1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #pragma once
19 #include "AnrTracker.h"
20 #include "CancelationOptions.h"
21 #include "DragState.h"
22 #include "Entry.h"
23 #include "FocusResolver.h"
24 #include "InjectionState.h"
25 #include "InputDispatcherConfiguration.h"
26 #include "InputDispatcherInterface.h"
27 #include "InputDispatcherPolicyInterface.h"
28 #include "InputTarget.h"
29 #include "InputThread.h"
30 #include "LatencyAggregator.h"
31 #include "LatencyTracker.h"
32 #include "Monitor.h"
33 #include "TouchState.h"
34 #include "TouchedWindow.h"
35 #include "trace/InputTracerInterface.h"
36 #include "trace/InputTracingBackendInterface.h"
38 #include <attestation/HmacKeyManager.h>
39 #include <gui/InputApplication.h>
40 #include <gui/WindowInfosUpdate.h>
41 #include <input/Input.h>
42 #include <input/InputTransport.h>
43 #include <limits.h>
44 #include <powermanager/PowerManager.h>
45 #include <stddef.h>
46 #include <unistd.h>
47 #include <utils/BitSet.h>
48 #include <utils/Looper.h>
49 #include <utils/Timers.h>
50 #include <utils/threads.h>
51 #include <bitset>
52 #include <condition_variable>
53 #include <deque>
54 #include <optional>
55 #include <unordered_map>
56 #include <unordered_set>
58 #include <InputListener.h>
59 #include <InputReporterInterface.h>
60 #include <gui/WindowInfosListener.h>
62 namespace android::inputdispatcher {
64 class Connection;
66 /* Dispatches events to input targets.  Some functions of the input dispatcher, such as
67  * identifying input targets, are controlled by a separate policy object.
68  *
70  *     Because the policy can potentially block or cause re-entrance into the input dispatcher,
71  *     the input dispatcher never calls into the policy while holding its internal locks.
72  *     The implementation is also carefully designed to recover from scenarios such as an
73  *     input channel becoming unregistered while identifying input targets or processing timeouts.
74  *
75  *     Methods marked 'Locked' must be called with the lock acquired.
76  *
77  *     Methods marked 'LockedInterruptible' must be called with the lock acquired but
78  *     may during the course of their execution release the lock, call into the policy, and
79  *     then reacquire the lock.  The caller is responsible for recovering gracefully.
80  *
81  *     A 'LockedInterruptible' method may called a 'Locked' method, but NOT vice-versa.
82  */
83 class InputDispatcher : public android::InputDispatcherInterface {
84 public:
85     static constexpr bool kDefaultInTouchMode = true;
87     explicit InputDispatcher(InputDispatcherPolicyInterface& policy);
88     // Constructor used for testing.
89     explicit InputDispatcher(InputDispatcherPolicyInterface&,
90                              std::unique_ptr<trace::InputTracingBackendInterface>);
91     ~InputDispatcher() override;
93     void dump(std::string& dump) const override;
94     void monitor() override;
95     bool waitForIdle() const override;
96     status_t start() override;
97     status_t stop() override;
99     void notifyInputDevicesChanged(const NotifyInputDevicesChangedArgs& args) override;
100     void notifyConfigurationChanged(const NotifyConfigurationChangedArgs& args) override;
101     void notifyKey(const NotifyKeyArgs& args) override;
102     void notifyMotion(const NotifyMotionArgs& args) override;
103     void notifySwitch(const NotifySwitchArgs& args) override;
104     void notifySensor(const NotifySensorArgs& args) override;
105     void notifyVibratorState(const NotifyVibratorStateArgs& args) override;
106     void notifyDeviceReset(const NotifyDeviceResetArgs& args) override;
107     void notifyPointerCaptureChanged(const NotifyPointerCaptureChangedArgs& args) override;
109     android::os::InputEventInjectionResult injectInputEvent(
110             const InputEvent* event, std::optional<gui::Uid> targetUid,
111             android::os::InputEventInjectionSync syncMode, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout,
112             uint32_t policyFlags) override;
114     std::unique_ptr<VerifiedInputEvent> verifyInputEvent(const InputEvent& event) override;
116     void setFocusedApplication(
117             ui::LogicalDisplayId displayId,
118             const std::shared_ptr<InputApplicationHandle>& inputApplicationHandle) override;
119     void setFocusedDisplay(ui::LogicalDisplayId displayId) override;
120     void setMinTimeBetweenUserActivityPokes(std::chrono::milliseconds interval) override;
121     void setInputDispatchMode(bool enabled, bool frozen) override;
122     void setInputFilterEnabled(bool enabled) override;
123     bool setInTouchMode(bool inTouchMode, gui::Pid pid, gui::Uid uid, bool hasPermission,
124                         ui::LogicalDisplayId displayId) override;
125     void setMaximumObscuringOpacityForTouch(float opacity) override;
127     bool transferTouchGesture(const sp<IBinder>& fromToken, const sp<IBinder>& toToken,
128                               bool isDragDrop = false) override;
