1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10  *
11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15  * accompanied this code).
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20  *
21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23  * questions.
24  */
26 package sun.security.provider.certpath;
28 import java.io.IOException;
29 import java.security.AccessController;
30 import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
31 import java.security.cert.*;
32 import java.util.*;
34 import sun.security.action.GetBooleanAction;
35 import sun.security.provider.certpath.PKIX.BuilderParams;
36 import sun.security.util.Debug;
37 import sun.security.x509.GeneralNames;
38 import sun.security.x509.GeneralNameInterface;
39 import sun.security.x509.GeneralSubtrees;
40 import sun.security.x509.NameConstraintsExtension;
41 import sun.security.x509.SubjectAlternativeNameExtension;
42 import sun.security.x509.X500Name;
43 import sun.security.x509.X509CertImpl;
45 /**
46  * Abstract class representing a builder, which is able to retrieve
47  * matching certificates and is able to verify a particular certificate.
48  *
49  * @since       1.4
50  * @author      Sean Mullan
51  * @author      Yassir Elley
52  */
54 public abstract class Builder {
56     private static final Debug debug = Debug.getInstance("certpath");
57     private Set<String> matchingPolicies;
58     final BuilderParams buildParams;
59     final X509CertSelector targetCertConstraints;
61     /**
62      * Flag indicating whether support for the caIssuers field of the
63      * Authority Information Access extension shall be enabled. Currently
64      * disabled by default for compatibility reasons.
65      */
66     final static boolean USE_AIA = AccessController.doPrivileged
67         (new GetBooleanAction("com.sun.security.enableAIAcaIssuers"));
69     /**
70      * Initialize the builder with the input parameters.
71      *
72      * @param params the parameter set used to build a certification path
73      */
Builder(BuilderParams buildParams)74     Builder(BuilderParams buildParams) {
75         this.buildParams = buildParams;
76         this.targetCertConstraints =
77             (X509CertSelector)buildParams.targetCertConstraints();
78     }
80     /**
81      * Retrieves certificates from the list of certStores using the buildParams
82      * and the currentState as a filter
83      *
84      * @param currentState the current State
85      * @param certStores list of CertStores
86      */
getMatchingCerts(State currentState, List<CertStore> certStores)87     abstract Collection<X509Certificate> getMatchingCerts
88         (State currentState, List<CertStore> certStores)
89         throws CertStoreException, CertificateException, IOException;
91     /**
92      * Verifies the cert against the currentState, using the certPathList
93      * generated thus far to help with loop detection
94      *
95      * @param cert the certificate to be verified
96      * @param currentState the current state against which the cert is verified
97      * @param certPathList the certPathList generated thus far
98      */
verifyCert(X509Certificate cert, State currentState, List<X509Certificate> certPathList)99     abstract void verifyCert(X509Certificate cert, State currentState,
100                              List<X509Certificate> certPathList)
101         throws GeneralSecurityException;
103     /**
104      * Verifies whether the input certificate completes the path.
105      * When building in the forward direction, a trust anchor will
106      * complete the path.
107      *
108      * @param cert the certificate to test
109      * @return a boolean value indicating whether the cert completes the path.
110      */
isPathCompleted(X509Certificate cert)111     abstract boolean isPathCompleted(X509Certificate cert);
113     /**
114      * Adds the certificate to the certPathList
115      *
116      * @param cert the certificate to be added
117      * @param certPathList the certification path list
118      */
addCertToPath(X509Certificate cert, LinkedList<X509Certificate> certPathList)119     abstract void addCertToPath(X509Certificate cert,
120                                 LinkedList<X509Certificate> certPathList);
122     /**
123      * Removes final certificate from the certPathList
124      *
125      * @param certPathList the certification path list
126      */
removeFinalCertFromPath(LinkedList<X509Certificate> certPathList)127     abstract void removeFinalCertFromPath
128         (LinkedList<X509Certificate> certPathList);
130     /**
131      * get distance of one GeneralName from another
132      *
133      * @param base GeneralName at base of subtree
134      * @param test GeneralName to be tested against base
135      * @param incomparable the value to return if the names are
136      *  incomparable
137      * @return distance of test name from base, where 0
138      *         means exact match, 1 means test is an immediate
139      *         child of base, 2 means test is a grandchild, etc.
140      *         -1 means test is a parent of base, -2 means test
141      *         is a grandparent, etc.
