1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package android.healthconnect.cts.database;
19 import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
21 import java.util.HashMap;
22 import java.util.Objects;
23 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
24 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
26 /**
27  * HealthConnectDatabaseSchemaParser takes the sql file as input in string format and stores all
28  * information about tables,corresponding columns,foreign keys and indexes of the HealthConnect
29  * database.
30  */
31 class HealthConnectDatabaseSchemaParser {
33     /**
34      * It matches one word(table name) followed by opening parenthesis followed by anything(table
35      * definitions including column definitions and foreign key definitions) followed by closing
36      * parenthesis(end of table definition).
37      */
38     public static final String CREATE_TABLE_REGEX = "(\\w+)\\s*\\((.*)\\)";
40     public static final String CHECK_CONSTRAINT_REGEX = "(?i)CHECK\\s*\\(([^)]+)\\)";
41     public static final String DEFAULT_VALUE_REGEX = "(?i)DEFAULT\\s+(\\S+)";
43     public static final String COMPOSITE_PRIMARY_KEY_REGEX =
44             "(?i)PRIMARY (?i)KEY\\s*\\(\\s*([^\\)]+)\\)";
46     /**
47      * It matches FOREIGN KEY followed by opening parenthesis followed by word (foreign key name)
48      * followed by REFERENCES followed by word(table name) followed by column names of that table
49      * and then finally flags which are optional.
50      */
51     public static final String FOREIGN_KEY_REGEX =
52             "(?i)FOREIGN (?i)KEY\\s*\\(\\s*([^\\)]+)\\)(?:\\s*(?i)REFERENCES\\s*(\\w+)\\s*\\"
53                     + "(\\s*([^\\)]+)\\))?((?: \\w+)*)?";
55     /**
56      * It matches CREATE UNIQUE(optionally) INDEX followed by word (index name) ON followed by
57      * word(table name) followed by column bounded by opening and closing parenthesis.
58      */
59     public static final String INDEX_REGEX =
60             "(?i)CREATE\\s+(?:\\s*UNIQUE\\s+)?(?i)INDEX\\s+(\\w+)\\s+(?i)ON\\s+(\\w+)\\s*\\((.*)"
61                     + "\\)";
63     public static final String WHITE_SPACE_REGEX = "\\s+";
64     public static final String CREATE_REGEX = "(?i)\\bcreate\\b";
65     public static final String INDEX_KEY_REGEX = "(?i)\\bINDEX\\b";
66     public static final String FOREIGN_REGEX = "(?i)\\bFOREIGN\\b";
67     public static final String KEY_REGEX = "(?i)\\bKEY\\b";
68     public static final String PRIMARY_REGEX = "(?i)\\bPRIMARY\\b";
69     public static final String NOT_NULL_REGEX = "(?i)\\bNOT NULL\\b";
70     public static final String AUTO_INCREMENT_REGEX = "(?i)\\bAUTOINCREMENT\\b";
71     public static final String UNIQUE_REGEX = "(?i)\\bUNIQUE\\b";
72     public static final String CHECK_REGEX = "(?i)\\bCHECK\\b";
74     /** Stores all the tables . */
getTableInfo(@onNull String inputSchema, HashMap<String, TableInfo> mTableMap)75     static void getTableInfo(@NonNull String inputSchema, HashMap<String, TableInfo> mTableMap) {
76         Objects.requireNonNull(inputSchema);
77         String sqlStatement = inputSchema;
78         /**
79          * sqlStatement string has been processed so that it can work correctly with our regex . For
80          * that we have replaced more than one whitespace with one whitespace and broken the line so
81          * that string after 'CREATE' can start from a new line.
