLogger;
38 import com.android.adservices.service.stats.AdServicesLoggerImpl;
39 import com.android.adservices.service.stats.AdServicesStatsLog;
40 import com.android.adservices.service.stats.TopicsEncryptionEpochComputationReportedStats;
41 import com.android.adservices.service.topics.classifier.Classifier;
42 import com.android.adservices.service.topics.classifier.ClassifierManager;
43 import com.android.adservices.shared.util.Clock;
44 import com.android.internal.annotations.GuardedBy;
45 import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
46 import com.android.internal.util.Preconditions;
48 import java.io.PrintWriter;
49 import java.time.Instant;
50 import java.util.HashMap;
51 import java.util.HashSet;
52 import java.util.List;
53 import java.util.Map;
54 import java.util.Objects;
55 import java.util.Optional;
56 import java.util.Random;
57 import java.util.Set;
59 /** A class to manage Epoch computation. */
60 @RequiresApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.S)
61 public class EpochManager {
62     private static final LoggerFactory.Logger sLogger = LoggerFactory.getTopicsLogger();
63     // The tables to do garbage collection for old epochs
64     // and its corresponding epoch_id column name.
65     // Pair<Table Name, Column Name>
66     private static final Pair<String, String>[] TABLE_INFO_FOR_EPOCH_GARBAGE_COLLECTION =
67             new Pair[] {
68                 Pair.create(
69                         TopicsTables.AppClassificationTopicsContract.TABLE,
70                         TopicsTables.AppClassificationTopicsContract.EPOCH_ID),
71                 Pair.create(
72                         TopicsTables.TopTopicsContract.TABLE,
73                         TopicsTables.TopTopicsContract.EPOCH_ID),
74                 Pair.create(
75                         TopicsTables.ReturnedTopicContract.TABLE,
76                         TopicsTables.ReturnedTopicContract.EPOCH_ID),
77                 Pair.create(
78                         TopicsTables.UsageHistoryContract.TABLE,
79                         TopicsTables.UsageHistoryContract.EPOCH_ID),
80                 Pair.create(
81                         TopicsTables.AppUsageHistoryContract.TABLE,
82                         TopicsTables.AppUsageHistoryContract.EPOCH_ID),
83                 Pair.create(
84                         TopicsTables.TopicContributorsContract.TABLE,
85                         TopicsTables.TopicContributorsContract.EPOCH_ID)
86             };
88     /**
89      * The string to annotate that the topic is a padded topic in {@code TopicContributors} table.
90      * After the computation of {@code TopicContributors} table, if there is a top topic without
91      * contributors, it must be a padded topic. Persist {@code Entry{Topic,
92      * PADDED_TOP_TOPICS_STRING}} into {@code TopicContributors} table.
93      *
94      * <p>The reason to persist {@code Entry{Topic, PADDED_TOP_TOPICS_STRING}} is because topics
95      * need to be assigned to newly installed app. Moreover, non-random top topics without
96      * contributors, due to app uninstallations, are filtered out as candidate topics to assign
97      * with. Generally, a padded topic should have no contributors, but it should NOT be filtered
98      * out as a non-random top topics without contributors. Based on these facts, {@code
99      * Entry{Topic, PADDED_TOP_TOPICS_STRING}} is persisted to annotate that do NOT remove this
100      * padded topic though it has no contributors.
101      *
102      * <p>Put a "!" at last to avoid a spoof app to name itself with {@code
103      * PADDED_TOP_TOPICS_STRING}. Refer to
104      * https://developer.android.com/studio/build/configure-app-module, application name can only
105      * contain [a-zA-Z0-9_].
106      */
107     @VisibleForTesting
108     public static final String PADDED_TOP_TOPICS_STRING = "no_contributors_due_to_padding!";
110     private static final Object SINGLETON_LOCK = new Object();
112     @GuardedBy("SINGLETON_LOCK")
113     private static EpochManager sSingleton;
115     private final TopicsDao mTopicsDao;
116     private final DbHelper mDbHelper;
117     private final Random mRandom;
118     private final Classifier mClassifier;
119     private final Flags mFlags;
120     // Use Clock.getInstance() except in unit tests, which pass in a local instance of Clock to
121     // mock.