142      */
distance(GeneralNameInterface base, GeneralNameInterface test, int incomparable)143     static int distance(GeneralNameInterface base,
144                         GeneralNameInterface test, int incomparable)
145     {
146         switch (base.constrains(test)) {
147         case GeneralNameInterface.NAME_DIFF_TYPE:
148             if (debug != null) {
149                 debug.println("Builder.distance(): Names are different types");
150             }
151             return incomparable;
152         case GeneralNameInterface.NAME_SAME_TYPE:
153             if (debug != null) {
154                 debug.println("Builder.distance(): Names are same type but " +
155                     "in different subtrees");
156             }
157             return incomparable;
158         case GeneralNameInterface.NAME_MATCH:
159             return 0;
160         case GeneralNameInterface.NAME_WIDENS:
161             break;
162         case GeneralNameInterface.NAME_NARROWS:
163             break;
164         default: // should never occur
165             return incomparable;
166         }
168         /* names are in same subtree */
169         return test.subtreeDepth() - base.subtreeDepth();
170     }
172     /**
173      * get hop distance of one GeneralName from another in links where
174      * the names need not have an ancestor/descendant relationship.
175      * For example, the hop distance from ou=D,ou=C,o=B,c=US to
176      * ou=F,ou=E,ou=C,o=B,c=US is 3: D->C, C->E, E->F.  The hop distance
177      * from ou=C,o=B,c=US to ou=D,ou=C,o=B,c=US is -1: C->D
178      *
179      * @param base GeneralName
180      * @param test GeneralName to be tested against base
181      * @param incomparable the value to return if the names are
182      *  incomparable
183      * @return distance of test name from base measured in hops in the
184      *         namespace hierarchy, where 0 means exact match.  Result
185      *         is positive if path is some number of up hops followed by
186      *         some number of down hops; result is negative if path is
187      *         some number of down hops.
188      */
hops(GeneralNameInterface base, GeneralNameInterface test, int incomparable)189     static int hops(GeneralNameInterface base, GeneralNameInterface test,
190                     int incomparable)
191     {
192         int baseRtest = base.constrains(test);
193         switch (baseRtest) {
194         case GeneralNameInterface.NAME_DIFF_TYPE:
195             if (debug != null) {
196                 debug.println("Builder.hops(): Names are different types");
197             }
198             return incomparable;
199         case GeneralNameInterface.NAME_SAME_TYPE:
200             /* base and test are in different subtrees */
201             break;
202         case GeneralNameInterface.NAME_MATCH:
203             /* base matches test */
204             return 0;
205         case GeneralNameInterface.NAME_WIDENS:
206             /* base is ancestor of test */
207             return (test.subtreeDepth()-base.subtreeDepth());
208         case GeneralNameInterface.NAME_NARROWS:
209             /* base is descendant of test */
210             return (test.subtreeDepth()-base.subtreeDepth());
211         default: // should never occur
212             return incomparable;
213         }
215         /* names are in different subtrees */
216         if (base.getType() != GeneralNameInterface.NAME_DIRECTORY) {
217             if (debug != null) {
218                 debug.println("Builder.hops(): hopDistance not implemented " +
219                     "for this name type");
220             }
221             return incomparable;
222         }
223         X500Name baseName = (X500Name)base;
224         X500Name testName = (X500Name)test;
225         X500Name commonName = baseName.commonAncestor(testName);
226         if (commonName == null) {
227             if (debug != null) {
228                 debug.println("Builder.hops(): Names are in different " +
229                     "namespaces");
230             }
231             return incomparable;
232         } else {
233             int commonDistance = commonName.subtreeDepth();
234             int baseDistance = baseName.subtreeDepth();
235             int testDistance = testName.subtreeDepth();
236             return (baseDistance + testDistance - (2 * commonDistance));
237         }
238     }
240     /**
241      * Determine how close a given certificate gets you toward
242      * a given target.
243      *
244      * @param constraints Current NameConstraints; if null,
245      *        then caller must verify NameConstraints
246      *        independently, realizing that this certificate
247      *        may not actually lead to the target at all.
248      * @param cert Candidate certificate for chain
249      * @param target GeneralNameInterface name of target
250      * @return distance from this certificate to target:
251      * <ul>
252      * <li>-1 means certificate could be CA for target, but
253      *     there are no NameConstraints limiting how close
254      * <li> 0 means certificate subject or subjectAltName
255      *      matches target
256      * <li> 1 means certificate is permitted to be CA for
257      *      target.
