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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package com.android.internal.location.altitude;
19 import android.annotation.NonNull;
21 import java.util.Arrays;
22 import java.util.Locale;
24 /**
25  * Provides lightweight S2 cell ID utilities without traditional geometry dependencies.
26  *
27  * <p>See <a href="https://s2geometry.io/">the S2 Geometry Library website</a> for more details.
28  */
29 public final class S2CellIdUtils {
31     /** The level of all leaf S2 cells. */
32     public static final int MAX_LEVEL = 30;
34     private static final int MAX_SIZE = 1 << MAX_LEVEL;
35     private static final double ONE_OVER_MAX_SIZE = 1.0 / MAX_SIZE;
36     private static final int NUM_FACES = 6;
37     private static final int POS_BITS = 2 * MAX_LEVEL + 1;
38     private static final int SWAP_MASK = 0x1;
39     private static final int LOOKUP_BITS = 4;
40     private static final int LOOKUP_MASK = (1 << LOOKUP_BITS) - 1;
41     private static final int INVERT_MASK = 0x2;
42     private static final int LEAF_MASK = 0x1;
43     private static final int[] LOOKUP_POS = new int[1 << (2 * LOOKUP_BITS + 2)];
44     private static final int[] LOOKUP_IJ = new int[1 << (2 * LOOKUP_BITS + 2)];
45     private static final int[] POS_TO_ORIENTATION = {SWAP_MASK, 0, 0, INVERT_MASK + SWAP_MASK};
46     private static final int[][] POS_TO_IJ =
47             {{0, 1, 3, 2}, {0, 2, 3, 1}, {3, 2, 0, 1}, {3, 1, 0, 2}};
48     private static final double UV_LIMIT = calculateUvLimit();
49     private static final UvTransform[] UV_TRANSFORMS = createUvTransforms();
50     private static final XyzTransform[] XYZ_TRANSFORMS = createXyzTransforms();
52     // Used to encode (i, j, o) coordinates into primitive longs.
53     private static final int I_SHIFT = 33;
54     private static final int J_SHIFT = 2;
55     private static final long J_MASK = (1L << 31) - 1;
57     static {
initLookupCells()58         initLookupCells();
59     }
61     /** Prevents instantiation. */
S2CellIdUtils()62     private S2CellIdUtils() {
63     }
65     /**
66      * Returns the leaf S2 cell ID for the specified latitude and longitude, both measured in
67      * degrees.
68      */
fromLatLngDegrees(double latDegrees, double lngDegrees)69     public static long fromLatLngDegrees(double latDegrees, double lngDegrees) {
70         return fromLatLngRadians(Math.toRadians(latDegrees), Math.toRadians(lngDegrees));
71     }
73     /** Returns the leaf S2 cell ID of the specified (face, i, j) coordinate. */
fromFij(int face, int i, int j)74     public static long fromFij(int face, int i, int j) {
75         int bits = (face & SWAP_MASK);
76         // Update most significant bits.
77         long msb = ((long) face) << (POS_BITS - 33);
78         for (int k = 7; k >= 4; --k) {
79             bits = lookupBits(i, j, k, bits);
80             msb = updateBits(msb, k, bits);
81             bits = maskBits(bits);
82         }
83         // Update least significant bits.
84         long lsb = 0;
85         for (int k = 3; k >= 0; --k) {
86             bits = lookupBits(i, j, k, bits);
87             lsb = updateBits(lsb, k, bits);
88             bits = maskBits(bits);
89         }
90         return (((msb << 32) + lsb) << 1) + 1;
91     }
93     /**
94      * Returns the face of the specified S2 cell. The returned face is in [0, 5] for valid S2 cell
95      * IDs. Behavior is undefined for invalid S2 cell IDs.
96      */
getFace(long s2CellId)97     public static int getFace(long s2CellId) {
98         return (int) (s2CellId >>> POS_BITS);
99     }
101     /**
102      * Returns the ID of the parent of the specified S2 cell at the specified parent level.