122     private final Clock mClock;
123     private final ClassifierManager mClassifierManager;
124     private final EncryptionManager mEncryptionManager;
125     private final AdServicesLogger mAdServicesLogger;
127     @VisibleForTesting
EpochManager( @onNull TopicsDao topicsDao, @NonNull DbHelper dbHelper, @NonNull Random random, @NonNull Classifier classifier, Flags flags, @NonNull Clock clock, @NonNull ClassifierManager classifierManager, @NonNull EncryptionManager encryptionManager, @NonNull AdServicesLogger adServicesLogger)128     EpochManager(
129             @NonNull TopicsDao topicsDao,
130             @NonNull DbHelper dbHelper,
131             @NonNull Random random,
132             @NonNull Classifier classifier,
133             Flags flags,
134             @NonNull Clock clock,
135             @NonNull ClassifierManager classifierManager,
136             @NonNull EncryptionManager encryptionManager,
137             @NonNull AdServicesLogger adServicesLogger) {
138         mTopicsDao = topicsDao;
139         mDbHelper = dbHelper;
140         mRandom = random;
141         mClassifier = classifier;
142         mFlags = flags;
143         mClock = clock;
144         mClassifierManager = classifierManager;
145         mEncryptionManager = encryptionManager;
146         mAdServicesLogger = adServicesLogger;
147     }
149     /** Returns an instance of the EpochManager given a context. */
150     @NonNull
getInstance()151     public static EpochManager getInstance() {
152         synchronized (SINGLETON_LOCK) {
153             if (sSingleton == null) {
154                 sSingleton =
155                         new EpochManager(
156                                 TopicsDao.getInstance(),
157                                 DbHelper.getInstance(),
158                                 new Random(),
159                                 ClassifierManager.getInstance(),
160                                 FlagsFactory.getFlags(),
161                                 Clock.getInstance(),
162                                 ClassifierManager.getInstance(),
163                                 EncryptionManager.getInstance(),
164                                 AdServicesLoggerImpl.getInstance());
165             }
166             return sSingleton;
167         }
168     }
170     /** Offline Epoch Processing. For more details, see go/rb-topics-epoch-computation */
processEpoch()171     public void processEpoch() {
172         SQLiteDatabase db = mDbHelper.safeGetWritableDatabase();
173         if (db == null) {
174             return;
175         }
177         // This cross db and java boundaries multiple times, so we need to have a db transaction.
178         sLogger.d("Start of Epoch Computation");
179         db.beginTransaction();
181         long currentEpochId = getCurrentEpochId();
182         sLogger.d("EpochManager.processEpoch for the current epochId %d", currentEpochId);
184         try {
185             // Step 0: erase outdated epoch's data, i.e. epoch earlier than
186             // (currentEpoch - numberOfLookBackEpochs) (inclusive)
187             garbageCollectOutdatedEpochData(currentEpochId);
189             // Step 1: Compute the UsageMap from the UsageHistory table.
190             // appSdksUsageMap = Map<App, List<SDK>> has the app and its SDKs that called Topics API
191             // in the current Epoch.
192             Map<String, List<String>> appSdksUsageMap =
193                     mTopicsDao.retrieveAppSdksUsageMap(currentEpochId);
194             sLogger.v("appSdksUsageMap size is  %d", appSdksUsageMap.size());
196             // Step 2: Compute the Map from App to its classification topics.
197             // Only produce for apps that called the Topics API in the current Epoch.
198             // appClassificationTopicsMap = Map<App, List<Topics>>
199             Map<String, List<Topic>> appClassificationTopicsMap =
200                     mClassifier.classify(appSdksUsageMap.keySet());
201             sLogger.v("appClassificationTopicsMap size is %d", appClassificationTopicsMap.size());
203             // Then save app-topics Map into DB
204             mTopicsDao.persistAppClassificationTopics(currentEpochId, appClassificationTopicsMap);
206             // Step 3: Compute the Callers can learn map for this epoch.