258      * <li> 2 means certificate is permitted to be CA for
259      *      parent of target.
260      * <li>&gt;0 in general, means certificate is permitted
261      *     to be a CA for this distance higher in the naming
262      *     hierarchy than the target, plus 1.
263      * </ul>
264      * <p>Note that the subject and/or subjectAltName of the
265      * candidate cert does not have to be an ancestor of the
266      * target in order to be a CA that can issue a certificate to
267      * the target. In these cases, the target distance is calculated
268      * by inspecting the NameConstraints extension in the candidate
269      * certificate. For example, suppose the target is an X.500 DN with
270      * a value of "CN=mullan,OU=ireland,O=sun,C=us" and the
271      * NameConstraints extension in the candidate certificate
272      * includes a permitted component of "O=sun,C=us", which implies
273      * that the candidate certificate is allowed to issue certs in
274      * the "O=sun,C=us" namespace. The target distance is 3
275      * ((distance of permitted NC from target) + 1).
276      * The (+1) is added to distinguish the result from the case
277      * which returns (0).
278      * @throws IOException if certificate does not get closer
279      */
targetDistance(NameConstraintsExtension constraints, X509Certificate cert, GeneralNameInterface target)280     static int targetDistance(NameConstraintsExtension constraints,
281                               X509Certificate cert, GeneralNameInterface target)
282             throws IOException
283     {
284         /* ensure that certificate satisfies existing name constraints */
285         if (constraints != null && !constraints.verify(cert)) {
286             throw new IOException("certificate does not satisfy existing name "
287                 + "constraints");
288         }
290         X509CertImpl certImpl;
291         try {
292             certImpl = X509CertImpl.toImpl(cert);
293         } catch (CertificateException e) {
294             throw new IOException("Invalid certificate", e);
295         }
296         /* see if certificate subject matches target */
297         X500Name subject = X500Name.asX500Name(certImpl.getSubjectX500Principal());
298         if (subject.equals(target)) {
299             /* match! */
300             return 0;
301         }
303         SubjectAlternativeNameExtension altNameExt =
304             certImpl.getSubjectAlternativeNameExtension();
305         if (altNameExt != null) {
306             GeneralNames altNames = altNameExt.get(
307                     SubjectAlternativeNameExtension.SUBJECT_NAME);
308             /* see if any alternative name matches target */
309             if (altNames != null) {
310                 for (int j = 0, n = altNames.size(); j < n; j++) {
311                     GeneralNameInterface altName = altNames.get(j).getName();
312                     if (altName.equals(target)) {
313                         return 0;
314                     }
315                 }
316             }
317         }
320         /* no exact match; see if certificate can get us to target */
322         /* first, get NameConstraints out of certificate */
323         NameConstraintsExtension ncExt = certImpl.getNameConstraintsExtension();
324         if (ncExt == null) {
325             return -1;
326         }
328         /* merge certificate's NameConstraints with current NameConstraints */
329         if (constraints != null) {
330             constraints.merge(ncExt);
331         } else {
332             // Make sure we do a clone here, because we're probably
333             // going to modify this object later and we don't want to
334             // be sharing it with a Certificate object!
335             constraints = (NameConstraintsExtension) ncExt.clone();
336         }
338         if (debug != null) {
339             debug.println("Builder.targetDistance() merged constraints: "
340                 + String.valueOf(constraints));
341         }
342         /* reduce permitted by excluded */
343         GeneralSubtrees permitted =
344                 constraints.get(NameConstraintsExtension.PERMITTED_SUBTREES);
345         GeneralSubtrees excluded =
346                 constraints.get(NameConstraintsExtension.EXCLUDED_SUBTREES);
347         if (permitted != null) {
348             permitted.reduce(excluded);
349         }
350         if (debug != null) {
351             debug.println("Builder.targetDistance() reduced constraints: "
352                 + permitted);
353         }
354         /* see if new merged constraints allow target */
355         if (!constraints.verify(target)) {
356             throw new IOException("New certificate not allowed to sign "
357                 + "certificate for target");
358         }
359         /* find distance to target, if any, in permitted */
360         if (permitted == null) {
361             /* certificate is unconstrained; could sign for anything */
362             return -1;
363         }
364         for (int i = 0, n = permitted.size(); i < n; i++) {
365             GeneralNameInterface perName = permitted.get(i).getName().getName();
366             int distance = distance(perName, target, -1);
367             if (distance >= 0) {
368                 return (distance + 1);
369             }
370         }
371         /* no matching type in permitted; cert holder could certify target */
372         return -1;
373     }
375     /**
376      * This method can be used as an optimization to filter out
377      * certificates that do not have policies which are valid.