103      * Behavior is undefined for invalid S2 cell IDs or parent levels not in
104      * [0, {@code getLevel(s2CellId)}[.
105      */
getParent(long s2CellId, int level)106     public static long getParent(long s2CellId, int level) {
107         long newLsb = getLowestOnBitForLevel(level);
108         return (s2CellId & -newLsb) | newLsb;
109     }
111     /**
112      * Inserts into {@code neighbors} the four S2 cell IDs corresponding to the neighboring
113      * cells adjacent across the specified cell's four edges. This array must be of minimum
114      * length four, and elements at the tail end of the array not corresponding to a neighbor
115      * are set to zero. A reference to this array is returned.
116      *
117      * <p>Inserts in the order of down, right, up, and left directions, in that order. All
118      * neighbors are guaranteed to be distinct.
119      */
getEdgeNeighbors(long s2CellId, @NonNull long[] neighbors)120     public static void getEdgeNeighbors(long s2CellId, @NonNull long[] neighbors) {
121         int level = getLevel(s2CellId);
122         int size = levelToSizeIj(level);
123         int face = getFace(s2CellId);
124         long ijo = toIjo(s2CellId);
125         int i = ijoToI(ijo);
126         int j = ijoToJ(ijo);
128         int iPlusSize = i + size;
129         int iMinusSize = i - size;
130         int jPlusSize = j + size;
131         int jMinusSize = j - size;
132         boolean iPlusSizeLtMax = iPlusSize < MAX_SIZE;
133         boolean iMinusSizeGteZero = iMinusSize >= 0;
134         boolean jPlusSizeLtMax = jPlusSize < MAX_SIZE;
135         boolean jMinusSizeGteZero = jMinusSize >= 0;
137         int index = 0;
138         // Down direction.
139         neighbors[index++] = getParent(fromFijSame(face, i, jMinusSize, jMinusSizeGteZero),
140                 level);
141         // Right direction.
142         neighbors[index++] = getParent(fromFijSame(face, iPlusSize, j, iPlusSizeLtMax), level);
143         // Up direction.
144         neighbors[index++] = getParent(fromFijSame(face, i, jPlusSize, jPlusSizeLtMax), level);
145         // Left direction.
146         neighbors[index++] = getParent(fromFijSame(face, iMinusSize, j, iMinusSizeGteZero),
147                 level);
149         // Pad end of neighbor array with zeros.
150         Arrays.fill(neighbors, index, neighbors.length, 0);
151     }
153     /** Returns the "i" coordinate for the specified S2 cell. */
getI(long s2CellId)154     public static int getI(long s2CellId) {
155         return ijoToI(toIjo(s2CellId));
156     }
158     /** Returns the "j" coordinate for the specified S2 cell. */
getJ(long s2CellId)159     public static int getJ(long s2CellId) {
160         return ijoToJ(toIjo(s2CellId));
161     }
163     /**
164      * Returns the leaf S2 cell ID for the specified latitude and longitude, both measured in
165      * radians.
166      */
fromLatLngRadians(double latRadians, double lngRadians)167     private static long fromLatLngRadians(double latRadians, double lngRadians) {
168         double cosLat = Math.cos(latRadians);
169         double x = Math.cos(lngRadians) * cosLat;
170         double y = Math.sin(lngRadians) * cosLat;
171         double z = Math.sin(latRadians);
172         return fromXyz(x, y, z);
173     }
175     /**
176      * Returns the level of the specified S2 cell. The returned level is in [0, 30] for valid
177      * S2 cell IDs. Behavior is undefined for invalid S2 cell IDs.
178      */
getLevel(long s2CellId)179     static int getLevel(long s2CellId) {
180         if (isLeaf(s2CellId)) {
181             return MAX_LEVEL;
182         }
183         return MAX_LEVEL - (Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(s2CellId) >> 1);
184     }
186     /** Returns the lowest-numbered bit that is on for the specified S2 cell. */
getLowestOnBit(long s2CellId)187     static long getLowestOnBit(long s2CellId) {
188         return s2CellId & -s2CellId;
189     }
191     /** Returns the lowest-numbered bit that is on for any S2 cell on the specified level. */
getLowestOnBitForLevel(int level)192     static long getLowestOnBitForLevel(int level) {
193         return 1L << (2 * (MAX_LEVEL - level));
194     }
196     /**
197      * Returns the ID of the first S2 cell in a traversal of the children S2 cells at the specified
198      * level, in Hilbert curve order.
