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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
3  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6  *
7  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8  *
9  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13  * limitations under the License.
14  */
16 package com.android.server.pm;
18 import static android.Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_ADMINS;
19 import static android.Manifest.permission.SET_HARMFUL_APP_WARNINGS;
20 import static android.app.AppOpsManager.MODE_IGNORED;
21 import static android.app.admin.flags.Flags.crossUserSuspensionEnabledRo;
22 import static android.content.pm.PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DEFAULT;
23 import static android.content.pm.PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED;
24 import static android.content.pm.PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED_UNTIL_USED;
25 import static android.content.pm.PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED_USER;
26 import static android.content.pm.PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_ENABLED;
27 import static android.content.pm.PackageManager.MATCH_DIRECT_BOOT_AWARE;
28 import static android.content.pm.PackageManager.MATCH_DIRECT_BOOT_UNAWARE;
29 import static android.content.pm.PackageManager.MATCH_DISABLED_COMPONENTS;
30 import static android.content.pm.PackageManager.MATCH_FACTORY_ONLY;
31 import static android.content.pm.PackageManager.MATCH_SYSTEM_ONLY;
32 import static android.content.pm.PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED;
33 import static android.content.pm.PackageManager.USER_MIN_ASPECT_RATIO_UNSET;
34 import static android.os.Process.INVALID_UID;
35 import static android.os.Trace.TRACE_TAG_PACKAGE_MANAGER;
36 import static android.os.storage.StorageManager.FLAG_STORAGE_CE;
37 import static android.os.storage.StorageManager.FLAG_STORAGE_DE;
38 import static android.os.storage.StorageManager.FLAG_STORAGE_EXTERNAL;
39 import static android.provider.DeviceConfig.NAMESPACE_PACKAGE_MANAGER_SERVICE;
41 import static com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting.Visibility;
42 import static com.android.internal.util.FrameworkStatsLog.BOOT_TIME_EVENT_DURATION__EVENT__OTA_PACKAGE_MANAGER_INIT_TIME;
43 import static com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerServiceUtils.compareSignatures;
44 import static com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerServiceUtils.isInstalledByAdb;
45 import static com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerServiceUtils.logCriticalInfo;
47 import android.Manifest;
48 import android.annotation.AppIdInt;
49 import android.annotation.IntDef;
50 import android.annotation.NonNull;
51 import android.annotation.Nullable;
52 import android.annotation.StringRes;
53 import android.annotation.UserIdInt;
54 import android.annotation.WorkerThread;
55 import android.app.ActivityManager;
56 import android.app.ActivityManagerInternal;
57 import android.app.AppOpsManager;
58 import android.app.ApplicationExitInfo;
59 import android.app.ApplicationPackageManager;
60 import android.app.BroadcastOptions;
61 import android.app.IActivityManager;
62 import android.app.admin.IDevicePolicyManager;
63 import android.app.admin.SecurityLog;
64 import android.app.backup.IBackupManager;
65 import android.app.role.RoleManager;
66 import android.companion.virtual.VirtualDeviceManager;
67 import android.compat.annotation.ChangeId;
68 import android.compat.annotation.EnabledAfter;
69 import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
70 import android.content.ComponentName;
71 import android.content.ContentResolver;
72 import android.content.Context;
73 import android.content.Intent;
74 import android.content.IntentFilter;
75 import android.content.IntentSender;
76 import android.content.IntentSender.SendIntentException;
77 import android.content.pm.ActivityInfo;
78 import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo;
79 import android.content.pm.ArchivedPackageParcel;
80 import android.content.pm.AuxiliaryResolveInfo;
81 import android.content.pm.ChangedPackages;
82 import android.content.pm.Checksum;
83 import android.content.pm.ComponentInfo;
84 import android.content.pm.DataLoaderType;
85 import android.content.pm.FallbackCategoryProvider;
86 import android.content.pm.FeatureInfo;
87 import android.content.pm.Flags;
88 import android.content.pm.IDexModuleRegisterCallback;
89 import android.content.pm.IOnChecksumsReadyListener;
90 import android.content.pm.IPackageDataObserver;
91 import android.content.pm.IPackageDeleteObserver2;
92 import android.content.pm.IPackageLoadingProgressCallback;
93 import android.content.pm.IPackageMoveObserver;
94 import android.content.pm.IncrementalStatesInfo;
95 import android.content.pm.InstallSourceInfo;
96 import android.content.pm.InstantAppInfo;
97 import android.content.pm.InstantAppRequest;
98 import android.content.pm.ModuleInfo;
99 import android.content.pm.PackageInfo;
100 import android.content.pm.PackageInfoLite;
101 import android.content.pm.PackageInstaller;
102 import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
103 import android.content.pm.PackageManager.ComponentEnabledSetting;
104 import android.content.pm.PackageManagerInternal;
105 import android.content.pm.PackagePartitions;
106 import android.content.pm.ParceledListSlice;
107 import android.content.pm.PermissionGroupInfo;
108 import android.content.pm.ProviderInfo;
109 import android.content.pm.ResolveInfo;
110 import android.content.pm.SharedLibraryInfo;
111 import android.content.pm.Signature;
112 import android.content.pm.SigningDetails;
113 import android.content.pm.SuspendDialogInfo;
114 import android.content.pm.TestUtilityService;
115 import android.content.pm.UserInfo;
116 import android.content.pm.UserPackage;
117 import android.content.pm.VerifierDeviceIdentity;
118 import android.content.pm.VerifierInfo;
119 import android.content.pm.VersionedPackage;
120 import android.content.pm.overlay.OverlayPaths;
121 import android.content.pm.parsing.PackageLite;
122 import android.content.res.Resources;
123 import android.database.ContentObserver;
124 import android.graphics.Bitmap;
125 import android.hardware.display.DisplayManager;
126 import android.net.Uri;
127 import android.os.Binder;
128 import android.os.Build;
129 import android.os.Bundle;
130 import android.os.Environment;
131 import android.os.FileUtils;
132 import android.os.Handler;
133 import android.os.HandlerThread;
134 import android.os.IBinder;
135 import android.os.IRemoteCallback;
136 import android.os.Message;
137 import android.os.Parcel;
138 import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
139 import android.os.ParcelableException;
140 import android.os.PersistableBundle;
141 import android.os.Process;
142 import android.os.ReconcileSdkDataArgs;
143 import android.os.RemoteException;
144 import android.os.ResultReceiver;
145 import android.os.ServiceManager;
146 import android.os.ShellCallback;
147 import android.os.SystemClock;
148 import android.os.SystemProperties;
149 import android.os.Trace;
150 import android.os.UserHandle;
151 import android.os.UserManager;
152 import android.os.incremental.IncrementalManager;
153 import android.os.incremental.PerUidReadTimeouts;
154 import android.os.storage.StorageManager;
155 import android.os.storage.StorageManagerInternal;
156 import android.os.storage.VolumeRecord;
157 import android.permission.PermissionManager;
158 import android.provider.DeviceConfig;
159 import android.provider.Settings.Global;
160 import android.provider.Settings.Secure;
161 import android.text.TextUtils;
162 import android.util.ArrayMap;
163 import android.util.ArraySet;
164 import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
165 import android.util.EventLog;
166 import android.util.ExceptionUtils;
167 import android.util.Log;
168 import android.util.Pair;
169 import android.util.Slog;
170 import android.util.SparseArray;
171 import android.util.SparseBooleanArray;
172 import android.util.Xml;
173 import android.view.Display;
175 import com.android.internal.R;
176 import com.android.internal.annotations.GuardedBy;
177 import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
178 import com.android.internal.app.ResolverActivity;
179 import com.android.internal.content.F2fsUtils;
180 import com.android.internal.content.InstallLocationUtils;
181 import com.android.internal.content.om.OverlayConfig;
182 import com.android.internal.pm.parsing.PackageParser2;
183 import com.android.internal.pm.parsing.pkg.AndroidPackageInternal;
184 import com.android.internal.pm.parsing.pkg.ParsedPackage;
185 import com.android.internal.pm.pkg.component.ParsedInstrumentation;
186 import com.android.internal.pm.pkg.component.ParsedMainComponent;
187 import com.android.internal.pm.pkg.parsing.ParsingPackageUtils;
188 import com.android.internal.telephony.CarrierAppUtils;
189 import com.android.internal.util.ArrayUtils;
190 import com.android.internal.util.CollectionUtils;
191 import com.android.internal.util.ConcurrentUtils;
192 import com.android.internal.util.DumpUtils;
193 import com.android.internal.util.FrameworkStatsLog;
194 import com.android.internal.util.FunctionalUtils;
195 import com.android.internal.util.Preconditions;
196 import com.android.modules.utils.TypedXmlPullParser;
197 import com.android.modules.utils.TypedXmlSerializer;
198 import com.android.permission.persistence.RuntimePermissionsPersistence;
199 import com.android.permission.persistence.RuntimePermissionsState;
200 import com.android.server.EventLogTags;
201 import com.android.server.FgThread;
202 import com.android.server.LocalManagerRegistry;
203 import com.android.server.LocalServices;
204 import com.android.server.LockGuard;
205 import com.android.server.PackageWatchdog;
206 import com.android.server.ServiceThread;
207 import com.android.server.SystemConfig;
208 import com.android.server.ThreadPriorityBooster;
209 import com.android.server.Watchdog;
210 import com.android.server.apphibernation.AppHibernationManagerInternal;
211 import com.android.server.art.DexUseManagerLocal;
212 import com.android.server.art.model.DeleteResult;
213 import com.android.server.compat.CompatChange;
214 import com.android.server.compat.PlatformCompat;
215 import com.android.server.pm.Installer.InstallerException;
216 import com.android.server.pm.Settings.VersionInfo;
217 import com.android.server.pm.dex.ArtManagerService;
218 import com.android.server.pm.dex.DexManager;
219 import com.android.server.pm.dex.DynamicCodeLogger;
220 import com.android.server.pm.local.PackageManagerLocalImpl;
221 import com.android.server.pm.parsing.PackageCacher;
222 import com.android.server.pm.parsing.PackageInfoUtils;
223 import com.android.server.pm.parsing.pkg.AndroidPackageUtils;
224 import com.android.server.pm.permission.LegacyPermissionManagerInternal;
225 import com.android.server.pm.permission.LegacyPermissionManagerService;
226 import com.android.server.pm.permission.LegacyPermissionSettings;
227 import com.android.server.pm.permission.PermissionManagerService;
228 import com.android.server.pm.permission.PermissionManagerServiceInternal;
229 import com.android.server.pm.pkg.AndroidPackage;
230 import com.android.server.pm.pkg.ArchiveState;
231 import com.android.server.pm.pkg.PackageState;
232 import com.android.server.pm.pkg.PackageStateInternal;
233 import com.android.server.pm.pkg.PackageUserState;
234 import com.android.server.pm.pkg.PackageUserStateInternal;
235 import com.android.server.pm.pkg.SharedUserApi;
236 import com.android.server.pm.pkg.mutate.PackageStateMutator;
237 import com.android.server.pm.pkg.mutate.PackageStateWrite;
238 import com.android.server.pm.pkg.mutate.PackageUserStateWrite;
239 import com.android.server.pm.resolution.ComponentResolver;
240 import com.android.server.pm.resolution.ComponentResolverApi;
241 import com.android.server.pm.verify.domain.DomainVerificationManagerInternal;
242 import com.android.server.pm.verify.domain.DomainVerificationService;
243 import com.android.server.pm.verify.domain.proxy.DomainVerificationProxy;
244 import com.android.server.sdksandbox.SdkSandboxManagerLocal;
245 import com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorInternal;
246 import com.android.server.utils.SnapshotCache;
247 import com.android.server.utils.TimingsTraceAndSlog;
248 import com.android.server.utils.Watchable;
249 import com.android.server.utils.Watched;
250 import com.android.server.utils.WatchedArrayMap;
251 import com.android.server.utils.WatchedSparseBooleanArray;
252 import com.android.server.utils.WatchedSparseIntArray;
253 import com.android.server.utils.Watcher;
255 import dalvik.system.VMRuntime;
257 import libcore.util.EmptyArray;
258 import libcore.util.HexEncoding;
260 import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
261 import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
262 import java.io.File;
263 import java.io.FileDescriptor;
264 import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
265 import java.io.IOException;
266 import java.io.InputStream;
267 import java.io.PrintWriter;
268 import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
269 import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
270 import java.security.MessageDigest;
271 import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
272 import java.security.cert.Certificate;
273 import java.security.cert.CertificateException;
274 import java.security.cert.CertificateFactory;
275 import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
276 import java.util.ArrayList;
277 import java.util.Arrays;
278 import java.util.Collections;
279 import java.util.HashMap;
280 import java.util.Iterator;
281 import java.util.List;
282 import java.util.Map;
283 import java.util.Objects;
284 import java.util.Set;
285 import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
286 import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
287 import java.util.concurrent.Future;
288 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
289 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
290 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
291 import java.util.function.Consumer;
292 import java.util.function.Predicate;
294 /**
295  * Keep track of all those APKs everywhere.
296  * <p>
297  * Internally there are three important locks:
298  * <ul>
299  * <li>{@link #mLock} is used to guard all in-memory parsed package details
300  * and other related state. It is a fine-grained lock that should only be held
301  * momentarily, as it's one of the most contended locks in the system.
302  * <li>{@link #mInstallLock} is used to guard all {@code installd} access, whose
303  * operations typically involve heavy lifting of application data on disk. Since
304  * {@code installd} is single-threaded, and it's operations can often be slow,
305  * this lock should never be acquired while already holding {@link #mLock}.
306  * Conversely, it's safe to acquire {@link #mLock} momentarily while already
307  * holding {@link #mInstallLock}.
308  * <li>{@link #mSnapshotLock} is used to guard access to two snapshot fields: the snapshot
309  * itself and the snapshot invalidation flag.  This lock should never be acquired while
310  * already holding {@link #mLock}. Conversely, it's safe to acquire {@link #mLock}
311  * momentarily while already holding {@link #mSnapshotLock}.
312  * </ul>
313  * Many internal methods rely on the caller to hold the appropriate locks, and
314  * this contract is expressed through method name suffixes:
315  * <ul>
316  * <li>fooLI(): the caller must hold {@link #mInstallLock}
317  * <li>fooLIF(): the caller must hold {@link #mInstallLock} and the package
318  * being modified must be frozen
319  * <li>fooLPr(): the caller must hold {@link #mLock} for reading
320  * <li>fooLPw(): the caller must hold {@link #mLock} for writing
321  * </ul>
322  * {@link #mSnapshotLock} is taken in exactly one place - {@code snapshotComputer()}.  It
323  * should not be taken anywhere else or used for any other purpose.
324  * <p>
325  * Because this class is very central to the platform's security; please run all
326  * CTS and unit tests whenever making modifications:
327  *
328  * <pre>
329  * $ runtest -c android.content.pm.PackageManagerTests frameworks-core
330  * $ cts-tradefed run commandAndExit cts -m CtsAppSecurityHostTestCases
331  * </pre>
332  */
333 public class PackageManagerService implements PackageSender, TestUtilityService {
335     static final String TAG = "PackageManager";
336     public static final boolean DEBUG_SETTINGS = false;
337     static final boolean DEBUG_PREFERRED = false;
338     static final boolean DEBUG_UPGRADE = false;
339     static final boolean DEBUG_DOMAIN_VERIFICATION = false;
340     static final boolean DEBUG_BACKUP = false;
341     public static final boolean DEBUG_INSTALL = false;
342     public static final boolean DEBUG_REMOVE = false;
343     static final boolean DEBUG_PACKAGE_INFO = false;
344     static final boolean DEBUG_INTENT_MATCHING = false;
345     public static final boolean DEBUG_PACKAGE_SCANNING = false;
346     static final boolean DEBUG_VERIFY = false;
347     public static final boolean DEBUG_PERMISSIONS = false;
348     public static final boolean DEBUG_COMPRESSION = Build.IS_DEBUGGABLE;
349     public static final boolean TRACE_SNAPSHOTS = false;
350     private static final boolean DEBUG_PER_UID_READ_TIMEOUTS = false;
352     // Debug output for dexopting. This is shared between PackageManagerService, OtaDexoptService
353     // and PackageDexOptimizer. All these classes have their own flag to allow switching a single
354     // user, but by default initialize to this.
355     public static final boolean DEBUG_DEXOPT = false;
357     static final boolean DEBUG_ABI_SELECTION = false;
358     public static final boolean DEBUG_INSTANT = Build.IS_DEBUGGABLE;
360     static final String SHELL_PACKAGE_NAME = "com.android.shell";
362     static final boolean HIDE_EPHEMERAL_APIS = false;
364     static final String PRECOMPILE_LAYOUTS = "pm.precompile_layouts";
366     private static final int RADIO_UID = Process.PHONE_UID;
367     private static final int LOG_UID = Process.LOG_UID;
368     private static final int NFC_UID = Process.NFC_UID;
369     private static final int BLUETOOTH_UID = Process.BLUETOOTH_UID;
370     private static final int SHELL_UID = Process.SHELL_UID;
371     private static final int SE_UID = Process.SE_UID;
372     private static final int NETWORKSTACK_UID = Process.NETWORK_STACK_UID;
373     private static final int UWB_UID = Process.UWB_UID;
375     static final int SCAN_NO_DEX = 1 << 0;
376     static final int SCAN_UPDATE_SIGNATURE = 1 << 1;
377     static final int SCAN_NEW_INSTALL = 1 << 2;
378     static final int SCAN_UPDATE_TIME = 1 << 3;
379     static final int SCAN_BOOTING = 1 << 4;
380     static final int SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN = 1 << 7;
381     static final int SCAN_MOVE = 1 << 8;
382     static final int SCAN_INITIAL = 1 << 9;
383     static final int SCAN_DONT_KILL_APP = 1 << 10;
384     static final int SCAN_IGNORE_FROZEN = 1 << 11;
385     static final int SCAN_FIRST_BOOT_OR_UPGRADE = 1 << 12;
386     static final int SCAN_AS_INSTANT_APP = 1 << 13;
387     static final int SCAN_AS_FULL_APP = 1 << 14;
388     static final int SCAN_AS_VIRTUAL_PRELOAD = 1 << 15;
389     static final int SCAN_AS_SYSTEM = 1 << 16;
390     static final int SCAN_AS_PRIVILEGED = 1 << 17;
391     static final int SCAN_AS_OEM = 1 << 18;
392     static final int SCAN_AS_VENDOR = 1 << 19;
393     static final int SCAN_AS_PRODUCT = 1 << 20;
394     static final int SCAN_AS_SYSTEM_EXT = 1 << 21;
395     static final int SCAN_AS_ODM = 1 << 22;
396     static final int SCAN_AS_APK_IN_APEX = 1 << 23;
397     static final int SCAN_DROP_CACHE = 1 << 24;
398     static final int SCAN_AS_FACTORY = 1 << 25;
399     static final int SCAN_AS_APEX = 1 << 26;
400     static final int SCAN_AS_STOPPED_SYSTEM_APP = 1 << 27;
402     @IntDef(flag = true, prefix = { "SCAN_" }, value = {
403             SCAN_NO_DEX,
404             SCAN_UPDATE_SIGNATURE,
405             SCAN_NEW_INSTALL,
406             SCAN_UPDATE_TIME,
407             SCAN_BOOTING,
408             SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN,
409             SCAN_MOVE,
410             SCAN_INITIAL,
411             SCAN_DONT_KILL_APP,
412             SCAN_IGNORE_FROZEN,
414             SCAN_AS_INSTANT_APP,
415             SCAN_AS_FULL_APP,
416             SCAN_AS_VIRTUAL_PRELOAD,
418     })
419     @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
420     public @interface ScanFlags {}
422     /**
423      * Used as the result code of the {@link Computer#getPackageStartability(boolean, String, int,
424      * int)}.
425      */
426     @IntDef(value = {
432     })
433     @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
434     public @interface PackageStartability {}
436     /**
437      * Used as the result code of the {@link Computer#getPackageStartability(boolean, String, int,
438      * int)} to indicate the given package is allowed to start.
439      */
440     public static final int PACKAGE_STARTABILITY_OK = 0;
442     /**
443      * Used as the result code of the {@link Computer#getPackageStartability(boolean, String, int,
444      * int)} to indicate the given package is <b>not</b> allowed to start because it's not found
445      * (could be due to that package is invisible to the given user).
446      */
447     public static final int PACKAGE_STARTABILITY_NOT_FOUND = 1;
449     /**
450      * Used as the result code of the {@link Computer#getPackageStartability(boolean, String, int,
451      * int)} to indicate the given package is <b>not</b> allowed to start because it's not a system
452      * app and the system is running in safe mode.
453      */
454     public static final int PACKAGE_STARTABILITY_NOT_SYSTEM = 2;
456     /**
457      * Used as the result code of the {@link Computer#getPackageStartability(boolean, String, int,
458      * int)} to indicate the given package is <b>not</b> allowed to start because it's currently
459      * frozen.
460      */
461     public static final int PACKAGE_STARTABILITY_FROZEN = 3;
463     /**
464      * Used as the result code of the {@link Computer#getPackageStartability(boolean, String, int,
465      * int)} to indicate the given package is <b>not</b> allowed to start because it doesn't support
466      * direct boot.
467      */
468     public static final int PACKAGE_STARTABILITY_DIRECT_BOOT_UNSUPPORTED = 4;
470     private static final String STATIC_SHARED_LIB_DELIMITER = "_";
471     /**
472      * Extension of the compressed packages
473      */
474     public final static String COMPRESSED_EXTENSION = ".gz";
475     /** Suffix of stub packages on the system partition */
476     public final static String STUB_SUFFIX = "-Stub";
478     static final int[] EMPTY_INT_ARRAY = new int[0];
480     /**
481      * Timeout (in milliseconds) after which the watchdog should declare that
482      * our handler thread is wedged.  The usual default for such things is one
483      * minute but we sometimes do very lengthy I/O operations on this thread,
484      * such as installing multi-gigabyte applications, so ours needs to be longer.
485      */
486     static final long WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT = 1000*60*10;     // ten minutes
488     /**
489      * Default IncFs timeouts. Maximum values in IncFs is 1hr.
490      *
491      * <p>If flag value is empty, the default value will be assigned.
492      *
493      * Flag type: {@code String}
495      */
496     private static final String PROPERTY_INCFS_DEFAULT_TIMEOUTS = "incfs_default_timeouts";
498     /**
499      * Known digesters with optional timeouts.
500      *
501      * Flag type: {@code String}
503      */
504     private static final String PROPERTY_KNOWN_DIGESTERS_LIST = "known_digesters_list";
506     /**
507      * Whether or not requesting the approval before committing sessions is available.
508      *
509      * Flag type: {@code boolean}
511      */
512     private static final String PROPERTY_IS_PRE_APPROVAL_REQUEST_AVAILABLE =
513             "is_preapproval_available";
515     /**
516      * Whether or not the update ownership enforcement is available.
517      *
518      * Flag type: {@code boolean}
520      */
522             "is_update_ownership_enforcement_available";
525             "deferred_no_kill_post_delete_delay_ms_extended";
527     /**
528      * The default response for package verification timeout.
529      *
530      * This can be either PackageManager.VERIFICATION_ALLOW or
531      * PackageManager.VERIFICATION_REJECT.
532      */
535     /**
536      * Adding an installer package name to a package that does not have one set requires the
537      * INSTALL_PACKAGES permission.
538      *
539      * If the caller targets R, this will throw a SecurityException. Otherwise the request will
540      * fail silently. In both cases, and regardless of whether this change is enabled, the
541      * installer package will remain unchanged.
542      */
543     @ChangeId
544     @EnabledAfter(targetSdkVersion = Build.VERSION_CODES.Q)
546             150857253;
548     public static final String PLATFORM_PACKAGE_NAME = "android";
550     static final String PACKAGE_MIME_TYPE = "application/vnd.android.package-archive";
552     static final String PACKAGE_SCHEME = "package";
554     private static final String COMPANION_PACKAGE_NAME = "com.android.companiondevicemanager";
556     // How many required verifiers can be on the system.
557     private static final int REQUIRED_VERIFIERS_MAX_COUNT = 2;
559     /**
560      * Specifies the minimum target SDK version an apk must specify in order to be installed
561      * on the system. This improves security and privacy by blocking low
562      * target sdk apps as malware can target older sdk versions to avoid
563      * the enforcement of new API behavior.
564      */
565     public static final int MIN_INSTALLABLE_TARGET_SDK =
566             Flags.minTargetSdk24() ? Build.VERSION_CODES.N : Build.VERSION_CODES.M;
568     // Compilation reasons.
569     // TODO(b/260124949): Clean this up with the legacy dexopt code.
570     public static final int REASON_FIRST_BOOT = 0;
571     public static final int REASON_BOOT_AFTER_OTA = 1;
572     public static final int REASON_POST_BOOT = 2;
573     public static final int REASON_INSTALL = 3;
574     public static final int REASON_INSTALL_FAST = 4;
575     public static final int REASON_INSTALL_BULK = 5;
576     public static final int REASON_INSTALL_BULK_SECONDARY = 6;
577     public static final int REASON_INSTALL_BULK_DOWNGRADED = 7;
578     public static final int REASON_INSTALL_BULK_SECONDARY_DOWNGRADED = 8;
579     public static final int REASON_BACKGROUND_DEXOPT = 9;
580     public static final int REASON_AB_OTA = 10;
581     public static final int REASON_INACTIVE_PACKAGE_DOWNGRADE = 11;
582     public static final int REASON_CMDLINE = 12;
583     public static final int REASON_BOOT_AFTER_MAINLINE_UPDATE = 13;
584     public static final int REASON_SHARED = 14;
586     public static final int REASON_LAST = REASON_SHARED;
588     static final String RANDOM_DIR_PREFIX = "~~";
589     static final char RANDOM_CODEPATH_PREFIX = '-';
591     public static final String APP_METADATA_FILE_NAME = "app.metadata";
593     static final int DEFAULT_FILE_ACCESS_MODE = 0644;
595     static final int DEFAULT_NATIVE_LIBRARY_FILE_ACCESS_MODE = 0755;
597     final Handler mHandler;
598     final Handler mBackgroundHandler;
600     final ProcessLoggingHandler mProcessLoggingHandler;
602     private final int mSdkVersion;
603     final Context mContext;
604     final boolean mFactoryTest;
605     final DisplayMetrics mMetrics;
606     private final int mDefParseFlags;
607     private final String[] mSeparateProcesses;
608     private final boolean mIsUpgrade;
609     private final boolean mIsPreNMR1Upgrade;
610     private final boolean mIsPreQUpgrade;
611     // If mIsUpgrade == true, contains the prior SDK version, else -1.
612     private final int mPriorSdkVersion;
614     // Used for privilege escalation. MUST NOT BE CALLED WITH mPackages
615     // LOCK HELD.  Can be called with mInstallLock held.
616     @GuardedBy("mInstallLock")
617     final Installer mInstaller;
619     /** Directory where installed applications are stored */
620     private final File mAppInstallDir;
622     // ----------------------------------------------------------------
624     // Lock for state used when installing and doing other long running
625     // operations.  Methods that must be called with this lock held have
626     // the suffix "LI".
627     final PackageManagerTracedLock mInstallLock;
629     // ----------------------------------------------------------------
631     // Lock for global state used when modifying package state or settings.
632     // Methods that must be called with this lock held have
633     // the suffix "Locked". Some methods may use the legacy suffix "LP"
634     final PackageManagerTracedLock mLock;
636     // Ensures order of overlay updates until data storage can be moved to overlay code
637     private final PackageManagerTracedLock mOverlayPathsLock = new PackageManagerTracedLock();
639     // Lock alias for doing package state mutation
640     private final PackageManagerTracedLock mPackageStateWriteLock;
642     private final PackageStateMutator mPackageStateMutator = new PackageStateMutator(
643             this::getPackageSettingForMutation,
644             this::getDisabledPackageSettingForMutation);
646     // Keys are String (package name), values are Package.
647     @Watched
648     @GuardedBy("mLock")
649     final WatchedArrayMap<String, AndroidPackage> mPackages = new WatchedArrayMap<>();
650     private final SnapshotCache<WatchedArrayMap<String, AndroidPackage>> mPackagesSnapshot =
651             new SnapshotCache.Auto(mPackages, mPackages, "PackageManagerService.mPackages");
653     // Keys are isolated uids and values are the uid of the application
654     // that created the isolated process.
655     @Watched
656     @GuardedBy("mLock")
657     final WatchedSparseIntArray mIsolatedOwners = new WatchedSparseIntArray();
658     private final SnapshotCache<WatchedSparseIntArray> mIsolatedOwnersSnapshot =
659             new SnapshotCache.Auto(mIsolatedOwners, mIsolatedOwners,
660                                    "PackageManagerService.mIsolatedOwners");
662     /**
663      * Tracks existing packages prior to receiving an OTA. Keys are package name.
664      * Only non-null during an OTA, and even then it is nulled again once systemReady().
665      */
666     private @Nullable ArraySet<String> mExistingPackages = null;
668     /**
669      * List of code paths that need to be released when the system becomes ready.
670      * <p>
671      * NOTE: We have to delay releasing cblocks for no other reason than we cannot
672      * retrieve the setting {@link Secure#RELEASE_COMPRESS_BLOCKS_ON_INSTALL}. When
673      * we no longer need to read that setting, cblock release can occur in the
674      * constructor.
675      *
677      * @see #systemReady()
678      */
679     @Nullable List<File> mReleaseOnSystemReady;
681     /**
682      * Whether or not system app permissions should be promoted from install to runtime.
683      */
684     boolean mPromoteSystemApps;
686     private final TestUtilityService mTestUtilityService;
688     @Watched
689     @GuardedBy("mLock")
690     final Settings mSettings;
692     /**
693      * Map of package names to frozen counts that are currently "frozen",
694      * which means active surgery is being done on the code/data for that
695      * package. The platform will refuse to launch frozen packages to avoid
696      * race conditions.
697      *
698      * @see PackageFreezer
699      */
700     @GuardedBy("mLock")
701     final WatchedArrayMap<String, Integer> mFrozenPackages = new WatchedArrayMap<>();
702     private final SnapshotCache<WatchedArrayMap<String, Integer>> mFrozenPackagesSnapshot =
703             new SnapshotCache.Auto(mFrozenPackages, mFrozenPackages,
704                     "PackageManagerService.mFrozenPackages");
706     final ProtectedPackages mProtectedPackages;
708     private boolean mFirstBoot;
710     final boolean mIsEngBuild;
711     private final boolean mIsUserDebugBuild;
712     private final String mIncrementalVersion;
714     PackageManagerInternal.ExternalSourcesPolicy mExternalSourcesPolicy;
716     private final ArrayMap<String, FeatureInfo> mAvailableFeatures;
718     @Watched
719     final InstantAppRegistry mInstantAppRegistry;
721     @NonNull
722     final ChangedPackagesTracker mChangedPackagesTracker;
724     @NonNull
725     private final PackageObserverHelper mPackageObserverHelper = new PackageObserverHelper();
727     @NonNull
728     private final PackageMonitorCallbackHelper mPackageMonitorCallbackHelper;
730     private final ModuleInfoProvider mModuleInfoProvider;
732     final ApexManager mApexManager;
734     final PackageManagerServiceInjector mInjector;
736     /**
737      * The list of all system partitions that may contain packages in ascending order of
738      * specificity (the more generic, the earlier in the list a partition appears).
739      */
740     @VisibleForTesting(visibility = Visibility.PACKAGE)
741     public static final List<ScanPartition> SYSTEM_PARTITIONS = Collections.unmodifiableList(
742             PackagePartitions.getOrderedPartitions(ScanPartition::new));
744     private @NonNull final OverlayConfig mOverlayConfig;
746     // Cached parsed flag value. Invalidated on each flag change.
747     PerUidReadTimeouts[] mPerUidReadTimeoutsCache;
749     private static final PerUidReadTimeouts[] EMPTY_PER_UID_READ_TIMEOUTS_ARRAY = {};
751     private static class DefaultSystemWrapper implements
752             PackageManagerServiceInjector.SystemWrapper {
754         @Override
disablePackageCaches()755         public void disablePackageCaches() {
756             // disable all package caches that shouldn't apply within system server
757             PackageManager.disableApplicationInfoCache();
758             PackageManager.disablePackageInfoCache();
759             ApplicationPackageManager.invalidateGetPackagesForUidCache();
760             ApplicationPackageManager.disableGetPackagesForUidCache();
761             ApplicationPackageManager.invalidateHasSystemFeatureCache();
762             PackageManager.corkPackageInfoCache();
763         }
765         @Override
enablePackageCaches()766         public void enablePackageCaches() {
767             PackageManager.uncorkPackageInfoCache();
768         }
769     }
771     @Watched
772     final AppsFilterImpl mAppsFilter;
774     final PackageParser2.Callback mPackageParserCallback;
776     // Currently known shared libraries.
777     @Watched
778     private final SharedLibrariesImpl mSharedLibraries;
780     // Mapping from instrumentation class names to info about them.
781     @Watched
782     private final WatchedArrayMap<ComponentName, ParsedInstrumentation> mInstrumentation =
783             new WatchedArrayMap<>();
784     private final SnapshotCache<WatchedArrayMap<ComponentName, ParsedInstrumentation>>
785             mInstrumentationSnapshot =
786             new SnapshotCache.Auto<>(mInstrumentation, mInstrumentation,
787                                      "PackageManagerService.mInstrumentation");
789     // Packages whose data we have transfered into another package, thus
790     // should no longer exist.
791     final ArraySet<String> mTransferredPackages = new ArraySet<>();
793     // Broadcast actions that are only available to the system.
794     @GuardedBy("mProtectedBroadcasts")
795     final ArraySet<String> mProtectedBroadcasts = new ArraySet<>();
797     /**
798      * List of packages waiting for verification.
799      * Handler thread only!
800      */
801     final SparseArray<PackageVerificationState> mPendingVerification = new SparseArray<>();
803     /**
804      * List of packages waiting for rollback to be enabled.
805      * Handler thread only!
806      */
807     final SparseArray<VerifyingSession> mPendingEnableRollback = new SparseArray<>();
809     final PackageInstallerService mInstallerService;
810     final ArtManagerService mArtManagerService;
812     // TODO(b/260124949): Remove these.
813     final PackageDexOptimizer mPackageDexOptimizer;
814     // DexManager handles the usage of dex files (e.g. secondary files, whether or not a package
815     // is used by other apps).
816     private final DexManager mDexManager;
817     private final DynamicCodeLogger mDynamicCodeLogger;
819     private final AtomicInteger mNextMoveId = new AtomicInteger();
820     final MovePackageHelper.MoveCallbacks mMoveCallbacks;
822     /**
823      * Token for keys in mPendingVerification.
824      * Handler thread only!
825      */
826     int mPendingVerificationToken = 0;
828     /**
829      * Token for keys in mPendingEnableRollback.
830      * Handler thread only!
831      */
832     int mPendingEnableRollbackToken = 0;
834     @Watched(manual = true)
835     private volatile boolean mSystemReady;
836     @Watched(manual = true)
837     private volatile boolean mSafeMode;
838     @Watched
839     private final WatchedSparseBooleanArray mWebInstantAppsDisabled =
840             new WatchedSparseBooleanArray();
842     @Watched(manual = true)
843     private ApplicationInfo mAndroidApplication;
844     @Watched(manual = true)
845     private final ActivityInfo mResolveActivity = new ActivityInfo();
846     private final ResolveInfo mResolveInfo = new ResolveInfo();
847     @Watched(manual = true)
848     ComponentName mResolveComponentName;
849     private AndroidPackage mPlatformPackage;
850     ComponentName mCustomResolverComponentName;
852     // Recorded overlay paths configuration for the Android app info.
853     private String[] mPlatformPackageOverlayPaths = null;
854     private String[] mPlatformPackageOverlayResourceDirs = null;
855     // And the same paths for the replaced resolver activity package
856     private String[] mReplacedResolverPackageOverlayPaths = null;
857     private String[] mReplacedResolverPackageOverlayResourceDirs = null;
859     private boolean mResolverReplaced = false;
861     @NonNull
862     final DomainVerificationManagerInternal mDomainVerificationManager;
864     /** The service connection to the ephemeral resolver */
865     final InstantAppResolverConnection mInstantAppResolverConnection;
866     /** Component used to show resolver settings for Instant Apps */
867     final ComponentName mInstantAppResolverSettingsComponent;
869     /** Activity used to install instant applications */
870     @Watched(manual = true)
871     ActivityInfo mInstantAppInstallerActivity;
872     @Watched(manual = true)
873     private final ResolveInfo mInstantAppInstallerInfo = new ResolveInfo();
875     private final Map<String, InstallRequest>
876             mNoKillInstallObservers = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
878     private final Map<String, InstallRequest>
879             mPendingKillInstallObservers = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
881     // Internal interface for permission manager
882     final PermissionManagerServiceInternal mPermissionManager;
884     @Watched
885     final ComponentResolver mComponentResolver;
887     // Set of packages names to keep cached, even if they are uninstalled for all users
888     @GuardedBy("mKeepUninstalledPackages")
889     @NonNull
890     private final ArraySet<String> mKeepUninstalledPackages = new ArraySet<>();
892     // Cached reference to IDevicePolicyManager.
893     private IDevicePolicyManager mDevicePolicyManager = null;
895     private File mCacheDir;
897     private Future<?> mPrepareAppDataFuture;
899     final IncrementalManager mIncrementalManager;
901     private final DefaultAppProvider mDefaultAppProvider;
903     private final LegacyPermissionManagerInternal mLegacyPermissionManager;
905     private final PackageProperty mPackageProperty = new PackageProperty();
907     final PendingPackageBroadcasts mPendingBroadcasts;
909     static final int SEND_PENDING_BROADCAST = 1;
910     // public static final int UNUSED = 5;
911     static final int POST_INSTALL = 9;
912     static final int WRITE_SETTINGS = 13;
913     static final int WRITE_DIRTY_PACKAGE_RESTRICTIONS = 14;
914     static final int PACKAGE_VERIFIED = 15;
915     static final int CHECK_PENDING_VERIFICATION = 16;
916     // public static final int UNUSED = 17;
917     // public static final int UNUSED = 18;
918     static final int WRITE_PACKAGE_LIST = 19;
919     static final int INSTANT_APP_RESOLUTION_PHASE_TWO = 20;
920     static final int ENABLE_ROLLBACK_STATUS = 21;
921     static final int ENABLE_ROLLBACK_TIMEOUT = 22;
922     static final int DEFERRED_NO_KILL_POST_DELETE = 23;
923     static final int DEFERRED_NO_KILL_INSTALL_OBSERVER = 24;
924     static final int INTEGRITY_VERIFICATION_COMPLETE = 25;
925     static final int CHECK_PENDING_INTEGRITY_VERIFICATION = 26;
926     static final int DOMAIN_VERIFICATION = 27;
927     static final int PRUNE_UNUSED_STATIC_SHARED_LIBRARIES = 28;
928     static final int DEFERRED_PENDING_KILL_INSTALL_OBSERVER = 29;
930     static final int WRITE_USER_PACKAGE_RESTRICTIONS = 30;
932     private static final int DEFERRED_NO_KILL_POST_DELETE_DELAY_MS = 3 * 1000;
934     private static final long DEFERRED_NO_KILL_POST_DELETE_DELAY_MS_EXTENDED =
935             TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(1);
937     private static final int DEFERRED_NO_KILL_INSTALL_OBSERVER_DELAY_MS = 500;
938     private static final int DEFERRED_PENDING_KILL_INSTALL_OBSERVER_DELAY_MS = 1000;
940     static final int WRITE_SETTINGS_DELAY = 10*1000;  // 10 seconds
942     private static final long BROADCAST_DELAY_DURING_STARTUP = 10 * 1000L; // 10 seconds (in millis)
943     private static final long BROADCAST_DELAY = 1 * 1000L; // 1 second (in millis)
945     private static final long PRUNE_UNUSED_SHARED_LIBRARIES_DELAY =
946             TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(3); // 3 minutes
948     // When the service constructor finished plus a delay (used for broadcast delay computation)
949     private long mServiceStartWithDelay;
952             TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(7); /* 7 days */
954     final UserManagerService mUserManager;
956     final UserNeedsBadgingCache mUserNeedsBadging;
958     // Stores a list of users whose package restrictions file needs to be updated
959     final ArraySet<Integer> mDirtyUsers = new ArraySet<>();
961     final SparseArray<InstallRequest> mRunningInstalls = new SparseArray<>();
962     int mNextInstallToken = 1;  // nonzero; will be wrapped back to 1 when ++ overflows
964     final @NonNull String[] mRequiredVerifierPackages;
965     final @NonNull String mRequiredInstallerPackage;
966     final @NonNull String mRequiredUninstallerPackage;
967     final @NonNull String mRequiredPermissionControllerPackage;
968     final @Nullable String mSetupWizardPackage;
969     final @Nullable String mStorageManagerPackage;
970     final @Nullable String mDefaultTextClassifierPackage;
971     final @Nullable String mSystemTextClassifierPackageName;
972     final @Nullable String mConfiguratorPackage;
973     final @Nullable String mAppPredictionServicePackage;
974     final @Nullable String mIncidentReportApproverPackage;
975     final @Nullable String mServicesExtensionPackageName;
976     final @Nullable String mSharedSystemSharedLibraryPackageName;
977     final @Nullable String mRetailDemoPackage;
978     final @Nullable String mOverlayConfigSignaturePackage;
979     final @Nullable String mRecentsPackage;
980     final @Nullable String mAmbientContextDetectionPackage;
981     final @Nullable String mWearableSensingPackage;
982     final @NonNull Set<String> mInitialNonStoppedSystemPackages;
983     final boolean mShouldStopSystemPackagesByDefault;
984     private final @NonNull String mRequiredSdkSandboxPackage;
986     @GuardedBy("mLock")
987     private final PackageUsage mPackageUsage = new PackageUsage();
988     final CompilerStats mCompilerStats = new CompilerStats();
990     private final DomainVerificationConnection mDomainVerificationConnection;
992     private final BroadcastHelper mBroadcastHelper;
993     private final RemovePackageHelper mRemovePackageHelper;
994     private final DeletePackageHelper mDeletePackageHelper;
995     private final InitAppsHelper mInitAppsHelper;
996     private final AppDataHelper mAppDataHelper;
997     @NonNull private final InstallPackageHelper mInstallPackageHelper;
998     private final PreferredActivityHelper mPreferredActivityHelper;
999     private final ResolveIntentHelper mResolveIntentHelper;
1000     private final DexOptHelper mDexOptHelper;
1001     private final SuspendPackageHelper mSuspendPackageHelper;
1002     private final DistractingPackageHelper mDistractingPackageHelper;
1003     private final StorageEventHelper mStorageEventHelper;
1004     private final FreeStorageHelper mFreeStorageHelper;
1007     private static final boolean ENABLE_BOOST = false;
1009     private static ThreadPriorityBooster sThreadPriorityBooster = new ThreadPriorityBooster(
1012     /**
1013      * Boost the priority of the thread before holding PM traced lock.
1014      * @hide
1015      */
boostPriorityForPackageManagerTracedLockedSection()1016     public static void boostPriorityForPackageManagerTracedLockedSection() {
1017         if (ENABLE_BOOST) {
1018             sThreadPriorityBooster.boost();
1019         }
1020     }
1023     /**
1024      * Restore the priority of the thread after release the PM traced lock.
1025      * @hide
1026      */
resetPriorityAfterPackageManagerTracedLockedSection()1027     public static void resetPriorityAfterPackageManagerTracedLockedSection() {
1028         if (ENABLE_BOOST) {
1029             sThreadPriorityBooster.reset();
1030         }
1031     }
1033     /**
1034      * Invalidate the package info cache, which includes updating the cached computer.
1035      * @hide
1036      */
invalidatePackageInfoCache()1037     public static void invalidatePackageInfoCache() {
1038         PackageManager.invalidatePackageInfoCache();
1039         onChanged();
1040     }
1042     private final Watcher mWatcher = new Watcher() {
1043             @Override
1044                        public void onChange(@Nullable Watchable what) {
1045                 PackageManagerService.onChange(what);
1046             }
1047         };
1049     /**
1050      * A Snapshot is a subset of PackageManagerService state.  A snapshot is either live
1051      * or snapped.  Live snapshots directly reference PackageManagerService attributes.
1052      * Snapped snapshots contain deep copies of the attributes.
