1 /*
2  * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include <android-base/logging.h>
18 #include "TunerTestingConfigReaderV1_0.h"
20 using android::hardware::tv::tuner::V1_1::AudioStreamType;
21 using android::hardware::tv::tuner::V1_1::AvStreamType;
22 using android::hardware::tv::tuner::V1_1::FrontendDvbsScanType;
23 using android::hardware::tv::tuner::V1_1::FrontendDvbsSettingsExt1_1;
24 using android::hardware::tv::tuner::V1_1::FrontendDvbtSettingsExt1_1;
25 using android::hardware::tv::tuner::V1_1::FrontendSettingsExt1_1;
26 using android::hardware::tv::tuner::V1_1::FrontendStatusExt1_1;
27 using android::hardware::tv::tuner::V1_1::FrontendStatusTypeExt1_1;
28 using android::hardware::tv::tuner::V1_1::VideoStreamType;
30 struct FrontendConfig1_1 {
31     FrontendConfig config1_0;
32     bool canConnectToCiCam;
33     uint32_t ciCamId;
34     FrontendSettingsExt1_1 settingsExt1_1;
35     vector<FrontendStatusTypeExt1_1> tuneStatusTypes;
36     vector<FrontendStatusExt1_1> expectTuneStatuses;
37 };
39 struct FilterConfig1_1 {
40     FilterConfig config1_0;
41     AvStreamType streamType;
42     uint32_t ipCid;
43     uint32_t monitorEventTypes;
45     bool operator<(const FilterConfig& /*c*/) const { return false; }
46 };
48 struct TunerTestingConfigReader1_1 {
49   public:
readFrontendConfig1_1TunerTestingConfigReader1_150     static void readFrontendConfig1_1(map<string, FrontendConfig1_1>& frontendMap) {
51         map<string, FrontendConfig> frontendMap1_0;
52         TunerTestingConfigReader1_0::readFrontendConfig1_0(frontendMap1_0);
53         for (auto it = frontendMap1_0.begin(); it != frontendMap1_0.end(); it++) {
54             frontendMap[it->first].config1_0 = it->second;
55         }
57         auto hardwareConfig = TunerTestingConfigReader1_0::getHardwareConfig();
58         if (hardwareConfig.hasFrontends()) {
59             // TODO: b/182519645 complete the tune status config
60             vector<FrontendStatusTypeExt1_1> types;
61             types.push_back(FrontendStatusTypeExt1_1::UEC);
62             types.push_back(FrontendStatusTypeExt1_1::IS_MISO);
63             vector<FrontendStatusExt1_1> statuses;
64             FrontendStatusExt1_1 status;
65             status.uec(4);
66             statuses.push_back(status);
67             status.isMiso(true);
68             statuses.push_back(status);
70             auto frontends = *hardwareConfig.getFirstFrontends();
72             for (auto feConfig : frontends.getFrontend()) {
73                 string id = feConfig.getId();
74                 switch (feConfig.getType()) {
75                     case FrontendTypeEnum::DVBS:
76                         frontendMap[id].settingsExt1_1.settingExt.dvbs(
77                                 readDvbsFrontendSettings1_1(feConfig));
78                         break;
79                     case FrontendTypeEnum::DVBT: {
80                         frontendMap[id].settingsExt1_1.settingExt.dvbt(
81                                 readDvbtFrontendSettings1_1(feConfig));
82                         break;
83                     }
84                     case FrontendTypeEnum::DTMB:
85                         frontendMap[id].config1_0.type = static_cast<FrontendType>(
86                                 android::hardware::tv::tuner::V1_1::FrontendType::DTMB);
87                         break;
88                     case FrontendTypeEnum::UNKNOWN:
89                         ALOGW("[ConfigReader] invalid frontend type");
90                         return;
91                     default:
92                         ALOGW("[ConfigReader] fe already handled in 1_0 reader.");
93                         break;
94                 }
95                 if (feConfig.hasEndFrequency()) {
96                     frontendMap[id].settingsExt1_1.endFrequency =
97                             (uint32_t)feConfig.getEndFrequency();
98                 }
99                 // TODO: b/182519645 complete the tune status config
100                 frontendMap[id].tuneStatusTypes = types;
101                 frontendMap[id].expectTuneStatuses = statuses;
102                 getCiCamInfo(feConfig, frontendMap[id].canConnectToCiCam, frontendMap[id].ciCamId);