199      */
getTraversalStart(long s2CellId, int level)200     static long getTraversalStart(long s2CellId, int level) {
201         return s2CellId - getLowestOnBit(s2CellId) + getLowestOnBitForLevel(level);
202     }
204     /** Returns the ID of the next S2 cell at the same level along the Hilbert curve. */
getTraversalNext(long s2CellId)205     static long getTraversalNext(long s2CellId) {
206         return s2CellId + (getLowestOnBit(s2CellId) << 1);
207     }
209     /**
210      * Encodes the S2 cell id to compact text strings suitable for display or indexing. Cells at
211      * lower levels (i.e., larger cells) are encoded into fewer characters.
212      */
213     @NonNull
getToken(long s2CellId)214     static String getToken(long s2CellId) {
215         if (s2CellId == 0) {
216             return "X";
217         }
219         // Convert to a hex string with as many digits as necessary.
220         String hex = Long.toHexString(s2CellId).toLowerCase(Locale.US);
221         // Prefix 0s to get a length 16 string.
222         String padded = padStart(hex);
223         // Trim zeroes off the end.
224         return padded.replaceAll("0*$", "");
225     }
padStart(String string)227     private static String padStart(String string) {
228         if (string.length() >= 16) {
229             return string;
230         }
231         return "0".repeat(16 - string.length()) + string;
232     }
234     /** Returns the leaf S2 cell ID of the specified (x, y, z) coordinate. */
fromXyz(double x, double y, double z)235     private static long fromXyz(double x, double y, double z) {
236         int face = xyzToFace(x, y, z);
237         UvTransform uvTransform = UV_TRANSFORMS[face];
238         double u = uvTransform.xyzToU(x, y, z);
239         double v = uvTransform.xyzToV(x, y, z);
240         return fromFuv(face, u, v);
241     }
243     /** Returns the leaf S2 cell ID of the specified (face, u, v) coordinate. */
fromFuv(int face, double u, double v)244     private static long fromFuv(int face, double u, double v) {
245         int i = uToI(u);
246         int j = vToJ(v);
247         return fromFij(face, i, j);
248     }
fromFijWrap(int face, int i, int j)250     private static long fromFijWrap(int face, int i, int j) {
251         double u = iToU(i);
252         double v = jToV(j);
254         XyzTransform xyzTransform = XYZ_TRANSFORMS[face];
255         double x = xyzTransform.uvToX(u, v);
256         double y = xyzTransform.uvToY(u, v);
257         double z = xyzTransform.uvToZ(u, v);
259         int newFace = xyzToFace(x, y, z);
260         UvTransform uvTransform = UV_TRANSFORMS[newFace];
261         double newU = uvTransform.xyzToU(x, y, z);
262         double newV = uvTransform.xyzToV(x, y, z);
264         int newI = uShiftIntoI(newU);
265         int newJ = vShiftIntoJ(newV);
266         return fromFij(newFace, newI, newJ);
267     }
fromFijSame(int face, int i, int j, boolean isSameFace)269     private static long fromFijSame(int face, int i, int j, boolean isSameFace) {
270         if (isSameFace) {
271             return fromFij(face, i, j);
272         }
273         return fromFijWrap(face, i, j);
274     }
276     /**
277      * Returns the face associated with the specified (x, y, z) coordinate. For a coordinate
278      * on a face boundary, the returned face is arbitrary but repeatable.