1053      */
1054     class Snapshot {
1055         public static final int LIVE = 1;
1056         public static final int SNAPPED = 2;
1058         public final Settings settings;
1059         public final WatchedSparseIntArray isolatedOwners;
1060         public final WatchedArrayMap<String, AndroidPackage> packages;
1061         public final WatchedArrayMap<ComponentName, ParsedInstrumentation> instrumentation;
1062         public final WatchedSparseBooleanArray webInstantAppsDisabled;
1063         public final ComponentName resolveComponentName;
1064         public final ActivityInfo resolveActivity;
1065         public final ActivityInfo instantAppInstallerActivity;
1066         public final ResolveInfo instantAppInstallerInfo;
1067         public final InstantAppRegistry instantAppRegistry;
1068         public final ApplicationInfo androidApplication;
1069         public final String appPredictionServicePackage;
1070         public final AppsFilterSnapshot appsFilter;
1071         public final ComponentResolverApi componentResolver;
1072         public final PackageManagerService service;
1073         public final WatchedArrayMap<String, Integer> frozenPackages;
1074         public final SharedLibrariesRead sharedLibraries;
Snapshot(int type)1076         Snapshot(int type) {
1077             if (type == Snapshot.SNAPPED) {
1078                 settings = mSettings.snapshot();
1079                 isolatedOwners = mIsolatedOwnersSnapshot.snapshot();
1080                 packages = mPackagesSnapshot.snapshot();
1081                 instrumentation = mInstrumentationSnapshot.snapshot();
1082                 resolveComponentName = mResolveComponentName == null
1083                         ? null : mResolveComponentName.clone();
1084                 resolveActivity = new ActivityInfo(mResolveActivity);
1085                 instantAppInstallerActivity =
1086                         (mInstantAppInstallerActivity == null)
1087                         ? null
1088                         : new ActivityInfo(mInstantAppInstallerActivity);
1089                 instantAppInstallerInfo = new ResolveInfo(mInstantAppInstallerInfo);
1090                 webInstantAppsDisabled = mWebInstantAppsDisabled.snapshot();
1091                 instantAppRegistry = mInstantAppRegistry.snapshot();
1092                 androidApplication =
1093                         (mAndroidApplication == null)
1094                         ? null
1095                         : new ApplicationInfo(mAndroidApplication);
1096                 appPredictionServicePackage = mAppPredictionServicePackage;
1097                 appsFilter = mAppsFilter.snapshot();
1098                 componentResolver = mComponentResolver.snapshot();
1099                 frozenPackages = mFrozenPackagesSnapshot.snapshot();
1100                 sharedLibraries = mSharedLibraries.snapshot();
1101             } else if (type == Snapshot.LIVE) {
1102                 settings = mSettings;
1103                 isolatedOwners = mIsolatedOwners;
1104                 packages = mPackages;
1105                 instrumentation = mInstrumentation;
1106                 resolveComponentName = mResolveComponentName;
1107                 resolveActivity = mResolveActivity;
1108                 instantAppInstallerActivity = mInstantAppInstallerActivity;
1109                 instantAppInstallerInfo = mInstantAppInstallerInfo;
1110                 webInstantAppsDisabled = mWebInstantAppsDisabled;
1111                 instantAppRegistry = mInstantAppRegistry;
1112                 androidApplication = mAndroidApplication;
1113                 appPredictionServicePackage = mAppPredictionServicePackage;
1114                 appsFilter = mAppsFilter;
1115                 componentResolver = mComponentResolver;
1116                 frozenPackages = mFrozenPackages;
1117                 sharedLibraries = mSharedLibraries;
1118             } else {
1119                 throw new IllegalArgumentException();
1120             }
1121             service = PackageManagerService.this;
1122         }
1123     }
1125     // Compute read-only functions, based on live data.  This attribute may be modified multiple
1126     // times during the PackageManagerService constructor but it should not be modified thereafter.
1127     private ComputerLocked mLiveComputer;
1129     private static final AtomicReference<Computer> sSnapshot = new AtomicReference<>();
1131     // If this differs from Computer#getVersion, the snapshot is invalid (stale).
1132     private static final AtomicInteger sSnapshotPendingVersion = new AtomicInteger(1);
1134     /**
1135      * This lock is used to make reads from {@link #sSnapshotPendingVersion} and
1136      * {@link #sSnapshot} atomic inside {@code snapshotComputer()} when the versions mismatch.
1137      * This lock is not meant to be used outside that method. This lock must be taken before
1138      * {@link #mLock} is taken.
1139      */
1140     private final Object mSnapshotLock = new Object();
1142     /**
1143      * The snapshot statistics.  These are collected to track performance and to identify
1144      * situations in which the snapshots are misbehaving.
1145      */
1146     @Nullable
1147     private final SnapshotStatistics mSnapshotStatistics;
1149     /**
1150      * Return the cached computer.  The method will rebuild the cached computer if necessary.
1151      * The live computer will be returned if snapshots are disabled.
1152      */
1153     @VisibleForTesting(visibility = Visibility.PACKAGE)
1154     @NonNull
snapshotComputer()1155     public Computer snapshotComputer() {
1156         return snapshotComputer(true /*allowLiveComputer*/);
1157     }
1159     /**
1160      * This method should only ever be called from {@link PackageManagerLocal#snapshot()}.
1161      *
1162      * @param allowLiveComputer Whether to allow a live computer instance based on caller {@link
1163      *                          #mLock} hold state. In certain cases, like for {@link
1164      *                          PackageManagerLocal} API, it must be enforced that the caller gets
1165      *                          a snapshot at time, and never the live variant.
1166      * @deprecated Use {@link #snapshotComputer()}
1167      */
1168     @Deprecated
1169     @NonNull
snapshotComputer(boolean allowLiveComputer)1170     public Computer snapshotComputer(boolean allowLiveComputer) {
1171         var isHoldingPackageLock = Thread.holdsLock(mLock);
1172         if (allowLiveComputer) {
1173             if (isHoldingPackageLock) {
1174                 // If the current thread holds mLock then it may have modified state but not
1175                 // yet invalidated the snapshot.  Always give the thread the live computer.
1176                 return mLiveComputer;
1177             }
1178         }
1180         var oldSnapshot = sSnapshot.get();
1181         var pendingVersion = sSnapshotPendingVersion.get();
1183         if (oldSnapshot != null && oldSnapshot.getVersion() == pendingVersion) {
1184             return oldSnapshot.use();
1185         }
1187         if (isHoldingPackageLock) {
1188             // If the current thread holds mLock then it already has exclusive write access to the
1189             // two snapshot fields, and we can just go ahead and rebuild the snapshot.
1190             @SuppressWarnings("GuardedBy")
1191             var newSnapshot = rebuildSnapshot(oldSnapshot, pendingVersion);
1192             sSnapshot.set(newSnapshot);
1193             return newSnapshot.use();
1194         }
1196         synchronized (mSnapshotLock) {
1197             // Re-capture pending version in case a new invalidation occurred since last check
1198             var rebuildSnapshot = sSnapshot.get();
1199             var rebuildVersion = sSnapshotPendingVersion.get();
1201             // Check the versions again while the lock is held, in case the rebuild time caused
1202             // multiple threads to wait on the snapshot lock. When the first thread finishes
1203             // a rebuild, the snapshot is now valid and the other waiting threads can use it
1204             // without kicking off their own rebuilds.
1205             if (rebuildSnapshot != null && rebuildSnapshot.getVersion() == rebuildVersion) {
1206                 return rebuildSnapshot.use();
1207             }
1209             synchronized (mLock) {
1210                 // Fetch version one last time to ensure that the rebuilt snapshot matches
1211                 // the latest invalidation, which could have come in between entering the
1212                 // SnapshotLock and mLock sync blocks.
1213                 rebuildSnapshot = sSnapshot.get();
1214                 rebuildVersion = sSnapshotPendingVersion.get();
1215                 if (rebuildSnapshot != null && rebuildSnapshot.getVersion() == rebuildVersion) {
1216                     return rebuildSnapshot.use();
1217                 }
1219                 // Build the snapshot for this version
1220                 var newSnapshot = rebuildSnapshot(rebuildSnapshot, rebuildVersion);
1221                 sSnapshot.set(newSnapshot);
1222                 return newSnapshot.use();
1223             }
1224         }
1225     }
1227     @GuardedBy("mLock")
rebuildSnapshot(@ullable Computer oldSnapshot, int newVersion)1228     private Computer rebuildSnapshot(@Nullable Computer oldSnapshot, int newVersion) {
1229         var now = SystemClock.currentTimeMicro();
1230         var hits = oldSnapshot == null ? -1 : oldSnapshot.getUsed();
1231         var args = new Snapshot(Snapshot.SNAPPED);
1232         var newSnapshot = new ComputerEngine(args, newVersion);
1233         var done = SystemClock.currentTimeMicro();
1235         if (mSnapshotStatistics != null) {
1236             mSnapshotStatistics.rebuild(now, done, hits, newSnapshot.getPackageStates().size());
1237         }
1238         return newSnapshot;
1239     }
1241     /**
1242      * Create a live computer
1243      */
createLiveComputer()1244     private ComputerLocked createLiveComputer() {
1245         return new ComputerLocked(new Snapshot(Snapshot.LIVE));
1246     }
1248     /**
1249      * This method is called when the state of PackageManagerService changes so as to
1250      * invalidate the current snapshot.
1251      * @param what The {@link Watchable} that reported the change
1252      * @hide
1253      */
onChange(@ullable Watchable what)1254     public static void onChange(@Nullable Watchable what) {
1255         if (TRACE_SNAPSHOTS) {
1256             Log.i(TAG, "snapshot: onChange(" + what + ")");
1257         }
1258         sSnapshotPendingVersion.incrementAndGet();
1259     }
1261     /**
1262      * Report a locally-detected change to observers.  The <what> parameter is left null,
1263      * but it signifies that the change was detected by PackageManagerService itself.
1264      */
onChanged()1265     static void onChanged() {
1266         onChange(null);
1267     }
notifyInstallObserver(String packageName, boolean killApp)1269     void notifyInstallObserver(String packageName, boolean killApp) {
1270         final InstallRequest installRequest =
1271                 killApp ? mPendingKillInstallObservers.remove(packageName)
1272                         : mNoKillInstallObservers.remove(packageName);
1274         if (installRequest != null) {
1275             notifyInstallObserver(installRequest);
1276         }
1277     }
notifyInstallObserver(InstallRequest request)1279     void notifyInstallObserver(InstallRequest request) {
1280         if (request.getObserver() != null) {
1281             try {
1282                 Bundle extras = extrasForInstallResult(request);
1283                 request.getObserver().onPackageInstalled(request.getName(),
1284                         request.getReturnCode(), request.getReturnMsg(), extras);
1285             } catch (RemoteException e) {
1286                 Slog.i(TAG, "Observer no longer exists.");
1287             }
1288         }
1289     }
scheduleDeferredNoKillInstallObserver(InstallRequest request)1291     void scheduleDeferredNoKillInstallObserver(InstallRequest request) {
1292         String packageName = request.getPkg().getPackageName();
1293         mNoKillInstallObservers.put(packageName, request);
1294         Message message = mHandler.obtainMessage(DEFERRED_NO_KILL_INSTALL_OBSERVER, packageName);
1295         mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(message, DEFERRED_NO_KILL_INSTALL_OBSERVER_DELAY_MS);
1296     }
scheduleDeferredNoKillPostDelete(CleanUpArgs args)1298     void scheduleDeferredNoKillPostDelete(CleanUpArgs args) {
1299         Message message = mHandler.obtainMessage(DEFERRED_NO_KILL_POST_DELETE, args);
1300         // If the feature flag is on, retain the old files for a day. Otherwise, delete the old
1301         // files after a few seconds.
1302         long deleteDelayMillis = DEFERRED_NO_KILL_POST_DELETE_DELAY_MS;
1303         if (Flags.improveInstallDontKill()) {
1304             deleteDelayMillis = Binder.withCleanCallingIdentity(() -> {
1305                 return DeviceConfig.getLong(NAMESPACE_PACKAGE_MANAGER_SERVICE,
1306                         /* name= */ PROPERTY_DEFERRED_NO_KILL_POST_DELETE_DELAY_MS_EXTENDED,
1307                         /* defaultValue= */ DEFERRED_NO_KILL_POST_DELETE_DELAY_MS_EXTENDED);
1308             });
1309             Slog.w(TAG, "Delaying the deletion of <" + args.getCodePath() + "> by "
1310                     + deleteDelayMillis + "ms or till the next reboot");
1311         }
1312         mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(message, deleteDelayMillis);
1313     }
schedulePruneUnusedStaticSharedLibraries(boolean delay)1315     void schedulePruneUnusedStaticSharedLibraries(boolean delay) {
1316         mHandler.removeMessages(PRUNE_UNUSED_STATIC_SHARED_LIBRARIES);
1317         mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(PRUNE_UNUSED_STATIC_SHARED_LIBRARIES,
1318                 delay ? getPruneUnusedSharedLibrariesDelay() : 0);
1319     }
scheduleDeferredPendingKillInstallObserver(InstallRequest request)1321     void scheduleDeferredPendingKillInstallObserver(InstallRequest request) {
1322         final String packageName = request.getPkg().getPackageName();
1323         mPendingKillInstallObservers.put(packageName, request);
1324         final Message message = mHandler.obtainMessage(DEFERRED_PENDING_KILL_INSTALL_OBSERVER,
1325                 packageName);
1326         mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(message, DEFERRED_PENDING_KILL_INSTALL_OBSERVER_DELAY_MS);
1327     }
getPruneUnusedSharedLibrariesDelay()1329     private static long getPruneUnusedSharedLibrariesDelay() {
1330         return SystemProperties.getLong("debug.pm.prune_unused_shared_libraries_delay",
1332     }
1334     /**
1335      * Requests checksums for the APK file.
1336      * See {@link PackageInstaller.Session#requestChecksums} for details.
1337      */
requestFileChecksums(@onNull File file, @NonNull String installerPackageName, @Checksum.TypeMask int optional, @Checksum.TypeMask int required, @Nullable List trustedInstallers, @NonNull IOnChecksumsReadyListener onChecksumsReadyListener)1338     public void requestFileChecksums(@NonNull File file,
1339             @NonNull String installerPackageName, @Checksum.TypeMask int optional,
1340             @Checksum.TypeMask int required, @Nullable List trustedInstallers,
1341             @NonNull IOnChecksumsReadyListener onChecksumsReadyListener)
1342             throws FileNotFoundException {
1343         if (!file.exists()) {
1344             throw new FileNotFoundException(file.getAbsolutePath());
1345         }
1347         final Executor executor = mInjector.getBackgroundExecutor();
1348         final Handler handler = mInjector.getBackgroundHandler();
1349         final Certificate[] trustedCerts = (trustedInstallers != null) ? decodeCertificates(
1350                 trustedInstallers) : null;
1352         final List<Pair<String, File>> filesToChecksum = new ArrayList<>(1);
1353         filesToChecksum.add(Pair.create(null, file));
1355         executor.execute(() -> {
1356             ApkChecksums.Injector injector = new ApkChecksums.Injector(
1357                     () -> mContext,
1358                     () -> handler,
1359                     mInjector::getIncrementalManager,
1360                     () -> mInjector.getLocalService(PackageManagerInternal.class));
1361             ApkChecksums.getChecksums(filesToChecksum, optional, required, installerPackageName,
1362                     trustedCerts, onChecksumsReadyListener, injector);
1363         });
1364     }
requestChecksumsInternal(@onNull Computer snapshot, @NonNull String packageName, boolean includeSplits, @Checksum.TypeMask int optional, @Checksum.TypeMask int required, @Nullable List trustedInstallers, @NonNull IOnChecksumsReadyListener onChecksumsReadyListener, int userId, @NonNull Executor executor, @NonNull Handler handler)1366     void requestChecksumsInternal(@NonNull Computer snapshot, @NonNull String packageName,
1367             boolean includeSplits, @Checksum.TypeMask int optional, @Checksum.TypeMask int required,
1368             @Nullable List trustedInstallers,
1369             @NonNull IOnChecksumsReadyListener onChecksumsReadyListener, int userId,
1370             @NonNull Executor executor, @NonNull Handler handler) {
1371         Objects.requireNonNull(packageName);
1372         Objects.requireNonNull(onChecksumsReadyListener);
1373         Objects.requireNonNull(executor);
1374         Objects.requireNonNull(handler);
1376         final ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = snapshot.getApplicationInfoInternal(packageName, 0,
1377                 Binder.getCallingUid(), userId);
1378         if (applicationInfo == null) {
1379             throw new ParcelableException(new PackageManager.NameNotFoundException(packageName));
1380         }
1382         final InstallSourceInfo installSourceInfo = snapshot.getInstallSourceInfo(packageName,
1383                 userId);
1384         final String installerPackageName;
1385         if (installSourceInfo != null) {
1386             final String initiatingPackageName = installSourceInfo.getInitiatingPackageName();
1387             if (!isInstalledByAdb(initiatingPackageName)) {
1388                 installerPackageName = initiatingPackageName;
1389             } else {
1390                 installerPackageName = installSourceInfo.getInstallingPackageName();
1391             }
1392         } else {
1393             installerPackageName = null;
1394         }
1396         List<Pair<String, File>> filesToChecksum = new ArrayList<>();
1398         // Adding base split.
1399         filesToChecksum.add(Pair.create(null, new File(applicationInfo.sourceDir)));
1401         // Adding other splits.
1402         if (includeSplits && applicationInfo.splitNames != null) {
1403             for (int i = 0, size = applicationInfo.splitNames.length; i < size; ++i) {
1404                 filesToChecksum.add(Pair.create(applicationInfo.splitNames[i],
1405                         new File(applicationInfo.splitSourceDirs[i])));
1406             }
1407         }
1409         final Certificate[] trustedCerts = (trustedInstallers != null) ? decodeCertificates(
1410                 trustedInstallers) : null;
1412         executor.execute(() -> {
1413             ApkChecksums.Injector injector = new ApkChecksums.Injector(
1414                     () -> mContext,
1415                     () -> handler,
1416                     mInjector::getIncrementalManager,
1417                     () -> mInjector.getLocalService(PackageManagerInternal.class));
1418             ApkChecksums.getChecksums(filesToChecksum, optional, required, installerPackageName,
1419                     trustedCerts, onChecksumsReadyListener, injector);
1420         });
1421     }
decodeCertificates(@onNull List certs)1423     private static @NonNull Certificate[] decodeCertificates(@NonNull List certs) {
1424         try {
1425             final CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
1426             final Certificate[] result = new Certificate[certs.size()];
1427             for (int i = 0, size = certs.size(); i < size; ++i) {
1428                 final InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream((byte[]) certs.get(i));
1429                 final X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) cf.generateCertificate(is);
1430                 result[i] = cert;
1431             }
1432             return result;
1433         } catch (CertificateException e) {
1434             throw ExceptionUtils.propagate(e);
1435         }
1436     }
extrasForInstallResult(InstallRequest request)1438     private static Bundle extrasForInstallResult(InstallRequest request) {
1439         Bundle extras = null;
1440         switch (request.getReturnCode()) {
1441             case PackageManager.INSTALL_FAILED_DUPLICATE_PERMISSION: {
1442                 extras = new Bundle();
1443                 extras.putString(PackageManager.EXTRA_FAILURE_EXISTING_PERMISSION,
1444                         request.getOrigPermission());
1445                 extras.putString(PackageManager.EXTRA_FAILURE_EXISTING_PACKAGE,
1446                         request.getOrigPackage());
1447                 break;
1448             }
1449             case PackageManager.INSTALL_SUCCEEDED: {
1450                 extras = new Bundle();
1451                 extras.putBoolean(Intent.EXTRA_REPLACING,
1452                         request.getRemovedInfo() != null
1453                                 && request.getRemovedInfo().mRemovedPackage != null);
1454                 break;
1455             }
1456         }
1457         if (!request.getWarnings().isEmpty()) {
1458             extras.putStringArrayList(PackageInstaller.EXTRA_WARNINGS, request.getWarnings());
1459         }
1460         return extras;
1461     }
getArchivedPackageInternal(@onNull String packageName, int userId)1463     ArchivedPackageParcel getArchivedPackageInternal(@NonNull String packageName, int userId) {
1464         Objects.requireNonNull(packageName);
1465         int binderUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
1467         Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
1468         snapshot.enforceCrossUserPermission(binderUid, userId, true, true,
1469                 "getArchivedPackage");
1471         ArchivedPackageParcel archPkg = new ArchivedPackageParcel();
1472         archPkg.packageName = packageName;
1474         ArchiveState archiveState;
1475         synchronized (mLock) {
1476             PackageSetting ps = mSettings.getPackageLPr(packageName);
1477             if (ps == null) {
1478                 return null;
1479             }
1480             var psi = ps.getUserStateOrDefault(userId);
1481             archiveState = psi.getArchiveState();
1482             if (archiveState == null && !psi.isInstalled()) {
1483                 return null;
1484             }
1486             archPkg.signingDetails = ps.getSigningDetails();
1488             long longVersionCode = ps.getVersionCode();
1489             archPkg.versionCodeMajor = (int) (longVersionCode >> 32);
1490             archPkg.versionCode = (int) longVersionCode;
1492             archPkg.targetSdkVersion = ps.getTargetSdkVersion();
1494             // These get translated in flags important for user data management.
1495             archPkg.defaultToDeviceProtectedStorage = String.valueOf(
1496                     ps.isDefaultToDeviceProtectedStorage());
1497             archPkg.requestLegacyExternalStorage = String.valueOf(
1498                     ps.isRequestLegacyExternalStorage());
1499             archPkg.userDataFragile = String.valueOf(ps.isUserDataFragile());
1500         }
1502         try {
1503             if (archiveState != null) {
1504                 archPkg.archivedActivities = PackageArchiver.createArchivedActivities(
1505                         archiveState);
1506             } else {
1507                 final int iconSize = mContext.getSystemService(
1508                         ActivityManager.class).getLauncherLargeIconSize();
1510                 var mainActivities =
1511                         mInstallerService.mPackageArchiver.getLauncherActivityInfos(packageName,
1512                                 userId);
1513                 archPkg.archivedActivities = PackageArchiver.createArchivedActivities(
1514                         mainActivities, iconSize);
1515             }
1516         } catch (Exception e) {
1517             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Package does not have a main activity", e);
1518         }
1520         return archPkg;
1521     }
markPackageAsArchivedIfNeeded(PackageSetting pkgSetting, ArchivedPackageParcel archivePackage, SparseArray<String> responsibleInstallerTitles, int[] userIds)1523     void markPackageAsArchivedIfNeeded(PackageSetting pkgSetting,
1524             ArchivedPackageParcel archivePackage, SparseArray<String> responsibleInstallerTitles,
1525             int[] userIds) {
1526         if (pkgSetting == null || archivePackage == null
1527                 || archivePackage.archivedActivities == null
1528                 || responsibleInstallerTitles == null
1529                 || userIds == null || userIds.length == 0) {
1530             return;
1531         }
1533         // Initialize all necessary settings for archival installation.
1534         pkgSetting
1535                 // No package.
1536                 .setPkg(null)
1537                 // Mark for later restore.
1538                 .setPendingRestore(true);
1539         for (int userId : userIds) {
1540             // Unmark "installed" for all users.
1541             pkgSetting
1542                     .modifyUserState(userId)
1543                     .setInstalled(false);
1544         }
1546         String responsibleInstallerPackage = PackageArchiver.getResponsibleInstallerPackage(
1547                 pkgSetting);
1548         // TODO(b/278553670) Check if responsibleInstallerPackage supports unarchival.
1549         if (TextUtils.isEmpty(responsibleInstallerPackage)) {
1550             Slog.e(TAG, "Can't create archive state: responsible installer is empty");
1551             return;
1552         }
1553         for (int userId : userIds) {
1554             var archiveState = mInstallerService.mPackageArchiver.createArchiveState(
1555                     archivePackage, userId, responsibleInstallerPackage,
1556                     responsibleInstallerTitles.get(userId));
1557             if (archiveState != null) {
1558                 pkgSetting
1559                     .modifyUserState(userId)
1560                     .setArchiveState(archiveState);
1561             }
1562         }
1563     }
scheduleWriteSettings()1566     void scheduleWriteSettings() {
1567         // We normally invalidate when we write settings, but in cases where we delay and
1568         // coalesce settings writes, this strategy would have us invalidate the cache too late.
1569         // Invalidating on schedule addresses this problem.
1570         invalidatePackageInfoCache();
1571         if (!mHandler.hasMessages(WRITE_SETTINGS)) {
1572             mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(WRITE_SETTINGS, WRITE_SETTINGS_DELAY);
1573         }
1574     }
scheduleWritePackageListLocked(int userId)1576     void scheduleWritePackageListLocked(int userId) {
1577         invalidatePackageInfoCache();
1578         if (!mHandler.hasMessages(WRITE_PACKAGE_LIST)) {
1579             Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(WRITE_PACKAGE_LIST);
1580             msg.arg1 = userId;
1581             mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(msg, WRITE_SETTINGS_DELAY);
1582         }
1583     }
scheduleWritePackageRestrictions(UserHandle user)1585     void scheduleWritePackageRestrictions(UserHandle user) {
1586         final int userId = user == null ? UserHandle.USER_ALL : user.getIdentifier();
1587         scheduleWritePackageRestrictions(userId);
1588     }
scheduleWritePackageRestrictions(int userId)1590     void scheduleWritePackageRestrictions(int userId) {
1591         invalidatePackageInfoCache();
1592         if (userId == UserHandle.USER_ALL) {
1593             synchronized (mDirtyUsers) {
1594                 for (int aUserId : mUserManager.getUserIds()) {
1595                     mDirtyUsers.add(aUserId);
1596                 }
1597             }
1598         } else {
1599             if (!mUserManager.exists(userId)) {
1600                 return;
1601             }
1602             synchronized (mDirtyUsers) {
1603                 mDirtyUsers.add(userId);
1604             }
1605         }
1606         if (!mBackgroundHandler.hasMessages(WRITE_DIRTY_PACKAGE_RESTRICTIONS)) {
1607             mBackgroundHandler.sendMessageDelayed(
1608                     mBackgroundHandler.obtainMessage(WRITE_DIRTY_PACKAGE_RESTRICTIONS, this),
1609                     WRITE_SETTINGS_DELAY);
1610         }
1611     }
writePendingRestrictions()1613     void writePendingRestrictions() {
1614         final Integer[] dirtyUsers;
1615         synchronized (mLock) {
1616             mBackgroundHandler.removeMessages(WRITE_DIRTY_PACKAGE_RESTRICTIONS);
1617             synchronized (mDirtyUsers) {
1618                 if (mDirtyUsers.isEmpty()) {
1619                     return;
1620                 }
1621                 dirtyUsers = mDirtyUsers.toArray(Integer[]::new);
1622                 mDirtyUsers.clear();
1623             }
1624         }
1625         mSettings.writePackageRestrictions(dirtyUsers);
1626     }
writeSettings(boolean sync)1628     void writeSettings(boolean sync) {
1629         synchronized (mLock) {
1630             mHandler.removeMessages(WRITE_SETTINGS);
1631             mBackgroundHandler.removeMessages(WRITE_DIRTY_PACKAGE_RESTRICTIONS);
1632             writeSettingsLPrTEMP(sync);
1633             synchronized (mDirtyUsers) {
1634                 mDirtyUsers.clear();
1635             }
1636         }
1637     }
writePackageList(int userId)1639     void writePackageList(int userId) {
1640         synchronized (mLock) {
1641             mHandler.removeMessages(WRITE_PACKAGE_LIST);
1642             mSettings.writePackageListLPr(userId);
1643         }
1644     }
1646     private static final Handler.Callback BACKGROUND_HANDLER_CALLBACK = new Handler.Callback() {
1647         @Override
1648         public boolean handleMessage(@NonNull Message msg) {
1649             switch (msg.what) {
1650                 case WRITE_DIRTY_PACKAGE_RESTRICTIONS: {
1651                     PackageManagerService pm = (PackageManagerService) msg.obj;
1652                     pm.writePendingRestrictions();
1653                     return true;
1654                 }
1655                 case WRITE_USER_PACKAGE_RESTRICTIONS: {
1656                     final Runnable r = (Runnable) msg.obj;
1657                     r.run();
1658                     return true;
1659                 }
1660             }
1661             return false;
1662         }
1663     };
1665     /** Starts PackageManagerService. */
main(Context context, Installer installer, @NonNull DomainVerificationService domainVerificationService, boolean factoryTest)1666     public static PackageManagerService main(Context context,
1667             Installer installer, @NonNull DomainVerificationService domainVerificationService,
1668             boolean factoryTest) {
1669         // Self-check for initial settings.
1670         PackageManagerServiceCompilerMapping.checkProperties();
1671         final TimingsTraceAndSlog t = new TimingsTraceAndSlog(TAG + "Timing",
1672                 Trace.TRACE_TAG_PACKAGE_MANAGER);
1673         t.traceBegin("create package manager");
1674         final PackageManagerTracedLock lock = new PackageManagerTracedLock("mLock");
1675         final PackageManagerTracedLock installLock = new PackageManagerTracedLock("mInstallLock");
1677         HandlerThread backgroundThread = new ServiceThread("PackageManagerBg",
1678                 Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, true /*allowIo*/);
1679         backgroundThread.start();
1680         Handler backgroundHandler = new Handler(backgroundThread.getLooper(),
1681                 BACKGROUND_HANDLER_CALLBACK);
1683         PackageManagerServiceInjector injector = new PackageManagerServiceInjector(
1684                 context, lock, installer, installLock, new PackageAbiHelperImpl(),
1685                 backgroundHandler,
1686                 SYSTEM_PARTITIONS,
1687                 (i, pm) -> new ComponentResolver(i.getUserManagerService(), pm.mUserNeedsBadging),
1688                 (i, pm) -> PermissionManagerService.create(context,
1689                         i.getSystemConfig().getAvailableFeatures()),
1690                 (i, pm) -> new UserManagerService(context, pm,
1691                         new UserDataPreparer(installer, installLock, context), lock),
1692                 (i, pm) -> new Settings(Environment.getDataDirectory(),
1693                         RuntimePermissionsPersistence.createInstance(),
1694                         i.getPermissionManagerServiceInternal(),
1695                         domainVerificationService, backgroundHandler,
1696                         lock),
1697                 (i, pm) -> AppsFilterImpl.create(i,
1698                         i.getLocalService(PackageManagerInternal.class)),
1699                 (i, pm) -> (PlatformCompat) ServiceManager.getService("platform_compat"),
1700                 (i, pm) -> SystemConfig.getInstance(),
1701                 (i, pm) -> new PackageDexOptimizer(i.getInstaller(), i.getInstallLock(),
1702                         i.getContext(), "*dexopt*"),
1703                 (i, pm) -> new DexManager(i.getContext(), i.getPackageDexOptimizer(),
1704                         i.getDynamicCodeLogger()),
1705                 (i, pm) -> new DynamicCodeLogger(i.getInstaller()),
1706                 (i, pm) -> new ArtManagerService(i.getContext(), i.getInstaller(),
1707                         i.getInstallLock()),
1708                 (i, pm) -> ApexManager.getInstance(),
1709                 (i, pm) -> (IncrementalManager)
1710                         i.getContext().getSystemService(Context.INCREMENTAL_SERVICE),
1711                 (i, pm) -> new DefaultAppProvider(() -> context.getSystemService(RoleManager.class),
1712                         () -> LocalServices.getService(UserManagerInternal.class)),
1713                 (i, pm) -> new DisplayMetrics(),
1714                 (i, pm) -> new PackageParser2(pm.mSeparateProcesses, i.getDisplayMetrics(),
1715                         new PackageCacher(pm.mCacheDir, pm.mPackageParserCallback),
1716                         pm.mPackageParserCallback) /* scanningCachingPackageParserProducer */,
1717                 (i, pm) -> new PackageParser2(pm.mSeparateProcesses, i.getDisplayMetrics(), null,
1718                         pm.mPackageParserCallback) /* scanningPackageParserProducer */,
1719                 (i, pm) -> new PackageParser2(pm.mSeparateProcesses, i.getDisplayMetrics(), null,
1720                         pm.mPackageParserCallback) /* preparingPackageParserProducer */,
1721                 // Prepare a supplier of package parser for the staging manager to parse apex file
1722                 // during the staging installation.
1723                 (i, pm) -> new PackageInstallerService(
1724                         i.getContext(), pm, i::getScanningPackageParser),
1725                 (i, pm, cn) -> new InstantAppResolverConnection(
1726                         i.getContext(), cn, Intent.ACTION_RESOLVE_INSTANT_APP_PACKAGE),
1727                 (i, pm) -> new ModuleInfoProvider(i.getContext()),
1728                 (i, pm) -> LegacyPermissionManagerService.create(i.getContext()),
1729                 (i, pm) -> domainVerificationService,
1730                 (i, pm) -> {
1731                     HandlerThread thread = new ServiceThread(TAG,
1732                             Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, true /*allowIo*/);
1733                     thread.start();
1734                     return new PackageHandler(thread.getLooper(), pm);
1735                 },
1736                 new DefaultSystemWrapper(),
1737                 LocalServices::getService,
1738                 context::getSystemService,
1739                 (i, pm) -> IBackupManager.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService(
1740                         Context.BACKUP_SERVICE)),
1741                 (i, pm) -> new SharedLibrariesImpl(pm, i),
1742                 (i, pm) -> new CrossProfileIntentFilterHelper(i.getSettings(),
1743                         i.getUserManagerService(), i.getLock(), i.getUserManagerInternal(),
1744                         context),
1745                 (i, pm) -> new UpdateOwnershipHelper(),
1746                 (i, pm) -> new PackageMonitorCallbackHelper());
1748         if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= 0) {
1749             Slog.w(TAG, "**** ro.build.version.sdk not set!");
1750         }
1752         PackageManagerService m = new PackageManagerService(injector, factoryTest,
1753                 PackagePartitions.FINGERPRINT, Build.IS_ENG, Build.IS_USERDEBUG,
1754                 Build.VERSION.SDK_INT, Build.VERSION.INCREMENTAL);
1755         t.traceEnd(); // "create package manager"
1757         final CompatChange.ChangeListener selinuxChangeListener = packageName -> {
1758             synchronized (m.mInstallLock) {
1759                 final Computer snapshot = m.snapshotComputer();
1760                 final PackageStateInternal packageState =
1761                         snapshot.getPackageStateInternal(packageName);
1762                 if (packageState == null) {
1763                     Slog.e(TAG, "Failed to find package setting " + packageName);
1764                     return;
1765                 }
1766                 AndroidPackage pkg = packageState.getPkg();
1767                 SharedUserApi sharedUser = snapshot.getSharedUser(
1768                         packageState.getSharedUserAppId());
1769                 String oldSeInfo = packageState.getSeInfo();
1771                 if (pkg == null) {
1772                     Slog.e(TAG, "Failed to find package " + packageName);
1773                     return;
1774                 }
1775                 final String newSeInfo = SELinuxMMAC.getSeInfo(packageState, pkg, sharedUser,
1776                         m.mInjector.getCompatibility());
1778                 if (!newSeInfo.equals(oldSeInfo)) {
1779                     Slog.i(TAG, "Updating seInfo for package " + packageName + " from: "
1780                             + oldSeInfo + " to: " + newSeInfo);
1781                     m.commitPackageStateMutation(null, packageName,
1782                             state -> state.setOverrideSeInfo(newSeInfo));
1783                     m.mAppDataHelper.prepareAppDataAfterInstallLIF(pkg);
1784                 }
1785             }
1786         };
1788         injector.getCompatibility().registerListener(SELinuxMMAC.SELINUX_LATEST_CHANGES,
1789                 selinuxChangeListener);
1790         injector.getCompatibility().registerListener(SELinuxMMAC.SELINUX_R_CHANGES,
1791                 selinuxChangeListener);
1793         m.installAllowlistedSystemPackages();
1794         IPackageManagerImpl iPackageManager = m.new IPackageManagerImpl();
1795         ServiceManager.addService("package", iPackageManager);
1796         final PackageManagerNative pmn = new PackageManagerNative(m);
1797         ServiceManager.addService("package_native", pmn);
1798         return m;
1799     }
1801     /** Install/uninstall system packages for all users based on their user-type, as applicable. */
installAllowlistedSystemPackages()1802     private void installAllowlistedSystemPackages() {
1803         if (mUserManager.installWhitelistedSystemPackages(isFirstBoot(), isDeviceUpgrading(),
1804                 mExistingPackages)) {
1805             scheduleWritePackageRestrictions(UserHandle.USER_ALL);
1806             scheduleWriteSettings();
1807         }
1808     }
1810     // Link watchables to the class
1811     @SuppressWarnings("GuardedBy")
registerObservers(boolean verify)1812     private void registerObservers(boolean verify) {
1813         // Null check to handle nullable test parameters
1814         if (mPackages != null) {
1815             mPackages.registerObserver(mWatcher);
1816         }
1817         if (mSharedLibraries != null) {
1818             mSharedLibraries.registerObserver(mWatcher);
1819         }
1820         if (mInstrumentation != null) {
1821             mInstrumentation.registerObserver(mWatcher);
1822         }
1823         if (mWebInstantAppsDisabled != null) {
1824             mWebInstantAppsDisabled.registerObserver(mWatcher);
1825         }
1826         if (mAppsFilter != null) {
1827             mAppsFilter.registerObserver(mWatcher);
1828         }
1829         if (mInstantAppRegistry != null) {
1830             mInstantAppRegistry.registerObserver(mWatcher);
1831         }
1832         if (mSettings != null) {
1833             mSettings.registerObserver(mWatcher);
1834         }
1835         if (mIsolatedOwners != null) {
1836             mIsolatedOwners.registerObserver(mWatcher);
1837         }
1838         if (mComponentResolver != null) {
1839             mComponentResolver.registerObserver(mWatcher);
1840         }
1841         if (mFrozenPackages != null) {
1842             mFrozenPackages.registerObserver(mWatcher);
1843         }
1844         if (verify) {
1845             // If neither "build" attribute is true then this may be a mockito test,
1846             // and verification can fail as a false positive.
1847             Watchable.verifyWatchedAttributes(this, mWatcher, !(mIsEngBuild || mIsUserDebugBuild));
1848         }
1849     }
1851     /**
1852      * An extremely minimal constructor designed to start up a PackageManagerService instance for
1853      * testing.
1854      *
1855      * It is assumed that all methods under test will mock the internal fields and thus
1856      * none of the initialization is needed.
1857      */
1858     @VisibleForTesting(visibility = VisibleForTesting.Visibility.PRIVATE)
PackageManagerService(@onNull PackageManagerServiceInjector injector, @NonNull PackageManagerServiceTestParams testParams)1859     public PackageManagerService(@NonNull PackageManagerServiceInjector injector,
1860             @NonNull PackageManagerServiceTestParams testParams) {
1861         mInjector = injector;
1862         mInjector.bootstrap(this);
1863         mAppsFilter = injector.getAppsFilter();
1864         mComponentResolver = injector.getComponentResolver();
1865         mContext = injector.getContext();
1866         mInstaller = injector.getInstaller();
1867         mInstallLock = injector.getInstallLock();
1868         mLock = injector.getLock();
1869         mPackageStateWriteLock = mLock;
1870         mPermissionManager = injector.getPermissionManagerServiceInternal();
1871         mSettings = injector.getSettings();
1872         mUserManager = injector.getUserManagerService();
1873         mUserNeedsBadging = new UserNeedsBadgingCache(mUserManager);
1874         mDomainVerificationManager = injector.getDomainVerificationManagerInternal();
1875         mHandler = injector.getHandler();
1876         mBackgroundHandler = injector.getBackgroundHandler();
1877         mSharedLibraries = injector.getSharedLibrariesImpl();
1879         mApexManager = testParams.apexManager;
1880         mArtManagerService = testParams.artManagerService;
1881         mAvailableFeatures = testParams.availableFeatures;
1882         mDefParseFlags = testParams.defParseFlags;
1883         mDefaultAppProvider = testParams.defaultAppProvider;
1884         mLegacyPermissionManager = testParams.legacyPermissionManagerInternal;
1885         mDexManager = testParams.dexManager;
1886         mDynamicCodeLogger = testParams.dynamicCodeLogger;
1887         mFactoryTest = testParams.factoryTest;
1888         mIncrementalManager = testParams.incrementalManager;
1889         mInstallerService = testParams.installerService;
1890         mInstantAppRegistry = testParams.instantAppRegistry;
1891         mChangedPackagesTracker = testParams.changedPackagesTracker;
1892         mInstantAppResolverConnection = testParams.instantAppResolverConnection;
1893         mInstantAppResolverSettingsComponent = testParams.instantAppResolverSettingsComponent;
1894         mIsPreNMR1Upgrade = testParams.isPreNmr1Upgrade;
1895         mIsPreQUpgrade = testParams.isPreQupgrade;
1896         mPriorSdkVersion = testParams.priorSdkVersion;
1897         mIsUpgrade = testParams.isUpgrade;
1898         mMetrics = testParams.Metrics;
1899         mModuleInfoProvider = testParams.moduleInfoProvider;
1900         mMoveCallbacks = testParams.moveCallbacks;
1901         mOverlayConfig = testParams.overlayConfig;
1902         mPackageDexOptimizer = testParams.packageDexOptimizer;
1903         mPackageParserCallback = testParams.packageParserCallback;
1904         mPendingBroadcasts = testParams.pendingPackageBroadcasts;
1905         mTestUtilityService = testParams.testUtilityService;
1906         mProcessLoggingHandler = testParams.processLoggingHandler;
1907         mProtectedPackages = testParams.protectedPackages;
1908         mSeparateProcesses = testParams.separateProcesses;
1909         mRequiredVerifierPackages = testParams.requiredVerifierPackages;
1910         mRequiredInstallerPackage = testParams.requiredInstallerPackage;
1911         mRequiredUninstallerPackage = testParams.requiredUninstallerPackage;
1912         mRequiredPermissionControllerPackage = testParams.requiredPermissionControllerPackage;
1913         mSetupWizardPackage = testParams.setupWizardPackage;
1914         mStorageManagerPackage = testParams.storageManagerPackage;
1915         mDefaultTextClassifierPackage = testParams.defaultTextClassifierPackage;
1916         mSystemTextClassifierPackageName = testParams.systemTextClassifierPackage;
1917         mRetailDemoPackage = testParams.retailDemoPackage;
1918         mRecentsPackage = testParams.recentsPackage;
1919         mAmbientContextDetectionPackage = testParams.ambientContextDetectionPackage;
1920         mWearableSensingPackage = testParams.wearableSensingPackage;
1921         mConfiguratorPackage = testParams.configuratorPackage;
1922         mAppPredictionServicePackage = testParams.appPredictionServicePackage;
1923         mIncidentReportApproverPackage = testParams.incidentReportApproverPackage;
1924         mServicesExtensionPackageName = testParams.servicesExtensionPackageName;
1925         mSharedSystemSharedLibraryPackageName = testParams.sharedSystemSharedLibraryPackageName;
1926         mOverlayConfigSignaturePackage = testParams.overlayConfigSignaturePackage;
1927         mResolveComponentName = testParams.resolveComponentName;
1928         mRequiredSdkSandboxPackage = testParams.requiredSdkSandboxPackage;
1929         mInitialNonStoppedSystemPackages = testParams.initialNonStoppedSystemPackages;
1930         mShouldStopSystemPackagesByDefault = testParams.shouldStopSystemPackagesByDefault;
1932         mLiveComputer = createLiveComputer();
1933         mSnapshotStatistics = null;
1935         mPackages.putAll(testParams.packages);
1936         mFreeStorageHelper = testParams.freeStorageHelper;
1937         mSdkVersion = testParams.sdkVersion;
1938         mAppInstallDir = testParams.appInstallDir;
1939         mIsEngBuild = testParams.isEngBuild;
1940         mIsUserDebugBuild = testParams.isUserDebugBuild;
1941         mIncrementalVersion = testParams.incrementalVersion;
1942         mDomainVerificationConnection = new DomainVerificationConnection(this);
1944         mBroadcastHelper = testParams.broadcastHelper;
1945         mAppDataHelper = testParams.appDataHelper;
1946         mInstallPackageHelper = testParams.installPackageHelper;
1947         mRemovePackageHelper = testParams.removePackageHelper;
1948         mInitAppsHelper = testParams.initAndSystemPackageHelper;
1949         mDeletePackageHelper = testParams.deletePackageHelper;
1950         mPreferredActivityHelper = testParams.preferredActivityHelper;
1951         mResolveIntentHelper = testParams.resolveIntentHelper;
1952         mDexOptHelper = testParams.dexOptHelper;
1953         mSuspendPackageHelper = testParams.suspendPackageHelper;
1954         mDistractingPackageHelper = testParams.distractingPackageHelper;
1956         mSharedLibraries.setDeletePackageHelper(mDeletePackageHelper);
1958         mStorageEventHelper = testParams.storageEventHelper;
1959         mPackageMonitorCallbackHelper = testParams.packageMonitorCallbackHelper;
1961         registerObservers(false);
1962         invalidatePackageInfoCache();
1963     }
PackageManagerService(PackageManagerServiceInjector injector, boolean factoryTest, final String partitionsFingerprint, final boolean isEngBuild, final boolean isUserDebugBuild, final int sdkVersion, final String incrementalVersion)1965     public PackageManagerService(PackageManagerServiceInjector injector, boolean factoryTest,
1966             final String partitionsFingerprint, final boolean isEngBuild,
1967             final boolean isUserDebugBuild, final int sdkVersion, final String incrementalVersion) {
1968         mIsEngBuild = isEngBuild;
1969         mIsUserDebugBuild = isUserDebugBuild;
1970         mSdkVersion = sdkVersion;
1971         mIncrementalVersion = incrementalVersion;
1972         mInjector = injector;
1973         mInjector.getSystemWrapper().disablePackageCaches();
1975         final TimingsTraceAndSlog t = new TimingsTraceAndSlog(TAG + "Timing",
1976                 Trace.TRACE_TAG_PACKAGE_MANAGER);
1977         mPendingBroadcasts = new PendingPackageBroadcasts();
1979         mInjector.bootstrap(this);
1980         mLock = injector.getLock();
1981         mPackageStateWriteLock = mLock;
1982         mInstallLock = injector.getInstallLock();
1983         LockGuard.installLock(mLock, LockGuard.INDEX_PACKAGES);
1984         EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.BOOT_PROGRESS_PMS_START,
1985                 SystemClock.uptimeMillis());
1987         mContext = injector.getContext();
1988         mFactoryTest = factoryTest;
1989         mMetrics = injector.getDisplayMetrics();
1990         mInstaller = injector.getInstaller();
1991         mFreeStorageHelper = new FreeStorageHelper(this);
1993         // Create sub-components that provide services / data. Order here is important.
1994         t.traceBegin("createSubComponents");
1996         // Expose private service for system components to use.