129     bool transferTouchOnDisplay(const sp<IBinder>& destChannelToken,
130                                 ui::LogicalDisplayId displayId) override;
132     base::Result<std::unique_ptr<InputChannel>> createInputChannel(
133             const std::string& name) override;
134     void setFocusedWindow(const android::gui::FocusRequest&) override;
135     base::Result<std::unique_ptr<InputChannel>> createInputMonitor(ui::LogicalDisplayId displayId,
136                                                                    const std::string& name,
137                                                                    gui::Pid pid) override;
138     status_t removeInputChannel(const sp<IBinder>& connectionToken) override;
139     status_t pilferPointers(const sp<IBinder>& token) override;
140     void requestPointerCapture(const sp<IBinder>& windowToken, bool enabled) override;
141     bool flushSensor(int deviceId, InputDeviceSensorType sensorType) override;
142     void setDisplayEligibilityForPointerCapture(ui::LogicalDisplayId displayId,
143                                                 bool isEligible) override;
145     std::array<uint8_t, 32> sign(const VerifiedInputEvent& event) const;
147     void displayRemoved(ui::LogicalDisplayId displayId) override;
149     // Public because it's also used by tests to simulate the WindowInfosListener callback
150     void onWindowInfosChanged(const gui::WindowInfosUpdate&);
152     void cancelCurrentTouch() override;
154     // Public to allow tests to verify that a Monitor can get ANR.
155     void setMonitorDispatchingTimeoutForTest(std::chrono::nanoseconds timeout);
157     void setKeyRepeatConfiguration(std::chrono::nanoseconds timeout,
158                                    std::chrono::nanoseconds delay) override;
160     bool isPointerInWindow(const sp<IBinder>& token, ui::LogicalDisplayId displayId,
161                            DeviceId deviceId, int32_t pointerId) override;
163     void setInputMethodConnectionIsActive(bool isActive) override;
165 private:
166     enum class DropReason {
167         NOT_DROPPED,
168         POLICY,
169         DISABLED,
170         BLOCKED,
171         STALE,
173     };
175     std::unique_ptr<InputThread> mThread;
177     InputDispatcherPolicyInterface& mPolicy;
178     android::InputDispatcherConfiguration mConfig GUARDED_BY(mLock);
180     mutable std::mutex mLock;
182     std::condition_variable mDispatcherIsAlive;
183     mutable std::condition_variable mDispatcherEnteredIdle;
185     // Input event tracer. The tracer will only exist on builds where input tracing is allowed.
186     std::unique_ptr<trace::InputTracerInterface> mTracer GUARDED_BY(mLock);
188     sp<Looper> mLooper;
190     std::shared_ptr<const EventEntry> mPendingEvent GUARDED_BY(mLock);
191     std::deque<std::shared_ptr<const EventEntry>> mInboundQueue GUARDED_BY(mLock);
192     std::deque<std::shared_ptr<const EventEntry>> mRecentQueue GUARDED_BY(mLock);
194     // A command entry captures state and behavior for an action to be performed in the
195     // dispatch loop after the initial processing has taken place.  It is essentially
196     // a kind of continuation used to postpone sensitive policy interactions to a point
197     // in the dispatch loop where it is safe to release the lock (generally after finishing
198     // the critical parts of the dispatch cycle).
199     //
200     // The special thing about commands is that they can voluntarily release and reacquire
201     // the dispatcher lock at will.  Initially when the command starts running, the
202     // dispatcher lock is held.  However, if the command needs to call into the policy to
203     // do some work, it can release the lock, do the work, then reacquire the lock again
204     // before returning.
205     //
206     // This mechanism is a bit clunky but it helps to preserve the invariant that the dispatch
207     // never calls into the policy while holding its lock.
208     //
209     // Commands are called with the lock held, but they can release and re-acquire the lock from
210     // within.
211     using Command = std::function<void()>;
212     std::deque<Command> mCommandQueue GUARDED_BY(mLock);
214     DropReason mLastDropReason GUARDED_BY(mLock);
216     const IdGenerator mIdGenerator GUARDED_BY(mLock);
218     int64_t mWindowInfosVsyncId GUARDED_BY(mLock);
220     std::chrono::milliseconds mMinTimeBetweenUserActivityPokes GUARDED_BY(mLock);
222     /** Stores the latest user-activity poke event times per user activity types. */
223     std::array<nsecs_t, USER_ACTIVITY_EVENT_LAST + 1> mLastUserActivityTimes GUARDED_BY(mLock);
225     // With each iteration, InputDispatcher nominally processes one queued event,
226     // a timeout, or a response from an input consumer.
227     // This method should only be called on the input dispatcher's own thread.
228     void dispatchOnce();
230     void dispatchOnceInnerLocked(nsecs_t& nextWakeupTime) REQUIRES(mLock);
232     // Enqueues an inbound event.  Returns true if mLooper->wake() should be called.