279      */
xyzToFace(double x, double y, double z)280     private static int xyzToFace(double x, double y, double z) {
281         double absX = Math.abs(x);
282         double absY = Math.abs(y);
283         double absZ = Math.abs(z);
284         if (absX > absY) {
285             if (absX > absZ) {
286                 return (x < 0) ? 3 : 0;
287             }
288             return (z < 0) ? 5 : 2;
289         }
290         if (absY > absZ) {
291             return (y < 0) ? 4 : 1;
292         }
293         return (z < 0) ? 5 : 2;
294     }
uToI(double u)296     private static int uToI(double u) {
297         double s;
298         if (u >= 0) {
299             s = 0.5 * Math.sqrt(1 + 3 * u);
300         } else {
301             s = 1 - 0.5 * Math.sqrt(1 - 3 * u);
302         }
303         return Math.max(0, Math.min(MAX_SIZE - 1, (int) Math.round(MAX_SIZE * s - 0.5)));
304     }
vToJ(double v)306     private static int vToJ(double v) {
307         // Same calculation as uToI.
308         return uToI(v);
309     }
lookupBits(int i, int j, int k, int bits)311     private static int lookupBits(int i, int j, int k, int bits) {
312         bits += ((i >> (k * LOOKUP_BITS)) & LOOKUP_MASK) << (LOOKUP_BITS + 2);
313         bits += ((j >> (k * LOOKUP_BITS)) & LOOKUP_MASK) << 2;
314         return LOOKUP_POS[bits];
315     }
updateBits(long sb, int k, int bits)317     private static long updateBits(long sb, int k, int bits) {
318         return sb | ((((long) bits) >> 2) << ((k & 0x3) * 2 * LOOKUP_BITS));
319     }
maskBits(int bits)321     private static int maskBits(int bits) {
322         return bits & (SWAP_MASK | INVERT_MASK);
323     }
isLeaf(long s2CellId)325     private static boolean isLeaf(long s2CellId) {
326         return ((int) s2CellId & LEAF_MASK) != 0;
327     }
iToU(int i)329     private static double iToU(int i) {
330         int satI = Math.max(-1, Math.min(MAX_SIZE, i));
331         return Math.max(
332                 -UV_LIMIT,
333                 Math.min(UV_LIMIT, ONE_OVER_MAX_SIZE * ((satI << 1) + 1 - MAX_SIZE)));
334     }
jToV(int j)336     private static double jToV(int j) {
337         // Same calculation as iToU.
338         return iToU(j);
339     }
toIjo(long s2CellId)341     private static long toIjo(long s2CellId) {
342         int face = getFace(s2CellId);
343         int bits = face & SWAP_MASK;
344         int i = 0;
345         int j = 0;
346         for (int k = 7; k >= 0; --k) {
347             int nbits = (k == 7) ? (MAX_LEVEL - 7 * LOOKUP_BITS) : LOOKUP_BITS;
348             bits += ((int) (s2CellId >>> (k * 2 * LOOKUP_BITS + 1)) & ((1 << (2 * nbits))
349                     - 1)) << 2;
350             bits = LOOKUP_IJ[bits];
351             i += (bits >> (LOOKUP_BITS + 2)) << (k * LOOKUP_BITS);
352             j += ((bits >> 2) & ((1 << LOOKUP_BITS) - 1)) << (k * LOOKUP_BITS);
353             bits &= (SWAP_MASK | INVERT_MASK);
354         }
355         int orientation =
356                 ((getLowestOnBit(s2CellId) & 0x1111111111111110L) != 0) ? (bits ^ SWAP_MASK)
357                         : bits;
358         return (((long) i) << I_SHIFT) | (((long) j) << J_SHIFT) | orientation;
359     }
ijoToI(long ijo)361     private static int ijoToI(long ijo) {
362         return (int) (ijo >>> I_SHIFT);
363     }
ijoToJ(long ijo)365     private static int ijoToJ(long ijo) {
366         return (int) ((ijo >>> J_SHIFT) & J_MASK);
367     }
uShiftIntoI(double u)369     private static int uShiftIntoI(double u) {
370         double s = 0.5 * (u + 1);
371         return Math.max(0, Math.min(MAX_SIZE - 1, (int) Math.round(MAX_SIZE * s - 0.5)));
372     }
vShiftIntoJ(double v)374     private static int vShiftIntoJ(double v) {
375         // Same calculation as uShiftIntoI.