1997         LocalServices.addService(PackageManagerInternal.class, new PackageManagerInternalImpl());
1998         LocalManagerRegistry.addManager(PackageManagerLocal.class,
1999                 new PackageManagerLocalImpl(this));
2000         LocalServices.addService(TestUtilityService.class, this);
2001         mTestUtilityService = LocalServices.getService(TestUtilityService.class);
2002         mUserManager = injector.getUserManagerService();
2003         mUserNeedsBadging = new UserNeedsBadgingCache(mUserManager);
2004         mComponentResolver = injector.getComponentResolver();
2005         mPermissionManager = injector.getPermissionManagerServiceInternal();
2006         mSettings = injector.getSettings();
2007         mIncrementalManager = mInjector.getIncrementalManager();
2008         mDefaultAppProvider = mInjector.getDefaultAppProvider();
2009         mLegacyPermissionManager = mInjector.getLegacyPermissionManagerInternal();
2010         PlatformCompat platformCompat = mInjector.getCompatibility();
2011         mPackageParserCallback = new PackageParser2.Callback() {
2012             @Override
2013             public boolean isChangeEnabled(long changeId, @NonNull ApplicationInfo appInfo) {
2014                 return platformCompat.isChangeEnabled(changeId, appInfo);
2015             }
2017             @Override
2018             public boolean hasFeature(String feature) {
2019                 return PackageManagerService.this.hasSystemFeature(feature, 0);
2020             }
2022             @Override
2023             public Set<String> getHiddenApiWhitelistedApps() {
2024                 return SystemConfig.getInstance().getHiddenApiWhitelistedApps();
2025             }
2027             @Override
2028             public Set<String> getInstallConstraintsAllowlist() {
2029                 return SystemConfig.getInstance().getInstallConstraintsAllowlist();
2030             }
2031         };
2033         // CHECKSTYLE:ON IndentationCheck
2034         t.traceEnd();
2036         t.traceBegin("addSharedUsers");
2037         mSettings.addSharedUserLPw("android.uid.system", Process.SYSTEM_UID,
2038                 ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM, ApplicationInfo.PRIVATE_FLAG_PRIVILEGED);
2039         mSettings.addSharedUserLPw("android.uid.phone", RADIO_UID,
2040                 ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM, ApplicationInfo.PRIVATE_FLAG_PRIVILEGED);
2041         mSettings.addSharedUserLPw("android.uid.log", LOG_UID,
2042                 ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM, ApplicationInfo.PRIVATE_FLAG_PRIVILEGED);
2043         mSettings.addSharedUserLPw("android.uid.nfc", NFC_UID,
2044                 ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM, ApplicationInfo.PRIVATE_FLAG_PRIVILEGED);
2045         mSettings.addSharedUserLPw("android.uid.bluetooth", BLUETOOTH_UID,
2046                 ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM, ApplicationInfo.PRIVATE_FLAG_PRIVILEGED);
2047         mSettings.addSharedUserLPw("android.uid.shell", SHELL_UID,
2048                 ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM, ApplicationInfo.PRIVATE_FLAG_PRIVILEGED);
2049         mSettings.addSharedUserLPw("android.uid.se", SE_UID,
2050                 ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM, ApplicationInfo.PRIVATE_FLAG_PRIVILEGED);
2051         mSettings.addSharedUserLPw("android.uid.networkstack", NETWORKSTACK_UID,
2052                 ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM, ApplicationInfo.PRIVATE_FLAG_PRIVILEGED);
2053         mSettings.addSharedUserLPw("android.uid.uwb", UWB_UID,
2054                 ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM, ApplicationInfo.PRIVATE_FLAG_PRIVILEGED);
2055         t.traceEnd();
2057         String separateProcesses = SystemProperties.get("debug.separate_processes");
2059         if (separateProcesses != null && separateProcesses.length() > 0) {
2060             if ("*".equals(separateProcesses)) {
2061                 mDefParseFlags = ParsingPackageUtils.PARSE_IGNORE_PROCESSES;
2062                 mSeparateProcesses = null;
2063                 Slog.w(TAG, "Running with debug.separate_processes: * (ALL)");
2064             } else {
2065                 mDefParseFlags = 0;
2066                 mSeparateProcesses = separateProcesses.split(",");
2067                 Slog.w(TAG, "Running with debug.separate_processes: "
2068                         + separateProcesses);
2069             }
2070         } else {
2071             mDefParseFlags = 0;
2072             mSeparateProcesses = null;
2073         }
2075         mPackageDexOptimizer = injector.getPackageDexOptimizer();
2076         mDexManager = injector.getDexManager();
2077         mDynamicCodeLogger = injector.getDynamicCodeLogger();
2078         mArtManagerService = injector.getArtManagerService();
2079         mMoveCallbacks = new MovePackageHelper.MoveCallbacks(FgThread.get().getLooper());
2080         mSharedLibraries = mInjector.getSharedLibrariesImpl();
2081         mBackgroundHandler = injector.getBackgroundHandler();
2083         mContext.getSystemService(DisplayManager.class)
2084                 .getDisplay(Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY).getMetrics(mMetrics);
2086         t.traceBegin("get system config");
2087         SystemConfig systemConfig = injector.getSystemConfig();
2088         mAvailableFeatures = systemConfig.getAvailableFeatures();
2089         t.traceEnd();
2091         mProtectedPackages = new ProtectedPackages(mContext);
2093         mApexManager = injector.getApexManager();
2094         mAppsFilter = mInjector.getAppsFilter();
2096         mChangedPackagesTracker = new ChangedPackagesTracker();
2098         mAppInstallDir = new File(Environment.getDataDirectory(), "app");
2100         mDomainVerificationConnection = new DomainVerificationConnection(this);
2101         mDomainVerificationManager = injector.getDomainVerificationManagerInternal();
2102         mDomainVerificationManager.setConnection(mDomainVerificationConnection);
2104         mBroadcastHelper = new BroadcastHelper(mInjector);
2105         mPackageMonitorCallbackHelper = injector.getPackageMonitorCallbackHelper();
2106         mAppDataHelper = new AppDataHelper(this);
2107         mRemovePackageHelper = new RemovePackageHelper(this, mAppDataHelper, mBroadcastHelper);
2108         mDeletePackageHelper = new DeletePackageHelper(this, mRemovePackageHelper,
2109                 mBroadcastHelper);
2110         mInstallPackageHelper = new InstallPackageHelper(this, mAppDataHelper, mRemovePackageHelper,
2111                 mDeletePackageHelper, mBroadcastHelper);
2113         mInstantAppRegistry = new InstantAppRegistry(mContext, mPermissionManager,
2114                 mInjector.getUserManagerInternal(), mDeletePackageHelper);
2116         mSharedLibraries.setDeletePackageHelper(mDeletePackageHelper);
2117         mPreferredActivityHelper = new PreferredActivityHelper(this, mBroadcastHelper);
2118         mResolveIntentHelper = new ResolveIntentHelper(mContext, mPreferredActivityHelper,
2119                 injector.getCompatibility(), mUserManager, mDomainVerificationManager,
2120                 mUserNeedsBadging, () -> mResolveInfo, () -> mInstantAppInstallerActivity);
2121         mDexOptHelper = new DexOptHelper(this);
2122         mSuspendPackageHelper = new SuspendPackageHelper(this, mInjector, mBroadcastHelper,
2123                 mProtectedPackages);
2124         mDistractingPackageHelper = new DistractingPackageHelper(this, mBroadcastHelper,
2125                 mSuspendPackageHelper);
2126         mStorageEventHelper = new StorageEventHelper(this, mDeletePackageHelper,
2127                 mRemovePackageHelper);
2129         synchronized (mLock) {
2130             // Create the computer as soon as the state objects have been installed.  The
2131             // cached computer is the same as the live computer until the end of the
2132             // constructor, at which time the invalidation method updates it.
2133             mSnapshotStatistics = new SnapshotStatistics();
2134             sSnapshotPendingVersion.incrementAndGet();
2135             mLiveComputer = createLiveComputer();
2136             registerObservers(true);
2137         }
2139         Computer computer = mLiveComputer;
2140         // CHECKSTYLE:OFF IndentationCheck
2141         try (PackageManagerTracedLock installLock = mInstallLock.acquireLock()) {
2142         // writer
2143         synchronized (mLock) {
2144             mHandler = injector.getHandler();
2145             mProcessLoggingHandler = new ProcessLoggingHandler();
2146             Watchdog.getInstance().addThread(mHandler, WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT);
2148             ArrayMap<String, SystemConfig.SharedLibraryEntry> libConfig
2149                     = systemConfig.getSharedLibraries();
2150             final int builtInLibCount = libConfig.size();
2151             for (int i = 0; i < builtInLibCount; i++) {
2152                 mSharedLibraries.addBuiltInSharedLibraryLPw(libConfig.valueAt(i));
2153             }
2155             // Now that we have added all the libraries, iterate again to add dependency
2156             // information IFF their dependencies are added.
2157             long undefinedVersion = SharedLibraryInfo.VERSION_UNDEFINED;
2158             for (int i = 0; i < builtInLibCount; i++) {
2159                 String name = libConfig.keyAt(i);
2160                 SystemConfig.SharedLibraryEntry entry = libConfig.valueAt(i);
2161                 final int dependencyCount = entry.dependencies.length;
2162                 for (int j = 0; j < dependencyCount; j++) {
2163                     final SharedLibraryInfo dependency =
2164                         computer.getSharedLibraryInfo(entry.dependencies[j], undefinedVersion);
2165                     if (dependency != null) {
2166                         computer.getSharedLibraryInfo(name, undefinedVersion)
2167                                 .addDependency(dependency);
2168                     }
2169                 }
2170             }
2172             SELinuxMMAC.readInstallPolicy();
2174             t.traceBegin("loadFallbacks");
2175             FallbackCategoryProvider.loadFallbacks();
2176             t.traceEnd();
2178             t.traceBegin("read user settings");
2179             mFirstBoot = !mSettings.readLPw(computer,
2180                     mInjector.getUserManagerInternal().getUsers(
2181                     /* excludePartial= */ true,
2182                     /* excludeDying= */ false,
2183                     /* excludePreCreated= */ false));
2184             t.traceEnd();
2186             if (mFirstBoot) {
2187                 t.traceBegin("setFirstBoot: ");
2188                 try {
2189                     mInstaller.setFirstBoot();
2190                 } catch (InstallerException e) {
2191                     Slog.w(TAG, "Could not set First Boot: ", e);
2192                 }
2193                 t.traceEnd();
2194             }
2196             mPermissionManager.readLegacyPermissionsTEMP(mSettings.mPermissions);
2197             mPermissionManager.readLegacyPermissionStateTEMP();
2199             if (mFirstBoot) {
2200                 DexOptHelper.requestCopyPreoptedFiles();
2201             }
2203             String customResolverActivityName = Resources.getSystem().getString(
2204                     R.string.config_customResolverActivity);
2205             if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(customResolverActivityName)) {
2206                 mCustomResolverComponentName = ComponentName.unflattenFromString(
2207                         customResolverActivityName);
2208             }
2210             long startTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
2212             EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.BOOT_PROGRESS_PMS_SYSTEM_SCAN_START,
2213                     startTime);
2215             final String bootClassPath = System.getenv("BOOTCLASSPATH");
2216             final String systemServerClassPath = System.getenv("SYSTEMSERVERCLASSPATH");
2218             if (bootClassPath == null) {
2219                 Slog.w(TAG, "No BOOTCLASSPATH found!");
2220             }
2222             if (systemServerClassPath == null) {
2223                 Slog.w(TAG, "No SYSTEMSERVERCLASSPATH found!");
2224             }
2226             final VersionInfo ver = mSettings.getInternalVersion();
2227             mIsUpgrade =
2228                     !partitionsFingerprint.equals(ver.fingerprint);
2229             if (mIsUpgrade) {
2230                 PackageManagerServiceUtils.logCriticalInfo(Log.INFO,
2231                         "Upgrading from " + ver.fingerprint + " (" + ver.buildFingerprint + ") to "
2232                                 + PackagePartitions.FINGERPRINT + " (" + Build.FINGERPRINT + ")");
2233             }
2234             mPriorSdkVersion = mIsUpgrade ? ver.sdkVersion : -1;
2235             mInitAppsHelper = new InitAppsHelper(this, mApexManager, mInstallPackageHelper,
2236                     mInjector.getSystemPartitions());
2238             // when upgrading from pre-M, promote system app permissions from install to runtime
2239             mPromoteSystemApps =
2240                     mIsUpgrade && ver.sdkVersion <= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP_MR1;
2242             mIsPreNMR1Upgrade = mIsUpgrade && ver.sdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.N_MR1;
2243             mIsPreQUpgrade = mIsUpgrade && ver.sdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.Q;
2245             final WatchedArrayMap<String, PackageSetting> packageSettings =
2246                 mSettings.getPackagesLocked();
2248             if (isDeviceUpgrading()) {
2249                 // Save the names of pre-existing packages prior to scanning, so we can determine
2250                 // which system packages are completely new due to an upgrade.
2251                 mExistingPackages = new ArraySet<>(packageSettings.size());
2252                 for (int i = 0; i < packageSettings.size(); i++) {
2253                     mExistingPackages.add(packageSettings.valueAt(i).getPackageName());
2254                 }
2256                 // Triggering {@link com.android.server.pm.crossprofile.
2257                 // CrossProfileIntentFilterHelper.updateDefaultCrossProfileIntentFilter} to update
2258                 // {@link  CrossProfileIntentFilter}s between eligible users and their parent
2259                 t.traceBegin("cross profile intent filter update");
2260                 mInjector.getCrossProfileIntentFilterHelper()
2261                         .updateDefaultCrossProfileIntentFilter();
2262                 t.traceEnd();
2263             }
2265             mCacheDir = PackageManagerServiceUtils.preparePackageParserCache(
2266                     mIsEngBuild, mIsUserDebugBuild, mIncrementalVersion);
2268             mInitialNonStoppedSystemPackages = mInjector.getSystemConfig()
2269                     .getInitialNonStoppedSystemPackages();
2270             mShouldStopSystemPackagesByDefault = mContext.getResources()
2271                     .getBoolean(R.bool.config_stopSystemPackagesByDefault);
2273             final int[] userIds = mUserManager.getUserIds();
2274             PackageParser2 packageParser = mInjector.getScanningCachingPackageParser();
2275             mOverlayConfig = mInitAppsHelper.initSystemApps(packageParser, packageSettings, userIds,
2276                     startTime);
2277             mInitAppsHelper.initNonSystemApps(packageParser, userIds, startTime);
2278             packageParser.close();
2280             mRequiredVerifierPackages = getRequiredButNotReallyRequiredVerifiersLPr(computer);
2281             mRequiredInstallerPackage = getRequiredInstallerLPr(computer);
2282             mRequiredUninstallerPackage = getRequiredUninstallerLPr(computer);
2284             // PermissionController hosts default permission granting and role management, so it's a
2285             // critical part of the core system.
2286             mRequiredPermissionControllerPackage = getRequiredPermissionControllerLPr(computer);
2288             // Resolve the storage manager.
2289             mStorageManagerPackage = getStorageManagerPackageName(computer);
2291             // Resolve protected action filters. Only the setup wizard is allowed to
2292             // have a high priority filter for these actions.
2293             mSetupWizardPackage = getSetupWizardPackageNameImpl(computer);
2294             mComponentResolver.fixProtectedFilterPriorities(mSetupWizardPackage);
2296             mDefaultTextClassifierPackage = ensureSystemPackageName(computer,
2297                     mContext.getString(R.string.config_servicesExtensionPackage));
2298             mSystemTextClassifierPackageName = ensureSystemPackageName(computer,
2299                     mContext.getString(R.string.config_defaultTextClassifierPackage));
2300             mConfiguratorPackage = ensureSystemPackageName(computer,
2301                     mContext.getString(R.string.config_deviceConfiguratorPackageName));
2302             mAppPredictionServicePackage = ensureSystemPackageName(computer,
2303                     getPackageFromComponentString(R.string.config_defaultAppPredictionService));
2304             mIncidentReportApproverPackage = ensureSystemPackageName(computer,
2305                     mContext.getString(R.string.config_incidentReportApproverPackage));
2306             mRetailDemoPackage = getRetailDemoPackageName();
2307             mOverlayConfigSignaturePackage = ensureSystemPackageName(computer,
2308                     mInjector.getSystemConfig().getOverlayConfigSignaturePackage());
2309             mRecentsPackage = ensureSystemPackageName(computer,
2310                     getPackageFromComponentString(R.string.config_recentsComponentName));
2311             mAmbientContextDetectionPackage = ensureSystemPackageName(computer,
2312                     getPackageFromComponentString(
2313                             R.string.config_defaultAmbientContextDetectionService));
2314             mWearableSensingPackage = ensureSystemPackageName(computer,
2315                     getPackageFromComponentString(
2316                             R.string.config_defaultWearableSensingService));
2318             // Now that we know all of the shared libraries, update all clients to have
2319             // the correct library paths.
2320             mSharedLibraries.updateAllSharedLibrariesLPw(
2321                     null, null, Collections.unmodifiableMap(mPackages));
2323             for (SharedUserSetting setting : mSettings.getAllSharedUsersLPw()) {
2324                 // NOTE: We ignore potential failures here during a system scan (like
2325                 // the rest of the commands above) because there's precious little we
2326                 // can do about it. A settings error is reported, though.
2327                 final List<String> changedAbiCodePath =
2328                         ScanPackageUtils.applyAdjustedAbiToSharedUser(setting,
2329                                 null /*scannedPackage*/,
2330                                 mInjector.getAbiHelper().getAdjustedAbiForSharedUser(
2331                                         setting.getPackageStates(), null /*scannedPackage*/));
2332                 // Adjust seInfo to ensure apps which share a sharedUserId are placed in the same
2333                 // SELinux domain.
2334                 setting.fixSeInfoLocked();
2335                 setting.updateProcesses();
2336             }
2338             // Now that we know all the packages we are keeping,
2339             // read and update their last usage times.
2340             mPackageUsage.read(packageSettings);
2341             mCompilerStats.read();
2343             EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.BOOT_PROGRESS_PMS_SCAN_END,
2344                     SystemClock.uptimeMillis());
2345             Slog.i(TAG, "Time to scan packages: "
2346                     + ((SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000f)
2347                     + " seconds");
2349             // If the partitions fingerprint has changed since the last time we booted,
2350             // we need to re-grant app permission to catch any new ones that
2351             // appear.  This is really a hack, and means that apps can in some
2352             // cases get permissions that the user didn't initially explicitly
2353             // allow...  it would be nice to have some better way to handle
2354             // this situation.
2355             if (mIsUpgrade) {
2356                 Slog.i(TAG, "Partitions fingerprint changed from " + ver.fingerprint + " to "
2357                         + PackagePartitions.FINGERPRINT
2358                         + "; regranting permissions for internal storage");
2359             }
2360             mPermissionManager.onStorageVolumeMounted(
2361                     StorageManager.UUID_PRIVATE_INTERNAL, mIsUpgrade);
2362             ver.sdkVersion = mSdkVersion;
2364             // If this is the first boot or an update from pre-M, then we need to initialize the
2365             // default preferred apps across all defined users.
2366             if (mPromoteSystemApps || mFirstBoot) {
2367                 final List<UserInfo> users = mInjector.getUserManagerInternal().getUsers(true);
2368                 for (int i = 0; i < users.size(); i++) {
2369                     mSettings.applyDefaultPreferredAppsLPw(users.get(i).id);
2371                 }
2372             }
2374             // If this is first boot after an OTA, then we need to clear code cache directories.
2375             // Note that we do *not* clear the application profiles. These remain valid
2376             // across OTAs and are used to drive profile verification (post OTA) and
2377             // profile compilation (without waiting to collect a fresh set of profiles).
2378             if (mIsUpgrade) {
2379                 Slog.i(TAG, "Build fingerprint changed; clearing code caches");
2380                 for (int i = 0; i < packageSettings.size(); i++) {
2381                     final PackageSetting ps = packageSettings.valueAt(i);
2382                     if (Objects.equals(StorageManager.UUID_PRIVATE_INTERNAL, ps.getVolumeUuid())) {
2383                         // No apps are running this early, so no need to freeze
2384                         mAppDataHelper.clearAppDataLIF(ps.getPkg(), UserHandle.USER_ALL,
2385                                 FLAG_STORAGE_DE | FLAG_STORAGE_CE | FLAG_STORAGE_EXTERNAL
2386                                         | Installer.FLAG_CLEAR_CODE_CACHE_ONLY
2387                                         | Installer.FLAG_CLEAR_APP_DATA_KEEP_ART_PROFILES);
2388                     }
2389                 }
2390                 ver.buildFingerprint = Build.FINGERPRINT;
2391                 ver.fingerprint = PackagePartitions.FINGERPRINT;
2392             }
2394             // Defer the app data fixup until we are done with app data clearing above.
2395             mPrepareAppDataFuture = mAppDataHelper.fixAppsDataOnBoot();
2397             // Legacy existing (installed before Q) non-system apps to hide
2398             // their icons in launcher.
2399             if (mIsPreQUpgrade) {
2400                 Slog.i(TAG, "Allowlisting all existing apps to hide their icons");
2401                 int size = packageSettings.size();
2402                 for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
2403                     final PackageSetting ps = packageSettings.valueAt(i);
2404                     if ((ps.getFlags() & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) != 0) {
2405                         continue;
2406                     }
2407                     ps.disableComponentLPw(PackageManager.APP_DETAILS_ACTIVITY_CLASS_NAME,
2408                             UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM);
2409                 }
2410             }
2412             // clear only after permissions and other defaults have been updated
2413             mPromoteSystemApps = false;
2415             // All the changes are done during package scanning.
2416             ver.databaseVersion = Settings.CURRENT_DATABASE_VERSION;
2418             // can downgrade to reader
2419             t.traceBegin("write settings");
2420             writeSettingsLPrTEMP();
2421             t.traceEnd();
2422             EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.BOOT_PROGRESS_PMS_READY,
2423                     SystemClock.uptimeMillis());
2425             ComponentName intentFilterVerifierComponent =
2426                     getIntentFilterVerifierComponentNameLPr(computer);
2427             ComponentName domainVerificationAgent =
2428                     getDomainVerificationAgentComponentNameLPr(computer, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM);
2430             DomainVerificationProxy domainVerificationProxy = DomainVerificationProxy.makeProxy(
2431                     intentFilterVerifierComponent, domainVerificationAgent, mContext,
2432                     mDomainVerificationManager, mDomainVerificationManager.getCollector(),
2433                     mDomainVerificationConnection);
2435             mDomainVerificationManager.setProxy(domainVerificationProxy);
2437             mServicesExtensionPackageName = getRequiredServicesExtensionPackageLPr(computer);
2438             mSharedSystemSharedLibraryPackageName = getRequiredSharedLibrary(computer,
2439                     PackageManager.SYSTEM_SHARED_LIBRARY_SHARED,
2440                     SharedLibraryInfo.VERSION_UNDEFINED);
2442             mSettings.setPermissionControllerVersion(
2443                     computer.getPackageInfo(mRequiredPermissionControllerPackage, 0,
2444                             UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM).getLongVersionCode());
2446             // Resolve the sdk sandbox package
2447             mRequiredSdkSandboxPackage = getRequiredSdkSandboxPackageName(computer);
2449             // Initialize InstantAppRegistry's Instant App list for all users.
2450             forEachPackageState(computer, packageState -> {
2451                 var pkg = packageState.getAndroidPackage();
2452                 if (pkg == null || packageState.isSystem()) {
2453                     return;
2454                 }
2455                 for (int userId : userIds) {
2456                     if (!packageState.getUserStateOrDefault(userId).isInstantApp()
2457                             || !packageState.getUserStateOrDefault(userId).isInstalled()) {
2458                         continue;
2459                     }
2460                     mInstantAppRegistry.addInstantApp(userId, packageState.getAppId());
2461                 }
2462             });
2464             mInstallerService = mInjector.getPackageInstallerService();
2465             final ComponentName instantAppResolverComponent = getInstantAppResolver(computer);
2466             if (instantAppResolverComponent != null) {
2467                 if (DEBUG_INSTANT) {
2468                     Slog.d(TAG, "Set ephemeral resolver: " + instantAppResolverComponent);
2469                 }
2470                 mInstantAppResolverConnection =
2471                         mInjector.getInstantAppResolverConnection(instantAppResolverComponent);
2472                 mInstantAppResolverSettingsComponent =
2473                         getInstantAppResolverSettingsLPr(computer,
2474                                 instantAppResolverComponent);
2475             } else {
2476                 mInstantAppResolverConnection = null;
2477                 mInstantAppResolverSettingsComponent = null;
2478             }
2479             updateInstantAppInstallerLocked(null);
2481             // Read and update the usage of dex files.
2482             // Do this at the end of PM init so that all the packages have their
2483             // data directory reconciled.
2484             // At this point we know the code paths of the packages, so we can validate
2485             // the disk file and build the internal cache.
2486             // The usage file is expected to be small so loading and verifying it
2487             // should take a fairly small time compare to the other activities (e.g. package
2488             // scanning).
2489             final Map<Integer, List<PackageInfo>> userPackages = new HashMap<>();
2490             for (int userId : userIds) {
2491                 userPackages.put(userId, computer.getInstalledPackages(/*flags*/ 0, userId)
2492                         .getList());
2493             }
2494             mDexManager.load(userPackages);
2495             mDynamicCodeLogger.load(userPackages);
2496             if (mIsUpgrade) {
2497                 FrameworkStatsLog.write(
2498                         FrameworkStatsLog.BOOT_TIME_EVENT_DURATION_REPORTED,
2500                         SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - startTime);
2501             }
2503             // If this is first boot or first boot after OTA then set the file path to the app
2504             // metadata files for preloaded packages.
2505             if (mFirstBoot || isDeviceUpgrading()) {
2506                 ArrayMap<String, String> paths = systemConfig.getAppMetadataFilePaths();
2507                 for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : paths.entrySet()) {
2508                     String pkgName = entry.getKey();
2509                     String path = entry.getValue();
2510                     File file = new File(path);
2511                     if (!file.exists()) {
2512                         path = null;
2513                     }
2514                     PackageSetting disabledPkgSetting = mSettings.getDisabledSystemPkgLPr(pkgName);
2515                     if (disabledPkgSetting == null) {
2516                         PackageSetting pkgSetting = mSettings.getPackageLPr(pkgName);
2517                         if (pkgSetting != null) {
2518                             pkgSetting.setAppMetadataFilePath(path);
2519                             if (Flags.aslInApkAppMetadataSource()) {
2520                                 pkgSetting.setAppMetadataSource(
2521                                         PackageManager.APP_METADATA_SOURCE_SYSTEM_IMAGE);
2522                             }
2523                         } else {
2524                             Slog.w(TAG, "Cannot set app metadata file for nonexistent package "
2525                                     + pkgName);
2526                         }
2527                     } else {
2528                         disabledPkgSetting.setAppMetadataFilePath(path);
2529                         if (Flags.aslInApkAppMetadataSource()) {
2530                             disabledPkgSetting.setAppMetadataSource(
2531                                     PackageManager.APP_METADATA_SOURCE_SYSTEM_IMAGE);
2532                         }
2533                     }
2534                 }
2535             }
2537             // Rebuild the live computer since some attributes have been rebuilt.
2538             mLiveComputer = createLiveComputer();
2540         } // synchronized (mLock)
2541         } // synchronized (mInstallLock)
2542         // CHECKSTYLE:ON IndentationCheck
2544         mModuleInfoProvider = mInjector.getModuleInfoProvider();
2546         mInjector.getSystemWrapper().enablePackageCaches();
2548         // The initial scanning above does many calls into installd while
2549         // holding the mPackages lock, but we're mostly interested in yelling
2550         // once we have a booted system.
2551         mInstaller.setWarnIfHeld(mLock);
2553         ParsingPackageUtils.readConfigUseRoundIcon(mContext.getResources());
2555         mServiceStartWithDelay = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + (60 * 1000L);
2557         Slog.i(TAG, "Fix for b/169414761 is applied");
2558     }
2560     @GuardedBy("mLock")
2561     void updateInstantAppInstallerLocked(String modifiedPackage) {
2562         // we're only interested in updating the installer application when 1) it's not
2563         // already set or 2) the modified package is the installer
2564         if (mInstantAppInstallerActivity != null
2565                 && !mInstantAppInstallerActivity.getComponentName().getPackageName()
2566                         .equals(modifiedPackage)) {
2567             return;
2568         }
2569         setUpInstantAppInstallerActivityLP(getInstantAppInstallerLPr());
2570     }
2572     public boolean isFirstBoot() {
2573         // allow instant applications
2574         return mFirstBoot;
2575     }
2577     public boolean isDeviceUpgrading() {
2578         // allow instant applications
2579         // The system property allows testing ota flow when upgraded to the same image.
2580         return mIsUpgrade || SystemProperties.getBoolean(
2581                 "persist.pm.mock-upgrade", false /* default */);
2582     }
2584     @NonNull
2585     private String[] getRequiredButNotReallyRequiredVerifiersLPr(@NonNull Computer computer) {
2586         final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_NEEDS_VERIFICATION);
2588         final List<ResolveInfo> matches =
2589                 mResolveIntentHelper.queryIntentReceiversInternal(computer, intent,
2590                         PACKAGE_MIME_TYPE,
2592                         UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, Binder.getCallingUid());
2593         final int size = matches.size();
2594         if (size == 0) {
2595             Log.w(TAG, "There should probably be a verifier, but, none were found");
2596             return EmptyArray.STRING;
2597         } else if (size <= REQUIRED_VERIFIERS_MAX_COUNT) {
2598             String[] verifiers = new String[size];
2599             for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
2600                 verifiers[i] = matches.get(i).getComponentInfo().packageName;
2601                 if (TextUtils.isEmpty(verifiers[i])) {
2602                     throw new RuntimeException("Invalid verifier: " + matches);
2603                 }
2604             }
2605             return verifiers;
2606         }
2607         throw new RuntimeException(
2608                 "There must be no more than " + REQUIRED_VERIFIERS_MAX_COUNT + " verifiers; found "
2609                         + matches);
2610     }
2612     @NonNull
2613     private String getRequiredSharedLibrary(@NonNull Computer snapshot, @NonNull String name,
2614             int version) {
2615         SharedLibraryInfo libraryInfo = snapshot.getSharedLibraryInfo(name, version);
2616         if (libraryInfo == null) {
2617             throw new IllegalStateException("Missing required shared library:" + name);
2618         }
2619         String packageName = libraryInfo.getPackageName();
2620         if (packageName == null) {
2621             throw new IllegalStateException("Expected a package for shared library " + name);
2622         }
2623         return packageName;
2624     }
2626     @NonNull
2627     private String getRequiredServicesExtensionPackageLPr(@NonNull Computer computer) {
2628         String configServicesExtensionPackage = mContext.getString(
2629                 R.string.config_servicesExtensionPackage);
2630         if (TextUtils.isEmpty(configServicesExtensionPackage)) {
2631             throw new RuntimeException(
2632                     "Required services extension package failed due to "
2633                             + "config_servicesExtensionPackage is empty.");
2634         }
2635         String servicesExtensionPackage = ensureSystemPackageName(computer,
2636                 configServicesExtensionPackage);
2637         if (TextUtils.isEmpty(servicesExtensionPackage)) {
2638             throw new RuntimeException(
2639                     "Required services extension package is missing, "
2640                             + "config_servicesExtensionPackage had defined with "
2641                             + configServicesExtensionPackage
2642                             + ", but can not find the package info on the system image, check if "
2643                             + "the package has a problem.");
2644         }
2645         return servicesExtensionPackage;
2646     }
2648     private @NonNull String getRequiredInstallerLPr(@NonNull Computer computer) {
2649         final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_INSTALL_PACKAGE);
2650         intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_DEFAULT);
2651         intent.setDataAndType(Uri.parse("content://com.example/foo.apk"), PACKAGE_MIME_TYPE);
2653         final List<ResolveInfo> matches = computer.queryIntentActivitiesInternal(intent,
2654                 PACKAGE_MIME_TYPE,
2656                 UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM);
2657         if (matches.size() == 1) {
2658             ResolveInfo resolveInfo = matches.get(0);
2659             if (!resolveInfo.activityInfo.applicationInfo.isPrivilegedApp()) {
2660                 throw new RuntimeException("The installer must be a privileged app");
2661             }
2662             return matches.get(0).getComponentInfo().packageName;
2663         } else {
2664             throw new RuntimeException("There must be exactly one installer; found " + matches);
2665         }
2666     }
2668     private @NonNull String getRequiredUninstallerLPr(@NonNull Computer computer) {
2669         final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_UNINSTALL_PACKAGE);
2670         intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_DEFAULT);
2671         intent.setData(Uri.fromParts(PACKAGE_SCHEME, "foo.bar", null));
2673         final ResolveInfo resolveInfo = mResolveIntentHelper.resolveIntentInternal(computer, intent,
2675                 0 /*privateResolveFlags*/, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, false,
2676                 Binder.getCallingUid(), Binder.getCallingPid());
2677         if (resolveInfo == null ||
2678                 mResolveActivity.name.equals(resolveInfo.getComponentInfo().name)) {
2679             throw new RuntimeException("There must be exactly one uninstaller; found "
2680                     + resolveInfo);
2681         }
2682         return resolveInfo.getComponentInfo().packageName;
2683     }
2685     private @NonNull String getRequiredPermissionControllerLPr(@NonNull Computer computer) {
2686         final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MANAGE_PERMISSIONS);
2687         intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_DEFAULT);
2689         final List<ResolveInfo> matches = computer.queryIntentActivitiesInternal(intent, null,
2691                 UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM);
2692         if (matches.size() == 1) {
2693             ResolveInfo resolveInfo = matches.get(0);
2694             if (!resolveInfo.activityInfo.applicationInfo.isPrivilegedApp()) {
2695                 throw new RuntimeException("The permissions manager must be a privileged app");
2696             }
2697             return matches.get(0).getComponentInfo().packageName;
2698         } else {
2699             throw new RuntimeException("There must be exactly one permissions manager; found "
2700                     + matches);
2701         }
2702     }
2704     @NonNull
2705     private ComponentName getIntentFilterVerifierComponentNameLPr(@NonNull Computer computer) {
2706         final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_INTENT_FILTER_NEEDS_VERIFICATION);
2708         final List<ResolveInfo> matches =
2709                 mResolveIntentHelper.queryIntentReceiversInternal(computer, intent,
2710                         PACKAGE_MIME_TYPE,
2712                         UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, Binder.getCallingUid());
2713         ResolveInfo best = null;
2714         final int N = matches.size();
2715         for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
2716             final ResolveInfo cur = matches.get(i);
2717             final String packageName = cur.getComponentInfo().packageName;
2718             if (checkPermission(
2719                     android.Manifest.permission.INTENT_FILTER_VERIFICATION_AGENT, packageName,
2720                     UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
2721                 continue;
2722             }
2724             if (best == null || cur.priority > best.priority) {
2725                 best = cur;
2726             }
2727         }
2729         if (best != null) {
2730             return best.getComponentInfo().getComponentName();
2731         }
2732         Slog.w(TAG, "Intent filter verifier not found");
2733         return null;
2734     }
2736     @Nullable
2737     private ComponentName getDomainVerificationAgentComponentNameLPr(@NonNull Computer computer,
2738             int userId) {
2739         Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DOMAINS_NEED_VERIFICATION);
2740         List<ResolveInfo> matches =
2741                 mResolveIntentHelper.queryIntentReceiversInternal(computer, intent, null,
2743                         userId, Binder.getCallingUid());
2744         ResolveInfo best = null;
2745         final int N = matches.size();
2746         for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
2747             final ResolveInfo cur = matches.get(i);
2748             final String packageName = cur.getComponentInfo().packageName;
2749             if (checkPermission(
2750                     android.Manifest.permission.DOMAIN_VERIFICATION_AGENT, packageName,
2751                     userId) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
2752                 Slog.w(TAG, "Domain verification agent found but does not hold permission: "
2753                         + packageName);
2754                 continue;
2755             }
2757             if (best == null || cur.priority > best.priority) {
2758                 if (computer.isComponentEffectivelyEnabled(cur.getComponentInfo(),
2759                         UserHandle.of(userId))) {
2760                     best = cur;
2761                 } else {
2762                     Slog.w(TAG, "Domain verification agent found but not enabled");
2763                 }
2764             }
2765         }
2767         if (best != null) {
2768             return best.getComponentInfo().getComponentName();
2769         }
2770         Slog.w(TAG, "Domain verification agent not found");
2771         return null;
2772     }
2774     @Nullable ComponentName getInstantAppResolver(@NonNull Computer snapshot) {
2775         final String[] packageArray =
2776                 mContext.getResources().getStringArray(R.array.config_ephemeralResolverPackage);
2777         if (packageArray.length == 0 && !Build.IS_DEBUGGABLE) {
2778             if (DEBUG_INSTANT) {
2779                 Slog.d(TAG, "Ephemeral resolver NOT found; empty package list");
2780             }
2781             return null;
2782         }
2784         final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
2785         final int resolveFlags =
2786                 MATCH_DIRECT_BOOT_AWARE
2787                 | MATCH_DIRECT_BOOT_UNAWARE
2788                 | (!Build.IS_DEBUGGABLE ? MATCH_SYSTEM_ONLY : 0);
2789         final Intent resolverIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_RESOLVE_INSTANT_APP_PACKAGE);
2790         List<ResolveInfo> resolvers = snapshot.queryIntentServicesInternal(resolverIntent, null,
2791                 resolveFlags, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, callingUid, Process.INVALID_PID,
2792                 /*includeInstantApps*/ false, /*resolveForStart*/ false);
2793         final int N = resolvers.size();
2794         if (N == 0) {
2795             if (DEBUG_INSTANT) {
2796                 Slog.d(TAG, "Ephemeral resolver NOT found; no matching intent filters");
2797             }
2798             return null;
2799         }
2801         final Set<String> possiblePackages = new ArraySet<>(Arrays.asList(packageArray));
2802         for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
2803             final ResolveInfo info = resolvers.get(i);
2805             if (info.serviceInfo == null) {
2806                 continue;
2807             }
2809             final String packageName = info.serviceInfo.packageName;
2810             if (!possiblePackages.contains(packageName) && !Build.IS_DEBUGGABLE) {
2811                 if (DEBUG_INSTANT) {
2812                     Slog.d(TAG, "Ephemeral resolver not in allowed package list;"
2813                             + " pkg: " + packageName + ", info:" + info);
2814                 }
2815                 continue;
2816             }
2818             if (DEBUG_INSTANT) {
2819                 Slog.v(TAG, "Ephemeral resolver found;"
2820                         + " pkg: " + packageName + ", info:" + info);
2821             }
2822             return new ComponentName(packageName, info.serviceInfo.name);
2823         }
2824         if (DEBUG_INSTANT) {
2825             Slog.v(TAG, "Ephemeral resolver NOT found");
2826         }
2827         return null;
2828     }
2830     @GuardedBy("mLock")
2831     private @Nullable ActivityInfo getInstantAppInstallerLPr() {
2832         String[] orderedActions = mIsEngBuild
2833                 ? new String[]{
2834                         Intent.ACTION_INSTALL_INSTANT_APP_PACKAGE + "_TEST",
2835                         Intent.ACTION_INSTALL_INSTANT_APP_PACKAGE}
2836                 : new String[]{
2837                         Intent.ACTION_INSTALL_INSTANT_APP_PACKAGE};
2839         final int resolveFlags =
2840                 MATCH_DIRECT_BOOT_AWARE
2841                         | MATCH_DIRECT_BOOT_UNAWARE
2842                         | Intent.FLAG_IGNORE_EPHEMERAL
2843                         | (mIsEngBuild ? 0 : MATCH_SYSTEM_ONLY);
2844         final Computer computer = snapshotComputer();
2845         final Intent intent = new Intent();
2846         intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_DEFAULT);
2847         intent.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(new File("foo.apk")), PACKAGE_MIME_TYPE);
2848         List<ResolveInfo> matches = null;
2849         for (String action : orderedActions) {
2850             intent.setAction(action);
2851             matches = computer.queryIntentActivitiesInternal(intent, PACKAGE_MIME_TYPE,
2852                     resolveFlags, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM);
2853             if (matches.isEmpty()) {
2854                 if (DEBUG_INSTANT) {
2855                     Slog.d(TAG, "Instant App installer not found with " + action);
2856                 }
2857             } else {
2858                 break;
2859             }
2860         }
2861         Iterator<ResolveInfo> iter = matches.iterator();
2862         while (iter.hasNext()) {
2863             final ResolveInfo rInfo = iter.next();
2864             if (checkPermission(
2865                     Manifest.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES,
2866                     rInfo.activityInfo.packageName, 0) == PERMISSION_GRANTED || mIsEngBuild) {
2867                 continue;
2868             }
2869             iter.remove();
2870         }
2871         if (matches.size() == 0) {
2872             return null;
2873         } else if (matches.size() == 1) {
2874             return (ActivityInfo) matches.get(0).getComponentInfo();
2875         } else {
2876             throw new RuntimeException(
2877                     "There must be at most one ephemeral installer; found " + matches);
2878         }
2879     }
2881     private @Nullable ComponentName getInstantAppResolverSettingsLPr(@NonNull Computer computer,
2882             @NonNull ComponentName resolver) {
2883         final Intent intent =  new Intent(Intent.ACTION_INSTANT_APP_RESOLVER_SETTINGS)
2884                 .addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_DEFAULT)
2885                 .setPackage(resolver.getPackageName());
2886         final int resolveFlags = MATCH_DIRECT_BOOT_AWARE | MATCH_DIRECT_BOOT_UNAWARE;
2887         List<ResolveInfo> matches = computer.queryIntentActivitiesInternal(intent, null,
2888                 resolveFlags, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM);
2889         if (matches.isEmpty()) {
2890             return null;
2891         }
2892         return matches.get(0).getComponentInfo().getComponentName();
2893     }
2895     public PermissionGroupInfo getPermissionGroupInfo(String groupName, int flags) {
2896         // Because this is accessed via the package manager service AIDL,
2897         // go through the permission manager service AIDL
2898         return mContext.getSystemService(PermissionManager.class)
2899                 .getPermissionGroupInfo(groupName, flags);
2900     }
2902     /**
2903      * Blocking call to clear all cached app data above quota.
2904      */
2905     public void freeAllAppCacheAboveQuota(String volumeUuid) throws IOException {
2906         try (PackageManagerTracedLock installLock = mInstallLock.acquireLock()) {
2907             // To avoid refactoring Installer.freeCache() and InstalldNativeService.freeCache(),
2908             // Long.MAX_VALUE is passed as an argument which is used in neither of two methods
2909             // when FLAG_FREE_CACHE_DEFY_TARGET_FREE_BYTES is set
2910             mInstaller.freeCache(volumeUuid, Long.MAX_VALUE, Installer.FLAG_FREE_CACHE_V2
2911                     | Installer.FLAG_FREE_CACHE_DEFY_TARGET_FREE_BYTES);
2912         } catch (InstallerException ignored) {
2913         }
2914     }
2916     /**
2917      * Blocking call to clear various types of cached data across the system
2918      * until the requested bytes are available.
2919      */
2920     public void freeStorage(String volumeUuid, long bytes,
2921             @StorageManager.AllocateFlags int flags) throws IOException {
2922         mFreeStorageHelper.freeStorage(volumeUuid, bytes, flags);
2923     }
2925     int freeCacheForInstallation(int recommendedInstallLocation, PackageLite pkgLite,
2926             String resolvedPath, String mPackageAbiOverride, int installFlags) {
2927         return mFreeStorageHelper.freeCacheForInstallation(recommendedInstallLocation, pkgLite,
2928                 resolvedPath, mPackageAbiOverride, installFlags);
2929     }
2931     public ModuleInfo getModuleInfo(String packageName, @PackageManager.ModuleInfoFlags int flags) {
2932         return mModuleInfoProvider.getModuleInfo(packageName, flags);
2933     }
2935     void updateSequenceNumberLP(PackageSetting pkgSetting, int[] userList) {
2936         mChangedPackagesTracker.updateSequenceNumber(pkgSetting.getPackageName(), userList);
2937     }
2939     public boolean hasSystemFeature(String name, int version) {
2940         // allow instant applications
2941         final FeatureInfo feat = mAvailableFeatures.get(name);
2942         if (feat == null) {
2943             return false;
2944         } else {
2945             return feat.version >= version;
2946         }
2947     }
2949     // NOTE: Can't remove due to unsupported app usage
2950     public int checkPermission(String permName, String pkgName, int userId) {
2951         return mPermissionManager.checkPermission(pkgName, permName,
2952                 VirtualDeviceManager.PERSISTENT_DEVICE_ID_DEFAULT, userId);
2953     }
2955     public String getSdkSandboxPackageName() {
2956         return mRequiredSdkSandboxPackage;
2957     }
2959     String getPackageInstallerPackageName() {
2960         return mRequiredInstallerPackage;
2961     }
2963     void requestInstantAppResolutionPhaseTwo(AuxiliaryResolveInfo responseObj,
2964             Intent origIntent, String resolvedType, String callingPackage,
2965             @Nullable String callingFeatureId, boolean isRequesterInstantApp,
2966             Bundle verificationBundle, int userId) {
2967         final Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(INSTANT_APP_RESOLUTION_PHASE_TWO,
2968                 new InstantAppRequest(responseObj, origIntent, resolvedType,
2969                         callingPackage, callingFeatureId, isRequesterInstantApp, userId,
2970                         verificationBundle, false /*resolveForStart*/,
2971                         responseObj.hostDigestPrefixSecure, responseObj.token));
2972         mHandler.sendMessage(msg);
2973     }
2975     // findPreferredActivityBody returns two items: a "things changed" flag and a
2976     // ResolveInfo, which is the preferred activity itself.