233     bool enqueueInboundEventLocked(std::unique_ptr<EventEntry> entry) REQUIRES(mLock);
235     // Cleans up input state when dropping an inbound event.
236     void dropInboundEventLocked(const EventEntry& entry, DropReason dropReason) REQUIRES(mLock);
238     // Enqueues a focus event.
239     void enqueueFocusEventLocked(const sp<IBinder>& windowToken, bool hasFocus,
240                                  const std::string& reason) REQUIRES(mLock);
241     // Enqueues a drag event.
242     void enqueueDragEventLocked(const sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle>& windowToken,
243                                 bool isExiting, const int32_t rawX, const int32_t rawY)
244             REQUIRES(mLock);
246     // Adds an event to a queue of recent events for debugging purposes.
247     void addRecentEventLocked(std::shared_ptr<const EventEntry> entry) REQUIRES(mLock);
249     // Blocked event latency optimization.  Drops old events when the user intends
250     // to transfer focus to a new application.
251     std::shared_ptr<const EventEntry> mNextUnblockedEvent GUARDED_BY(mLock);
253     sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle> findTouchedWindowAtLocked(
254             ui::LogicalDisplayId displayId, float x, float y, bool isStylus = false,
255             bool ignoreDragWindow = false) const REQUIRES(mLock);
256     std::vector<InputTarget> findOutsideTargetsLocked(
257             ui::LogicalDisplayId displayId, const sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle>& touchedWindow,
258             int32_t pointerId) const REQUIRES(mLock);
260     std::vector<sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle>> findTouchedSpyWindowsAtLocked(
261             ui::LogicalDisplayId displayId, float x, float y, bool isStylus) const REQUIRES(mLock);
263     sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle> findTouchedForegroundWindowLocked(
264             ui::LogicalDisplayId displayId) const REQUIRES(mLock);
266     std::shared_ptr<Connection> getConnectionLocked(const sp<IBinder>& inputConnectionToken) const
267             REQUIRES(mLock);
269     std::string getConnectionNameLocked(const sp<IBinder>& connectionToken) const REQUIRES(mLock);
271     void removeConnectionLocked(const std::shared_ptr<Connection>& connection) REQUIRES(mLock);
273     status_t pilferPointersLocked(const sp<IBinder>& token) REQUIRES(mLock);
275     template <typename T>
276     struct StrongPointerHash {
operatorStrongPointerHash277         std::size_t operator()(const sp<T>& b) const { return std::hash<T*>{}(b.get()); }
278     };
280     // All registered connections mapped by input channel token.
281     std::unordered_map<sp<IBinder>, std::shared_ptr<Connection>, StrongPointerHash<IBinder>>
282             mConnectionsByToken GUARDED_BY(mLock);
284     // Find a monitor pid by the provided token.
285     std::optional<gui::Pid> findMonitorPidByTokenLocked(const sp<IBinder>& token) REQUIRES(mLock);
287     // Input channels that will receive a copy of all input events sent to the provided display.
288     std::unordered_map<ui::LogicalDisplayId, std::vector<Monitor>> mGlobalMonitorsByDisplay
289             GUARDED_BY(mLock);
291     const HmacKeyManager mHmacKeyManager;
292     const std::array<uint8_t, 32> getSignature(const MotionEntry& motionEntry,
293                                                const DispatchEntry& dispatchEntry) const;
294     const std::array<uint8_t, 32> getSignature(const KeyEntry& keyEntry,
295                                                const DispatchEntry& dispatchEntry) const;
297     // Event injection and synchronization.
298     std::condition_variable mInjectionResultAvailable;
299     void setInjectionResult(const EventEntry& entry,
300                             android::os::InputEventInjectionResult injectionResult);
301     void transformMotionEntryForInjectionLocked(MotionEntry&,
302                                                 const ui::Transform& injectedTransform) const
303             REQUIRES(mLock);
304     // Per-display correction of injected events
305     std::map<android::ui::LogicalDisplayId, InputVerifier> mInputFilterVerifiersByDisplay
306             GUARDED_BY(mLock);
307     std::condition_variable mInjectionSyncFinished;
308     void incrementPendingForegroundDispatches(const EventEntry& entry);
309     void decrementPendingForegroundDispatches(const EventEntry& entry);
311     // Key repeat tracking.
312     struct KeyRepeatState {
313         std::shared_ptr<const KeyEntry> lastKeyEntry; // or null if no repeat
314         nsecs_t nextRepeatTime;
315     } mKeyRepeatState GUARDED_BY(mLock);
317     void resetKeyRepeatLocked() REQUIRES(mLock);
318     std::shared_ptr<KeyEntry> synthesizeKeyRepeatLocked(nsecs_t currentTime) REQUIRES(mLock);
320     // Deferred command processing.