82          */
83         sqlStatement = sqlStatement.replaceAll(WHITE_SPACE_REGEX, " ");
84         sqlStatement = sqlStatement.replaceAll(CREATE_REGEX, "\nCREATE");
85         String[] createTableStatements = sqlStatement.split("(?i)CREATE");
86         for (String statement : createTableStatements) {
88             if (statement.contains("INDEX")) continue;
89             statement = statement.replaceAll("\\bTABLE\\b", "");
90             String trimmedStatement = statement.trim();
92             if (!trimmedStatement.isEmpty()) {
94                 Pattern tablePattern = Pattern.compile(CREATE_TABLE_REGEX);
95                 Matcher tableMatcher = tablePattern.matcher(trimmedStatement);
97                 if (tableMatcher.find()) {
98                     String tableName = tableMatcher.group(1);
99                     TableInfo.Builder tableInfo = new TableInfo.Builder(tableName);
100                     String tableDefinition = tableMatcher.group(2);
101                     String[] columns = tableDefinition.split(",\\s*");
102                     for (String column : columns) {
103                         /**
104                          * Since we are splitting the column definitions from each other with the
105                          * help of comma, we will need to take care of the case when composite
106                          * foreign key is created as the columns will also be separated with
107                          * comma.So in order to identify only the valid column definitions ,we are
108                          * adding a small check to ensure that we consider only that part in which
109                          * either both opening and closing parenthesis are present or none of them
110                          * are present. e.g.: Suppose we have a composite foreign key as FOREIGN
111                          * KEY(col1,col2,col3) REFERENCES table(pk1,ok2,pk3) So in this case, when
112                          * we will split with comma ,the parts will be: FOREIGN KEY (col1 {ignored
113                          * as we have only opening parenthesis} col2 col3 ) REFERENCES table(pk1
114                          * {ignored as we have closing parenthesis before opening}
115                          */
116                         int first = column.indexOf('('), second = column.indexOf(')');
117                         if ((first == -1 && second != -1)
118                                 || (first != -1 && second == -1)
119                                 || (first > second)) {
120                             continue;
121                         } else {
122                             String[] parts = column.trim().split("\\s+");
124                             if (parts.length > 0
125                                     && ((parts[0].equals("FOREIGN"))
126                                             || parts[0].equals("PRIMARY"))) {
127                                 continue;
128                             } else if (parts.length >= 2) {
129                                 String columnName = parts[0];
130                                 String dataType = parts[1];
131                                 String defaultValue = null;
132                                 Pattern defaultPattern = Pattern.compile(DEFAULT_VALUE_REGEX);
133                                 Matcher defaultMatcher = defaultPattern.matcher(column);
134                                 if (defaultMatcher.find()) {
135                                     defaultValue = defaultMatcher.group(1);
136                                 }
137                                 ColumnInfo.Builder col =
138                                         new ColumnInfo.Builder(columnName, dataType);
139                                 col.setDefaultValue(defaultValue);
141                                 boolean isUnique = column.contains("UNIQUE");
142                                 if (isUnique) {
143                                     col.addConstraint(ColumnInfo.UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT);
144                                 }
146                                 boolean isNotNull = column.contains("NOT NULL");
147                                 if (isNotNull) {
148                                     col.addConstraint(ColumnInfo.NOT_NULL_CONSTRAINT);
149                                 }
151                                 boolean hasAutoIncrement = column.contains("AUTOINCREMENT");
152                                 if (hasAutoIncrement) {
153                                     col.addConstraint(ColumnInfo.AUTO_INCREMENT_CONSTRAINT);
154                                 }
155                                 if (column.contains("PRIMARY KEY")) {
156                                     tableInfo.addPrimaryKeyColumn(columnName);
157                                 }
158                                 if (column.contains("CHECK")) {
159                                     Pattern checkPattern = Pattern.compile(CHECK_CONSTRAINT_REGEX);