2977     static class FindPreferredActivityBodyResult {
2978         boolean mChanged;
2979         ResolveInfo mPreferredResolveInfo;
2980     }
2982     public @NonNull ParceledListSlice<ResolveInfo> queryIntentReceivers(@NonNull Computer snapshot,
2983             Intent intent, String resolvedType, @PackageManager.ResolveInfoFlagsBits long flags,
2984             @UserIdInt int userId) {
2985         return new ParceledListSlice<>(mResolveIntentHelper.queryIntentReceiversInternal(
2986                 snapshot, intent, resolvedType, flags, userId, Binder.getCallingUid()));
2987     }
2989     public static void reportSettingsProblem(int priority, String msg) {
2990         logCriticalInfo(priority, msg);
2991     }
2993     // TODO:(b/135203078): Move to parsing
2994     static void renameStaticSharedLibraryPackage(ParsedPackage parsedPackage) {
2995         // Derive the new package synthetic package name
2996         parsedPackage.setPackageName(toStaticSharedLibraryPackageName(
2997                 parsedPackage.getPackageName(), parsedPackage.getStaticSharedLibraryVersion()));
2998     }
3000     private static String toStaticSharedLibraryPackageName(
3001             String packageName, long libraryVersion) {
3002         return packageName + STATIC_SHARED_LIB_DELIMITER + libraryVersion;
3003     }
3005     public void performFstrimIfNeeded() {
3006         mFreeStorageHelper.performFstrimIfNeeded();
3007     }
3009     public void updatePackagesIfNeeded() {
3010         mDexOptHelper.performPackageDexOptUpgradeIfNeeded();
3011     }
3013     private void notifyPackageUseInternal(String packageName, int reason) {
3014         long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
3015         synchronized (mLock) {
3016             final PackageSetting pkgSetting = mSettings.getPackageLPr(packageName);
3017             if (pkgSetting == null) {
3018                 return;
3019             }
3020             pkgSetting.getPkgState().setLastPackageUsageTimeInMills(reason, time);
3021         }
3022     }
3024     /*package*/ DexManager getDexManager() {
3025         return mDexManager;
3026     }
3028     /*package*/ DexOptHelper getDexOptHelper() {
3029         return mDexOptHelper;
3030     }
3032     /*package*/ DynamicCodeLogger getDynamicCodeLogger() {
3033         return mDynamicCodeLogger;
3034     }
3036     public void shutdown() {
3037         mCompilerStats.writeNow();
3038         mDexManager.writePackageDexUsageNow();
3039         mDynamicCodeLogger.writeNow();
3040         PackageWatchdog.getInstance(mContext).writeNow();
3042         synchronized (mLock) {
3043             mPackageUsage.writeNow(mSettings.getPackagesLocked());
3045             if (mHandler.hasMessages(WRITE_SETTINGS)
3046                     || mBackgroundHandler.hasMessages(WRITE_DIRTY_PACKAGE_RESTRICTIONS)
3047                     || mHandler.hasMessages(WRITE_PACKAGE_LIST)) {
3048                 writeSettings(/*sync=*/true);
3049             }
3050         }
3051     }
3053     @NonNull
3054     int[] resolveUserIds(int userId) {
3055         return (userId == UserHandle.USER_ALL) ? mUserManager.getUserIds() : new int[] { userId };
3056     }
3058     private void setUpInstantAppInstallerActivityLP(ActivityInfo installerActivity) {
3059         if (installerActivity == null) {
3060             if (DEBUG_INSTANT) {
3061                 Slog.d(TAG, "Clear ephemeral installer activity");
3062             }
3063             mInstantAppInstallerActivity = null;
3064             onChanged();
3065             return;
3066         }
3068         if (DEBUG_INSTANT) {
3069             Slog.d(TAG, "Set ephemeral installer activity: "
3070                     + installerActivity.getComponentName());
3071         }
3072         // Set up information for ephemeral installer activity
3073         mInstantAppInstallerActivity = installerActivity;
3074         mInstantAppInstallerActivity.flags |= ActivityInfo.FLAG_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS
3075                 | ActivityInfo.FLAG_FINISH_ON_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS;
3076         mInstantAppInstallerActivity.exported = true;
3077         mInstantAppInstallerActivity.enabled = true;
3078         mInstantAppInstallerInfo.activityInfo = mInstantAppInstallerActivity;
3079         mInstantAppInstallerInfo.priority = 1;
3080         mInstantAppInstallerInfo.preferredOrder = 1;
3081         mInstantAppInstallerInfo.isDefault = true;
3082         mInstantAppInstallerInfo.match = IntentFilter.MATCH_CATEGORY_SCHEME_SPECIFIC_PART
3083                 | IntentFilter.MATCH_ADJUSTMENT_NORMAL;
3084         onChanged();
3085     }
3087     void killApplication(String pkgName, @AppIdInt int appId, String reason, int exitInfoReason) {
3088         killApplication(pkgName, appId, UserHandle.USER_ALL, reason, exitInfoReason);
3089     }
3091     void killApplication(String pkgName, @AppIdInt int appId,
3092             @UserIdInt int userId, String reason, int exitInfoReason) {
3093         // Request the ActivityManager to kill the process(only for existing packages)
3094         // so that we do not end up in a confused state while the user is still using the older
3095         // version of the application while the new one gets installed.
3096         final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
3097         try {
3098             IActivityManager am = ActivityManager.getService();
3099             if (am != null) {
3100                 try {
3101                     am.killApplication(pkgName, appId, userId, reason, exitInfoReason);
3102                 } catch (RemoteException e) {
3103                 }
3104             }
3105         } finally {
3106             Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token);
3107         }
3108     }
3110     void killApplicationSync(String pkgName, @AppIdInt int appId,
3111             @UserIdInt int userId, String reason, int exitInfoReason) {
3112         ActivityManagerInternal mAmi = LocalServices.getService(ActivityManagerInternal.class);
3113         if (Thread.holdsLock(mLock) || mAmi == null) {
3114             // holds PM's lock, go back killApplication to avoid it run into watchdog reset.
3115             Slog.e(TAG, "Holds PM's lock, unable kill application synchronized");
3116             killApplication(pkgName, appId, userId, reason, exitInfoReason);
3117         } else {
3118             KillAppBlocker blocker = new KillAppBlocker();
3119             try {
3120                 blocker.register();
3121                 mAmi.killApplicationSync(pkgName, appId, userId, reason, exitInfoReason);
3122                 blocker.waitAppProcessGone(mAmi, snapshotComputer(), mUserManager, pkgName);
3123             } finally {
3124                 blocker.unregister();
3125             }
3126         }
3127     }
3129     @Override
3130     public void notifyPackageAdded(String packageName, int uid) {
3131         mPackageObserverHelper.notifyAdded(packageName, uid);
3132     }
3134     @Override
3135     public void notifyPackageChanged(String packageName, int uid) {
3136         mPackageObserverHelper.notifyChanged(packageName, uid);
3137     }
3139     @Override
3140     public void notifyPackageRemoved(String packageName, int uid) {
3141         mPackageObserverHelper.notifyRemoved(packageName, uid);
3142         UserPackage.removeFromCache(UserHandle.getUserId(uid), packageName);
3143     }
3145     boolean isUserRestricted(int userId, String restrictionKey) {
3146         Bundle restrictions = mUserManager.getUserRestrictions(userId);
3147         if (restrictions.getBoolean(restrictionKey, false)) {
3148             Log.w(TAG, "User is restricted: " + restrictionKey);
3149             return true;
3150         }
3151         return false;
3152     }
3154     private void enforceCanSetPackagesSuspendedAsUser(@NonNull Computer snapshot,
3155             boolean quarantined, UserPackage suspender, int callingUid, int targetUserId,
3156             String callingMethod) {
3157         if (callingUid == Process.ROOT_UID
3158                 // Need to compare app-id to allow system dialogs access on secondary users
3159                 || UserHandle.getAppId(callingUid) == Process.SYSTEM_UID) {
3160             return;
3161         }
3163         final String ownerPackage =
3164                 mProtectedPackages.getDeviceOwnerOrProfileOwnerPackage(targetUserId);
3165         if (ownerPackage != null) {
3166             final int ownerUid = snapshot.getPackageUid(ownerPackage, 0, targetUserId);
3167             if (ownerUid == callingUid) {
3168                 return;
3169             }
3170         }
3172         if (quarantined) {
3173             mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.QUARANTINE_APPS,
3174                     callingMethod);
3175         } else {
3176             mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.SUSPEND_APPS,
3177                     callingMethod);
3178         }
3180         if (crossUserSuspensionEnabledRo()) {
3181             final int suspendingPackageUid =
3182                     snapshot.getPackageUid(suspender.packageName, 0, suspender.userId);
3183             if (suspendingPackageUid != callingUid) {
3184                 throw new SecurityException("Suspender package %s doesn't match calling uid %d"
3185                                 .formatted(suspender.packageName, callingUid));
3186             }
3187             if (targetUserId != suspender.userId) {
3188                 mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(
3189                         Manifest.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL, callingMethod);
3190             }
3191         } else {
3192             // Here only SHELL can suspend across users
3193             final int packageUid =
3194                     snapshot.getPackageUid(suspender.packageName, 0, targetUserId);
3195             final boolean allowedPackageUid = packageUid == callingUid;
3196             final boolean allowedShell = callingUid == SHELL_UID
3197                     && UserHandle.isSameApp(packageUid, callingUid);
3199             if (!allowedShell && !allowedPackageUid) {
3200                 throw new SecurityException("Suspending package " + suspender.packageName
3201                         + " in user " + targetUserId + " does not belong to calling uid "
3202                         + callingUid);
3203             }
3204         }
3205     }
3207     /**
3208      * @param inAllUsers Whether to unsuspend packages suspended by the given package in other
3209      *                   users. This flag is only used when cross-user suspension is enabled.
3210      */
3211     void unsuspendForSuspendingPackage(@NonNull Computer computer, String suspendingPackage,
3212             @UserIdInt int suspendingUserId, boolean inAllUsers) {
3213         // TODO: This can be replaced by a special parameter to iterate all packages, rather than
3214         //  this weird pre-collect of all packages.
3215         final String[] allPackages = computer.getPackageStates().keySet().toArray(new String[0]);
3216         final Predicate<UserPackage> suspenderPredicate =
3217                 UserPackage.of(suspendingUserId, suspendingPackage)::equals;
3218         if (!crossUserSuspensionEnabledRo() || !inAllUsers) {
3219             mSuspendPackageHelper.removeSuspensionsBySuspendingPackage(computer,
3220                     allPackages, suspenderPredicate, suspendingUserId);
3221         } else {
3222             for (int targetUserId: mUserManager.getUserIds()) {
3223                 mSuspendPackageHelper.removeSuspensionsBySuspendingPackage(
3224                         computer, allPackages, suspenderPredicate, targetUserId);
3225             }
3226         }
3227     }
3229     void removeAllDistractingPackageRestrictions(@NonNull Computer snapshot, int userId) {
3230         final String[] allPackages = snapshot.getAllAvailablePackageNames();
3231         mDistractingPackageHelper.removeDistractingPackageRestrictions(snapshot, allPackages,
3232                 userId);
3233     }
3235     private void enforceCanSetDistractingPackageRestrictionsAsUser(int callingUid, int userId,
3236             String callingMethod) {
3237         mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(Manifest.permission.SUSPEND_APPS,
3238                 callingMethod);
3240         if (!PackageManagerServiceUtils.isSystemOrRoot(callingUid)
3241                 && UserHandle.getUserId(callingUid) != userId) {
3242             throw new SecurityException("Calling uid " + callingUid + " cannot call for user "
3243                     + userId);
3244         }
3245     }
3247     void setEnableRollbackCode(int token, int enableRollbackCode) {
3248         final Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(ENABLE_ROLLBACK_STATUS);
3249         msg.arg1 = token;
3250         msg.arg2 = enableRollbackCode;
3251         mHandler.sendMessage(msg);
3252     }
3254     /**
3255      * Callback from PackageSettings whenever an app is first transitioned out of the
3256      * 'stopped' state.  Normally we just issue the broadcast, but we can't do that if
3257      * the app was "launched" for a restoreAtInstall operation.  Therefore we check
3258      * here whether the app is the target of an ongoing install, and only send the
3259      * broadcast immediately if it is not in that state.  If it *is* undergoing a restore,
3260      * the first-launch broadcast will be sent implicitly on that basis in POST_INSTALL
3261      * handling.
3262      */
3263     void notifyFirstLaunch(final String packageName, final String installerPackage,
3264             final int userId) {
3265         // Serialize this with the rest of the install-process message chain.  In the
3266         // restore-at-install case, this Runnable will necessarily run before the
3267         // POST_INSTALL message is processed, so the contents of mRunningInstalls
3268         // are coherent.  In the non-restore case, the app has already completed install
3269         // and been launched through some other means, so it is not in a problematic
3270         // state for observers to see the FIRST_LAUNCH signal.
3271         mHandler.post(() -> {
3272             for (int i = 0; i < mRunningInstalls.size(); i++) {
3273                 final InstallRequest installRequest = mRunningInstalls.valueAt(i);
3274                 if (installRequest.getReturnCode() != PackageManager.INSTALL_SUCCEEDED) {
3275                     continue;
3276                 }
3277                 if (packageName.equals(installRequest.getPkg().getPackageName())) {
3278                     // right package; but is it for the right user?
3279                     for (int uIndex = 0; uIndex < installRequest.getNewUsers().length; uIndex++) {
3280                         if (userId == installRequest.getNewUsers()[uIndex]) {
3281                             if (DEBUG_BACKUP) {
3282                                 Slog.i(TAG, "Package " + packageName
3283                                         + " being restored so deferring FIRST_LAUNCH");
3284                             }
3285                             return;
3286                         }
3287                     }
3288                 }
3289             }
3290             // didn't find it, so not being restored
3291             if (DEBUG_BACKUP) {
3292                 Slog.i(TAG, "Package " + packageName + " sending normal FIRST_LAUNCH");
3293             }
3294             final boolean isInstantApp = snapshotComputer().isInstantAppInternal(
3295                     packageName, userId, Process.SYSTEM_UID);
3296             final int[] userIds = isInstantApp ? EMPTY_INT_ARRAY : new int[] { userId };
3297             final int[] instantUserIds = isInstantApp ? new int[] { userId } : EMPTY_INT_ARRAY;
3298             mBroadcastHelper.sendFirstLaunchBroadcast(
3299                     packageName, installerPackage, userIds, instantUserIds);
3300         });
3301     }
3303     @SuppressWarnings("GuardedBy")
3304     VersionInfo getSettingsVersionForPackage(AndroidPackage pkg) {
3305         if (pkg.isExternalStorage()) {
3306             if (TextUtils.isEmpty(pkg.getVolumeUuid())) {
3307                 return mSettings.getExternalVersion();
3308             } else {
3309                 return mSettings.findOrCreateVersion(pkg.getVolumeUuid());
3310             }
3311         } else {
3312             return mSettings.getInternalVersion();
3313         }
3314     }
3316     public void deleteExistingPackageAsUser(VersionedPackage versionedPackage,
3317             final IPackageDeleteObserver2 observer, final int userId) {
3318         mDeletePackageHelper.deleteExistingPackageAsUser(
3319                 versionedPackage, observer, userId);
3320     }
3322     public void deletePackageVersioned(VersionedPackage versionedPackage,
3323             final IPackageDeleteObserver2 observer, final int userId, final int deleteFlags) {
3324         mDeletePackageHelper.deletePackageVersionedInternal(
3325                 versionedPackage, observer, userId, deleteFlags, false);
3326     }
3328     boolean isCallerVerifier(@NonNull Computer snapshot, int callingUid) {
3329         final int callingUserId = UserHandle.getUserId(callingUid);
3330         for (String requiredVerifierPackage : mRequiredVerifierPackages) {
3331             if (callingUid == snapshot.getPackageUid(requiredVerifierPackage, 0, callingUserId)) {
3332                 return true;
3333             }
3334         }
3335         return false;
3336     }
3338     public boolean isPackageDeviceAdminOnAnyUser(@NonNull Computer snapshot, String packageName) {
3339         final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
3340         if (snapshot.checkUidPermission(android.Manifest.permission.MANAGE_USERS, callingUid)
3341                 != PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
3342             EventLog.writeEvent(0x534e4554, "128599183", -1, "");
3343             throw new SecurityException(android.Manifest.permission.MANAGE_USERS
3344                     + " permission is required to call this API");
3345         }
3346         if (snapshot.getInstantAppPackageName(callingUid) != null
3347                 && !snapshot.isCallerSameApp(packageName, callingUid)) {
3348             return false;
3349         }
3350         return isPackageDeviceAdmin(packageName, UserHandle.USER_ALL);
3351     }
3353     // TODO(b/261957226): centralise this logic in DPM
3354     boolean isPackageDeviceAdmin(String packageName, int userId) {
3355         final IDevicePolicyManager dpm = getDevicePolicyManager();
3356         try {
3357             if (dpm != null) {
3358                 final ComponentName deviceOwnerComponentName = dpm.getDeviceOwnerComponent(
3359                         /* callingUserOnly =*/ false);
3360                 final String deviceOwnerPackageName = deviceOwnerComponentName == null ? null
3361                         : deviceOwnerComponentName.getPackageName();
3362                 // Does the package contains the device owner?
3363                 // TODO Do we have to do it even if userId != UserHandle.USER_ALL?  Otherwise,
3364                 // this check is probably not needed, since DO should be registered as a device
3365                 // admin on some user too. (Original bug for this: b/17657954)
3366                 if (packageName.equals(deviceOwnerPackageName)) {
3367                     return true;
3368                 }
3369                 // Does it contain a device admin for any user?
3370                 int[] users;
3371                 if (userId == UserHandle.USER_ALL) {
3372                     users = mUserManager.getUserIds();
3373                 } else {
3374                     users = new int[]{userId};
3375                 }
3376                 for (int i = 0; i < users.length; ++i) {
3377                     if (dpm.packageHasActiveAdmins(packageName, users[i])) {
3378                         return true;
3379                     }
3380                     if (isDeviceManagementRoleHolder(packageName, users[i])) {
3381                         return true;
3382                     }
3383                 }
3384             }
3385         } catch (RemoteException e) {
3386         }
3387         return false;
3388     }
3390     private boolean isDeviceManagementRoleHolder(String packageName, int userId) {
3391         return Objects.equals(packageName, getDevicePolicyManagementRoleHolderPackageName(userId));
3392     }
3394     @Nullable
3395     public String getDevicePolicyManagementRoleHolderPackageName(int userId) {
3396         return Binder.withCleanCallingIdentity(() -> {
3397             RoleManager roleManager = mContext.getSystemService(RoleManager.class);
3398             List<String> roleHolders =
3399                     roleManager.getRoleHoldersAsUser(
3400                             RoleManager.ROLE_DEVICE_POLICY_MANAGEMENT, UserHandle.of(userId));
3401             if (roleHolders.isEmpty()) {
3402                 return null;
3403             }
3404             return roleHolders.get(0);
3405         });
3406     }
3408     /** Returns the device policy manager interface. */
3409     private IDevicePolicyManager getDevicePolicyManager() {
3410         if (mDevicePolicyManager == null) {
3411             // No need to synchronize; worst-case scenario it will be fetched twice.
3412             mDevicePolicyManager = IDevicePolicyManager.Stub.asInterface(
3413                             ServiceManager.getService(Context.DEVICE_POLICY_SERVICE));
3414         }
3415         return mDevicePolicyManager;
3416     }
3418     private boolean clearApplicationUserDataLIF(@NonNull Computer snapshot, String packageName,
3419             int userId) {
3420         if (packageName == null) {
3421             Slog.w(TAG, "Attempt to delete null packageName.");
3422             return false;
3423         }
3425         // Try finding details about the requested package
3426         AndroidPackage pkg = snapshot.getPackage(packageName);
3427         if (pkg == null) {
3428             Slog.w(TAG, "Package named '" + packageName + "' doesn't exist.");
3429             return false;
3430         }
3431         mPermissionManager.resetRuntimePermissions(pkg, userId);
3433         mAppDataHelper.clearAppDataLIF(pkg, userId,
3436         final int appId = UserHandle.getAppId(pkg.getUid());
3437         mAppDataHelper.clearKeystoreData(userId, appId);
3439         UserManagerInternal umInternal = mInjector.getUserManagerInternal();
3440         StorageManagerInternal smInternal = mInjector.getLocalService(StorageManagerInternal.class);
3441         final int flags;
3442         if (StorageManager.isCeStorageUnlocked(userId) && smInternal.isCeStoragePrepared(userId)) {
3443             flags = StorageManager.FLAG_STORAGE_DE | StorageManager.FLAG_STORAGE_CE;
3444         } else if (umInternal.isUserRunning(userId)) {
3445             flags = StorageManager.FLAG_STORAGE_DE;
3446         } else {
3447             flags = 0;
3448         }
3449         mAppDataHelper.prepareAppDataContentsLIF(pkg, snapshot.getPackageStateInternal(packageName),
3450                 userId, flags);
3452         return true;
3453     }
3455     /**
3456      * Update component enabled settings to {@link PackageManager#COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DEFAULT}
3457      * if the resetEnabledSettingsOnAppDataCleared is {@code true}.
3458      */
3459     @GuardedBy("mLock")
3460     private void resetComponentEnabledSettingsIfNeededLPw(String packageName, int userId) {
3461         final AndroidPackage pkg = packageName != null ? mPackages.get(packageName) : null;
3462         if (pkg == null || !pkg.isResetEnabledSettingsOnAppDataCleared()) {
3463             return;
3464         }
3465         final PackageSetting pkgSetting = mSettings.getPackageLPr(packageName);
3466         if (pkgSetting == null) {
3467             return;
3468         }
3469         final ArrayList<String> updatedComponents = new ArrayList<>();
3470         final Consumer<? super ParsedMainComponent> resetSettings = (component) -> {
3471             if (pkgSetting.restoreComponentLPw(component.getClassName(), userId)) {
3472                 updatedComponents.add(component.getClassName());
3473             }
3474         };
3475         for (int i = 0; i < pkg.getActivities().size(); i++) {
3476             resetSettings.accept(pkg.getActivities().get(i));
3477         }
3478         for (int i = 0; i < pkg.getReceivers().size(); i++) {
3479             resetSettings.accept(pkg.getReceivers().get(i));
3480         }
3481         for (int i = 0; i < pkg.getServices().size(); i++) {
3482             resetSettings.accept(pkg.getServices().get(i));
3483         }
3484         for (int i = 0; i < pkg.getProviders().size(); i++) {
3485             resetSettings.accept(pkg.getProviders().get(i));
3486         }
3487         if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(updatedComponents)) {
3488             // nothing changed
3489             return;
3490         }
3492         updateSequenceNumberLP(pkgSetting, new int[] { userId });
3493         updateInstantAppInstallerLocked(packageName);
3494         scheduleWritePackageRestrictions(userId);
3496         mPendingBroadcasts.addComponents(userId, packageName, updatedComponents);
3497         if (!mHandler.hasMessages(SEND_PENDING_BROADCAST)) {
3498             mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(SEND_PENDING_BROADCAST, BROADCAST_DELAY);
3499         }
3500     }
3502     /** This method takes a specific user id as well as UserHandle.USER_ALL. */
3503     @GuardedBy("mLock")
3504     void clearPackagePreferredActivitiesLPw(String packageName,
3505             @NonNull SparseBooleanArray outUserChanged, int userId) {
3506         mSettings.clearPackagePreferredActivities(packageName, outUserChanged, userId);
3507     }
3509     void restorePermissionsAndUpdateRolesForNewUserInstall(String packageName,
3510             @UserIdInt int userId) {
3511         // We may also need to apply pending (restored) runtime permission grants
3512         // within these users.
3513         mPermissionManager.restoreDelayedRuntimePermissions(packageName, userId);
3515         // Restore default browser setting if it is now installed.
3516         String defaultBrowser;
3517         synchronized (mLock) {
3518             defaultBrowser = mSettings.getPendingDefaultBrowserLPr(userId);
3519         }
3520         if (Objects.equals(packageName, defaultBrowser)) {
3521             mDefaultAppProvider.setDefaultBrowser(packageName, userId);
3522             synchronized (mLock) {
3523                 mSettings.removePendingDefaultBrowserLPw(userId);
3524             }
3525         }
3527         // Persistent preferred activity might have came into effect due to this
3528         // install.
3529         mPreferredActivityHelper.updateDefaultHomeNotLocked(snapshotComputer(), userId);
3530     }
3532     /**
3533      * Variant that takes a {@link WatchedIntentFilter}
3534      */
3535     public void addCrossProfileIntentFilter(@NonNull Computer snapshot,
3536             WatchedIntentFilter intentFilter, String ownerPackage, int sourceUserId,
3537             int targetUserId, int flags) {
3538         mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(
3539                         android.Manifest.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL, null);
3540         int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
3541         enforceOwnerRights(snapshot, ownerPackage, callingUid);
3543         // Verifying that current calling uid should be able to add {@link CrossProfileIntentFilter}
3544         // for source and target user
3545         mUserManager.enforceCrossProfileIntentFilterAccess(sourceUserId, targetUserId, callingUid,
3546                 /* addCrossProfileIntentFilter */ true);
3548         PackageManagerServiceUtils.enforceShellRestriction(mInjector.getUserManagerInternal(),
3549                 UserManager.DISALLOW_DEBUGGING_FEATURES, callingUid, sourceUserId);
3550         if (!intentFilter.checkDataPathAndSchemeSpecificParts()) {
3551             EventLog.writeEvent(0x534e4554, "246749936", callingUid);
3552             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid intent data paths or scheme specific parts"
3553                     + " in the filter.");
3554         }
3555         if (intentFilter.countActions() == 0) {
3556             Slog.w(TAG, "Cannot set a crossProfile intent filter with no filter actions");
3557             return;
3558         }
3559         synchronized (mLock) {
3560             CrossProfileIntentFilter newFilter = new CrossProfileIntentFilter(intentFilter,
3561                     ownerPackage, targetUserId, flags, mUserManager
3562                     .getCrossProfileIntentFilterAccessControl(sourceUserId, targetUserId));
3563             CrossProfileIntentResolver resolver =
3564                     mSettings.editCrossProfileIntentResolverLPw(sourceUserId);
3565             ArrayList<CrossProfileIntentFilter> existing = resolver.findFilters(intentFilter);
3566             // We have all those whose filter is equal. Now checking if the rest is equal as well.
3567             if (existing != null) {
3568                 int size = existing.size();
3569                 for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
3570                     if (newFilter.equalsIgnoreFilter(existing.get(i))) {
3571                         return;
3572                     }
3573                 }
3574             }
3575             resolver.addFilter(snapshotComputer(), newFilter);
3576         }
3577         scheduleWritePackageRestrictions(sourceUserId);
3578     }
3581     // Enforcing that callingUid is owning pkg on userId
3582     private void enforceOwnerRights(@NonNull Computer snapshot, String pkg, int callingUid) {
3583         // The system owns everything.
3584         if (UserHandle.getAppId(callingUid) == Process.SYSTEM_UID) {
3585             return;
3586         }
3587         final String[] callerPackageNames = snapshot.getPackagesForUid(callingUid);
3588         if (!ArrayUtils.contains(callerPackageNames, pkg)) {
3589             throw new SecurityException("Calling uid " + callingUid
3590                     + " does not own package " + pkg);
3591         }
3592         final int callingUserId = UserHandle.getUserId(callingUid);
3593         PackageInfo pi = snapshot.getPackageInfo(pkg, 0, callingUserId);
3594         if (pi == null) {
3595             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown package " + pkg + " on user "
3596                     + callingUserId);
3597         }
3598     }
3600     public void sendSessionCommitBroadcast(PackageInstaller.SessionInfo sessionInfo, int userId) {
3601         mBroadcastHelper.sendSessionCommitBroadcast(snapshotComputer(), sessionInfo, userId,
3602                 mAppPredictionServicePackage);
3603     }
3605     private @Nullable String getSetupWizardPackageNameImpl(@NonNull Computer computer) {
3606         final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
3607         intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_SETUP_WIZARD);
3609         final List<ResolveInfo> matches = computer.queryIntentActivitiesInternal(intent, null,
3611                         | MATCH_DISABLED_COMPONENTS,
3612                 UserHandle.myUserId());
3613         if (matches.size() == 1) {
3614             return matches.get(0).getComponentInfo().packageName;
3615         } else {
3616             Slog.e(TAG, "There should probably be exactly one setup wizard; found " + matches.size()
3617                     + ": matches=" + matches);
3618             return null;
3619         }
3620     }
3622     private @Nullable String getStorageManagerPackageName(@NonNull Computer computer) {
3623         final Intent intent = new Intent(StorageManager.ACTION_MANAGE_STORAGE);
3625         final List<ResolveInfo> matches = computer.queryIntentActivitiesInternal(intent, null,
3627                         | MATCH_DISABLED_COMPONENTS,
3628                 UserHandle.myUserId());
3629         if (matches.size() == 1) {
3630             return matches.get(0).getComponentInfo().packageName;
3631         } else {
3632             Slog.w(TAG, "There should probably be exactly one storage manager; found "
3633                     + matches.size() + ": matches=" + matches);
3634             return null;
3635         }
3636     }
3638     @NonNull
3639     private static String getRequiredSdkSandboxPackageName(@NonNull Computer computer) {
3640         final Intent intent = new Intent(SdkSandboxManagerLocal.SERVICE_INTERFACE);
3642         final List<ResolveInfo> matches = computer.queryIntentServicesInternal(
3643                 intent,
3644                 /* resolvedType= */ null,
3646                 UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM,
3647                 /* callingUid= */ Process.myUid(),
3648                 Process.INVALID_PID,
3649                 /* includeInstantApps= */ false,
3650                 /* resolveForStart */ false);
3651         if (matches.size() == 1) {
3652             return matches.get(0).getComponentInfo().packageName;
3653         } else {
3654             throw new RuntimeException("There should exactly one sdk sandbox package; found "
3655                     + matches.size() + ": matches=" + matches);
3656         }
3657     }
3659     @Nullable
3660     private String getRetailDemoPackageName() {
3661         final String predefinedPkgName = mContext.getString(R.string.config_retailDemoPackage);
3662         final String predefinedSignature = mContext.getString(
3663                 R.string.config_retailDemoPackageSignature);
3665         if (TextUtils.isEmpty(predefinedPkgName) || TextUtils.isEmpty(predefinedSignature)) {
3666             return null;
3667         }
3669         final AndroidPackage androidPkg = mPackages.get(predefinedPkgName);
3670         if (androidPkg != null) {
3671             final SigningDetails signingDetail = androidPkg.getSigningDetails();
3672             if (signingDetail != null && signingDetail.getSignatures() != null) {
3673                 try {
3674                     final MessageDigest msgDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
3675                     for (Signature signature : signingDetail.getSignatures()) {
3676                         if (TextUtils.equals(predefinedSignature,
3677                                 HexEncoding.encodeToString(msgDigest.digest(
3678                                         signature.toByteArray()), false))) {
3679                             return predefinedPkgName;
3680                         }
3681                     }
3682                 } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
3683                     Slog.e(
3684                             TAG,
3685                             "Unable to verify signatures as getting the retail demo package name",
3686                             e);
3687                 }
3688             }
3689         }
3691         return null;
3692     }
3694     @Nullable
3695     String getPackageFromComponentString(@StringRes int stringResId) {
3696         final String componentString = mContext.getString(stringResId);
3697         if (TextUtils.isEmpty(componentString)) {
3698             return null;
3699         }
3700         final ComponentName component = ComponentName.unflattenFromString(componentString);
3701         if (component == null) {
3702             return null;
3703         }
3704         return component.getPackageName();
3705     }
3707     @Nullable
3708     String ensureSystemPackageName(@NonNull Computer snapshot,
3709             @Nullable String packageName) {
3710         if (packageName == null) {
3711             return null;
3712         }
3713         final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
3714         try {
3715             if (snapshot.getPackageInfo(packageName, MATCH_FACTORY_ONLY,
3716                     UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM) == null) {
3717                 PackageInfo packageInfo =
3718                         snapshot.getPackageInfo(packageName, 0, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM);
3719                 if (packageInfo != null) {
3720                     EventLog.writeEvent(0x534e4554, "145981139", packageInfo.applicationInfo.uid,
3721                             "");
3722                 }
3723                 Log.w(TAG, "Missing required system package: " + packageName + (packageInfo != null
3724                         ? ", but found with extended search." : "."));
3725                 return null;
3726             }
3727         } finally {
3728             Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token);
3729         }
3730         return packageName;
3731     }
3733     @VisibleForTesting(visibility = Visibility.PRIVATE)
3734     public void updateComponentLabelIcon(/*@NonNull*/ ComponentName componentName,
3735             @Nullable String nonLocalizedLabel, @Nullable Integer icon, int userId) {
3736         if (componentName == null) {
3737             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must specify a component");
3738         }
3740         int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
3741         String componentPkgName = componentName.getPackageName();
3743         Computer computer = snapshotComputer();
3745         int componentUid = computer.getPackageUid(componentPkgName, 0, userId);
3746         if (!UserHandle.isSameApp(callingUid, componentUid)) {
3747             throw new SecurityException("The calling UID (" + callingUid + ")"
3748                     + " does not match the target UID");
3749         }
3751         String allowedCallerPkg =
3752                 mContext.getString(R.string.config_overrideComponentUiPackage);
3753         if (TextUtils.isEmpty(allowedCallerPkg)) {
3754             throw new SecurityException( "There is no package defined as allowed to change a "
3755                     + "component's label or icon");
3756         }
3758         int allowedCallerUid = computer.getPackageUid(allowedCallerPkg,
3759                 PackageManager.MATCH_SYSTEM_ONLY, userId);
3760         if (allowedCallerUid == -1 || !UserHandle.isSameApp(callingUid, allowedCallerUid)) {
3761             throw new SecurityException("The calling UID (" + callingUid + ")"
3762                     + " is not allowed to change a component's label or icon");
3763         }
3764         PackageStateInternal packageState = computer.getPackageStateInternal(componentPkgName);
3765         if (packageState == null || packageState.getPkg() == null
3766                 || (!packageState.isSystem()
3767                 && !packageState.isUpdatedSystemApp())) {
3768             throw new SecurityException(
3769                     "Changing the label is not allowed for " + componentName);
3770         }
3772         if (!computer.getComponentResolver().componentExists(componentName)) {
3773             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Component " + componentName + " not found");
3774         }
3776         Pair<String, Integer> overrideLabelIcon = packageState.getUserStateOrDefault(userId)
3777                 .getOverrideLabelIconForComponent(componentName);
3779         String existingLabel = overrideLabelIcon == null ? null : overrideLabelIcon.first;
3780         Integer existingIcon = overrideLabelIcon == null ? null : overrideLabelIcon.second;
3782         if (TextUtils.equals(existingLabel, nonLocalizedLabel)
3783                 && Objects.equals(existingIcon, icon)) {
3784             // Nothing changed
3785             return;
3786         }
3788         commitPackageStateMutation(null, componentPkgName,
3789                 state -> state.userState(userId)
3790                         .setComponentLabelIcon(componentName, nonLocalizedLabel, icon));
3792         mPendingBroadcasts.addComponent(userId, componentPkgName, componentName.getClassName());
3794         if (!mHandler.hasMessages(SEND_PENDING_BROADCAST)) {
3795             mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(SEND_PENDING_BROADCAST, BROADCAST_DELAY);
3796         }
3797     }
3799     private void setEnabledSettings(List<ComponentEnabledSetting> settings, int userId,
3800             @NonNull String callingPackage) {
3801         final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
3802         // TODO: This method is not properly snapshotified beyond this call
3803         final Computer preLockSnapshot = snapshotComputer();
3804         preLockSnapshot.enforceCrossUserPermission(callingUid, userId,
3805                 false /* requireFullPermission */, true /* checkShell */, "set enabled");
3807         final int targetSize = settings.size();
3808         for (int i = 0; i < targetSize; i++) {
3809             final int newState = settings.get(i).getEnabledState();
3810             if (!(newState == COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DEFAULT
3811                     || newState == COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_ENABLED
3812                     || newState == COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED
3813                     || newState == COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED_USER
3814                     || newState == COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED_UNTIL_USED)) {
3815                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid new component state: " + newState);
3816             }
3817         }
3818         if (targetSize > 1) {
3819             final ArraySet<String> checkDuplicatedPackage = new ArraySet<>();
3820             final ArraySet<ComponentName> checkDuplicatedComponent = new ArraySet<>();
3821             final ArrayMap<String, Integer> checkConflictFlag = new ArrayMap<>();
3822             for (int i = 0; i < targetSize; i++) {
3823                 final ComponentEnabledSetting setting = settings.get(i);
3824                 final String packageName = setting.getPackageName();
3825                 if (setting.isComponent()) {
3826                     final ComponentName componentName = setting.getComponentName();
3827                     if (checkDuplicatedComponent.contains(componentName)) {
3828                         throw new IllegalArgumentException("The component " + componentName
3829                                 + " is duplicated");
3830                     }
3831                     checkDuplicatedComponent.add(componentName);
3833                     // check if there is a conflict of the DONT_KILL_APP flag between components
3834                     // in the package
3835                     final Integer enabledFlags = checkConflictFlag.get(packageName);
3836                     if (enabledFlags == null) {
3837                         checkConflictFlag.put(packageName, setting.getEnabledFlags());
3838                     } else if ((enabledFlags & PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP)
3839                             != (setting.getEnabledFlags() & PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP)) {
3840                         throw new IllegalArgumentException("A conflict of the DONT_KILL_APP flag "
3841                                 + "between components in the package " + packageName);
3842                     }
3843                 } else {
3844                     if (checkDuplicatedPackage.contains(packageName)) {
3845                         throw new IllegalArgumentException("The package " + packageName
3846                                 + " is duplicated");
3847                     }
3848                     checkDuplicatedPackage.add(packageName);
3849                 }
3850             }
3851         }
3853         final boolean allowedByPermission = mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(
3854                 android.Manifest.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE) == PERMISSION_GRANTED;
3855         final boolean[] updateAllowed = new boolean[targetSize];
3856         Arrays.fill(updateAllowed, true);
3858         final Map<String, PackageSetting> pkgSettings = new ArrayMap<>(targetSize);
3859         // reader
3860         synchronized (mLock) {
3861             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
3862             // Checks for target packages
3863             for (int i = 0; i < targetSize; i++) {
3864                 final ComponentEnabledSetting setting = settings.get(i);
3865                 final String packageName = setting.getPackageName();
3866                 if (pkgSettings.containsKey(packageName)) {
3867                     // this package has verified
3868                     continue;
3869                 }
3870                 final boolean isCallerTargetApp = ArrayUtils.contains(
3871                         snapshot.getPackagesForUid(callingUid), packageName);
3872                 final PackageSetting pkgSetting = mSettings.getPackageLPr(packageName);
3873                 // Limit who can change which apps
3874                 if (!isCallerTargetApp && !allowedByPermission) {
3875                     // Don't allow apps that don't have permission to modify other apps
3876                     throw new SecurityException("Attempt to change component state; "
3877                             + "pid=" + Binder.getCallingPid()
3878                             + ", uid=" + callingUid
3879                             + (!setting.isComponent() ? ", package=" + packageName
3880                             : ", component=" + setting.getComponentName()));
3881                 }
3882                 if (pkgSetting == null || snapshot.shouldFilterApplicationIncludingUninstalled(
3883                         pkgSetting, callingUid, userId)) {
3884                     throw new IllegalArgumentException(setting.isComponent()
3885                             ? "Unknown component: " + setting.getComponentName()
3886                             : "Unknown package: " + packageName);
3887                 }
3888                 // Don't allow changing protected packages.
3889                 if (!isCallerTargetApp
3890                         && mProtectedPackages.isPackageStateProtected(userId, packageName)) {
3891                     throw new SecurityException(
3892                             "Cannot disable a protected package: " + packageName);
3893                 }
3894                 if (callingUid == Process.SHELL_UID
3895                         && (pkgSetting.getFlags() & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_TEST_ONLY) == 0) {
3896                     // Shell can only change whole packages between ENABLED and DISABLED_USER states
3897                     // unless it is a test package.
3898                     final int oldState = pkgSetting.getEnabled(userId);
3899                     final int newState = setting.getEnabledState();
3900                     if (!setting.isComponent()
3901                             &&
3902                             (oldState == COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED_USER
3903                                     || oldState == COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DEFAULT
3904                                     || oldState == COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_ENABLED)
3905                             &&
3906                             (newState == COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED_USER
3907                                     || newState == COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DEFAULT
3908                                     || newState == COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_ENABLED)) {
3909                         // ok
3910                     } else {
3911                         throw new SecurityException(
3912                                 "Shell cannot change component state for "
3913                                         + setting.getComponentName() + " to " + newState);
3914                     }
3915                 }
3916                 pkgSettings.put(packageName, pkgSetting);
3917             }
3918             // Checks for target components
3919             for (int i = 0; i < targetSize; i++) {
3920                 final ComponentEnabledSetting setting = settings.get(i);
3921                 // skip if it's application
3922                 if (!setting.isComponent()) continue;
3924                 // Only allow apps with CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE permission to change hidden
3925                 // app details activity
3926                 final String packageName = setting.getPackageName();
3927                 final String className = setting.getClassName();
3928                 if (!allowedByPermission
3929                         && PackageManager.APP_DETAILS_ACTIVITY_CLASS_NAME.equals(className)) {
3930                     throw new SecurityException("Cannot disable a system-generated component");
3931                 }
3932                 // Verify that this is a valid class name.
3933                 final AndroidPackage pkg = pkgSettings.get(packageName).getPkg();
3934                 if (pkg == null || !AndroidPackageUtils.hasComponentClassName(pkg, className)) {
3935                     if (pkg != null
3936                             && pkg.getTargetSdkVersion() >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) {
3937                         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Component class " + className
3938                                 + " does not exist in " + packageName);
3939                     } else {
3940                         Slog.w(TAG, "Failed setComponentEnabledSetting: component class "
3941                                 + className + " does not exist in " + packageName);
3942                         updateAllowed[i] = false;
3943                     }
3944                 }
3945             }
3946         }
3948         // More work for application enabled setting updates
3949         for (int i = 0; i < targetSize; i++) {
3950             final ComponentEnabledSetting setting = settings.get(i);
3951             // skip if it's component
3952             if (setting.isComponent()) continue;
3954             final PackageSetting pkgSetting = pkgSettings.get(setting.getPackageName());
3955             final int newState = setting.getEnabledState();
3956             synchronized (mLock) {
3957                 if (pkgSetting.getEnabled(userId) == newState) {
3958                     // Nothing to do
3959                     updateAllowed[i] = false;
3960                     continue;
3961                 }
3962             }
3963             // If we're enabling a system stub, there's a little more work to do.
3964             // Prior to enabling the package, we need to decompress the APK(s) to the
3965             // data partition and then replace the version on the system partition.
3966             final AndroidPackage deletedPkg = pkgSetting.getPkg();
3967             final boolean isSystemStub = (deletedPkg != null)
3968                     && deletedPkg.isStub()
3969                     && pkgSetting.isSystem();
3970             if (isSystemStub
3971                     && (newState == PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DEFAULT
3972                     || newState == PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_ENABLED)) {
3973                 if (!enableCompressedPackage(deletedPkg, pkgSetting)) {
3974                     Slog.w(TAG, "Failed setApplicationEnabledSetting: failed to enable "
3975                             + "commpressed package " + setting.getPackageName());
3976                     updateAllowed[i] = false;
3977                 }
3978             }
3979         }
3981         // packageName -> list of components to send broadcasts now
3982         final ArrayMap<String, ArrayList<String>> sendNowBroadcasts = new ArrayMap<>(targetSize);
3983         final List<PackageMetrics.ComponentStateMetrics> componentStateMetricsList =
3984                 new ArrayList<PackageMetrics.ComponentStateMetrics>();
3985         synchronized (mLock) {
3986             Computer computer = snapshotComputer();
3987             boolean scheduleBroadcastMessage = false;
3988             boolean isSynchronous = false;
3989             boolean anyChanged = false;
3991             for (int i = 0; i < targetSize; i++) {
3992                 if (!updateAllowed[i]) {
3993                     continue;
3994                 }
3995                 // update enabled settings
3996                 final ComponentEnabledSetting setting = settings.get(i);
3997                 final String packageName = setting.getPackageName();
3998                 final PackageSetting packageSetting = pkgSettings.get(packageName);
3999                 final PackageMetrics.ComponentStateMetrics componentStateMetrics =
4000                         new PackageMetrics.ComponentStateMetrics(setting,
4001                                 UserHandle.getUid(userId, packageSetting.getAppId()),
4002                                 setting.isComponent() ? computer.getComponentEnabledSettingInternal(
4003                                         setting.getComponentName(), callingUid, userId)
4004                                         : packageSetting.getEnabled(userId), callingUid);
4005                 if (!setEnabledSettingInternalLocked(computer, packageSetting, setting, userId,
4006                         callingPackage)) {
4007                     continue;
4008                 }
4009                 anyChanged = true;
4010                 componentStateMetricsList.add(componentStateMetrics);
4012                 if ((setting.getEnabledFlags() & PackageManager.SYNCHRONOUS) != 0) {
4013                     isSynchronous = true;
4014                 }
4015                 // collect broadcast list for the package
4016                 final String componentName = setting.isComponent()
4017                         ? setting.getClassName() : packageName;
4018                 if ((setting.getEnabledFlags() & PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP) == 0) {
4019                     ArrayList<String> componentList = sendNowBroadcasts.get(packageName);
4020                     componentList = componentList == null ? new ArrayList<>() : componentList;
4021                     if (!componentList.contains(componentName)) {
4022                         componentList.add(componentName);
4023                     }
4024                     sendNowBroadcasts.put(packageName, componentList);
4025                     // Purge entry from pending broadcast list if another one exists already
4026                     // since we are sending one right away.
4027                     mPendingBroadcasts.remove(userId, packageName);
4028                 } else {
4029                     mPendingBroadcasts.addComponent(userId, packageName, componentName);
4030                     scheduleBroadcastMessage = true;
4031                 }
4032             }
4033             if (!anyChanged) {
4034                 // nothing changed, return immediately
4035                 return;
4036             }
4038             if (isSynchronous) {
4039                 flushPackageRestrictionsAsUserInternalLocked(userId);
4040             } else {
4041                 scheduleWritePackageRestrictions(userId);
4042             }
4043             if (scheduleBroadcastMessage) {
4044                 if (!mHandler.hasMessages(SEND_PENDING_BROADCAST)) {
4045                     // Schedule a message - if it has been a "reasonably long time" since the
4046                     // service started, send the broadcast with a delay of one second to avoid
4047                     // delayed reactions from the receiver, else keep the default ten second delay
4048                     // to avoid extreme thrashing on service startup.
