1 package com.android.systemui.qs
3 import com.android.systemui.log.LogBuffer
4 import com.android.systemui.log.core.LogLevel
5 import com.android.systemui.log.dagger.QSDisableLog
6 import com.android.systemui.statusbar.disableflags.DisableFlagsLogger
7 import javax.inject.Inject
9 /** A helper class for logging disable flag changes made in [QSImpl]. */
10 class QSDisableFlagsLogger
11 @Inject
12 constructor(
13     @QSDisableLog private val buffer: LogBuffer,
14     private val disableFlagsLogger: DisableFlagsLogger
15 ) {
17     /**
18      * Logs a string representing the new state received by [QSImpl] and any modifications that were
19      * made to the flags locally.
20      *
21      * @param new see [DisableFlagsLogger.getDisableFlagsString]
22      * @param newAfterLocalModification see [DisableFlagsLogger.getDisableFlagsString]
23      */
logDisableFlagChangenull24     fun logDisableFlagChange(
25         new: DisableFlagsLogger.DisableState,
26         newAfterLocalModification: DisableFlagsLogger.DisableState
27     ) {
28         buffer.log(
29             TAG,
30             LogLevel.INFO,
31             {
32                 int1 = new.disable1
33                 int2 = new.disable2
34                 long1 = newAfterLocalModification.disable1.toLong()
35                 long2 = newAfterLocalModification.disable2.toLong()
36             },
37             {
38                 disableFlagsLogger.getDisableFlagsString(
39                     new = DisableFlagsLogger.DisableState(int1, int2),
40                     newAfterLocalModification =
41                         DisableFlagsLogger.DisableState(long1.toInt(), long2.toInt())
42                 )
43             }
44         )
45     }
46 }
48 private const val TAG = "QSDisableFlagsLog"