207             // This is similar to the Callers Can Learn table in the explainer.
208             Map<Topic, Set<String>> callersCanLearnThisEpochMap =
209                     computeCallersCanLearnMap(appSdksUsageMap, appClassificationTopicsMap);
210             sLogger.v(
211                     "callersCanLearnThisEpochMap size is  %d", callersCanLearnThisEpochMap.size());
213             // And then save this CallersCanLearnMap to DB.
214             mTopicsDao.persistCallerCanLearnTopics(currentEpochId, callersCanLearnThisEpochMap);
216             // Step 4: For each topic, retrieve the callers (App or SDK) that can learn about that
217             // topic. We look at last 3 epochs. More specifically, epochs in
218             // [currentEpochId - 2, currentEpochId]. (inclusive)
219             // Return callersCanLearnMap = Map<Topic, Set<Caller>>  where Caller = App or Sdk.
220             Map<Topic, Set<String>> callersCanLearnMap =
221                     mTopicsDao.retrieveCallerCanLearnTopicsMap(
222                             currentEpochId, mFlags.getTopicsNumberOfLookBackEpochs());
223             sLogger.v("callersCanLearnMap size is %d", callersCanLearnMap.size());
225             // Step 5: Retrieve the Top Topics. This will return a list of 5 top topics and
226             // the 6th topic which is selected randomly. We can refer this 6th topic as the
227             // random-topic.
228             List<Topic> topTopics =
229                     mClassifier.getTopTopics(
230                             appClassificationTopicsMap,
231                             mFlags.getTopicsNumberOfTopTopics(),
232                             mFlags.getTopicsNumberOfRandomTopics());
233             // Abort the computation if empty list of top topics is returned from classifier.
234             // This could happen if there is no usage of the Topics API in the last epoch.
235             if (topTopics.isEmpty()) {
236                 sLogger.w(
237                         "Empty list of top topics is returned from classifier. Aborting the"
238                                 + " computation!");
239                 db.setTransactionSuccessful();
240                 return;
241             }
242             sLogger.v("topTopics are  %s", topTopics.toString());
244             // Then save Top Topics into DB
245             mTopicsDao.persistTopTopics(currentEpochId, topTopics);
247             // Compute TopicToContributors mapping for top topics. In an epoch, an app is a
248             // contributor to a topic if the app has called Topics API in this epoch and is
249             // classified to the topic.
250             // Do this only when feature is enabled.
251             Map<Integer, Set<String>> topTopicsToContributorsMap =
252                     computeTopTopicsToContributorsMap(appClassificationTopicsMap, topTopics);
253             // Then save Topic Contributors into DB
254             mTopicsDao.persistTopicContributors(currentEpochId, topTopicsToContributorsMap);
256             // Step 6: Assign topics to apps and SDK from the global top topics.
257             // Currently, hard-code the taxonomyVersion and the modelVersion.
258             // Return returnedAppSdkTopics = Map<Pair<App, Sdk>, Topic>
259             Map<Pair<String, String>, Topic> returnedAppSdkTopics =
260                     computeReturnedAppSdkTopics(callersCanLearnMap, appSdksUsageMap, topTopics);
261             int countOfTopicsBeforeEncryption = returnedAppSdkTopics.size();
262             sLogger.v("returnedAppSdkTopics size is  %d", countOfTopicsBeforeEncryption);
264             // And persist the map to DB so that we can reuse later.
265             mTopicsDao.persistReturnedAppTopicsMap(currentEpochId, returnedAppSdkTopics);
267             int countOfEncryptedTopics = 0;
268             int latencyOfWholeEncryptionProcessMs = 0;
269             int latencyOfPersistingEncryptedTopicsToDbMs = 0;
270             // Encrypt and store encrypted topics if the feature is enabled and the version 9 db
271             // is available.