4049                     final long broadcastDelay = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() > mServiceStartWithDelay
4050                             ? BROADCAST_DELAY
4051                             : BROADCAST_DELAY_DURING_STARTUP;
4052                     mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(SEND_PENDING_BROADCAST, broadcastDelay);
4053                 }
4054             }
4055         }
4057         // Log the metrics when the component state is changed.
4058         PackageMetrics.reportComponentStateChanged(snapshotComputer(), componentStateMetricsList,
4059                 userId);
4061         final long callingId = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
4062         try {
4063             final Computer newSnapshot = snapshotComputer();
4064             for (int i = 0; i < sendNowBroadcasts.size(); i++) {
4065                 final String packageName = sendNowBroadcasts.keyAt(i);
4066                 final ArrayList<String> components = sendNowBroadcasts.valueAt(i);
4067                 final int packageUid = UserHandle.getUid(
4068                         userId, pkgSettings.get(packageName).getAppId());
4069                 mBroadcastHelper.sendPackageChangedBroadcast(newSnapshot, packageName,
4070                         false /* dontKillApp */, components, packageUid, null /* reason */);
4071             }
4072         } finally {
4073             Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(callingId);
4074         }
4075     }
4077     @GuardedBy("mLock")
4078     private boolean setEnabledSettingInternalLocked(@NonNull Computer computer,
4079             PackageSetting pkgSetting, ComponentEnabledSetting setting, @UserIdInt int userId,
4080             String callingPackage) {
4081         final int newState = setting.getEnabledState();
4082         final String packageName = setting.getPackageName();
4083         boolean success = false;
4084         if (!setting.isComponent()) {
4085             // We're dealing with an application/package level state change
4086             pkgSetting.setEnabled(newState, userId, callingPackage);
4087             if ((newState == COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED_USER
4088                     || newState == COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED)
4089                     && checkPermission(Manifest.permission.SUSPEND_APPS, packageName, userId)
4090                     == PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
4091                 // This app should not generally be allowed to get disabled by the UI, but
4092                 // if it ever does, we don't want to end up with some of the user's apps
4093                 // permanently suspended.
4094                 unsuspendForSuspendingPackage(computer, packageName, userId, true /* inAllUsers */);
4095                 removeAllDistractingPackageRestrictions(computer, userId);
4096             }
4097             success = true;
4098         } else {
4099             // We're dealing with a component level state change
4100             final String className = setting.getClassName();
4101             switch (newState) {
4102                 case COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_ENABLED:
4103                     success = pkgSetting.enableComponentLPw(className, userId);
4104                     break;
4105                 case COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED:
4106                     success = pkgSetting.disableComponentLPw(className, userId);
4107                     break;
4108                 case COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DEFAULT:
4109                     success = pkgSetting.restoreComponentLPw(className, userId);
4110                     break;
4111                 default:
4112                     Slog.e(TAG, "Failed setComponentEnabledSetting: component "
4113                             + packageName + "/" + className
4114                             + " requested an invalid new component state: " + newState);
4115                     break;
4116             }
4117         }
4118         if (!success) {
4119             return false;
4120         }
4122         updateSequenceNumberLP(pkgSetting, new int[] { userId });
4123         final long callingId = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
4124         try {
4125             updateInstantAppInstallerLocked(packageName);
4126         } finally {
4127             Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(callingId);
4128         }
4130         return true;
4131     }
4133     @GuardedBy("mLock")
4134     private void flushPackageRestrictionsAsUserInternalLocked(int userId) {
4135         // NOTE: this invokes synchronous disk access, so callers using this
4136         // method should consider running on a background thread
4137         mSettings.writePackageRestrictionsLPr(userId);
4138         synchronized (mDirtyUsers) {
4139             mDirtyUsers.remove(userId);
4140             if (mDirtyUsers.isEmpty()) {
4141                 mBackgroundHandler.removeMessages(WRITE_DIRTY_PACKAGE_RESTRICTIONS);
4142             }
4143         }
4144     }
4146     /**
4147      * Used by SystemServer
4148      */
4149     public void waitForAppDataPrepared() {
4150         if (mPrepareAppDataFuture == null) {
4151             return;
4152         }
4153         ConcurrentUtils.waitForFutureNoInterrupt(mPrepareAppDataFuture, "wait for prepareAppData");
4154         mPrepareAppDataFuture = null;
4155     }
4157     public void systemReady() {
4158         PackageManagerServiceUtils.enforceSystemOrRoot(
4159                 "Only the system can claim the system is ready");
4161         final ContentResolver resolver = mContext.getContentResolver();
4162         if (mReleaseOnSystemReady != null) {
4163             for (int i = mReleaseOnSystemReady.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
4164                 final File dstCodePath = mReleaseOnSystemReady.get(i);
4165                 F2fsUtils.releaseCompressedBlocks(resolver, dstCodePath);
4166             }
4167             mReleaseOnSystemReady = null;
4168         }
4169         mSystemReady = true;
4170         ContentObserver co = new ContentObserver(mHandler) {
4171             @Override
4172             public void onChange(boolean selfChange) {
4173                 final boolean ephemeralFeatureDisabled =
4174                         Global.getInt(resolver, Global.ENABLE_EPHEMERAL_FEATURE, 1) == 0;
4175                 for (int userId : UserManagerService.getInstance().getUserIds()) {
4176                     final boolean instantAppsDisabledForUser =
4177                             ephemeralFeatureDisabled || Secure.getIntForUser(resolver,
4178                                     Secure.INSTANT_APPS_ENABLED, 1, userId) == 0;
4179                     mWebInstantAppsDisabled.put(userId, instantAppsDisabledForUser);
4180                 }
4181             }
4182         };
4183         mContext.getContentResolver().registerContentObserver(android.provider.Settings.Global
4184                         .getUriFor(Global.ENABLE_EPHEMERAL_FEATURE),
4185                 false, co, UserHandle.USER_ALL);
4186         mContext.getContentResolver().registerContentObserver(android.provider.Settings.Secure
4187                 .getUriFor(Secure.INSTANT_APPS_ENABLED), false, co, UserHandle.USER_ALL);
4188         co.onChange(true);
4190         mAppsFilter.onSystemReady(LocalServices.getService(PackageManagerInternal.class));
4192         // Disable any carrier apps. We do this very early in boot to prevent the apps from being
4193         // disabled after already being started.
4194         CarrierAppUtils.disableCarrierAppsUntilPrivileged(
4195                 mContext.getOpPackageName(), UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, mContext);
4197         disableSkuSpecificApps();
4199         // Read the compatibilty setting when the system is ready.
4200         boolean compatibilityModeEnabled = android.provider.Settings.Global.getInt(
4201                 mContext.getContentResolver(),
4202                 android.provider.Settings.Global.COMPATIBILITY_MODE, 1) == 1;
4203         ParsingPackageUtils.setCompatibilityModeEnabled(compatibilityModeEnabled);
4205         if (DEBUG_SETTINGS) {
4206             Log.d(TAG, "compatibility mode:" + compatibilityModeEnabled);
4207         }
4209         synchronized (mLock) {
4210             ArrayList<Integer> changed = mSettings.systemReady(mComponentResolver);
4211             for (int i = 0; i < changed.size(); i++) {
4212                 mSettings.writePackageRestrictionsLPr(changed.get(i));
4213             }
4214         }
4216         mUserManager.systemReady();
4218         // Watch for external volumes that come and go over time
4219         final StorageManager storage = mInjector.getSystemService(StorageManager.class);
4220         storage.registerListener(mStorageEventHelper);
4222         mInstallerService.systemReady();
4223         mPackageDexOptimizer.systemReady();
4225         // Now that we're mostly running, clean up stale users and apps
4226         mUserManager.reconcileUsers(StorageManager.UUID_PRIVATE_INTERNAL);
4227         mStorageEventHelper.reconcileApps(snapshotComputer(), StorageManager.UUID_PRIVATE_INTERNAL);
4229         mPermissionManager.onSystemReady();
4231         int[] grantPermissionsUserIds = EMPTY_INT_ARRAY;
4232         final List<UserInfo> livingUsers = mInjector.getUserManagerInternal().getUsers(
4233                 /* excludePartial= */ true,
4234                 /* excludeDying= */ true,
4235                 /* excludePreCreated= */ false);
4236         final int livingUserCount = livingUsers.size();
4237         for (int i = 0; i < livingUserCount; i++) {
4238             final int userId = livingUsers.get(i).id;
4239             final boolean isPermissionUpgradeNeeded = !Objects.equals(
4240                     mPermissionManager.getDefaultPermissionGrantFingerprint(userId),
4241                     Build.FINGERPRINT);
4242             if (isPermissionUpgradeNeeded) {
4243                 grantPermissionsUserIds = ArrayUtils.appendInt(
4244                         grantPermissionsUserIds, userId);
4245             }
4246         }
4247         // If we upgraded grant all default permissions before kicking off.
4248         for (int userId : grantPermissionsUserIds) {
4249             mLegacyPermissionManager.grantDefaultPermissions(userId);
4250             mPermissionManager.setDefaultPermissionGrantFingerprint(Build.FINGERPRINT, userId);
4251         }
4252         if (grantPermissionsUserIds == EMPTY_INT_ARRAY) {
4253             // If we did not grant default permissions, we preload from this the
4254             // default permission exceptions lazily to ensure we don't hit the
4255             // disk on a new user creation.
4256             mLegacyPermissionManager.scheduleReadDefaultPermissionExceptions();
4257         }
4259         if (mInstantAppResolverConnection != null) {
4260             mContext.registerReceiver(new BroadcastReceiver() {
4261                 @Override
4262                 public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
4263                     mInstantAppResolverConnection.optimisticBind();
4264                     mContext.unregisterReceiver(this);
4265                 }
4266             }, new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED));
4267         }
4269         IntentFilter overlayFilter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_OVERLAY_CHANGED);
4270         overlayFilter.addDataScheme("package");
4271         mContext.registerReceiver(new BroadcastReceiver() {
4272             @Override
4273             public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
4274                 if (intent == null) {
4275                     return;
4276                 }
4277                 Uri data = intent.getData();
4278                 if (data == null) {
4279                     return;
4280                 }
4281                 String packageName = data.getSchemeSpecificPart();
4282                 if (packageName == null) {
4283                     return;
4284                 }
4285                 final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
4286                 AndroidPackage pkg = snapshot.getPackage(packageName);
4287                 if (pkg == null) {
4288                     return;
4289                 }
4290                 mBroadcastHelper.sendPackageChangedBroadcast(snapshot, pkg.getPackageName(),
4291                         true /* dontKillApp */,
4292                         new ArrayList<>(Collections.singletonList(pkg.getPackageName())),
4293                         pkg.getUid(),
4294                         Intent.ACTION_OVERLAY_CHANGED);
4295             }
4296         }, overlayFilter);
4298         mModuleInfoProvider.systemReady();
4300         // Installer service might attempt to install some packages that have been staged for
4301         // installation on reboot. Make sure this is the last component to be call since the
4302         // installation might require other components to be ready.
4303         mInstallerService.restoreAndApplyStagedSessionIfNeeded();
4305         mExistingPackages = null;
4307         // Clear cache on flags changes.
4308         DeviceConfig.addOnPropertiesChangedListener(
4309                 NAMESPACE_PACKAGE_MANAGER_SERVICE, mInjector.getBackgroundExecutor(),
4310                 properties -> {
4311                     final Set<String> keyset = properties.getKeyset();
4312                     if (keyset.contains(PROPERTY_INCFS_DEFAULT_TIMEOUTS) || keyset.contains(
4313                             PROPERTY_KNOWN_DIGESTERS_LIST)) {
4314                         mPerUidReadTimeoutsCache = null;
4315                     }
4316                 });
4318         // Prune unused static shared libraries which have been cached a period of time
4319         schedulePruneUnusedStaticSharedLibraries(false /* delay */);
4321         DexUseManagerLocal dexUseManager = DexOptHelper.getDexUseManagerLocal();
4322         if (dexUseManager != null) {
4323             dexUseManager.systemReady();
4324         }
4325     }
4327     //TODO: b/111402650
4328     private void disableSkuSpecificApps() {
4329         String[] apkList = mContext.getResources().getStringArray(
4330                 R.array.config_disableApksUnlessMatchedSku_apk_list);
4331         String[] skuArray = mContext.getResources().getStringArray(
4332                 R.array.config_disableApkUnlessMatchedSku_skus_list);
4333         if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(apkList)) {
4334            return;
4335         }
4336         String sku = SystemProperties.get("ro.boot.hardware.sku");
4337         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(sku) && ArrayUtils.contains(skuArray, sku)) {
4338             return;
4339         }
4340         final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
4341         for (String packageName : apkList) {
4342             setSystemAppHiddenUntilInstalled(snapshot, packageName, true);
4343             final List<UserInfo> users = mInjector.getUserManagerInternal().getUsers(false);
4344             for (int i = 0; i < users.size(); i++) {
4345                 setSystemAppInstallState(snapshot, packageName, false, users.get(i).id);
4346             }
4347         }
4348     }
4350     public PackageFreezer freezePackage(String packageName, int userId, String killReason,
4351             int exitInfoReason, InstallRequest request) {
4352         return freezePackage(packageName, userId, killReason, exitInfoReason, request,
4353                 /* waitAppKilled= */ false);
4354     }
4356     private PackageFreezer freezePackage(String packageName, int userId, String killReason,
4357             int exitInfoReason, InstallRequest request, boolean waitAppKilled) {
4358         return new PackageFreezer(packageName, userId, killReason, this, exitInfoReason, request,
4359                 waitAppKilled);
4360     }
4362     public PackageFreezer freezePackageForDelete(String packageName, int userId, int deleteFlags,
4363             String killReason, int exitInfoReason) {
4364         if ((deleteFlags & PackageManager.DELETE_DONT_KILL_APP) != 0) {
4365             return new PackageFreezer(this, null /* request */);
4366         } else {
4367             return freezePackage(packageName, userId, killReason, exitInfoReason,
4368                     null /* request */);
4369         }
4370     }
4372     /** Called by UserManagerService */
4373     void cleanUpUser(UserManagerService userManager, @UserIdInt int userId) {
4374         synchronized (mLock) {
4375             synchronized (mDirtyUsers) {
4376                 mDirtyUsers.remove(userId);
4377             }
4378             mUserNeedsBadging.delete(userId);
4379             mDeletePackageHelper.removeUnusedPackagesLPw(userManager, userId);
4380             mSettings.removeUserLPw(userId);
4381             mPendingBroadcasts.remove(userId);
4382             mAppsFilter.onUserDeleted(snapshotComputer(), userId);
4383             mPermissionManager.onUserRemoved(userId);
4384         }
4385         mInstantAppRegistry.onUserRemoved(userId);
4386         mPackageMonitorCallbackHelper.onUserRemoved(userId);
4387         if (crossUserSuspensionEnabledRo()) {
4388             cleanUpCrossUserSuspension(userId);
4389         }
4390     }
4392     private void cleanUpCrossUserSuspension(int removedUser) {
4393         final Computer computer = snapshotComputer();
4394         var allPackages = computer.getAllAvailablePackageNames();
4395         for (int targetUserId : mUserManager.getUserIds()) {
4396             if (targetUserId == removedUser) continue;
4397             mSuspendPackageHelper.removeSuspensionsBySuspendingPackage(computer, allPackages,
4398                     userPackage -> userPackage.userId == removedUser, targetUserId);
4399         }
4400     }
4402     /**
4403      * Called by UserManagerService.
4404      *
4405      * @param userTypeInstallablePackages system packages that should be initially installed for
4406      *                                    this type of user, or {@code null} if all system packages
4407      *                                    should be installed
4408      * @param disallowedPackages packages that should not be initially installed. Takes precedence
4409      *                           over installablePackages.
4410      */
4411     void createNewUser(int userId, @Nullable Set<String> userTypeInstallablePackages,
4412             String[] disallowedPackages) {
4413         try (PackageManagerTracedLock installLock = mInstallLock.acquireLock()) {
4414             mSettings.createNewUserLI(this, mInstaller, userId,
4415                     userTypeInstallablePackages, disallowedPackages);
4416         }
4417         synchronized (mLock) {
4418             scheduleWritePackageRestrictions(userId);
4419             scheduleWritePackageListLocked(userId);
4420             mAppsFilter.onUserCreated(snapshotComputer(), userId);
4421         }
4422     }
4424     void onNewUserCreated(@UserIdInt int userId, boolean convertedFromPreCreated) {
4425         if (DEBUG_PERMISSIONS) {
4426             Slog.d(TAG, "onNewUserCreated(id=" + userId
4427                     + ", convertedFromPreCreated=" + convertedFromPreCreated + ")");
4428         }
4429         if (!convertedFromPreCreated || !readPermissionStateForUser(userId)) {
4430             mPermissionManager.onUserCreated(userId);
4431             mLegacyPermissionManager.grantDefaultPermissions(userId);
4432             mPermissionManager.setDefaultPermissionGrantFingerprint(Build.FINGERPRINT, userId);
4433             mDomainVerificationManager.clearUser(userId);
4434         }
4435     }
4437     private boolean readPermissionStateForUser(@UserIdInt int userId) {
4438         synchronized (mLock) {
4439             mPermissionManager.writeLegacyPermissionStateTEMP();
4440             mSettings.readPermissionStateForUserSyncLPr(userId);
4441             mPermissionManager.readLegacyPermissionStateTEMP();
4442             final boolean isPermissionUpgradeNeeded = !Objects.equals(
4443                     mPermissionManager.getDefaultPermissionGrantFingerprint(userId),
4444                     Build.FINGERPRINT);
4445             return isPermissionUpgradeNeeded;
4446         }
4447     }
4449     public boolean isStorageLow() {
4450         // allow instant applications
4451         final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
4452         try {
4453             final DeviceStorageMonitorInternal
4454                     dsm = mInjector.getLocalService(DeviceStorageMonitorInternal.class);
4455             if (dsm != null) {
4456                 return dsm.isMemoryLow();
4457             } else {
4458                 return false;
4459             }
4460         } finally {
4461             Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token);
4462         }
4463     }
4465     private void deletePackageIfUnused(@NonNull Computer snapshot, final String packageName) {
4466         PackageStateInternal ps = snapshot.getPackageStateInternal(packageName);
4467         if (ps == null) {
4468             return;
4469         }
4470         final SparseArray<? extends PackageUserStateInternal> userStates = ps.getUserStates();
4471         for (int index = 0; index < userStates.size(); index++) {
4472             if (userStates.valueAt(index).isInstalled()) {
4473                 return;
4474             }
4475         }
4476         // TODO Implement atomic delete if package is unused
4477         // It is currently possible that the package will be deleted even if it is installed
4478         // after this method returns.
4479         mHandler.post(() -> mDeletePackageHelper.deletePackageX(
4480                 packageName, PackageManager.VERSION_CODE_HIGHEST,
4481                 0, PackageManager.DELETE_ALL_USERS, true /*removedBySystem*/));
4482     }
4484     void deletePreloadsFileCache() {
4485         mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.CLEAR_APP_CACHE,
4486                 "deletePreloadsFileCache");
4487         File dir = Environment.getDataPreloadsFileCacheDirectory();
4488         Slog.i(PackageManagerService.TAG, "Deleting preloaded file cache " + dir);
4489         FileUtils.deleteContents(dir);
4490     }
4492     void setSystemAppHiddenUntilInstalled(@NonNull Computer snapshot, String packageName,
4493             boolean hidden) {
4494         final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
4495         final boolean calledFromSystemOrPhone = callingUid == Process.PHONE_UID
4496                 || callingUid == Process.SYSTEM_UID;
4497         if (!calledFromSystemOrPhone) {
4498             mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(Manifest.permission.SUSPEND_APPS,
4499                     "setSystemAppHiddenUntilInstalled");
4500         }
4502         final PackageStateInternal stateRead = snapshot.getPackageStateInternal(packageName);
4503         if (stateRead == null || !stateRead.isSystem() || stateRead.getPkg() == null) {
4504             return;
4505         }
4506         if (stateRead.getPkg().isCoreApp() && !calledFromSystemOrPhone) {
4507             throw new SecurityException("Only system or phone callers can modify core apps");
4508         }
4510         commitPackageStateMutation(null, mutator -> {
4511             mutator.forPackage(packageName)
4512                     .setHiddenUntilInstalled(hidden);
4513             mutator.forDisabledSystemPackage(packageName)
4514                     .setHiddenUntilInstalled(hidden);
4515         });
4516     }
4518     boolean setSystemAppInstallState(@NonNull Computer snapshot, String packageName,
4519             boolean installed, int userId) {
4520         final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
4521         final boolean calledFromSystemOrPhone = callingUid == Process.PHONE_UID
4522                 || callingUid == Process.SYSTEM_UID;
4523         if (!calledFromSystemOrPhone) {
4524             mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(Manifest.permission.SUSPEND_APPS,
4525                     "setSystemAppHiddenUntilInstalled");
4526         }
4528         final PackageStateInternal packageState = snapshot.getPackageStateInternal(packageName);
4529         // The target app should always be in system
4530         if (packageState == null || !packageState.isSystem() || packageState.getPkg() == null) {
4531             return false;
4532         }
4533         if (packageState.getPkg().isCoreApp() && !calledFromSystemOrPhone) {
4534             throw new SecurityException("Only system or phone callers can modify core apps");
4535         }
4536         // Check if the install state is the same
4537         if (packageState.getUserStateOrDefault(userId).isInstalled() == installed) {
4538             return false;
4539         }
4541         final long callingId = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
4542         try {
4543             if (installed) {
4544                 // install the app from uninstalled state
4545                 mInstallPackageHelper.installExistingPackageAsUser(
4546                         packageName,
4547                         userId,
4548                         PackageManager.INSTALL_ALL_WHITELIST_RESTRICTED_PERMISSIONS,
4549                         PackageManager.INSTALL_REASON_DEVICE_SETUP,
4550                         null,
4551                         null);
4552                 return true;
4553             }
4555             // uninstall the app from installed state
4556             deletePackageVersioned(
4557                     new VersionedPackage(packageName, PackageManager.VERSION_CODE_HIGHEST),
4558                     new PackageManager.LegacyPackageDeleteObserver(null).getBinder(),
4559                     userId,
4560                     PackageManager.DELETE_SYSTEM_APP);
4561             return true;
4562         } finally {
4563             Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(callingId);
4564         }
4565     }
4567     void finishPackageInstall(int token, boolean didLaunch) {
4568         PackageManagerServiceUtils.enforceSystemOrRoot(
4569                 "Only the system is allowed to finish installs");
4571         if (PackageManagerService.DEBUG_INSTALL) {
4572             Slog.v(PackageManagerService.TAG, "BM finishing package install for " + token);
4573         }
4574         Trace.asyncTraceEnd(TRACE_TAG_PACKAGE_MANAGER, "restore", token);
4576         final Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(PackageManagerService.POST_INSTALL, token,
4577                 didLaunch ? 1 : 0);
4578         mHandler.sendMessage(msg);
4579     }
4581     void checkPackageStartable(@NonNull Computer snapshot, @NonNull String packageName,
4582             @UserIdInt int userId) {
4583         final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
4584         if (snapshot.getInstantAppPackageName(callingUid) != null) {
4585             throw new SecurityException("Instant applications don't have access to this method");
4586         }
4587         if (!mUserManager.exists(userId)) {
4588             throw new SecurityException("User doesn't exist");
4589         }
4590         snapshot.enforceCrossUserPermission(callingUid, userId, false, false,
4591                 "checkPackageStartable");
4592         switch (snapshot.getPackageStartability(mSafeMode, packageName, callingUid, userId)) {
4594                 throw new SecurityException("Package " + packageName + " was not found!");
4596                 throw new SecurityException("Package " + packageName + " not a system app!");
4597             case PACKAGE_STARTABILITY_FROZEN:
4598                 throw new SecurityException("Package " + packageName + " is currently frozen!");
4600                 throw new SecurityException("Package " + packageName + " is not encryption aware!");
4601             case PACKAGE_STARTABILITY_OK:
4602             default:
4603         }
4604     }
4606     void setPackageStoppedState(@NonNull Computer snapshot, @NonNull String packageName,
4607             boolean stopped, @UserIdInt int userId) {
4608         if (!mUserManager.exists(userId)) return;
4609         final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
4610         boolean wasStopped = false;
4611         if (snapshot.getInstantAppPackageName(callingUid) == null) {
4612             final int permission = mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(
4613                     Manifest.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE);
4614             final boolean allowedByPermission = (permission == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED);
4615             if (!allowedByPermission
4616                     && !ArrayUtils.contains(snapshot.getPackagesForUid(callingUid), packageName)) {
4617                 throw new SecurityException(
4618                         "Permission Denial: attempt to change stopped state from pid="
4619                                 + Binder.getCallingPid()
4620                                 + ", uid=" + callingUid + ", package=" + packageName);
4621             }
4622             snapshot.enforceCrossUserPermission(callingUid, userId,
4623                     true /* requireFullPermission */, true /* checkShell */, "stop package");
4625             final PackageStateInternal packageState =
4626                     snapshot.getPackageStateForInstalledAndFiltered(
4627                             packageName, callingUid, userId);
4628             final PackageUserState packageUserState = packageState == null
4629                     ? null : packageState.getUserStateOrDefault(userId);
4630             if (packageState != null && packageUserState.isStopped() != stopped) {
4631                 boolean wasNotLaunched = packageUserState.isNotLaunched();
4632                 wasStopped = packageUserState.isStopped();
4633                 commitPackageStateMutation(null, packageName, state -> {
4634                     PackageUserStateWrite userState = state.userState(userId);
4635                     userState.setStopped(stopped);
4636                     if (wasNotLaunched) {
4637                         userState.setNotLaunched(false);
4638                     }
4639                 });
4641                 if (wasNotLaunched) {
4642                     final String installerPackageName =
4643                             packageState.getInstallSource().mInstallerPackageName;
4644                     if (installerPackageName != null) {
4645                         notifyFirstLaunch(packageName, installerPackageName, userId);
4646                     }
4647                 }
4649                 scheduleWritePackageRestrictions(userId);
4650             }
4651         }
4653         // If this would cause the app to leave force-stop, then also make sure to unhibernate the
4654         // app if needed.
4655         if (!stopped) {
4656             mHandler.post(() -> {
4657                 AppHibernationManagerInternal ah =
4658                         mInjector.getLocalService(AppHibernationManagerInternal.class);
4659                 if (ah != null && ah.isHibernatingForUser(packageName, userId)) {
4660                     ah.setHibernatingForUser(packageName, userId, false);
4661                     ah.setHibernatingGlobally(packageName, false);
4662                 }
4663             });
4664             // Send UNSTOPPED broadcast if necessary
4665             if (wasStopped && Flags.stayStopped()) {
4666                 Trace.traceBegin(TRACE_TAG_PACKAGE_MANAGER, "unstoppedBroadcast");
4667                 final PackageManagerInternal pmi =
4668                         mInjector.getLocalService(PackageManagerInternal.class);
4669                 final int [] userIds = resolveUserIds(userId);
4670                 final SparseArray<int[]> broadcastAllowList =
4671                         snapshotComputer().getVisibilityAllowLists(packageName, userIds);
4672                 final Bundle extras = new Bundle();
4673                 extras.putInt(Intent.EXTRA_UID, pmi.getPackageUid(packageName, 0, userId));
4674                 extras.putInt(Intent.EXTRA_USER_HANDLE, userId);
4675                 extras.putLong(Intent.EXTRA_TIME, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime());
4676                 mHandler.post(() -> {
4677                     mBroadcastHelper.sendPackageBroadcast(Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_UNSTOPPED,
4678                             packageName, extras,
4679                             Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY, null, null,
4680                             userIds, null, broadcastAllowList, null,
4681                             null);
4682                 });
4683                 mPackageMonitorCallbackHelper.notifyPackageMonitor(Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_UNSTOPPED,
4684                         packageName, extras, userIds, null /* instantUserIds */,
4685                         broadcastAllowList, mHandler, null /* filterExtras */);
4686                 Trace.traceEnd(TRACE_TAG_PACKAGE_MANAGER);
4687             }
4688         }
4689     }
4691     void notifyComponentUsed(@NonNull Computer snapshot, @NonNull String packageName,
4692             @UserIdInt int userId, @Nullable String recentCallingPackage,
4693             @NonNull String debugInfo) {
4694         synchronized (mLock) {
4695             final PackageSetting pkgSetting = mSettings.getPackageLPr(packageName);
4696             // If the package doesn't exist, don't need to proceed to setPackageStoppedState.
4697             if (pkgSetting == null) {
4698                 return;
4699             }
4700             if (pkgSetting.getUserStateOrDefault(userId).isQuarantined()) {
4701                 Slog.i(TAG,
4702                         "Component is quarantined+suspended but being used: "
4703                                 + packageName + " by " + recentCallingPackage + ", debugInfo: "
4704                                 + debugInfo);
4705             }
4706         }
4707         PackageManagerService.this
4708                 .setPackageStoppedState(snapshot, packageName, false /* stopped */,
4709                         userId);
4710     }
4712     public class IPackageManagerImpl extends IPackageManagerBase {
4714         public IPackageManagerImpl() {
4715             super(PackageManagerService.this, mContext, mDexOptHelper, mModuleInfoProvider,
4716                     mPreferredActivityHelper, mResolveIntentHelper, mDomainVerificationManager,
4717                     mDomainVerificationConnection, mInstallerService, mPackageProperty,
4718                     mResolveComponentName, mInstantAppResolverSettingsComponent,
4719                     mServicesExtensionPackageName, mSharedSystemSharedLibraryPackageName);
4720         }
4722         @Override
4723         public void checkPackageStartable(String packageName, int userId) {
4724             PackageManagerService.this
4725                     .checkPackageStartable(snapshotComputer(), packageName, userId);
4726         }
4728         @Override
4729         public void clearApplicationProfileData(String packageName) {
4730             PackageManagerServiceUtils.enforceSystemOrRootOrShell(
4731                     "Only the system or shell can clear all profile data");
4733             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
4734             final AndroidPackage pkg = snapshot.getPackage(packageName);
4735             try (PackageFreezer ignored =
4736                             freezePackage(packageName, UserHandle.USER_ALL,
4737                                     "clearApplicationProfileData",
4738                                     ApplicationExitInfo.REASON_OTHER, null /* request */)) {
4739                 try (PackageManagerTracedLock installLock = mInstallLock.acquireLock()) {
4740                     mAppDataHelper.clearAppProfilesLIF(pkg);
4741                 }
4742             }
4743         }
4745         @android.annotation.EnforcePermission(android.Manifest.permission.CLEAR_APP_USER_DATA)
4746         @Override
4747         public void clearApplicationUserData(final String packageName,
4748                 final IPackageDataObserver observer, final int userId) {
4749             clearApplicationUserData_enforcePermission();
4751             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
4752             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
4753             snapshot.enforceCrossUserPermission(callingUid, userId, true /* requireFullPermission */,
4754                     false /* checkShell */, "clear application data");
4756             if (snapshot.getPackageStateForInstalledAndFiltered(
4757                     packageName, callingUid, userId) == null) {
4758                 if (observer != null) {
4759                     mHandler.post(() -> {
4760                         try {
4761                             observer.onRemoveCompleted(packageName, false);
4762                         } catch (RemoteException e) {
4763                             Log.i(TAG, "Observer no longer exists.");
4764                         }
4765                     });
4766                 }
4767                 return;
4768             }
4769             if (mProtectedPackages.isPackageDataProtected(userId, packageName)) {
4770                 throw new SecurityException("Cannot clear data for a protected package: "
4771                         + packageName);
4772             }
4773             final int callingPid = Binder.getCallingPid();
4774             EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.PM_CLEAR_APP_DATA_CALLER, callingPid, callingUid,
4775                     packageName);
4777             // Queue up an async operation since the package deletion may take a little while.
4778             mHandler.post(new Runnable() {
4779                 public void run() {
4780                     mHandler.removeCallbacks(this);
4781                     final boolean succeeded;
4782                     try (PackageFreezer freezer = freezePackage(packageName, UserHandle.USER_ALL,
4783                             "clearApplicationUserData",
4784                             ApplicationExitInfo.REASON_USER_REQUESTED, null /* request */,
4785                             /* waitAppKilled= */ true)) {
4786                         try (PackageManagerTracedLock installLock = mInstallLock.acquireLock()) {
4787                             succeeded = clearApplicationUserDataLIF(snapshotComputer(), packageName,
4788                                     userId);
4789                         }
4790                         mInstantAppRegistry.deleteInstantApplicationMetadata(packageName, userId);
4791                         synchronized (mLock) {
4792                             if (succeeded) {
4793                                 resetComponentEnabledSettingsIfNeededLPw(packageName, userId);
4794                             }
4795                         }
4796                     }
4797                     if (succeeded) {
4798                         // invoke DeviceStorageMonitor's update method to clear any notifications
4799                         DeviceStorageMonitorInternal dsm = LocalServices
4800                                 .getService(DeviceStorageMonitorInternal.class);
4801                         if (dsm != null) {
4802                             dsm.checkMemory();
4803                         }
4804                         if (checkPermission(Manifest.permission.SUSPEND_APPS, packageName, userId)
4805                                 == PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
4806                             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
4807                             unsuspendForSuspendingPackage(
4808                                     snapshot, packageName, userId, true /* inAllUsers */);
4809                             removeAllDistractingPackageRestrictions(snapshot, userId);
4810                             synchronized (mLock) {
4811                                 flushPackageRestrictionsAsUserInternalLocked(userId);
4812                             }
4813                         }
4814                     }
4815                     if (observer != null) {
4816                         try {
4817                             observer.onRemoveCompleted(packageName, succeeded);
4818                         } catch (RemoteException e) {
4819                             Log.i(TAG, "Observer no longer exists.");
4820                         }
4821                     } //end if observer
4822                 } //end run
4823             });
4824         }
4826         @android.annotation.EnforcePermission(android.Manifest.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL)
4827         @Override
4828         public void clearCrossProfileIntentFilters(int sourceUserId, String ownerPackage) {
4829             clearCrossProfileIntentFilters_enforcePermission();
4830             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
4831             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
4832             enforceOwnerRights(snapshot, ownerPackage, callingUid);
4833             PackageManagerServiceUtils.enforceShellRestriction(mInjector.getUserManagerInternal(),
4834                     UserManager.DISALLOW_DEBUGGING_FEATURES, callingUid, sourceUserId);
4835             PackageManagerService.this.mInjector.getCrossProfileIntentFilterHelper()
4836                             .clearCrossProfileIntentFilters(sourceUserId, ownerPackage,
4837                                     null);
4838             scheduleWritePackageRestrictions(sourceUserId);
4839         }
4841         @android.annotation.EnforcePermission(android.Manifest.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL)
4842         @Override
4843         public boolean removeCrossProfileIntentFilter(IntentFilter intentFilter,
4844                 String ownerPackage,
4845                 int sourceUserId,
4846                 int targetUserId, int flags) {
4847             removeCrossProfileIntentFilter_enforcePermission();
4848             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
4849             enforceOwnerRights(snapshotComputer(), ownerPackage, callingUid);
4850             mUserManager.enforceCrossProfileIntentFilterAccess(sourceUserId, targetUserId,
4851                     callingUid, /* addCrossProfileIntentFilter */ false);
4852             PackageManagerServiceUtils.enforceShellRestriction(mInjector.getUserManagerInternal(),
4853                     UserManager.DISALLOW_DEBUGGING_FEATURES, callingUid, sourceUserId);
4855             boolean removedMatchingFilter = false;
4856             synchronized (mLock) {
4857                 CrossProfileIntentResolver resolver =
4858                         mSettings.editCrossProfileIntentResolverLPw(sourceUserId);
4860                 ArraySet<CrossProfileIntentFilter> set =
4861                         new ArraySet<>(resolver.filterSet());
4862                 for (int i = 0; i < set.size(); i++) {
4863                     final CrossProfileIntentFilter filter = set.valueAt(i);
4864                     if (IntentFilter.filterEquals(filter.mFilter, intentFilter)
4865                             && filter.getOwnerPackage().equals(ownerPackage)
4866                             && filter.getTargetUserId() == targetUserId
4867                             && filter.getFlags() == flags) {
4868                         resolver.removeFilter(filter);
4869                         removedMatchingFilter = true;
4870                         break;
4871                     }
4872                 }
4873             }
4874             if (removedMatchingFilter) {
4875                 scheduleWritePackageRestrictions(sourceUserId);
4876             }
4877             return removedMatchingFilter;
4878         }
4880         @Override
4881         public final void deleteApplicationCacheFiles(final String packageName,
4882                 final IPackageDataObserver observer) {
4883             final int userId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId();
4884             deleteApplicationCacheFilesAsUser(packageName, userId, observer);
4885         }
4887         @Override
4888         public void deleteApplicationCacheFilesAsUser(final String packageName, final int userId,
4889                 final IPackageDataObserver observer) {
4890             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
4891             if (mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(
4892                     android.Manifest.permission.INTERNAL_DELETE_CACHE_FILES)
4893                     != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
4894                 // If the caller has the old delete cache permission, silently ignore.  Else throw.
4895                 if (mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(
4896                         android.Manifest.permission.DELETE_CACHE_FILES)
4897                         == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
4898                     Slog.w(TAG, "Calling uid " + callingUid + " does not have " +
4899                             android.Manifest.permission.INTERNAL_DELETE_CACHE_FILES +
4900                             ", silently ignoring");
4901                     return;
4902                 }
4903                 mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(
4904                         android.Manifest.permission.INTERNAL_DELETE_CACHE_FILES, null);
4905             }
4906             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
4907             snapshot.enforceCrossUserPermission(callingUid, userId, /* requireFullPermission= */ true,
4908                     /* checkShell= */ false, "delete application cache files");
4909             final int hasAccessInstantApps = mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(
4910                     android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_INSTANT_APPS);
4911             final int callingPid = Binder.getCallingPid();
4912             EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.PM_CLEAR_APP_DATA_CALLER, callingPid, callingUid,
4913                     packageName);
4915             // Queue up an async operation since the package deletion may take a little while.
4916             mHandler.post(() -> {
4917                 // Snapshot in the Handler Runnable since this may be deferred quite a bit
4918                 // TODO: Is this and the later mInstallLock re-snapshot necessary?
4919                 final Computer newSnapshot = snapshotComputer();
4920                 final PackageStateInternal ps = newSnapshot.getPackageStateInternal(packageName);
4921                 boolean doClearData = true;
4922                 if (ps != null) {
4923                     final boolean targetIsInstantApp =
4924                             ps.getUserStateOrDefault(UserHandle.getUserId(callingUid)).isInstantApp();
4925                     doClearData = !targetIsInstantApp
4926                             || hasAccessInstantApps == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED;
4927                 }
4928                 if (doClearData) {
4929                     try (PackageManagerTracedLock installLock = mInstallLock.acquireLock()) {
4930                         final int flags = FLAG_STORAGE_DE | FLAG_STORAGE_CE | FLAG_STORAGE_EXTERNAL;
4931                         // Snapshot again after mInstallLock?
4932                         final AndroidPackage pkg = snapshotComputer().getPackage(packageName);
4933                         // We're only clearing cache files, so we don't care if the
4934                         // app is unfrozen and still able to run
4935                         mAppDataHelper.clearAppDataLIF(pkg, userId,
4936                                 flags | Installer.FLAG_CLEAR_CACHE_ONLY);
4937                         mAppDataHelper.clearAppDataLIF(pkg, userId,
4938                                 flags | Installer.FLAG_CLEAR_CODE_CACHE_ONLY);
4939                     }
4940                 }
4941                 if (observer != null) {
4942                     try {
4943                         observer.onRemoveCompleted(packageName, true);
4944                     } catch (RemoteException e) {
4945                         Log.i(TAG, "Observer no longer exists.");
4946                     }
4947                 }
4948             });
4949         }
4951         @Override
4952         public void enterSafeMode() {
4953             PackageManagerServiceUtils.enforceSystemOrRoot(
4954                     "Only the system can request entering safe mode");
4956             if (!mSystemReady) {
4957                 mSafeMode = true;
4958             }
4959         }
4961         @Override
4962         public void extendVerificationTimeout(int verificationId, int verificationCodeAtTimeout,
4963                 long millisecondsToDelay) {
4964             // Negative ids correspond to testing verifiers and will be silently enforced in
4965             // the handler thread.
4966             if (verificationId >= 0) {
4967                 mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(
4968                         Manifest.permission.PACKAGE_VERIFICATION_AGENT,
4969                         "Only package verification agents can extend verification timeouts");
4970             }
4971             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
4973             mHandler.post(() -> {
4974                 final int id = verificationId >= 0 ? verificationId : -verificationId;
4975                 final PackageVerificationState state = mPendingVerification.get(id);
4976                 if (state == null || !state.extendTimeout(callingUid)) {
4977                     // Invalid uid or already extended.
4978                     return;
4979                 }
4981                 final PackageVerificationResponse response = new PackageVerificationResponse(
4982                         verificationCodeAtTimeout, callingUid);
4984                 long delay = millisecondsToDelay;
4985                 if (delay > PackageManager.MAXIMUM_VERIFICATION_TIMEOUT) {
4986                     delay = PackageManager.MAXIMUM_VERIFICATION_TIMEOUT;
4987                 }
4988                 if (delay < 0) {
4989                     delay = 0;
4990                 }
4992                 final Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(PackageManagerService.PACKAGE_VERIFIED);
4993                 msg.arg1 = id;
4994                 msg.obj = response;
4995                 mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(msg, delay);
4996             });
4997         }
4999         @WorkerThread
5000         @Override
5001         public void flushPackageRestrictionsAsUser(int userId) {
5002             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
5003             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
5004             if (snapshot.getInstantAppPackageName(callingUid) != null) {
5005                 return;
5006             }
5007             if (!mUserManager.exists(userId)) {
5008                 return;
5009             }
5010             snapshot.enforceCrossUserPermission(callingUid, userId,
5011                     false /* requireFullPermission*/, false /* checkShell */,
5012                     "flushPackageRestrictions");
5013             synchronized (mLock) {
5014                 flushPackageRestrictionsAsUserInternalLocked(userId);
5015             }
5016         }
5019         @android.annotation.EnforcePermission(android.Manifest.permission.CLEAR_APP_CACHE)
5020         @Override
5021         public void freeStorage(final String volumeUuid, final long freeStorageSize,
5022                 final @StorageManager.AllocateFlags int flags, final IntentSender pi) {
5023             freeStorage_enforcePermission();
5024             mHandler.post(() -> {
5025                 boolean success = false;
5026                 try {
5027                     PackageManagerService.this.freeStorage(volumeUuid, freeStorageSize, flags);
5028                     success = true;
5029                 } catch (IOException e) {
5030                     Slog.w(TAG, e);
5031                 }
5032                 if (pi != null) {
5033                     try {
5034                         final BroadcastOptions options = BroadcastOptions.makeBasic();
5035                         options.setPendingIntentBackgroundActivityLaunchAllowed(false);
5036                         pi.sendIntent(null, success ? 1 : 0, null /* intent */,
5037                                 null /* onFinished*/, null /* handler */,
5038                                 null /* requiredPermission */, options.toBundle());
5039                     } catch (SendIntentException e) {
5040                         Slog.w(TAG, e);
5041                     }
5042                 }
5043             });
5044         }
5046         @android.annotation.EnforcePermission(android.Manifest.permission.CLEAR_APP_CACHE)
5047         @Override
5048         public void freeStorageAndNotify(final String volumeUuid, final long freeStorageSize,
5049                 final @StorageManager.AllocateFlags int flags, final IPackageDataObserver observer) {
5050             freeStorageAndNotify_enforcePermission();
5051             mHandler.post(() -> {
5052                 boolean success = false;
5053                 try {
5054                     PackageManagerService.this.freeStorage(volumeUuid, freeStorageSize, flags);
5055                     success = true;
5056                 } catch (IOException e) {
5057                     Slog.w(PackageManagerService.TAG, e);
5058                 }
5059                 if (observer != null) {
5060                     try {
5061                         observer.onRemoveCompleted(null, success);
5062                     } catch (RemoteException e) {
5063                         Slog.w(PackageManagerService.TAG, e);
5064                     }
5065                 }
5066             });
5067         }
5069         @Override
5070         public ChangedPackages getChangedPackages(int sequenceNumber, int userId) {
5071             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
5072             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
5073             if (snapshot.getInstantAppPackageName(callingUid) != null) {
5074                 return null;
5075             }
5076             if (!mUserManager.exists(userId)) {
5077                 return null;
5078             }
5079             snapshot.enforceCrossUserPermission(callingUid, userId, false, false,
5080                     "getChangedPackages");
5081             final ChangedPackages changedPackages = mChangedPackagesTracker.getChangedPackages(
5082                     sequenceNumber, userId);
5084             if (changedPackages != null) {
5085                 final List<String> packageNames = changedPackages.getPackageNames();
5086                 for (int index = packageNames.size() - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
5087                     // Filter out the changes if the calling package should not be able to see it.
