1 /**
2  * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 /** \addtogroup  RTP_Stack
18  *  @{
19  */
21 /**
22  * @brief Integration layer for RTP Protocol stack integration with ImsMedia (IRtpSession)
23  */
25 #ifndef __RTP_SERVICE_H_
26 #define __RTP_SERVICE_H_
28 #include <RtpGlobal.h>
29 #include <RtpServiceTypes.h>
30 #include <stdint.h>
32 #define GLOBAL
34 class RtpServiceListener
35 {
36 public:
RtpServiceListener()37     RtpServiceListener() {}
~RtpServiceListener()38     virtual ~RtpServiceListener() {}
39     // receive RTP packet, send it to rtp tx node
40     virtual int OnRtpPacket(unsigned char* pData, RtpSvc_Length wLen) = 0;
41     // receive RTCP packet, send it to rtcp node
42     virtual int OnRtcpPacket(unsigned char* pData, RtpSvc_Length wLen) = 0;
43     // indication from the RtpStack
44     virtual void OnPeerInd(tRtpSvc_IndicationFromStack eIndType, void* pMsg) = 0;
45     // indication from the RtpStack
46     virtual void OnPeerRtcpComponents(void* nMsg) = 0;
47 };
49 /**
50  * Initialized RTP Protocol Stack. This API should be called only once per
51  * lifecycle of the application. RTP Sessions can be created after successful
52  * return of this function.
53  */
54 GLOBAL eRtp_Bool IMS_RtpSvc_Initialize();
56 /**
57  * Deinitialized RTP Protocol Stack by freeying the memory used to manage RTPSessions.
58  * This API should be called at the end of lifecycle of the application.
59  */
60 GLOBAL eRtp_Bool IMS_RtpSvc_Deinitialize();
62 /**
63  * API should be used to create RTP Sessions. One RTP session per stream.
64  * Same RTP Session can be used for both sending and receiving a given payload type.
65  *
66  * @param szLocalIP LocalIP address on which RTP packets will be received.
67  *
68  * @param uiPort RTP port on which packets will be received.
69  *
70  * @param pAppData Data to be store with the RTP Session.
71  *
72  * @param puSsrc SSRC of the newly created session
73  *
74  * @param hRtpSession handle of the newly created session.
75  */
76 GLOBAL eRtp_Bool IMS_RtpSvc_CreateSession(IN RtpDt_Char* szLocalIP, IN RtpDt_UInt32 port,
77         IN RtpDt_Void* pAppData, OUT RtpDt_UInt32* puSsrc, OUT RTPSESSIONID* hRtpSession);
79 /**
80  * This API should be called to set payload info of the RTP packets to be processed but
81  * the RTP Stack.
82  *
83  * @param hRtpSession  A session handled to which payload params to be updated.
84  *
85  * @param pstPayloadInfo  Array of payload info which contains payload type, sampling rate
86  * and framerate.
87  *
88  * @param bEnableXHdr   Flag to enable CVO RTP extension header for VT streams.
89  *
90  * @param nNumOfPayloadParam    Size of payload info array. If the RTP session has to process more
91  * than one payload types like Audio Frames and telephony-events then this array can be used.
92  */
93 GLOBAL eRtp_Bool IMS_RtpSvc_SetPayload(IN RTPSESSIONID hRtpSession,
94         IN tRtpSvc_SetPayloadParam* pstPayloadInfo, IN eRtp_Bool bEnableXHdr,
95         IN RtpDt_UInt32 nNumOfPayloadParam);
97 /**
98  * This API can be used to set RTCP send interval.
99  *
100  * @param hRtpSession A session handled to which RTCP interval to be set.
101  *
102  * @param nInterval time difference between RTCP packets in seconds.
103  */
104 GLOBAL eRtp_Bool IMS_RtpSvc_SetRTCPInterval(IN RTPSESSIONID hRtpSession, IN RtpDt_UInt32 nInterval);
106 /**
107  * API to delete RTP session.
108  *
109  * @param hRtpSession RTP session to be deleted.
110  */
111 GLOBAL eRtp_Bool IMS_RtpSvc_DeleteSession(IN RTPSESSIONID hRtpSession);
113 /**
114  * This API is should be called by the application to RTP encode and send the media
115  * buffer to peer device.
116  *
117  * @param pobjRtpServiceListener media session Listener which will be used for sending the packet to
118  * network nodes after RTP encoding.
119  *
120  * @param hRtpSession A session handled associated with the media stream.
121  *
122  * @param pBuffer Media buffer to be transferred to peer device.
123  *
124  * @param wBufferLength Media buffer length in bytes.
125  *
126  * @param pstRtpParam Packet info such as marker-bit (used in case of fragmented media packets),
127  * payload-type number, Flag to use Previous RTP time-stamp (Ex: used in case of DTMF),
128  * time difference since last media packet/buffer.
129  */
130 GLOBAL eRtp_Bool IMS_RtpSvc_SendRtpPacket(IN RtpServiceListener* pobjRtpServiceListener,
131         IN RTPSESSIONID hRtpSession, IN RtpDt_Char* pBuffer, IN RtpDt_UInt16 wBufferLength,
132         IN tRtpSvc_SendRtpPacketParam* pstRtpParam);
134 /**
135  * This API processes the received RTP packet. Processed information is sent using
136  * callback OnPeerInd.
137  *
138  * @param pobjRtpServiceListener media session Listener used to call callback function and
139  * pass extracted information back to the caller
140  *
141  * @param hRtpSession A session handled associated with the media stream.
142  *
143  * @param pMsg Received RTP packet buffer from Network node.
144  *
145  * @param uiMsgLength Length of RTP packet buffer in bytes.
146  *
147  * @param pPeerIp IP Address of the RTP packet sender. Used for SSRC collision check.