272             if (mFlags.getTopicsEncryptionEnabled() && mFlags.getEnableDatabaseSchemaVersion9()) {
273                 long topicsEncryptionStartTimestamp = mClock.currentTimeMillis();
274                 // encryptedTopicMapTopics = Map<Pair<App, Sdk>, EncryptedTopic>
275                 Map<Pair<String, String>, EncryptedTopic> encryptedTopicMapTopics =
276                         encryptTopicsMap(returnedAppSdkTopics);
277                 if (mFlags.getTopicsEncryptionMetricsEnabled()) {
278                     latencyOfWholeEncryptionProcessMs =
279                             (int) (mClock.currentTimeMillis() - topicsEncryptionStartTimestamp);
280                 }
281                 countOfEncryptedTopics = encryptedTopicMapTopics.size();
282                 sLogger.v("encryptedTopicMapTopics size is  %d", countOfEncryptedTopics);
284                 long persistEncryptedTopicsToDbStartTimestamp = mClock.currentTimeMillis();
285                 mTopicsDao.persistReturnedAppEncryptedTopicsMap(
286                         currentEpochId, encryptedTopicMapTopics);
287                 if (mFlags.getTopicsEncryptionMetricsEnabled()) {
288                     latencyOfPersistingEncryptedTopicsToDbMs =
289                             (int) (mClock.currentTimeMillis()
290                                     - persistEncryptedTopicsToDbStartTimestamp);
291                 }
292             }
294             if (mFlags.getTopicsEncryptionMetricsEnabled()) {
295                 int latencyOfEncryptionPerTopicMs =
296                         countOfTopicsBeforeEncryption == 0
297                                 ? 0
298                                 : latencyOfWholeEncryptionProcessMs / countOfTopicsBeforeEncryption;
299                 mAdServicesLogger.logTopicsEncryptionEpochComputationReportedStats(
300                         TopicsEncryptionEpochComputationReportedStats.builder()
301                                 .setCountOfTopicsBeforeEncryption(countOfTopicsBeforeEncryption)
302                                 .setCountOfEmptyEncryptedTopics(
303                                         countOfTopicsBeforeEncryption - countOfEncryptedTopics)
304                                 .setCountOfEncryptedTopics(countOfEncryptedTopics)
305                                 .setLatencyOfWholeEncryptionProcessMs(
306                                         latencyOfWholeEncryptionProcessMs)
307                                 .setLatencyOfEncryptionPerTopicMs(latencyOfEncryptionPerTopicMs)
308                                 .setLatencyOfPersistingEncryptedTopicsToDbMs(
309                                         latencyOfPersistingEncryptedTopicsToDbMs)
310                                 .build()
311                 );
312             }
314             // Mark the transaction successful.
315             db.setTransactionSuccessful();
316         } finally {
317             db.endTransaction();
318             sLogger.d("End of Epoch Computation");
319         }
320     }
322     /**
323      * Record the call from App and Sdk to usage history. This UsageHistory will be used to
324      * determine if a caller (app or sdk) has observed a topic before.
325      *
326      * @param app the app
327      * @param sdk the sdk of the app. In case the app calls the Topics API directly, the sdk ==
328      *     empty string.
329      */
recordUsageHistory(String app, String sdk)330     public void recordUsageHistory(String app, String sdk) {
331         long epochId = getCurrentEpochId();
332         // TODO(b/223159123): Do we need to filter out this log in prod build?
333         sLogger.v(
334                 "EpochManager.recordUsageHistory for current EpochId = %d for %s, %s",
335                 epochId, app, sdk);
336         mTopicsDao.recordUsageHistory(epochId, app, sdk);
337         mTopicsDao.recordAppUsageHistory(epochId, app);
338     }
340     /**
341      * Determine the learn-ability of a topic to a certain caller.