378      * It returns the set of policies (String OIDs) that should exist in
379      * the certificate policies extension of the certificate that is
380      * needed by the builder. The logic applied is as follows:
381      * <p>
382      *   1) If some initial policies have been set *and* policy mappings are
383      *   inhibited, then acceptable certificates are those that include
384      *   the ANY_POLICY OID or with policies that intersect with the
385      *   initial policies.
386      *   2) If no initial policies have been set *or* policy mappings are
387      *   not inhibited then we don't have much to work with. All we know is
388      *   that a certificate must have *some* policy because if it didn't
389      *   have any policy then the policy tree would become null (and validation
390      *   would fail).
391      *
392      * @return the Set of policies any of which must exist in a
393      * cert's certificate policies extension in order for a cert to be selected.
394      */
getMatchingPolicies()395     Set<String> getMatchingPolicies() {
396         if (matchingPolicies != null) {
397             Set<String> initialPolicies = buildParams.initialPolicies();
398             if ((!initialPolicies.isEmpty()) &&
399                 (!initialPolicies.contains(PolicyChecker.ANY_POLICY)) &&
400                 (buildParams.policyMappingInhibited()))
401             {
402                 matchingPolicies = new HashSet<>(initialPolicies);
403                 matchingPolicies.add(PolicyChecker.ANY_POLICY);
404             } else {
405                 // we just return an empty set to make sure that there is
406                 // at least a certificate policies extension in the cert
407                 matchingPolicies = Collections.<String>emptySet();
408             }
409         }
410         return matchingPolicies;
411     }
413     /**
414      * Search the specified CertStores and add all certificates matching
415      * selector to resultCerts. Self-signed certs are not useful here
416      * and therefore ignored.
417      *
418      * If the targetCert criterion of the selector is set, only that cert
419      * is examined and the CertStores are not searched.
420      *
421      * If checkAll is true, all CertStores are searched for matching certs.
422      * If false, the method returns as soon as the first CertStore returns
423      * a matching cert(s).
424      *
425      * Returns true iff resultCerts changed (a cert was added to the collection)
426      */
addMatchingCerts(X509CertSelector selector, Collection<CertStore> certStores, Collection<X509Certificate> resultCerts, boolean checkAll)427     boolean addMatchingCerts(X509CertSelector selector,
428                              Collection<CertStore> certStores,
429                              Collection<X509Certificate> resultCerts,
430                              boolean checkAll)
431     {
432         X509Certificate targetCert = selector.getCertificate();
433         if (targetCert != null) {
434             // no need to search CertStores
435             if (selector.match(targetCert) && !X509CertImpl.isSelfSigned
436                 (targetCert, buildParams.sigProvider())) {
437                 if (debug != null) {
438                     debug.println("Builder.addMatchingCerts: " +
439                         "adding target cert" +
440                         "\n  SN: " + Debug.toHexString(
441                                             targetCert.getSerialNumber()) +
442                         "\n  Subject: " + targetCert.getSubjectX500Principal() +
443                         "\n  Issuer: " + targetCert.getIssuerX500Principal());
444                 }
445                 return resultCerts.add(targetCert);
446             }
447             return false;
448         }
449         boolean add = false;
450         for (CertStore store : certStores) {
451             try {
452                 Collection<? extends Certificate> certs =
453                                         store.getCertificates(selector);
454                 for (Certificate cert : certs) {
455                     if (!X509CertImpl.isSelfSigned
456                         ((X509Certificate)cert, buildParams.sigProvider())) {
457                         if (resultCerts.add((X509Certificate)cert)) {
458                             add = true;
459                         }
460                     }
461                 }
462                 if (!checkAll && add) {
463                     return true;
464                 }
465             } catch (CertStoreException cse) {
466                 // if getCertificates throws a CertStoreException, we ignore
467                 // it and move on to the next CertStore
468                 if (debug != null) {
469                     debug.println("Builder.addMatchingCerts, non-fatal " +
470                         "exception retrieving certs: " + cse);
471                     cse.printStackTrace();
472                 }
473             }
474         }
475         return add;
476     }
477 }