1 package android.platform.test.rule
3 /** Checks if the class, or any of its superclasses, have [annotation]. */
hasAnnotationnull4 fun <T> Class<T>?.hasAnnotation(annotation: Class<out Annotation>): Boolean =
5     getLowestAncestorClassAnnotation(this, annotation) != null
7 /**
8  * Return the lowest ancestor annotation matching [annotationClass].
9  *
10  * This assumes that a class is an ancestor of itself.
11  */
12 fun <T, V : Annotation> getLowestAncestorClassAnnotation(
13     testClass: Class<T>?,
14     annotationClass: Class<V>,
15 ): V? {
16     return if (testClass == null) {
17         null
18     } else {
19         testClass.getAnnotation(annotationClass)
20             ?: getLowestAncestorClassAnnotation(testClass.superclass, annotationClass)
21     }
22 }