342      *
343      * @param topic the topic to check the learn-ability
344      * @param caller the caller to check whether it can learn the given topic
345      * @param callersCanLearnMap the map that stores topic->caller mapping which shows a topic can
346      *     be learnt by a caller
347      * @param topTopics a {@link List} of top topics
348      * @param numberOfTopTopics number of regular topics in top topics
349      * @return a {@code boolean} that indicates if the caller can learn the topic
350      */
351     // TODO(b/236834213): Create a class for Top Topics
isTopicLearnableByCaller( @onNull Topic topic, @NonNull String caller, @NonNull Map<Topic, Set<String>> callersCanLearnMap, @NonNull List<Topic> topTopics, int numberOfTopTopics)352     public static boolean isTopicLearnableByCaller(
353             @NonNull Topic topic,
354             @NonNull String caller,
355             @NonNull Map<Topic, Set<String>> callersCanLearnMap,
356             @NonNull List<Topic> topTopics,
357             int numberOfTopTopics) {
358         // If a topic is the random topic in top topic list, it can be learnt by any caller.
359         int index = topTopics.lastIndexOf(topic);
360         // Regular top topics are placed in the front of the list. Topics after are random topics.
361         if (index >= numberOfTopTopics) {
362             return true;
363         }
365         return callersCanLearnMap.containsKey(topic)
366                 && callersCanLearnMap.get(topic).contains(caller);
367     }
369     /**
370      * Get the ID of current epoch.
371      *
372      * <p>The origin's timestamp is saved in the database. If the origin doesn't exist, it means the
373      * user never calls Topics API and the origin will be returned with -1. In this case, set
374      * current time as origin and persist it into database.
375      *
376      * @return a non-negative epoch ID of current epoch.
377      */
378     // TODO(b/237119788): Cache origin in cache manager.
379     // TODO(b/237119790): Set origin to sometime after midnight to get better maintenance timing.
getCurrentEpochId()380     public long getCurrentEpochId() {
381         long origin = mTopicsDao.retrieveEpochOrigin();
382         long currentTimeStamp = mClock.currentTimeMillis();
383         long epochJobPeriodsMs = mFlags.getTopicsEpochJobPeriodMs();
385         // If origin doesn't exist in database, set current timestamp as origin.
386         if (origin == -1) {
387             origin = currentTimeStamp;
388             mTopicsDao.persistEpochOrigin(origin);
389             sLogger.d(
390                     "Origin isn't found! Set current time %s as origin.",
391                     Instant.ofEpochMilli(origin).toString());
392         }
394         sLogger.v("Epoch length is  %d", epochJobPeriodsMs);
395         return (long) Math.floor((currentTimeStamp - origin) / (double) epochJobPeriodsMs);
396     }
398     // Return a Map from Topic to set of App or Sdk that can learn about that topic.
399     // This is similar to the table Can Learn Topic in the explainer.
400     // Return Map<Topic, Set<Caller>>  where Caller = App or Sdk.
401     @VisibleForTesting
402     @NonNull
computeCallersCanLearnMap( @onNull Map<String, List<String>> appSdksUsageMap, @NonNull Map<String, List<Topic>> appClassificationTopicsMap)403     static Map<Topic, Set<String>> computeCallersCanLearnMap(
404             @NonNull Map<String, List<String>> appSdksUsageMap,
405             @NonNull Map<String, List<Topic>> appClassificationTopicsMap) {
406         Objects.requireNonNull(appSdksUsageMap);
407         Objects.requireNonNull(appClassificationTopicsMap);
409         // Map from Topic to set of App or Sdk that can learn about that topic.
410         // This is similar to the table Can Learn Topic in the explainer.
411         // Map<Topic, Set<Caller>>  where Caller = App or Sdk.
412         Map<Topic, Set<String>> callersCanLearnMap = new HashMap<>();
414         for (Map.Entry<String, List<Topic>> entry : appClassificationTopicsMap.entrySet()) {
415             String app = entry.getKey();
416             List<Topic> appTopics = entry.getValue();
417             if (appTopics == null) {
418                 sLogger.e("Can't find the Classification Topics for app = " + app);
419                 continue;
420             }
422             for (Topic topic : appTopics) {
423                 if (!callersCanLearnMap.containsKey(topic)) {
424                     callersCanLearnMap.put(topic, new HashSet<>());
425                 }
427                 // All SDKs in the app can learn this topic too.