321     bool haveCommandsLocked() const REQUIRES(mLock);
322     bool runCommandsLockedInterruptable() REQUIRES(mLock);
323     void postCommandLocked(Command&& command) REQUIRES(mLock);
325     // The dispatching timeout to use for Monitors.
326     std::chrono::nanoseconds mMonitorDispatchingTimeout GUARDED_BY(mLock);
328     nsecs_t processAnrsLocked() REQUIRES(mLock);
329     std::chrono::nanoseconds getDispatchingTimeoutLocked(
330             const std::shared_ptr<Connection>& connection) REQUIRES(mLock);
332     // Input filter processing.
333     bool shouldSendKeyToInputFilterLocked(const NotifyKeyArgs& args) REQUIRES(mLock);
334     bool shouldSendMotionToInputFilterLocked(const NotifyMotionArgs& args) REQUIRES(mLock);
336     // Inbound event processing.
337     void drainInboundQueueLocked() REQUIRES(mLock);
338     void releasePendingEventLocked() REQUIRES(mLock);
339     void releaseInboundEventLocked(std::shared_ptr<const EventEntry> entry) REQUIRES(mLock);
341     // Dispatch state.
342     bool mDispatchEnabled GUARDED_BY(mLock);
343     bool mDispatchFrozen GUARDED_BY(mLock);
344     bool mInputFilterEnabled GUARDED_BY(mLock);
345     float mMaximumObscuringOpacityForTouch GUARDED_BY(mLock);
347     // This map is not really needed, but it helps a lot with debugging (dumpsys input).
348     // In the java layer, touch mode states are spread across multiple DisplayContent objects,
349     // making harder to snapshot and retrieve them.
350     std::map<ui::LogicalDisplayId /*displayId*/, bool /*inTouchMode*/> mTouchModePerDisplay
351             GUARDED_BY(mLock);
353     class DispatcherWindowListener : public gui::WindowInfosListener {
354     public:
DispatcherWindowListener(InputDispatcher & dispatcher)355         explicit DispatcherWindowListener(InputDispatcher& dispatcher) : mDispatcher(dispatcher){};
356         void onWindowInfosChanged(const gui::WindowInfosUpdate&) override;
358     private:
359         InputDispatcher& mDispatcher;
360     };
361     sp<gui::WindowInfosListener> mWindowInfoListener;
363     std::unordered_map<ui::LogicalDisplayId /*displayId*/,
364                        std::vector<sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle>>>
365             mWindowHandlesByDisplay GUARDED_BY(mLock);
366     std::unordered_map<ui::LogicalDisplayId /*displayId*/, android::gui::DisplayInfo> mDisplayInfos
367             GUARDED_BY(mLock);
368     void setInputWindowsLocked(
369             const std::vector<sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle>>& inputWindowHandles,
370             ui::LogicalDisplayId displayId) REQUIRES(mLock);
371     // Get a reference to window handles by display, return an empty vector if not found.
372     const std::vector<sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle>>& getWindowHandlesLocked(
373             ui::LogicalDisplayId displayId) const REQUIRES(mLock);
374     ui::Transform getTransformLocked(ui::LogicalDisplayId displayId) const REQUIRES(mLock);
376     sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle> getWindowHandleLocked(
377             const sp<IBinder>& windowHandleToken,
378             std::optional<ui::LogicalDisplayId> displayId = {}) const REQUIRES(mLock);
379     sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle> getWindowHandleLocked(
380             const sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle>& windowHandle) const REQUIRES(mLock);
381     sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle> getFocusedWindowHandleLocked(
382             ui::LogicalDisplayId displayId) const REQUIRES(mLock);
383     bool canWindowReceiveMotionLocked(const sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle>& window,
384                                       const MotionEntry& motionEntry) const REQUIRES(mLock);
386     // Returns all the input targets (with their respective input channels) from the window handles
387     // passed as argument.
388     std::vector<InputTarget> getInputTargetsFromWindowHandlesLocked(
389             const std::vector<sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle>>& windowHandles) const
390             REQUIRES(mLock);
392     /*
393      * Validate and update InputWindowHandles for a given display.
394      */
395     void updateWindowHandlesForDisplayLocked(
396             const std::vector<sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle>>& inputWindowHandles,
397             ui::LogicalDisplayId displayId) REQUIRES(mLock);
399     std::unordered_map<ui::LogicalDisplayId /*displayId*/, TouchState> mTouchStatesByDisplay
400             GUARDED_BY(mLock);
401     std::unique_ptr<DragState> mDragState GUARDED_BY(mLock);
403     void setFocusedApplicationLocked(
404             ui::LogicalDisplayId displayId,
405             const std::shared_ptr<InputApplicationHandle>& inputApplicationHandle) REQUIRES(mLock);
406     // Focused applications.
407     std::unordered_map<ui::LogicalDisplayId /*displayId*/, std::shared_ptr<InputApplicationHandle>>
408             mFocusedApplicationHandlesByDisplay GUARDED_BY(mLock);
410     // Top focused display.