103             }
104         }
105     }
readFilterConfig1_1TunerTestingConfigReader1_1107     static void readFilterConfig1_1(map<string, FilterConfig1_1>& filterMap) {
108         map<string, FilterConfig> filterMap1_0;
109         TunerTestingConfigReader1_0::readFilterConfig1_0(filterMap1_0);
110         for (auto it = filterMap1_0.begin(); it != filterMap1_0.end(); it++) {
111             filterMap[it->first].config1_0 = it->second;
112         }
113         auto hardwareConfig = TunerTestingConfigReader1_0::getHardwareConfig();
114         if (hardwareConfig.hasFilters()) {
115             auto filters = *hardwareConfig.getFirstFilters();
116             for (auto filterConfig : filters.getFilter()) {
117                 string id = filterConfig.getId();
118                 if (filterConfig.hasMonitorEventTypes()) {
119                     filterMap[id].monitorEventTypes = (uint32_t)filterConfig.getMonitorEventTypes();
120                 }
121                 if (filterConfig.hasAvFilterSettings_optional()) {
122                     AvStreamType type;
123                     auto av = filterConfig.getFirstAvFilterSettings_optional();
124                     if (av->hasAudioStreamType_optional()) {
125                         type.audio(static_cast<AudioStreamType>(av->getAudioStreamType_optional()));
126                         filterMap[id].streamType = type;
127                     }
128                     if (av->hasVideoStreamType_optional()) {
129                         type.video(static_cast<VideoStreamType>(av->getVideoStreamType_optional()));
130                         filterMap[id].streamType = type;
131                     }
132                 }
133                 if (filterConfig.hasIpFilterConfig_optional()) {
134                     auto ip = filterConfig.getFirstIpFilterConfig_optional();
135                     if (ip->hasIpCid()) {
136                         filterMap[id].ipCid = ip->getIpCid();
137                     }
138                 }
139             }
140         }
141     }
143   private:
getCiCamInfoTunerTestingConfigReader1_1144     static void getCiCamInfo(Frontend feConfig, bool& canConnectToCiCam, uint32_t& ciCamId) {
145         if (!feConfig.hasConnectToCicamId()) {
146             canConnectToCiCam = false;
147             ciCamId = -1;
148             return;
149         }
150         canConnectToCiCam = true;
151         ciCamId = static_cast<uint32_t>(feConfig.getConnectToCicamId());
152     }
readDvbsFrontendSettings1_1TunerTestingConfigReader1_1154     static FrontendDvbsSettingsExt1_1 readDvbsFrontendSettings1_1(Frontend feConfig) {
155         FrontendDvbsSettingsExt1_1 dvbsSettings;
156         if (!feConfig.hasDvbsFrontendSettings_optional()) {
157             return dvbsSettings;
158         }
159         auto dvbs = feConfig.getFirstDvbsFrontendSettings_optional();
160         if (dvbs->hasScanType()) {
161             dvbsSettings.scanType = static_cast<FrontendDvbsScanType>(dvbs->getScanType());
162         }
163         if (dvbs->hasIsDiseqcRxMessage()) {
164             dvbsSettings.isDiseqcRxMessage = dvbs->getIsDiseqcRxMessage();
165         }
166         return dvbsSettings;
167     }
readDvbtFrontendSettings1_1TunerTestingConfigReader1_1169     static FrontendDvbtSettingsExt1_1 readDvbtFrontendSettings1_1(Frontend feConfig) {
170         FrontendDvbtSettingsExt1_1 dvbtSettings;
171         if (!feConfig.hasDvbtFrontendSettings_optional()) {
172             return dvbtSettings;
173         }
174         auto dvbt = feConfig.getFirstDvbtFrontendSettings_optional();
175         auto trans = dvbt->getTransmissionMode();
176         dvbtSettings.transmissionMode =
177                 static_cast<android::hardware::tv::tuner::V1_1::FrontendDvbtTransmissionMode>(
178                         trans);
179         if (dvbt->hasConstellation()) {
180             dvbtSettings.constellation =
181                     static_cast<android::hardware::tv::tuner::V1_1::FrontendDvbtConstellation>(
182                             dvbt->getConstellation());
183         }
184         return dvbtSettings;
185     }
186 };