5088                     final PackageStateInternal packageState =
5089                             snapshot.getPackageStateInternal(packageNames.get(index));
5090                     if (snapshot.shouldFilterApplication(packageState, callingUid, userId)) {
5091                         packageNames.remove(index);
5092                     }
5093                 }
5094             }
5096             return changedPackages;
5097         }
5099         @Override
5100         public byte[] getDomainVerificationBackup(int userId) {
5101             if (Binder.getCallingUid() != Process.SYSTEM_UID) {
5102                 throw new SecurityException("Only the system may call getDomainVerificationBackup()");
5103             }
5105             try {
5106                 try (ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
5107                     TypedXmlSerializer serializer = Xml.resolveSerializer(output);
5108                     mDomainVerificationManager.writeSettings(snapshotComputer(), serializer, true,
5109                             userId);
5110                     return output.toByteArray();
5111                 }
5112             } catch (Exception e) {
5113                 if (PackageManagerService.DEBUG_BACKUP) {
5114                     Slog.e(PackageManagerService.TAG, "Unable to write domain verification for backup", e);
5115                 }
5116                 return null;
5117             }
5118         }
5120         @Override
5121         public IBinder getHoldLockToken() {
5122             if (!Build.IS_DEBUGGABLE) {
5123                 throw new SecurityException("getHoldLockToken requires a debuggable build");
5124             }
5126             mContext.enforceCallingPermission(
5127                     Manifest.permission.INJECT_EVENTS,
5128                     "getHoldLockToken requires INJECT_EVENTS permission");
5130             final Binder token = new Binder();
5131             token.attachInterface(this, "holdLock:" + Binder.getCallingUid());
5132             return token;
5133         }
5135         @android.annotation.EnforcePermission(android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_INSTANT_APPS)
5136         @Override
5137         public String getInstantAppAndroidId(String packageName, int userId) {
5138             getInstantAppAndroidId_enforcePermission();
5139             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
5140             snapshot.enforceCrossUserPermission(Binder.getCallingUid(), userId,
5141                     true /* requireFullPermission */, false /* checkShell */,
5142                     "getInstantAppAndroidId");
5143             // Make sure the target is an Instant App.
5144             if (!snapshot.isInstantApp(packageName, userId)) {
5145                 return null;
5146             }
5147             return mInstantAppRegistry.getInstantAppAndroidId(packageName, userId);
5148         }
5150         @Override
5151         public byte[] getInstantAppCookie(String packageName, int userId) {
5152             if (HIDE_EPHEMERAL_APIS) {
5153                 return null;
5154             }
5156             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
5157             snapshot.enforceCrossUserPermission(Binder.getCallingUid(), userId,
5158                     true /* requireFullPermission */, false /* checkShell */,
5159                     "getInstantAppCookie");
5160             if (!snapshot.isCallerSameApp(packageName, Binder.getCallingUid())) {
5161                 return null;
5162             }
5163             PackageStateInternal packageState = snapshot.getPackageStateInternal(packageName);
5164             if (packageState == null || packageState.getPkg() == null) {
5165                 return null;
5166             }
5167             return mInstantAppRegistry.getInstantAppCookie(packageState.getPkg(), userId);
5168         }
5170         @Override
5171         public Bitmap getInstantAppIcon(String packageName, int userId) {
5172             if (HIDE_EPHEMERAL_APIS) {
5173                 return null;
5174             }
5176             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
5177             if (!snapshot.canViewInstantApps(Binder.getCallingUid(), userId)) {
5178                 mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(Manifest.permission.ACCESS_INSTANT_APPS,
5179                         "getInstantAppIcon");
5180             }
5181             snapshot.enforceCrossUserPermission(Binder.getCallingUid(), userId,
5182                     true /* requireFullPermission */, false /* checkShell */,
5183                     "getInstantAppIcon");
5185             return mInstantAppRegistry.getInstantAppIcon(packageName, userId);
5186         }
5188         @Override
5189         public ParceledListSlice<InstantAppInfo> getInstantApps(int userId) {
5190             if (HIDE_EPHEMERAL_APIS) {
5191                 return null;
5192             }
5194             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
5195             if (!snapshot.canViewInstantApps(Binder.getCallingUid(), userId)) {
5196                 mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(Manifest.permission.ACCESS_INSTANT_APPS,
5197                         "getEphemeralApplications");
5198             }
5199             snapshot.enforceCrossUserPermission(Binder.getCallingUid(), userId,
5200                     true /* requireFullPermission */, false /* checkShell */,
5201                     "getEphemeralApplications");
5203             List<InstantAppInfo> instantApps = mInstantAppRegistry.getInstantApps(snapshot, userId);
5204             if (instantApps != null) {
5205                 return new ParceledListSlice<>(instantApps);
5206             }
5207             return null;
5208         }
5210         @Override
5211         public ResolveInfo getLastChosenActivity(Intent intent, String resolvedType, int flags) {
5212             return mPreferredActivityHelper.getLastChosenActivity(snapshotComputer(), intent,
5213                     resolvedType, flags);
5214         }
5216         @Override
5217         public IntentSender getLaunchIntentSenderForPackage(String packageName, String callingPackage,
5218                 String featureId, int userId) throws RemoteException {
5219             return mResolveIntentHelper.getLaunchIntentSenderForPackage(snapshotComputer(),
5220                     packageName, callingPackage, featureId, userId);
5221         }
5223         @Override
5224         public List<String> getMimeGroup(String packageName, String mimeGroup) {
5225             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
5226             enforceOwnerRights(snapshot, packageName, Binder.getCallingUid());
5227             return getMimeGroupInternal(snapshot, packageName, mimeGroup);
5228         }
5230         @android.annotation.EnforcePermission(android.Manifest.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS)
5231         @Override
5232         public int getMoveStatus(int moveId) {
5233             getMoveStatus_enforcePermission();
5234             return mMoveCallbacks.mLastStatus.get(moveId);
5235         }
5237         @android.annotation.EnforcePermission(android.Manifest.permission.GET_APP_METADATA)
5238         @Override
5239         public ParcelFileDescriptor getAppMetadataFd(String packageName, int userId) {
5240             getAppMetadataFd_enforcePermission();
5241             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
5242             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
5243             final PackageStateInternal ps = snapshot.getPackageStateForInstalledAndFiltered(
5244                     packageName, callingUid, userId);
5245             if (ps == null) {
5246                 throw new ParcelableException(
5247                         new PackageManager.NameNotFoundException(packageName));
5248             }
5249             String filePath = ps.getAppMetadataFilePath();
5250             if (filePath == null) {
5251                 return null;
5252             }
5253             File file = new File(filePath);
5254             try {
5255                 return ParcelFileDescriptor.open(file, ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_READ_ONLY);
5256             } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
5257                 return null;
5258             }
5259         }
5261         @android.annotation.EnforcePermission(android.Manifest.permission.GET_APP_METADATA)
5262         @Override
5263         public int getAppMetadataSource(String packageName, int userId) {
5264             getAppMetadataSource_enforcePermission();
5265             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
5266             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
5267             final PackageStateInternal ps = snapshot.getPackageStateForInstalledAndFiltered(
5268                     packageName, callingUid, userId);
5269             if (ps == null) {
5270                 throw new ParcelableException(
5271                         new PackageManager.NameNotFoundException(packageName));
5272             }
5273             return ps.getAppMetadataSource();
5274         }
5276         @Override
5277         public String getPermissionControllerPackageName() {
5278             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
5279             final int callingUserId = UserHandle.getUserId(callingUid);
5280             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
5281             if (snapshot.getPackageStateForInstalledAndFiltered(
5282                     mRequiredPermissionControllerPackage, callingUid, callingUserId) != null) {
5283                 return mRequiredPermissionControllerPackage;
5284             }
5286             throw new IllegalStateException("PermissionController is not found");
5287         }
5289         @Override
5290         @SuppressWarnings("GuardedBy")
5291         public int getRuntimePermissionsVersion(@UserIdInt int userId) {
5292             Preconditions.checkArgumentNonnegative(userId);
5293             enforceAdjustRuntimePermissionsPolicyOrUpgradeRuntimePermissions(
5294                     "getRuntimePermissionVersion");
5295             return mSettings.getDefaultRuntimePermissionsVersion(userId);
5296         }
5298         @Override
5299         public String getSplashScreenTheme(@NonNull String packageName, int userId) {
5300             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
5301             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
5302             snapshot.enforceCrossUserPermission(
5303                     callingUid, userId, false /* requireFullPermission */,
5304                     false /* checkShell */, "getSplashScreenTheme");
5305             PackageStateInternal packageState = snapshot.getPackageStateForInstalledAndFiltered(
5306                     packageName, callingUid, userId);
5307             return packageState == null ? null
5308                     : packageState.getUserStateOrDefault(userId).getSplashScreenTheme();
5309         }
5311         @Override
5312         @PackageManager.UserMinAspectRatio
5313         public int getUserMinAspectRatio(@NonNull String packageName, int userId) {
5314             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
5315             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
5316             final PackageStateInternal packageState = snapshot
5317                     .getPackageStateForInstalledAndFiltered(packageName, callingUid, userId);
5318             return packageState == null ? USER_MIN_ASPECT_RATIO_UNSET
5319                     : packageState.getUserStateOrDefault(userId).getMinAspectRatio();
5320         }
5322         @Override
5323         public Bundle getSuspendedPackageAppExtras(String packageName, int userId) {
5324             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
5325             final Computer snapshot = snapshot();
5326             if (snapshot.getPackageUid(packageName, 0, userId) != callingUid) {
5327                 throw new SecurityException("Calling package " + packageName
5328                         + " does not belong to calling uid " + callingUid);
5329             }
5330             return SuspendPackageHelper
5331                     .getSuspendedPackageAppExtras(snapshot, packageName, userId, callingUid);
5332         }
5334         @Override
5335         public String getSuspendingPackage(String packageName, int userId) {
5336             try {
5337                 final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
5338                 final Computer snapshot = snapshot();
5339                 // This will do visibility checks as well.
5340                 if (!snapshot.isPackageSuspendedForUser(packageName, userId)) {
5341                     return null;
5342                 }
5343                 final UserPackage suspender = mSuspendPackageHelper.getSuspendingPackage(
5344                         snapshot, packageName, userId, callingUid);
5345                 return suspender != null ? suspender.packageName : null;
5346             } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
5347                 return null;
5348             }
5349         }
5351         @Override
5352         public @NonNull ParceledListSlice<FeatureInfo> getSystemAvailableFeatures() {
5353             // allow instant applications
5354             ArrayList<FeatureInfo> res;
5355             res = new ArrayList<>(mAvailableFeatures.size() + 1);
5356             res.addAll(mAvailableFeatures.values());
5357             final FeatureInfo fi = new FeatureInfo();
5358             fi.reqGlEsVersion = SystemProperties.getInt("ro.opengles.version",
5359                     FeatureInfo.GL_ES_VERSION_UNDEFINED);
5360             res.add(fi);
5362             return new ParceledListSlice<>(res);
5363         }
5365         @Override
5366         public @NonNull List<String> getInitialNonStoppedSystemPackages() {
5367             return mInitialNonStoppedSystemPackages != null
5368                     ? new ArrayList<>(mInitialNonStoppedSystemPackages) : new ArrayList<>();
5369         }
5371         @Override
5372         public String[] getUnsuspendablePackagesForUser(String[] packageNames, int userId) {
5373             Objects.requireNonNull(packageNames, "packageNames cannot be null");
5374             mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(Manifest.permission.SUSPEND_APPS,
5375                     "getUnsuspendablePackagesForUser");
5376             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
5377             if (UserHandle.getUserId(callingUid) != userId) {
5378                 mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(
5379                         Manifest.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL,
5380                         "Calling uid " + callingUid
5381                                 + " cannot query getUnsuspendablePackagesForUser for user "
5382                                 + userId);
5383             }
5384             return mSuspendPackageHelper.getUnsuspendablePackagesForUser(snapshotComputer(),
5385                     packageNames, userId, callingUid);
5386         }
5388         @android.annotation.EnforcePermission(android.Manifest.permission.PACKAGE_VERIFICATION_AGENT)
5389         @Override
5390         public VerifierDeviceIdentity getVerifierDeviceIdentity() throws RemoteException {
5391             getVerifierDeviceIdentity_enforcePermission();
5393             synchronized (mLock) {
5394                 return mSettings.getVerifierDeviceIdentityLPw(mLiveComputer);
5395             }
5396         }
5398         @Override
5399         public void makeProviderVisible(int recipientUid, @NonNull String visibleAuthority) {
5400             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
5401             final int recipientUserId = UserHandle.getUserId(recipientUid);
5402             final ProviderInfo providerInfo =
5403                     snapshot.getGrantImplicitAccessProviderInfo(recipientUid, visibleAuthority);
5404             if (providerInfo == null) {
5405                 return;
5406             }
5407             int visibleUid = providerInfo.applicationInfo.uid;
5408             PackageManagerService.this.grantImplicitAccess(snapshot, recipientUserId,
5409                     null /*Intent*/, UserHandle.getAppId(recipientUid), visibleUid,
5410                     false /*direct*/, false /* retainOnUpdate */);
5411         }
5413         @android.annotation.EnforcePermission(android.Manifest.permission.MAKE_UID_VISIBLE)
5414         @Override
5415         public void makeUidVisible(int recipientUid, int visibleUid) {
5416             makeUidVisible_enforcePermission();
5417             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
5418             final int recipientUserId = UserHandle.getUserId(recipientUid);
5419             final int visibleUserId = UserHandle.getUserId(visibleUid);
5420             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
5421             snapshot.enforceCrossUserPermission(callingUid, recipientUserId,
5422                     false /* requireFullPermission */, false /* checkShell */, "makeUidVisible");
5423             snapshot.enforceCrossUserPermission(callingUid, visibleUserId,
5424                     false /* requireFullPermission */, false /* checkShell */, "makeUidVisible");
5425             snapshot.enforceCrossUserPermission(recipientUid, visibleUserId,
5426                     false /* requireFullPermission */, false /* checkShell */, "makeUidVisible");
5428             PackageManagerService.this.grantImplicitAccess(snapshot, recipientUserId,
5429                     null /*Intent*/, UserHandle.getAppId(recipientUid), visibleUid,
5430                     false /*direct*/, false /* retainOnUpdate */);
5431         }
5433         @Override
5434         public void holdLock(IBinder token, int durationMs) {
5435             mTestUtilityService.verifyHoldLockToken(token);
5437             synchronized (mLock) {
5438                 SystemClock.sleep(durationMs);
5439             }
5440         }
5442         /**
5443          * @hide
5444          */
5445         @Override
5446         public int installExistingPackageAsUser(String packageName, int userId, int installFlags,
5447                 int installReason, List<String> whiteListedPermissions) {
5448             return mInstallPackageHelper.installExistingPackageAsUser(packageName, userId, installFlags,
5449                     installReason, whiteListedPermissions, null).first;
5450         }
5452         @Override
5453         public boolean isAutoRevokeWhitelisted(String packageName) {
5454             int mode = mInjector.getSystemService(AppOpsManager.class).checkOpNoThrow(
5455                     AppOpsManager.OP_AUTO_REVOKE_PERMISSIONS_IF_UNUSED,
5456                     Binder.getCallingUid(), packageName);
5457             return mode == MODE_IGNORED;
5458         }
5460         @Override
5461         public boolean isPackageStateProtected(@NonNull String packageName, @UserIdInt int userId) {
5462             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
5463             final int callingAppId = UserHandle.getAppId(callingUid);
5465             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
5466             snapshot.enforceCrossUserPermission(callingUid, userId, false /*requireFullPermission*/,
5467                     true /*checkShell*/, "isPackageStateProtected");
5469             if (!PackageManagerServiceUtils.isSystemOrRoot(callingAppId)
5470                     && snapshot.checkUidPermission(MANAGE_DEVICE_ADMINS, callingUid)
5471                     != PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
5472                 throw new SecurityException("Caller must have the "
5473                         + MANAGE_DEVICE_ADMINS + " permission.");
5474             }
5476             return mProtectedPackages.isPackageStateProtected(userId, packageName);
5477         }
5479         @Override
5480         public boolean isProtectedBroadcast(String actionName) {
5481             if (actionName != null) {
5482                 // TODO: remove these terrible hacks
5483                 if (actionName.startsWith("android.net.netmon.lingerExpired")
5484                         || actionName.startsWith("com.android.server.sip.SipWakeupTimer")
5485                         || actionName.startsWith("com.android.internal.telephony.data-reconnect")
5486                         || actionName.startsWith("android.net.netmon.launchCaptivePortalApp")) {
5487                     return true;
5488                 }
5489             }
5490             // allow instant applications
5491             synchronized (mProtectedBroadcasts) {
5492                 return mProtectedBroadcasts.contains(actionName);
5493             }
5494         }
5496         /**
5497          * Logs process start information (including base APK hash) to the security log.
5498          * @hide
5499          */
5500         @Override
5501         public void logAppProcessStartIfNeeded(String packageName, String processName, int uid,
5502                 String seinfo, String apkFile, int pid) {
5503             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
5504             if (snapshot.getInstantAppPackageName(Binder.getCallingUid()) != null) {
5505                 return;
5506             }
5507             if (!SecurityLog.isLoggingEnabled()) {
5508                 return;
5509             }
5510             mProcessLoggingHandler.logAppProcessStart(mContext,
5511                     LocalServices.getService(PackageManagerInternal.class), apkFile, packageName,
5512                     processName, uid, seinfo, pid);
5513         }
5515         @android.annotation.EnforcePermission(android.Manifest.permission.MOVE_PACKAGE)
5516         @Override
5517         public int movePackage(final String packageName, final String volumeUuid) {
5518             movePackage_enforcePermission();
5520             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
5521             final UserHandle user = new UserHandle(UserHandle.getUserId(callingUid));
5522             final int moveId = mNextMoveId.getAndIncrement();
5523             mHandler.post(() -> {
5524                 try {
5525                     MovePackageHelper movePackageHelper =
5526                             new MovePackageHelper(PackageManagerService.this);
5527                     movePackageHelper.movePackageInternal(
5528                             packageName, volumeUuid, moveId, callingUid, user);
5529                 } catch (PackageManagerException e) {
5530                     Slog.w(PackageManagerService.TAG, "Failed to move " + packageName, e);
5531                     mMoveCallbacks.notifyStatusChanged(moveId, e.error);
5532                 }
5533             });
5534             return moveId;
5535         }
5537         @android.annotation.EnforcePermission(android.Manifest.permission.MOVE_PACKAGE)
5538         @Override
5539         public int movePrimaryStorage(String volumeUuid) throws RemoteException {
5540             movePrimaryStorage_enforcePermission();
5542             final int realMoveId = mNextMoveId.getAndIncrement();
5543             final Bundle extras = new Bundle();
5544             extras.putString(VolumeRecord.EXTRA_FS_UUID, volumeUuid);
5545             mMoveCallbacks.notifyCreated(realMoveId, extras);
5547             final IPackageMoveObserver callback = new IPackageMoveObserver.Stub() {
5548                 @Override
5549                 public void onCreated(int moveId, Bundle extras) {
5550                     // Ignored
5551                 }
5553                 @Override
5554                 public void onStatusChanged(int moveId, int status, long estMillis) {
5555                     mMoveCallbacks.notifyStatusChanged(realMoveId, status, estMillis);
5556                 }
5557             };
5559             final StorageManager storage = mInjector.getSystemService(StorageManager.class);
5560             storage.setPrimaryStorageUuid(volumeUuid, callback);
5561             return realMoveId;
5562         }
5564         @Override
5565         public void notifyDexLoad(String loadingPackageName,
5566                 Map<String, String> classLoaderContextMap,
5567                 String loaderIsa) {
5568             int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
5569             Computer snapshot = snapshot();
5571             // System server should be able to report dex load on behalf of other apps. E.g., it
5572             // could potentially resend the notifications in order to migrate the existing dex load
5573             // info to ART Service.
5574             if (!PackageManagerServiceUtils.isSystemOrRoot()
5575                     && !snapshot.isCallerSameApp(
5576                             loadingPackageName, callingUid, true /* resolveIsolatedUid */)) {
5577                 Slog.w(PackageManagerService.TAG,
5578                         TextUtils.formatSimple(
5579                                 "Invalid dex load report. loadingPackageName=%s, uid=%d",
5580                                 loadingPackageName, callingUid));
5581                 return;
5582             }
5584             UserHandle user = Binder.getCallingUserHandle();
5585             int userId = user.getIdentifier();
5587             // Proxy the call to either ART Service or the legacy implementation. If the
5588             // implementation is switched with the system property, the dex usage info will be
5589             // incomplete, with these effects:
5590             //
5591             // -  Shared dex files may temporarily get compiled for private use.
5592             // -  Secondary dex files may not get compiled at all.
5593             // -  Stale compiled artifacts for secondary dex files may not get cleaned up.
5594             //
5595             // This recovers in the first background dexopt after the depending apps have been
5596             // loaded for the first time.
5598             DexUseManagerLocal dexUseManager = DexOptHelper.getDexUseManagerLocal();
5599             if (dexUseManager != null) {
5600                 // TODO(chiuwinson): Retrieve filtered snapshot from Computer instance instead.
5601                 try (PackageManagerLocal.FilteredSnapshot filteredSnapshot =
5602                                 LocalManagerRegistry.getManager(PackageManagerLocal.class)
5603                                         .withFilteredSnapshot(callingUid, user)) {
5604                     if (loaderIsa != null) {
5605                         // Check that loaderIsa agrees with the ISA that dexUseManager will
5606                         // determine.
5607                         PackageState loadingPkgState =
5608                                 filteredSnapshot.getPackageState(loadingPackageName);
5609                         // If we don't find the loading package just pass it through and let
5610                         // dexUseManager throw on it.
5611                         if (loadingPkgState != null) {
5612                             String loadingPkgAbi = loadingPkgState.getPrimaryCpuAbi();
5613                             if (loadingPkgAbi == null) {
5614                                 loadingPkgAbi = Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS[0];
5615                             }
5616                             String loadingPkgDexCodeIsa = InstructionSets.getDexCodeInstructionSet(
5617                                     VMRuntime.getInstructionSet(loadingPkgAbi));
5618                             if (!loaderIsa.equals(loadingPkgDexCodeIsa)) {
5619                                 // TODO(b/251903639): We make this a wtf to surface any situations
5620                                 // where this argument doesn't correspond to our expectations. Later
5621                                 // it should be turned into an IllegalArgumentException, when we can
5622                                 // assume it's the caller that's wrong rather than us.
5623                                 Log.wtf(TAG,
5624                                         "Invalid loaderIsa in notifyDexLoad call from "
5625                                                 + loadingPackageName + ", uid " + callingUid
5626                                                 + ": expected " + loadingPkgDexCodeIsa + ", got "
5627                                                 + loaderIsa);
5628                                 return;
5629                             }
5630                         }
5631                     }
5633                     // This is called from binder, so exceptions thrown here are caught and handled
5634                     // by it.
5635                     dexUseManager.notifyDexContainersLoaded(
5636                             filteredSnapshot, loadingPackageName, classLoaderContextMap);
5637                 }
5638             } else {
5639                 ApplicationInfo ai =
5640                         snapshot.getApplicationInfo(loadingPackageName, /*flags*/ 0, userId);
5641                 if (ai == null) {
5642                     Slog.w(PackageManagerService.TAG,
5643                             "Loading a package that does not exist for the calling user. package="
5644                                     + loadingPackageName + ", user=" + userId);
5645                     return;
5646                 }
5647                 mDexManager.notifyDexLoad(ai, classLoaderContextMap, loaderIsa, userId,
5648                         Process.isIsolated(callingUid));
5649             }
5650         }
5652         @Override
5653         public void notifyPackageUse(String packageName, int reason) {
5654             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
5655             final int callingUserId = UserHandle.getUserId(callingUid);
5656             Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
5657             final boolean notify;
5658             if (snapshot.getInstantAppPackageName(callingUid) != null) {
5659                 notify = snapshot.isCallerSameApp(packageName, callingUid);
5660             } else {
5661                 notify = !snapshot.isInstantAppInternal(packageName, callingUserId,
5662                         Process.SYSTEM_UID);
5663             }
5664             if (!notify) {
5665                 return;
5666             }
5668             notifyPackageUseInternal(packageName, reason);
5669         }
5671         @Override
5672         public void overrideLabelAndIcon(@NonNull ComponentName componentName,
5673                 @NonNull String nonLocalizedLabel, int icon, int userId) {
5674             if (TextUtils.isEmpty(nonLocalizedLabel)) {
5675                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Override label should be a valid String");
5676             }
5677             updateComponentLabelIcon(componentName, nonLocalizedLabel, icon, userId);
5678         }
5680         @Override
5681         public ParceledListSlice<PackageManager.Property> queryProperty(
5682                 String propertyName, @PackageManager.PropertyLocation int componentType) {
5683             Objects.requireNonNull(propertyName);
5684             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
5685             final int callingUserId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId();
5686             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
5687             final List<PackageManager.Property> result =
5688                     mPackageProperty.queryProperty(propertyName, componentType,
5689                             packageName -> snapshot.getPackageStateForInstalledAndFiltered(
5690                                     packageName, callingUid, callingUserId) == null
5691                     );
5692             if (result == null) {
5693                 return ParceledListSlice.emptyList();
5694             }
5695             return new ParceledListSlice<>(result);
5696         }
5698         @Override
5699         public void registerDexModule(String packageName, String dexModulePath,
5700                 boolean isSharedModule,
5701                 IDexModuleRegisterCallback callback) {
5702             // ART Service doesn't support this explicit dexopting and instead relies on background
5703             // dexopt for secondary dex files. For compat parity between ART Service and the legacy
5704             // code it's disabled for both.
5705             //
5706             // Also, this API is problematic anyway since it doesn't provide the correct classloader
5707             // context, so it is hard to produce dexopt artifacts that the runtime can load
5708             // successfully.
5709             Slog.i(TAG,
5710                     "Ignored unsupported registerDexModule call for " + dexModulePath + " in "
5711                             + packageName);
5712             DexManager.RegisterDexModuleResult result = new DexManager.RegisterDexModuleResult(
5713                     false, "registerDexModule call not supported since Android U");
5715             if (callback != null) {
5716                 mHandler.post(() -> {
5717                     try {
5718                         callback.onDexModuleRegistered(dexModulePath, result.success,
5719                                 result.message);
5720                     } catch (RemoteException e) {
5721                         Slog.w(PackageManagerService.TAG,
5722                                 "Failed to callback after module registration " + dexModulePath, e);
5723                     }
5724                 });
5725             }
5726         }
5728         @android.annotation.EnforcePermission(android.Manifest.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS)
5729         @Override
5730         public void registerMoveCallback(IPackageMoveObserver callback) {
5731             registerMoveCallback_enforcePermission();
5732             mMoveCallbacks.register(callback);
5733         }
5735         @Override
5736         public void restoreDomainVerification(byte[] backup, int userId) {
5737             if (Binder.getCallingUid() != Process.SYSTEM_UID) {
5738                 throw new SecurityException("Only the system may call restorePreferredActivities()");
5739             }
5741             try {
5742                 ByteArrayInputStream input = new ByteArrayInputStream(backup);
5743                 TypedXmlPullParser parser = Xml.resolvePullParser(input);
5745                 // User ID input isn't necessary here as it assumes the user integers match and that
5746                 // the only states inside the backup XML are for the target user.
5747                 mDomainVerificationManager.restoreSettings(snapshotComputer(), parser);
5748                 input.close();
5749             } catch (Exception e) {
5750                 if (PackageManagerService.DEBUG_BACKUP) {
5751                     Slog.e(PackageManagerService.TAG, "Exception restoring domain verification: " + e.getMessage());
5752                 }
5753             }
5754         }
5756         @Override
5757         public void restoreLabelAndIcon(@NonNull ComponentName componentName, int userId) {
5758             updateComponentLabelIcon(componentName, null, null, userId);
5759         }
5761         @Override
5762         public void sendDeviceCustomizationReadyBroadcast() {
5763             mContext.enforceCallingPermission(Manifest.permission.SEND_DEVICE_CUSTOMIZATION_READY,
5764                     "sendDeviceCustomizationReadyBroadcast");
5766             final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
5767             try {
5768                 BroadcastHelper.sendDeviceCustomizationReadyBroadcast();
5769             } finally {
5770                 Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);
5771             }
5772         }
5774         @Override
5775         public void setApplicationCategoryHint(String packageName, int categoryHint,
5776                 String callerPackageName) {
5777             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
5778             final int userId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId();
5779             final FunctionalUtils.ThrowingBiFunction<PackageStateMutator.InitialState, Computer,
5780                     PackageStateMutator.Result> implementation = (initialState, computer) -> {
5781                 if (computer.getInstantAppPackageName(callingUid) != null) {
5782                     throw new SecurityException(
5783                             "Instant applications don't have access to this method");
5784                 }
5785                 final int callerPackageUid = computer.getPackageUid(callerPackageName, 0, userId);
5786                 if (callerPackageUid != callingUid) {
5787                     throw new SecurityException(
5788                             "Package " + callerPackageName + " does not belong to " + callingUid);
5789                 }
5791                 PackageStateInternal packageState = computer.getPackageStateForInstalledAndFiltered(
5792                         packageName, callingUid, userId);
5793                 if (packageState == null) {
5794                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown target package " + packageName);
5795                 }
5797                 if (!Objects.equals(callerPackageName,
5798                         packageState.getInstallSource().mInstallerPackageName)) {
5799                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Calling package " + callerPackageName
5800                             + " is not installer for " + packageName);
5801                 }
5803                 if (packageState.getCategoryOverride() != categoryHint) {
5804                     return commitPackageStateMutation(initialState,
5805                             packageName, state -> state.setCategoryOverride(categoryHint));
5806                 } else {
5807                     return null;
5808                 }
5809             };
5811             PackageStateMutator.Result result =
5812                     implementation.apply(recordInitialState(), snapshotComputer());
5813             if (result != null && result.isStateChanged() && !result.isSpecificPackageNull()) {
5814                 // TODO: Specific return value of what state changed?
5815                 // The installer on record might have changed, retry with lock
5816                 synchronized (mPackageStateWriteLock) {
5817                     result = implementation.apply(recordInitialState(), snapshotComputer());
5818                 }
5819             }
5821             if (result != null && result.isCommitted()) {
5822                 scheduleWriteSettings();
5823             }
5824         }
5826         @Override
setApplicationEnabledSetting(String appPackageName, int newState, int flags, int userId, String callingPackage)5827         public void setApplicationEnabledSetting(String appPackageName,
5828                 int newState, int flags, int userId, String callingPackage) {
5829             if (!mUserManager.exists(userId)) return;
5830             if (callingPackage == null) {
5831                 callingPackage = Integer.toString(Binder.getCallingUid());
5832             }
5834             setEnabledSettings(List.of(new PackageManager.ComponentEnabledSetting(appPackageName, newState, flags)),
5835                     userId, callingPackage);
5836         }
5838         @android.annotation.EnforcePermission(android.Manifest.permission.MANAGE_USERS)
5839         @Override
setApplicationHiddenSettingAsUser(String packageName, boolean hidden, int userId)5840         public boolean setApplicationHiddenSettingAsUser(String packageName, boolean hidden,
5841                 int userId) {
5842             setApplicationHiddenSettingAsUser_enforcePermission();
5843             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
5844             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
5845             snapshot.enforceCrossUserPermission(callingUid, userId, true /* requireFullPermission */,
5846                     true /* checkShell */, "setApplicationHiddenSetting for user " + userId);
5848             if (hidden && isPackageDeviceAdmin(packageName, userId)) {
5849                 Slog.w(TAG, "Not hiding package " + packageName + ": has active device admin");
5850                 return false;
5851             }
5853             // Do not allow "android" is being disabled
5854             if ("android".equals(packageName)) {
5855                 Slog.w(TAG, "Cannot hide package: android");
5856                 return false;
5857             }
5859             final long callingId = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
5860             try {
5861                 final PackageStateInternal packageState = snapshot.getPackageStateInternal(
5862                         packageName);
5863                 if (packageState == null) {
5864                     return false;
5865                 }
5867                 final PackageUserStateInternal userState = packageState.getUserStateOrDefault(
5868                         userId);
5869                 if (userState.isHidden() == hidden || !userState.isInstalled()
5870                         || snapshot.shouldFilterApplication(packageState, callingUid, userId)) {
5871                     return false;
5872                 }
5874                 // Cannot hide static shared libs as they are considered
5875                 // a part of the using app (emulating static linking). Also
5876                 // static libs are installed always on internal storage.
5877                 AndroidPackage pkg = packageState.getPkg();
5878                 if (pkg != null) {
5879                     // Cannot hide SDK libs as they are controlled by SDK manager.
5880                     if (pkg.getSdkLibraryName() != null) {
5881                         Slog.w(TAG, "Cannot hide package: " + packageName
5882                                 + " providing SDK library: "
5883                                 + pkg.getSdkLibraryName());
5884                         return false;
5885                     }
5886                     // Cannot hide static shared libs as they are considered
5887                     // a part of the using app (emulating static linking). Also
5888                     // static libs are installed always on internal storage.
5889                     if (pkg.getStaticSharedLibraryName() != null) {
5890                         Slog.w(TAG, "Cannot hide package: " + packageName
5891                                 + " providing static shared library: "
5892                                 + pkg.getStaticSharedLibraryName());
5893                         return false;
5894                     }
5895                 }
5896                 // Only allow protected packages to hide themselves.
5897                 if (hidden && !UserHandle.isSameApp(callingUid, packageState.getAppId())
5898                         && mProtectedPackages.isPackageStateProtected(userId, packageName)) {
5899                     Slog.w(TAG, "Not hiding protected package: " + packageName);
5900                     return false;
5901                 }
5903                 commitPackageStateMutation(null, packageName, packageState1 ->
5904                         packageState1.userState(userId).setHidden(hidden));
5906                 final Computer newSnapshot = snapshotComputer();
5907                 final PackageStateInternal newPackageState =
5908                         newSnapshot.getPackageStateInternal(packageName);
5910                 if (hidden) {
5911                     killApplication(packageName, newPackageState.getAppId(), userId, "hiding pkg",
5912                             ApplicationExitInfo.REASON_OTHER);
5913                     mBroadcastHelper.sendApplicationHiddenForUser(
5914                             packageName, newPackageState, userId,
5915                             /* packageSender= */ PackageManagerService.this);
5916                 } else {
5917                     mBroadcastHelper.sendPackageAddedForUser(
5918                             newSnapshot, packageName, newPackageState, userId,
5919                             false /* isArchived */, DataLoaderType.NONE,
5920                             mAppPredictionServicePackage);
5921                 }
5923                 scheduleWritePackageRestrictions(userId);
5924                 return true;
5925             } finally {
5926                 Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(callingId);
5927             }
5928         }
5930         @android.annotation.EnforcePermission(android.Manifest.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES)
5931         @Override
setBlockUninstallForUser(String packageName, boolean blockUninstall, int userId)5932         public boolean setBlockUninstallForUser(String packageName, boolean blockUninstall,
5933                 int userId) {
5934             setBlockUninstallForUser_enforcePermission();
5935             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
5936             PackageStateInternal packageState = snapshot.getPackageStateInternal(packageName);
5937             if (packageState != null && packageState.getPkg() != null) {
5938                 AndroidPackage pkg = packageState.getPkg();
5939                 // Cannot block uninstall SDK libs as they are controlled by SDK manager.
5940                 if (pkg.getSdkLibraryName() != null) {
5941                     Slog.w(PackageManagerService.TAG, "Cannot block uninstall of package: " + packageName
5942                             + " providing SDK library: " + pkg.getSdkLibraryName());
5943                     return false;
5944                 }
5945                 // Cannot block uninstall of static shared libs as they are
5946                 // considered a part of the using app (emulating static linking).
5947                 // Also static libs are installed always on internal storage.
5948                 if (pkg.getStaticSharedLibraryName() != null) {
5949                     Slog.w(PackageManagerService.TAG, "Cannot block uninstall of package: " + packageName
5950                             + " providing static shared library: " + pkg.getStaticSharedLibraryName());
5951                     return false;
5952                 }
5953             }
5954             synchronized (mLock) {
5955                 mSettings.setBlockUninstallLPw(userId, packageName, blockUninstall);
5956             }
5958             scheduleWritePackageRestrictions(userId);
5959             return true;
5960         }
5962         @Override
setComponentEnabledSetting(ComponentName componentName, int newState, int flags, int userId, String callingPackage)5963         public void setComponentEnabledSetting(ComponentName componentName,
5964                 int newState, int flags, int userId, String callingPackage) {
5965             if (!mUserManager.exists(userId)) return;
5966             if (callingPackage == null) {
5967                 callingPackage = Integer.toString(Binder.getCallingUid());
5968             }
5970             setEnabledSettings(List.of(new PackageManager.ComponentEnabledSetting(componentName, newState, flags)),
5971                     userId, callingPackage);
5972         }
5974         @Override
setComponentEnabledSettings( List<PackageManager.ComponentEnabledSetting> settings, int userId, String callingPackage)5975         public void setComponentEnabledSettings(
5976                 List<PackageManager.ComponentEnabledSetting> settings, int userId,
5977                 String callingPackage) {
5978             if (!mUserManager.exists(userId)) return;
5979             if (settings == null || settings.isEmpty()) {
5980                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("The list of enabled settings is empty");
5981             }
5982             if (callingPackage == null) {
5983                 callingPackage = Integer.toString(Binder.getCallingUid());
5984             }
5985             setEnabledSettings(settings, userId, callingPackage);
5986         }
5988         @Override
setDistractingPackageRestrictionsAsUser(String[] packageNames, int restrictionFlags, int userId)5989         public String[] setDistractingPackageRestrictionsAsUser(String[] packageNames,
5990                 int restrictionFlags, int userId) {
5991             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
5992             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
5993             enforceCanSetDistractingPackageRestrictionsAsUser(callingUid, userId,
5994                     "setDistractingPackageRestrictionsAsUser");
5995             Objects.requireNonNull(packageNames, "packageNames cannot be null");
5996             return mDistractingPackageHelper.setDistractingPackageRestrictionsAsUser(snapshot,
5997                     packageNames, restrictionFlags, userId, callingUid);
5998         }
6000         @Override
setHarmfulAppWarning(@onNull String packageName, @Nullable CharSequence warning, int userId)6001         public void setHarmfulAppWarning(@NonNull String packageName, @Nullable CharSequence warning,
6002                 int userId) {
6003             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
6004             final int callingAppId = UserHandle.getAppId(callingUid);
6006             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
6007             snapshot.enforceCrossUserPermission(callingUid, userId, true /*requireFullPermission*/,
6008                     true /*checkShell*/, "setHarmfulAppInfo");
6010             if (!PackageManagerServiceUtils.isSystemOrRoot(callingAppId)
6011                     && snapshot.checkUidPermission(SET_HARMFUL_APP_WARNINGS, callingUid)
6012                             != PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
6013                 throw new SecurityException("Caller must have the "
6014                         + SET_HARMFUL_APP_WARNINGS + " permission.");
6015             }
6017             PackageStateMutator.Result result = commitPackageStateMutation(null, packageName,
6018                     packageState -> packageState.userState(userId)
6019                             .setHarmfulAppWarning(warning == null ? null : warning.toString()));
6020             if (result.isSpecificPackageNull()) {
6021                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown package: " + packageName);
6022             }
6023             scheduleWritePackageRestrictions(userId);
6024         }
6026         @android.annotation.EnforcePermission(android.Manifest.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS)
6027         @Override
setInstallLocation(int loc)6028         public boolean setInstallLocation(int loc) {
6029             setInstallLocation_enforcePermission();
6030             if (getInstallLocation() == loc) {
6031                 return true;
6032             }
6033             if (loc == InstallLocationUtils.APP_INSTALL_AUTO
6034                     || loc == InstallLocationUtils.APP_INSTALL_INTERNAL
6035                     || loc == InstallLocationUtils.APP_INSTALL_EXTERNAL) {
6036                 android.provider.Settings.Global.putInt(mContext.getContentResolver(),
6037                         android.provider.Settings.Global.DEFAULT_INSTALL_LOCATION, loc);
6038                 return true;
6039             }
6040             return false;
6041         }
6043         @Override
setInstallerPackageName(String targetPackage, @Nullable String installerPackageName)6044         public void setInstallerPackageName(String targetPackage,
6045                 @Nullable String installerPackageName) {
6046             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
6047             final int callingUserId = UserHandle.getUserId(callingUid);
6048             final FunctionalUtils.ThrowingCheckedFunction<Computer, Boolean, RuntimeException>
6049                     implementation = snapshot -> {
6050                 if (snapshot.getInstantAppPackageName(callingUid) != null) {
6051                     return false;
6052                 }
6054                 PackageStateInternal targetPackageState =
6055                         snapshot.getPackageStateForInstalledAndFiltered(
6056                                 targetPackage, callingUid, callingUserId);
6057                 if (targetPackageState == null) {
6058                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown target package: " + targetPackage);
6059                 }
6061                 PackageStateInternal installerPackageState = null;
6062                 if (installerPackageName != null) {
6063                     installerPackageState = snapshot.getPackageStateForInstalledAndFiltered(
6064                             installerPackageName, callingUid, callingUserId);
6065                     if (installerPackageState == null) {
6066                         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown installer package: "
6067                                 + installerPackageName);
6068                     }
6069                 }
6071                 SigningDetails callerSigningDetails;
6072                 final int appId = UserHandle.getAppId(callingUid);
6073                 Pair<PackageStateInternal, SharedUserApi> either =
6074                         snapshot.getPackageOrSharedUser(appId);
6075                 if (either != null) {
6076                     if (either.first != null) {
6077                         callerSigningDetails = either.first.getSigningDetails();
6078                     } else {
6079                         callerSigningDetails = either.second.getSigningDetails();
6080                     }
6081                 } else {
6082                     throw new SecurityException("Unknown calling UID: " + callingUid);
6083                 }
6085                 // Verify: can't set installerPackageName to a package that is
6086                 // not signed with the same cert as the caller.
6087                 if (installerPackageState != null) {
6088                     if (compareSignatures(callerSigningDetails,
6089                             installerPackageState.getSigningDetails())
6090                             != PackageManager.SIGNATURE_MATCH) {
6091                         throw new SecurityException(
6092                                 "Caller does not have same cert as new installer package "
6093                                         + installerPackageName);
6094                     }
6095                 }
6097                 // Verify: if target already has an installer package, it must
6098                 // be signed with the same cert as the caller.
6099                 String targetInstallerPackageName =
6100                         targetPackageState.getInstallSource().mInstallerPackageName;
6101                 PackageStateInternal targetInstallerPkgSetting = targetInstallerPackageName == null
6102                         ? null : snapshot.getPackageStateInternal(targetInstallerPackageName);
6104                 if (targetInstallerPkgSetting != null) {
6105                     if (compareSignatures(callerSigningDetails,
6106                             targetInstallerPkgSetting.getSigningDetails())
6107                             != PackageManager.SIGNATURE_MATCH) {
6108                         throw new SecurityException(
6109                                 "Caller does not have same cert as old installer package "
6110                                         + targetInstallerPackageName);
6111                     }
6112                 } else if (mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(
6113                         Manifest.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES) != PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
6114                     // This is probably an attempt to exploit vulnerability b/150857253 of taking
6115                     // privileged installer permissions when the installer has been uninstalled or
6116                     // was never set.
