1 // Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 #pragma once
17 #include <string>
18 #include <map>
20 namespace gfxstream {
21 namespace host {
23 struct FeatureInfo;
25 using FeatureMap = std::map<std::string, FeatureInfo*>;
27 struct FeatureInfo {
28     FeatureInfo(const FeatureInfo& rhs) = default;
FeatureInfoFeatureInfo30     FeatureInfo(const char* name,
31                 const char* description,
32                 FeatureMap* map) :
33             name(name),
34             description(description),
35             enabled(false),
36             reason("Default value") {
37         if (map) {
38             (*map)[std::string(name)] = this;
39         }
40     }
42     ~FeatureInfo() = default;
44     std::string name;
45     std::string description;
46     bool enabled;
47     std::string reason;
48 };
50 struct FeatureSet {
51     FeatureSet() = default;
53     FeatureSet(const FeatureSet& rhs);
54     FeatureSet& operator=(const FeatureSet& rhs);
56     FeatureMap map;
58     FeatureInfo AsyncComposeSupport = {
59         "AsyncComposeSupport",
60         "If enabled, allows the guest to use asynchronous render control commands "
61         "to compose and post frame buffers.",
62         &map,
63     };
64     FeatureInfo ExternalBlob = {
65         "ExternalBlob",
66         "If enabled, virtio gpu blob resources will be allocated with external "
67         "memory and will be exportable via file descriptors.",
68         &map,
69     };
70     FeatureInfo SystemBlob = {
71         "SystemBlob",
72         "If enabled, virtio gpu blob resources will be allocated with shmem and "
73         "will be exportable via file descriptors.",
74         &map,
75     };
76     FeatureInfo GlAsyncSwap = {
77         "GlAsyncSwap",
78         "If enabled, uses the host GL driver's fence commands and fence file "
79         "descriptors in the guest to have explicit signals of buffer swap "
80         "completion.",
81         &map,
82     };
83     FeatureInfo GlDirectMem = {
84         "GlDirectMem",
85         "If enabled, allows mapping the host address from glMapBufferRange() into "
86         "the guest.",
87         &map,
88     };
89     FeatureInfo GlDma = {
90         "GlDma",
91         "Default description: consider contributing a description if you see this!",
92         &map,
93     };
94     FeatureInfo GlDma2 = {
95         "GlDma2",
96         "Default description: consider contributing a description if you see this!",
97         &map,
98     };
99     FeatureInfo GlPipeChecksum = {
100         "GlPipeChecksum",
101         "If enabled, the guest and host will use checksums to ensure consistency "
102         "for GL calls between the guest and host.",
103         &map,
104     };
105     FeatureInfo GlesDynamicVersion = {
106         "GlesDynamicVersion",
107         "If enabled, attempts to detect and use the maximum supported GLES version "
108         "from the host.",
109         &map,
110     };
111     FeatureInfo GrallocSync = {
112         "GrallocSync",
113         "If enabled, adds additional synchronization on the host for cases where "
114         "a guest app may directly writing to gralloc buffers and posting.",
115         &map,
116     };
117     FeatureInfo GuestUsesAngle = {
118         "GuestUsesAngle",
119         "If enabled, indicates that the guest will not use GL and the host will not "
120         "enable the GL backend.",
121         &map,
122     };
123     FeatureInfo HasSharedSlotsHostMemoryAllocator = {
124         "HasSharedSlotsHostMemoryAllocator",
125         "If enabled, the host supports "
126         "AddressSpaceSharedSlotsHostMemoryAllocatorContext.",
127         &map,
128     };
129     FeatureInfo HostComposition = {
130         "HostComposition",
131         "If enabled, the host supports composition via render control commands.",
132         &map,
133     };
134     FeatureInfo HwcMultiConfigs = {
135         "HwcMultiConfigs",
136         "If enabled, the host supports multiple HWComposer configs per display.",
137         &map,
138     };
139     FeatureInfo Minigbm = {
140         "Minigbm",
141         "If enabled, the guest is known to be using Minigbm as its Gralloc "
142         "implementation.",
143         &map,
144     };
145     FeatureInfo NativeTextureDecompression = {
146         "NativeTextureDecompression",
147         "If enabled, allows the host to use ASTC and ETC2 formats when supported by "
148         " the host GL driver.",
149         &map,
150     };
151     FeatureInfo NoDelayCloseColorBuffer = {
152         "NoDelayCloseColorBuffer",
153         "If enabled, indicates that the guest properly associates resources with "
154         "guest OS handles and that the host resources can be immediately cleaned "
155         "upon receiving resource clean up commands.",
156         &map,
157     };
158     FeatureInfo PlayStoreImage = {
159         "PlayStoreImage",
