1 // Copyright 2023, The Android Open Source Project
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 //! This module mirrors the content in open-dice/include/dice/ops.h
16 //! It contains the set of functions that implement various operations that the
17 //! main DICE functions depend on.
19 use crate::dice::{
20 derive_cdi_private_key_seed, DiceArtifacts, Hash, InputValues, PrivateKey, PublicKey,
22 };
23 use crate::error::{check_result, Result};
24 use open_dice_cbor_bindgen::{
25 DiceGenerateCertificate, DiceHash, DiceKdf, DiceKeypairFromSeed, DiceSign, DiceVerify,
26 };
27 use std::ptr;
29 /// Hashes the provided input using DICE's hash function `DiceHash`.
hash(input: &[u8]) -> Result<Hash>30 pub fn hash(input: &[u8]) -> Result<Hash> {
31 let mut output: Hash = [0; HASH_SIZE];
32 check_result(
33 // SAFETY: DiceHash takes a sized input buffer and writes to a constant-sized output
34 // buffer. The first argument context is not used in this function.
35 unsafe {
36 DiceHash(
37 ptr::null_mut(), // context
38 input.as_ptr(),
39 input.len(),
40 output.as_mut_ptr(),
41 )
42 },
43 output.len(),
44 )?;
45 Ok(output)
46 }
48 /// An implementation of HKDF-SHA512. Derives a key of `derived_key.len()` bytes from `ikm`, `salt`,
49 /// and `info`. The derived key is written to the `derived_key`.
kdf(ikm: &[u8], salt: &[u8], info: &[u8], derived_key: &mut [u8]) -> Result<()>50 pub fn kdf(ikm: &[u8], salt: &[u8], info: &[u8], derived_key: &mut [u8]) -> Result<()> {
51 check_result(
52 // SAFETY: The function writes to the `derived_key`, within the given bounds, and only
53 // reads the input values. The first argument context is not used in this function.
54 unsafe {
55 DiceKdf(
56 ptr::null_mut(), // context
57 derived_key.len(),
58 ikm.as_ptr(),
59 ikm.len(),
60 salt.as_ptr(),
61 salt.len(),
62 info.as_ptr(),
63 info.len(),
64 derived_key.as_mut_ptr(),
65 )
66 },
67 derived_key.len(),
68 )
69 }
71 /// Deterministically generates a public and private key pair from `seed`.
72 /// Since this is deterministic, `seed` is as sensitive as a private key and can
73 /// be used directly as the private key.
keypair_from_seed(seed: &[u8; PRIVATE_KEY_SEED_SIZE]) -> Result<(PublicKey, PrivateKey)>74 pub fn keypair_from_seed(seed: &[u8; PRIVATE_KEY_SEED_SIZE]) -> Result<(PublicKey, PrivateKey)> {
75 let mut public_key = [0u8; PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
76 let mut private_key = PrivateKey::default();
77 check_result(
78 // SAFETY: The function writes to the `public_key` and `private_key` within the given
79 // bounds, and only reads the `seed`. The first argument context is not used in this
80 // function.
81 unsafe {
82 DiceKeypairFromSeed(
83 ptr::null_mut(), // context
84 seed.as_ptr(),
85 public_key.as_mut_ptr(),
86 private_key.as_mut_ptr(),
87 )
88 },
89 public_key.len(),
90 )?;
91 Ok((public_key, private_key))
92 }
94 /// Derives the CDI_Leaf_Priv from the provided `dice_artifacts`.
95 ///
96 /// The corresponding public key is included in the leaf certificate of the DICE chain
97 /// contained in `dice_artifacts`.
98 ///
99 /// Refer to the following documentation for more information about CDI_Leaf_Priv:
100 ///
101 /// security/rkp/aidl/android/hardware/security/keymint/IRemotelyProvisionedComponent.aidl
derive_cdi_leaf_priv(dice_artifacts: &dyn DiceArtifacts) -> Result<PrivateKey>102 pub fn derive_cdi_leaf_priv(dice_artifacts: &dyn DiceArtifacts) -> Result<PrivateKey> {
103 let cdi_priv_key_seed = derive_cdi_private_key_seed(dice_artifacts.cdi_attest())?;
104 let (_, private_key) = keypair_from_seed(cdi_priv_key_seed.as_array())?;
105 Ok(private_key)
106 }
108 /// Signs the `message` with the give `private_key` using `DiceSign`.
sign(message: &[u8], private_key: &[u8; PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE]) -> Result<Signature>109 pub fn sign(message: &[u8], private_key: &[u8; PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE]) -> Result<Signature> {
110 let mut signature = [0u8; SIGNATURE_SIZE];
111 check_result(
112 // SAFETY: The function writes to the `signature` within the given bounds, and only reads
113 // the message and the private key. The first argument context is not used in this
114 // function.
115 unsafe {
116 DiceSign(
117 ptr::null_mut(), // context
118 message.as_ptr(),
119 message.len(),
120 private_key.as_ptr(),
121 signature.as_mut_ptr(),
122 )
123 },
124 signature.len(),
125 )?;
126 Ok(signature)
127 }
129 /// Verifies the `signature` of the `message` with the given `public_key` using `DiceVerify`.
verify(message: &[u8], signature: &Signature, public_key: &PublicKey) -> Result<()>130 pub fn verify(message: &[u8], signature: &Signature, public_key: &PublicKey) -> Result<()> {
131 check_result(
132 // SAFETY: only reads the messages, signature and public key as constant values.
133 // The first argument context is not used in this function.
134 unsafe {
135 DiceVerify(
136 ptr::null_mut(), // context
137 message.as_ptr(),
138 message.len(),
139 signature.as_ptr(),
140 public_key.as_ptr(),
141 )
142 },
143 0,
144 )
145 }
147 /// Generates an X.509 certificate from the given `subject_private_key_seed` and
148 /// `input_values`, and signed by `authority_private_key_seed`.
149 /// The subject private key seed is supplied here so the implementation can choose
150 /// between asymmetric mechanisms, for example ECDSA vs Ed25519.
151 /// Returns the actual size of the generated certificate.
generate_certificate( subject_private_key_seed: &[u8; PRIVATE_KEY_SEED_SIZE], authority_private_key_seed: &[u8; PRIVATE_KEY_SEED_SIZE], input_values: &InputValues, certificate: &mut [u8], ) -> Result<usize>152 pub fn generate_certificate(
153 subject_private_key_seed: &[u8; PRIVATE_KEY_SEED_SIZE],
154 authority_private_key_seed: &[u8; PRIVATE_KEY_SEED_SIZE],
155 input_values: &InputValues,
156 certificate: &mut [u8],
157 ) -> Result<usize> {
158 let mut certificate_actual_size = 0;
159 check_result(
160 // SAFETY: The function writes to the `certificate` within the given bounds, and only reads
161 // the input values and the key seeds. The first argument context is not used in this
162 // function.
163 unsafe {
164 DiceGenerateCertificate(
165 ptr::null_mut(), // context
166 subject_private_key_seed.as_ptr(),
167 authority_private_key_seed.as_ptr(),
168 input_values.as_ptr(),
169 certificate.len(),
170 certificate.as_mut_ptr(),
171 &mut certificate_actual_size,
172 )
173 },
174 certificate_actual_size,
175 )?;
176 Ok(certificate_actual_size)
177 }