160                                     Matcher checkMatcher = checkPattern.matcher(column);
161                                     if (checkMatcher.find()) {
162                                         String checkConstraint = checkMatcher.group(1);
163                                         col.addCheckConstraint(checkConstraint);
164                                     }
165                                 }
166                                 tableInfo.addColumnInfoMapping(columnName, col.build());
167                             }
168                         }
169                     }
170                     /** Regular expression for composite Primary Key */
171                     Pattern primaryKeyPattern = Pattern.compile(COMPOSITE_PRIMARY_KEY_REGEX);
172                     Matcher primaryKeyMatcher = primaryKeyPattern.matcher(trimmedStatement);
173                     while (primaryKeyMatcher.find()) {
174                         String pkColumns = primaryKeyMatcher.group(1);
175                         String[] pkColumnList = pkColumns.split(",");
176                         for (String primaryKeyColumn : pkColumnList) {
177                             tableInfo.addPrimaryKeyColumn(primaryKeyColumn);
178                         }
179                     }
181                     Pattern foreignKeyPattern = Pattern.compile(FOREIGN_KEY_REGEX);
182                     Matcher foreignKeyMatcher = foreignKeyPattern.matcher(trimmedStatement);
183                     while (foreignKeyMatcher.find()) {
184                         String columnNames = foreignKeyMatcher.group(1);
185                         String referencedTable = foreignKeyMatcher.group(2);
186                         String referencedPrimaryKey = foreignKeyMatcher.group(3);
187                         String sqlForeignKeyStatement = foreignKeyMatcher.group();
188                         String[] foreignColumn = columnNames.split(",");
190                         if (referencedTable != null) {
191                             String[] referencedPk = referencedPrimaryKey.split(",");
192                             for (int i = 0; i < foreignColumn.length; i++) {
193                                 addForeignKeyInfo(
194                                         tableInfo,
195                                         foreignColumn[i],
196                                         referencedTable,
197                                         referencedPk[i],
198                                         sqlForeignKeyStatement);
199                             }
200                         } else {
201                             for (String foreignKey : foreignColumn) {
202                                 addForeignKeyInfo(tableInfo, foreignKey, null, null, null);
203                             }
204                         }
205                     }
206                     mTableMap.put(tableName, tableInfo.build());
207                 }
208             }
209         }
210     }
212     /** Stores all the corresponding indexes of a table. */
getIndexInfo(@onNull String inputSchema, HashMap<String, TableInfo> mTableMap)213     static void getIndexInfo(@NonNull String inputSchema, HashMap<String, TableInfo> mTableMap) {
214         String sqlStatement = inputSchema;
215         sqlStatement = sqlStatement.replaceAll(WHITE_SPACE_REGEX, " ");
216         sqlStatement = sqlStatement.replaceAll(CREATE_REGEX, "\nCREATE");
218         Pattern indexPattern = Pattern.compile(INDEX_REGEX);
219         Matcher indexMatcher = indexPattern.matcher(sqlStatement);
221         while (indexMatcher.find()) {
222             boolean uniqueFlag = (indexMatcher.group().contains("UNIQUE"));
223             String indexName = indexMatcher.group(1);
224             String tableName = indexMatcher.group(2);
225             String columnList = indexMatcher.group(3);
226             IndexInfo.Builder indexInfo = new IndexInfo.Builder(indexName, tableName);
227             indexInfo.setUniqueFlag(uniqueFlag);
228             String[] columns = columnList.split("\\s*,\\s*");
230             for (String column : columns) {
231                 indexInfo.addIndexCols(column);
232             }
233             TableInfo table1 = mTableMap.get(tableName);
234             table1.getIndexInfoMapping().put(indexName, indexInfo.build());
235         }
236     }
238     /** Populate the HashMap of HealthConnect database Schema. */
getSchemaMap(@onNull String inputSchema)239     public static HashMap<String, TableInfo> getSchemaMap(@NonNull String inputSchema) {
240         Objects.requireNonNull(inputSchema);
241         HashMap<String, TableInfo> mTableMap = new HashMap<>();
242         inputSchema = convertToUpperCase(inputSchema);
243         getTableInfo(inputSchema, mTableMap);
244         getIndexInfo(inputSchema, mTableMap);
245         return mTableMap;
246     }
248     /**
249      * Checks the flags that are being used in the table while creating the foreign key and adds
250      * those flags to the flag list of the ForeignKeyInfo.