160         "If enabled, the guest image is using the play store image which has "
161         "additional requirements.",
162         &map,
163     };
164     FeatureInfo RefCountPipe = {
165         "RefCountPipe",
166         "If enabled, resources are referenced counted via a specific pipe "
167         "implementation.",
168         &map,
169     };
170     FeatureInfo VirtioGpuFenceContexts = {
171         "VirtioGpuFenceContexts",
172         "If enabled, the host will support multiple virtio gpu fence timelines.",
173         &map,
174     };
175     FeatureInfo VirtioGpuNativeSync = {
176         "VirtioGpuNativeSync",
177         "If enabled, use virtio gpu instead of goldfish sync for sync fd support.",
178         &map,
179     };
180     FeatureInfo VirtioGpuNext = {
181         "VirtioGpuNext",
182         "If enabled, virtio gpu supports blob resources (this was historically "
183         "called on a virtio-gpu-next branch in upstream kernel?).",
184         &map,
185     };
186     FeatureInfo VulkanAllocateDeviceMemoryOnly = {
187         "VulkanAllocateDeviceMemoryOnly",
188         "If enabled, prevents the guest from allocating Vulkan memory that does "
189         "not have VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT.",
190         &map,
191     };
192     FeatureInfo VulkanAllocateHostMemory = {
193         "VulkanAllocateHostMemory",
194         "If enabled, allocates host private memory and uses "
195         "VK_EXT_external_memory_host to handle Vulkan "
196         "VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT allocations.",
197         &map,
198     };
199     FeatureInfo VulkanBatchedDescriptorSetUpdate = {
200         "VulkanBatchedDescriptorSetUpdate",
201         "If enabled, Vulkan descriptor set updates via vkUpdateDescriptorSets() are "
202         "not immediately sent to the host and are instead deferred until needed "
203         "in vkQueueSubmit() commands.",
204         &map,
205     };
206     FeatureInfo VulkanIgnoredHandles = {
207         "VulkanIgnoredHandles",
208         "If enabled, the guest to host Vulkan protocol will ignore handles in some "
209         "cases such as VkWriteDescriptorSet().",
210         &map,
211     };
212     FeatureInfo VulkanNativeSwapchain = {
213         "VulkanNativeSwapchain",
214         "If enabled, the host display implementation uses a native Vulkan swapchain.",
215         &map,
216     };
217     FeatureInfo VulkanNullOptionalStrings = {
218         "VulkanNullOptionalStrings",
219         "If enabled, the guest to host Vulkan protocol will encode null optional "
220         "strings as actual null values instead of as empty strings.",
221         &map,
222     };
223     FeatureInfo VulkanQueueSubmitWithCommands = {
224         "VulkanQueueSubmitWithCommands",
225         "If enabled, uses deferred command submission with global sequence number "
226         "synchronization for Vulkan queue submits.",
227         &map,
228     };
229     FeatureInfo VulkanShaderFloat16Int8 = {
230         "VulkanShaderFloat16Int8",
231         "If enabled, enables the VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8 extension.",
232         &map,
233     };
234     FeatureInfo VulkanSnapshots = {
235         "VulkanSnapshots",
236         "If enabled, supports snapshotting the guest and host Vulkan state.",
237         &map,
238     };
239     FeatureInfo VulkanUseDedicatedAhbMemoryType = {
240         "VulkanUseDedicatedAhbMemoryType",
241         "If enabled, emulates an additional memory type for AHardwareBuffer allocations "
242         "that only has VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT for the purposes of preventing "
243         "the guest from trying to map AHardwareBuffer memory.",
244         &map,
245     };
246     FeatureInfo Vulkan = {
247         "Vulkan",
248         "If enabled, allows the guest to use Vulkan and enables the Vulkan backend "
249         "on the host.",
250         &map,
251     };
252     FeatureInfo Yuv420888ToNv21 = {
253         "Yuv420888ToNv21",
254         "If enabled, Androids HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_888 format is treated as "
255         "NV21.",
256         &map,
257     };
258     FeatureInfo YuvCache = {
259         "YuvCache",
260         "If enabled, the host will cache YUV frames.",
261         &map,
262     };
263 };
265 #define GFXSTREAM_SET_FEATURE_ON_CONDITION(set, feature, condition) \
266     do                                                              \
267     {                                                               \
268         {                                                           \
269             (set)->feature.enabled = condition;                     \
270             (set)->feature.reason = #condition;                     \
271         }                                                           \
272     } while (0)
274 }  // namespace host
275 }  // namespace gfxstream