411     ui::LogicalDisplayId mFocusedDisplayId GUARDED_BY(mLock);
413     // Keeps track of the focused window per display and determines focus changes.
414     FocusResolver mFocusResolver GUARDED_BY(mLock);
416     // The enabled state of this request is true iff the focused window on the focused display has
417     // requested Pointer Capture. This request also contains the sequence number associated with the
418     // current request. The state of this variable should always be in sync with the state of
419     // Pointer Capture in the policy, and is only updated through setPointerCaptureLocked(request).
420     PointerCaptureRequest mCurrentPointerCaptureRequest GUARDED_BY(mLock);
422     // The window token that has Pointer Capture.
423     // This should be in sync with PointerCaptureChangedEvents dispatched to the input channel.
424     sp<IBinder> mWindowTokenWithPointerCapture GUARDED_BY(mLock);
426     // Displays that are ineligible for pointer capture.
427     // TODO(b/214621487): Remove or move to a display flag.
428     std::vector<ui::LogicalDisplayId /*displayId*/> mIneligibleDisplaysForPointerCapture
429             GUARDED_BY(mLock);
431     // Disable Pointer Capture as a result of loss of window focus.
432     void disablePointerCaptureForcedLocked() REQUIRES(mLock);
434     // Set the Pointer Capture state in the Policy.
435     // The window is not nullptr for requests to enable, otherwise it is nullptr.
436     void setPointerCaptureLocked(const sp<IBinder>& window) REQUIRES(mLock);
438     // Dispatcher state at time of last ANR.
439     std::string mLastAnrState GUARDED_BY(mLock);
441     // The connection tokens of the channels that the user last interacted (used for debugging and
442     // when switching touch mode state).
443     std::unordered_set<sp<IBinder>, StrongPointerHash<IBinder>> mInteractionConnectionTokens
444             GUARDED_BY(mLock);
445     void processInteractionsLocked(const EventEntry& entry, const std::vector<InputTarget>& targets)
446             REQUIRES(mLock);
448     // Dispatch inbound events.
449     bool dispatchConfigurationChangedLocked(nsecs_t currentTime,
450                                             const ConfigurationChangedEntry& entry) REQUIRES(mLock);
451     bool dispatchDeviceResetLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, const DeviceResetEntry& entry)
452             REQUIRES(mLock);
453     bool dispatchKeyLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, std::shared_ptr<const KeyEntry> entry,
454                            DropReason* dropReason, nsecs_t& nextWakeupTime) REQUIRES(mLock);
455     bool dispatchMotionLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, std::shared_ptr<const MotionEntry> entry,
456                               DropReason* dropReason, nsecs_t& nextWakeupTime) REQUIRES(mLock);
457     void dispatchFocusLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, std::shared_ptr<const FocusEntry> entry)
458             REQUIRES(mLock);
459     void dispatchPointerCaptureChangedLocked(
460             nsecs_t currentTime, const std::shared_ptr<const PointerCaptureChangedEntry>& entry,
461             DropReason& dropReason) REQUIRES(mLock);
462     void dispatchTouchModeChangeLocked(nsecs_t currentTime,
463                                        const std::shared_ptr<const TouchModeEntry>& entry)
464             REQUIRES(mLock);
465     void dispatchEventLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, std::shared_ptr<const EventEntry> entry,
466                              const std::vector<InputTarget>& inputTargets) REQUIRES(mLock);
467     void dispatchSensorLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, const std::shared_ptr<const SensorEntry>& entry,
468                               DropReason* dropReason, nsecs_t& nextWakeupTime) REQUIRES(mLock);
469     void dispatchDragLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, std::shared_ptr<const DragEntry> entry)
470             REQUIRES(mLock);
471     void logOutboundKeyDetails(const char* prefix, const KeyEntry& entry);
472     void logOutboundMotionDetails(const char* prefix, const MotionEntry& entry);
474     /**
475      * This field is set if there is no focused window, and we have an event that requires
476      * a focused window to be dispatched (for example, a KeyEvent).
477      * When this happens, we will wait until *mNoFocusedWindowTimeoutTime before
478      * dropping the event and raising an ANR for that application.
479      * This is useful if an application is slow to add a focused window.
480      */
481     std::optional<nsecs_t> mNoFocusedWindowTimeoutTime GUARDED_BY(mLock);
483     bool isStaleEvent(nsecs_t currentTime, const EventEntry& entry);
485     bool shouldPruneInboundQueueLocked(const MotionEntry& motionEntry) const REQUIRES(mLock);
487     /**
488      * Time to stop waiting for the events to be processed while trying to dispatch a key.
489      * When this time expires, we just send the pending key event to the currently focused window,
490      * without waiting on other events to be processed first.
491      */
492     std::optional<nsecs_t> mKeyIsWaitingForEventsTimeout GUARDED_BY(mLock);
493     bool shouldWaitToSendKeyLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, const char* focusedWindowName)
494             REQUIRES(mLock);
496     /**
497      * The focused application at the time when no focused window was present.