148  *
149  * @param uiPeerPort RTP port number.
150  *
151  * @param uiPeerSsrc SSRC of the Sender.
152  */
153 GLOBAL eRtp_Bool IMS_RtpSvc_ProcRtpPacket(IN RtpServiceListener* pobjRtpServiceListener,
154         IN RTPSESSIONID hRtpSession, IN RtpDt_UChar* pMsg, IN RtpDt_UInt16 uiMsgLength,
155         IN RtpDt_Char* pPeerIp, IN RtpDt_UInt16 uiPeerPort, OUT RtpDt_UInt32& uiPeerSsrc);
157 /**
158  * This API starts the RTP session. After successful return, stack is ready to send and
159  * receive RTP packets.
160  *
161  * @param rtpSessionId A session handled associated with the media stream.
162  */
163 GLOBAL eRtp_Bool IMS_RtpSvc_SessionEnableRTP(IN RTPSESSIONID rtpSessionId, IN eRtp_Bool bResetSsrc);
165 /**
166  * This API stops processing TX and RX RTP packets.
167  *
168  * @param rtpSessionId session which need to be stopped.
169  */
171 GLOBAL eRtp_Bool IMS_RtpSvc_SessionDisableRTP(IN RTPSESSIONID rtpSessionId);
173 /**
174  * This API enables RTP session and starts sending periodic RTCP packets.
175  *
176  * @param hRtpSession RTP session to be started.
177  *
178  * @param enableRTCPBye Flag to control sending RTCP BYE packet when session is stopped.
179  */
180 GLOBAL eRtp_Bool IMS_RtpSvc_SessionEnableRTCP(
181         IN RTPSESSIONID hRtpSession, IN eRtp_Bool enableRTCPBye);
183 /**
184  * This API stops RTCP timer and hence sending periodic RTCP packets.
185  */
186 GLOBAL eRtp_Bool IMS_RtpSvc_SessionDisableRTCP(IN RTPSESSIONID hRtpSession);
188 /**
189  * This API should be used to send RTCP BYE packet.
190  *
191  * @param hRtpSession RTP session which should send BYE packet.
192  */
193 GLOBAL eRtp_Bool IMS_RtpSvc_SendRtcpByePacket(IN RTPSESSIONID hRtpSession);
195 /**
196  * Method for sending RTP Fb message.
197  *
198  * @param hRtpSession     pointer RtpSession
199  * @param uiFbType         Feedback Type
200  * @param pcBuff           FCI buffer
201  * @param uiLen            FCI buffer length
202  * @param uiMediaSsrc      SSRC of media source
203  */
204 GLOBAL eRtp_Bool IMS_RtpSvc_SendRtcpRtpFbPacket(IN RTPSESSIONID hRtpSession,
205         IN RtpDt_UInt32 uiFbType, IN RtpDt_Char* pcBuff, IN RtpDt_UInt32 uiLen,
206         IN RtpDt_UInt32 uiMediaSsrc);
208 /**
209  * Method for sending RTCP Fb message.
210  *
211  * @param hRtpSession      RtpSession
212  * @param uiFbType         Feedback Type
213  * @param pcBuff           FCI buffer
214  * @param uiLen            FCI buffer length
215  * @param uiMediaSsrc      SSRC of media source
216  */
217 GLOBAL eRtp_Bool IMS_RtpSvc_SendRtcpPayloadFbPacket(IN RTPSESSIONID hRtpSession,
218         IN RtpDt_UInt32 uiFbType, IN RtpDt_Char* pcBuff, IN RtpDt_UInt32 uiLen,
219         IN RtpDt_UInt32 uiMediaSsrc);
221 /**
222  * Method for processing incoming RTCP packets.
223  *
224  * @param pobjRtpServiceListener   Media session Listener for sending processed info via callbacks
225  * @param hRtpSession       RTP session handle
226  * @param pMsg              Received RTCP packet buffer
227  * @param uiMsgLength       RTCP buffer length in bytes
228  * @param pcIpAddr          Peer IP address
229  * @param uiRtcpPort        RTCP Port number
230  * @param uiPeerSsrc        SSRC of the Source
231  */
232 GLOBAL eRtp_Bool IMS_RtpSvc_ProcRtcpPacket(IN RtpServiceListener* pobjRtpServiceListener,
233         IN RTPSESSIONID hRtpSession, IN RtpDt_UChar* pMsg, IN RtpDt_UInt16 uiMsgLength,
234         IN RtpDt_Char* pcIpAddr, IN RtpDt_UInt32 uiRtcpPort, OUT RtpDt_UInt32* uiPeerSsrc);
235 /**
236  * Method to set RTCP XR info.
237  *
238  * @param m_hRtpSession     RTP session handle
239  * @param m_pBlockBuffer    XR Block buffer
240  * @param nblockLength      Buffer length in bytes
241  */
242 GLOBAL eRtp_Bool IMS_RtpSvc_SendRtcpXrPacket(
243         IN RTPSESSIONID hRtpSession, IN RtpDt_UChar* m_pBlockBuffer, IN RtpDt_UInt16 nblockLength);
245 GLOBAL eRtp_Bool IMS_RtpSvc_SetRtpContext(IN RTPSESSIONID hRtpSession, IN RtpDt_UInt32 ssrc,
246         IN RtpDt_UInt32 timestamp, IN RtpDt_UInt16 seqNumber);
248 GLOBAL eRtp_Bool IMS_RtpSvc_GetRtpContext(IN RTPSESSIONID hRtpSession, IN RtpDt_UInt32& ssrc,
249         IN RtpDt_UInt32& timestamp, IN RtpDt_UInt16& seqNumber);
251 #endif /* __RTP_SERVICE_H_ */
253 /** @}*/