251      */
setForeignKeyFlags( String sqlForeignKeyStatement, ForeignKeyInfo.Builder foreignKeyInfo)252     static void setForeignKeyFlags(
253             String sqlForeignKeyStatement, ForeignKeyInfo.Builder foreignKeyInfo) {
254         if (sqlForeignKeyStatement == null) {
255             return;
256         }
257         sqlForeignKeyStatement = sqlForeignKeyStatement.toUpperCase();
259         if (sqlForeignKeyStatement.contains("ON DELETE CASCADE")) {
260             foreignKeyInfo.addFlag(ForeignKeyInfo.ON_DELETE_CASCADE);
261         }
262         if (sqlForeignKeyStatement.contains("ON DELETE SET NULL")) {
263             foreignKeyInfo.addFlag(ForeignKeyInfo.ON_DELETE_SET_NULL);
264         }
265         if (sqlForeignKeyStatement.contains("ON DELETE SET DEFAULT")) {
266             foreignKeyInfo.addFlag(ForeignKeyInfo.ON_DELETE_SET_DEFAULT);
267         }
268         if (sqlForeignKeyStatement.contains("ON DELETE RESTRICT")) {
269             foreignKeyInfo.addFlag(ForeignKeyInfo.ON_DELETE_RESTRICT);
270         }
271         if (sqlForeignKeyStatement.contains("ON UPDATE CASCADE")) {
272             foreignKeyInfo.addFlag(ForeignKeyInfo.ON_UPDATE_CASCADE);
273         }
274         if (sqlForeignKeyStatement.contains("ON UPDATE SET NULL")) {
275             foreignKeyInfo.addFlag(ForeignKeyInfo.ON_UPDATE_SET_NULL);
276         }
277         if (sqlForeignKeyStatement.contains("ON UPDATE SET DEFAULT")) {
278             foreignKeyInfo.addFlag(ForeignKeyInfo.ON_UPDATE_SET_DEFAULT);
279         }
280         if (sqlForeignKeyStatement.contains("ON UPDATE RESTRICT")) {
281             foreignKeyInfo.addFlag(ForeignKeyInfo.ON_UPDATE_RESTRICT);
282         }
283         if (sqlForeignKeyStatement.contains("DEFERRABLE")) {
284             foreignKeyInfo.addFlag(ForeignKeyInfo.DEFERRABLE_FLAG);
285         }
286         if (sqlForeignKeyStatement.contains("INITIALLY DEFERRED")) {
287             foreignKeyInfo.addFlag(ForeignKeyInfo.INITIALLY_DEFERRED);
288         }
289     }
convertToUpperCase(String inputSchema)291     public static String convertToUpperCase(String inputSchema) {
293         inputSchema = inputSchema.replaceAll(INDEX_KEY_REGEX, "INDEX");
294         inputSchema = inputSchema.replaceAll(FOREIGN_REGEX, "FOREIGN");
295         inputSchema = inputSchema.replaceAll(KEY_REGEX, "KEY");
296         inputSchema = inputSchema.replaceAll(PRIMARY_REGEX, "PRIMARY");
297         inputSchema = inputSchema.replaceAll(UNIQUE_REGEX, "UNIQUE");
298         inputSchema = inputSchema.replaceAll(NOT_NULL_REGEX, "NOT NULL");
299         inputSchema = inputSchema.replaceAll(AUTO_INCREMENT_REGEX, "AUTOINCREMENT");
300         inputSchema = inputSchema.replaceAll(CHECK_REGEX, "CHECK");
301         return inputSchema;
302     }
addForeignKeyInfo( TableInfo.Builder tableInfo, String foreignKeyColumn, String referencedTable, String referencedPrimaryKey, String sqlForeignKeyStatement)304     public static void addForeignKeyInfo(
305             TableInfo.Builder tableInfo,
306             String foreignKeyColumn,
307             String referencedTable,
308             String referencedPrimaryKey,
309             String sqlForeignKeyStatement) {
310         ForeignKeyInfo.Builder foreignKeyInfo =
311                 new ForeignKeyInfo.Builder(foreignKeyColumn, referencedTable, referencedPrimaryKey);
312         if (sqlForeignKeyStatement != null) {
313             setForeignKeyFlags(sqlForeignKeyStatement, foreignKeyInfo);
314         }
316         tableInfo.addForeignKeyInfoMapping(foreignKeyColumn, foreignKeyInfo.build());
317     }
318 }