6117                     EventLog.writeEvent(0x534e4554, "150857253", callingUid, "");
6119                     final long binderToken = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
6120                     try {
6121                         if (mInjector.getCompatibility().isChangeEnabledByUid(
6122                                 PackageManagerService.THROW_EXCEPTION_ON_REQUIRE_INSTALL_PACKAGES_TO_ADD_INSTALLER_PACKAGE,
6123                                 callingUid)) {
6124                             throw new SecurityException("Neither user " + callingUid
6125                                     + " nor current process has "
6126                                     + Manifest.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES);
6127                         } else {
6128                             // If change disabled, fail silently for backwards compatibility
6129                             return false;
6130                         }
6131                     } finally {
6132                         Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(binderToken);
6133                     }
6134                 }
6136                 return true;
6137             };
6138             PackageStateMutator.InitialState initialState = recordInitialState();
6139             boolean allowed = implementation.apply(snapshotComputer());
6140             if (allowed) {
6141                 // TODO: Need to lock around here to handle mSettings.addInstallerPackageNames,
6142                 //  should find an alternative which avoids any race conditions
6143                 final int installerPackageUid = installerPackageName == null
6144                         ? INVALID_UID : snapshotComputer().getPackageUid(installerPackageName,
6145                         0 /* flags */, callingUserId);
6146                 PackageStateInternal targetPackageState;
6147                 synchronized (mLock) {
6148                     PackageStateMutator.Result result = commitPackageStateMutation(initialState,
6149                             targetPackage, state -> state.setInstaller(installerPackageName,
6150                                     installerPackageUid));
6151                     if (result.isPackagesChanged() || result.isStateChanged()) {
6152                         synchronized (mPackageStateWriteLock) {
6153                             allowed = implementation.apply(snapshotComputer());
6154                             if (allowed) {
6155                                 commitPackageStateMutation(null, targetPackage,
6156                                         state -> state.setInstaller(installerPackageName,
6157                                                 installerPackageUid));
6158                             } else {
6159                                 return;
6160                             }
6161                         }
6162                     }
6163                     targetPackageState = snapshotComputer().getPackageStateInternal(targetPackage);
6164                     mSettings.addInstallerPackageNames(targetPackageState.getInstallSource());
6165                 }
6166                 mAppsFilter.addPackage(snapshotComputer(), targetPackageState);
6167                 scheduleWriteSettings();
6168             }
6169         }
6171         @Override
relinquishUpdateOwnership(String targetPackage)6172         public void relinquishUpdateOwnership(String targetPackage) {
6173             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
6174             final int callingUserId = UserHandle.getUserId(callingUid);
6175             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
6177             final PackageStateInternal targetPackageState =
6178                     snapshot.getPackageStateForInstalledAndFiltered(targetPackage, callingUid,
6179                             callingUserId);
6180             if (targetPackageState == null) {
6181                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown target package: " + targetPackage);
6182             }
6184             final String targetUpdateOwnerPackageName =
6185                     targetPackageState.getInstallSource().mUpdateOwnerPackageName;
6186             final PackageStateInternal targetUpdateOwnerPkgSetting =
6187                     targetUpdateOwnerPackageName == null ? null
6188                             : snapshot.getPackageStateInternal(targetUpdateOwnerPackageName);
6190             if (targetUpdateOwnerPkgSetting == null) {
6191                 return;
6192             }
6194             final int callingAppId = UserHandle.getAppId(callingUid);
6195             final int targetUpdateOwnerAppId = targetUpdateOwnerPkgSetting.getAppId();
6196             if (callingAppId != Process.SYSTEM_UID
6197                     && callingAppId != Process.SHELL_UID
6198                     && callingAppId != targetUpdateOwnerAppId) {
6199                 throw new SecurityException("Caller is not the current update owner.");
6200             }
6202             commitPackageStateMutation(null /* initialState */, targetPackage,
6203                     state -> state.setUpdateOwner(null /* updateOwnerPackageName */));
6204             scheduleWriteSettings();
6205         }
6207         @Override
setInstantAppCookie(String packageName, byte[] cookie, int userId)6208         public boolean setInstantAppCookie(String packageName, byte[] cookie, int userId) {
6209             if (HIDE_EPHEMERAL_APIS) {
6210                 return true;
6211             }
6213             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
6214             snapshot.enforceCrossUserPermission(Binder.getCallingUid(), userId,
6215                     true /* requireFullPermission */, true /* checkShell */,
6216                     "setInstantAppCookie");
6217             if (!snapshot.isCallerSameApp(packageName, Binder.getCallingUid())) {
6218                 return false;
6219             }
6221             PackageStateInternal packageState = snapshot.getPackageStateInternal(packageName);
6222             if (packageState == null || packageState.getPkg() == null) {
6223                 return false;
6224             }
6225             return mInstantAppRegistry.setInstantAppCookie(packageState.getPkg(), cookie,
6226                     mContext.getPackageManager().getInstantAppCookieMaxBytes(), userId);
6227         }
6229         @Override
setKeepUninstalledPackages(List<String> packageList)6230         public void setKeepUninstalledPackages(List<String> packageList) {
6231             mContext.enforceCallingPermission(
6232                     Manifest.permission.KEEP_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES,
6233                     "setKeepUninstalledPackages requires KEEP_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES permission");
6234             Objects.requireNonNull(packageList);
6236             setKeepUninstalledPackagesInternal(snapshot(), packageList);
6237         }
6239         @Override
setMimeGroup(String packageName, String mimeGroup, List<String> mimeTypes)6240         public void setMimeGroup(String packageName, String mimeGroup, List<String> mimeTypes) {
6241             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
6242             enforceOwnerRights(snapshot, packageName, Binder.getCallingUid());
6243             mimeTypes = CollectionUtils.emptyIfNull(mimeTypes);
6244             for (int i = 0; i < mimeTypes.size(); i++) {
6245                 if (mimeTypes.get(i).length() > 255) {
6246                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("MIME type length exceeds 255 characters");
6247                 }
6248             }
6249             final PackageStateInternal packageState = snapshot.getPackageStateInternal(packageName);
6250             Set<String> existingMimeTypes = packageState.getMimeGroups().get(mimeGroup);
6251             if (existingMimeTypes == null) {
6252                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown MIME group " + mimeGroup
6253                         + " for package " + packageName);
6254             }
6255             if (existingMimeTypes.size() == mimeTypes.size()
6256                     && existingMimeTypes.containsAll(mimeTypes)) {
6257                 return;
6258             }
6259             if (mimeTypes.size() > 500) {
6260                 throw new IllegalStateException("Max limit on MIME types for MIME group "
6261                         + mimeGroup + " exceeded for package " + packageName);
6262             }
6264             ArraySet<String> mimeTypesSet = new ArraySet<>(mimeTypes);
6265             commitPackageStateMutation(null, packageName, packageStateWrite -> {
6266                 packageStateWrite.setMimeGroup(mimeGroup, mimeTypesSet);
6267             });
6268             if (mComponentResolver.updateMimeGroup(snapshotComputer(), packageName, mimeGroup)) {
6269                 Binder.withCleanCallingIdentity(() -> {
6270                     mPreferredActivityHelper.clearPackagePreferredActivities(packageName,
6271                             UserHandle.USER_ALL);
6272                     // Send the ACTION_PACKAGE_CHANGED when the mimeGroup has changes
6273                     final Computer snapShot = snapshotComputer();
6274                     final ArrayList<String> components = new ArrayList<>(
6275                             Collections.singletonList(packageName));
6276                     final int appId = packageState.getAppId();
6277                     final int[] userIds = resolveUserIds(UserHandle.USER_ALL);
6278                     final String reason = "The mimeGroup is changed";
6279                     for (int i = 0; i < userIds.length; i++) {
6280                         final PackageUserStateInternal pkgUserState =
6281                                 packageState.getUserStates().get(userIds[i]);
6282                         if (pkgUserState != null && pkgUserState.isInstalled()) {
6283                             final int packageUid = UserHandle.getUid(userIds[i], appId);
6284                             mBroadcastHelper.sendPackageChangedBroadcast(snapShot, packageName,
6285                                     true /* dontKillApp */, components, packageUid, reason);
6286                         }
6287                     }
6288                 });
6289             }
6291             scheduleWriteSettings();
6292         }
6294         @Override
setPackageStoppedState(String packageName, boolean stopped, int userId)6295         public void setPackageStoppedState(String packageName, boolean stopped, int userId) {
6296             PackageManagerService.this
6297                     .setPackageStoppedState(snapshotComputer(), packageName, stopped, userId);
6298         }
6300         @Override
setPackagesSuspendedAsUser(String[] packageNames, boolean suspended, PersistableBundle appExtras, PersistableBundle launcherExtras, SuspendDialogInfo dialogInfo, int flags, String suspendingPackage, int suspendingUserId, int targetUserId)6301         public String[] setPackagesSuspendedAsUser(String[] packageNames, boolean suspended,
6302                 PersistableBundle appExtras, PersistableBundle launcherExtras,
6303                 SuspendDialogInfo dialogInfo, int flags, String suspendingPackage,
6304                 int suspendingUserId, int targetUserId) {
6305             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
6306             final boolean quarantined = ((flags & PackageManager.FLAG_SUSPEND_QUARANTINED) != 0)
6307                     && Flags.quarantinedEnabled();
6308             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
6309             final UserPackage suspender = crossUserSuspensionEnabledRo()
6310                     ? UserPackage.of(suspendingUserId, suspendingPackage)
6311                     : UserPackage.of(targetUserId, suspendingPackage);
6312             enforceCanSetPackagesSuspendedAsUser(snapshot, quarantined, suspender, callingUid,
6313                     targetUserId, "setPackagesSuspendedAsUser");
6314             return mSuspendPackageHelper.setPackagesSuspended(snapshot, packageNames, suspended,
6315                     appExtras, launcherExtras, dialogInfo, suspender, targetUserId, callingUid,
6316                     quarantined);
6317         }
6319         @Override
setRequiredForSystemUser(String packageName, boolean requiredForSystemUser)6320         public boolean setRequiredForSystemUser(String packageName, boolean requiredForSystemUser) {
6321             PackageManagerServiceUtils.enforceSystemOrRoot(
6322                     "setRequiredForSystemUser can only be run by the system or root");
6324             PackageStateMutator.Result result = commitPackageStateMutation(null, packageName,
6325                     packageState -> packageState.setRequiredForSystemUser(requiredForSystemUser));
6326             if (!result.isCommitted()) {
6327                 return false;
6328             }
6330             scheduleWriteSettings();
6331             return true;
6332         }
6334         @android.annotation.EnforcePermission(android.Manifest.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES)
6335         @Override
setUserMinAspectRatio(@onNull String packageName, int userId, @PackageManager.UserMinAspectRatio int aspectRatio)6336         public void setUserMinAspectRatio(@NonNull String packageName, int userId,
6337                 @PackageManager.UserMinAspectRatio int aspectRatio) {
6338             setUserMinAspectRatio_enforcePermission();
6339             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
6340             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
6341             snapshot.enforceCrossUserPermission(callingUid, userId,
6342                     false /* requireFullPermission */, false /* checkShell */,
6343                     "setUserMinAspectRatio");
6344             enforceOwnerRights(snapshot, packageName, callingUid);
6346             final PackageStateInternal packageState = snapshot
6347                     .getPackageStateForInstalledAndFiltered(packageName, callingUid, userId);
6348             if (packageState == null) {
6349                 return;
6350             }
6352             if (packageState.getUserStateOrDefault(userId).getMinAspectRatio() == aspectRatio) {
6353                 return;
6354             }
6356             commitPackageStateMutation(null, packageName, state ->
6357                     state.userState(userId).setMinAspectRatio(aspectRatio));
6358         }
6360         @Override
6361         @SuppressWarnings("GuardedBy")
setRuntimePermissionsVersion(int version, @UserIdInt int userId)6362         public void setRuntimePermissionsVersion(int version, @UserIdInt int userId) {
6363             Preconditions.checkArgumentNonnegative(version);
6364             Preconditions.checkArgumentNonnegative(userId);
6365             enforceAdjustRuntimePermissionsPolicyOrUpgradeRuntimePermissions(
6366                     "setRuntimePermissionVersion");
6367             mSettings.setDefaultRuntimePermissionsVersion(version, userId);
6368         }
6370         @Override
setSplashScreenTheme(@onNull String packageName, @Nullable String themeId, int userId)6371         public void setSplashScreenTheme(@NonNull String packageName, @Nullable String themeId,
6372                 int userId) {
6373             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
6374             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
6375             snapshot.enforceCrossUserPermission(callingUid, userId, false /* requireFullPermission */,
6376                     false /* checkShell */, "setSplashScreenTheme");
6377             enforceOwnerRights(snapshot, packageName, callingUid);
6379             PackageStateInternal packageState = snapshot.getPackageStateForInstalledAndFiltered(
6380                     packageName, callingUid, userId);
6381             if (packageState == null) {
6382                 return;
6383             }
6385             commitPackageStateMutation(null, packageName, state ->
6386                     state.userState(userId).setSplashScreenTheme(themeId));
6387         }
6389         @android.annotation.EnforcePermission(android.Manifest.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES)
6390         @Override
setUpdateAvailable(String packageName, boolean updateAvailable)6391         public void setUpdateAvailable(String packageName, boolean updateAvailable) {
6392             setUpdateAvailable_enforcePermission();
6393             commitPackageStateMutation(null, packageName, state ->
6394                     state.setUpdateAvailable(updateAvailable));
6395         }
6397         @android.annotation.EnforcePermission(android.Manifest.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS)
6398         @Override
unregisterMoveCallback(IPackageMoveObserver callback)6399         public void unregisterMoveCallback(IPackageMoveObserver callback) {
6400             unregisterMoveCallback_enforcePermission();
6401             mMoveCallbacks.unregister(callback);
6402         }
6404         @Override
verifyPendingInstall(int verificationId, int verificationCode)6405         public void verifyPendingInstall(int verificationId, int verificationCode)
6406                 throws RemoteException {
6407             // Negative ids correspond to testing verifiers and will be silently enforced in
6408             // the handler thread.
6409             if (verificationId >= 0) {
6410                 mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(
6411                         Manifest.permission.PACKAGE_VERIFICATION_AGENT,
6412                         "Only package verification agents can verify applications");
6413             }
6414             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
6416             mHandler.post(() -> {
6417                 final int id = verificationId >= 0 ? verificationId : -verificationId;
6418                 final PackageVerificationState state = mPendingVerification.get(id);
6419                 if (state == null) {
6420                     return;
6421                 }
6422                 if (!state.checkRequiredVerifierUid(callingUid)
6423                         && !state.checkSufficientVerifierUid(callingUid)) {
6424                     // Only allow calls from verifiers.
6425                     return;
6426                 }
6428                 final Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(PackageManagerService.PACKAGE_VERIFIED);
6429                 final PackageVerificationResponse response = new PackageVerificationResponse(
6430                         verificationCode, callingUid);
6431                 msg.arg1 = id;
6432                 msg.obj = response;
6433                 mHandler.sendMessage(msg);
6434             });
6435         }
6437         @Override
registerPackageMonitorCallback(@onNull IRemoteCallback callback, int userId)6438         public void registerPackageMonitorCallback(@NonNull IRemoteCallback callback, int userId) {
6439             int uid = Binder.getCallingUid();
6440             int targetUserId = ActivityManager.handleIncomingUser(Binder.getCallingPid(), uid,
6441                     userId, true, true, "registerPackageMonitorCallback",
6442                     mContext.getPackageName());
6443             mPackageMonitorCallbackHelper.registerPackageMonitorCallback(callback, targetUserId,
6444                     uid);
6445         }
6447         @Override
unregisterPackageMonitorCallback(@onNull IRemoteCallback callback)6448         public void unregisterPackageMonitorCallback(@NonNull IRemoteCallback callback) {
6449             mPackageMonitorCallbackHelper.unregisterPackageMonitorCallback(callback);
6450         }
6452         @Override
requestPackageChecksums(@onNull String packageName, boolean includeSplits, @Checksum.TypeMask int optional, @Checksum.TypeMask int required, @Nullable List trustedInstallers, @NonNull IOnChecksumsReadyListener onChecksumsReadyListener, int userId)6453         public void requestPackageChecksums(@NonNull String packageName, boolean includeSplits,
6454                 @Checksum.TypeMask int optional, @Checksum.TypeMask int required,
6455                 @Nullable List trustedInstallers,
6456                 @NonNull IOnChecksumsReadyListener onChecksumsReadyListener, int userId) {
6457             requestChecksumsInternal(snapshotComputer(), packageName, includeSplits, optional,
6458                     required, trustedInstallers, onChecksumsReadyListener, userId,
6459                     mInjector.getBackgroundExecutor(), mInjector.getBackgroundHandler());
6460         }
6462         @Override
notifyPackagesReplacedReceived(String[] packages)6463         public void notifyPackagesReplacedReceived(String[] packages) {
6464             Computer computer = snapshotComputer();
6465             ArraySet<String> packagesToNotify = computer.getNotifyPackagesForReplacedReceived(packages);
6466             for (int index = 0; index < packagesToNotify.size(); index++) {
6467                 notifyInstallObserver(packagesToNotify.valueAt(index), false /* killApp */);
6468             }
6469         }
6471         @Override
getArchivedPackage(@onNull String packageName, int userId)6472         public ArchivedPackageParcel getArchivedPackage(@NonNull String packageName, int userId) {
6473             return getArchivedPackageInternal(packageName, userId);
6474         }
6476         @Override
getArchivedAppIcon(@onNull String packageName, @NonNull UserHandle user, @NonNull String callingPackageName)6477         public Bitmap getArchivedAppIcon(@NonNull String packageName, @NonNull UserHandle user,
6478                 @NonNull String callingPackageName) {
6479             return mInstallerService.mPackageArchiver.getArchivedAppIcon(packageName, user,
6480                     callingPackageName);
6481         }
6483         @Override
isAppArchivable(@onNull String packageName, @NonNull UserHandle user)6484         public boolean isAppArchivable(@NonNull String packageName, @NonNull UserHandle user) {
6485             return mInstallerService.mPackageArchiver.isAppArchivable(packageName, user);
6486         }
6488         /**
6489          * Wait for the handler to finish handling all pending messages.
6490          * @param timeoutMillis Maximum time in milliseconds to wait.
6491          * @param forBackgroundHandler Whether to wait for the background handler instead.
6492          * @return True if all the waiting messages in the handler has been handled.
6493          *         False if timeout.
6494          */
6495         @Override
waitForHandler(long timeoutMillis, boolean forBackgroundHandler)6496         public boolean waitForHandler(long timeoutMillis, boolean forBackgroundHandler) {
6497             final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
6498             if (forBackgroundHandler) {
6499                 mBackgroundHandler.post(latch::countDown);
6500             } else {
6501                 mHandler.post(latch::countDown);
6502             }
6503             final long endTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMillis;
6504             while (latch.getCount() > 0) {
6505                 try {
6506                     final long remainingTimeMillis = endTimeMillis - System.currentTimeMillis();
6507                     if (remainingTimeMillis <= 0) {
6508                         return false;
6509                     }
6510                     return latch.await(remainingTimeMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
6511                 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
6512                     // ignore and retry
6513                 }
6514             }
6515             return true;
6516         }
6518         @Override
6519         @Nullable
getDomainVerificationAgent(int userId)6520         public ComponentName getDomainVerificationAgent(int userId) {
6521             final int callerUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
6522             if (!PackageManagerServiceUtils.isRootOrShell(callerUid)) {
6523                 throw new SecurityException("Not allowed to query domain verification agent");
6524             }
6525             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
6526             final ComponentName agent = mDomainVerificationManager.getProxy().getComponentName();
6527             final PackageStateInternal ps = snapshot.getPackageStateForInstalledAndFiltered(
6528                     agent.getPackageName(), callerUid, userId);
6529             if (ps == null) {
6530                 return null;
6531             }
6532             final var disabledComponents =
6533                     ps.getUserStateOrDefault(userId).getDisabledComponentsNoCopy();
6534             if (disabledComponents != null && disabledComponents.contains(agent.getClassName())) {
6535                 return null;
6536             }
6537             // Only return the result if the agent is installed and enabled on the target user
6538             return agent;
6539         }
6541         @Override
onTransact(int code, Parcel data, Parcel reply, int flags)6542         public boolean onTransact(int code, Parcel data, Parcel reply, int flags)
6543                 throws RemoteException {
6544             try {
6545                 return super.onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
6546             } catch (RuntimeException e) {
6547                 if (!(e instanceof SecurityException) && !(e instanceof IllegalArgumentException)
6548                         && !(e instanceof ParcelableException)) {
6549                     Slog.wtf(TAG, "Package Manager Unexpected Exception", e);
6550                 }
6551                 throw e;
6552             }
6553         }
6555         @Override
onShellCommand(FileDescriptor in, FileDescriptor out, FileDescriptor err, String[] args, ShellCallback callback, ResultReceiver resultReceiver)6556         public void onShellCommand(FileDescriptor in, FileDescriptor out,
6557                 FileDescriptor err, String[] args, ShellCallback callback,
6558                 ResultReceiver resultReceiver) {
6559             (new PackageManagerShellCommand(this, mContext,
6560                     mDomainVerificationManager.getShell()))
6561                     .exec(this, in, out, err, args, callback, resultReceiver);
6562         }
6564         @SuppressWarnings("resource")
6565         @Override
dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args)6566         protected void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) {
6567             if (!DumpUtils.checkDumpAndUsageStatsPermission(mContext, TAG, pw)) return;
6568             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
6569             final KnownPackages knownPackages = new KnownPackages(
6570                     mDefaultAppProvider,
6571                     mRequiredInstallerPackage,
6572                     mRequiredUninstallerPackage,
6573                     mSetupWizardPackage,
6574                     mRequiredVerifierPackages,
6575                     mDefaultTextClassifierPackage,
6576                     mSystemTextClassifierPackageName,
6577                     mRequiredPermissionControllerPackage,
6578                     mConfiguratorPackage,
6579                     mIncidentReportApproverPackage,
6580                     mAmbientContextDetectionPackage,
6581                     mWearableSensingPackage,
6582                     mAppPredictionServicePackage,
6583                     COMPANION_PACKAGE_NAME,
6584                     mRetailDemoPackage,
6585                     mOverlayConfigSignaturePackage,
6586                     mRecentsPackage);
6587             final ArrayMap<String, FeatureInfo> availableFeatures;
6588             availableFeatures = new ArrayMap<>(mAvailableFeatures);
6589             final ArraySet<String> protectedBroadcasts;
6590             synchronized (mProtectedBroadcasts) {
6591                 protectedBroadcasts = new ArraySet<>(mProtectedBroadcasts);
6592             }
6593             new DumpHelper(mPermissionManager, mStorageEventHelper,
6594                     mDomainVerificationManager, mInstallerService, mRequiredVerifierPackages,
6595                     knownPackages, mChangedPackagesTracker, availableFeatures, protectedBroadcasts,
6596                     getPerUidReadTimeouts(snapshot), mSnapshotStatistics
6597             ).doDump(snapshot, fd, pw, args);
6598         }
6599     }
6601     private class PackageManagerInternalImpl extends PackageManagerInternalBase {
PackageManagerInternalImpl()6603         public PackageManagerInternalImpl() {
6604             super(PackageManagerService.this);
6605         }
6607         @NonNull
6608         @Override
getContext()6609         protected Context getContext() {
6610             return mContext;
6611         }
6613         @NonNull
6614         @Override
getPermissionManager()6615         protected PermissionManagerServiceInternal getPermissionManager() {
6616             return mPermissionManager;
6617         }
6619         @NonNull
6620         @Override
getAppDataHelper()6621         protected AppDataHelper getAppDataHelper() {
6622             return mAppDataHelper;
6623         }
6625         @NonNull
6626         @Override
getPackageObserverHelper()6627         protected PackageObserverHelper getPackageObserverHelper() {
6628             return mPackageObserverHelper;
6629         }
6631         @NonNull
6632         @Override
getResolveIntentHelper()6633         protected ResolveIntentHelper getResolveIntentHelper() {
6634             return mResolveIntentHelper;
6635         }
6637         @NonNull
6638         @Override
getSuspendPackageHelper()6639         protected SuspendPackageHelper getSuspendPackageHelper() {
6640             return mSuspendPackageHelper;
6641         }
6643         @NonNull
6644         @Override
getDistractingPackageHelper()6645         protected DistractingPackageHelper getDistractingPackageHelper() {
6646             return mDistractingPackageHelper;
6647         }
6649         @NonNull
6650         @Override
getProtectedPackages()6651         protected ProtectedPackages getProtectedPackages() {
6652             return mProtectedPackages;
6653         }
6655         @NonNull
6656         @Override
getUserNeedsBadging()6657         protected UserNeedsBadgingCache getUserNeedsBadging() {
6658             return mUserNeedsBadging;
6659         }
6661         @NonNull
6662         @Override
getInstantAppRegistry()6663         protected InstantAppRegistry getInstantAppRegistry() {
6664             return mInstantAppRegistry;
6665         }
6667         @NonNull
6668         @Override
getApexManager()6669         protected ApexManager getApexManager() {
6670             return mApexManager;
6671         }
6673         @NonNull
6674         @Override
getDexManager()6675         protected DexManager getDexManager() {
6676             return mDexManager;
6677         }
6679         @NonNull
6680         @Override
getDynamicCodeLogger()6681         public DynamicCodeLogger getDynamicCodeLogger() {
6682             return mDynamicCodeLogger;
6683         }
6685         @Override
isPlatformSigned(String packageName)6686         public boolean isPlatformSigned(String packageName) {
6687             PackageStateInternal packageState = snapshot().getPackageStateInternal(packageName);
6688             if (packageState == null) {
6689                 return false;
6690             }
6691             SigningDetails signingDetails = packageState.getSigningDetails();
6692             return signingDetails.hasAncestorOrSelf(mPlatformPackage.getSigningDetails())
6693                     || mPlatformPackage.getSigningDetails().checkCapability(signingDetails,
6694                     SigningDetails.CertCapabilities.PERMISSION);
6695         }
6697         @Override
isDataRestoreSafe(byte[] restoringFromSigHash, String packageName)6698         public boolean isDataRestoreSafe(byte[] restoringFromSigHash, String packageName) {
6699             final Computer snapshot = snapshot();
6700             SigningDetails sd = snapshot.getSigningDetails(packageName);
6701             if (sd == null) {
6702                 return false;
6703             }
6704             return sd.hasSha256Certificate(restoringFromSigHash,
6705                     SigningDetails.CertCapabilities.INSTALLED_DATA);
6706         }
6708         @Override
isDataRestoreSafe(Signature restoringFromSig, String packageName)6709         public boolean isDataRestoreSafe(Signature restoringFromSig, String packageName) {
6710             final Computer snapshot = snapshot();
6711             SigningDetails sd = snapshot.getSigningDetails(packageName);
6712             if (sd == null) {
6713                 return false;
6714             }
6715             return sd.hasCertificate(restoringFromSig,
6716                     SigningDetails.CertCapabilities.INSTALLED_DATA);
6717         }
6719         @Override
hasSignatureCapability(int serverUid, int clientUid, @SigningDetails.CertCapabilities int capability)6720         public boolean hasSignatureCapability(int serverUid, int clientUid,
6721                 @SigningDetails.CertCapabilities int capability) {
6722             final Computer snapshot = snapshot();
6723             SigningDetails serverSigningDetails = snapshot.getSigningDetails(serverUid);
6724             SigningDetails clientSigningDetails = snapshot.getSigningDetails(clientUid);
6725             return serverSigningDetails.checkCapability(clientSigningDetails, capability)
6726                     || clientSigningDetails.hasAncestorOrSelf(serverSigningDetails);
6727         }
6729         @Override
getPackageList(@ullable PackageListObserver observer)6730         public PackageList getPackageList(@Nullable PackageListObserver observer) {
6731             final ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
6732             PackageManagerService.this.forEachPackageState(snapshot(), packageState -> {
6733                 AndroidPackage pkg = packageState.getPkg();
6734                 if (pkg != null) {
6735                     list.add(pkg.getPackageName());
6736                 }
6737             });
6738             final PackageList packageList = new PackageList(list, observer);
6739             if (observer != null) {
6740                 mPackageObserverHelper.addObserver(packageList);
6741             }
6742             return packageList;
6743         }
6745         @Override
6746         public @Nullable
getDisabledSystemPackageName(@onNull String packageName)6747         String getDisabledSystemPackageName(@NonNull String packageName) {
6748             PackageStateInternal disabledPkgSetting = snapshot().getDisabledSystemPackage(
6749                     packageName);
6750             AndroidPackage disabledPkg = disabledPkgSetting == null
6751                     ? null : disabledPkgSetting.getPkg();
6752             return disabledPkg == null ? null : disabledPkg.getPackageName();
6753         }
6755         @Override
isResolveActivityComponent(ComponentInfo component)6756         public boolean isResolveActivityComponent(ComponentInfo component) {
6757             return mResolveActivity.packageName.equals(component.packageName)
6758                     && mResolveActivity.name.equals(component.name);
6759         }
6761         @Override
getCeDataInode(String packageName, int userId)6762         public long getCeDataInode(String packageName, int userId) {
6763             final PackageStateInternal packageState =
6764                     snapshot().getPackageStateInternal(packageName);
6765             if (packageState == null) {
6766                 return 0;
6767             } else {
6768                 return packageState.getUserStateOrDefault(userId).getCeDataInode();
6769             }
6770         }
6772         @Override
removeAllNonSystemPackageSuspensions(int userId)6773         public void removeAllNonSystemPackageSuspensions(int userId) {
6774             final Computer computer = snapshotComputer();
6775             final String[] allPackages = computer.getAllAvailablePackageNames();
6776             mSuspendPackageHelper.removeSuspensionsBySuspendingPackage(computer, allPackages,
6777                     (suspender) -> !PLATFORM_PACKAGE_NAME.equals(suspender.packageName),
6778                     userId);
6779         }
6781         @Override
flushPackageRestrictions(int userId)6782         public void flushPackageRestrictions(int userId) {
6783             synchronized (mLock) {
6784                 PackageManagerService.this.flushPackageRestrictionsAsUserInternalLocked(userId);
6785             }
6786         }
6788         @Override
setPackagesSuspendedByAdmin( @serIdInt int userId, @NonNull String[] packageNames, boolean suspended)6789         public String[] setPackagesSuspendedByAdmin(
6790                 @UserIdInt int userId, @NonNull String[] packageNames, boolean suspended) {
6791             // Suspension by admin isn't attributed to admin package but to the platform,
6792             // Using USER_SYSTEM for consistency with other internal suspenders, like shell or root.
6793             final int suspendingUserId =
6794                     crossUserSuspensionEnabledRo() ? UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM : userId;
6795             final UserPackage suspender = UserPackage.of(
6796                     suspendingUserId, PackageManagerService.PLATFORM_PACKAGE_NAME);
6797             return mSuspendPackageHelper.setPackagesSuspended(snapshotComputer(), packageNames,
6798                     suspended, null /* appExtras */, null /* launcherExtras */,
6799                     null /* dialogInfo */, suspender, userId, Process.SYSTEM_UID,
6800                     false /* quarantined */);
6801         }
6803         @Override
setDeviceAndProfileOwnerPackages( int deviceOwnerUserId, String deviceOwnerPackage, SparseArray<String> profileOwnerPackages)6804         public void setDeviceAndProfileOwnerPackages(
6805                 int deviceOwnerUserId, String deviceOwnerPackage,
6806                 SparseArray<String> profileOwnerPackages) {
6807             mProtectedPackages.setDeviceAndProfileOwnerPackages(
6808                     deviceOwnerUserId, deviceOwnerPackage, profileOwnerPackages);
6809             final ArraySet<Integer> usersWithPoOrDo = new ArraySet<>();
6810             if (deviceOwnerPackage != null) {
6811                 usersWithPoOrDo.add(deviceOwnerUserId);
6812             }
6813             final int sz = profileOwnerPackages.size();
6814             for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
6815                 if (profileOwnerPackages.valueAt(i) != null) {
6816                     removeAllNonSystemPackageSuspensions(profileOwnerPackages.keyAt(i));
6817                 }
6818             }
6819         }
6821         @Override
setExternalSourcesPolicy(ExternalSourcesPolicy policy)6822         public void setExternalSourcesPolicy(ExternalSourcesPolicy policy) {
6823             if (policy != null) {
6824                 mExternalSourcesPolicy = policy;
6825             }
6826         }
6828         @Override
isPackagePersistent(String packageName)6829         public boolean isPackagePersistent(String packageName) {
6830             final PackageStateInternal packageState =
6831                     snapshot().getPackageStateInternal(packageName);
6832             if (packageState == null) {
6833                 return false;
6834             }
6836             AndroidPackage pkg = packageState.getPkg();
6837             return pkg != null && packageState.isSystem() && pkg.isPersistent();
6838         }
6840         @Override
getOverlayPackages(int userId)6841         public List<PackageInfo> getOverlayPackages(int userId) {
6842             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
6843             final ArrayList<PackageInfo> overlayPackages = new ArrayList<>();
6844             final ArrayMap<String, ? extends PackageStateInternal> packageStates =
6845                     snapshot.getPackageStates();
6846             for (int index = 0; index < packageStates.size(); index++) {
6847                 final PackageStateInternal packageState = packageStates.valueAt(index);
6848                 final AndroidPackage pkg = packageState.getPkg();
6849                 if (pkg != null && pkg.getOverlayTarget() != null) {
6850                     PackageInfo pkgInfo = snapshot.generatePackageInfo(packageState, 0, userId);
6851                     if (pkgInfo != null) {
6852                         overlayPackages.add(pkgInfo);
6853                     }
6854                 }
6855             }
6857             return overlayPackages;
6858         }
6860         @Override
getTargetPackageNames(int userId)6861         public List<String> getTargetPackageNames(int userId) {
6862             List<String> targetPackages = new ArrayList<>();
6863             PackageManagerService.this.forEachPackageState(snapshot(), packageState -> {
6864                 final AndroidPackage pkg = packageState.getPkg();
6865                 if (pkg != null && !pkg.isResourceOverlay()) {
6866                     targetPackages.add(pkg.getPackageName());
6867                 }
6868             });
6869             return targetPackages;
6870         }
6872         @Override
setEnabledOverlayPackages(int userId, @NonNull ArrayMap<String, OverlayPaths> pendingChanges, @NonNull Set<String> outUpdatedPackageNames, @NonNull Set<String> outInvalidPackageNames)6873         public void setEnabledOverlayPackages(int userId,
6874                 @NonNull ArrayMap<String, OverlayPaths> pendingChanges,
6875                 @NonNull Set<String> outUpdatedPackageNames,
6876                 @NonNull Set<String> outInvalidPackageNames) {
6877             PackageManagerService.this.setEnabledOverlayPackages(userId,
6878                     pendingChanges, outUpdatedPackageNames, outInvalidPackageNames);
6879         }
6881         @Override
addIsolatedUid(int isolatedUid, int ownerUid)6882         public void addIsolatedUid(int isolatedUid, int ownerUid) {
6883             synchronized (mLock) {
6884                 mIsolatedOwners.put(isolatedUid, ownerUid);
6885             }
6886         }
6888         @Override
removeIsolatedUid(int isolatedUid)6889         public void removeIsolatedUid(int isolatedUid) {
6890             synchronized (mLock) {
6891                 mIsolatedOwners.delete(isolatedUid);
6892             }
6893         }
6895         @Override
notifyPackageUse(String packageName, int reason)6896         public void notifyPackageUse(String packageName, int reason) {
6897             PackageManagerService.this.notifyPackageUseInternal(packageName, reason);
6898         }
6900         @Nullable
6901         @Override
removeLegacyDefaultBrowserPackageName(int userId)6902         public String removeLegacyDefaultBrowserPackageName(int userId) {
6903             synchronized (mLock) {
6904                 return mSettings.removePendingDefaultBrowserLPw(userId);
6905             }
6906         }
6908         @Override
uninstallApex(String packageName, long versionCode, int userId, IntentSender intentSender, int flags)6909         public void uninstallApex(String packageName, long versionCode, int userId,
6910                 IntentSender intentSender, int flags) {
6911             final int callerUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
6912             if (!PackageManagerServiceUtils.isRootOrShell(callerUid)) {
6913                 throw new SecurityException("Not allowed to uninstall apexes");
6914             }
6915             PackageInstallerService.PackageDeleteObserverAdapter adapter =
6916                     new PackageInstallerService.PackageDeleteObserverAdapter(
6917                             PackageManagerService.this.mContext, intentSender, packageName,
6918                             false, userId);
6919             if ((flags & PackageManager.DELETE_ALL_USERS) == 0) {
6920                 adapter.onPackageDeleted(packageName, PackageManager.DELETE_FAILED_ABORTED,
6921                         "Can't uninstall an apex for a single user");
6922                 return;
6923             }
6924             final ApexManager am = PackageManagerService.this.mApexManager;
6925             PackageInfo activePackage = snapshot().getPackageInfo(
6926                     packageName, PackageManager.MATCH_APEX, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM);
6927             if (activePackage == null) {
6928                 adapter.onPackageDeleted(packageName, PackageManager.DELETE_FAILED_ABORTED,
6929                         packageName + " is not an apex package");
6930                 return;
6931             }
6932             if (versionCode != PackageManager.VERSION_CODE_HIGHEST
6933                     && activePackage.getLongVersionCode() != versionCode) {
6934                 adapter.onPackageDeleted(packageName, PackageManager.DELETE_FAILED_ABORTED,
6935                         "Active version " + activePackage.getLongVersionCode()
6936                                 + " is not equal to " + versionCode + "]");
6937                 return;
6938             }
6939             if (!am.uninstallApex(activePackage.applicationInfo.sourceDir)) {
6940                 adapter.onPackageDeleted(packageName, PackageManager.DELETE_FAILED_ABORTED,
6941                         "Failed to uninstall apex " + packageName);
6942             } else {
6943                 adapter.onPackageDeleted(packageName, PackageManager.DELETE_SUCCEEDED,
6944                         null);
6945             }
6946         }
6948         @Override
6949         @SuppressWarnings("GuardedBy")
updateRuntimePermissionsFingerprint(@serIdInt int userId)6950         public void updateRuntimePermissionsFingerprint(@UserIdInt int userId) {
6951             mSettings.updateRuntimePermissionsFingerprint(userId);
6952         }
6954         @Override
migrateLegacyObbData()6955         public void migrateLegacyObbData() {
6956             try {
6957                 mInstaller.migrateLegacyObbData();
6958             } catch (Exception e) {
6959                 Slog.wtf(TAG, e);
6960             }
6961         }
6963         @Override
writeSettings(boolean async)6964         public void writeSettings(boolean async) {
6965             synchronized (mLock) {
6966                 if (async) {
6967                     scheduleWriteSettings();
6968                 } else {
6969                     writeSettingsLPrTEMP();
6970                 }
6971             }
6972         }
6974         @Override
writePermissionSettings(int[] userIds, boolean async)6975         public void writePermissionSettings(int[] userIds, boolean async) {
6976             synchronized (mLock) {
6977                 for (int userId : userIds) {
6978                     mSettings.writePermissionStateForUserLPr(userId, !async);
6979                 }
6980             }
6981         }
6983         @Override
getLegacyPermissions()6984         public LegacyPermissionSettings getLegacyPermissions() {
6985             synchronized (mLock) {
6986                 return mSettings.mPermissions;
6987             }
6988         }
6990         /**
6991          * Read legacy permission states for permissions migration to new permission subsystem.
6992          */
6993         @Override
getLegacyPermissionsState(int userId)6994         public RuntimePermissionsState getLegacyPermissionsState(int userId) {
6995             synchronized (mLock) {
6996                 return mSettings.getLegacyPermissionsState(userId);
6997             }
6998         }
7000         @Override
getLegacyPermissionsVersion(@serIdInt int userId)7001         public int getLegacyPermissionsVersion(@UserIdInt int userId) {
7002             synchronized (mLock) {
7003                 return mSettings.getDefaultRuntimePermissionsVersion(userId);
7004             }
7005         }
7007         @Override
7008         @SuppressWarnings("GuardedBy")
isPermissionUpgradeNeeded(int userId)7009         public boolean isPermissionUpgradeNeeded(int userId) {
7010             return mSettings.isPermissionUpgradeNeeded(userId);
7011         }
7013         @Override
setIntegrityVerificationResult(int verificationId, int verificationResult)7014         public void setIntegrityVerificationResult(int verificationId, int verificationResult) {
7015             final Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(INTEGRITY_VERIFICATION_COMPLETE);
7016             msg.arg1 = verificationId;
7017             msg.obj = verificationResult;
7018             mHandler.sendMessage(msg);
7019         }
7021         @Override
setVisibilityLogging(String packageName, boolean enable)7022         public void setVisibilityLogging(String packageName, boolean enable) {
7023             PackageManagerServiceUtils.enforceSystemOrRootOrShell(
7024                     "Only the system or shell can set visibility logging.");
7025             final PackageStateInternal packageState =
7026                     snapshot().getPackageStateInternal(packageName);
7027             if (packageState == null) {
7028                 throw new IllegalStateException("No package found for " + packageName);
7029             }
7030             mAppsFilter.getFeatureConfig().enableLogging(packageState.getAppId(), enable);
7031         }
7033         @Override
clearBlockUninstallForUser(@serIdInt int userId)7034         public void clearBlockUninstallForUser(@UserIdInt int userId) {
7035             synchronized (mLock) {
7036                 mSettings.clearBlockUninstallLPw(userId);
7037                 mSettings.writePackageRestrictionsLPr(userId);
7038             }
7039         }
7041         @Override
registerInstalledLoadingProgressCallback(String packageName, PackageManagerInternal.InstalledLoadingProgressCallback callback, int userId)7042         public boolean registerInstalledLoadingProgressCallback(String packageName,
7043                 PackageManagerInternal.InstalledLoadingProgressCallback callback, int userId) {
7044             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
7045             final PackageStateInternal ps = snapshot.getPackageStateForInstalledAndFiltered(
7046                     packageName, Binder.getCallingUid(), userId);
7047             if (ps == null) {
7048                 return false;
7049             }
7050             if (!ps.isLoading()) {
7051                 Slog.w(TAG,
7052                         "Failed registering loading progress callback. Package is fully loaded.");
7053                 return false;
7054             }
7055             if (mIncrementalManager == null) {
7056                 Slog.w(TAG,
7057                         "Failed registering loading progress callback. Incremental is not enabled");
7058                 return false;
7059             }
7060             return mIncrementalManager.registerLoadingProgressCallback(ps.getPathString(),
7061                     (IPackageLoadingProgressCallback) callback.getBinder());
7062         }
7064         @Override
getIncrementalStatesInfo( @onNull String packageName, int filterCallingUid, int userId)7065         public IncrementalStatesInfo getIncrementalStatesInfo(
7066                 @NonNull String packageName, int filterCallingUid, int userId) {
7067             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
7068             final PackageStateInternal ps = snapshot.getPackageStateForInstalledAndFiltered(
7069                     packageName, filterCallingUid, userId);
7070             if (ps == null) {
7071                 return null;
7072             }
7073             return new IncrementalStatesInfo(ps.isLoading(), ps.getLoadingProgress(),
7074                     ps.getLoadingCompletedTime());
7075         }
7077         @Override
isSameApp(@ullable String packageName, int callingUid, int userId)7078         public boolean isSameApp(@Nullable String packageName, int callingUid, int userId) {
7079             return isSameApp(packageName, /*flags=*/0, callingUid, userId);
7080         }
7082         @Override
isSameApp(@ullable String packageName, @PackageManager.PackageInfoFlagsBits long flags, int callingUid, int userId)7083         public boolean isSameApp(@Nullable String packageName,
7084                 @PackageManager.PackageInfoFlagsBits long flags, int callingUid, int userId) {
7085             if (packageName == null) {
7086                 return false;
7087             }
7089             if (Process.isSdkSandboxUid(callingUid)) {
7090                 return packageName.equals(mRequiredSdkSandboxPackage);
7091             }
7092             Computer snapshot = snapshot();
7093             int uid = snapshot.getPackageUid(packageName, flags, userId);
7094             return UserHandle.isSameApp(uid, callingUid);
7095         }
7097         @Override
onPackageProcessKilledForUninstall(String packageName)7098         public void onPackageProcessKilledForUninstall(String packageName) {
7099             mHandler.post(() -> PackageManagerService.this.notifyInstallObserver(packageName,
7100                     true /* killApp */));
7101         }
7103         @Override
getDistractingPackageRestrictionsAsUser( @onNull String[] packageNames, int userId)7104         public int[] getDistractingPackageRestrictionsAsUser(
7105                 @NonNull String[] packageNames, int userId) {
7106             final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
7107             final Computer snapshot = snapshotComputer();
7108             Objects.requireNonNull(packageNames, "packageNames cannot be null");
7109             return mDistractingPackageHelper.getDistractingPackageRestrictionsAsUser(snapshot,
7110                     packageNames, userId, callingUid);
7111         }
7113         @Override
getHistoricalSessions(int userId)7114         public ParceledListSlice<PackageInstaller.SessionInfo> getHistoricalSessions(int userId) {
7115             return mInstallerService.getHistoricalSessions(userId);
7116         }
7118         @Override
getPackageArchiver()7119         public PackageArchiver getPackageArchiver() {
7120             return mInstallerService.mPackageArchiver;
7121         }
7123         @Override
sendPackageRestartedBroadcast(@onNull String packageName, int uid, @Intent.Flags int flags)7124         public void sendPackageRestartedBroadcast(@NonNull String packageName,
7125                 int uid, @Intent.Flags int flags) {
7126             final int userId = UserHandle.getUserId(uid);
7127             final int [] userIds = resolveUserIds(userId);
7128             final SparseArray<int[]> broadcastAllowList =
7129                     snapshotComputer().getVisibilityAllowLists(packageName, userIds);
7130             final Bundle extras = new Bundle();
7131             extras.putInt(Intent.EXTRA_UID, uid);
7132             extras.putInt(Intent.EXTRA_USER_HANDLE, userId);
7133             if (android.content.pm.Flags.stayStopped()) {
7134                 extras.putLong(Intent.EXTRA_TIME, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime());
7135                 // Sent async using the PM handler, to maintain ordering with PACKAGE_UNSTOPPED
7136                 mHandler.post(() -> {
7137                     mBroadcastHelper.sendPackageBroadcast(Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_RESTARTED,
7138                             packageName, extras,
7139                             flags, null, null,
7140                             userIds, null, broadcastAllowList, null,
7141                             null);
7142                 });
7143             } else {
7144                 mBroadcastHelper.sendPackageBroadcast(Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_RESTARTED,
7145                         packageName, extras,
7146                         flags, null, null,
7147                         userIds, null, broadcastAllowList, null,
7148                         null);
7149             }
7150             mPackageMonitorCallbackHelper.notifyPackageMonitor(Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_RESTARTED,
7151                     packageName, extras, userIds, null /* instantUserIds */,
7152                     broadcastAllowList, mHandler, null /* filterExtras */);
7153         }
7155         @Override
sendPackageDataClearedBroadcast(@onNull String packageName, int uid, int userId, boolean isRestore, boolean isInstantApp)7156         public void sendPackageDataClearedBroadcast(@NonNull String packageName,
7157                 int uid, int userId, boolean isRestore, boolean isInstantApp) {
7158             int[] visibilityAllowList =
7159                     snapshotComputer().getVisibilityAllowList(packageName, userId);
7160             final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED,
7161                     Uri.fromParts("package", packageName, null /* fragment */));
7162             intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_INCLUDE_BACKGROUND
7163                     | Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY_BEFORE_BOOT);
7164             intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_UID, uid);
7165             intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_USER_HANDLE, userId);
7166             if (isRestore) {
7167                 intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_IS_RESTORE, true);
7168             }
7169             if (isInstantApp) {
7170                 intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_PACKAGE_NAME, packageName);
7171             }
7172             mBroadcastHelper.sendPackageBroadcastWithIntent(intent, userId, isInstantApp,
7173                     0 /* flags */, visibilityAllowList, null /* finishedReceiver */,
7174                     null /* filterExtrasForReceiver */, null /* bOptions */);
7175             mPackageMonitorCallbackHelper.notifyPackageMonitorWithIntent(intent, userId,
7176                     visibilityAllowList, mHandler);
7177         }
7179         @Override
isUpgradingFromLowerThan(int sdkVersion)7180         public boolean isUpgradingFromLowerThan(int sdkVersion) {
7181             final boolean isUpgrading = mPriorSdkVersion != -1;
7182             return isUpgrading && mPriorSdkVersion < sdkVersion;
7183         }
7184     }
setEnabledOverlayPackages(@serIdInt int userId, @NonNull ArrayMap<String, OverlayPaths> pendingChanges, @NonNull Set<String> outUpdatedPackageNames, @NonNull Set<String> outInvalidPackageNames)7186     private void setEnabledOverlayPackages(@UserIdInt int userId,
7187             @NonNull ArrayMap<String, OverlayPaths> pendingChanges,
7188             @NonNull Set<String> outUpdatedPackageNames,
7189             @NonNull Set<String> outInvalidPackageNames) {
7190         final ArrayMap<String, ArrayMap<String, ArraySet<String>>>
7191                 targetPkgToLibNameToModifiedDependents = new ArrayMap<>();
7192         final int numberOfPendingChanges = pendingChanges.size();
7194         synchronized (mOverlayPathsLock) {
7195             Computer computer = snapshotComputer();
7196             for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPendingChanges; i++) {
7197                 final String targetPackageName = pendingChanges.keyAt(i);
7198                 final OverlayPaths newOverlayPaths = pendingChanges.valueAt(i);
7199                 final PackageStateInternal packageState = computer.getPackageStateInternal(
7200                         targetPackageName);
7201                 final AndroidPackage targetPkg =
7202                         packageState == null ? null : packageState.getPkg();
7203                 if (targetPackageName == null || targetPkg == null) {
7204                     Slog.e(TAG, "failed to find package " + targetPackageName);
7205                     outInvalidPackageNames.add(targetPackageName);
7206                     continue;
7207                 }
7209                 if (Objects.equals(packageState.getUserStateOrDefault(userId).getOverlayPaths(),
7210                         newOverlayPaths)) {
7211                     continue;
7212                 }
7214                 if (targetPkg.getLibraryNames() != null) {
7215                     // Set the overlay paths for dependencies of the shared library.