428                 for (String sdk : appSdksUsageMap.get(app)) {
429                     if (TextUtils.isEmpty(sdk)) {
430                         // Empty sdk means the app called the Topics API directly.
431                         // Caller = app
432                         // Then the app can learn its topic.
433                         callersCanLearnMap.get(topic).add(app);
434                     } else {
435                         // Caller = sdk
436                         callersCanLearnMap.get(topic).add(sdk);
437                     }
438                 }
439             }
440         }
442         return callersCanLearnMap;
443     }
445     // Encrypts Topic to corresponding EncryptedTopic.
446     // Map<Pair<App, Sdk>, EncryptedTopic>
encryptTopicsMap( Map<Pair<String, String>, Topic> unencryptedMap)447     private Map<Pair<String, String>, EncryptedTopic> encryptTopicsMap(
448             Map<Pair<String, String>, Topic> unencryptedMap) {
449         Map<Pair<String, String>, EncryptedTopic> encryptedTopicMap = new HashMap<>();
450         for (Map.Entry<Pair<String, String>, Topic> entry : unencryptedMap.entrySet()) {
451             Optional<EncryptedTopic> optionalEncryptedTopic =
452                     mEncryptionManager.encryptTopic(
453                             /* Topic */ entry.getValue(), /* sdkName */ entry.getKey().second);
454             if (optionalEncryptedTopic.isPresent()) {
455                 encryptedTopicMap.put(entry.getKey(), optionalEncryptedTopic.get());
456             } else {
457                 ErrorLogUtil.e(
458                         AdServicesStatsLog
460                         AdServicesStatsLog.AD_SERVICES_ERROR_REPORTED__PPAPI_NAME__TOPICS);
461                 sLogger.d(
462                         "Failed to encrypt %s for (%s, %s) caller.",
463                         entry.getValue(), entry.getKey().first, entry.getKey().second);
464             }
465         }
466         return encryptedTopicMap;
467     }
469     // Inputs:
470     // callersCanLearnMap = Map<Topic, Set<Caller>> map from topic to set of callers that can learn
471     // about the topic. Caller = App or Sdk.
472     // appSdksUsageMap = Map<App, List<SDK>> has the app and its SDKs that called Topics API
473     // in the current Epoch.
474     // topTopics = List<Topic> list of top 5 topics and 1 random topic.
475     //
476     // Return returnedAppSdkTopics = Map<Pair<App, Sdk>, Topic>
477     @VisibleForTesting
478     @NonNull
computeReturnedAppSdkTopics( @onNull Map<Topic, Set<String>> callersCanLearnMap, @NonNull Map<String, List<String>> appSdksUsageMap, @NonNull List<Topic> topTopics)479     Map<Pair<String, String>, Topic> computeReturnedAppSdkTopics(
480             @NonNull Map<Topic, Set<String>> callersCanLearnMap,
481             @NonNull Map<String, List<String>> appSdksUsageMap,
482             @NonNull List<Topic> topTopics) {
483         Map<Pair<String, String>, Topic> returnedAppSdkTopics = new HashMap<>();
485         for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> appSdks : appSdksUsageMap.entrySet()) {
486             Topic returnedTopic = selectRandomTopic(topTopics);
487             if(mFlags.getEnableLoggedTopic()
488                     && mTopicsDao.supportsLoggedTopicInReturnedTopicTable()) {
489                 returnedTopic =
490                         Topic.create(
491                                 returnedTopic.getTopic(),
492                                 returnedTopic.getTaxonomyVersion(),
493                                 returnedTopic.getModelVersion(),
494                                 getTopicIdForLogging(returnedTopic));
495             }
497             String app = appSdks.getKey();
499             // Check if the app can learn this topic.
500             if (isTopicLearnableByCaller(
501                     returnedTopic,
502                     app,
503                     callersCanLearnMap,
504                     topTopics,
505                     mFlags.getTopicsNumberOfTopTopics())) {
506                 // The app calls Topics API directly. In this case, we set the sdk == empty string.