498      * Used to raise an ANR when we have no focused window.
499      */
500     std::shared_ptr<InputApplicationHandle> mAwaitedFocusedApplication GUARDED_BY(mLock);
501     /**
502      * The displayId that the focused application is associated with.
503      */
504     ui::LogicalDisplayId mAwaitedApplicationDisplayId GUARDED_BY(mLock);
505     void processNoFocusedWindowAnrLocked() REQUIRES(mLock);
507     /**
508      * Tell policy about a window or a monitor that just became unresponsive. Starts ANR.
509      */
510     void processConnectionUnresponsiveLocked(const Connection& connection, std::string reason)
511             REQUIRES(mLock);
512     /**
513      * Tell policy about a window or a monitor that just became responsive.
514      */
515     void processConnectionResponsiveLocked(const Connection& connection) REQUIRES(mLock);
517     void sendWindowUnresponsiveCommandLocked(const sp<IBinder>& connectionToken,
518                                              std::optional<gui::Pid> pid, std::string reason)
519             REQUIRES(mLock);
520     void sendWindowResponsiveCommandLocked(const sp<IBinder>& connectionToken,
521                                            std::optional<gui::Pid> pid) REQUIRES(mLock);
523     // Optimization: AnrTracker is used to quickly find which connection is due for a timeout next.
524     // AnrTracker must be kept in-sync with all responsive connection.waitQueues.
525     // If a connection is not responsive, then the entries should not be added to the AnrTracker.
526     // Once a connection becomes unresponsive, its entries are removed from AnrTracker to
527     // prevent unneeded wakeups.
528     AnrTracker mAnrTracker GUARDED_BY(mLock);
530     void cancelEventsForAnrLocked(const std::shared_ptr<Connection>& connection) REQUIRES(mLock);
531     // If a focused application changes, we should stop counting down the "no focused window" time,
532     // because we will have no way of knowing when the previous application actually added a window.
533     // This also means that we will miss cases like pulling down notification shade when the
534     // focused application does not have a focused window (no ANR will be raised if notification
535     // shade is pulled down while we are counting down the timeout).
536     void resetNoFocusedWindowTimeoutLocked() REQUIRES(mLock);
538     ui::LogicalDisplayId getTargetDisplayId(const EventEntry& entry);
539     sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle> findFocusedWindowTargetLocked(
540             nsecs_t currentTime, const EventEntry& entry, nsecs_t& nextWakeupTime,
541             android::os::InputEventInjectionResult& outInjectionResult) REQUIRES(mLock);
542     std::vector<InputTarget> findTouchedWindowTargetsLocked(
543             nsecs_t currentTime, const MotionEntry& entry,
544             android::os::InputEventInjectionResult& outInjectionResult) REQUIRES(mLock);
545     std::vector<Monitor> selectResponsiveMonitorsLocked(
546             const std::vector<Monitor>& gestureMonitors) const REQUIRES(mLock);
548     std::optional<InputTarget> createInputTargetLocked(
549             const sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle>& windowHandle,
550             InputTarget::DispatchMode dispatchMode, ftl::Flags<InputTarget::Flags> targetFlags,
551             std::optional<nsecs_t> firstDownTimeInTarget) const REQUIRES(mLock);
552     void addWindowTargetLocked(const sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle>& windowHandle,
553                                InputTarget::DispatchMode dispatchMode,
554                                ftl::Flags<InputTarget::Flags> targetFlags,
555                                std::optional<nsecs_t> firstDownTimeInTarget,
556                                std::vector<InputTarget>& inputTargets) const REQUIRES(mLock);
557     void addPointerWindowTargetLocked(const sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle>& windowHandle,
558                                       InputTarget::DispatchMode dispatchMode,
559                                       ftl::Flags<InputTarget::Flags> targetFlags,
560                                       std::bitset<MAX_POINTER_ID + 1> pointerIds,
561                                       std::optional<nsecs_t> firstDownTimeInTarget,
562                                       std::vector<InputTarget>& inputTargets) const REQUIRES(mLock);
563     void addGlobalMonitoringTargetsLocked(std::vector<InputTarget>& inputTargets,
564                                           ui::LogicalDisplayId displayId) REQUIRES(mLock);
565     void pokeUserActivityLocked(const EventEntry& eventEntry) REQUIRES(mLock);
566     // Enqueue a drag event if needed, and update the touch state.