376         return uShiftIntoI(v);
377     }
levelToSizeIj(int level)379     private static int levelToSizeIj(int level) {
380         return 1 << (MAX_LEVEL - level);
381     }
initLookupCells()383     private static void initLookupCells() {
384         initLookupCell(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
385         initLookupCell(0, 0, 0, SWAP_MASK, 0, SWAP_MASK);
386         initLookupCell(0, 0, 0, INVERT_MASK, 0, INVERT_MASK);
387         initLookupCell(0, 0, 0, SWAP_MASK | INVERT_MASK, 0, SWAP_MASK | INVERT_MASK);
388     }
initLookupCell( int level, int i, int j, int origOrientation, int pos, int orientation)390     private static void initLookupCell(
391             int level, int i, int j, int origOrientation, int pos, int orientation) {
392         if (level == LOOKUP_BITS) {
393             int ij = (i << LOOKUP_BITS) + j;
394             LOOKUP_POS[(ij << 2) + origOrientation] = (pos << 2) + orientation;
395             LOOKUP_IJ[(pos << 2) + origOrientation] = (ij << 2) + orientation;
396         } else {
397             level++;
398             i <<= 1;
399             j <<= 1;
400             pos <<= 2;
401             for (int subPos = 0; subPos < 4; subPos++) {
402                 int ij = POS_TO_IJ[orientation][subPos];
403                 int orientationMask = POS_TO_ORIENTATION[subPos];
404                 initLookupCell(
405                         level,
406                         i + (ij >>> 1),
407                         j + (ij & 0x1),
408                         origOrientation,
409                         pos + subPos,
410                         orientation ^ orientationMask);
411             }
412         }
413     }
calculateUvLimit()415     private static double calculateUvLimit() {
416         double machEps = 1.0;
417         do {
418             machEps /= 2.0f;
419         } while ((1.0 + (machEps / 2.0)) != 1.0);
420         return 1.0 + machEps;
421     }
423     @NonNull
createUvTransforms()424     private static UvTransform[] createUvTransforms() {
425         UvTransform[] uvTransforms = new UvTransform[NUM_FACES];
426         uvTransforms[0] =
427                 new UvTransform() {
429                     @Override
430                     public double xyzToU(double x, double y, double z) {
431                         return y / x;
432                     }
434                     @Override
435                     public double xyzToV(double x, double y, double z) {
436                         return z / x;
437                     }
438                 };
439         uvTransforms[1] =
440                 new UvTransform() {
442                     @Override
443                     public double xyzToU(double x, double y, double z) {
444                         return -x / y;
445                     }
447                     @Override
448                     public double xyzToV(double x, double y, double z) {
449                         return z / y;
450                     }
451                 };
452         uvTransforms[2] =
453                 new UvTransform() {
455                     @Override
456                     public double xyzToU(double x, double y, double z) {
457                         return -x / z;
458                     }
460                     @Override
461                     public double xyzToV(double x, double y, double z) {
462                         return -y / z;
463                     }
464                 };
465         uvTransforms[3] =
466                 new UvTransform() {
468                     @Override
469                     public double xyzToU(double x, double y, double z) {
470                         return z / x;
471                     }
473                     @Override
474                     public double xyzToV(double x, double y, double z) {
475                         return y / x;
476                     }
477                 };
478         uvTransforms[4] =
479                 new UvTransform() {
481                     @Override
482                     public double xyzToU(double x, double y, double z) {
483                         return z / y;
484                     }
486                     @Override
487                     public double xyzToV(double x, double y, double z) {
488                         return -x / y;
489                     }
490                 };
491         uvTransforms[5] =
492                 new UvTransform() {
494                     @Override
495                     public double xyzToU(double x, double y, double z) {
496                         return -y / z;
497                     }
499                     @Override
500                     public double xyzToV(double x, double y, double z) {
501                         return -x / z;
502                     }
503                 };
504         return uvTransforms;
505     }
507     @NonNull
createXyzTransforms()508     private static XyzTransform[] createXyzTransforms() {
509         XyzTransform[] xyzTransforms = new XyzTransform[NUM_FACES];
510         xyzTransforms[0] =
511                 new XyzTransform() {
513                     @Override