507                 returnedAppSdkTopics.put(Pair.create(app, /* empty Sdk */ ""), returnedTopic);
508                 // TODO(b/223159123): Do we need to filter out this log in prod build?
509                 sLogger.v(
510                         "CacheManager.computeReturnedAppSdkTopics. Topic %s is returned for"
511                                 + " %s",
512                         returnedTopic, app);
513             }
515             // Then check all SDKs of the app.
516             for (String sdk : appSdks.getValue()) {
517                 if (isTopicLearnableByCaller(
518                         returnedTopic,
519                         sdk,
520                         callersCanLearnMap,
521                         topTopics,
522                         mFlags.getTopicsNumberOfTopTopics())) {
523                     returnedAppSdkTopics.put(Pair.create(app, sdk), returnedTopic);
524                     // TODO(b/223159123): Do we need to filter out this log in prod build?
525                     sLogger.v(
526                             "CacheManager.computeReturnedAppSdkTopics. Topic %s is returned"
527                                     + " for %s, %s",
528                             returnedTopic, app, sdk);
529                 }
530             }
531         }
533         return returnedAppSdkTopics;
534     }
536     // Return a random topics from the Top Topics.
537     // The Top Topics include the Top 5 Topics and one random topic from the Taxonomy.
538     @VisibleForTesting
539     @NonNull
selectRandomTopic(List<Topic> topTopics)540     Topic selectRandomTopic(List<Topic> topTopics) {
541         Preconditions.checkArgument(
542                 topTopics.size()
543                         == mFlags.getTopicsNumberOfTopTopics()
544                                 + mFlags.getTopicsNumberOfRandomTopics());
545         int random = mRandom.nextInt(100);
547         // First random topic would be after numberOfTopTopics.
548         int randomTopicIndex = mFlags.getTopicsNumberOfTopTopics();
549         // For 5%, get the random topic.
550         if (random < mFlags.getTopicsPercentageForRandomTopic()) {
551             // The random topic is the last one on the list.
552             return topTopics.get(randomTopicIndex);
553         }
555         // For 95%, pick randomly one out of first n top topics.
556         return topTopics.get(random % randomTopicIndex);
557     }
559     // To garbage collect data for old epochs.
560     @VisibleForTesting
garbageCollectOutdatedEpochData(long currentEpochID)561     void garbageCollectOutdatedEpochData(long currentEpochID) {
562         int epochLookBackNumberForGarbageCollection = mFlags.getNumberOfEpochsToKeepInHistory();
563         // Assume current Epoch is T, and the earliest epoch should be kept is T-3
564         // Then any epoch data older than T-3-1 = T-4, including T-4 should be deleted.
565         long epochToDeleteFrom = currentEpochID - epochLookBackNumberForGarbageCollection - 1;
566         // To do garbage collection for each table
567         for (Pair<String, String> tableColumnPair : TABLE_INFO_FOR_EPOCH_GARBAGE_COLLECTION) {
568             mTopicsDao.deleteDataOfOldEpochs(
569                     tableColumnPair.first, tableColumnPair.second, epochToDeleteFrom);
570         }
572         if (mFlags.getEnableDatabaseSchemaVersion9()) {
573             // Delete data from ReturnedEncryptedTopic table.
574             mTopicsDao.deleteDataOfOldEpochs(
575                     TopicsTables.ReturnedEncryptedTopicContract.TABLE,
576                     TopicsTables.ReturnedEncryptedTopicContract.EPOCH_ID,
577                     epochToDeleteFrom);
578         }
580         // In app installation, we need to assign topics to newly installed app-sdk caller. In order
581         // to check topic learnability of the sdk, CallerCanLearnTopicsContract needs to persist
582         // numberOfLookBackEpochs more epochs. For example, assume current epoch is T. In app
583         // installation, topics will be assigned to T-1, T-2 and T-3. In order to check learnability
584         // at Epoch T-3, we need to check CallerCanLearnTopicsContract of epoch T-4, T-5 and T-6.