567     // Uses findTouchedWindowTargetsLocked to make the decision
568     void addDragEventLocked(const MotionEntry& entry) REQUIRES(mLock);
569     void finishDragAndDrop(ui::LogicalDisplayId displayId, float x, float y) REQUIRES(mLock);
571     struct TouchOcclusionInfo {
572         bool hasBlockingOcclusion;
573         float obscuringOpacity;
574         std::string obscuringPackage;
575         gui::Uid obscuringUid = gui::Uid::INVALID;
576         std::vector<std::string> debugInfo;
577     };
579     TouchOcclusionInfo computeTouchOcclusionInfoLocked(
580             const sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle>& windowHandle, float x, float y) const
581             REQUIRES(mLock);
582     bool isTouchTrustedLocked(const TouchOcclusionInfo& occlusionInfo) const REQUIRES(mLock);
583     bool isWindowObscuredAtPointLocked(const sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle>& windowHandle,
584                                        float x, float y) const REQUIRES(mLock);
585     bool isWindowObscuredLocked(const sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle>& windowHandle) const
586             REQUIRES(mLock);
587     std::string dumpWindowForTouchOcclusion(const android::gui::WindowInfo* info,
588                                             bool isTouchWindow) const;
589     std::string getApplicationWindowLabel(const InputApplicationHandle* applicationHandle,
590                                           const sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle>& windowHandle);
592     bool shouldDropInput(const EventEntry& entry,
593                          const sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle>& windowHandle) const
594             REQUIRES(mLock);
596     // Manage the dispatch cycle for a single connection.
597     // These methods are deliberately not Interruptible because doing all of the work
598     // with the mutex held makes it easier to ensure that connection invariants are maintained.
599     // If needed, the methods post commands to run later once the critical bits are done.
600     void prepareDispatchCycleLocked(nsecs_t currentTime,
601                                     const std::shared_ptr<Connection>& connection,
602                                     std::shared_ptr<const EventEntry>,
603                                     const InputTarget& inputTarget) REQUIRES(mLock);
604     void enqueueDispatchEntryAndStartDispatchCycleLocked(
605             nsecs_t currentTime, const std::shared_ptr<Connection>& connection,
606             std::shared_ptr<const EventEntry>, const InputTarget& inputTarget) REQUIRES(mLock);
607     void enqueueDispatchEntryLocked(const std::shared_ptr<Connection>& connection,
608                                     std::shared_ptr<const EventEntry>,
609                                     const InputTarget& inputTarget) REQUIRES(mLock);
610     status_t publishMotionEvent(Connection& connection, DispatchEntry& dispatchEntry) const;
611     void startDispatchCycleLocked(nsecs_t currentTime,
612                                   const std::shared_ptr<Connection>& connection) REQUIRES(mLock);
613     void finishDispatchCycleLocked(nsecs_t currentTime,
614                                    const std::shared_ptr<Connection>& connection, uint32_t seq,
615                                    bool handled, nsecs_t consumeTime) REQUIRES(mLock);
616     void abortBrokenDispatchCycleLocked(nsecs_t currentTime,
617                                         const std::shared_ptr<Connection>& connection, bool notify)
618             REQUIRES(mLock);
619     void drainDispatchQueue(std::deque<std::unique_ptr<DispatchEntry>>& queue);
620     void releaseDispatchEntry(std::unique_ptr<DispatchEntry> dispatchEntry);
621     int handleReceiveCallback(int events, sp<IBinder> connectionToken);
622     // The action sent should only be of type AMOTION_EVENT_*
623     void dispatchPointerDownOutsideFocus(uint32_t source, int32_t action,
624                                          const sp<IBinder>& newToken) REQUIRES(mLock);
626     void synthesizeCancelationEventsForAllConnectionsLocked(const CancelationOptions& options)
627             REQUIRES(mLock);
628     void synthesizeCancelationEventsForMonitorsLocked(const CancelationOptions& options)
629             REQUIRES(mLock);
630     void synthesizeCancelationEventsForWindowLocked(const sp<gui::WindowInfoHandle>&,
631                                                     const CancelationOptions&,
632                                                     const std::shared_ptr<Connection>& = nullptr)
633             REQUIRES(mLock);
634     // This is a convenience function used to generate cancellation for a connection without having
635     // to check whether it's a monitor or a window. For non-monitors, the window handle must not be
636     // null. Always prefer the "-ForWindow" method above when explicitly dealing with windows.
637     void synthesizeCancelationEventsForConnectionLocked(
638             const std::shared_ptr<Connection>& connection, const CancelationOptions& options,
639             const sp<gui::WindowInfoHandle>& window) REQUIRES(mLock);
641     void synthesizePointerDownEventsForConnectionLocked(
642             const nsecs_t downTime, const std::shared_ptr<Connection>& connection,
643             ftl::Flags<InputTarget::Flags> targetFlags,
644             const std::unique_ptr<trace::EventTrackerInterface>& traceTracker) REQUIRES(mLock);
646     // Splitting motion events across windows. When splitting motion event for a target,
647     // splitDownTime refers to the time of first 'down' event on that particular target
648     std::unique_ptr<MotionEntry> splitMotionEvent(const MotionEntry& originalMotionEntry,
649                                                   std::bitset<MAX_POINTER_ID + 1> pointerIds,
650                                                   nsecs_t splitDownTime) REQUIRES(mLock);
652     // Reset and drop everything the dispatcher is doing.
