1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package com.android.permissioncontroller.privacysources
19 import android.app.PendingIntent
20 import android.content.Context
21 import android.content.Intent
22 import android.os.Build
23 import android.os.UserHandle
24 import android.provider.Settings
25 import android.safetycenter.SafetyCenterManager
26 import android.safetycenter.SafetyEvent
27 import android.safetycenter.SafetySourceData
28 import android.safetycenter.SafetySourceStatus
29 import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi
30 import com.android.permissioncontroller.R
31 import com.android.permissioncontroller.permission.utils.Utils
32 import com.android.permissioncontroller.privacysources.SafetyCenterReceiver.RefreshEvent
33 import com.android.settingslib.utils.WorkPolicyUtils
35 /**
36  * Work Policy Info for managed devices to show the settings managed by their Organisation's IT
37  * Admin. It is a Privacy Source, and it receives broadcasts from SafetyCenter using
38  * SafetyCenterReceiver.kt
39  *
40  * safetyCenterEnabledChanged and rescanAndPushSafetyCenterData methods checks if the device is
41  * managed and shows the Work Policy Info by pushing the data in SafetyCenter
42  */
44 class WorkPolicyInfo(private val workPolicyUtils: WorkPolicyUtils) : PrivacySource {
46     companion object {
47         const val WORK_POLICY_INFO_SOURCE_ID = "AndroidWorkPolicyInfo"
48         const val WORK_POLICY_TITLE = "SafetyCenter.WORK_POLICY_TITLE"
49         const val WORK_POLICY_SUMMARY = "SafetyCenter.WORK_POLICY_SUMMARY"
createnull50         fun create(context: Context): WorkPolicyInfo {
51             val workPolicyUtils = WorkPolicyUtils(context)
52             return WorkPolicyInfo(workPolicyUtils)
53         }
54     }
56     override val shouldProcessProfileRequest: Boolean = false
safetyCenterEnabledChangednull58     override fun safetyCenterEnabledChanged(context: Context, enabled: Boolean) {
59         val intent = Intent(Settings.ACTION_SHOW_WORK_POLICY_INFO)
60         val refreshEvent: RefreshEvent = RefreshEvent.UNKNOWN
61         if (enabled) {
62             rescanAndPushSafetyCenterData(context, intent, refreshEvent)
63         }
64     }
rescanAndPushSafetyCenterDatanull66     override fun rescanAndPushSafetyCenterData(
67         context: Context,
68         intent: Intent,
69         refreshEvent: RefreshEvent
70     ) {
71         val safetyCenterManager: SafetyCenterManager =
72             Utils.getSystemServiceSafe(context, SafetyCenterManager::class.java)
73         val safetyEvent: SafetyEvent = createSafetyEventForWorkPolicy(refreshEvent, intent)
74         val safetySourceData: SafetySourceData? = createSafetySourceDataForWorkPolicy(context)
76         safetyCenterManager.setSafetySourceData(
78             safetySourceData,
79             safetyEvent
80         )
81     }
createSafetySourceDataForWorkPolicynull83     private fun createSafetySourceDataForWorkPolicy(context: Context): SafetySourceData? {
84         val deviceOwnerIntent = workPolicyUtils.workPolicyInfoIntentDO
85         val profileOwnerIntent = workPolicyUtils.workPolicyInfoIntentPO
86         val pendingIntent =
87             when {
88                 deviceOwnerIntent != null -> {
89                     PendingIntent.getActivity(
90                         context,
91                         0,
92                         deviceOwnerIntent,
93                         PendingIntent.FLAG_IMMUTABLE
94                     )
95                 }
96                 profileOwnerIntent != null -> {
97                     val managedProfileContext =
98                         context.createPackageContextAsUser(
99                             context.packageName,
100                             0,
101                             UserHandle.of(workPolicyUtils.managedProfileUserId)
102                         )
103                     PendingIntent.getActivity(
104                         managedProfileContext,
105                         0,
106                         profileOwnerIntent,
107                         PendingIntent.FLAG_IMMUTABLE
108                     )
109                 }
110                 else -> null
111             }
112                 ?: return null
114         val safetySourceStatus: SafetySourceStatus =
115             SafetySourceStatus.Builder(
116                     Utils.getEnterpriseString(
117                         context,
118                         WORK_POLICY_TITLE,
119                         R.string.work_policy_title
120                     ),
121                     Utils.getEnterpriseString(
122                         context,
123                         WORK_POLICY_SUMMARY,
124                         R.string.work_policy_summary
125                     ),
126                     SafetySourceData.SEVERITY_LEVEL_UNSPECIFIED
127                 )
128                 .setPendingIntent(pendingIntent)
129                 .build()
131         return SafetySourceData.Builder().setStatus(safetySourceStatus).build()
132     }
createSafetyEventForWorkPolicynull134     private fun createSafetyEventForWorkPolicy(
135         refreshEvent: RefreshEvent,
136         intent: Intent
137     ): SafetyEvent {
138         return when (refreshEvent) {
139             RefreshEvent.EVENT_REFRESH_REQUESTED -> {
140                 val refreshBroadcastId =
141                     intent.getStringExtra(
142                         SafetyCenterManager.EXTRA_REFRESH_SAFETY_SOURCES_BROADCAST_ID
143                     )
144                 SafetyEvent.Builder(SafetyEvent.SAFETY_EVENT_TYPE_REFRESH_REQUESTED)
145                     .setRefreshBroadcastId(refreshBroadcastId)
146                     .build()
147             }
148             RefreshEvent.EVENT_DEVICE_REBOOTED -> {
149                 SafetyEvent.Builder(SafetyEvent.SAFETY_EVENT_TYPE_DEVICE_REBOOTED).build()
150             }
151             RefreshEvent.UNKNOWN -> {
152                 SafetyEvent.Builder(SafetyEvent.SAFETY_EVENT_TYPE_SOURCE_STATE_CHANGED).build()
153             }
154         }
155     }
156 }