7216                     List<String> libraryNames = targetPkg.getLibraryNames();
7217                     for (int j = 0; j < libraryNames.size(); j++) {
7218                         final String libName = libraryNames.get(j);
7219                         ArraySet<String> modifiedDependents = null;
7221                         final SharedLibraryInfo info = computer.getSharedLibraryInfo(libName,
7222                                 SharedLibraryInfo.VERSION_UNDEFINED);
7223                         if (info == null) {
7224                             continue;
7225                         }
7226                         var usingSharedLibraryPair = computer.getPackagesUsingSharedLibrary(info, 0,
7227                                 Process.SYSTEM_UID, userId);
7228                         final List<VersionedPackage> dependents = usingSharedLibraryPair.first;
7229                         if (dependents == null) {
7230                             continue;
7231                         }
7232                         for (int k = 0; k < dependents.size(); k++) {
7233                             final VersionedPackage dependent = dependents.get(k);
7234                             final PackageStateInternal dependentState =
7235                                     computer.getPackageStateInternal(dependent.getPackageName());
7236                             if (dependentState == null) {
7237                                 continue;
7238                             }
7239                             if (canSetOverlayPaths(dependentState.getUserStateOrDefault(userId)
7240                                     .getSharedLibraryOverlayPaths()
7241                                     .get(libName), newOverlayPaths)) {
7242                                 String dependentPackageName = dependent.getPackageName();
7243                                 modifiedDependents = ArrayUtils.add(modifiedDependents,
7244                                         dependentPackageName);
7245                                 outUpdatedPackageNames.add(dependentPackageName);
7246                             }
7247                         }
7249                         if (modifiedDependents != null) {
7250                             ArrayMap<String, ArraySet<String>> libNameToModifiedDependents =
7251                                     targetPkgToLibNameToModifiedDependents.get(
7252                                             targetPackageName);
7253                             if (libNameToModifiedDependents == null) {
7254                                 libNameToModifiedDependents = new ArrayMap<>();
7255                                 targetPkgToLibNameToModifiedDependents.put(targetPackageName,
7256                                         libNameToModifiedDependents);
7257                             }
7258                             libNameToModifiedDependents.put(libName, modifiedDependents);
7259                         }
7260                     }
7261                 }
7263                 if (canSetOverlayPaths(packageState.getUserStateOrDefault(userId).getOverlayPaths(),
7264                         newOverlayPaths)) {
7265                     outUpdatedPackageNames.add(targetPackageName);
7266                 }
7267             }
7269             commitPackageStateMutation(null, mutator -> {
7270                 for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPendingChanges; i++) {
7271                     final String targetPackageName = pendingChanges.keyAt(i);
7272                     final OverlayPaths newOverlayPaths = pendingChanges.valueAt(i);
7274                     if (!outUpdatedPackageNames.contains(targetPackageName)) {
7275                         continue;
7276                     }
7278                     mutator.forPackage(targetPackageName)
7279                             .userState(userId)
7280                             .setOverlayPaths(newOverlayPaths);
7282                     final ArrayMap<String, ArraySet<String>> libNameToModifiedDependents =
7283                             targetPkgToLibNameToModifiedDependents.get(
7284                                     targetPackageName);
7285                     if (libNameToModifiedDependents == null) {
7286                         continue;
7287                     }
7289                     for (int mapIndex = 0; mapIndex < libNameToModifiedDependents.size();
7290                             mapIndex++) {
7291                         String libName = libNameToModifiedDependents.keyAt(mapIndex);
7292                         ArraySet<String> modifiedDependents =
7293                                 libNameToModifiedDependents.valueAt(mapIndex);
7294                         for (int setIndex = 0; setIndex < modifiedDependents.size(); setIndex++) {
7295                             mutator.forPackage(modifiedDependents.valueAt(setIndex))
7296                                     .userState(userId)
7297                                     .setOverlayPathsForLibrary(libName, newOverlayPaths);
7298                         }
7299                     }
7300                 }
7301             });
7302         }
7304         if (userId == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM) {
7305             // Keep the overlays in the system application info (and anything special cased as well)
7306             // up to date to make sure system ui is themed correctly.
7307             for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPendingChanges; i++) {
7308                 final String targetPackageName = pendingChanges.keyAt(i);
7309                 final OverlayPaths newOverlayPaths = pendingChanges.valueAt(i);
7310                 maybeUpdateSystemOverlays(targetPackageName, newOverlayPaths);
7311             }
7312         }
7314         invalidatePackageInfoCache();
7315     }
canSetOverlayPaths(OverlayPaths origPaths, OverlayPaths newPaths)7317     private boolean canSetOverlayPaths(OverlayPaths origPaths, OverlayPaths newPaths) {
7318         if (Objects.equals(origPaths, newPaths)) {
7319             return false;
7320         }
7321         if ((origPaths == null && newPaths.isEmpty())
7322                 || (newPaths == null && origPaths.isEmpty())) {
7323             return false;
7324         }
7325         return true;
7326     }
maybeUpdateSystemOverlays(String targetPackageName, OverlayPaths newOverlayPaths)7328     private void maybeUpdateSystemOverlays(String targetPackageName, OverlayPaths newOverlayPaths) {
7329         if (!mResolverReplaced) {
7330             if (targetPackageName.equals("android")) {
7331                 if (newOverlayPaths == null) {
7332                     mPlatformPackageOverlayPaths = null;
7333                     mPlatformPackageOverlayResourceDirs = null;
7334                 } else {
7335                     mPlatformPackageOverlayPaths = newOverlayPaths.getOverlayPaths().toArray(
7336                             new String[0]);
7337                     mPlatformPackageOverlayResourceDirs = newOverlayPaths.getResourceDirs().toArray(
7338                             new String[0]);
7339                 }
7340                 applyUpdatedSystemOverlayPaths();
7341             }
7342         } else {
7343             if (targetPackageName.equals(mResolveActivity.applicationInfo.packageName)) {
7344                 if (newOverlayPaths == null) {
7345                     mReplacedResolverPackageOverlayPaths = null;
7346                     mReplacedResolverPackageOverlayResourceDirs = null;
7347                 } else {
7348                     mReplacedResolverPackageOverlayPaths =
7349                             newOverlayPaths.getOverlayPaths().toArray(new String[0]);
7350                     mReplacedResolverPackageOverlayResourceDirs =
7351                             newOverlayPaths.getResourceDirs().toArray(new String[0]);
7352                 }
7353                 applyUpdatedSystemOverlayPaths();
7354             }
7355         }
7356     }
applyUpdatedSystemOverlayPaths()7358     private void applyUpdatedSystemOverlayPaths() {
7359         if (mAndroidApplication == null) {
7360             Slog.i(TAG, "Skipped the AndroidApplication overlay paths update - no app yet");
7361         } else {
7362             mAndroidApplication.overlayPaths = mPlatformPackageOverlayPaths;
7363             mAndroidApplication.resourceDirs = mPlatformPackageOverlayResourceDirs;
7364         }
7365         if (mResolverReplaced) {
7366             mResolveActivity.applicationInfo.overlayPaths = mReplacedResolverPackageOverlayPaths;
7367             mResolveActivity.applicationInfo.resourceDirs =
7368                     mReplacedResolverPackageOverlayResourceDirs;
7369         }
7370     }
enforceAdjustRuntimePermissionsPolicyOrUpgradeRuntimePermissions( @onNull String message)7372     private void enforceAdjustRuntimePermissionsPolicyOrUpgradeRuntimePermissions(
7373             @NonNull String message) {
7374         if (mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(
7375                 Manifest.permission.ADJUST_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS_POLICY)
7376                 != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED
7377                 && mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(
7378                 Manifest.permission.UPGRADE_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS)
7379                 != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
7380             throw new SecurityException(message + " requires "
7381                     + Manifest.permission.ADJUST_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS_POLICY + " or "
7382                     + Manifest.permission.UPGRADE_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS);
7383         }
7384     }
7386     // TODO: Remove
7387     @Deprecated
7388     @Nullable
7389     @GuardedBy("mLock")
getPackageSettingForMutation(String packageName)7390     PackageSetting getPackageSettingForMutation(String packageName) {
7391         return mSettings.getPackageLPr(packageName);
7392     }
7394     // TODO: Remove
7395     @Deprecated
7396     @Nullable
7397     @GuardedBy("mLock")
getDisabledPackageSettingForMutation(String packageName)7398     PackageSetting getDisabledPackageSettingForMutation(String packageName) {
7399         return mSettings.getDisabledSystemPkgLPr(packageName);
7400     }
7402     @Deprecated
forEachPackageSetting(Consumer<PackageSetting> actionLocked)7403     void forEachPackageSetting(Consumer<PackageSetting> actionLocked) {
7404         synchronized (mLock) {
7405             int size = mSettings.getPackagesLocked().size();
7406             for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
7407                 actionLocked.accept(mSettings.getPackagesLocked().valueAt(index));
7408             }
7409         }
7410     }
forEachPackageState(@onNull Computer snapshot, Consumer<PackageStateInternal> consumer)7412     void forEachPackageState(@NonNull Computer snapshot, Consumer<PackageStateInternal> consumer) {
7413         forEachPackageState(snapshot.getPackageStates(), consumer);
7414     }
forEachPackage(@onNull Computer snapshot, Consumer<AndroidPackage> consumer)7416     void forEachPackage(@NonNull Computer snapshot, Consumer<AndroidPackage> consumer) {
7417         final ArrayMap<String, ? extends PackageStateInternal> packageStates =
7418                 snapshot.getPackageStates();
7419         int size = packageStates.size();
7420         for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
7421             PackageStateInternal packageState = packageStates.valueAt(index);
7422             if (packageState.getPkg() != null) {
7423                 consumer.accept(packageState.getPkg());
7424             }
7425         }
7426     }
forEachPackageInternal(@onNull Computer snapshot, @NonNull Consumer<AndroidPackageInternal> consumer)7428     void forEachPackageInternal(@NonNull Computer snapshot,
7429             @NonNull Consumer<AndroidPackageInternal> consumer) {
7430         final ArrayMap<String, ? extends PackageStateInternal> packageStates =
7431                 snapshot.getPackageStates();
7432         int size = packageStates.size();
7433         for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
7434             PackageStateInternal packageState = packageStates.valueAt(index);
7435             if (packageState.getPkg() != null) {
7436                 consumer.accept(packageState.getPkg());
7437             }
7438         }
7439     }
forEachPackageState( @onNull ArrayMap<String, ? extends PackageStateInternal> packageStates, @NonNull Consumer<PackageStateInternal> consumer)7441     private void forEachPackageState(
7442             @NonNull ArrayMap<String, ? extends PackageStateInternal> packageStates,
7443             @NonNull Consumer<PackageStateInternal> consumer) {
7444         int size = packageStates.size();
7445         for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
7446             PackageStateInternal packageState = packageStates.valueAt(index);
7447             consumer.accept(packageState);
7448         }
7449     }
forEachInstalledPackage(@onNull Computer snapshot, @NonNull Consumer<AndroidPackage> action, @UserIdInt int userId)7451     void forEachInstalledPackage(@NonNull Computer snapshot, @NonNull Consumer<AndroidPackage> action,
7452             @UserIdInt int userId) {
7453         Consumer<PackageStateInternal> actionWrapped = packageState -> {
7454             if (packageState.getPkg() != null
7455                     && packageState.getUserStateOrDefault(userId).isInstalled()) {
7456                 action.accept(packageState.getPkg());
7457             }
7458         };
7459         forEachPackageState(snapshot.getPackageStates(), actionWrapped);
7460     }
isHistoricalPackageUsageAvailable()7462     boolean isHistoricalPackageUsageAvailable() {
7463         return mPackageUsage.isHistoricalPackageUsageAvailable();
7464     }
getOrCreateCompilerPackageStats(AndroidPackage pkg)7466     public CompilerStats.PackageStats getOrCreateCompilerPackageStats(AndroidPackage pkg) {
7467         return getOrCreateCompilerPackageStats(pkg.getPackageName());
7468     }
getOrCreateCompilerPackageStats(String pkgName)7470     public CompilerStats.PackageStats getOrCreateCompilerPackageStats(String pkgName) {
7471         return mCompilerStats.getOrCreatePackageStats(pkgName);
7472     }
grantImplicitAccess(@onNull Computer snapshot, @UserIdInt int userId, Intent intent, @AppIdInt int recipientAppId, int visibleUid, boolean direct, boolean retainOnUpdate)7474     void grantImplicitAccess(@NonNull Computer snapshot, @UserIdInt int userId,
7475             Intent intent, @AppIdInt int recipientAppId, int visibleUid, boolean direct,
7476             boolean retainOnUpdate) {
7477         final AndroidPackage visiblePackage = snapshot.getPackage(visibleUid);
7478         final int recipientUid = UserHandle.getUid(userId, recipientAppId);
7479         if (visiblePackage == null || snapshot.getPackage(recipientUid) == null) {
7480             return;
7481         }
7483         final boolean instantApp = snapshot.isInstantAppInternal(
7484                 visiblePackage.getPackageName(), userId, visibleUid);
7485         final boolean accessGranted;
7486         if (instantApp) {
7487             if (!direct) {
7488                 // if the interaction that lead to this granting access to an instant app
7489                 // was indirect (i.e.: URI permission grant), do not actually execute the
7490                 // grant.
7491                 return;
7492             }
7493             accessGranted = mInstantAppRegistry.grantInstantAccess(userId, intent,
7494                     recipientAppId, UserHandle.getAppId(visibleUid) /*instantAppId*/);
7495         } else {
7496             accessGranted = mAppsFilter.grantImplicitAccess(recipientUid, visibleUid,
7497                     retainOnUpdate);
7498         }
7500         if (accessGranted) {
7501             ApplicationPackageManager.invalidateGetPackagesForUidCache();
7502         }
7503     }
canHaveOatDir(@onNull Computer snapshot, String packageName)7505     boolean canHaveOatDir(@NonNull Computer snapshot, String packageName) {
7506         final PackageStateInternal packageState = snapshot.getPackageStateInternal(packageName);
7507         if (packageState == null || packageState.getPkg() == null) {
7508             return false;
7509         }
7510         return AndroidPackageUtils.canHaveOatDir(packageState, packageState.getPkg());
7511     }
deleteOatArtifactsOfPackage(@onNull Computer snapshot, String packageName)7513     long deleteOatArtifactsOfPackage(@NonNull Computer snapshot, String packageName) {
7514         PackageManagerServiceUtils.enforceSystemOrRootOrShell(
7515                 "Only the system or shell can delete oat artifacts");
7517         // TODO(chiuwinson): Retrieve filtered snapshot from Computer instance instead.
7518         try (PackageManagerLocal.FilteredSnapshot filteredSnapshot =
7519                         PackageManagerServiceUtils.getPackageManagerLocal()
7520                                 .withFilteredSnapshot()) {
7521             try {
7522                 DeleteResult res = DexOptHelper.getArtManagerLocal().deleteDexoptArtifacts(
7523                         filteredSnapshot, packageName);
7524                 return res.getFreedBytes();
7525             } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
7526                 Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
7527                 return -1;
7528             } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
7529                 Slog.wtfStack(TAG, e.toString());
7530                 return -1;
7531             }
7532         }
7533     }
getMimeGroupInternal(@onNull Computer snapshot, String packageName, String mimeGroup)7535     List<String> getMimeGroupInternal(@NonNull Computer snapshot, String packageName,
7536             String mimeGroup) {
7537         final PackageStateInternal packageState = snapshot.getPackageStateInternal(packageName);
7538         if (packageState == null) {
7539             return Collections.emptyList();
7540         }
7542         final Map<String, Set<String>> mimeGroups = packageState.getMimeGroups();
7543         Set<String> mimeTypes = mimeGroups != null ? mimeGroups.get(mimeGroup) : null;
7544         if (mimeTypes == null) {
7545             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown MIME group " + mimeGroup
7546                     + " for package " + packageName);
7547         }
7548         return new ArrayList<>(mimeTypes);
7549     }
7551     /**
7552      * Temporary method that wraps mSettings.writeLPr() and calls mPermissionManager's
7553      * writeLegacyPermissionsTEMP() beforehand.
7554      *
7555      * TODO: In the meantime, can this be moved to a schedule call?
7556      * TODO(b/182523293): This should be removed once we finish migration of permission storage.
7557      */
7558     @SuppressWarnings("GuardedBy")
writeSettingsLPrTEMP(boolean sync)7559     void writeSettingsLPrTEMP(boolean sync) {
7560         snapshotComputer(false);
7561         mPermissionManager.writeLegacyPermissionsTEMP(mSettings.mPermissions);
7562         mSettings.writeLPr(mLiveComputer, sync);
7563     }
7565     // Default async version.
writeSettingsLPrTEMP()7566     void writeSettingsLPrTEMP() {
7567         writeSettingsLPrTEMP(/*sync=*/false);
7568     }
7570     @Override
verifyHoldLockToken(IBinder token)7571     public void verifyHoldLockToken(IBinder token) {
7572         if (!Build.IS_DEBUGGABLE) {
7573             throw new SecurityException("holdLock requires a debuggable build");
7574         }
7576         if (token == null) {
7577             throw new SecurityException("null holdLockToken");
7578         }
7580         if (token.queryLocalInterface("holdLock:" + Binder.getCallingUid()) != this) {
7581             throw new SecurityException("Invalid holdLock() token");
7582         }
7583     }
getDefaultTimeouts()7585     static String getDefaultTimeouts() {
7586         final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
7587         try {
7588             return DeviceConfig.getString(NAMESPACE_PACKAGE_MANAGER_SERVICE,
7589                     PROPERTY_INCFS_DEFAULT_TIMEOUTS, "");
7590         } finally {
7591             Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token);
7592         }
7593     }
getKnownDigestersList()7595     static String getKnownDigestersList() {
7596         final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
7597         try {
7598             return DeviceConfig.getString(NAMESPACE_PACKAGE_MANAGER_SERVICE,
7599                     PROPERTY_KNOWN_DIGESTERS_LIST, "");
7600         } finally {
7601             Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token);
7602         }
7603     }
isPreapprovalRequestAvailable()7605     static boolean isPreapprovalRequestAvailable() {
7606         final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
7607         try {
7608             if (!Resources.getSystem().getBoolean(
7609                     com.android.internal.R.bool.config_isPreApprovalRequestAvailable)) {
7610                 return false;
7611             }
7612             return DeviceConfig.getBoolean(NAMESPACE_PACKAGE_MANAGER_SERVICE,
7613                     PROPERTY_IS_PRE_APPROVAL_REQUEST_AVAILABLE, true /* defaultValue */);
7614         } finally {
7615             Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token);
7616         }
7617     }
isUpdateOwnershipEnforcementAvailable()7619     static boolean isUpdateOwnershipEnforcementAvailable() {
7620         final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
7621         try {
7622             return DeviceConfig.getBoolean(NAMESPACE_PACKAGE_MANAGER_SERVICE,
7623                     PROPERTY_IS_UPDATE_OWNERSHIP_ENFORCEMENT_AVAILABLE, true /* defaultValue */);
7624         } finally {
7625             Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token);
7626         }
7627     }
7629     /**
7630      * Returns the array containing per-uid timeout configuration.
7631      * This is derived from DeviceConfig flags.
7632      */
getPerUidReadTimeouts(@onNull Computer snapshot)7633     public @NonNull PerUidReadTimeouts[] getPerUidReadTimeouts(@NonNull Computer snapshot) {
7634         PerUidReadTimeouts[] result = mPerUidReadTimeoutsCache;
7635         if (result == null) {
7636             result = parsePerUidReadTimeouts(snapshot);
7637             mPerUidReadTimeoutsCache = result;
7638         }
7639         return result;
7640     }
parsePerUidReadTimeouts(@onNull Computer snapshot)7642     private @NonNull PerUidReadTimeouts[] parsePerUidReadTimeouts(@NonNull Computer snapshot) {
7643         final String defaultTimeouts = getDefaultTimeouts();
7644         final String knownDigestersList = getKnownDigestersList();
7645         final List<PerPackageReadTimeouts> perPackageReadTimeouts =
7646                 PerPackageReadTimeouts.parseDigestersList(defaultTimeouts, knownDigestersList);
7648         if (perPackageReadTimeouts.size() == 0) {
7649             return EMPTY_PER_UID_READ_TIMEOUTS_ARRAY;
7650         }
7652         final int[] allUsers = mInjector.getUserManagerService().getUserIds();
7653         final List<PerUidReadTimeouts> result = new ArrayList<>(perPackageReadTimeouts.size());
7654         for (int i = 0, size = perPackageReadTimeouts.size(); i < size; ++i) {
7655             final PerPackageReadTimeouts perPackage = perPackageReadTimeouts.get(i);
7656             final PackageStateInternal ps =
7657                     snapshot.getPackageStateInternal(perPackage.packageName);
7658             if (ps == null) {
7659                 if (DEBUG_PER_UID_READ_TIMEOUTS) {
7660                     Slog.i(TAG, "PerUidReadTimeouts: package not found = "
7661                             + perPackage.packageName);
7662                 }
7663                 continue;
7664             }
7665             if (ps.getAppId() < Process.FIRST_APPLICATION_UID) {
7666                 if (DEBUG_PER_UID_READ_TIMEOUTS) {
7667                     Slog.i(TAG, "PerUidReadTimeouts: package is system, appId="
7668                             + ps.getAppId());
7669                 }
7670                 continue;
7671             }
7673             final AndroidPackage pkg = ps.getPkg();
7674             if (pkg.getLongVersionCode() < perPackage.versionCodes.minVersionCode
7675                     || pkg.getLongVersionCode() > perPackage.versionCodes.maxVersionCode) {
7676                 if (DEBUG_PER_UID_READ_TIMEOUTS) {
7677                     Slog.i(TAG, "PerUidReadTimeouts: version code is not in range = "
7678                             + perPackage.packageName + ":" + pkg.getLongVersionCode());
7679                 }
7680                 continue;
7681             }
7682             if (perPackage.sha256certificate != null
7683                     && !pkg.getSigningDetails().hasSha256Certificate(
7684                     perPackage.sha256certificate)) {
7685                 if (DEBUG_PER_UID_READ_TIMEOUTS) {
7686                     Slog.i(TAG, "PerUidReadTimeouts: invalid certificate = "
7687                             + perPackage.packageName + ":" + pkg.getLongVersionCode());
7688                 }
7689                 continue;
7690             }
7691             for (int userId : allUsers) {
7692                 if (!ps.getUserStateOrDefault(userId).isInstalled()) {
7693                     continue;
7694                 }
7695                 final int uid = UserHandle.getUid(userId, ps.getAppId());
7696                 final PerUidReadTimeouts perUid = new PerUidReadTimeouts();
7697                 perUid.uid = uid;
7698                 perUid.minTimeUs = perPackage.timeouts.minTimeUs;
7699                 perUid.minPendingTimeUs = perPackage.timeouts.minPendingTimeUs;
7700                 perUid.maxPendingTimeUs = perPackage.timeouts.maxPendingTimeUs;
7701                 result.add(perUid);
7702             }
7703         }
7704         return result.toArray(new PerUidReadTimeouts[result.size()]);
7705     }
setKeepUninstalledPackagesInternal(@onNull Computer snapshot, List<String> packageList)7707     void setKeepUninstalledPackagesInternal(@NonNull Computer snapshot, List<String> packageList) {
7708         Preconditions.checkNotNull(packageList);
7709         synchronized (mKeepUninstalledPackages) {
7710             List<String> toRemove = new ArrayList<>(mKeepUninstalledPackages);
7711             toRemove.removeAll(packageList); // Do not remove anything still in the list
7713             mKeepUninstalledPackages.clear();
7714             mKeepUninstalledPackages.addAll(packageList);
7716             for (int i = 0; i < toRemove.size(); i++) {
7717                 deletePackageIfUnused(snapshot, toRemove.get(i));
7718             }
7719         }
7720     }
shouldKeepUninstalledPackageLPr(String packageName)7722     boolean shouldKeepUninstalledPackageLPr(String packageName) {
7723         synchronized (mKeepUninstalledPackages) {
7724             return mKeepUninstalledPackages.contains(packageName);
7725         }
7726     }
getSafeMode()7728     boolean getSafeMode() {
7729         return mSafeMode;
7730     }
getResolveComponentName()7732     ComponentName getResolveComponentName() {
7733         return mResolveComponentName;
7734     }
getDefaultAppProvider()7736     DefaultAppProvider getDefaultAppProvider() {
7737         return mDefaultAppProvider;
7738     }
getCacheDir()7740     File getCacheDir() {
7741         return mCacheDir;
7742     }
getPackageProperty()7744     PackageProperty getPackageProperty() {
7745         return mPackageProperty;
7746     }
getInstrumentation()7748     WatchedArrayMap<ComponentName, ParsedInstrumentation> getInstrumentation() {
7749         return mInstrumentation;
7750     }
getSdkVersion()7752     int getSdkVersion() {
7753         return mSdkVersion;
7754     }
addAllPackageProperties(@onNull AndroidPackage pkg)7756     void addAllPackageProperties(@NonNull AndroidPackage pkg) {
7757         mPackageProperty.addAllProperties(pkg);
7758     }
addInstrumentation(ComponentName name, ParsedInstrumentation instrumentation)7760     void addInstrumentation(ComponentName name, ParsedInstrumentation instrumentation) {
7761         mInstrumentation.put(name, instrumentation);
7762     }
getKnownPackageNamesInternal(@onNull Computer snapshot, int knownPackage, int userId)7764     String[] getKnownPackageNamesInternal(@NonNull Computer snapshot, int knownPackage,
7765             int userId) {
7766         return new KnownPackages(
7767                 mDefaultAppProvider,
7768                 mRequiredInstallerPackage,
7769                 mRequiredUninstallerPackage,
7770                 mSetupWizardPackage,
7771                 mRequiredVerifierPackages,
7772                 mDefaultTextClassifierPackage,
7773                 mSystemTextClassifierPackageName,
7774                 mRequiredPermissionControllerPackage,
7775                 mConfiguratorPackage,
7776                 mIncidentReportApproverPackage,
7777                 mAmbientContextDetectionPackage,
7778                 mWearableSensingPackage,
7779                 mAppPredictionServicePackage,
7780                 COMPANION_PACKAGE_NAME,
7781                 mRetailDemoPackage,
7782                 mOverlayConfigSignaturePackage,
7783                 mRecentsPackage)
7784                 .getKnownPackageNames(snapshot, knownPackage, userId);
7785     }
getActiveLauncherPackageName(int userId)7787     String getActiveLauncherPackageName(int userId) {
7788         return mDefaultAppProvider.getDefaultHome(userId);
7789     }
setActiveLauncherPackage(@onNull String packageName, @UserIdInt int userId, @NonNull Consumer<Boolean> callback)7791     boolean setActiveLauncherPackage(@NonNull String packageName, @UserIdInt int userId,
7792             @NonNull Consumer<Boolean> callback) {
7793         return mDefaultAppProvider.setDefaultHome(packageName, userId, mContext.getMainExecutor(),
7794                 callback);
7795     }
7797     @Nullable
getDefaultBrowser(@serIdInt int userId)7798     String getDefaultBrowser(@UserIdInt int userId) {
7799         return mDefaultAppProvider.getDefaultBrowser(userId);
7800     }
setDefaultBrowser(@ullable String packageName, @UserIdInt int userId)7802     void setDefaultBrowser(@Nullable String packageName, @UserIdInt int userId) {
7803         mDefaultAppProvider.setDefaultBrowser(packageName, userId);
7804     }
getPackageUsage()7806     PackageUsage getPackageUsage() {
7807         return mPackageUsage;
7808     }
getModuleMetadataPackageName()7810     String getModuleMetadataPackageName() {
7811         return mModuleInfoProvider.getPackageName();
7812     }
getAppInstallDir()7814     File getAppInstallDir() {
7815         return mAppInstallDir;
7816     }
isExpectingBetter(String packageName)7818     boolean isExpectingBetter(String packageName) {
7819         return mInitAppsHelper.isExpectingBetter(packageName);
7820     }
getDefParseFlags()7822     int getDefParseFlags() {
7823         return mDefParseFlags;
7824     }
setUpCustomResolverActivity(AndroidPackage pkg, PackageSetting pkgSetting)7826     void setUpCustomResolverActivity(AndroidPackage pkg, PackageSetting pkgSetting) {
7827         synchronized (mLock) {
7828             mResolverReplaced = true;
7830             // The instance created in PackageManagerService is special cased to be non-user
7831             // specific, so initialize all the needed fields here.
7832             ApplicationInfo appInfo = PackageInfoUtils.generateApplicationInfo(pkg, 0,
7833                     PackageUserStateInternal.DEFAULT, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, pkgSetting);
7835             // Set up information for custom user intent resolution activity.
7836             mResolveActivity.applicationInfo = appInfo;
7837             mResolveActivity.name = mCustomResolverComponentName.getClassName();
7838             mResolveActivity.packageName = pkg.getPackageName();
7839             mResolveActivity.processName = pkg.getProcessName();
7840             mResolveActivity.launchMode = ActivityInfo.LAUNCH_MULTIPLE;
7841             mResolveActivity.flags = ActivityInfo.FLAG_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS
7842                     | ActivityInfo.FLAG_FINISH_ON_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS
7843                     | ActivityInfo.FLAG_CAN_DISPLAY_ON_REMOTE_DEVICES
7844                     | ActivityInfo.FLAG_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED;
7845             mResolveActivity.theme = 0;
7846             mResolveActivity.exported = true;
7847             mResolveActivity.enabled = true;
7848             mResolveInfo.activityInfo = mResolveActivity;
7849             mResolveInfo.priority = 0;
7850             mResolveInfo.preferredOrder = 0;
7851             mResolveInfo.match = 0;
7852             mResolveComponentName = mCustomResolverComponentName;
7853             PackageManagerService.onChanged();
7854             Slog.i(TAG, "Replacing default ResolverActivity with custom activity: "
7855                     + mResolveComponentName);
7856         }
7857     }
setPlatformPackage(AndroidPackage pkg, PackageSetting pkgSetting)7859     void setPlatformPackage(AndroidPackage pkg, PackageSetting pkgSetting) {
7860         synchronized (mLock) {
7861             // Set up information for our fall-back user intent resolution activity.
7862             mPlatformPackage = pkg;
7864             // The instance stored in PackageManagerService is special cased to be non-user
7865             // specific, so initialize all the needed fields here.
7866             mAndroidApplication = PackageInfoUtils.generateApplicationInfo(pkg, 0,
7867                     PackageUserStateInternal.DEFAULT, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, pkgSetting);
7869             if (!mResolverReplaced) {
7870                 mResolveActivity.applicationInfo = mAndroidApplication;
7871                 mResolveActivity.name = ResolverActivity.class.getName();
7872                 mResolveActivity.packageName = mAndroidApplication.packageName;
7873                 mResolveActivity.processName = "system:ui";
7874                 mResolveActivity.launchMode = ActivityInfo.LAUNCH_MULTIPLE;
7875                 mResolveActivity.documentLaunchMode = ActivityInfo.DOCUMENT_LAUNCH_NEVER;
7876                 mResolveActivity.flags = ActivityInfo.FLAG_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS
7877                         | ActivityInfo.FLAG_RELINQUISH_TASK_IDENTITY
7878                         | ActivityInfo.FLAG_CAN_DISPLAY_ON_REMOTE_DEVICES
7879                         | ActivityInfo.FLAG_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED;
7880                 mResolveActivity.theme = R.style.Theme_Material_Dialog_Alert;
7881                 mResolveActivity.exported = true;
7882                 mResolveActivity.enabled = true;
7883                 mResolveActivity.resizeMode = ActivityInfo.RESIZE_MODE_RESIZEABLE;
7884                 mResolveActivity.configChanges = ActivityInfo.CONFIG_SCREEN_SIZE
7885                         | ActivityInfo.CONFIG_SMALLEST_SCREEN_SIZE
7886                         | ActivityInfo.CONFIG_SCREEN_LAYOUT
7887                         | ActivityInfo.CONFIG_ORIENTATION
7888                         | ActivityInfo.CONFIG_KEYBOARD
7889                         | ActivityInfo.CONFIG_KEYBOARD_HIDDEN;
7890                 mResolveInfo.activityInfo = mResolveActivity;
7891                 mResolveInfo.priority = 0;
7892                 mResolveInfo.preferredOrder = 0;
7893                 mResolveInfo.match = 0;
7894                 mResolveComponentName = new ComponentName(
7895                         mAndroidApplication.packageName, mResolveActivity.name);
7896             }
7897             PackageManagerService.onChanged();
7898         }
7899         applyUpdatedSystemOverlayPaths();
7900     }
getCoreAndroidApplication()7902     ApplicationInfo getCoreAndroidApplication() {
7903         return mAndroidApplication;
7904     }
isSystemReady()7906     boolean isSystemReady() {
7907         return mSystemReady;
7908     }
getPlatformPackage()7910     AndroidPackage getPlatformPackage() {
7911         return mPlatformPackage;
7912     }
isPreNMR1Upgrade()7914     boolean isPreNMR1Upgrade() {
7915         return mIsPreNMR1Upgrade;
7916     }
isOverlayMutable(String packageName)7918     boolean isOverlayMutable(String packageName) {
7919         return mOverlayConfig.isMutable(packageName);
7920     }
getSystemPackageScanFlags(File codePath)7922     @ScanFlags int getSystemPackageScanFlags(File codePath) {
7923         List<ScanPartition> dirsToScanAsSystem =
7924                 mInitAppsHelper.getDirsToScanAsSystem();
7925         @PackageManagerService.ScanFlags int scanFlags = SCAN_AS_SYSTEM;
7926         for (int i = dirsToScanAsSystem.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
7927             ScanPartition partition = dirsToScanAsSystem.get(i);
7928             if (partition.containsFile(codePath)) {
7929                 scanFlags |= partition.scanFlag;
7930                 if (partition.containsPrivApp(codePath)) {
7931                     scanFlags |= SCAN_AS_PRIVILEGED;
7932                 }
7933                 break;
7934             }
7935         }
7936         return scanFlags;
7937     }
getSystemPackageRescanFlagsAndReparseFlags(File scanFile, int systemScanFlags, int systemParseFlags)7939     Pair<Integer, Integer> getSystemPackageRescanFlagsAndReparseFlags(File scanFile,
7940             int systemScanFlags, int systemParseFlags) {
7941         List<ScanPartition> dirsToScanAsSystem =
7942                 mInitAppsHelper.getDirsToScanAsSystem();
7943         @ParsingPackageUtils.ParseFlags int reparseFlags = 0;
7944         @PackageManagerService.ScanFlags int rescanFlags = 0;
7945         for (int i1 = dirsToScanAsSystem.size() - 1; i1 >= 0; i1--) {
7946             final ScanPartition partition = dirsToScanAsSystem.get(i1);
7947             if (partition.containsPrivApp(scanFile)) {
7948                 reparseFlags = systemParseFlags;
7949                 rescanFlags = systemScanFlags | SCAN_AS_PRIVILEGED
7950                         | partition.scanFlag;
7951                 break;
7952             }
7953             if (partition.containsApp(scanFile)) {
7954                 reparseFlags = systemParseFlags;
7955                 rescanFlags = systemScanFlags | partition.scanFlag;
7956                 break;
7957             }
7958         }
7959         return new Pair<>(rescanFlags, reparseFlags);
7960     }
7963     /**
7964      * @see PackageManagerInternal#recordInitialState()
7965      */
7966     @NonNull
recordInitialState()7967     public PackageStateMutator.InitialState recordInitialState() {
7968         return mPackageStateMutator.initialState(mChangedPackagesTracker.getSequenceNumber());
7969     }
7971     /**
7972      * @see PackageManagerInternal#commitPackageStateMutation(PackageStateMutator.InitialState,
7973      * Consumer)
7974      */
7975     @NonNull
commitPackageStateMutation( @ullable PackageStateMutator.InitialState initialState, @NonNull Consumer<PackageStateMutator> consumer)7976     public PackageStateMutator.Result commitPackageStateMutation(
7977             @Nullable PackageStateMutator.InitialState initialState,
7978             @NonNull Consumer<PackageStateMutator> consumer) {
7979         synchronized (mPackageStateWriteLock) {
7980             final PackageStateMutator.Result result = mPackageStateMutator.generateResult(
7981                     initialState, mChangedPackagesTracker.getSequenceNumber());
7982             if (result != PackageStateMutator.Result.SUCCESS) {
7983                 return result;
7984             }
7986             consumer.accept(mPackageStateMutator);
7987             mPackageStateMutator.onFinished();
7988         }
7990         return PackageStateMutator.Result.SUCCESS;
7991     }
7993     /**
7994      * @see PackageManagerInternal#commitPackageStateMutation(PackageStateMutator.InitialState,
7995      * Consumer)
7996      */
7997     @NonNull
commitPackageStateMutation( @ullable PackageStateMutator.InitialState initialState, @NonNull String packageName, @NonNull Consumer<PackageStateWrite> consumer)7998     public PackageStateMutator.Result commitPackageStateMutation(
7999             @Nullable PackageStateMutator.InitialState initialState, @NonNull String packageName,
8000             @NonNull Consumer<PackageStateWrite> consumer) {
8001         PackageStateMutator.Result result = null;
8002         if (Thread.holdsLock(mPackageStateWriteLock)) {
8003             // If the thread is already holding the lock, this is likely a retry based on a prior
8004             // failure, and re-calculating whether a state change occurred can be skipped.
8005             result = PackageStateMutator.Result.SUCCESS;
8006         }
8007         synchronized (mPackageStateWriteLock) {
8008             if (result == null) {
8009                 // If the thread wasn't previously holding, this is a first-try commit and so a
8010                 // state change may have happened.
8011                 result = mPackageStateMutator.generateResult(
8012                         initialState, mChangedPackagesTracker.getSequenceNumber());
8013             }
8014             if (result != PackageStateMutator.Result.SUCCESS) {
8015                 return result;
8016             }
8018             PackageStateWrite state = mPackageStateMutator.forPackage(packageName);
8019             if (state == null) {
8020                 return PackageStateMutator.Result.SPECIFIC_PACKAGE_NULL;
8021             } else {
8022                 consumer.accept(state);
8023             }
8025             state.onChanged();
8026         }
8028         return PackageStateMutator.Result.SUCCESS;
8029     }
notifyInstantAppPackageInstalled(String packageName, int[] newUsers)8031     void notifyInstantAppPackageInstalled(String packageName, int[] newUsers) {
8032         mInstantAppRegistry.onPackageInstalled(snapshotComputer(), packageName, newUsers);
8033     }
addInstallerPackageName(InstallSource installSource)8035     void addInstallerPackageName(InstallSource installSource) {
8036         synchronized (mLock) {
8037             mSettings.addInstallerPackageNames(installSource);
8038         }
8039     }
reconcileSdkData(@ullable String volumeUuid, @NonNull String packageName, @NonNull List<String> subDirNames, int userId, int appId, int previousAppId, @NonNull String seInfo, int flags)8041     public void reconcileSdkData(@Nullable String volumeUuid, @NonNull String packageName,
8042             @NonNull List<String> subDirNames, int userId, int appId, int previousAppId,
8043             @NonNull String seInfo, int flags) throws IOException {
8044         ReconcileSdkDataArgs args = mInstaller.buildReconcileSdkDataArgs(volumeUuid,
8045                 packageName, subDirNames, userId, appId, seInfo,
8046                 flags);
8047         args.previousAppId = previousAppId;
8048         try (PackageManagerTracedLock installLock = mInstallLock.acquireLock()) {
8049             mInstaller.reconcileSdkData(args);
8050         } catch (InstallerException e) {
8051             throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
8052         }
8053     }
removeCodePath(@ullable File codePath)8055     void removeCodePath(@Nullable File codePath) {
8056         mRemovePackageHelper.removeCodePath(codePath);
8057     }
cleanUpResources(@onNull String packageName, @NonNull File codeFile, @NonNull String[] instructionSets)8059     void cleanUpResources(@NonNull String packageName, @NonNull File codeFile,
8060                           @NonNull String[] instructionSets) {
8061         mRemovePackageHelper.cleanUpResources(packageName, codeFile, instructionSets);
8062     }
cleanUpForMoveInstall(String volumeUuid, String packageName, String fromCodePath)8064     void cleanUpForMoveInstall(String volumeUuid, String packageName, String fromCodePath) {
8065         mRemovePackageHelper.cleanUpForMoveInstall(volumeUuid, packageName, fromCodePath);
8066     }
sendPendingBroadcasts()8068     void sendPendingBroadcasts() {
8069         mInstallPackageHelper.sendPendingBroadcasts();
8070     }
handlePackagePostInstall(@onNull InstallRequest request, boolean launchedForRestore)8072     void handlePackagePostInstall(@NonNull InstallRequest request, boolean launchedForRestore) {
8073         mInstallPackageHelper.handlePackagePostInstall(request, launchedForRestore);
8074     }
installExistingPackageAsUser( @ullable String packageName, @UserIdInt int userId, @PackageManager.InstallFlags int installFlags, @PackageManager.InstallReason int installReason, @Nullable List<String> allowlistedRestrictedPermissions, @Nullable IntentSender intentSender)8076     Pair<Integer, IntentSender> installExistingPackageAsUser(
8077             @Nullable String packageName,
8078             @UserIdInt int userId, @PackageManager.InstallFlags int installFlags,
8079             @PackageManager.InstallReason int installReason,
8080             @Nullable List<String> allowlistedRestrictedPermissions,
8081             @Nullable IntentSender intentSender) {
8082         return mInstallPackageHelper.installExistingPackageAsUser(packageName, userId, installFlags,
8083                 installReason, allowlistedRestrictedPermissions, intentSender);
8084     }
initPackageTracedLI(File scanFile, final int parseFlags, int scanFlags)8085     AndroidPackage initPackageTracedLI(File scanFile, final int parseFlags, int scanFlags)
8086             throws PackageManagerException {
8087         return mInstallPackageHelper.initPackageTracedLI(scanFile, parseFlags, scanFlags);
8088     }
restoreDisabledSystemPackageLIF(@onNull DeletePackageAction action, @NonNull int[] allUserHandles, boolean writeSettings)8090     void restoreDisabledSystemPackageLIF(@NonNull DeletePackageAction action,
8091                                          @NonNull int[] allUserHandles,
8092                                          boolean writeSettings) throws SystemDeleteException {
8093         mInstallPackageHelper.restoreDisabledSystemPackageLIF(
8094                 action, allUserHandles, writeSettings);
8095     }
enableCompressedPackage(@onNull AndroidPackage stubPkg, @NonNull PackageSetting stubPs)8096     boolean enableCompressedPackage(@NonNull AndroidPackage stubPkg,
8097                                     @NonNull PackageSetting stubPs) {
8098         return mInstallPackageHelper.enableCompressedPackage(stubPkg, stubPs);
8099     }
installPackagesTraced(List<InstallRequest> requests)8101     void installPackagesTraced(List<InstallRequest> requests) {
8102         mInstallPackageHelper.installPackagesTraced(requests);
8103     }
restoreAndPostInstall(InstallRequest request)8105     void restoreAndPostInstall(InstallRequest request) {
8106         mInstallPackageHelper.restoreAndPostInstall(request);
8107     }
verifyReplacingVersionCode(@onNull PackageInfoLite pkgLite, long requiredInstalledVersionCode, int installFlags)8109     Pair<Integer, String> verifyReplacingVersionCode(@NonNull PackageInfoLite pkgLite,
8110                                     long requiredInstalledVersionCode,
8111                                     int installFlags) {
8112         return mInstallPackageHelper.verifyReplacingVersionCode(
8113                 pkgLite, requiredInstalledVersionCode, installFlags);
8114     }
getUidForVerifier(VerifierInfo verifierInfo)8116     int getUidForVerifier(VerifierInfo verifierInfo) {
8117         return mInstallPackageHelper.getUidForVerifier(verifierInfo);
8118     }
deletePackageX(String packageName, long versionCode, int userId, int deleteFlags, boolean removedBySystem)8120     int deletePackageX(String packageName, long versionCode, int userId, int deleteFlags,
8121                         boolean removedBySystem) {
8122         return mDeletePackageHelper.deletePackageX(packageName,
8123                 PackageManager.VERSION_CODE_HIGHEST, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM,
8124                 PackageManager.DELETE_ALL_USERS, true /*removedBySystem*/);
8125     }
8126 }