653     void resetAndDropEverythingLocked(const char* reason) REQUIRES(mLock);
655     // Dump state.
656     void dumpDispatchStateLocked(std::string& dump) const REQUIRES(mLock);
657     void dumpMonitors(std::string& dump, const std::vector<Monitor>& monitors) const;
658     void logDispatchStateLocked() const REQUIRES(mLock);
659     std::string dumpPointerCaptureStateLocked() const REQUIRES(mLock);
661     // Registration.
662     void removeMonitorChannelLocked(const sp<IBinder>& connectionToken) REQUIRES(mLock);
663     status_t removeInputChannelLocked(const sp<IBinder>& connectionToken, bool notify)
664             REQUIRES(mLock);
666     // Interesting events that we might like to log or tell the framework about.
667     void doDispatchCycleFinishedCommand(nsecs_t finishTime,
668                                         const std::shared_ptr<Connection>& connection, uint32_t seq,
669                                         bool handled, nsecs_t consumeTime) REQUIRES(mLock);
670     void doInterceptKeyBeforeDispatchingCommand(const sp<IBinder>& focusedWindowToken,
671                                                 const KeyEntry& entry) REQUIRES(mLock);
672     void onFocusChangedLocked(const FocusResolver::FocusChanges& changes,
673                               const std::unique_ptr<trace::EventTrackerInterface>& traceTracker,
674                               const sp<gui::WindowInfoHandle> removedFocusedWindowHandle = nullptr)
675             REQUIRES(mLock);
676     void sendFocusChangedCommandLocked(const sp<IBinder>& oldToken, const sp<IBinder>& newToken)
677             REQUIRES(mLock);
678     void sendDropWindowCommandLocked(const sp<IBinder>& token, float x, float y) REQUIRES(mLock);
679     void onAnrLocked(const std::shared_ptr<Connection>& connection) REQUIRES(mLock);
680     void onAnrLocked(std::shared_ptr<InputApplicationHandle> application) REQUIRES(mLock);
681     void updateLastAnrStateLocked(const sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle>& window,
682                                   const std::string& reason) REQUIRES(mLock);
683     void updateLastAnrStateLocked(const InputApplicationHandle& application,
684                                   const std::string& reason) REQUIRES(mLock);
685     void updateLastAnrStateLocked(const std::string& windowLabel, const std::string& reason)
686             REQUIRES(mLock);
687     std::map<ui::LogicalDisplayId /*displayId*/, InputVerifier> mVerifiersByDisplay;
688     // Returns a fallback KeyEntry that should be sent to the connection, if required.
689     std::unique_ptr<const KeyEntry> afterKeyEventLockedInterruptable(
690             const std::shared_ptr<Connection>& connection, DispatchEntry* dispatchEntry,
691             bool handled) REQUIRES(mLock);
693     // Find touched state and touched window by token.
694     std::tuple<TouchState*, TouchedWindow*, ui::LogicalDisplayId /*displayId*/>
695     findTouchStateWindowAndDisplayLocked(const sp<IBinder>& token) REQUIRES(mLock);
697     // Statistics gathering.
698     LatencyAggregator mLatencyAggregator GUARDED_BY(mLock);
699     LatencyTracker mLatencyTracker GUARDED_BY(mLock);
700     void traceInboundQueueLengthLocked() REQUIRES(mLock);
701     void traceOutboundQueueLength(const Connection& connection);
702     void traceWaitQueueLength(const Connection& connection);
704     // Check window ownership
705     bool focusedWindowIsOwnedByLocked(gui::Pid pid, gui::Uid uid) REQUIRES(mLock);
706     bool recentWindowsAreOwnedByLocked(gui::Pid pid, gui::Uid uid) REQUIRES(mLock);
708     sp<InputReporterInterface> mReporter;
710     void slipWallpaperTouch(ftl::Flags<InputTarget::Flags> targetFlags,
711                             const sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle>& oldWindowHandle,
712                             const sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle>& newWindowHandle,
713                             TouchState& state, DeviceId deviceId,
714                             const PointerProperties& pointerProperties,
715                             std::vector<InputTarget>& targets) const REQUIRES(mLock);
716     void transferWallpaperTouch(ftl::Flags<InputTarget::Flags> oldTargetFlags,
717                                 ftl::Flags<InputTarget::Flags> newTargetFlags,
718                                 const sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle> fromWindowHandle,
719                                 const sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle> toWindowHandle,
720                                 TouchState& state, DeviceId deviceId,
721                                 const std::vector<PointerProperties>& pointers,
722                                 const std::unique_ptr<trace::EventTrackerInterface>& traceTracker)
723             REQUIRES(mLock);
725     sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle> findWallpaperWindowBelow(
726             const sp<android::gui::WindowInfoHandle>& windowHandle) const REQUIRES(mLock);
727 };
729 } // namespace android::inputdispatcher