585         long epochToDeleteFromForCallerCanLearn =
586                 currentEpochID - epochLookBackNumberForGarbageCollection * 2L - 1;
587         mTopicsDao.deleteDataOfOldEpochs(
588                 TopicsTables.CallerCanLearnTopicsContract.TABLE,
589                 TopicsTables.CallerCanLearnTopicsContract.EPOCH_ID,
590                 epochToDeleteFromForCallerCanLearn);
591     }
593     // Compute the mapping of topic to its contributor apps. In an epoch, an app is a contributor to
594     // a topic if the app has called Topics API in this epoch and is classified to the topic. Only
595     // computed for top topics.
596     @VisibleForTesting
computeTopTopicsToContributorsMap( @onNull Map<String, List<Topic>> appClassificationTopicsMap, @NonNull List<Topic> topTopics)597     Map<Integer, Set<String>> computeTopTopicsToContributorsMap(
598             @NonNull Map<String, List<Topic>> appClassificationTopicsMap,
599             @NonNull List<Topic> topTopics) {
600         Map<Integer, Set<String>> topicToContributorMap = new HashMap<>();
602         for (Map.Entry<String, List<Topic>> appTopics : appClassificationTopicsMap.entrySet()) {
603             String app = appTopics.getKey();
605             for (Topic topic : appTopics.getValue()) {
606                 // Only compute for top topics.
607                 if (topTopics.contains(topic)) {
608                     int topicId = topic.getTopic();
609                     topicToContributorMap.putIfAbsent(topicId, new HashSet<>());
610                     topicToContributorMap.get(topicId).add(app);
611                 }
612             }
613         }
615         // At last, check whether there is any top topics without contributors. If so, annotate it
616         // with PADDED_TOP_TOPICS_STRING in the map. See PADDED_TOP_TOPICS_STRING for more details.
617         for (int i = 0; i < mFlags.getTopicsNumberOfTopTopics(); i++) {
618             Topic topTopic = topTopics.get(i);
619             topicToContributorMap.putIfAbsent(
620                     topTopic.getTopic(), Set.of(PADDED_TOP_TOPICS_STRING));
621         }
623         return topicToContributorMap;
624     }
dump(@onNull PrintWriter writer, @Nullable String[] args)626     public void dump(@NonNull PrintWriter writer, @Nullable String[] args) {
627         writer.println("==== EpochManager Dump ====");
628         long epochId = getCurrentEpochId();
629         writer.println(String.format("Current epochId is %d", epochId));
630     }
632     // Gets a topic ID for logging from the given topic using randomized response mechanism.
633     @VisibleForTesting
getTopicIdForLogging(Topic topic)634     int getTopicIdForLogging(Topic topic) {
635         List<Integer> topicsTaxonomy = mClassifierManager.getTopicsTaxonomy();
637         // Probability of logging real vs. random topic:
638         // Real topic: e^privacyBudget / (e^privacyBudget + taxonomySize - 1)
639         // Random topic: (taxonomySize - 1) / (e^privacyBudget + taxonomySize - 1)
640         double expPrivacyBudget = Math.exp(mFlags.getTopicsPrivacyBudgetForTopicIdDistribution());
641         int taxonomySize = topicsTaxonomy.size();
642         double pRandomization =
643                 expPrivacyBudget == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
644                         ? 0d
645                         : (taxonomySize - 1d) / (expPrivacyBudget + taxonomySize - 1d);
647         int topicId = topic.getTopic();
649         // In order to prevent select a random topic from being stuck in a loop,
650         // return the topic directly if taxonomy size is 0 or 1.
651         if (taxonomySize <= 1) {
652             return topicId;
653         }
655         if (mRandom.nextDouble() < pRandomization) {
656             // Log a random topic ID other than the real one.
657             int randomTopicId = topicId;
659             // Set a maximum attempts to prevent select a random topic from being stuck in the loop.
660             int maxAttempts = 5;
662             while (randomTopicId == topicId && maxAttempts-- > 0) {
663                 randomTopicId = topicsTaxonomy.get(mRandom.nextInt(taxonomySize));
664             }
666             return randomTopicId;
667         } else {
668             return topicId;
669         }
670     }
671 }