514                     public double uvToX(double u, double v) {
515                         return 1;
516                     }
518                     @Override
519                     public double uvToY(double u, double v) {
520                         return u;
521                     }
523                     @Override
524                     public double uvToZ(double u, double v) {
525                         return v;
526                     }
527                 };
528         xyzTransforms[1] =
529                 new XyzTransform() {
531                     @Override
532                     public double uvToX(double u, double v) {
533                         return -u;
534                     }
536                     @Override
537                     public double uvToY(double u, double v) {
538                         return 1;
539                     }
541                     @Override
542                     public double uvToZ(double u, double v) {
543                         return v;
544                     }
545                 };
546         xyzTransforms[2] =
547                 new XyzTransform() {
549                     @Override
550                     public double uvToX(double u, double v) {
551                         return -u;
552                     }
554                     @Override
555                     public double uvToY(double u, double v) {
556                         return -v;
557                     }
559                     @Override
560                     public double uvToZ(double u, double v) {
561                         return 1;
562                     }
563                 };
564         xyzTransforms[3] =
565                 new XyzTransform() {
567                     @Override
568                     public double uvToX(double u, double v) {
569                         return -1;
570                     }
572                     @Override
573                     public double uvToY(double u, double v) {
574                         return -v;
575                     }
577                     @Override
578                     public double uvToZ(double u, double v) {
579                         return -u;
580                     }
581                 };
582         xyzTransforms[4] =
583                 new XyzTransform() {
585                     @Override
586                     public double uvToX(double u, double v) {
587                         return v;
588                     }
590                     @Override
591                     public double uvToY(double u, double v) {
592                         return -1;
593                     }
595                     @Override
596                     public double uvToZ(double u, double v) {
597                         return -u;
598                     }
599                 };
600         xyzTransforms[5] =
601                 new XyzTransform() {
603                     @Override
604                     public double uvToX(double u, double v) {
605                         return v;
606                     }
608                     @Override
609                     public double uvToY(double u, double v) {
610                         return u;
611                     }
613                     @Override
614                     public double uvToZ(double u, double v) {
615                         return -1;
616                     }
617                 };
618         return xyzTransforms;
619     }
621     /**
622      * Transform from (x, y, z) coordinates to (u, v) coordinates, indexed by face. For a
623      * (x, y, z) coordinate within a face, each element of the resulting (u, v) coordinate
624      * should lie in the inclusive range [-1, 1], with the face center having a (u, v)
625      * coordinate equal to (0, 0).
626      */
627     private interface UvTransform {
629         /**
630          * Returns for the specified (x, y, z) coordinate the corresponding u-coordinate
631          * (which may lie outside the range [-1, 1]).
632          */
xyzToU(double x, double y, double z)633         double xyzToU(double x, double y, double z);
635         /**
636          * Returns for the specified (x, y, z) coordinate the corresponding v-coordinate
637          * (which may lie outside the range [-1, 1]).
638          */
xyzToV(double x, double y, double z)639         double xyzToV(double x, double y, double z);
640     }
642     /**
643      * Transform from (u, v) coordinates to (x, y, z) coordinates, indexed by face. The
644      * resulting vectors are not necessarily of unit length.
645      */
646     private interface XyzTransform {
648         /** Returns for the specified (u, v) coordinate the corresponding x-coordinate. */
uvToX(double u, double v)649         double uvToX(double u, double v);
651         /** Returns for the specified (u, v) coordinate the corresponding y-coordinate. */
uvToY(double u, double v)652         double uvToY(double u, double v);
654         /** Returns for the specified (u, v) coordinate the corresponding z-coordinate. */
uvToZ(double u, double v)655         double uvToZ(double u, double v);
656     }
657 }